HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 09 28 Request for Proposals REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR FIRE SERVICE FACILITIES ADEQUACY STUDY/IMPROVEMENT PLAN At 2:00 p.m., Sept. 28, 1988 City Manager Richard Rozansky, opened the two proposals that were received. Present at the Opening: City Manager Richard Rozansky Fire Chief Charles Holzman Finance Director Harry Martin City Clerk Mary Norton The First Proposal opened was from Reynolds, Smith & Hills, Architects-Engineers- Planners, Inc., 6737 Southpoint Drive South (32216-6177), P.O. Box 4850, Jacksonville, FL 32201-4850. The second proposal was from Long Associates, Public Management Systems, 5200 N. Federal Highway, Suite 2, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308. The Proposals will be reviewed by the Fire Chief, City Engineer, Director of Administration/City Planner, Land Development Coordinator and City Manager. The Opening was closed at 2:15 P. M. Mary Norton, City Clerk The Orlando Sentinel Publi.hed Oail" Orlando, Or.nltf" Count~... Florida ADVERTISING (/~htte of 110riha t COUNTY OF ORANGE \ 55 Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Virginia E. Skurow , who on oath says that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Orlando Sentinel, a Daily newspaper published at Orlando, in Orange County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad- vertisement, being A Notice of Services Desired in the matter of Fire Service Facilities Adequacy Study/Improvement Plan in the Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of September 11, 19~8 Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at Orlando, in said Orange County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Orange County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second- class mail matter at the post office in Orlando, in said Orange County, Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and af- fiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper, ur t(.~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th day of September ~ NOTi\IW f'USLlC, Stilte of Florida at 'a M;t Commi~S:Qn cxpires Ml'fj 25, 199 8\ll\G" i~ M..LH~(;AN PIONEER CASt/4LTY INS. cn. FORM NO. AD-262 CHARGE $118./5 NOTl CE TO PROFESSIONAL I CONSULTANTS NOTICE OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DESIRED Pursuant to Section 287,055, ' Florida Statutes. and the policies and procedures of the City of Winter Springs. Florida. notice is hereby given that the City of Winter Springs desires to re- ceive proposals from qualified I consultants for consideration leading to competitive seIeclion for contractual services for 'he I, following pr~~ECT FIRE SERVICE FACILITIES ADEQUACY STUDY/IMPROVEMENT PLAN Description: Professional ser' vices are required to investigate I and determine the adequacy of I present fire service facilities/ser- vice are utilizinl;l but not limiled to comprehenSive development plans, surveys. studies. national:_ Iy accepted standards for fire services facilities, population- /growth studies and other appli- cable materials so as to resuft in the completion and presentation I of a comprehensive plan for fa- cility location/adequacy update i and improvements. I ~~I=~I~: s~~~~ie~a~~~: ters of interest to City Manager, Alln: City Clerk, City of Winter Springs. 1126 S.R. 434, Winter Springs. FL 32708. clearly la- beled "Qualification Statement" Fire Service Facilities Adequacy Study/Improvement Plan", Let- ters of interest should be submil- led in four (4) copies so as to ar- rive at the office of the City Clerk notla'er than 2:00 p,m, Septem- ber 28, 1988. Letters received af- ter this time will not be consi- dered. Letters of intere$t should contain but are notlimiled to: 1, An exeucutive brief includ- ing a statement of, approach. composilion of the study team and pro~ method of inter, fa~n~~~e~h~.rci%~a~nd tele- rn~~~~al~umber of contact 3, Outline of organization structure demonstrating how work is to be performed. identifi- cation of key project personnel and qualifications/work exper- ience. I 4, A list of related experience by the firm on other like projects, 5, Copies of valid Florida reg- istration certificates as applica- ble for project personnel, 6, Any such financial and or- ganizational information an inter- ested firm believes will be helpful, Selection: The City will review letters of interest '0 insure mini- mum qualifications are met, The City will then select from the qualified list a short list of those from which the final selec- tion will be made pursuant to City procedures and Florida Statutes, Among the factors the City will consider in selecting the short listed firms are their ap- proach. capabilities, personnel. and prior experience on similar projects, The City reserves the right to waive any informalities in the letters of interest, to reject : ro~:~:~i:~~ ~~~e~h~~ : listed firms will be interviewed by : the Ci!)' Manager and Statt and a priontized list of firms recom- mended to the City Commission, All decisions regarding the award of the project by the City Commissioners will be made in accordance with 'he require- ments of Florida Statutes, Sec- tions 286.011 and all interested parties are invited to attend such meetings, Any and all docu- ments submitted pursuant to 'his , invitation shall be subject to re- I use by the City, All questions regarding this project are to be directed to the attention of Mr, Richard Ro- zansky. City Manager, City of Winter Springs. 1126 East S, R. 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407-327,1800), CL -871 Sept11 ,1988