HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 09 26 Regular . -' -. ' . ~~~~~ "I~ ~~~~~~~ . . J~/J'~~ ~ . ' ~ /fV It/U:L]AJ7-'l- I .u:J;fJ<.i:1J J-U:xVjiJ ~ ~ Ce-;).). ~ ~;fiu ~ ~ Xar I? dLRt1( ~ i~~' VI-- ~~/i~~~ y~ 1 tWA/' ( ~ .~ fl.-v ~:f 4w ~. frL ~ ~ry ~ ~1~~4~ ~~ ~~~tb Jf~d rtfI ~ ~ ~ k /(.1 I I ~~ ~~~dMA/ - . WI- oJ-4- ~ tV ~ ~~~kL~~~~ ~~ ~~hWdM/~ .~. ~t ~'M..u~~~ ;fA- '. · ~ ctf.truJ ~ ~- ~ '7W..tw~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~, . --. " pv lMUJ/ ~ ~ 7, d~ ~ Wai&v ~ - ::;~~~~, :;r~ ~e:vt:d /.;z;l& (f}~;P' ~ 1/ maf~ /28D~Q/Vf.d~' ~~~~ ;/ \ d--. \,p 8 tQ~1-- ~ Y11.13~ {~(.s ()~ ;/-v-e. ~ 5J--tJ~ /~(p3 OR-'9?}P~' ~e ~ ~. , 1Y i jUh d#J; p.u ~;aw- ;yru.L e , ~ / d-~ d-.. (!V,~ fWe, /}?l~ 5i)~ /210 ()RAN<E,€. Aye.. d~ 5~/ /;(/6 ~ ~ ~~ ~~ \"Z.:v-\ <Q-^oJ\~ 0-vQ.., ~R... ~ I 20 'f (jI./f,v6-t /JU'(. . ~&#UA 1/579 ~k, " ' 'v(u~ //~7:, ~ 1!t1M- . "AUVL ill CHN/Sr' Lord of Life Lutheran Church Franklin E. LcJvinka Pastor e 395 Tuskawilla Road Winl.:r Sl'rint!s, FL 3270X Church om" . I-1(7) 3h5-1.3113 ~~~~UWOC@ SEP 22 1988 116~ ~/1 Cj( 2? @ September 21. 1988 CITY: Of WINTER S~RINGSl Land Development CoordinatOlJ City of Winter Springs 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Attn: Mr. Richard Rozanski Dear Sir: The Lord of Life Lutheran Church at 395 Tuskawilla Road requests permission to install a 10' x 44' mobile building to be used as Sunday School classrooms. The utilization of this building will be once per week and its duration will not exceed one year. We have attached the following: A site plan showing location of the temporary building, Copy of letter from State of Florida Planning .....lanager-Manuf actured Building Program Letter of Certification about sanitary facilities Should you need further information, please advise. ;;:es:;1c mllY' ~S,- . I . Gerald L. Mardis, Sr. Property Director GLM:sg S~~l~ ~~-I s , ..' e ... ... , . \. ..tJ-""'INTE~'~\1 ~;t ~"'o \ ~~ ~ ,.,'. It ~p . , 't . , II. " :. ~.~~,,,._..." .. ~ .. '" ... ... CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA _( t) JfAA4_ ~,I, \f (C~ r-:, T':? ill: ill' ~ ',: 1.<>" t~J '~ ~t~ 14 19aa MEMORANDUM CiTY ot WIN1[K SPRINGS cro KANAGER 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 September 14, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager FROM: G. E. Artman J rq SUBJECT: Sign Shop Oven Approximately 2~ years ago, Seminole County upgraded their sign shop and loaned us their sign shop oven, that was surplus to their needs. The incorporation of the oven into our system gave us the capacity to manufacture any type sign, in house. (In the past we had to make several . runs per week to utilize the county facility) This past week Seminole County indicated this oven must be removed from their inventory. Their proposal is as follows: Seminole County will transfer this oven to Winter Springs--current value approximately $1500 ($6000 new) They will also give us $650 worth of 3M materials utilized in sign construction. They will also restripe Sheoah Blvd., worth approximately $3960 were we to contract this out. In return for this, we would purchase and transfer to Seminole County soft ware for their computerized sign maker. This item costing $1325. As in the past, Seminole County Public Works Department is extremely cooperatitive and all their facilities are available to us should the . need arise. LAW OFf'lCES BRYANT, MILLER, OLIVE, LANO AND KRUPPENBAGHER . !l0 WEST LUCERNE CIRCLE (32801) POST OFFICE BOX 3387 (32802'3387) OR LA 1'1" DO, FLORIDA lItAHOAl.L W. HANNA LUCY H. HARAIS !:L151: ,., ,",UDI!:LL!: ~R"'NKC. KlIItUPP!:NB"'CH!:A 5TI!:PH['N ,J. ",Uelte. T....O.......5 ,.. LANG ,J. CHlIItl5TIAN M!:,.,.r:...T WILTON flit. MILL!:" W. AOIlr::"T OLl"!: OALI!: S. Rr:CINI:Ll.A MICHAEL D. WILLI.AMS (407) 423.8511 NEW YORK OFFICE 100 WALL STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10005 (212) 3"3'''036 TALLAHASSEE OFFICE 201 SOUTH MONROE STRrET September 9, 1988 ~UITE 500 TALLAHASSI':E. r-LORIOA 32.301 (90") 2Z2.eell 0" COUNS~L C. ,........IS BRVANT Dick Rozansky, City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 ,. : I, Re: Legal services for City of Winter Springs, Florida Dear Dick: . This will confirm our discussions and verbal representations to the City Commission regarding our legal services for the City of Winter Springs, Florida. As we discussed, we have been honored to serve the City of Winter Springs for seven or more years wi thou any fee increase. As will all businesses however, costs have finally caught up with us and we now must increase our rates for services. Per our discussion, the rate increase will be effective October 1, 1988. The rate increase will be as follows: 1. $90.00 per hour for all legal services rendered including litigation, plust costs and expenses. As always, no costs or expenses will be incurred without your prior approval. Examples or costs or expenses are court reporters, filing fees, copying charges, telephone charges, etc. 2. A $500.00 per month charge for attendance at City Commission meetings. 3. $90.00 per hour for all legal services rendered including litigation, plus costs and expenses, associated with the City's utility work, excluding any bond-related matters, which shall be in accordance with our existing practice. . . . . Dick Rozansky September 9, 1988 Page Two As always we sincerely appreciate the opportunity to represent the City of Winter Springs, and we look forward to our continuing relationship. Should you have any questions about this or any other matter, do not hesitate to call. /kjp cc: Tom Lang, Esq. e e . September 23, 1988 TO: City Manager coordinato~ FROM: Land Development RE: Agenda Item III, E This is a request from Lord of Life Lutheran Church on Tuscawilla Road for a waiver to Section 44.75 of the Code. They would like to put a temporary trailer on the church property for a period of one year. This trailer will serve as classrooms. /mh cc: Mayor Commission City At torney City Clerk ._-=--~.__ A_ ~f;: ~ cldJ~ - FLORIDA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR'S OFFICE ROAD DIVISION ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION September 26, 1988 274 BUSH BLVD SANFORD, FLORIDA 32773 TELEPHONE (407) 323.2500 Mr. Robert Behe Rc: Orange Avenue in Winter Springs Dear Mr. Behe: . Based on our conversation, you will operate a business on the above existing County roadway. Since you are not modifying the road nor the entrance to your business, the County has no jurisdiction over this matter. Therefore, you may operate your business and access as you currently do on Orange Avenue with no objection from the County. Sincerely, SEMINOLE COUN'l'Y h~- cet2-...- Je . y MCallum, P.E. Co Engineer JJ.1/emc f?' , ~..C: EJV E.D ~\[i" 2 6 1938 ,;: .. . aC'! "j i(Jer Sp.rlno.... :. :.. ,'; Dept. ....' .......,' . .. .~,'w'.~~~'":.' ....n ._~_~__,...::-~-J-~I'" dJTTCEUF CHANGE OF LAND USE ~~~IECOND PUBLIC HEARING AND ADOPTION <Th~C' tel' Springs proposes to change the use of land within the area ] sh. map in this advertisement. A public hearing or. the proposal will be held onday, September 26, 1988, at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall. 1126 SR 434, Winter Springs, Florida. ~} ~ /J" Documents pertaining to the five requested amendments identified below and keyed by number above may be examinee! at Winter Springs City Hall. Questions regarding the pro- posed a.,mendments may be directed to the City Planner at 327-1800. 1. Pt. Lot 25. Entzminger Farms Add. No. 3/Reclassify Land Use from Light Industrial to PUD (Zone PUD)/6 Acres North of Florida Ave. 2. Lot 9B. Blk D. Mitchell Survey of Levy Grant/Add to Winter Springs Land Use Map as Commercial (Zone C-1) (Reclassification from Seminole County General Rural)/5 acres South of SR 434 East of SR 419 Intersection. 3. Lot 17. Blk B, Mitchell Survey of Levy Grant/Add to Winter-Springs Land Use Map as Light Industrial (Zone C-2) (Reclassification from Seminole County Suburban Estates)/8 acres North of SR 434 - tuscawllla Rd. intersection. Pt. Lot 14 and Pt. Lot 21, P.R. Yonge Grant/Reclassify Land Use from Rural Residential to Commercial (Zone C-1 )/40 Acres North of SR 434 East of Howell Branch. >. . W 'AI of SW 'I. (less Parcals 2-B and 2-U) of Section 4, T.21 , R 31 /Add to Winter Springs Land Use Map; Ught Industrial for that Portion of Property Outside Right-of-Way Reserved for Seminole County Ex- pressway and Rural Residential Within Expressway Right-of-Way Reservation Boundary ( -2 and R-U) (Reclassification from Seminole County General Rural)/56 Acres South of 434 djacent Eastern City Umlts. 1[1t$rested parties may appear at the public hearing and be heard or may pr sent written <;omments to the'City Clerk prior-to the meeting regarding the requested amend ents.