HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 11 09 Informational 104 Update Regarding Paving Of Ranchlands Dirt Roads COMMISSION AGENDA
November 9, 2009
Meeting Au horization
REQUEST: The Public Works Department Providing the City Commission with a Status
Update Regarding Paving of the Existing Dirt Roads in The Ranchlands
PURPOSE: The Public Works Department providing the City Commission with a status
update regarding paving of the existing dirt roads in The Ranchlands
At the April 13, 2009 City Commission meeting, the Commission directed Staff to
proceed with the design phase for the paving of existing dirt roads in The Ranchlands.
The Commission's directive was to proceed with design on all streets, with the provision
that property owners along Stoner Road, Jackson Circle, and Herrell Road will be re-
polled at design completion.
The list of streets to be paved has been broken down into the following three phases:
Phase I
Bahama Road Moss to Shore
Hayes Road Bahama to Tradewinds
Moss Road Panama to Tradewinds
Tradewinds Road Hayes to Edgemon
Phase II
Tradewinds Road Hayes to Fisher
Sunrise Ave Tradewinds to Williams
Williams Road Morton to Fisher
Arnold Lane
Morton Lane
Herrell Road
Phase III
Stoner Road Hayes to Shore
Jackson Circle
Informational Agenda Item #104
November 9, 2009
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The design for Phase I is complete and is scheduled to be submitted for City Commission
approval at the November 23, 2009 City Commission meeting.
All property owners abutting the Phase I streets have been mailed an informational notice
consisting of the following items:
o Phase I Status Update
o Final Drawing for their street frontage
o Request for Final Review and Input
o Frequently Asked Questions
A copy of the notice and Frequently Asked Questions is enclosed.
The updated schedule for the project by phase is shown below.
Task Status Schedule
Design Notice to Proceed Issued May 14, 2009
Phase I:
Topographic Survey Complete
30% Design Drawings Complete
Onsite Meetings with Residents Complete
Final Design Complete Complete
Submit Final Design to Residents November 5, 2009
Commission Approval of Final Design November 23, 2009
Advertise for Bids November 15, 2009
Bid Opening December 17, 2009
Commission Award of Construction Contract January 11, 2010
Construction Start January 20, 2010
Construction Complete May 2010
Phase II:
Topographic Survey Complete
30% Design Drawings Complete
Onsite Meetings with Residents Complete
Final Design Complete December 4, 2009
Submit Final Design to Residents December 4, 2009
Ilerrell Road Straw Ballot December 4 to 15, 2009
Commission Approval of Final Design and Review of January 11, 2010
ITerrell Road Straw Ballot Results
Advertise for Bids January 17, 2010
Bid Opening February 25, 2010
Commission Award of Construction Contract March 8, 2010
Construction Start March 2010
Construction Complete July /August 2010
Phase III:
Topographic Survey Complete
30% Design Drawings Complete
Onsite Meetings with Residents November- December 2009
Final Design Complete January 2010
Submit Straw Ballot and Final Design to Residents January 2010
Report Straw Ballot Results to Commission February 2010
Informational Agenda Item #104
November 9, 2009
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1. Ranchlands Paving Update and Frequently Asked Questions
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The Phase I design is complete and ready for final review and approval. Phase I
consists of Bahama Road, Moss Road, Hayes Road, and Tradewinds Road from
Edgemon Avenue to Hayes Road.
Attached is a copy of the draft final design drawing(s) at your street frontage.
Please review the enclosed drawing(s) and contact Brian Fields, P.E., City
Engineer, at 407 327 -7597 or bfields@winterspringsfl.orq by November 13, 2009
if you have any questions or concerns. A complete set of the Phase I draft final
design drawings is available at the City's website at the following link:
Link TBD
Thank you to the many residents who provided input into the design. The
resident input was very helpful and the final design incorporates your input to the
extent that it can be shown on the drawings. A list of the Frequently Asked
Questions for the project is on the back of this page.
The current schedule for Phase I is as follows:
November 23, 2009 City Commission approval of final design
December 17, 2009 Construction Bid Opening
January 11, 2010 City Commission Award of Construction Contract
January 20, 2010 Construction Start
April 30, 2010 Construction Finish
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the street pavement width? How will pedestrians be accommodated?
The asphalt pavement will be 18 -feet wide, which Based on resident input, the design shows one
in most places matches or is slightly narrower side of the street with a 5 -foot wide unpaved
than the existing dirt road width. The normal shoulder (pedestrian area) immediately adjacent
range of street pavement widths for local to the street pavement. The 5 -foot unpaved
residential streets is 18 to 24 feet. The 18 -foot shoulder will be stabilized and sodded. Some
width was selected to reduce travel speeds (wider consideration was given to locating the pedestrian
streets encourage higher speeds), minimize new area further away from the street; however, in
clearing, and to maintain a rural appearance. many cases this would require additional clearing
including the removal of large trees. No paved
Will the street have curbs? sidewalks are planned as part of the project.
In most areas, no curbs are planned. Ribbon curbs
will be installed only at intersections and at sharp What will be done with the driveways?
turns to protect the pavement edge. Concrete driveway aprons are proposed at all
existing driveways, except where noted otherwise
Will my mailbox need to be moved? on the plans. The concrete aprons will generally
In most cases, yes. The Postmaster requires follow the shape and slope of the existing
mailboxes to be located within 18- inches of the driveways. The City intends to coordinate the
edge of the paved street. Mailboxes will be final shape and slope of the driveway aprons with
moved as part of the paving project and no action residents during construction. Installation of the
is needed by the residents. Mailboxes will remain concrete aprons is at no cost to the residents.
on the same side of the street as their current After construction is complete, the residents are
location. responsible for maintaining their driveway
How will drainage work?
In most areas, a swale drainage system is Will residents have access to homes during
provided. The swales are relatively shallow, construction?
sodded, roadside ditches ranging in depth from 6 Yes, residents will have access to their homes at
to 18 inches. The swales are generally located on all times. Streets will remain open to local traffic
both sides of the street, although there are some during construction. Residents are advised to
locations where the swale is on one side and the expect minor delays and to use alternate routes to
street drains to that side. The swales are designed avoid active construction zones where possible.
to retain stormwater runoff and allow it to Notification will be provided when construction is
percolate into the soil within 48 hours or less. The approaching your street. Thank you in advance
project includes additional drainage for your patience.
improvements at low spots and discharge points.
Are any water and /or sewer facilities planned?
What are the tree impacts? No. This project consists of only street paving and
Many residents have expressed a desire to related drainage improvements. The City has no
preserve the existing tree canopy along the plans to install water or sewer facilities. Water
Ranchlands streets, and the design has been and sewer facilities could be installed if the costs
prepared to minimize tree impacts. The current were taken on by the residents.
plans for Phase I show a total of only 8 trees being
removed, consisting of 7 pine trees and one 4 -inch Who can 1 contact for additional information?
oak tree. The roadside swales will be adjusted as Brian Fields, P.E., City Engineer, 407 327 -7597 or
needed to work around existing trees and other bfields @winterspringsfl.org
features such as utility poles and fences.