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T01AL BA~:"'OTS Cf,ST 879~7 78.2* === ==== === = == = === === === = == = = == =========1 F'CI~: E: f'rir.tEc on 11/('9/82 <<: 10:3(. en ( ( ( ( uJ ~flJ ~~~ ( , ( { ( { . SEAT I TERRI DONNELLY CINDY KAEHLER SEAT V DAVID HOPKINS TERESA LEWIS PAUL PARTYKA . . 44.9% 55.1 33.4 17.3 49.3 2,769 3,393 2,095 1,083 3,092 ,/ . !!!! - . --- ClJLFSTREAM r!oridJ'> i\l 't II LsL1Il'{ 'olllpdny.., fP)rr~ ~ ~~;l r?121' J>> ~ ~ E',;, lA I;, ~; @ NOV 14 198a CITY of vVINTEK ::l2RINGS Cln' MANAGER November 11, 1988 City of Winter Springs, Florida Mr. Richard Rozansky, city Manager 1126 East State Road 434 winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: winter Springs utilities/Seminole utilities Dear Dick: . This letter is in response to the city of winter Springs offer to purchase the Seminole utility Company contained in your letter dated October 12, 1988. We have consulted our investors with respect to your offer and they have advised us that they believe it to be inadequate. We are most willing to continue meeting with you in an attempt to negotiate a friendly purchase. However, I am of the opinion that our investors' expectations of value are too high for us to reach an agreement. Based upon the above information, I believe your best course from here would be to pursue condemnation of the property. We will be glad to work with you in any way possible in this process provided that it does not violate our fiduciary obligation to our investors. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. .y, d 12"~ Birdsong ~ vice President () . PAB/ks 88.279 900 North Maitland Avenue Maitland, Florida 32751 (305) 647-7500 . . . v - , MEMORANDUM TO: FILE FROM: GEA RE: WINTER SPRINGS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DATE: NOVEMBER 4, 1988 The following is a summary of capital improvements to be financed from the proposed revenue issue. Super Park Land Acquisition (30 to 50 acres) $800,000 - 1,000,000 Four Ball Fields Butler Building (Gym, Tennis Courts, Infrastructure including lighting, parking, etc.) $1,000,000 Senior Citizens Center $200,000 The Bond issue will be sized to provide up to $2,500,000 in net proceeds. GEA/jn . . . , a ..... ..... ..... ..J1YB IOUTHEAJTEAn muniCIPAL Bon~ Inc. INVESTMENT BANKERS'" FINANCIAL ADVISORS ,," POST OFFICE BOX 3333 . ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32802 TELEPHONE (407) 660-2025 Mr. Michael Williams BRYANT, MILLER, OLIVE, LANG & KRUPPENBACHER 50 West Lucerne Circle Orlando, Florida 32801 Dear Mike: Enclosed is a brief project Springs Capital Improvement issue. with you on this issue. GEA/sjm Enclosure cc: Richard Rozansky, City Manager November 7, 1988 description for the Winter We look forward to working Sincerely, G4ers c ,,(.r:' C I c. f)rri .. 'S.:~J.~~ (1 DH CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 CITY MANAGER RICHARD ROZANSKY October 12, 1988 Phillip A. Birdsong President Gu1fstream Orlando, Inc. 900 N. Maitland Avenue Maitland, Florida 32751 Re: Winter Springs Utilities/Seminole Utilities Dear Mr. Birdsong: . As we discussed at our meeting on October 5, 1988, we have partially completed our evaluation of Seminole Utilities (the Utility) in an effort to negotiate an acquisition by the City of Winter Springs (the City). We are presenting you an offer for the Utility at this stage in order to avoid substantial additional expenses for both parties. As I indicated to you, this offer is subject to ratification by the City Commission, but it makes little sense to take something to them that is not in the range of acceptance. Our offer is not intended to reflect a complete evaluation of the Utility. Our offer is based solely on the revenues available to acquire the system. After reviewing your financial statements, we believe the Utility is worth somewhere between the approximate $5,000,000 that the PSC uses for rate making and the approximate $11,000,000 that you show on your books. In con- structing this proposal, we have assumed: _ approximately 1,200,000 GPD in remaining sewage treatment capacity _ no capital improvements being required to properly service the existing customer base and the remaining capacity. -8% as the approximate cost of funds to acquire the Utility -there will be no changes in the rate structure that was provided for the purpose of projecting system revenues . Obviously, our offer is subject to confirming these assumptions and subject to the completion of our evaluation and the execution of an agreement which will be acceptable to all parties. . . . Mr. Phillip a. Birdsong October 12, 1988 Page 2 The City's offer is as follows: -$7,071,000 cash for Utility with acceptable lease for. leased effluent disposal site -$400 per connection (up to 4,800 connections) connected and paid for during the five years immediately following closing -$1,000,000 cash for effluent disposal site if not leased We will reserve up to 3,600 connections for Gulfstream for five years without capacity reservation fees provided the prevailing connection fee is paid at the time of connection. After five years, both the reservation fee and the prevailing connection fee shall be in effect. Please provide us your position regarding this offer as soon as is possible. \ I TY OF t~ Roz City Manage , _1~~~~f,ta..4_ GULFSTRfAM II()rI(b/l,I~("lll ~ldl{\( J)llllltlllY... ILu- lols-/ JI /tJAPt . <<.. . September 28, 1988 HAND DELIVERY City of winter Springs winter Springs, FL RE: Seminole Utility Company Gentlemen: Good/Gulfstream Holding Corp. is the owner of Seminole Utility Company. This will respond to your July 18, 1988 letter to, and your subsequent conversations with, Phillip Birdsong, President of Gulfstream Orlando, Inc. regarding the potential for acquisition by the City of Winter Springs of Seminole Utility Company. . Financing arrangements made and warrants issued in Good/Gulfstream Holding Corp. restrict the disposition utility without the consent of the investors. So far, the have not indicated any willingness to permit negotiations sale. 1986 by of the investors toward a We understand that the City has commissioned an appraisal of the utility. Utilizing that appraisal and such other factors as you may deem relevant, we suggest that you present to us a "best offer" proposal for acquisition of the utility. We will, in turn, forward your proposal to our investors for comment. If the investors so approve, we would enter into negotiations with the City to sell the utility. If the investors do not authorize a negotiated sale, based upon your proposal, we will be unable to engage in negotiations. In such even~, we un.ierstand from your lc:tter "chat thE: City will. proceed with a condemnation action. We are prepared to cooperate to assist the City in its appraisal and due diligence efforts. Furthermore, if we feel the City's offer is fair, we will do our best to convince our investors that a negotiated sale is prudent. However, at this time, we can provide no assurance that we will be successful. . 5209 Tampa Palms Boulevard Tampa, Florida 33647 (813) 972-3430 . City of Winter Springs September 28, 1988 Page 2 It is suggested that you contact Mr. Birdsong inspections and to obtain any information you utility's operations. Also, you should communicate Mr. Birdsong. The offer should be presented facilitate discussions with our investors. Yours JLE : ina cc: William I. Livingston, Esq. Phillip A. Birdsong, President Gulfstream Orlando, Inc. . . to arrange desire on your offer in writing for the to to . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 CITY MANAGER RICHARD ROZANSKY July 18. 1988 Philip A. Birdsong President Gulfstream Orlando Inc. 900 N. Maitland Avenue Maitland, Florida 32751 Dear Mr. Birdsong: Pursuant to my prior inquiries of you, I am writing to formally advise you that the City of Winter Springs is interested in acquiring the Seminole Utilities Company. We would like to commence negotiations with you and we would like to have access to your records and plant so as to make these negotiations more meaningful. . If we cannot reach an agreement on a purchase price before November 1, 1988, we will have no choice but to pursue condemna- tion of the utility. I hope that you understand that we would like to have a friendly acquisition. We look forward to working with you RR/nav . . . . ~~~~.,-\ \"',-.;, ,..-:' "" .. ....:. I" I; 11.'. D C ~ .'. ~.. ..~ : '",.. (i) '..);:J l ,', . ........1' SEP 26 1988 CllY of WINTER SPRINGS CITY MANAGER Industrial Waste Service, Inc. 555 Hope Street Longwood, Florida 32750 (305) 831-1539 Orange/Seminole 425-6600 Osceola 892.2298 September 26, 1988 Mr. Richard Rozansky City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 ~~~llW~@ SEP2 61988 CilYOF WINTER SPRINGS '-" CITY. HALL Dear Mr. Rozansky: As per the terms of our present franchise agreement dated December 9, 1985, we hereby give the ninety (90) days written notice of intent to renew. We look forward to continuing our long standing relationship with the City. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, INDUSTRIAL WASTE SERVICE, INC. L~~ni~ Senior Vice President JJJ:ms ,'Y1 FI '1 tJ It / ~ ()h1 HI, /./jIS~ ",......, . . . ROBISON. OWEN & COOK. P.A. ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW RICHARD L. ROBISON RICHARD B. OWEN ALBERT R. COOK JOHN C. WINFREE 5250 SO. U.S. HIGHWAY 17-92 POST OFFICE BOX 895 CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA 32707 TELEPHONE (407) 830.4009 TELECOPIER (407) 830-6538 November 9, 1988 The Honorable Leanne M. Grove, Mayor City of winter Springs 726 State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Re: Request for rehearing of vote on proposed Ordinance No. 438 Dear Mayor Grove: I represent David M. and Clara B. Joyce, owners of the property affected by proposed Ordinance No. 438. I have discussed this matter with my client, have reviewed the minutes prior action by the city commission and the Planning & zoning Board, and have listened to a tape recording of the commission meeting of Monday, October 24, 1988 at which time the Commission voted to deny passage of Ordinance No. 438. Mr. Joyce has additional information that needs to be presented to the City. In fairness, and in a sincere attempt to avoid controversy on behalf of Mr. Joyce, I request that this request for rehearing be placed on the agenda for action at the City commission meeting now scheduled for Monday, November 14, 1988. copies of this letter will be sent to your City Clerk and to your City Attorney so that they may be aware of this request. To assist the Commission in their decision, Mr. Joyce will do everything possible to assure that his tenant, Behe and Umholtz, will be represented at the meeting. ALBERT R. COOK ARC/so cc: client Mary Norton, City Clerk Frank Kruppenbacher, city Attorney . . . ROBISON, OWEN & COOK, P.A. ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW RICHARD L. ROBISON RICHARD B. OWEN ALBERT R. COOK JOHN C. WINFREE 5250 SO. U.S. HIGHWAY 17-92 POST OFFICE BOX 895 CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA 32707 TELEPHONE (407) 830-4009 TELECOPIER (407) 830-6538 November 14, 1988 The Honorable Leanne M. Grove, Mayor City of Winter Springs 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Re: Motion to rehear Ordinance No. 438; David Joyce Dear Mayor Grove: As requested by your city Attorney, this letter is intended to inform you that if the City Commission of the City of winter Springs determines that it should rehear its decision of October 24, 1988, denying Ordinance No. 438, and subsequently considers and approves the ordinance, Mr. Joyce will defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of winter Springs, Florida, from any claims by a citizen or citizen's group alleging a defect in the procedural terms of the hearing and vote resulting from an asserted failure of notice or failure f publication of notice. ALBERT R. COOK ARC/so . . . .. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES October 26, 1988 BOARD_~ERS: David Hopki~Present Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present John Torcaso, Present David McLeod, Present Michael Saporito, Vice-Chairman, Present ~ROVAL OF MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1988: Torcaso moved to approve the minutes of September 14, 1988. Hopkins. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Seconded by pROPOSED CHANQ~S. TO CITY CODE: Dorman read the changes to the code as follows: Section 44.06 - In the fourth line from bottom, change ".... for failure to attend three (3) meeting wi thin any twelve month period of time" to ".... for failure to attend three (3) consecutive regular meetings within any twelve month period of time". Section 44.10 - The Planning and Zoning Board shall serve as the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Board shall, in its application and interpretation of this Code, act at all times in accordance with the provisions of Section 44.02. In addition the Board shall: (a) Act as the Local Land Planning Agency pursuant to the Seminole County Comprehensive Planning Act and the Local Goverrunent Comprehensive Planning Act of the State of Florida. (b) Recommend to the Ci ty Commission approval, approval with modification(s), or disapproval, of property annexation proposals. (c) Recommend to the City Commission the boundaries for land use classifications and zoning districts within the City, the regulations to be enforced therein, and when deemed appropriate modifications thereto. (d) Be cognizant of laws, regulations and best practices of federal, state, county, and other jurisdictions that affect City planning and zoning to the end that it may be qualified to act on measures affecting the present and future movement of traffic, the segregation of the various residential, commercial and industrial districts and the convenience and safety of persons and property in any way dependent on City planning and zoning. (e) When considering matters relating to Planned Unit Developments act in accordance wi th the additional requirements of Article XIV, part A or part B, as appropriate. . . . Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes Page 2 October 26, 1988 (f) Take such other actions as prescribed by other sections of this Code. When considered necessary make recommendations to the City Camnission on matters not otherwise covered in the Code. Section 44.11 (a) When it appears that approval of an application pending before the Plarming and Zoning Board may have an adverse impact on the goals set forth in Section 44.02, adversely impact surrounding properties or adversely impact an environmentally sensitive area within the subject property or abutting properties, the Board may request the applicant to provide the Board with additional information with respect to such effect. The Board may adjourn consideration of the application pending receipt of such information and such adjournment shall toll all applicable time periods for action by the City on such application. (b) The failure of the applicant to furnish the requested information within sixty days from the request therefore, or upon the refusal to do so as stated by the applicant at the time of the request, shall render the application incomplete and the Board may recamnend disapproval of the application, provided that for good cause shown the Board may grant addi tional time for the submission of the information. (c) The adjournment of an application pursuant to subdivision (a) hereof shall not constitute a failure of the Board to act, nor shall it constitute a recommendation by the Board. Section 44.13 - The recamnendations of the Planning and Zoning Board to the City Camnission shall be in writing and in the form of the approved minutes of the Board I s meeting at which the matter was considered. (Remainder of this paragraph as written except change "City Council" to "City Corrunission" where appearing) . . . . Planning and Zoning Board Minutes October 26, 1988 Page 3 Section 44.16 . (b) The City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, is authorized to proceed without the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Board if said recommendations are not forwarded to the City Commission within fifteen (15) days from the date that the Planning and Zoning Board made such recommendation, provided that the City Commission shall not proceed on any matter in which the Planning and Zoning Board shall have requested the applicant to furnish additional illformation pursuant to Section 44.11 until fifteen days after the time fixed by said Board for the submission of said additional information. Torcaso moved that the Board recommend the changes to the City Commission. Seconded by Hopkins. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, ~~~ Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary P larming and Zoning Board . . . .., " SCEA EXPRESSWAY UPDATE November 14, 1988 On November 10th at the Seminole County Services Building offices, Executive Director Gerald Brinton held a joint committee meeting with the Environ- mental Advisory and Technical Review Committees to discuss the status of the express- way project and potential environmental mitigation plans relating to the Lake Jessup crossing. Mr. Brinton presented the status of financing, engineering, property acquisition and construction schedules. Mr. Timothy Jackson, principal engineer with the consultants Glatting, Lopez, Kercher, and Anglin, presented the status of the Lake Jessup crossing and the environmental issues. In 1987 Mr. Brinton stated funds were received to begin engineering by six different firms for the construction of the expressway segments from Route 426 to Route 17/92. That portion of the route was considered financially feasible and if the segment stopped at Route 434 financial returns would not support the investment. Property reservations have been made and the Authority is considering several "hardship" cases regarding advanced alignment right of way purchases. The New Tribes Mission needs to sell and move, and the Tuscawilla Developer is in litiga- tion with the Authority concerning purchases. Financing of the Expressway from C.R. 426 to U.S. 17/92 would be supported by a 50-60% bonding capacity of expressway usage revenues. The balance would be borrowed from State Turnpike System funding available in the State's five year plan. Assuming the financing is on schedule, construction would begin in late 1989 and would finish the section to Route 434 in one year and to Route 17/92 in two years. Mr. Brinton also displayed detail maps of the US 17/92 intersection and the Lake Mary Boulevard intersection. He explained how relocation of access and entrance ramps caused minimum disruption of the Sanford Plaza, thereby reducing costs. He mentioned that the Airport Boulevard ramp is in future plans. He stated that in all instances the roadway was evaluated at surface level versus bridging and consideration given to effects of neighborhood splitting and effects on fire and rescue services. Requests for surface level roadway were approved at Mikler Road in Oviedo and Country Club Road in Sanford. Mr. Timothy Jackson then spoke about environmental issues, namely: eagles nests, wetlands, and the Lake Jessup crossing. An eagles nest was recently located north of the lake, within the 750 foot limit to the roadway alignment. The road alignment was shifted 150 feet to clear the nest by 820 feet. For other nests within 1500 feet construction must cease during the nesting season October to March 15. An environmentalist spoke concerning black bear in the vicinity, and Mr. Jackson stated that just north of the lake, bear crossing underpasses would be provided. . . . .... " The entire roadway will be fenced at six foot height. To provide equality of wetlands that the road removes, it is necessary to restore and create 100 acres of wetlands on the north shore of Lake Jessup. A dredge and fill operation and relocation of some of the existing levees will create the needed wetlands. The lake level changes about three feet from low to high each season. In the 'high' period some of the north peninsula is flooded. The Lake crossing bridge was Mr. Jackson's next topic. The bridge will be about 8500 feet in length. To collect and dispose of storm water from the bridge would cost about $1.5 million for concrete and piping. Contaminents are mainly oils and heavy metals from vehicles. Stormwater pollutants from all sources affect the lake adversely because the flow rate of the lake is so very low that pollutants do not disperse as they would along faster moving streams. At the northwest shore of the lake, a canal that drains about 5,000 acres enters tre lake with runoff water. The Expressway Authority is proposing to provide a treatment facility to clean this canal water in lieu of collecting bridge run-off (about 28 acres of surface). State agencies need to consider the impact of each of these options. Engineering will continue throughout 1989, and with adequate financing on schedule, construction schedules will be met. Mr. Brinton indicated the next meeting of the Authority will be on December 8th at 9:00 a.m. Arthur Hoffmann, . Technical Committee member . 800 Trafalgar Ct., Suite 320, Maitland, FL 32751 (407) 875-0670 November 8, 1988 Ms. Mary Norton, City Clerk City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Fla. 32708 Dear Ms. Norton, Mindich Homes is currently building single family homes at Eagle Glen located in the Highlands PUD. Recently we completed our Model Center located on McGregor Road. For Sales and Marketing purposes we have erected a rail fence approximately three (3) feet in height to encourage prospective buyers to return to our Sales Center prior to leaving the community. (see attached pictures) ~ Part of this fence lies within the right of way. We are requesting the Board of City Commissioners allow the fence to remain in the right of way based on the following assurances: 1. The fence is temporary and will be removed upon the completion of the subdivision. 2. Mindich Homes will sign a hold hanmless agreement releasing the City of Winter Springs from any liability for that portion of the right of way in which the fence is located. If you need additional infonmation regarding this request please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, q(~ (h~YMIl Scot t Kramer Director of Sales And Marketing f?... ..p.'" ~-\ ~"0:: ~.@ '1., c, 'I' I fjl'~~ 12. \-',.. ' .1 '. _~ o. - "~.t;" t~, t;_: { .;~./ SK/dm ~ Enclosure 9 1::;88 CITY:) ,;iNGS Residential Community Developers ell i." ""',,,:";'Ff{ . . . ~ .. November 11, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager ~ Land Development Coordinator . FROM: RE: Mindich Hames Request to Allow Fence in Public Right-Of-Way Attached is the above referenced letter. Section 5-129 of the City Code states that "A dedicated right-of-way shall not be fenced by any private citizen". This section further states that this can only be done if it is necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens. The fence is not needed for the protection of the citizens. Section 13-6 of the City Code states that it is unlawful to place anything in a public space that would hinder traffic without a special permit from the City Commission. The fence is placed across the sidewalk and could hinder pedestrian traffic. Section 2202.2 of the Standard Building Code, which is attached, states that public property shall be maintained clear of any and all obstructions. This is being presented to the Commission under Section 13-6 of the City Code. Attachments Imh cc: Mayor Commission City Attorney City Clerk . Mmmeli HOMES 800 Trafalgar Ct., Suite 320, Maitland, FL 32751 (407) 875-0670 '~-\'l9 ) ~--. . ,--" r~. _. '-. C" '_'I:, .:: \ . , ',; I November 8, 1988 I ' i: I; ~J I ~ 1.J~. . ,\ , Ms. Mary Norton, City Clerk City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Fla. 32708 C'/V r,,-: \'''" " ~ .. ~t ~;H" ,,<' ..... CIJ,' ';": I J' ..... .. ~ '.. .....~'".;...- Dear Ms. Norton, . Mindich Homes is currently building single family homes at Eagle Glen located in the Highlands PUD. Recently we completed our Model Center located on McGregor Road. For Sales and Marketing purposes we have erected a rail fence approximately three (3) feet in height to encourage prospective buyers to return to our Sales Center prior to leaving the community. (see attached pictures) Part of this fence lies within the right of way. We are requesting the Board of City Commissioners allow the fence to remain in the right of way based on the following assurances: 1. The fence is temporary and will be removed upon the completion of the subdivision. 2. Mindich Homes will sign a hold hanmless agreement releasing the City of Winter Springs from any liability for that portion of the right of way in which the fence is located. If you need additional infonmation regarding this request please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, q~(h~~ Sco t t Kramer Director of Sales And Market ing . SK/dm Enclosure Residential Community Developers . . . .' 2201.5-CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Marquees, canopies and awnings shall be so constructed and anchored to the building so as to support all live and dead loads as specified in Chapter 12. 2201.6-ROOF DRAINAGE REQUIRED The roof of every fixed awning, marquee or canopy shall be sloped to down spouts at the building, which shall conduct all drainage under the sidewalk to the curb. 2202-0THER PROJECTIONS 2202.1-GENERAL 2202.1.1 Every projection of any character over or upon public property shall maintain a clear height above the sidewalk or ground level of not less than 8 ft. The allowable projection over public property shall not exceed the following measurements from the building. I. Bay windows, porches, balconies, fire escapes-3 ft. 2. Cornices, belt courses, sills, pilasters, water tables or any decorative features-6 in. 2202.1.2 See 709 for fire protective requirements. 2202.2-SIDEWALK OR STREET OBSTRUCTIONS Public property shall be maintained clear of any and all obstructions, including among others, posts, columns, display of wares or merchandise and sidewalk signs. 2203-SPACE UN DER PUBLIC PROPERTY 2203.1-SPACE UNDER SIDEWALK Where space under the sidewalk is used for any purpose a special permit shall be required. 2203.2-SIDEWALK LIGHTS When gla~s is set in the sidewalk to provide light for spaces underneath, the glass shall be supported by metal or reinforced concrete frames and such glass shall be not less than 1/ 2-in thick. Where such glass is over 12 sq in. it shall have wire mesh embedded in the glass. All portions of sidewalk lights shall be of not less strength than required for the loads specified in 1203.3. 2204-MOVING OF BUILDINGS 2204.1-GENERAL A building or part of any building shall not be moved through or across any sidewalk, street, alley or highway within the governmental limits with- out first obtaining a permit from the Building Official. 2204.2-WRITTEN APPLICATION Any person desiring to move a building shall first file with the Building 322 Standard Building Code/1985 . , . PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES October 26, 1988 BOARD_~~ : David Hopkins, Present Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present John Torcaso, Present David McLeod, Present Michael Saporito, Vice-Chainnan, Present APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1988: Torcaso moved to approve the minutes of September 14, 1988. Hopkins. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Seconded by PROPOSED CHANGES TO CITY CODE: .----,.. . Dorman read the changes to the code as follows: Section 44.06 - In the fourth line from bottom, change "... . for failure to attend three (3) meeting wi thin any twelve month period of time" to ".... for failure to attend three (3) consecutive regular meetings within any twelve month period of time". . Section 44.10 - The Planning and Zoning Board shall serve as the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Board shall, in its application and interpretation of this Code, act at all times in accordance with the provisions of Section 44.02. In addition the Board shall: (a) Act as the Local Land Planning Agency pursuant to the Seminole County Comprehensive Planning Act and the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of the State of Florida. (b) Recommend to the Ci ty Commission approval, approval with modification(s), or disapproval, of property annexation proposals. (c) Recommend to the City Commission the boundaries for land use classifications and zoning districts within the City, the regulations to be enforced therein, and when deemed appropriate modifications thereto. (d) Be cognizant of laws, regulations and best practices of federal, state, county, and other jurisdictions that affect City planning and zoning to the end that it may be qualified to act on measures affecting the present and future movement of traffic, the segregation of the various residential, commercial and industrial districts and the convenience and safety of persons and property in any way dependent on City planning and zoning. . (e) When considering matters relating to Planned Unit Developments act in accordance with the additional requirements of Article XIV, part A or part B, as appropriate. . . . 110 Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Page 2 October 26, 1988 (f) Take such other actions as prescribed by other sections of this Code. When considered necessary make reconnnendations to the Ci ty Camnission on matters not otherwise covered in the Code. Section 44.11 (a) When it appears that approval of an application pending before the Planning and Zoning Board may have an adverse impact on the goals set forth in Section 44.02, adversely impact surrounding properties or adversely impact an environmentally sensitive area within the subject property or abutting properties, the Board may request the applicant to provide the Board with additional information with respect to such effect. The Board may adjourn consideration of the application pending receipt of such information and such adjournment shall toll all applicable time periods for action by the City on such application. (b) The failure of the applicant to furnish the requested information within sixty days from the request therefore, or upon the refusal to do so as stated by the applicant at the time of the request, shall render the application incomplete and the Board may recamnend disapproval of the application, provided that for good cause shown the Board may grant additional time for the submission of the information. (c) The adjournment of an application pursuant to sutdivision (a) hereof shall not consti tute a failure of the Board to act, nor shall it constitute a reconnnendation by the Board. Section 44. 13 - The recamnendations of the Planning and Zoning Board to the Ci ty Corrunission shall be in writing and in the form of the approved minutes of the Board's meeting at which the matter was considered. (Remainder of this paragraph as written except change "City Council" to "City Conunission" where appear ing) . . . . ."4, Planning and Zoning Board Minutes October 26, 1988 Page 3 Section 44.16 (b) The City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, is authorized to proceed without the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Board if said recommendations are not forwarded to the City Commission within fifteen (15) days from the date that the Planning and Zoning Board made such recommendation, provided that the City Commission shall not proceed on any matter in which the Planning and Zoning Board shall have requested the applicant to furnish additional iD-formation pursuant to Section 44.11 until fifteen days after the time fixed by said Board for the submission of said additional information. Torcaso moved that the Board recommend the changes to the City Commission. Seconded by Hopkins. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8: 15 P.M. Respectfully SUbmitted, .~~ Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning Board