HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 07 10 City Commission Regular Minutes
JULY 10, 1989
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Mayor Leanne M. Grove at 7:30 p.m.
Roll Call:
Mayor Leanne M. Grove, present
Deputy Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, present
City Manager Richard Rozansky, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Cindy Kaehler, present
Arthur Hoffmann, present
William A. Jacobs, present
Paul P. Partyka, absent
For the invocation Commissioner Kaehler asked for a moment of silent prayer. The
pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Deputy Mayor Philip A. Kulbes.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kulbes to approve the minutes of June 26, 1989.
Seconded by Commissioner Hoffmann. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner
Kaehler, aye; motion carried.
Public Comment:
Mrs. Kathy Lemieux, Panama Road, spoke to the Commission about the drainage problem
on her property. She read the letter from the City Engineer to the City Manager
in reference to the events that have occurred since the meeting of May 22, 1989.
Mrs. Lemieux submitted several letters from her neighbors regarding a swale that
was dug to drain off water. Mr. Tom Greene, neighbor, spoke about the swale that
was dug.
Tom Binford, presented a petition to the City as follows: The recreational plan of
the City of Winter Springs cites a need for a neighborhood park in our area. A 54
acre site west of Murphy Road and south of Edgemon Avenue has been offered to the
City of Winter Springs for this purpose; that the City has additional money available,
and is actively acquiring park land. As a resident and taxpayer of the City. I would
like to see the offered site acquired and developed as a neighborhood park. We
respectfully request that the City Commission implement this plan and provide a
neighborhood park in our area.
Mr. Binford made a short presentation and asked the Commission to have a workshop to
consider the purchase of Foxmoor 4 as a recreational facility and city park.
Mayor Grove moved from the public portion of the meeting to the General Agenda.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kulbes that the presentation and the petitions
presented by Mr. Binford be placed on tonight's agenda for further discussion.
Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, no; Commissioner
Hoffmann, aye; motion carried.
Discussion continued on the purchase of Foxmoor 4 property for a city park. Mrs.
K. Lemieux, Sam Musgrove and Brad Lang spoke in discussion. Mr. Lang presented
a petition signed by the residents of Holly Court and Elderwood Court. Mr. John
Ferring, Cindy Gennell and Carl Stephens also spoke in discussion of this property.
The consensus of the Commission was to not have a Workshop on this property for a
city park as a site had already been selected.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, July 10, 1989
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Public Hearing for Ord. No. 462, amending the Comprehensive Plan, etc. Lots I and 2
and that part of Lots 3 and 4, east of Tuscawilla Road and 1/2 of vacated street on
south, etc.) Second Reading:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 462 by title only on second reading. Mayor Grove
recessed the Commission Meeting and opened the public Hearing. The City Planner
explained the property is just to the south of SR 434 and Tuscawilla Road. The request
was originally for light industrial. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended
commercial, and the Commission's direction was to proceed with an ordinance to assign
commercial land use. Mr. Tom Deppen, the owner's representative, spoke to the Commission
and said there is no objection to C-I at this time. No one spoke against the ordinance.
Mayor Grove closed the public hearing and reconvened the Commission Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kulbes for the adoption of Ord. No. 462. Seconded by
Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Kulbes, aye; motion
Resolution No. 619, expressing appreciation for the dedication and hard work to Mike
Saporito on the Planning & Zoning Board, etc.:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 619 by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hoffmann for adoption of Resolution No. 619. Seconded by
Commissioner Kulbes. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Kaehler, aye;
Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; motion
Resolution No. 620, expressing appreciation for the dedication and hard work to John
Nystrom on the Board of Adjustment, etc.:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 620 by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kaehler for adoption of Resolution No. 620. Seconded
by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hoffmann, aye;
Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; motion
Seminole County Recycling Program Briefing:
Mr. Fred Blakely, Solid Waste Manager for Seminole County and Ms. Sherry Newkirk,
program coordinator, made a presentation to the Commission, as to what has taken place.
Mr. Blakely explained that Governor Martinez signed into law S.B. 1192 which is referred
to as the Solid Waste Management Act, effective October, 1988. Seminole County established
a Task Force consisting of a representative from the seven municipalities, a Seminole
County Commissioner, a representative from each of the homeowners group in each of the
five districts, a representative from the School Board and three other representatives.
The Bill states that by 1994 the solid waste stream will be reduced by 30%.
The County responsibilities are to provide waste facilities, full cost accounting,
initiate a recycling plan by July I, 1989 and a 30% reduction in solid waste by 1994.
Mr. Blakely said they are hoping to break the County into four quadrants for the re-
cycling program, and he said they hope to have it in place by Spring of 1990.
Commissioner Kulbes suggested the City give their share of $27,752 to the County as they
are charged with implementing this program.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, July 10, 1989
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Attorney Kruppenbacher presented a letter from the Attorney for Seminole County on
the impact fee case, and due to Mr. Stewart's representations in that letter, Attorney
Kruppenbacher said he would have no opposition to the Commission appointing representa-
tives to the Citizens Advisory Committee. Mayor Grove said this would be on the Agenda
for the next meeting.
Attorney Kruppenbacher presented four ordinances as follows:
Ord. No. 46~, establishing as a nuisance any condition on property that would endanger
the public's health, safety or welfare, etc.
Ord. No. 465, amending Code Section 20-166(2); deleting easements from rear yard
calculations, etc.
Ord. No. 466, amending Section 9-221, redefining exemption thereto; and
Ord. No. 467, amending Sections 9-146 through 9-160.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kaehler to place Ord. No. 464, 465, 466, and 467 on the
Agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Hoffmann. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann,
aye; motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kaehler to read Ord. Nos. 464, 465, 466, and 467 by title
only on first reading. Seconded by Commissioner Hoffmann. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye;
Commissioner Kulbes, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 464, 465, 466, and 467 by title only on first
City Manager Richard Rozansky:
Presentation of 1989-90 FY Budget
a. General Operating Budget
b. Winter Springs Water & Sewer
c. Capital Acquisition/construction-Funding Program
d. Funding Alternatives/Recommendations
Manager Rozansky read the Budget Statement as follows: This Budget should adequately
provide for the health, safety and welfare of the residents of Winter Springs. In a
growing community there is an ever increasing demand for facilities, programs, and
services. The State places many restrictions on a local government's ability to raise
necessary revenue. The Federal Government has all but cut fiscal ties with local gov-
ernment. While imposing mandates and requirements on local government, neither the
Federal or State Governments provide any real alternative revenue.
Achieving a balanced budget is very difficult. We have utilized most quick fix
solutions, user fees, hiring freezes, capital cutbacks, etc. We have always
enjoyed the luxury of having an exceptionally low ad valorem tax. The above noted
revenue raising constraints coupled with growth and an increasing demand for facili-
ties and services have all but exhausted our options. Consequently we must deal with
this issue at our level. It has no priority at the Federal or State levels of government.
We must take a step forward and provide revenue to fund required programs, facilities and
services at levels demanded, or reduce programs, facilities and services which in effect
is a step backward.
Regular Meeting, Ctiy Commission, July 10, 1989
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The total City Budget is $10,121,6S7 and Winter Springs Water & Sewer is $2,790,376;
total Budget is $12,912,033. Manager Rozansky said a Budget Calendar, a Budget
transmittal letter, Mr. Suber's form for Ad Valorem and some comparison rates for
local surrounding cities of millage rates and the history of our rates have been
provided to the Commission. Manager Rozansky reviewed all revenues of all funds
and expenditures.
A Workshop Meeting was called for July 17th at 7:00 p.m.
Bid Recommendations:
Fire Station #l Roof redesign: On June 22 a bid opening was scheduled but no bids
were received. Manager Rozansky asked the Commission to allow him and Staff to go
and attempt to get the roof repaired, and he will bring back estimates.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kulbes that the City Manager be instructed to contact
the necessary consultant engineers and/or roofers to redesign and reconstruct and
repair the roof on Fire Station No. I. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner
Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Kulbes, aye; motion carried.
Submersible pumps-WSWS: On June 29th a bid opening was held for 2 submersible lift
station pumps and one bid was received. The bid was from Ellis K. Phelps & Company
of Apopka in the amount of:#l pump-$S,408 and #2 pump $5,463.00.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kulbes that the bid submitted by Ellis K. Phelps &
Company for a total of $10,871.00 for the two pumps be approved. Seconded by Commissioner
Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann,
aye; Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; motion carried.
Winter Springs Fire Department-Rescue Vehicle:
Manager Rozansky reported the Fire Chief has requested that the rescue unit be purchased
this year rather than the mini pumper as is recommended in the Fire Study that was done.
The cost of the unit is $49,528.00, and there is funds budgeted in this year's budget.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kulbes that we authorize the purchase of the rescue
unit at $49,528.00 taken from this year's budget in place of the mini pumper. Seconded
by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hoffmann, aye;
Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; motion
Manager Rozansky reported that discussions will start this Friday with Seminole
Utility Company.
Commission Seat III-Philip A.Kulbes:
Commissioner Kulbes reported that the Building Official, the City Engineer and himself
are working on the specifications and a concept plan for the senior center, and hope to
have it finished by next week and ready to go out for bid.
Commission Seat IV - William A. Jacobs:
No report.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, July 10, 1989
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Commission Seat V - Paul P. Partyka:
Mayor Grove said Commissioner Partyka submitted the name of Jim Hanley to the BOWS
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to ratify the appointment of Jim Hanley
to the BOWS Board. Seconded by Commissioner Kulbes. Discussion. Vote on the
motion: Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Kaehler,
aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; motion carried.
Commission Seat I - Cindy Kaehler:
Commissioner Kaehler asked the City Manager for an update on Mt. Greenwood. Manager
Rozansky said there was a man out there with a front end loader who was cutting down
the trees. Manager Rozansky told him to stop cutting down the trees. The Public
Works Director who is on vacation, made a report on the incident. Manager Rozansky
said he will be meeting with them to get this matter settled.
Commissioner Kaehler spoke about an item in the minutes referring to Commissioner
Jacobs request for an investigation. Commissioner Kaehler suggested Commissioner
Jacobs apologize to Staff.
Commission Seat II - Arthur Hoffmann:
Commissioner Hoffmann asked the City Attorney about the Paramount matter.
Attorney Kruppenbacher reported the judge denied Mr. McIntosh's petition to have the
City of Winter Springs intervene. On Friday, the judge denied Casselberry's motion
to enjoin because the Paramount lawyers represented in court that they fully intended to
comply with the ordinances and seek prior approvals. To date neither Casselberry or
anyone else have seen those applications.
Mayor's Office:
Mayor Grove reported an organizational meeting for BOWS has been set for July 18th.
A Workshop meeting was called for Monday, July 17th at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned 10:IS p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk