HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 08 08 Regular . . . ... August 5, 198B TO: City l~~ger ~ Land Development coordinatorW FROM: PE: Acceptance of Mount Greenwood Unit 3 (Tract 6), Unit 5 (Tract 7) ~1d Dolphin Road Infrastructure The City Engineer has inspected the above referenced and reconunends approval. See attached correspondence. ThE:' City Attorney also reviewed the docwnentation and plat and found it to be satisfactory. Attachment /mh cc: Mayor Conunission Ci ty Attorney City Clerk . . . ~ August 1, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager ;,Y ~ Ci ty ErY;Jineer Xv Mt. Greenwood Tract 7 and Dolphin Road "As-Built" Engineering FROM: SUBJECT: "As-Built" engineering drawings along with the appropriate documentation has been completed and received as of July 29, 1988. A site inspection was conducted to verify the conformance of the project to the approved engineering plans. It was determined. that the project was generally builtin conformity to the engineering plans. It is recommended that Dolphin Road and Tract 7 in the Mt. Greenwood PUD be accepted by the Ci ty Conunission. /mh cc: Land Development Coordinator Building Department . . . August 5, 1988 TO: City Manager FROlvJ ; Chy Engineer SUBJECT: Mt. Greenwo Tract 6 - "As-Built" Engineering "As-built" engineering drawings have been received for Mt. Greenwood Unit 3, Tract 6. A site inspection was conducted to verify the conformance of the project to the approved engineering plans. It W-dS determined that the project was generally built in conformity to the engineering plans. I t is recol!unended that the project be accepted by the Ci ty COllUnission. :n:h cc: Land Development Coordinator Building Department ~-;'" v'V" .--Yj--, . ',f.r/ / ~?I'?> !2-?"(ji} )A.L ') }"",.~ . J~' /}I/Q'~ )?-V,.);7 /"i--;'D.I<";;1').:/y" j' ., ,'IV 9 ." ( Ii 1/ ~ ;/(1, / /' . C ~ ; v ,,' ( -e t/> ' t~A' ,B'*h ) ") ) \ ( ??-'J/'-yj""7jF?'l,,?1) i :J/ 717 ). 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(b-?--(?~' ~_ 'Y7/~i-,}-;;rJ..{;/Y'-::P.-J}J::" /~~?'ry~'- ~<--7l/ r c/ / T' / ' ;' ( . c?~"''(Y /)>-n ~?"7cjh ,r;~ -? -T'?'?.-t?~ ?/c ;J{J ( cr 7~~<J;, :2.-3-t y-~ ..' ~>c"y:_,;y/;:. //")~':1,4' )1,{"::;-;/'},7/- '-t~. /t;~ // 7" . .y-,. L "-..JI1 . . . . PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES August 3, 1988 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS: David Hopkins, Present Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present John Torcaso, Present David McLeod, Present Michael Saporito, Vice-Chai~nan, CITY OFFICIAL: - ----.-.-.---.-.,---.----...-.----- --,---- -.--.-..- ---,_._-_.~- .._---_. -----. ,-- J. Koch, Dir. Adm./Comp. Planning arrived at 7:35 Request of Stephen Weber to Annex Lot 4 of Tuskawilla West of TllScawllla Road- ~LL acre .-.?2.u_t;h~e?_:LQ.:tJ::pje~sect i9.D_Q.:tJ~c:~~:LU_~..1.<.99sl anci _?j;~!~__ B9_a..g._J_~4:.-~_ _ _ ____ Koch gave her presentation. She stated -chat this property is directed across the road from the property that was recommended -co be annexed into the Ci ty at the Board's previous meeting. This property includes a vacated street right- of-way to the west. This property is contiguous to the City by virtue of the McIntosh annexation. A public hearing on the land use will be on August 24, 1988; this is a small-scale amendment and will not go to the State. There was discussion on the reqL~st. McLeod moved to recommend approval to annex the 5/8 acre described befor'e us to the City Commission. Seconded by Hopkins. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Ma.rgo Hopkins, Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning Board . PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MINUTES Wednesday, November 28, 1984 7:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Smedley. Flag led by Hall. Pledge of Allegiance to the ROLL CALL: Robert Smedley, Chairman, present Taru Joshi, Vice-Chairman, present Richard DeFazio, present Jon Hall, present Arthur Hoffmann, present CITY OFFI CIALS : Peter Cowell, City Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 14. 1984 Joshi moved to approve minutes as submitted. Hoffmann second. Discussion. Chairman Smedley requested the minutes of November 14, 1984, in reference to the Southern Bell Annexation reflect that Mr. Hoffmann, who made the original motion and Ms. Joshi, who second the motion were in concurrence with the amendment to the motion resulting in only one vote for the motion and amendment. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. Minutes approved as amended. . OLEDA & WARD ANNEXATION City Planner presentation. Discussion. DeFazio moved to accept the application for annexation of Lots 13. 15, 19 and 20 along S.R. 419 to include right on down to the motion recommended by staff review to have the ordinance drawn up prior to the City Commission Meeting, so that annexation and first reading can be offered at the same time, to accept it as Agriculture as it has been stated on the applicant's request. Hall second. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. RICHARD CASSELBERRY ANNEXATION City Planner presentation. Discussion. Hall moved to annexation from staff as it has been introduced to us. Chairman Smedley clarified the motion to be annexed as Vote: All aye. Motion carries. accept this recommendation for Hoffmann second. Discussion. RU with conditional C-1. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST BY FLORIDA RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITIES, INC. (FRC), FOR THE ill. GREENWOOD PUD PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN. ON A 190 ACRE SITE LOCATED OFF HAYES AND MOSS ROADS IN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. Howard Lefkowitz, representing Florida Residential Communities, came forward and made his presentation. Discussion. The following residents came forward to asked questions of the developer. Gil Artman, 672 Silver Creek Dr.; Ray Bradshaw, 252 Hayes Rd.; J. R. Hattaway, Winter Springs; Harry Reid, 285 Hayes Rd.; Carl Stephens, 600 Fisher Rd. Discussion. . Smedley moved the Board recommend approval of the PUD to the City Council, that the proposed land use plan exhibit 7 submitted by the developer be designated as the density ruling document both for the, individual tract and the PUD as a whole, that the project phasing exhibit 8 be designated as the official phasing document, that the staff recommendations as presented in their memo dated October 9, 1984, be agreed to with the following modifications: 1) all perimeter fences be of block or brick and installed on the inside of buffer area; 2) arrangements be made for reimbursing the City for damage to Hayes Rd. during construction; 3) arrangements be made to insure that funds will be available for the lights (traffiC) when they are warranted 4) spine road be required to be fully . . . ~ Planning & Zoning Board Minutes November 28, 1984 Page Two developed at the point that Unit 3A has been sold to 50% of capacity; 5) that code required sidewalks be provided; 6) the developer provide the City Engineer with a report on the structural capability and usability of the bridge on Hayes Rd. and Gee Creek, and to discuss the ramifications of the traffic generated by the project on the bridge; 7) the road widths be per code, but that case by case be provided during the final development plan; 8) the parking spaces per code; 9) recreational amenities be installed no later than at the point that the 50th unit is started, the amenities package is defined to be tract 6. DeFazio second for discussion. Discussion. DeFazio amended the motion on the following items to include not only Hayes Rd. in case of damage by the developer or any of his subcontractors to include Moss Rd. and any of the other dirt roads which may surround it, such as Panama or whatever which may be used. Hoffmann second. Vote: All aye. Motion amended. DeFazio amended the motion to delete the requirement of the sidewalk on the east side of Moss Rd. and require the developer to put that money in escrow, the cost of that sidewalk, make that money available to the City for use elsewhere. Joshi second. Discussion. Vote: DeFazio, aye; Joshi, aye; Smedley, nay; Hoffmann, aye; Hall, nay. Motion carries. Motion amended. Discussion. Smedley moved the motion be amended so that the fence in the Southeast portion of the property be of a wood nature and be located on the perimeter of the property. DeFazio second. Vote: Smedley, aye; DeFazio, nay; Hoffmann, nay; Joshi, nay; Hall, nay. Motion defeated. DeFazio moved wooden fence on the southeastern boundary be setback within the 25' buffer area and be a wooden fence in nature. Hoffmann second. Discussion. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. Motion amended. Vote on the original motion: All aye. Motion carries. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Pam Lawrenz Recording Secretary ~ .. ~ular Meeting, City Commission, Jan. 14, 1985 Page 2 84-85-7 ~~ayor Torcaso said he had a nomination of Buck Adkins to fill the vacancy in Seat III. ~Iotion made and seconded. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; motion carried. Commissioner Adkins was sworn in by Mayor Torcaso. Continued Public Hearing for Ord. No. 302, annexation of David Joyce property-postponed until the next meeting, January 28, 1985. Public Hearing to consider a request by FRC for the Mt. Greenwood PUD preliminary development plan: The City Planner, Peter Cowell, said the Mt. Greenwood PUD is a 190 acre tract located between Hayes Road and Moss Road. FRC is submitting their preliminary development plan to set densities and establish the use of the plan for their overall development. Mr. Howard Lefkowitz of Florida Residential Communities gave a presentation. Total number of dwelling units requested is 700, on 190 acres which gives a gross density of 3.68 units per acre. Utilities will be served by an agreement with Winter Springs Water and Sewer. The agreement provided for the project to receive all of its own treated effluent plus provide capacity for twice that amount plus 10%, thereby will provide the City of Winter Springs an excess of 150,000 gallons of disposable capacity for the City's use. As far as an over-view of the projects components, the intent is to provide a totally ~.enclosed community that does not aesthetically or visually impact the balance of the ommunity. Tracts 1 and 2 are single family tracts, 75 dwelling units with an average density of 2.82 units per acre. Tracts 3 and 4 are for fee simple attached two story townhomes designed for 173 dwelling units on 20.5 acres which is an average density of 8.44 units per acre. Tract 7 is intended to be patio homes, fee simple attached and detached with 150 dwelling units on 37 acres, a gross density of 4.05 dwelling units per acre. Tract 5 is intended for condominiums; 2 and 3 story condominium buildings designated for 302 units on 25 acres, a gross density of 11.98 dwelling units per acre. Tract 6 is a 3.7 acre parcel designated as a park which will include a ballfield, playground, tot lots and natural and passive recreation area. All tracts other than 1 and 2 will have their own recreation facilities, and that will be private membership. This will include either a pool and/or pool and tennis courts. 60 acres, over 31% of the land will be left in a totally natural state. Of the 190 acres, only 57% of this land will be developed for shelter. Active recreation for all facilities will be approximate- ly 10 acres. On the northern boundary adjacent to Hacienda Village FRC has provided for a 25 foot buffer setback with a 6 foot high fence that will run all the way from Gee Creek over to the boundary of the property. On Hayes Road a 25 ft. natural or landscaped buffer and setback off of the property; on the eastern boundary by Tract 11 will be a 25 ft. natural buffer and a 6 ft. wood fence. On the west side of Hayes Road will be a four foot sidewalk to run from FRC property boundary to the north property boundary. On the east side of ~foss Road to tne Cardinal _ project FRC has provided for a 4 ft. sidewalk or the cash equivalent. Mr. Lekowitz .said their feeling is a sidewalk is not needed in that area and they would be happy to pay for the sidewalk and let the City use the money where it deems proper. ~..._._-- -~ A - . ~lar Meeting, City Cdmmission, Jan. 14, 1985 Page 3 84-85-7 ~r. Lefkowitz said signals will be needed at Hayes and Wade Roads and S.R. 434. FRC will pay the total cost of that signal and the necessary related intersection improve- . ments. Signals will be needed at the intersection of MOss Road and SR 434 and FRC will pay their prorata share together with the existing commitments against that intersection. In discussion of the project Mr. Donat, Hacienda Village asked about buffers; Mr. Morris, Sailfish Road spoke about drainage; Ray Braddock, with Boyer Singleton & Associates, engineers, spoke about drainage; another gentleman spoke about the additional traffic that will be generated and no way out of the Ranchlands; Ben Kaplan, Burgos Road spoke about the light at Moss and SR 434; Jim Lee, a traffic engineer, spoke in reference to the traffic; Frank Bracco asked about effluent; Gail Hicks, Bahama Road, was concerned about the traffic; Mr. Ozarski, Pearl Road, spoke about the traffic; Mr. Ruzinski, Alton Road spoke about the traffic; Mr. Holland, Dolphin Road spoke about traffic; resident from Silvercreek Drive asked if all the trees will be cut down; Mr. McCombs, Hacienda Village, spoke about the buffer; Helen Powell, Hacienda Village asked that it be a cement wall for a buffer; Jan Denning, Hayes Road, asked about the retention area; K. Holton, Alton Road, Beth Gregg, Bahama Road, Tom Dougherty, Oak Forest, Cindy Kaehler, Harry Reid, E. Stevens, Sailfish Road and Marty Trencher, Marni Drive all spoke. Mayor Torcaso closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Commission Meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman to approve the preliminary development plan of the Mt. Greenwood PUD subject to the Planning and Zoning Board recommendations, Staff recommendations and further stipulation that the fence behind Hacienda Village ~'.e block; they not put a sidewalk along Moss Road but take that money and put side- alks and walkway bridge from their project to SR 434 on Hayes Road; with the stipula- tion that if we deem it necessary they put in a right turn lane at Hayes Road, and reserve the right to negotiate the number of units that will be in IlIA and IIIB based upon the traffic studies that are presented in conformity to those traffic studies with a limitation. Seconded by Commission Grove. Discussion. Motion was amended by Commissioner Adkins to accept Mr. Lefkowitz's offer to widen the bridge on Hayes Road if traffic studies in the future deem necessary while he is still in the area. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the amendment to the motion: Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried. tIotion was amended by Commissioner Jacobs that Mr. Hoffman's requirement that FRC would provide 50 fewer units in the event that the traffic flows are different than what was estimated will be deleted from the approval and that the approval will be subject to his voluntary stipulation that the garden apartments will not exceed two stories and that the densities will be no more than ten units per gross residential acre. Seconded by Commissioner Hartman. Discussion. Vote on the amendment to the motion: Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; motion carried. Main motion as restated by Attorney Lang was to approve the preliminary development plan with the stipulations that have been attached by the City Commission subject to _ the recommendations of Staff and Planning and Zoning Board. Vote on the main motion ~s amended: Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, ~aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried. ~- -- ,;j ''';\~TE~' '\ . itl~~ ~ '\. ,",,/,jl ft_. ....":tQ..u.... ," J..~' ~,',,:.....tl cO.I'I,......... 1.1.............. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 , January 10, 1985 To: City Manager, City Commission and Mayor From: City Planner Re: Mt. Greenwood P.U.D. Florida Residential Communities met with the Staff on Oct. 9, 1984 to discuss the proposal for a planned unit development called Mt. Greenwood. The proposal was for 700 units on a 190 acre site with an overall density of 3.68. The site is located between Moss and Hayes Roads, south of Hacienda Village. . The developer agrees to pay for the prorated cost of a light at Moss and SR 434 and for the cost of a signal at Hayes and SR 434. The DOT is warranting the signal at Hayes and SR 434 now. A bond will be required for this part of the project. The developer has also agreed to install a sidewalk north on Hayes Road from the entrance of the project to Hacienda Village, and place all other side- walk funds in escrow with the City for use as the City chooses. The main spine road, at present, will be developed in two phases with the second half of construction starting when 50% of the units in Section 3A have been issued certificates of occupancy. The City may choose to bond this road to insure that it is built. There will be a 100 foot long bypass lane constructed for the l10ss Road entrance and an oversided entry will need to be engineered at a later date with the first phase of the final development plan for Hayes Road. Further all in- ternal roads that are to be dedicated to the City will be accessible without crossing private roads. The developer wants to reserve the right to better utilize space on the private roads by keeping the option open to make the roads between 20 and the standard 24 foot width. The develope~ also wants to keep options open on parking spaces as in the multifamily development the request is to allow 35% of the spaces for compact cars at 9' x 18'. This can also either be addressed now or with the final development plans. . . . . ,. ..-.- To: City Manager, City Commission and Mayor January 10, 1985 Page 2 The developer will also build the recreational package at the time the 50 unit in phase one is given a certificate of occupancy. To buffer the project on the north, the developer has agreed to construct a 6 foot stone wall on the perimeter and then leave a 25 foot buffer of dense growth. On the southeast side of the property near Stoner Road the developer will place a 6 foot wooden fence on the inside of the 25 foot buffer. To the south is the power easement and to the west is the 31% of the project along the creek being left in a natural state. A bond will be placed with the City to insure the stability of Moss, Hayes, and Panama Roads. The Planning and Zoning Board also requested a study of the bridge on Hayes Road to be submitted to the City Engineer as to its ability to support the heavy equipment. The effluent site should contain 2.5 times the needed use of the project in a design that is a cross between a spray field and a percolation pond. Density is the final question at this time needing to be resolved in the public hearing on Monday January 14, 1985. A proposal package has been placed in each Commissioner's file for review. . . . ..., .: PLAI'lliING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES July 27, 1988 ThE: meeting was called to order at 7: 30 P.M. SOAfill I'1f1vGHS: _ ....n~. ~,. ~.._ _ CITY OFFICIALS: _..__ '_'"".__._,._." ..', 0', .......^......._. ".. ..' . .._ D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator J. Koch, Dir. Adm. /Comp. Plaru1ing JciV .~(I HCJl)l.:i~~~, Present ':Jene Dorman, Chairman, Present J"01111 1'Ol"'CaS'] J F'rese~~t J,-:.vid McLeod, Pr'<::serrt [I:':'C11O.'::1 SaporHo, Vice-Chairman, Present Appl:9.YC'-.f.. 0:[ lvj.:tf~!::rt~s of Jul'l 1.3., J.9.8E..:. . .____._ .__..___..... Tht=re was qLles cion on the mim.rtes from the July 13, 1988 meeting. asked to J(\,Jve the approval of the minutes to the end of the meeting. SCL},)()ri to All Boa:!:'d 2-~:c-E1} ~"1:=~~'~'? ::~9T'~~:,:{J.. Ki::'llUest of PaLll Palmer and Dwight Van Bibber to annex p2rt of Lot 9, Blk. D, 11:1 tchell Survey of the Levy Grant 6.3 acres on sOl:.th sidt.~ of Sh: .-l:H ,-:-8tH: igtl0u..S "Co. '!}9J:'th. e[1d. '?J .?h().reEg~9: ...._... .. Koch gavt: her' presentation. Although the property is over 6 acres, the c.ced~ wiT.:hin the northern por"Cion reduces the usable area to 5 acres and complicates access 1::0 5R. 434. The applicants have rJeell coordinating with owners of the property to the west to create a joint road extending from SR '134 to the CU1").'t.::nc d<:-,:ui 2nd of Shore Road. Together the propen:y O\\'ll.ers have been eG11rerI' iruJ wi th DOT on arl .intersection design for thE: SR !l~i'l end or the :.)rl)p.):::;c~d rOcid. }=uch ~~tc.tedtL.ctt cll this time the Board is only looking a.t :illl1exa.tion, o.nd will consider the land use des~ignation at a Public Hearing. T[.ere wa.s discLLSsion on the request. Hcr,k:ins moved to recommend approval tu a...'1D.ex thi~::; proI_lerty as ~'.[ri ttbl on thf.; application to o_n.nex this 6.315 acres. Seconded by Torcaso. Discussion. '10 l:r.::: Dorm.c.n: aye; Torcaso: aye; McLeod: nay; Sa110r i to: nay; Hopkins: "'"'it? Hut: ion CdlT i t'~d . !(i'::!I118St of Ecr:.neth W. McIntosh to arme:," Lots 1-4, Tusk..awilld - 2.9 2tCl'l."S south of iI1te.r's~!ction of SR 434 Ci!~(t.l~c(~:~!JU9-.Ro_a..q:.___ '_..m.m_ _. TGn Deppen, representative for Kenneth McIntosh, agent for the property owner, Patti A. Schoen, spoke for "the I'E:..'qUest. He stated that this parce.l of proper't'i i3 located sOU1:heast of City Hall. He stated that his client "muld like to C'llnex into the City to be pa.rt of a growing conununi ty, and feels that thE: City c.oiJl provide the sf:rvices needed better than the COllllty. He stcitec1 th::tt tilf; prop.~:::.ty ab," t~; TL1Scawi lla F.oc,d just soclth ~;R 434. ., .... . Planning dnd Zoning Board Ivlinutes July 27, 1988 Page 2 There WdS discussion on the reques"t. Koch stated that the Board is only looi:::".ing at annexing the proper"ty at this time. Hopkins moved to recolluuend approval to annex this property as requ.ested. on the application. Seconded by Torcaso. Vote: McLeod: aye; Saporito: clye; HopkillS: 2ye; Dorman: aye; Torcaso: aye. Mot ion carr ied . A)pl'OVdl of rvI.~r.l.~l~e? .~L_.J:~-1Y _~_~ !19?.l:3 ~__ ._..._. . ._ ____ ..________..___ . . Hopkins stctted tlk"1t "there was no second stated on the nomination of Chairman. The Board all agreed that McLeod has seconded the motion for Dorman as Chairman. TorCctso movt...>{l to approve the minu.tes of July 13, 1988 as amended by Hopkins. Seconded by McLeod. Vote: All aye. Motion carric>d. . Dorm.3l1 s"tated tbat he met with the Ci ty Attorney at the last Corrunission weetin.l] and sta"tc'"Cl tl1at the City Attorney will attend the first meeting of the Plannincj and =onir.g Board in August to go over the rec.ru.est of the Board for a vJhite paper ciS to the procedures for the Board to go by. Dorman also stated thdt he bas delivere<J. a letter to the City Manager rec.ru.esting the City Attorney for ll~ul op_inion on the problems of which PUD ordinances may affect certain PUD chan'...li:':~:; 111 the future. He s.tated that when he spoke with the Attorney, the Attorney statc'Ci that he would have to review the PUD ordinar'ices specificcllly in order to make a determil1.cltion. Revie\tJ of ~Qllun~rcJ?L~Orli.n.f1..?Jol1g ..$~.~~LLj_!?O~E~LI.<~\lt::'~'t:): There wa3 disc1..1:3sion on the subject. . Saporito statt2d that he requests that the minutes from the meeting of July 13, 1988, be footnoted to reference these minutes to clarify the intent of his statement. He stated. that his intent was that it appears that there is a differentiation from what was told to the Board at the workshop held with the COJ:ullis~ion, that the h.IDction W<.'l.S either to reconunend approval or recollunen.d denial \vi thout condi tion and that statement appears to be at odds with the Plamed llni t Development sections in the Code which reqLlire or l)t:rmit the Plc.rming c..nd Zonir..g Board to review the master plan and make recorrunendations for chs..nges and to hold a public hearing dr'..Ll again to reconunend approval or appr'ovc.l with modifications or denial and appears to carry the theme throughout 1:he Planned Uni t Development and appears that the Board is acting inconsistently by applying one test to PUD applications for subdivision plans for preliminary Clnd final and master plans and. another test for persons who come in fo!' approval of subdivisions not in a Planned. Unit Development. He stated that this doesn't make sense, maybe he is reading something wrong or not reading something involved. in the zoning law to state that Board to say yes or no. He stated. that he wonders what the Board received. as a directive from the worl<shop is correct. . . . ~ -.t. Planning and Zonirll] Board Minutes 3uly 27, 1988 Page 3 Sapori to stated that it stated clear on what finding of the facts are to be lnade for Planned Unit Developnents, and that there is a different criteria for a subdivision not in a PUD. He stated that there is a need for clarification of Section 44.10 of the City Code as it is not clearly stated the criteria for the Planning and Zoning Board's operation. There was discussion. It was determined that the Board hold a workshop on Wednesday, August 3, 1988, to go over the duties and criteria of the Planning clnd Zoning Board. McLeod stated he would like to clarify why he voted nay for the first item on the agenda. Ht:: stated that the application was misleading as to the way it was made out. There W"dS discussion. It was determined that there will be a new form made up, one for annexations, and one for zoning changes and land use amendments. The meeting was adjourned at 8: 55. Respectfully subnitted, Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary Planning and Zonir~ Board . . . August 5, 1988 TO: Ci ty tv'i=..:nager t5ii3 Land Developnent Coordinator / . FROM: RE: Request of Feeder Truss, Inc. for a T~tporary Trailer Per.mit Tne appliccLt has petitioned the City Comnission for a temporary trailer pennit (1:0 rJe used as on office) for a period of one year. The trailer will be located on the Joyce Sawmill Site behind City Hall. The zoning is C-2, General COJ:1JneY'cial and IrKtustrial District. This can be granted under Section 44.75 of the City Code. Please see attached correspondence. Attachment /mh cc: fv1a.yor Ci ty Conunission City Attorm=y City Clerk "i . . . ..,....-~......,."J...:.'. July 18, 1988 Mr. Richard Rozansky City Manager Winter Springs Rei Approval for Mobile Office Trailer. We would like to get your approval for a Mobile office Trailer at our location at 1205 Orange Ave. Under Sec- tion 44,7$. The Trailer is an approved Mobile Office in the state of Florida. (Please see attached letters). This will become an Office Trailer for Feeder Truss, Inc. Please bring before the City Commission at the earliest possible time. , Inc. ~ ~W@~nwq , "-,),I,. !tUt: 1 8 1988' \e~~entQ.'tt'\ ~~-e ~ (~ \ea1'~-. CITY. OE WINTER SPRINGS: Cand Development CoordInator: DEPARfMENT OF ')~:~ I .{ COMlvfl)NlTY AFFAIRS :~ , ~ . l DIVlSI~N OF LOCAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT . : '.1 · ..~c.~: '1 ~iIJr~.:.!~h,' . Pf~I,;',,'J1J'. q:-J,.,.,' '" /f,.,F ~7 'i ' )',:':1 ;,~,',/}~;.. , ,,:j,j~" .f .,~" \. ....... . /<l' .., :"1' .., ; \. \ . .':~t.. i,.: ..;j .. " . . . .' . <:"",,;' ~. .. , ,,'.: . :..U:' 'B0801WiAM .':~f:~"- ~~ ~;;~. JOAN M. 'HEOOEN "I " Sccrcury "''''1' ' .s'''f:'' :. . . .~~;';:.' :. ",: /..~1-. ' ;~f~ i,'': . ~~;., .... I,.,.. ~.i~ . .'. ..t:... . ~ f~it".;:f"J:\vr-~ :d ,. ", ' '.. {lWT':':]0;.~~;ecJ.l .:Reynolds :,,</~:""J.:'l'riple A Custom Builders , Jj'.r:C' '" _ I I. " , . ~'~::;:',:-:' '. 4332 OldCusseta Road f;::/':~'.~.;. Columbus,. Georgia 31903 .~.r'~,...~,::(.~:i' xi': . . . , /7' ' ~.!f t .,', " ,,' . . .;)~I,"; ,~A~ "'%i}' ';#~'i":".. Commercial Renewal APprova13:;~' based on the ,82 - S.C. I S 'A' Mfg.rs. I.D. No.:. T.A.C.B.I.-60:;..".'Ji~~' . Plan Approval No.: 82-60-C' "',lit:?,.', .\d. . . , \, ~,~.. . One thru Four 'Modular OffJ.ce Bldg .,::1(<. ~;~+.. January 11, 1983 Inc. . .' , ;',' Re: ;:S~.. '; ;;'~'.' ~~~; '~; ,::.:0._".' ;?....(: ....' Dear Mr. Reynolds: ::1kr?: ~.' ", ",'.~...t.,.:....,.:,...:.~", ~ .:....' >.:', ,;';, .: ..... ' ::.f'..' .,.;. I am pleased to inform you that the Department of communit~> ~. ,.~', ~ffairs has gran'ted renewal of Triple A Custom Builders I approva].i';,to'.: iJ;:.~<:~;<~;~~>ntinu~ 'manufacturin<! commercial buildings for installation thr<;lugh- '~~lk;';\~)\ o.u~ t.he State of FlorJ.da. ' . .' ,..;:'," ;. *~;;"~'.r~>:' ..' . .' I. .' ,::~,'~~~" , . '~,~i~~>~~:':~: 'l'his' renewal is granted pursuant to inspection of your' ," :'.:tH;, . '. .;:'f~:~~rs.ubmitted plans which were found by thi~ Department and your lis;t:ing, :(r.',,<!;:~"',1~"agency to be in compliance with the applicable codes. ":..:: " ~~~($'1;:Y:::f':'~~::':::;' . : . :~,1,: ' .~ _.:' . provisions for resistance to uplift and overturning are \ approved so long as the unit is tied dowt:l in accordance with the'.~' ';: approved plans and specifications on an adequate foundation. <:;11,:-, . i~:~;.>' , . .~ -; ; - A copy of "this letter must be attached to the approved plans at all times. . . . Sincerely, ~f~~ .-I ~hn H. Haslam, Administrator Housing production Section' ", '.",. JHH/pms . '," ....~ ~. :;...;~ . ~';'i? ~. ~/:.~~~.;: I . '.r ":' :...~~~~:~.r:: 1 ,. .{.,.., BUREAU OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~; 1571 EXEClJIlVE CENTER CIRCLE. EAST · TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA 32301 (904) 188-1536 ", " ,,': , ,';:. to"., " .i~ "',~:11~4 .~:f.~;;'~i- ';)~'t~ol~ 1'~1.';('j ..:;j.... '~ii~ ,!/.i:;: . ,~,,';, ',,",~ '; ':i.)f;:~ " :.\~:;'~:' . v~';;."tr . .,':i',~J .:. :;:~{~~:; ~:':~J:LI :":;;::.t~ I:,;...'....:.. .'.' ""'.. , ..'~,.~ '1~~ 'Y..;', ., !I(::,~/! . )~1 .:~~~. ,;t:'.,.~,\l , ,..'" ; ".... ; ,~ ", , . :,.I'l . .f i :~ J. '::i ~ ~ { , ; ., .~.~ ! '.1 ..j j . ,'} . ""j , , .1 ..:" '.oj ~ l;..q..,:~~'. .\er ;; "':~~FORM 5i:8s:.flIO~5. 6UIW::~::.~,:'~.~=~~=:':MAN::E . ~ :;':;,:;:; ~'M!' DDR!::SS: rTY. ZJD COQ=' . BUILD:R: ' OWN~R: - w __...._ I \."In IJUU...UI. BUILDING INFORMATION . " .~;.. .... " COMPON!mT I U.VALU~ I HaT AREA . notal) ISoUille mil . . '1 eon................... lceSI I 'u- '., ~. V-oo:f tram. u. /4- . <:[7 \.- ..J '. . c 01n8 ' u. f '. '. ,. ,~ ' , . ': DIne, , u- . .'", . '. iltia.! AIuc CillIIIy . i 07 to .,- 3 "0" u~ . ~...::: Sinpl~ AlNrnDIy, ' ,1 , I u- - , '~ :.., ... ..... I,: . - c Otne', " , :t . u- . .. ," ., 10lal Condillon.d floor A'.. : . . ! . ',: . :'.r;!l CO?;f~1I OVII:Y.~~ond.l~onid ~~IC' " U. , ; I~. : WOOd Ov., Uncondltion.d Soac. u- . .Id. t-$~ <" ,-.... S1.b on Grad. 0 u')' . :~, ',.:: c.ti.,. SingI. GaU..: "1' . ;. .' U. 1./3 7/ C.., Dowi. GIU. u- : ... TII\I Single GIU. , u- " .', III ';". :5 ~l " ',t ,. (,'. .' u. u ' TItIl Doubl. GliLZ' "'., . ',: ~ ~ ScyllphlS, u- , . . "~T Clner u- .;" ',' '.. .s,:, 40 Wood ......,.. 'u- 'M Motal u. ,,' '6 , 0 If\suQIed u- '. " ....D,. . ;~ i l,~ 'oWl,:.' ; , , . .. u- - '. ;'".1 ,. ~ 701 " '.f' ',' , Total ~" WmaV' ,'. . ~iLI ...............................~.... , ___ "I,,1Jo,.. .' j, I '!::IS; low CondIboned FlOOr ~ :r:J - -'"' -- . '" I":~ Aru .sq. ft.) Wa:Ul$Q. II. 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'~C:"lCal_1 C:O.....:l DV 11\11 c.IIC:UllllCln lI\CI.c.1I _ lII.ane. Wlln "'. fllllloa EnlllW Coo.. io'ICll" c:vna1r\ll:llOn '1 c:omlll'~. '"" OWIl4."" will OIlflIOIalD lor I:O"'DII_' IIllQ>>roanc:. WIIIll>ec:\llll\ 5S~.~s ~. OWNEWAGEJa BU:LOINQ OFFICIAl.: D~ . l.co .' '. < "'0 '''''' \'.. ~-: - " . , ,'. ~ J f). . ~, /I{, '..' 'f . ( .' ". ,I ~^ ,^ .........Jt.~ '.' '_A' ''- .,. CO " ,..."" ~W' "" , " "1.0 I h~'; ,..ot- "" ",.. \\\ "'. ""IIi""", , ",.. ;.', ',,"". D:.T!: " " ~. ' ',' . . .'. \ , ' -i:.' .'- ~.' ,,(:.;' '" i ',< ..:} "j .~ ,'" ",.,.',J ;. I, 'J.~'~ . :.;.~, " .; :;'i ;., ..,,~:; ~',~~ <J .-r::J,'.' ':~1:rl ; .,~: f,~';~ , " .' " . -" ..?.," ,: \;; It "I "\ ,1 j ~j ,\ i " ) 'f; ,I . '! , 'j , ,1 .,\ .j ,,;~ - -.,~: i< .. flUU~J.. J;;H ;Y EFFI CIENCY BUILDING CO ~pj_ ~ ;1~~... "~-:~i .;,.:=:" O.LrlER THAN "R" BUILDING' \, ~ I :'..,..""'."" -..-frl;. ..~ . I' ~ .. ,;. ~1; ['~':~'~~ ~ '. ~~. . ~ ..,'. ..t.tit"'.;.'ii~~"~ .. ....,.-r:f.~ ..,..- -. .--,-. . , ';';'fI!"'.:''i ~?''''' .~t..,. --.1",""'...,. ..-:- ", ~;~':f"lrJ~~ ~~~..'" ft'''',.it''!..'r.''; . !..:...' , ,,:"fl. "IAN" ~ts;ynT:R :~,}J.' .'~:~', . ' I~"- "'I)' .. "~ '..: >.~ ~ t ::~...t. .... . ..t.:;- , ~,~ ~:.' . ~ ,; ':~ ;.f'f';.--:',:' , .. . r~}, .......- .",,_. l .'- ....;. ,.j:~tosa~all '1':. AOW.- ~t.rJ.. .t!rMJ'to ~ \. . ~ ~q~ ~ t:~t1~ll- . '. ,AW ..: III J,~ I' . . ;1{-i;flass~-=;'~ . AG: ;.- j~._. ....'..l' . ~; Poors,~~_".- . . . AD - I ' -:-' ' . ..iJGr~~~'(~.f'.of, .' . ~OR '- ::''0:Cros~ :'F.loor } . . AOF.- ~fA . . j p. .'. . <.iG:o~F L~.~ve~ope AO - AOW +. AOR + AOF - I . .., llall, UOW - (Aw Un) + (AG ruG) + (An Un) 'r .......:. .'.'AOW i,~~ap; ~0~:;[~Z}(.14)+:/ (/.13) + 10 (,S'UI ~ 2. ~~1 }:;.';~':,~A ~'~::: "\~"':""'.':","" . . J(,"nve~opij;~lloYable'Uo',,~...36 (AoW) + .10 (AOR) + .30 C'AOF) . ~'{~:i:.,~,,;; i ;i~.;;,~ ";~~~.:" . . AO . : ...' 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','. ~'l''";/'''''';'''''' ~'. ," :-; I..' .....,....'.' " . ~ ',' ~".r.~);"!.'I...........;~.,~ .:- r ... .:\IT.7:;~,:;-.~,"" . . ~; '!;i; "~-:l<<.;~~~r~ (. :~:~\t*-~' j " .., -'~r:''.t,:'" i .' -.. . . ~. ':'f~;;''';'~~~~::':\'~~' .<:~L', '-:~ .. 1 . , ....'\:'1...... "._ .....-." . ....1 ... ~ ",...__.,.., ./Og~ 77Y 'J I . . "10 t., S'" '3 I L-? to J .> .J- . U\-l · UG' - Un - UOR - UOF - 'L38q . . ,of. , 1.13 ,. . ~~:..:,. '. . ',..t,"" ", , .,sG ,07 . If. . ~ .",.... . , . '''.' .......'.....,.".' .;~r\:;.:: .'-.'.~ ..,..:,....:.~;.. .! : 1 ,~. . . ........ '~........" '~~~"'L' ".' ;~:. \j7.:..," : " ...:~, .'....~r;~"-.~, '1 ,:'i~"f-:~.I . '~....,;ir- ,. ! "', .,~f"IIoAl'''' '.' . " ~ .'-~~.._-~~.? . t~':.. I ..:.~_. t' 7:""'" '! <;.-,,'1 ,. , - ,I", . :::' 29 .0 'i'7~-.' . i .......,..-.-.. . ''i.~:'~,., . ," . ....;----. . . -; ..-.:"""........., '1..:' ...."~....".4,,. .:. ~ , . . ' I '. i~~'''~;I.~~': . . I :~~ t \. , , ,.... . , , . . .' ". )1 :~::. .' . .~, ~-:)~ .',',:J .'. \, ,I ; , .:', ,. " ..'{ ) , o ":, A . ".' . ,;, : ,,-;t~~: ' ::.';"{;,~f' . oi\~;;; , l~"."'1. . ~t~~ ...,1t.....-" >,': \. ,'. I ,':j , ., J ~ . , '~ , .; . . ~~ . . '1 '..1 . ; . . Gelco Space' . Mobile Offices from the Industry Leader Standard Office Features o Heat end Air Conditioning o %" Fir Underfayment o Y16" Vinyllile . o %2" Woodgrain Paneling o .019 Vertical Aluminum o R-11 and R-19 Insulation o 36" x SO" Exterior Doors o Fluorescent Ughting o 8' Ceiling Height in.1O' ifid 12' Wide Units ?Pt ":' ~-i"""""~~~ ,/ G~q~'olf, . ~lt. ~~ &'..0 19~ ~J'&, A1C~ \J'O(h " . ~~ V-9~ ..........------ ~.",..~ --"",,",,- -~- "'JlI:.:.1i1i'~~ ~'T"~___ G1u~~ - _ D~~~;:L~~~~:~::-o:--~ '"""':.~ . . I , ..-.I :n 9~ ~~-~~- GS-824 GElCO Spece 8x24 , . . . .' (1) 8' Desktop with 1 two-dra.....er file* (1) Ovemead shelf* (1) 36" x 72~t Plan table with rack* (1) 8300 8TU AlC nov Electric baseboard heat - 2000 watts GElCO Spece 8 x 32SV (1) 56" x 80" Double door (1) 8' Desktop with 1 two-dra.....erfile* (1) Overhead shelf assembly* (1) 8' Partition -Nith door (1) 36" x 66" Hinge plan table* (1) 8300 8TU AlC nov . Electric baseboard heat-1ooo watts I l' : ~ I: " . GSV-832 T'n' .'u :} i - ~ VrJ -~V GS-832 / t',- ~ GS-1048 I''', l ~ '< ....._ ~_,_ Dl.".,..". Q."b r,'""'".... PA '1QClO4 -800-523-7918 Other size and types of equipment are available GElCO Spece 8x32_ GElCO Spece 10 x 48 GElCO Space 12x60. (2) 8' Desktops with 1 two-drawer file" . (2) Overhead shelf assembly" (1) 8' Partition with door" (1) 36" x 72" Plan table with rack* (2) 8300 8TU AlC nov Electric baseboard heat - 2000 watts (1) Singledoset* (1) Standard 1f.z bath* (1) Singledoset* (1) Standard 1f.z bath* (2) 10' Partitions with door* (1) 30,000 8TU wall mount AlC with 10KW heat strip (2) 10' Desktops with 2 two-drawer files" (1) 36"x 72" Plan table with rack" (2) 10' Overhead shelves" Specificati - (1) Single doset (2) Standard 1f.z bath (1) 36,000 8TU Central Air Co itioning with 10KW of heat (2) 12' Partitions with door ~;.,I'<A~ jiiMlllol~",1 ...",....... { 0 ' . .) I . ~~ .. . . I J I ' -'- 24" , · 8~t woc:f1 . I \t:;:/:J't ! I foe.c.n ~\\\l . I - . ~~, ~ I ... I " \Zj.(Po M05\1..-€ 6~~t.e \Ul~. I f~AN~N\\..-\ ~""ftu..~. 1 , I 1 'I r 1 I. I I . 1 I I " I I _ 235,50' -- ~-- - -- --:- ----. -- i' "Bn r.. I \ . . I I ! , . , .~, . ' ~ , . .. .... a a ... o '0 co o ui ~, BOUNDARY OF .LOTS 23 & .. 24 W 735.50' .. ~<. ,r --- ..- . ----.. I I . III ...11.._1..11 I . 1111__.1.11~1I..11"_1. -"~~iiY*-~~~.J""-&<..':2 -':;:';::;.l';"i;-:"~~-=-M::"~::::-?~~~~__o":::"-..^ . .-....~~ e RENTAL AGREEMENT . AGREEMENT made this 1st day of August, A. D., 1984, between DAVID M. JOYCE, hereinafter "Grantor", and FEEDER TRUSS, INC., a Florida corporation, and MIKE CODY and their employees, agents, heirs, successors and assigns, hereinafter singularly and collectively referred to as "Grantees". In consideration of the mutual promises herein con- tained, the parties agree as follows: SECTION I - DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES Grantor hereby grants to Grantees the right to occupy and use, subject to all of the terms and conditions hereof, the following described premises: FEEDER TRUSS PLANT, Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as: The Mill Access Road and all of Lot 24, owned by DAVID JOYCE. SECOND II - LIMITATION TO DESCRIBED PURPOSES The premises may be occupied and used by Grantees solely for the purpose of a roof truss plant for the manufacturing of trusses and other related wood products, office and administra- tive functions and a live-in manager. No activities or practices w.ill be conducted which do not comply with all City, County or State rules, regulations, ordinances and statutes. SECTION III - HOLD HARMLESS CLAUSE Grantees hereby agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Dl\VID M. JOYCE, his agents, servants, heirs, successors and assigns from any claims or legal actions of any nature arising from any damage sustained to persons or property as a result of any act of Grantees, whether negligent or intentional and their agents, servants, employees, licensees, contractors, subcon- tractors or independent contractors with respect to any act by same on the described premises. Further, Grantees covenant that they will not settle any cause of action brought against them where Grantor herein is joined as a co-defendant or third party defendant without the specific consent of Grantor herein. e . e e ~ . ' . J. e SECTION IV - INSURANCE Grantees shall maintain a policy of liability insurance . against bodi ly in jury, personal in jury and property damage in limits of not less than $250,000.00 per claimant and $500,000.00 per incident or occurrence. Grantor shall be named as an addi- tional insured on the policy and shall be provided a copy of the policy for approval. Coverages shall include comprehensive general liability, contractual liability and products and com- pleted operations liability. SECTION V - PRIVILEGE NOT ASSIGNABLE Grantees' privileges hereunder shall not be assignable by Grantee in whole or in part. e SECTION VI - TERM . This Agreement shall be for a term of one ( 1) year, renewable in writing each year thereafter no later than ten (10) days prior to the termination hereof. SECTION VII - MONETARY CONSIDERATION Consideration for this Rental Agreement shall be $600.00 per month plus 5% sales tax, payable in advance on the first day of each month. Grantees hereby acknowledge Grantor's title to the premise and agree to never resist, deny or contest said title. e SECTION VIII Grantor reserves the right to terminate this Rental Agreement at any time by giving Grantees three (3) days written notice of said termination, except the Grantor may, at his option, terminate this Agreem~nt forthwi th without notice at any time, if Grantees shall fail to comply with or abide by each and every provision of this Agreement or fail to pay rent when due. Waiver by Grantor of any breach of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other form or provision hereof. e SECTION IX - TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE Time is of the essence to this Agreement. Page Two ....... - . . e . e . e e IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Rental Agreement at Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, the day and year first written b ; (SEAL) !?e{IIeuMIVIJ-T"'-- - Itv-,!vsr II jq,?,? /fill!-- S e e77 bN JZT - cli 19 tVC/tf'c/ tb S 'YO,..s (,t?i Y'e-) g Page Three j:. ..- .... ,. . . . , .. -~' August 17, 1988 TO: CITY MANAGER ~ LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATO~ FROM: RE: MOUNT GREENWOOD, BUFFERS I have researched this project and can find no mention of a buffer. other than the Florida Power Easement, the percolation ponds and a 100' separation between the ponds and the rear lots of Tract 7 (Unit 5), on the southern portion. There is a requirement for a 6' wood fence within the 25' buffer in Tract 11 on the eastern edge of Tract 7. This was recommended by the P & Z Board on November 28, 1984 and in the approval motion by the Commission on January 14,1985. It is suggested that the City Engineer ensure that the 100' buffer between the percolation pond and the rear property lines of Tract 7 is in place. It is also suggested that the wood fence alonf the eastern edge of Tract 7 be constructed, if not already done, either prior to platting or prior to issuance of Certificates of Occupancy. See attached Ininutes of November 28, 1984 and January 14, 1985. DLB/nav . . . August 22, 1988 Planning and Zoning Meeting of November 28, 1984 Tape I - Mt. Greenwood PUD Commences at 140' 304' - Lefkowitz speaking "..... on the eastern boundary, south of this natural perserved area, which (? we are?) designating Tract 11 here - we have provided a 25' area. This is a heavily wooded area back in this area. We provided a 25' buffer which also is to be an additional setback (1 - 2 words garbled) development to occur. In addition to that, down this (? small?) boundary all the way to Bahama Road we are putting a 6' wooden fence." 310' Tape II 68' Hall - "On your fence, you are going to go with a wooden fence all the way around? " Lefkowitz - "On the northern area across here and the area down through here." (Evidently pointing to map) Hall - "That's the only fence that you'll be putting Up?" Lefkowitz - "Yes, the perimeter fence (fades)." More discussion on material to be used, etc. 85' Some discussion at end of tape - all garbled up. Tape III 75'-Smedley - " that any fences on the outside of the PUD boundaries would be on the inside of the buffer ..." 78' About side. (about 465' - discussion on -- Reid stated that 490' ) putting fence in or out of buffer area on southeast he wanted a buffer between him and the patio homes 512 '-Smedley motion - defeated. 535'-DeFazio motion - "Recommend that the wooden fence on the southeastern boundary be setback within the 25' buffer area and be a wooden fence in nature." 547' -~ -:::::-.-, ~ . PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MINUTES Wednesday, November 28, 1984 7:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Smedley. Flag led by Hall. Pledge of Allegiance to the ROLL CALL: Robert Smedley, Chairman, present Taru Joshi, Vice-Chairman, present Richard DeFazio, present Jon Hall, present Arthur Hoffmann, present CITY OFFI CIALS : Peter Cowell, City Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 14. 1984 Joshi moved to approve minutes as submitted. Hoffmann second. Discussion. Chairman Smedley requested the minutes of November 14, 1984, in reference to the Southern Bell Annexation reflect that Mr. Hoffmann, who made the original motion and Ms. Joshi, who second the motion were in concurrence with the amendment to the motion result ing in only one vote for the motion and amendment. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. Minutes approved as amended. OLEDA & WARD ANNEXATION City Planner presentation. Discussion. DeFazio moved to accept the application for annexation of Lots 13, 15, 19 and 20 along S.R. 419 to include right on down to the motion recommended by staff review to have the ordinance drawn up prior to the City Commission Meeting, so that annexation and first reading can be offered at the same .-ime, to accept it as Agriculture as it has been stated on the applicant's request. lall second. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. RICHARD CASSELBERRY ANNEXATION City Planner presentation. Discussion. Hall moved to annexation from staff as it has been introduced to us. Chairman Smedley clarified the motion to be annexed as Vote: All aye. Motion carries. accept this recommendation for Hoffmann second. Discussion. RU with conditional C-l. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REQUEST BY FLORIDA RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITIES, INC.. (FRC) , FOR THE l-IT. GREENWOOD POO PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN, ON A 190 ACRE SITE LOCATED OFF HAYES AND MOSS ROADS IN THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINCS. Howard Lefkowitz. representing Florida Residential Communities, came forward and made his presentation. Discussion. The following residents came forward to asked questions of the developer. eil Artman, 672 Silver Creek Dr.; Ray Bradshaw. 252 Hayes Rd.; J. R. Hattaway, Winter Springs; Harry Reid, 285 Hayes Rd.; Carl Stephens, 600 Fisher Rd. Discussion. Smedley moved the Board recommend approval of the PUD to the City Council, that the proposed land use plan exhibit 7 submitted by the developer be designated as the density ruling document both for the, individual tract and the PUD as a whole, that the project phasing exhibit 8 be designated as the official phasing document, that the staff recommendations as presented in their memo dated October 9, 1984, be agreed to with the following modificat ions: 1) all perimeter fences be of block or brick and installed on the ins ide of buffer area; 2) arrangements be made for reimbursing the City for damage to Hayes Rd. ~uring construction; 3) arrangements be made to insure that funds will be available for ..,he lights (traffic) when they are warranted 4) spine road be required to be fully - ---- / / / / / / '" ~--" -- ~ .// .,---"~-' .Jlanning & Zoning Board Minutes vember 28, 198~ Page Two developed at the point that Unit 3A has been sold to 50% of capacity; 5) that code required sidewalks be provided: 6) the developer provide the City Engineer with a report on the structural capability and usability of the bridge on Hayes Rd. and Gee Creek, and to discuss the ramifications of the traffic generated by the project on the bridge: 7) the road widths be per code. but that case by case be provided during the final development plan: 8) the parking spaces per code: 9) recreational amenities be installed no later than at the point that the 50th unit is started, the amenities package is defined to be tract 6. DeFazio second for discussion. Discussion. DeFazio amended the motion on the following items to include not only Hayes Rd. in case of damage by the developer or any of his subcontractors to include Moss Rd. and any of the other dirt roads which may surround it, such as Panama or whatever which may be used. Hoffmann second. Vote: All aye. Motion amended. DeFazio amended the motion to delete the requirement of the sidewalk on the east side of Moss Rd. and require the developer to put that money in escrow, the cost of that sidewalk. make that money available to the City for use elsewhere. Joshi second. Discussion. Vote: DeFazio. aye: Joshi, aye: Smedley, nay: Hoffmann, aye; Hall. nay. Motion carries. Motion amended. .Scussion. Smedley moved the motion be amended so that the fence in the Southeast rtion of the property be of a wood nature and be located on the perimeter of the property. DeFazio second. Vote: Smedley, aye: DeFazio, nay; Hoffmann, nay; Joshi. nay; Hall, nay. Motion defeated. DeFazio moved wooden fence on the southeastern boundary be setback within the 25' buffer area and be a wooden fence in nature. Hoffmann second. Discussion. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. Motion amended. Vote on the original motion: All aye. Motion carries. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Pwu Lawrenz Recording Secretary . ",/' ,. - -'~..;:;........~.. . r- .....lllar Meeting, City Commission, Jan. 14, 1985 Page 2 84-85-7 Nayor Torcaso said he had a nomination of Buck Adkins to fill the vacancy in Seat III. Motion made and seconded. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Comrnissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; motion carried. Commissioner Adkins was sworn in by Mayor Torcaso. Continued Public Hearing for Ord. No. 302, annexation of David Joyce property-postponed until the next meeting, January 28, 1985. Public Hearing to consider a request by FRC for the Mt. Greenwood PUD preliminary development plan: The City Planner, Peter Cowell, said the Mt. Greenwood PUD is a 190 acre tract located between Hayes Road and Moss Road. FRC is submitting their preliminary development plan to set densities and establish the use of the plan for their overall development. Hr. Howard Lefkowitz of Florida Residential Communities gave a presentation. Total number of dwelling units requested is 700, on 190 acres which gives a gross density of 3.68 units per acre. Utilities will be served by an agreement with Winter Springs Water and Sewer. The agreement provided for the project to receive all of its own treated effluent plus provide capacity for twice that amount plus 10%, thereby will provide the City of Winter Springs an excess of 150,000 gallons of disposable capacity for the City's use. ' . far as an over-view of the projects components, the intent is to provide a totally , closed community that does not aesthetically or visually impact the balance of the community. Tracts 1 and 2 are single family tracts, 75 dwelling units with an average density of 2.82 units per acre. Tracts 3 and 4 are for fee simple attached two story townhomes designed for 173 dwelling units on 20.5 acres which is an average density of 8.44 units per acre. Tract 7 is intended to be patio homes, fee simple attached and detached with 150 dwelling units on 37 acres, a gross density of 4.05 dwelling units per acre. Tract 5 is intended for condominiums; 2 and 3 story condominium buildings designated for 302 units on 25 acres, a gross density of 11.98 dwelling units per acre. Tract 6 is a 3.7 acre parcel designated as a park which will include a ballfield, playground, tot lots and natural and passive recreation area. All tracts other than land 2 will have their own recreation facilities, and that will be private membership. This will include either a pool and/or pool and tennis courts. 60 acres, over 31% of the land will be left in a totally natural state. Of the 190 acres, only 57% of this land will be developed for shelter. Active recreation for all facilities will be approximate- ly 10 acres. On the northern boundary adjacent to Hacienda Village FRC has provided for a 25 foot buffer setback with a 6 foot high fence that will run all the way from Gee Creek over to the boundary of the property. On Hayes Road a 25 ft. natural or landscaped buffer and setback off of the property; on the eastern boundary by Tract 11 will be a 25 ft. natural buffer and a 6 ft. wood fence. On the west side of Hayes Road will be a four foot sidewalk to run from FRC property boundary to the north property boundary. On the east side of Moss Road ,to the Cardinal _oject FRC has provided for a 4 ft. sidewalk or the cash equivalent. Mr. Lekowitz aid their feeling is a sidewalk is not needed in that area and they would be happy to pay for the sidewalk and let the City use the money where it deems proper. ,e;/ / ( ,I · .r Meeting. CityCdmmission. Jan. 14. 1985 Page 3 84-85-7 ~ Lefkowitz said signals will be needed at Hayes and Wade Roads and S.R. 434. FRC ,~ll pay the total cost of that signal and the necessary related intersection improve- ments. Signals will be needed at the intersection of Mass Road and SR 434 and FRC will pay their prorata share together with the existing commitments against that intersection. In discussion of the project Mr. Donat. Hacienda Village asked about buffers; Mr. Morris, Sailfish Road spoke about drainage; Ray Braddock. with Boyer Singleton & Associates, engineers, spoke about drainage; another gentleman spoke about the additional traffic that will be generated and no way out of the Ranchlands; Ben Kaplan, Burgos Road spoke about the light at Moss and SR 434; Jim Lee. a traffic engineer, spoke in reference to the traffic; Frank Bracco asked about effluent; Gail Hicks, Bahama Road. was concerned about the traffic; Mr. Ozarski. Pearl Road. spoke about the traffic; Mr. Ruzinski. Alton Road spoke about the traffic; Mr. Holland, Dolphin Road spoke about traffic; resident from Silvercreek Drive asked if all the trees will be cut down; Mr. McCombs, Hacienda Village, spoke about the buffer; Helen Powell, Hacienda Village asked that it be a cement wall for a buffer; Jan Denning, Hayes Road, asked about the retention area; K. Holton, Alton Road, Beth Gregg, Bahama Road, Tom Dougherty, Oak Forest, Cindy Kaehler, Harry Reid, E. Stevens, Sailfish Road and Marty Trencher, Marni Drive all spoke. Mayor Torcaso closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Commission Meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman to approve the preliminary development plan of the Mt. Greenwood PUD subject to the Planning and Zoning Board recommendations, Staff recommendations and further stipulation that the fence behind Hacienda Village _lock; they not put a sidewalk along Moss Road but take that money and put side- s and walkway bridge from their project to SR 434 on Hayes Road; with the stipula- tion that if we deem it necessary they put in a right turn lane at Hayes Road, and reserve the right to negotiate the number of units that will be in IlIA and IIIll based upon the traffic studies that are presented in conformity to those traffic studies with a limitation. Seconded by Commission Grove. Discussion. Motion was amended by Commissioner Adkins to accept Mr. Lefkowitz's offer to widen the bridge on Hayes Road if traffic studies in the future deem necessary while he is still in the area. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the amendment to the motion: Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried. tlotion was amended by Commissioner Jacobs that Mr. Hoffman's requirement that FRC would provide 50 fewer units in the event that the traffic flows are different than what was estimated will be deleted from the approval and that the approval will be subject to his voluntary stipulation that the garden apartments will not exceed two stories and that the densities will be no more than ten units per gross residential acre. Seconded by Commissioner Hartman. Discussion. Vote on the amendment to the motion: Commissioner Adkins. aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; motion carried. Main motion as restated by Attorney Lang was to approve the preliminary development plan with the stipulations that have been attached by the City Commission subject to the recommendations of Staff and Planning and Zoning Board.' Vote on the main motion a.ended: Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove. aye; Commissioner Hartman, aJ Commissioner Hoffmann. aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried. -- / Y --- <{::::}. '-""- -. /' _/.- - c:'j'::::::' ~ ::::--.~:::---::::: ~ ~ '--......... - - - - ----- - -BJl:~AMARmU) ~~~???Z,~(fl"~t~:f,;i(i;tl"" '~"'l' ',' "".,..'.J' ~).-t..~......J1~l.. ,'.' '';~~:,\,;~:>, ;;~';:r' . . 0(7!1 \7'~~~l~;i~;!b:,' i':!,:;~~~t: '~'.~~: >. 1 . " ";,Ii.'.; "__ ' . ,~:i~" :t o I.. I.. m ..c ..... 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