HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 07 25 Regular . . - July 22, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager ~ Land Development coordinatOl~ FROM: RE: Agenda Item B This had been tabled at the rA..ay 9, 1988, Conunission meeting because of engineer ing changes that had not been presented to the City. This has been resolved to the City Engineer1s satisfaction. Please see attached Staff Review Minutes and City Engineer memo dated July 8, 1988. Imh cc: Mayor City Attorney City Clerk . . -- - April 20, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager ~ Land Developnent coordinato~ FROM: RE: Staff Review, Oak Forest Unit 8, Final Engineering The above referenced was held on April 19, 1988. The project was represented by C. True and L. Taylor. Staff members present were Archer, ArtJni,tI1., Govoruhk, Hol:zman, Hursh, Koch, Kozlov, LeBlanc and Raeder. The barricade at the end of Trotwood will be on metal posts built to DOT standards . Transmi ttal letters to Florida PCMer were presented in lieu of a lighting plan. The lighting plan will came from Florida Power. Retention areas will be maintained by the developer. The question of who will maintain these areas in Oak Forest at build-out was askE..'Cl of the develoIJE'r. It was requested. tha.c the developer present some plan for this at the Conm:~ssion Meeting. Imh cc: Staff . . - .. July I?, 1988 '10: City Man".iger ~ FROM: Ci ty Eru~rineer IW: Oak 1"')1'I:':3t Urd t 8 - Final Engineering I After reviewing all 1ni tLd and revised e:lgineering documentation and assoc~atE.>cl calculation<], it bas been determined that this documentation is complete cll1d satisfaccory. l'here~o:r'e, it is ;:'econunended tffit the final engj.nE:ering for Oak: Forest Unit 8 be approvE.'Li by the City Corrunission. , /mh i cc: .lfu'...d Development Coordil1<;ltor Bui IdinJ] DelJac tmerlt .. . . July 22, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager ~ Land Develo,pment Coordinato~ FROM: RE: Agenda Item C This is for the acceptance by the City of the streets and the storm water management system. The sanitary system and the water distribution system are privately owned and are not included in this acceptance. The developer has chosen to post a cash escrow in lieu of a maintenance bond. Please see attached correspondence regarding this subject. The City Engineer reconunends that the City accept the project with the contingencies noted in his memo of July 14, 1988, which is attached. /mh cc: Mayor COlluuission City Attorney City Clerk . . .- ~ July 14, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager .. /~ Ci ty Engineer ~ fJ..,/' FRCM: SUBJECT : Oak Forest Um t 7, "As-Built" Engineering As built engineering drawings have been received for Oak Forest Unit 7. A site inspection was conducted to verify the conformance of the project to the approved engineering plans. It was determined that the project was generally built in conformity to the engineering plans. It was agreed with a representative of the engineer-of-record, that several spot elevations would be taken at the crest of the retention pond berm at the west side of the project. These elevations are to be submitted within fifteen (15) days from the acceptance of the project by the City. Contingent upon the data received, will determine if further modification to the berm elevation would be necessary. Lastly, in areas of "build-out" all City streets which are in need of repair or resurfacing, due to construction, shall be restored at this time. It is recommended that the project be accepted by the City with these contingencies. 1mb cc: Land Developnent Coordinator Building Department . . - - July 8, 1988 TO: Land Development FROM: City Engineer SUBJECT: Oak Forest Unit 7 - Maintenance Bond A copy of C.A. Meyer Job 87-34, estimate number nine, dated April 29, 1988, reflecting the cost of constructing the infrastructure exclusive of water and sewer, since these systems are privately owned, was received on July 7, 1988. The evaluation of this cost sheet has determined that a maintenance bond or equivalent for the sum of $39,764.20 will be required. Total Contract $551,786.00 Less: Sanitary System Water Distribution System $92,304.00 $61,840.00 154,144.00 TOTAL 10% $397,642.00 39,764.20 Imh cc: Ci ty Manager .,-:- ., . . . . - " City Of Winter Springs Winter Springs. Florida RE: Maintenance Bond Oak Forest Unit 7 Gentlemen: Bel.Alre Homes ^ Division of Qutrstream Housing Corp. 861 ~uPu Avenue, AlIamonle SpriD8., Florida 32714 Telephone (401) 869.0200 July 7. 1988 Enclosed is a copy of the final development cost invoice for Oak Forest Unit 7. Also enclosed is our check in the amount of $39.765 for the two year maintenance bond. This bond amount has been calculated as follows: Total Development Cost Less Water & Sewer System owned by private utility 10% Bond Amount $ 551.786.00 . ( 1 54. 144. 00 ) $ 397.642.00 39.765.00 In making this bond payment in cash. we wish to reserve the right to substitute a surety bond/letter of credit in the future and receive a refund of our cash deposit. In addition. upon acceptance of this cash maintenance bond would you please return to us the developer's competion bond in the amount of $ 180.000.00 RBT/pam Enclosure Very truly yours. GULFSTREAM HOUSING CORP. BEL-AIRE HOMES DIVISION ~~ Robert B. Tonry Controller f~~~UWlr~ JUl 07 1988 ,!;'r;- OF. WINTER SPRINGSJ . n Development CoordInatOIj f I R!C~!J . Na-tiot1aJ Bank. of Florid. ORLANDO, FLA. 32802 63.27 - 631 BEL-AIRE HO.\IES 861 DOUGLAS AVENUE AL TAMONTE: SPRINGS, FL 3Z714 80612 Julv 7. 1988 PAY /., r [HE SUl'13 9 In".? ~; IF.; DOtS 0 Ocr, .959 . .... ... I. ..... ..... ~ City of Winter Springs DOLLARS $ *39.765.00 TO THE ORDER OF BEL.AlRE HOMES . re.eJ- J). ~. . ~h... ':0 r.ll 00 ~ 11': 8 bOO 0 ~~ 8 2 ~Ii~ ,:", ,:,.i"c''i:~~,,",~':~N~~~~~~c' I '.' ~ ,. . ---- --- -----.. ----- -- -,- - - - -- - - ---- --- --- - -- --- - --- -.- - --- - --.- - --- ~ BEL.AIRE HOMES CODE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CODE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT rBon I - . Cash Maintenance Oak Forest Unit 7 3022000 $39,765.0 . I n 1 l o TH. ATTACH.D CH.CK IS IN ~AY".NT 01' IT...S a.sc.....a A.av., II' NOT Ca.....CT ~L.A.. "aT'I'T Us ~..a"~TLY, "a ""C",oT 0....."0. DETACH AND RETAIN THIS STATEMENT . . ~