HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 10 10 Regular .-----!-. . . . October 6, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager ~ Land Development Coordinato~ FR(XI1 : RE: Agenda Item (Lot Split) Richard J. and Lorraine K. Buchanio have petitioned the Commission to split Lot 10, Block B, North Orlando Ranches, Section 1, located at the corner of Panama Road and Hayes Road. This request meets the criteria of Section 14-3.1 for a lot split. /mh cc: Mayor Corranission City Attorney City Clerk . . . . , October 6, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager .I.'?J Land Developnent Coordinator ~ FROM: RE: Agenda Item (34 I Motor Home) Mrs. Marion Fitzpatrick is requesting permission to park a 34' motor home at 1113 Northern Way according to Section 44.81.1 (f). She is asking that this be granted on a permanent basis. The Code stated that this permit must be renewed annually. (f) No recreational vehicle in excess of twenty-eight (28) feet in length in overall measurements shall be parked or stored in a residentially zoned district without a permit issued by the City Council and renewed annually by such Council. In the case of a truck camper, the length measurement will include truck and camper. See attached package fran Merrill Lynch Realty. Attachments /mh cc: Mayor Camnission City Attorney City Clerk ~... .~ ./ ~Merril1LynCh Realty '.., Real Estate Division J 1 I j .. 1040 E. SEMORAN BLVD. CASSELBERRY, FL 3Z7C17 407-260-0057 TO: Architectural Review Committee On behalf of Marion Fitzpatrick, who is going to occupy 1113 Northern Way, Lot 6, Tuscawilla Unit 7, we are requesting a letter from the architectural review committee stating that her parking of a motor home 34' in length, as indicated on the attached survey, is acceptable to the committee and not in violation of the deed restrictions of Unit 7, Tuscawilla. - I~ThanJ< rou, 'I I - .. ~ ~. , ~~.. Lf:r~~ Hart Jerry Arter Merrill Lynch Realty I- J @[B ,-",.'......", :-I..',.r,1. / f' I / ~l. . . }C. . . ,," :-;: ,~ ;~ Merrill Lynch Realty Real Estate Division 1040 E. SEMORAN BLVD. CASSELBERRY, FL 327C11 407.260-0057 To: Council Members, City of Winter Springs SUBJECT: Request for Approval to Park a Motor Home at 1113 Northern Way on a Permanent Basis 1. Mrs. Marion Fitzpatrick, a retired school teacher from New York plans to occupy a home in Tuscawilla in Winter Springs at 1113 Northern Way. The purchase is contingent upon her being able to park her 34 foot motor home in the backyard on a permanent basis. The location of the parked motor home is indicated on the marked survey copy of Attachment 1. 2. A previous owner of this property installed an eight foot high fence at the front and side of the motor home parking position. This screens the vehicle from the street and the east side. To the south is vacant land. To the west of the motor home is screened by the side of the house and attached screened porch. 3. At Attachment 2 is a copy of the addendum to the purchase contract of this property. The contingency to park the motor home in the back yard is essential. The motor home is very expensive, and Mrs. Fitzpatrick will not store it off her property. 4. Until only recently we did not know that we had a problem. The parking of this motor home complies with the deed restriction of Tuscawilla. A few days ago we were informed that because the length of the motor home exceeds th8 28 foot length maximum of Winter Springs zoning requirements, permission must be obtained from the City Council. 5. Request approval for Mrs. Fitzpatirck to park her 34 foot motor home as indicated on the survey copy of Attachment 1. This request must be for approval on a permanent basis in order for the purchase contract to be consumated. 6. Your consideration of this matter is greatly appreciated. b~ REALTOR fP)rr~ ~ l1l,Vl ~ Jill ~ (!\l ~ t~ La lJ It ~UJ ~Ee 29 1988 CITY OF. WINTER SPRIN~ m. Land DcvDlopment Coo~;natolj JA/dj Attachments t - CL~ z.-4:.~ ( 3- Qilrd..., {J.-LV ~"'-""'" r~ jVCIL 4-;V,'1-'S4..II()~ O{~"Io\Jo..." ~- - P"-c:..'fe:..5.__._.,. """ " """"" " 'r- ~ ;"' . September 27, 1988 . To Whom It May Concern: . We have no objection to Marion Fitzpatrick parking her recreational vehicle (motor home, 8'W x 34'L x 10!H) behind the fences on the east side of the house located at 1113 Northern Way after she occupies the home, and for as long as she occupies the home. J4rf/~ ~ j~ Sign'ature . d (} ../ /IIS 1i~. Uc'J ,tJ~ h ~ 3Z7og Address / . 1J;!, d 77~ 0 ~ Signature //!/911Jl1tw ~, tI,i~ (-~ ;-1- 327,:;1- Address d!JF1 . @ ,.. ~\NTE'~' .~ S~\ 0,\ ....~\ .ig-"", \~) \ !nnWl....:K.ltN , , ~4S;q . . , <~-~gR\9~> MEMORANDUM To: From: Re: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Oct. 6, 1988 Mayor/City Commission City Clerk Prioritized List - Senior Citizen Center Listed below is the prioritized list of the proposers who made presentations at the Special Meeting on Oct. 3, 1988. 1. Soellner Associates 2. Burke Bales & Mills Associates, Inc. 3. The Schemmer Associates, Inc. 4. Stottler, Stagg & Associates 5. Design Group Associates, Inc. . COUNTY OF SEMINOLE FLORIDA PLANNING OFFICE PH'ONE: (407) 321-1130 . . September 23, 1988 1101 EAST FIRST STREET SANFORD. FLORIDA 32771 Jacqueline Koch, Planner City of winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 SUBJECT: Adoption of Proposed Plan Amendments Dear Ms. Koch: Attached is a copy of a letter dated April 26, 1988 regarding County comments on the subject amendment sites scheduled for adoption on September 26, 1988. I am requesting that the subject letter be made a part of the public record, and that consideration be given to County objections to sites number 3 and 5. Additionally, please note that any rezoning to property located within site number 5 that would allow any additional level of development beyond County A-1 (Agriculture) may be in violation of Florida Statutes (see April 26th letter). If no rezoning is to be addressed at this hearing, I would appreciate being notified when any rezoning is to be considered for this site. Thank you for your consideration of the above during the adoption process. ~relY ILl - ~.. ~'-<~ Tony Va Derworp ~ . Planning Director TV:gw (jkoch) Attachment(s) cc: Jim Bible, Deputy County Administrator Lonnie Groot, Assistant County Attorney '" . COUNTY OF SEMINOLE FLORIDA LANNING OFFICE HONE: (407) 321-1130 . . 1101 EAST FIRST STREET SANFORD. FLORIDA 32771 Apr il 26, 1988 Jacqueline Koch, planner City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 winter Springs, FL 32708 SUBJEC'l': Proposed Ci-ty of Winter Springs Plan Amendments and Rezonings Dear Hs Koch: As authorized by the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners, the following comments regarding the subject amendments a~d rezonings are provided: A. Amendment from Light Industrial to Planned Unit Development and re~oning from C-2 to PUD on approximately 6 acres located east of U.s. 17-92, north of Florida Avenue. This land u~e request will incorporat~ this property into the adjacen-;t Wildwood Light Industrial PUI) (Walt Dittmer). 5TR 33-20-39, Bce District 2. The County has no objection to the requested amendment; however,- the- following improvements should be addressed prior to the issuance' of any development permits: 3. Installation of a six foot masonry wall to buffer the residential uses south of Florida Avenue from this site; b. Only one access should be permitted to Florida Avenue; c. Dedication of any necessary additional right-of-way and improve Florida Avenue to County standards; d. Installation of cross access and joint access easements; e. Payment of Road Impact Fec; . . . Jacqueline Koch, planner Apr i 1 26, 1988 Page 2 f. Secure County driveway permits when accessing County roads; g. Any drainage to be accommodated by Seminole County will have to be reviewed and approved by the County; and h. All access to County or state roads shall require approval from County Traffic Engineer. B. Amendment from Suburban Estates to Light Industrial and rezoning from A-I to C-2 on approximately 8 acres, located south of Orange Avenue, west of Brantley Avenue (David Joyce) . ," STR 31-20-31, Bee District 2. The County objects to the amendment request as Light Industrial would not be compatible with Suburban Estates and Low Density Residential land uses and would represent encroachment of non-residenfial uses north of the existing Light Industrial. However, if the City approves the development the following improvements should be addressed prior to the issuance of any development permits: a. Dedication of any necessary right-of-way to meet County standards; b. Improv~'Brantley Avenue and Orange Avenue to County standaqis;" , .,. c. Turn lapes \.lill be required on Bra~t:ley Avenue; d. Any dra~nage to be accommodated by Seminole County will have to be reviewed and approved by the County; e. In~ talla t ion of cross access a nd ~i oi n t access easemen ts i f. All access to County or state roads shall be approved by the Seminole County Traffic Engineer; g. Payment of Road Impact Fees; h. A one hundred foot buffer to protect adjacent rural development; and i. Designate property below the 100 year flood elevation and wetlands as a conservation area/easement. . . . ":>;.,' ......c... -,.;.:~ Jacqueline Koch, planner Apr i 1 26, 1988 Pa9 e 3 C. Amendment from General Rural to Commercial and rezoning from A-I to C-2 on approximately 4 acres located on the south side of S.R. 434, east of the intersection of S.R. 434 and C.R. 419 (Gene Duffy). STR 35-20-30, Bec District 2. The County has no objection to the subject land use amendment; however, due to S.R. 434 currently operating at level of service D/E (on and off peak hours) the staff does object to the issuance of development orders and permits prior to the programmed 4-laning of S. H. 434. HO~vever, if approved, the following improvement should be addressed prior to the issuance of any develo~ment permits: a. Payment of Road Impact Fee; b. Left turn lane and taper on S.R. 434; c. Any drainage to be accommodated by Seminole County will have to be reviewed and approved by the County; d. Dedication of right-of-way to meet FOOT design requirements; e. Installation of cross access and joint access easements; f. All access. to County or State roads shall be approved by the Seminols.County Traffic Engineer; ., g. Installation of a five foot sidewalk on S.R. 434; h. Dedicate property below the 100 year flood elevation and wetlands as a conservation area/easement; and 1. Coordinate requirements for right-af-way dedication on S.R. 434 with FOOT. D. Amendment from Rural Residential to Commercial on approximately 49 acres located on the north side of S.R. 434, west of Spring Avenue "(Steven Schrimsher). oS'rn 5-21--31 Bee District 1.. The County has amendment; however due of service D/E (on and issuance of development no objection to the subject land use to S.R. 434 currently operating at level off peak hours) staff does ob~iect to tbe orders and permits prior to the . Jacqueline Koch, Planner Apr i 1 26, 1988 Page 4 programmed 4-laning of S.R. 434. In addition, due to the amount of buildable acres and proposed land use intensity, this site may be required to undergo Development of Regional Impact review prior to site plan approval. If approved, the following improvements should be addressed prior to the issuance of any development permits: a. Payment of Road Impact Fee; b. Steps taken to mitigate the impacts from development to the wetlands on site; c. Left turn on S.R. 434; d. Any drainage to be accommodated by Seminole County will have to be reviewed and approved by the County; e. f. . g. h. i. Dedication of right-of-way to meet FOOT design standards; Installation of cr.oss access and joint access easements; All access to County or State roads shall be approved by the Seminole County Traffic Engineer; , Installation of a five foot sidewalk on S.R. 434; Designate property below the 100~year flood elevation and wetlan4s as a conservation area/ea~ement; and j. Coordinate requirements for right-of-way dedication on S.R. 4 3 4 v.; i t h FD 0 T . E. Amendment from General Rural to Light Industrial outside pr oposed expressway r igb't-of-way ,and Rural Res idontial within proposed expressway right-of-way and rezoning from A- I to C-2 outside expressway right-af-way and R-U within expressway right-ot-way on approximately 54 acres located south of the S.R. 434 and proposed expressway interchange (Kenneth McIntosh). STH 4~21-31, Bce District 1. The County objects to the amendment and rezoning for the following reasons: 1. The change is premature until the expressway is programmed to handle increased land use intensity. . . . . Jacqueline Koch, Planner l\pr i 1 26, 1968 Paqc~ I:) -, t.. . It should also be noted that rezoning would authorize any additional level of C 0 u n t Y PI - 1. ( I\. q r i c i.l 1 t u J~ C. ) \,] i t 11 i c: t. h E' Expressway Authority right-oI-way as per C!1i:J~)ter 337.241., IT' "1 Y n () toe C u ::. t II d l~ development boyond ~:; ('111 j no). c: Co un t '/ F 1. 0 r -j (] (l [; 'I: :-I lu (: ~; , r f rezon(>c11 the {,)] lo'v;.i.uC] impro\'c-;:1enL~; f,]iuuld )"c' ac;,jJ:'?.',,~:;(:c! ;)l~l;lr ['0 lcislJanc(: of dni (Jc:v'dop~nent pc'rm.itf3: d. Payment of t\oad IjclpClCt 1:'0l'::8; b. fh:,dicatiun or riqht-of--WZlji to CDO'l' standdrd~;i c. Instal1.::ltion of C!:Cl:3S aCC(:f:;S n.nel loi,.-Jt aCCC'::;fJ easenlc:n ts; d. All access to County or State roads shall ba nppro~0J by the Seminole Co~nty Traffic Engineer; l~: . In':.; tall (\ tic II 0 C ,~I r i v c f 0 0 t: :-: ide \': ,11 k (I n ,'.:. fi. il ':; ,1 ; t. ,\ny drcdnaqe to bc, .JCCOl:LJJdatc:d by SC':iiinujp CCU;lty 'Jlil) hav(~ to be: revi(:\'JI.,d (:[Jd i'ppro'Jc:d Ly the CCiunty; ") .. Coo j',: di n ate r e c1 u j r ,', r] e r, t s t 0 1: r ,i (j h t - 0 f -- 'l,":) Y d c c1 i c ,"j t: ion 0 n 5.L<. 434 ,lith FDO'l'; and :-1. AnY i1 eel? ~; s t 0 S. fL ,1 3 11 !TI U S t: b ('? r e ~; t r i (' t e d top r C' ,; c r i h >c' d 1 i m its t 0 bed (: t e :- rn i rh'? d fro 1:1 t:. b cpr 0 po S (: c1 (; x In C' :3 S Ii'! (J Y 1: 1(]b C-G f -~vay. '{:d1'C c~onsidC'rd"'ion of the~,;c: cornm":nt~; durin\! the dC''/L.'!(,pn,'cnt-, P('.:'1::~,it prGcC':."s j.s appreciated. If you lidVC: ;)11,/ guc~:i'ciGnc; on th,:' .] h () 'i re: ( p 1 e 2:; see 0 n t act mea t ( <1 0 "7 ) 3 2 1- 1 1 3 0, (; x t '0' n s ion 3 7 [j . Sin c er:e 1 j; 1 ~) .--// / /(J ,I ," /(:V~,1 {/l' l.~,('!j/{(f' Tony V(lflne,rworp, l\ICP Planning Director Ti"l'; '1.'\f: :i wi ( <:l pr i 1 26 . <1 ) c ,~: : SerniGole County BOQrd of County Comrnissionors . . . October 6, 1988 ~~~~UW~1iiJ oc r 6 1988 TO: CITY of ~~jN i L:.i( ,-,,'I(IIH:i,', CITY MANAGER 6S-: COMIf -" ~tJI(. 0-( e" FRCM: City Manager . City Fng1neerX~ Localized Flooding at Southerly Border of Hacienda Village HE: Under the direction of the City Conunission, the City Engineer had brought the twJ parties of concern (Hacienda Village - represented by Mrs. Whitehurst; AmeriFirst Developnent Corporation - represented by Mr. Dennis Quirm, Mr. Rick Limbrick), to an informal meeting to discuss what efforts are to be made to relieve the existing flooding condition at the southerly border of Hacienda Village. It was of the opinion of AmeriFirst Developnent Corporation and their engineers that the existing flooding conditions are due to the natural high water table of Hacienda Village. More specifically, the stormwater has a relatively ~nall degree of relief due to the saturated ( impervious) ground conditions. Mr . Dennis Quinn, therefore, concluded that it was not the responsibility of AmeriFirst (adjacent property owner) to rectify the problems within Hacienda Village. Mrs Whitehurst had neither agreed nor disagreed with AmeriFirst, but did state that she would relay this opinion to her superiors within the management company (Merril Lynch), and possibly have their engineers look at the problem. PH/mh ;/ur~1 .....c.....IJ'?-.~ .-;~. 1(; a . .~ .... . t. . · \_....~ ~ ,; ~:~~~::~~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 September 26~ 1982 Mr. David M. Joyce 1205 Orange Avenue Winter Springs, Fl. 32708. Reference: Lots 17, 23, and 24 (Part), Block B, D.R. Mitchell's Survey of'the Levy Grant, P. B. 1, Page 5. Dear' Mr. Joyce: The City of Winter Springs for the past decade has been the most rapidly developing municipality in Seminole County. We are proud of the progress our City has made during these years of economic difficulty to grow sensibly, to create residential communities noteworthy for the quality of life they offer, and to keep pace as a government by continually expanding our services to pro- vide a superior level of police, fire and emergency protection and professional administration. . As Mayor, I look to the 1980s as the era in which Winter Springs' develop- ment will add another facet - that of commercial and industrial growth to complement the strides we have already made toward urbanization. South of Lake Jessup and north of the present City limits lies an area which would be a logical extension of our City. Its central location near our border makes it fully accessible for provision of public services. Its proximity to a state highway and a railroad makes it desirable for commercial development of light industrial activity and office complexes compatible both with future residential growth south of S.R. 419 and with everyone1s goal of protecting the ecological systems near Lake Jessuo. It is the City's belief that it is techno- logically feasible for commerce and the environment to coexist to the udvantaqe of both and to the benefit of the community at larqe and the individual property owner ~'. . In this spirit, I invite you to annex your lands contiguous to Winter Sorings into the City. As citizen of this municipality, you would be served by progressive leader- ship whose goal is always to assure efficient and competent public service at the . . , .' " Sept. 26, 1982 Page 2 lowest responsible rate of taxation. For the year 1982-83. property owners within the City will enjoy an ad valorem tax rate of only 1.1959 mills. Comparinq this to the County road and fire district taxes amountinq to 2.2098 mills, which no longer would apply to your property. annexation into Winter. Sprinqs results in a tax savings of $1.0139 per one thousand dollars appraised valuation. Furthermore, business and homeowners will benefit from a fifty percent reduction in utility taxes, down to 2 percent for the coming fisc~l year. I believe these and many other advantaaes of annexation into this City make this the logical next step in your manaqement of the properties yOU own adjacent to Hinter SprinCls. I look fOr\'iard to your response to this invitation. I am. of course. avaiiabie at your convenience to discuss tllis proposal in more detail. Yours very truly, JF W1N2a::e Troy . Piland, ~Iayor . TJP/JK/mn . ..3;..7. ;2.(5) 8> I CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 October 11, 1988 Mr. Jerry Arter Merrill Lynch Realty 1040 E. Semoran Boulevard Casselberry, FL 32707 Sir: . This is to confirm the message given to your receptionist on October 11, 1988. The City Commission, during their scheduled meeting on October 10, 1988, denied the request of Mrs. Marion Fitzpatrick to park a 34 foot motor home at 1113 Northern Way in the City of Winter Springs. Please contact me if further information is required. Sincerely, ~~C\c_4~ - Donald R. LeBlanc Land Developnent Coordinator Imh cc: Gim.~er . . . . ... October 6, 1988 TO: City Manager .oJ Land Development Coordinator ~ FROM: HE: Agenda Item (34 I Motor Home) Mrs. Marion Fitzpatrick is requesting permission to park a 34' motor home at 1113 Northern Way according to Section 44.81.1 (f). She is asking that this be granted on a permanent basis. The Code stated that this permit must be renewed annually. (f) No recreational vehicle in excess of twenty-eight (28) feet in length in overall measurements shall be parked or stored in a residentially zoned district without a permit issu~__by the City Council and renewed annually by such Council. In the case of a truck camper, the length measurement will include truck and camper. See attached package from Merrill Lynch Realty. Attachments /mh cc: Mayor Corrunission City Attorney City Clerk , . ~ Merrill Lynch Realty Real Estate Division . 1040 E. SEMORAN BLVD. CASSELBERRY, FL 32707 407-260-0057 To: Council Members, City of Winter Springs SUBJECT: Request for Approval to Park a Motor Home at 1113 Northern Way on a Permanent Basis 1. Mrs. Marion Fitzpatrick, a retired school teacher from New York plans to occupy a home in Tuscawilla in Winter Springs at 1113 Northern Way. The purchase is contingent upon her being able to park her 34 foot motor home in the backyard on a permanent basis. The location of the parked motor home IS indicated on the marked survey copy af Attachment 1. 2. A previous owner of this property installed an eight foot high fence at the front and side of the motor home parking position. This screens the vehicle from the street and the east side. To the south is vacant land. To the west of the motor home is screened by the side of the house and attached screened porch. . 3. At Attachment 2 is a copy of the addendum to the purchase contract of this property. The contingency to park the motor home in the back yard is essential. The motor home is very expensive, and Mrs. Fitzpatrick will not store it off her property. 4. Until only recently we did not know that we had a problem. The parking of this motor home complies with the deed restriction of Tuscawilla. A few days ago we were informed that because the length of the motor home exceeds the 28 foot length maximum of Winter Springs zoning requirements, permission must be obtained from the City Council. 5. Request approval for Mrs. Fitzpatirck to park her 34 foot motor home as indicated on the survey copy of Attachment 1. This request must be for approval on a permanent basis in order for the purchase contract to be consumated. 6. Your consideration of this matter is greatly appreciated. . ~SincerelG~ C' erry A er REALTOR l~ i1:?- (f~ ~~!I (I P,,....; lf~: i::!~; ".,.;c" JA/dj Fa:.? .., (.\ ~.., t:. tf CITY. OF. WINTER S~RINJi! lB. Land D::'c'olopment Coordinatolj Attachments 1- a.,~ ~-~~ ~ 3- Q c:....... ~-LJ ."'-......, c~-.r".J<<>- 4-~(1...g"'bo....-S ~("C"';G.-' ~-- PA-o--fQ,5 - - .. PLAT Of SURVEY' RES/OENT/AL CtJ/f4MI/A//TlES ()F AMFK/CA DESCRIPTION ~(JT ~" T#fC.4f1//LLA V'AI/T? RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK cZ PAGElS) 4~t"'lOF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF .FEM/NtJLE COUNTY,Ft.ORIDA I I I I ~ I ~ I. ~ ~l~ ~ ' ~ I 4.5.4 ~ I I ~ ~I- U; ~ ~'I ~ ~I '--~ ~I ~I ~I ~ 81 _ _ __ __ ~------- ~ /.5 'Vl/tIT)'" t' ~f~//f/,4Cr EfA-f?: ~ Co. //"C /.,If' I, . "- iii ..) . ..eEC. /.,P. HENRICH. INC. LAND SURVEYORS . 636 N. WYMORE ROAD WINTER PARK.. FLORIDA 32789 (30~) 6<<17-7346 ~""&.l . "-. ..- t NO/?TflEKN MlY . 'C) ~ , ~ J?tf.'9/.7 [./?L?4" L/: 0'.;'."0'0' ,'J?" I I I I R/'C- ,-.I? I J/..s-' .., ... ,/ JR>,fY C".I. ,p~SIPEA#" ~ ... 't' IJ.n' .... Jr.,73' \j ~ I~ ~ I~ ~ ',' J~ ~ I~ I~ ~ I~ l~ ~ I. _I~ I~. '.:;.,,-,. ~ I , N SCALE (= 30' ... ..,' '. r,~ ,~r'D I ~ ~f}J.~P J a 7_D.f/.~tJ If( //.5 7..5. ' VfA.C~~ \r~~'\~~ DATE OF: BOUNDARY 3 - 13 - 7~ FOUND 3 - cfD - 7::> fiNAL 8 -If- -?!J r/r. ' /p ... __.12 ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT FOR SALE & PURCHASE In reference to Contract for Sale and Purchase between John and Mary Rose Gupton the Seller(s). and Charles H. Sullivan Jr. and Marion C. Fitzpatrick, trustees for __th~_ benefit of Marion Call Chisholm and ors. The undersigned Buyer(s) and Seller(s) hereby agree to the following: Purchase of property contingent upon buyers being permitted to park their motor . hClrre (8 ft wide. 34 ft. long) in their back yard on a permanent basis. tf~. "ill provldo GortiflGot. of oO""p.",?, 9r o\j!'lv.lo... for ene famil)' ro&ldonc~. If Certificate of Occupancy or Completion are required by the local municipality ~f~r ::e.~o~&e or~~ ~np;~600n:tJ:. the~to, seller has obli&o~iOn to ~~ fl ..J:.cl.D log~ ~~'7''''}'-- ~.,7 7~.A ~_ ~~ If Cherp j < j n fact a fmn" a:ard <p"hack viQI aUoo as appears · This agreement, upon ils exeGution by both parties, is herewith made an integral part oV~, Contract for Safe and Purchase. nr Date executed by Buyer(s): 7 - ~B -&8 7J1-C'-h.. ~i4/..~ (~4~';;2; c:z~., --). ~ ~ ~ WITNESS WITNESS .WITN WITNESS d by Seller(s): 7 - 31 - ~f5 SELL~ ~ SELLER l' - - - :dt,rlM-: (Rev. 5-85) , . ~ Merrill Lynch Realty Real Estate Division . 1040 E. SEMORAN BLVD. CASSELBERRY, FL 32707 407-260.0057 TO: Architectural Review Committee On behalf of Marion Fitzpatrick, who is going to occupy 1113 Northern Way, Lot 6, Tuscawilla Unit 7, we are requesting a letter from the architectural review committee stating that her parking of a motor home 34' in length, as indicated on the attached survey, is acceptable to the committee and not in violation of the deed restrictions of Unit 7, Tuscawilla. '/'IThan)< You, v ! I '. . ~~~ ~~r-~ Hart Jerry Arter Merrill Lynch Realty . @IB ,'."e',,.,',, '. .,/ ~, .(,,," (j) .. PLAT Of SURVEY' RcS/OENT/AL CO/f4Mt/A//TlES OF AMFK'/C'A DESCRIPTION L'tJT ~.. 7t/fC'.//ff/LL.4 V'A//T 7 RECORDED IN PLAT BooK?Z PAGElS) 4~t~10F THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF .FEU/A/c1LE COUNTY,Fl.ORIDA //c. /.,f' I I . .... .. .) . ~c: /..P {NOR TflERN f1;;fy {>... <::> () ~ , A; /1 :?,tJ t:lcf'J? .. L:/???4 ,U"V,' ~ ~ .C) ~ ~ ~ !\ I JI'...r' ~ ~ ~ ~ '---' I I I I I I . ;l~ I I I ~I ~.\ '" ~I ~I ~ cXL,lL ~ /~- . -'" ~~ I JI.....J(;vrt) ~ ~ '",'-:"\'-1 ~., ':",',1:.\ '"J"""\"'" ~ . -..-. ~.."..,... ~ V\~^~ , c:: ~I;; .. ",1,,11 ~...... . ~ . -" .,: '" /'! /' '\ /\ (: ~ I " ' ,,/,.!: I.' 1;"-~J\r~JIf'" ~I ,...~:'7...Z3;fr~- :?t;----- 'q / JR>.fY ('.1. A'L'fIPE~ of- IJ.~7' '00 .;. 3(",7:1 . , 4.5. 4 4." riM/I!': ;#~".;a I ~ ~HJI--={ p.... /.f't/7/~/TY? ~,.{'~//I/.4Cr EJ,NT JtJ7.0S/''(}O'lY //57.5' . \ O:;~;;-r r\'~('Y~'\ ....) BOUNDARY .3. J 3 - 7'3 FOUND. 3 ' c~ ' 7.9 fiNAL 8 -/'1- -79 HENRICH. INC. LAND SURVEYORS 636 N. WYMORE ROAD INTER PARK... FLORIDA 32789 (30~) 6Cf 7-7346 ~ "'-a.J. , REC. /.,0 ~ \l) m If) "fir 1'6 wA~l .., .., () "+ ~T~..JL '~j ~ " j' It .... .~. .-....y.. ~ ~ I I N SC ALE (= 30' .r/t: . I'P ~IED ?IRE: ?fLc'. . REG.LANDSURV . September 27, 1988 To Whom It May Concern: We have no objection to Marion Fitzpatrick parking her recreational vehicle (motor home, 8'W x 34'L x 10tH) behind the fences on the east side of the house located at 1113 Northern Way after she occupies the home, and for as long as she occupies the home. Jf4 (/14, ~':r(}[./~ Signature ,I ( wUh .1&- /I!.:) ~dite0L tJo;r Address C 5270R . vlJl1 J "7J!tj Signature ~ (;, \' - '\zt/t0 1/// nl 1/ {l' IIi- ~ ~ - -Ap';7!- 1(" I. 1J7 WZIJ /~ tz~1 il' {ft ,,' '/17 /-1- ,j , Address / \ I . @ . . .' ~ ..j .r .~ ; 1 j 'J .) t' :;..,) .. ,~ r.. " ;'~ :~ '? j- .J..~ IW --r ( :) <t: r]j .p ,-~ "" 'j) Q.l .. UJ j 1: '-l 1__ ~q!. \J.. ~ . \)~ )4 . -: ~ !"(J -- .:J.~ ....... II- ... '\ \1_ ~J "'1 w - "/ ~ I~ }~' ~~ '1I l'i l.la J\ ~ '" ~i !.hI- Op 1- ~ ~i "') UJ fQ~ .~ ~(), (~ I~ ~l :J. tt qJ l'~ Ii ly -:?"QG:::J ~~ ~ .-:) 114 \). .l( " ~.~ ~r X.l :/.i ,,,.... ;'t:,:,~. ~. {.,: "J ''iii, .:' . ~ ~':..~: -~~~~ I'\~ .~J ~ ,n. ,~ "~ ~'~,t .,! , t" 1.-'~ ""<~ 'J ~, ..:h,,' :,,'1',' ~ {W.'. '~~:;, ..-:t~~ l\\ ~ ~,,' '1~ ::: ~.'.: .}-:,~ - if. ~ 1 ;.. ':':$.. ..t.. . ", ~ ~,,4: :t." '.. ,: '<:' , ~. /. "~. J~ :. - !,sO,..... ~{~~ '1< ~.. ~ ? . >i\."-.:"..V- \' \t~; ,"~"f l~ .~ .~~'. \;;. .~ ., ('\l:"~'~<",~~~' ,~ (,''t. ,4 ':. ,,~.~ <:")) . . -; IU ): ..~ . ll.l V\ ~ '~ ~: . ~...i I!.J I,. - '/) ~ . ..-. ~.._'--_."" ... :":~;'~)~ ~ ~i~ ~ ,.,,',i ""I :,'::~\ :~, ~ .~ e;" J I, ~.-....... ~.:j !!.) ::c; _) ',' I ~ .......r.; ""-Ji .<:..~ J : :". . {:~ )... . .:-..... ~ ...; .,:'T ) ~ >"'jl"}) . ' .'.~ .. "j ltl ".' , '-~i c\... ~ ~,'~ r) .: ;C\'" -.....:; ......- ..~-.:~ ~ : . "'-1 ~ .''';~l Ii " ~ ,,,,'~ ....) !~LI:f \~ .."";-;..' ..:::::. ",..., ../ . '::;"; -~. '.';-"~'''''.. . ~ <- ,", ~. ~~"is..ft., , 10 ~ "" ~ V\ l-U ':j ..~ ~ ~ ~... /j \:1 ;; . . . October 6, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager ~ Land Development coordinato~ FROM: RE: Agenda Item (Lot Split) Richard J. and Lorraine K. Buchanio have petitioned the Commission to split Lot 10, Block B, North Orlando Ranches, Section 1, located at the corner of Panama Road and Hayes Road. This request meets the criteria of Section 14-3.1 for a lot split. /mh cc: Mayor Corrunission City Attorney City Clerk . September 23, 1988 Board of City Commissioners City of Winter Springs 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 ..... Gentlemen: / Please be advised that we, Richard J. Buchanio and Lorraine K. Buchanio, do hereby request approval to divide the below described property: . Lot 10, Block B, NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES, Section 1, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 12, Paqe 3, of the Public Records of Semi no 1 e County,' Flori da. . '''I The attached surveys are submitted for your approval. Very truly yours, . I R (,;~~~D'2.L (\-\) 3'1 '3- \4-50 ~. fL-VI<< k ~ <<"('<'2"3\ (0) RAINE K. BUCRANIO .. . . . . PLAT OF SURVEY FOR RICHARD J. & lORIlAINf K. llUCllANIO SLMINOL[ COUNTY, I LOIlIDA DLSCIlIP1IUN ~ Lot 10, Block B, NORTH ORLANDO RANCHLS, SLeTIUN 01'1[, accordillg to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 12, Page 3, of the Public Records of Selllilloll' County, florida, Less tI,e following: Beginning at the Southeast COt'ller' of said Lot 10, lllock ll, run S.B9"~4'~I"W., al.lIlg the Northerly Right-of-Way line of Panallld Road for a distance of 2JB.5B feet to the Point of Beg inn i n g, the n c e con tin u I' S. B9 " ~ 4 ' ~ I "W ., a I II n 9 s aid 1'101 till' r' I y R i q h t - 0 I - ~ .. y 1 i n I' 0 I I' a n a III a Il 0 a d for a distance of 23B.~B leet, thence N.OO"0~'09"W., for.. distance of 4~4.50 feet, thence N.B9" 54'51"E., for a distance of 2/B.fi5 'Net, thence S.04"5/'UY"W., lor a distance 01 4~b.2fi feet to the Point of Beginninq. (Beiny till' West If( of said Lot 10). iB1-;. And the West 1/2 of Lot 10, lllllCk B, Sold Plat of t;,"'U, Orlando Ilaneh,'s Section Onp, as described in less portion of description above. 5URVl YOIl' S ClllllIl CAT[ Th i s is to eerti fy that a Boundary Survey ot t hc' dhov" l.l<'scr i lJed property direction and the Pldt herl'on is a correct repr'e',entatio" of the Sdme to the and belief dnd meets the Minilllom Technicdl Standards dS ,el forlh in Chdpter Administrative Code. Copies of lhis survey arl>in~lidJ"'II'SS embossed with -~Jc5~~'~--K[Ln<~t(-rt~ L '1/\1 L s--;---r~~--=-I-"-B..lJ.ll. IdOl trl'nch AVellLJ" , ," 0 rd. I I 0 I' i d d '.J~/Jn-nIJ ~lgc AJ (QIL..tL1E'- .~ ~t ".0 --_ ~;:, I (Qt1Q,t- ./. . --- -_ ~~ -__'_ "'10) __ -----o-P'o-~__ --- , S;;;;.,f-?-1'7'------- ~ .IS!!}p ~", . '3..15;..,.. ----_ '''''.(;0 i::, - -'- '" ::{' . NOTES: "Indicates iron set wilh cap 'Ib~] unless otherwise noted. Bedrings as per description furnished by cl ient. ('. / ~' <. ~ !() / ~~ --- '--- ~~~. / --- --- ~~~-----, -- ~ )~'" ~ -~ ~"'/"'9.9- I / ~ ~ / ~ / The surveyor lidS not dbstrdcted the Idnd ';hown hl?r'eOfl for' t~d.SelTlellt...., rltjhl.s-of-WdYS or oUH~r' U1dtters of record thdl IIIdY dt fecI. the subjecl proper'ty. :"" -- -- WtlS IIIdue under illY best of my knowledge "1:IIIl-b, fIn, IU;, tile 5ealof til" 5uI've1'or. \ ~'p ~..;.,fC'9 ~c' ",vo ) ~ "fiJi' '" ~ Q) ..... '" \..- 'V;' l.l> ~ ~ '" lloc ~ ~ ~ "- "" :>.. !:::: " '- ~ lie ~ ::J "" " ':~ In '" ,. ~ , -. ... 0C ':c. 'l) - -j If) '" a) ,~,i '" \\i - . , ~~J '1- "':. 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