HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 06 13 Regular I"l .... 6- V ~~ ky-- '-S (... ,.... ~",I &..'!! ---"j , ~ c":' ~--- ~ " . '. I c::::~ ... ,;~---, " - ,..,' \ ~ I \ 1 4 (~--) o '.:--1 t' ' ...' -'-. ,:::- ;" ,iJ' -- . ~' ~".! __ _ -;1'i .: 1I1-r '". r:/r: ~. r.'~'" '~...'II" ~._'.""-~ ~ C:::::- --.. (2~ ---$ l'J 8~ ---.::::J / /' . t' ) " r .\,-----. "\~>f[Y. i, t-~r\'\ ,~-.:..--<:L ..; l~.-'. \. J_f~.'! '.. ! / .~ ,/.: / I. ,. :. . - I, ~ '~ .....// 'r " 'f. " .' , ~ '... "', . ' ,t ~'.Jj~.) 'I" '_/ \, ~ ~ . \ \ . '.J/' , ~ ,) III 1j' , \ , ., \, '" ~ :l'~ ,.. '-:;J fB::. ,..> l':' ,I) ---C\'--, r---~ ~ I .;.; /- ~. I ( ,/', ~~ _JfYJ I~ n-.- e . WINTER SPRINGS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD VILLAGE OF WINTER SPRINGS,FLA. MAY 24 1988 This letter is to place the Village of Winter Springs Fla. and the Planning and Zoning board on notice: That under the SUPREME COURT decision dated 6 June 1978,the Supreme Court overturned the 1961 Case that IMMUNIZED the Cities and there Planing Staffs from Civil damage suits. This decision by the U.S. Supreme Court makes the Cities and thier Planning and Zoning Boards ^^ LIABLE ^^ for any and all property valuation losses due to thier actions. The citizens and tax payers of this section of Winter Springs are fed up up with the improper zoning of this section of town and shall hold the City and the Planning Board LIABLE for any and all valuation losses and sub-division deterioration that may occur from your decisions. e . The Author of this letter served the City of Winter Springs for seven years as the Zoning Board Chairman and City Zoning Commissioner.I wrote or compiled the materials to write the Zoning ordinances for this city. So I think if you would take time to study the papers presented to you tonite you will find them correct. The papers are a running chronology of the zoning changes in Winter Springs since 1958. The official zoning map was stolen or misplaced by the special interest groups that was operating in The Village of North Orlando in the early 1970's. Without this Official Zoning map the interest group changed the Zoning to satisfy thier own monetary needs. The special interest leader was Mayor at this time,also the realtor and land trustee for the block 26 ,27 on platbook 12 page 24. So I think the board should see by this that some investigation is in order. If I can be of any assistance feel free to call me anytime. e . d~C:~ Charles E.Kelley 6 Algiers Ave. Winter Springs,Fla. 32708 Ph: 327-1290 -- . . e . e . I' :): i I. ~;' . "1 ~ '-' :=; i t:/ C c. t;. ~"l ,~~ i. .1 8j.ty of ~:i~~t9r SpJ~i11ZS ':iinter 0r;'in::s, Ylcric:a J2707 SLTBJ:=crr: Question of Proper Zoninc for Al;iers and 30mbay Avenue arca,North Orlando,First ad- di tl on.l STh A() D J"iI ON, Gentle-mer:: In conjunction with good zoning a~d city planning, a good comprehensive land use plan must be used by the Board of Adjustment and Planning Board with approval by the City Council to follow the land use plan when apprcvin; plats,variances to Zoning Ordinances. ~ub~l"r~~iol' re~lulatl'onc ~"cd plan~n-~ ~~~ ~n~~~. '-)7,~. J~d_- ... . U \-'-""-~ " ~ b ~C ..::>, bV' , . ""...... C..u. ~'_c.." 1- j us-c:;v~n t mer710ers provide the community v-ti th 0:1<::; of it's most effective methods for developing an appropriate pattern of land use. The ability to reGulate the zon- ing, plattin~ and development of previously undevelop- od la~~ ~ives an opportune occasion to meaninGfully zuide ana control it's development. The subdivision of land is the initial s~ep i~ the dGvGlopme~t of a well designed community, therefore, it is of paramount importance for this cOQm~nity to develop and use strong, comprehensive, creative zon- in: and platting of land when approvinc any variance to ~his city's zoning ordinances. PROGR~SS, this is one word that all city officials and citizens of Winter SprinGS mustthink about, just look aro~nd you each day a~j vall can see a wonderful way of life boin; destroyed by ~he improper use of the wo~d, PROGR=SS. Progress in it's social implication means a (~nf'r,'t(> .;r, ,... rc> t (I ",'" d01"'l'" +hc. "''--''~j- "",,_ .<- L.l - _.np_o\_men mu,oL.. un. ,,_ 1,.0 v.,~ "v... 1" pravcmen:) in the well-being of human society. The un- r.::gula ted:,rowth of a city cannot aSSU1"-::: r-r:ozr.? ss. c:cn't. I P " a:;e c.. 6/iu/78 Cultural progress accomplishes little if the achieve- ment of hard work,buyirg a home, keepinS u; the stan- dards of their chosen neighborhood, if all this can b0 wip!:;d out by the impt~apcr zoning which tr.e hO'11co':mer:; in this neighborhood have proven to be wro~~. Much of an area's appearance, character, a~d quality result from citizen's interest in their neighborhood and local governme~t and quality resulting from the land development practices utilized. The q~ality of residental development ir. thh; city will have a Ion: term effect upon the environment and the citizens of Winter Springs present and future. , It is this reasen, gentlemen, that the voters of this neigh~orhoQd want the proper zoning added to the zcnL":.: map of Winter Springso zcrrnrc , I June 7, 1978 Ci ty Council Winter Springs, Florida Subject: Zoning error in zoning map The error in zoning, noticed when a building permit was issued for a professional building on RIA Land at block 27, lot 11 and a request for a variance on block 27, lot 5 for building an ice cream dispenser. , The Planning Board studied this problem with the size of block 27, lots 1,3, 11 and the location next to Longwood-Qviedo Road (State Road 434) whil~ working on the city's comprehensive land use plan. The Planning Board recommended to Council that the city purchase these lots for city parks. These small (!) lots co~ld be used to beautify the entrance to the city. In reference to the affidavit signed by Clifford D. Jordan dated December 21, 1977: The affidavit has many errors and should not be looked upon as fact. The affidavit was written by a Realtor and Land Trustee that stands to gain in monetary value by having this land zoned Cl versus RIA. The following list of zoning information must be followed in the city Plat books in order to understand the zoning changes. In Mr. Jordan's affidavit, paragraph three "lots A, E and one- half of D, block 26" is the same land as block 26, lot 13, Plat book 12, page 24. , I Pa:-,:c 2. 6/jiJ-/7H Cultural progress accomplishes little if the achieve- ment of hard work,buying a home, keeping up the stan- dards of their chosen neighborhood, if all this can be wiped out by the improper zoning which the homeowners in this neighborhood have proven to be wrong. Much of an area's appearance, character, and quality result from citizen's interest in their neighborhood and local government and quality resulting from the land development practices utilized. The quality of residental development in this city will have a long term effect upon the environment and the citizens of Winter Springs present and future. I It is this reason, gentlemen, that the voters of this ncighborho(;d want the proper zoning added to the zoning map of Winter Springso Sincerely, 4~ft CHA.RLES E.KELLE RESEARCHER l'OR' , I , , TELEPHONE: 322-8133 VllLAG~ OF NORT~ ORLANDO, FLORIDA NOR'!'H ORLANDO, FWRInA lll' Com: :j2707 3 Oct. 1969 Planning and Zoning Board Village of North Orlando North Orlando, Fla. Ser.#Q03/31069 Village Council Village Of North Orlando North'Orlando, Fla. Gentlemen; In conjunction with good zoning, Subdivision Regulations provides the community with one of it. most effective methods for developing an:~appropriate Pattern of land uses.The ability to regulate the development of previou.ly undeveloped land,givea a opportune occasion'to meaningfully guide and contnel its development. the subdivision of land is the initial step in the development of a community,therefore'it is of paramount importance for this community,to develop and use strong, comprehensive and creative subdivision regulations. Much of an area's appearance,character,and quality result from the land development practice. utilized. the quality of residential development in the communit~e8 of central Florida will have a long term effect upon the environment,and upon the citizens of North Orlando present and future,It i. this reason that the planning and Zoning Board has made the follow~ng corr- ections to Subdividon Ord~49 and submitted for your approval. The corrections or changes to this Ordnance should be made before any Plat. are approved under this Ordnance. The Plats submitted b~ Gulf American Co~p. are sub-standard and not in the best interest)oftNorth Orlando and it's citizens. Corrections and or change sheet page two, three and four. CopY' to; Ea.councilman (5) Village Clerk Gulf Am.r.corp~ press if requested. attached as ~ Chairman Planning and Zoning Board North Orlando, Fla. I -2- Zoning changes to North Orlando First addition Plat Book 12, page 24 Zoning and Plat recorded 7th October, 1958 effectingc Algiers Avenue Bombay Avenue Cortez Avenue Edgemon Avenue On this Plat running north from Longwood-Oviedo Road (State Road 4)4), approximately 175 feet was zoned Cl as stated in Mr. Jordan's affidavit. , Cl Zoning at that time ran from Algiers Avenue east along Longwood-Oviedo Road (State Road 4)4). In November 1961 the land west of Bombay Avenue was replatted with an RIA zoning by Horizon Homes, Inc. to build the model homes of North Orlando: house numbers ), 4, 5, 6 Algiers Ave. The land replatted November 14, 1961, Plat book 14, page 9 now listed as blocks 27, 29 with RIA zoning. No evidence can be found changing Blocks 27, 29 and lots along State Road 4)4 from RIA to Cl. The residents of Algiers Avenue, 1st Court, Bombay Avenue look up on this land as RIA zoning, as was presented to them when they purchased their homes in this area. The residents in this area represent over 60 votes. , , -)- Summary History of Land Zoning , 1. North Orlando, First addition Plat Book 12, page 24 Land effectingt Algiers Avenue Bombay Avenue Cortez Avenue Edgemon Avenue Block 26, lot I), sec. 2 of 2 bounded by Longwood-Oviedo Road (S.R. 4)4) to the south, by Bombay to the east, by the north platted lots 12,14. Block 26, lot I) was platted as 175.69' Cl zoning dated October 7th, 1958. Block 26, lots A, B, C. D, E, Plat book 12, page 86. The above listed land was zoned CIon October 7, 1958 Plat book 12, page 2). This land was then replatted April 8, 1959 to become Block 26, lot I). Block 26 lot was replatted November 14, 1961 by Horizon Homes, Inc. Plat book 14, page 9. Block 26 number was dropped in replat and block 27. block 29 added to this RlA replatting. Block 27, Block 29 bounded by Bombay to the east, Longwood-Oviedo Road (S.R. 4)4) by the south was and still is zoned RIA by this plat change. Block 27, lots 1, 2, ), 5, 11, Plat book 14, page'9 shown on zoning map as Cl is in error. The residents of the Algiers, Bombay Avenue area demand the Council to rectify this zoning error as soon as possible and withdraw any Commercial building permits on this RIA land. , I -4- Zoning changes: North Orlando, First addition Plat book 12, page 24 Zoning and plat recorded October 7th, 1958 Effecting: , Algiers Avenue Bombay Avenue Cortez Avenue Edgemon Avenue In reference to block 26, lot I), section 2 of 2 see, bounded by Longwood-Oviedo Road to the south, by Algiers Avenue to the west, by Bombay Avenue to the east, and platted lots 12 and 14 to the north. Block 1) was platted as 175.69' Cl zoning, dated October 7, ,1958. This plat was replatted October 12th, 1960. See page 14-9 The land listed in plat book 12, page 24, platted block 26 was changed on Novemb~r 14, 1961 as recorded in plat book 14, page 9 now listed as block 27, with R1A zoning. The zoning on land bounded by Longwood-Oviedo Road to the south, by Bombay Avenue to the east, and Algiers Avenue to the west was changed from Cl to RIA zoning by replat dated November 14, 1961. Code Book page 964: Voluntary rezoning application - paragraph 8 and paragraph 6. Procedures for Rezoning change affecting official zoning map. In reference to Clifford D. Jordan's letter dated December 21, 1977: ~ Mr. Jordan states that to his knowledge the property listed in his report was Cl and has never changed. Mr. Jordan spent less than 1 year in the Zoning of North Orlando. I spent seven years studying the zoning and writing zoning laws for North Orlando which is now Winter Springs. I can prove by the recorded plats on the land listed as block 26, lots A, B, C, D, and E, plat book 12, page 86 that lots A, B, C, D, and E above is the same land as listed in block 26, lot I), plat book 12, page 24. The above listed land was zoned Cl on October 7, 1958 plat book 12, page 2). Block 26, lot 1) then was replatted April 8, 1959 to make 5 lots listed as Block 26, lots A, B, C, D, and E bounded on the east by Bombay Avenue, on the westby Algiers, to the south by Longwood-Oviedo Road (S.R. 4)4). , -5- Block 26 was again replatted November 14, 1961 by plat in plat book 14, page 9. Block 26 was dropped and block 27 added along with block 29 to the west of Algiers Avenue. The zoning of blocks 27, 29 plat book 14, page 9 was replatted as RIA. To my knowledge after studying and writing North Orlando (Winter Springs) zoning ordinances, I can find no reference to where blocks 27, 29 plat 14, page 9 were changed back to Cl. Block 27, lots ), 2, 1, 11, 5 now shown as CIon the zoning map are in error. These lots should be shown as RIA zoning. Lots 1, 11, 5 at 75 to 85 feet in depth are not large enough for Cl zoning. With the set backs and side lot lines the building would be approximately 15 feet in depth. State Road 4)4 is now being widened to four lanes and a sidewalk will be added affect- ing this land. , ~~'7e 6 Algiers Ave. Winter Springs, Fla. , , CITIZENS OF WINTER SPRINGS Subject: Question of Proper Zoning For Block 27, Lots 1, 2, 3, 11; Block 29, Lot 5 This item has been placed on the Winter Springs Council Agenda date IU~D, S- ;IttL, 1978, Time__z.:30 'pm +- Please attend this meeting and support this move to have the proper zoning added to the zoning map of Winter Springs. ,iii I I , I J I I 'dl . . ,,>, i r-';L' C' 'eDlt- i ) :Ii .<t I Ed! ,.. , -- I l.Q; , ~~r~ 327-1290 Zoning Researcher ~ . 121 151 C ;: - -~.. t.:l I , \ 7 I I G 5 I I , ! '/ I '1:1 E' I J2.1 8 I 4 : 1<./ 1 e/ C\ ! -, I -..I @ .:) 12//1 R!A I 10 2 r I gl!1 t j i I2tA i ; II I I 1 I {2111 ! \... i elf} " I 1 i , I / '? ~ F../ I ~JA wi >1 <(I ; ..... @ 72,ft : 4 i 121 R . w > <( ~ ~ W r- - :> ~ -1 i?/il ) <t ___h. ../ ~ C1 ~I , CDi ~ '- '''--.----- ---. LONGWOOD-OVI EDO RDI ,(434) . , ,,0 . .. I -..317(;1 --- f PLIt,- 1300K 'Z j 'Pfi{:,e Sf, 'PLATTEb . ~ j flpfl/ L IC,S'j 8, l NOTES: I,. BLocK. 26 '-0 T / " Z()J,)€[) "AJD f>L/"1rre"D ocr, 1758 ~L"c.I< 2' Lo T / 3 l(e- PLI4 ,TGl) / 1J "-ors H B (! 1\ E '/ I") J.J.) AP~J '- 1'7 s-, "2o~t;""D C ( --- '- ~8W08 \.u ~ (\J g - ~ .() 't f2 a <) ~ \C ~ () ~ Q ~ u -...:?/I1/ S ?/~/.f) 7/7 It vI?" 13 LoIJEi) CI /7 S-/ Q o ~ ~ ~ 3, /.... 0 rs ~1'3 I C,I D) C BLDc J'- 2. ~ ~c: (-'Lit! rel) N()~ /96/1 ~5 I-o~-s ~ ~ I~/I /lLC/EeS /9/,11;:- 11 JJ D 20 ~E{) ~ / f.t Flit T f3 odIC , 1... P!Me- 2 ..,,'- flo 1'2/ z, ()J.) HOIMG"';. SIItE'7 l. Df "Z- I ." f+L.L. C I 2 0 A..)~ - 11L6/ERS f}J.JD t$Owt8l1y /1 ve I/-.) TII15 ,qf2s-14- ) H5 pUrreO . ac1: lC,sB ~~ IV<: -.L B J.)Oter'" ORt 19A.J])6/ ;srl1 1)D. ..I c J4 S,- o,c 0 141 'RIO. U ):::) J/ ~ . . . June 10, 1988 TO: FROM: RE: City ManagertJ LDC Agenda .1 tem You already have this package. Mr. Hall's secretary informed me that this trailer would be used as an office space. I informed her that any use of the property other than the trailer would have to be approved by the staff. This temporary permit may be granted by the Commission under Section 44.75 of the Code. cc: Mayor Commission City Clerk City Attorney 7/ . . :. . .3/1 V' ~ (~~-) ..~ ---:.: .................-... cy __ -;-TT' - crL, ,.~ rYf'-. -/ t'" ::.-- ,-> fB ;.,', -'-i-\'-i r---~ ~ '-. ,,)/ ! / /"......... .......~.....- / ~.,~ '-~~ ~ - "" .......... ~. ~-, C:::::- --. "", l1J ...1 r,J ~',J III ... ,8-4.. --S ---I ~, .--: 8' -..::::J /- Ii I I. ~ &. oJ ~~ r::?g; ).. (~ ~:; ~/ /!2l!J , I --'':1 " ......---:. ~-.. / ~'I<~- , 'Jif\~ . \"" . "'-f......, - : / -c~~--- , ---...::) " , -, -"'- l 1 " . . \' , / I .) /, ' 'I " . I ' . .... I. .~ --- .--:./ '<'" ,'f', ~~. I'~") ,t '(~. ,. ,,' ;.... ( -j'. :~ -t'r) _J_ I~ .,;~-~\ - ,') \ "- \ \ ... '," " l' . . '.1'" \, ~ .,. ). \, .) ~ . ',< .j' , I " .. ~ I ~ .... ~ ~ ~ ,0....... ~ >>'" ~ ~'" OJ.. i ~~ >>:--1 70 - :a _F;&~~ ~ < b! .- ... <-~ ~ . a AI. ~ .. ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ '" " t- o ~ " t . . I> , 0 F < ) ...... '" I> a ~ r;, . -~ ...- .. I ~ .... .. ~ ~ K /7S~ sEiT Brfck -A( SOMBIIY lI,e.' I'IS' / seT BlICK "'~ ... - 4~ - ~~ a . . ie' .t , f .,,' I . , . . ~i6Jf'''" ~~H' 0() ~ ~~. .~W. ~"O' f ( ...... h..' '(U .' "'~ · · · 4 4ia "'II , . , ... ~ I . ~, .. i C.. '. . ~ . g . ..... .... K-/7s ~ Scr B/'?Q.-t' ~~ RLGIEIi.s RilE --~ ~ . <" .UA79 .. ~ ~'14 iHtI ft.U"~.. ~ ~ :::U':i n~;~ ~ H,t,.':''''ff.: .. . ~, t' If'" Cf!: : :... 11111".11 .,'. .~, F'" III'fftff"'.'" t.' t 'f , · t ( f , f " f' J ~ t: ~ t ... 1 · P " 0 f ~ ~.I ,1', I). \ : ~ r 'I , , ~ ~ ~ · 1I a , , *~: '1" . I' . , , f t 'f , , ~ ~ ~ , ~ II , ;r ,,'" t ~ t f ; , , t ' f4' , , Ii" " , :; 11 ~ , : ~ ~ W ~ ~ . " Hllo-gHS a > 0 () , Ii?;- ') s. ED., ~_ --. s. ....n-Z I 7J-1 ~ $tFT .e~ Q\ -D ~. ~'- - --..-.---- -- .- &h~ ~ r- I' !. '. iii ,- V\ Or (l ~r , ...- '- " ~ ~~ ~~ , un n__~_ '-~'" .' " . "--., . . ,--' " 1981-82-28 - REGULAR MEET! NG CITY COMMISSION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SEPTEMBER 28, 1982 The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, was called to order by Deputy Mayor John Torcaso. The invocation was given by Commissioner Martin Trencher. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Commissioner Buck Adkins. Ro 11 Ca 11 : Mayor Troy Piland, absent Deputy Mayor John Torcaso, present City Manager Richard Rozansky, present City Attorney John Sunner, present Convnissioners: Jim Hartman, present Buck Adkins, present Martin Trencher, present Maureen Boyd, present Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman, seconded by Commissioner Trencher, to approve the minutes of September 14, 1982. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Convnissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Boyd, aye; Convnissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried. Public Input: Mr. Art Harris, 20 Sable Court, asked about information on a building permit card. General Agenda: Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 262, rezoning certain lands, etc. Planning & Zoning Board Recommendation of 9/22/82: Deputy Mayor John Torcaso recessed the Commission Meeting and convened the public hearing on Ordinance No. 262 for the purpose of hearing discussion on the ordinance. Mr. Cliff Jordan, Mr. Gary Hunt, Mr. Joseph Wheeler and Mr. Farwig, representatives of owners, and owners of the properties spoke against the rezoning. In discussion of the ordinance, it was suggested that a new zoning classification of R-3 be introduced. Deputy Mayor Torcaso closed the public hearing and reconvened the Commission Meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman that we turn down Ordinance No. 262 and come up with another zoning classification of C-3 at another meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Trencher for discussion. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Boyd, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried. Public Hearing on Land Use Element of Evaluation and Appraisal Report on Comprehensive Plan. Planning and Zoning Board Recommendation of 9/22/82. Ado~tion of Or~. 267 ~ adopting the 1982 Evaluation and Appraisal Report on Compre~enslve Plan, etc. Deputy Mayor Torcaso recessed the Commission Meeting and convened the public hearing to discuss the proposed land use map. The City Planner explained that this is the second of the two required public hearings by state statute prior to adoption of the Land Use Map. The hearing is only on the Land Use Map. Commissioner Hartman reported the County Commissioners were in agreement with our Comprehensive Development Plan. Mr. Bill Jacobs spoke in discussion. Deputy Mayor Torcaso closed the public hearing and reconvened the Commi ss i on Meeting. _------ Mot;~n ~as made by Co~;ssio~er Hartman 4~~~~rd;nance N~~~ Seconded by Commlssloner Adkws. D1SCUSSlon. Vote on the motton-:-Convnis-slOnel" lloyd, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; motion carried. ~ -- -' '" # -~"--- . . '. . - . ~~~~ '" '-.-' '-'" PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES May 25, 1988 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS: David Hopkins, Present Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present John Torcaso, Present David McLeod, Present Michael Saporito, Vice-Chairman, Absent CITY OFFICIALS: J. Koch, Dir. Adm./Cornp. Planning D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator Approval of Minutes of April 27, 1988: _ Hopkins moved to amend the minutes of April 27, 1988. Ol:l amendment 3 on page 4' that there was one nay vote and it was not stated the reason for the nay vote. He stated that the reason should be stated for the nay vote, this might explain any discrepancy in any reason for the nay vote. It was determined that the minutes of April 27, 1988, would be researched and this item would be brought up at the next meeting of the Board. Request of Mr. Charles E. Rorell to Rezone Lot 9, Block 27, of North Orlanda Eighth Addition, Plat Book 14, Page 9, Fran Present Zoning R-1A (One-Family Dwelling District) to C-1 (Neighborhood COI1UIIercial), Located at 5 Algiers Avenue: LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated that the property has the classification commercial. He stated that Mr. Rowell is here for any questions. He stated that the property to the south of this property has Land Use cOl1UIlercial and the parcels on S. R. 434 and two on Bombay have C-l zoning. Mr. Charles Rowell spoke for his request. He stated that he requests that his property be rezoned to C-1 so it can be used as a professional office. Dorman stated for the benefit of the residents present that this i tern is up before this Board for rezoning and this is the only subject before this Board on this i tern. Alletia Peringelli stated that she is not an abutting property owner but she has concern for this change as it is in the neighborhood where she resides. William and Patricia Reid and Joseph and Rochelle Scheutzow spoke against the request. Peringelli stated, among other things, that this property is the only one in the neighborhood that has a septic tank. She also gave the Board papers wri tten by Charles Kelly, who was on the Planning Board back in 1978, questioning the commercial designations. .' ., . " '. :-=.::' . Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes May 25, 1988 Page 2 Dorman asked at what time the Land Use was changed for this lot on Algiers. Koch said the current Land Use Map was adopted in 1982. The City waits until the landowners request rezoning in accordance with the Land Use Map. She stated that each conversion of a home to a C-l use goes before the Site Plan Review Board, and is reviewed as to the adequacy of the site for the intended use, parking requirements, ingress/egress, and the adequacy of the structure, and depending on the nature of the request there is a buffer requirement. Dorman stated that if this Board feels that there was a mistake made in assigning the Land Use designation, this Board can review this and can recanmend what Land Use is best for that area. There was discussion on the request. The Board had concerns that this property if rezoned to C-l WJuld have residences on each side of it. . Torcaso moved to recolIunend disapproval of this request for change of zoning to C-1 due to the fact that changing the zoning would leave Lot 10 a residential island between cOlIUnercial property. Seconded by Hopkins. There was discussion o~~, =:. ~~I~~~i~1,~~,j"'if.~,,,,!.9~,...,!,Q,..~~-~~!~J..!~~,r rez~7 ~~l\I..~JlH."'~;~'IiI:""""""'''''''''-1\~'''1V''''~'~'''''''''~~c;:y.",~",>rt''~'''''''''~",.',Qt,.....lI',~~~~l$ll~"~P.rflt;'JM\Ji ' ~~~.~--:!L~~~~~,'~::,~.,.'"!~~l!2d.~,.~~".gg~.:i:g~".~.S~~~,_._yp..s,~.;,._ Torcaso: aye, ecxr:aye; nopluns: aye; Dorman: aye; Saporito: absent. lVbtion carried. He LeBlanc ve his presentation. this proper to Single Fami He stated that the land use designatio New a-mers are asking for land use r Tuscawilla PUD Amendment - Change Land Use ( 18 . 5 Acre Site N. E. Corner of them Way and Greenbriar Boulevard) From Multi-Family to Single Family Ken Steeves, Land PI for American Pioneer Bank, s~ the change. He stated that the density WJ be around 3 units per , and probably will be about 55 lots in the developmen They will be det Single Family lots. Dorman stated that since this perty has been involv on many legal matters, that this change should be considered as consistent 0 h the previously approved Master Develo nt Pl~. . . . . June 10, 1988 TO: FROM: RE: City M~n LDC Agenda . tern D.2 This was approved by the P&Z Board on May 25, 1988. Commission action on this item is not required. cc: Mayor Commission City Clerk City Attorney . . . June lOt 1988 TO: FROM: RE: City ~. er LDC~ Agenda Item E.2 This is a 3.8 acre project on Tuscawilla Road immediately north of the Episcopal Church. The developer wishes to have 3 one acre plus lots. P&Z approved this on June 8t 1988. Please see City Attorney letter which is attached. cc: Mayor Commission City Clerk City Attorney -- -- I .U I ~S' I I t:. JS ,,~ \..-! "'-I .I), .U iU .. ,,1 ..;,1 SI Sa "', "'.I -I, . 116 L 11' Sl SS S~ ss S~ - - - ~I n 1.1# Gl... 7. I ~ I.., I &4 IS" , ,4l 7.1 . )---- -- '- - ------J --- L -----i ___ . /, I .. 1 . ". I '--.--- ~ ----- /1 IL- 7., I"~ 71" ~ it .. .~ 7, 7-' i ~ Ll. t) :1\ II .-4 "/.. ~U.. _ _ ......."- _ ...... I . .' , I..rrtJ;: _ -~ . '4 I ~:, . .I'~ t '", I" j. "!~_- 1- - ~ N~ . __ i . ,~ l., : j) . . ~ !" 0 Qz i,I,..IP R. . I Ct. G,:,' .I. '/ / It.,. .,._ t. A :I' ..,,, ,.. ~ (1J. / 11; "', ~ SEMINtJtE -~-I@ .~ 'oJ III ..1 j ;)l , 's /4_...;E.:j L &/11' o . 1 .... r. \-- , , '( . 83 RANDALL W. HA.NNA LUCY H. HARRIS ELISE F. JUDELLE FRANK C. KRUPPENBACHER STEPHEN J. KUBIK THOMAS F. LANG J. CHRISTIAN ME~~ERT WILTON R. MILLER W. ROBERT OLIVE DALE S. RECINELLA MICHAEL D. WILLIAMS LAW OFFICES BHYANT. MILum. OLIVE. I.ANG AND KIWPpgNBACIIEH 50 WEST LUCERNE CIRCLE 1328011 POST OFFICE BOX 3387 132802-33871 OHI.ANDO. FI.OIHDA I}{WXCit"Rl~1X . . 407/423-8611 NEW YORK OFFICE 100 WALL STREET NEW YORK. NEW YORK 10005 12121 363-6036 June 8, 1988 TALLAHASSEE OFFICE 201 SOUTH MONROE STREET SUITE 500 TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA 32301 1904' 222-8611 O~ COUNSEL C. FARRIS BRYANT Donald LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Whittington Property Dear Don: This will confirm our conversations regarding the above- referenced matter. . You told me the above-referenced property comprises 4 - 5 acres. It was annexed by the City and shows "PUD" zoning. The City does not know how the property was zoned "PUD". The City has been presented a plan to construct three (3) homes on the property. The plan is totally compatible with the surrounding area and is viewed with approval by the City staff. The staff is now concerned that the persons seeking development of the property may be required to comply with the requirements of a large PUD application when same would be innappropriate. Based upon our total analysis of the situation, and our discussions, I feel the staff is correct and total compliance is not required. If you should have any further questions regarding this matter do not hesitate to call my office. /kjp ~~~~llWl[W 'JtJ\l.1 C ""'90Q, ,'j ',' 1 UOt Frank C. Krupp' City Attorney City of Winter Springs --......... . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS! land Development Coordinat<JJIJ .. . NOTICE OF RESTRICTION ON REAL ESTATE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, Gregory P. Samano, Trustee, hereinafter called Developer, is the owner of the land in the City of Winter Springs, County of Seminole, State of Florida, more particularly described as follows: All of the lot s in Tusca\'lilla Trail PUD, aka Parc els "A" and "B", S-12, T-21, R-30, as recorded in PB 2 P 42 and PB 20 P18, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. and WHEREAS, Developer desire that all of the above described real property be subject to like restrictions for the mutual benefit and protection of itself and all persons, both real and corporate, who hereafter may purchase or acquire said property or any part thereof, or any interest in or lien upon said property or any part thereof. . NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, Developer does hereby declare said real property to be subject to the following restric- tions, reservations and conditions, binding upon said Developer and upon each and every person, both real and corporate, who or which shall acquire hereafter said real property or any part thereof, and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns, said restric- tions, reservations and conditions being as follows: 1. No lot shall be used except for residential purposes. No building shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any lot other than one detached single-family dwelling not to exceed two and one-half stories in height, a private garage for at least two and not more than four cars, boathouse not to exceed 15 feet in height above water elevation. 2. No building or structure shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot until the construction plans and specifications and a plan showing the location of the building or structure have been approved by the Architectural Control Committee as to quality of workmanship and materials, harmony of external design with existing structures, and as to location with respect to topography and finish grade elevation. 3. The Architectural Control Committee is composed of Gregory Samano, Charles Malkus and Manuel Garcia, 961 Tuscawilla Trail, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. A majority of the cornmittee may designate a .representative to act for it. In the event of death or resignation of any member of the committee, the remaining members shall have full authority to designate a successor. Neither the members of the committee, nor its designated representative shall be entitled to any compensation for services performed pursuant to this covenant. At any time, the then record owners of a majority of the lots shall have the power through a duly recorded written instrument to change the membership of the committee or to withdraw from the committee or restore to it any of its power and duties. 4. The committee's approval or disapproval as required in these . covenants shall be in writing. In the event the committee, or its designated representative, fails to approve or disapprove \'lith 30 days after plans and specifications have been submitted to it, or in any event, if no suit to enjoin the construction has been commenced prior to completion thereof, approval will not be required and the related covenants shall be deemed to have been fUlly complied with. . 5. The ground floor area, esclusive of open porches and garages, shall be not less than 2000 square feet of living area for a one-story dwelling, nor less than 800 square feet of living area on the ground level for a two or two and one-half story dwelling, provided said d~lelling has a minimum of 2000 square feet of living area over all. 6. No dwelling shall be constructed on a plot having an area of less than 43,560 s~arefeet, and such plot shall be not less than 100 feet in width at the building line. No dwelling shall be erected nearer than 50 feet to the front lot line, and 75 feet to the lakefront and nearer than 15 feet from the rear lot line. No dwelling shall be erected nearer than 20 feet to any interior lot line. 7. No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept provided that they are not kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purpose. 8. No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any lot except one professional sign of not more than one square foot, one sign of not more than five square feet advertising the property for sale or rent, or signs used by a builder to advertise the property during the construction and sales period. . 9. No lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish, trash or other waste. Alltrash, garbage and other waste shall be kept in sanitary containers and, except during pick-up, if required to be placed at the road, all containers shall be kept at the rear of all dwellings out of sight from the road. There shall be no burning of trash or any other waste materials. 10. No fence, wall or seawall over two feet in height shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot nearer to the lake than the minimum building set-back line (75 feet). Prior to construction of any fence, wall or seawall, owner shall obtain approval of plans for fence, ~lall or seawall from Architectural Committee. 11. All clotheslines shall be placed at the rear of and within the area encompassed by a rearward extension of the sidelines of said dewlling. 12. No inoperative cars, trucks, trailers, or other types of vehicles shall be allowed to remain either on or adjacent to any lot for a period in excess of forty-eight hours, provided however, this provision shall not arply to any such vehicle being kept in an enclosed garage. There shall be no major repair performed on any motor vehicle on or adjacent to any lot in the subdivision. Recreational vehicles, such as campers, boats on trailers and motor. homes, shall be kept out of view of adjacent property owners. . 13. The 3D-foot private ingress-egress easement and public utility easement will be maintained equally bet~leen property owners of all lots of Tuscawilla Unit 5 and Tuscawilla Trail PUD. Said easement is for the private use of the lot owners and public utility company serving said lots and may also be used by effiergency vehicles such as fire, police and rescue units. . 14. Where a building has been erected or the construction thereof is substantially advanced and it is situated on any lot in such a manner that same constitutes a violation or violations of any of the above covenants, said Developer, its successors and/or assigns, shall have the right at any tirr.e to release such lot or portions thereof from such part of the provisions of any of said covenants as are violated, provided, however, that said Developer, its successors and/or assigns, shall not release a violation or violations of any of said covenants except as to violations they, in their sole discretions, determine to be minor, and the power to release any such lot or portions thereof from such a viola- tion or violations shall be dependent on a determination by them that such violation or violations are minor. . 15. At any time the then owners of at least fifty-one (51%) percent of the lots may change these covenants in whole or in part by executing written instrument making said chanees and have the same duly recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. However, any such amendment shall not apply to any lots owned by Developer unless Developer has joined in said amendment. The above shall not apply, however, as same pertains to set back lines from any front, interior, side, rear, or side street lot line, and the said Developer, specifically reserves unto itself and its successors and/or assings, the authority to change saie set back lines at any time prior to the construction of a residence dwelling, regardless of the number of lots owned by it in said subdivision. 16. These covenants ar~ to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under them for a period of thirty years from the date these covenants are recorded, after which time said covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten years unless an instrument be signed by a majority of the then owners of the lots has been recorded, agreeing to change said covenants in whole or in part. 17. Enforcement shall be by proceedings at law or in equity against any person or persons violating or attempting to violate any .covenant either to restrain violation or to recover damages. 18. It is expressly understood and agreed that all costs, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by any moving party in any legal proceedings which result in the successful enforcement of any covenant or restriction contained in this Notice shall be borne in full by the defendant in such proceedings. 18. Invalidation of anyone of these covenants by judgment or court order shall in no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNE~S WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands and seals this the PIt- ~i:..- day of h~ ,1988. By: . Notary Public, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires August 12, 1990 Bonded thru Hucl<leberry, Sibley & Harvey Inl;!Jrance and Bonds, Inc. ~ >?t. ~ ~/119?~ . . To- Winter Springs City Commission From- Home Owners Tuscawilla Unit 5 The undersigned agree to the proposed use and rezoning of the former Whittington property. . , fI;/!)/JZ~___ l. ~ 5- I /jJ:=~(YJaY-l~~ Lv+- $' qlt 1$1 L.t& ~ ~ /11 ~~",h ,<CQ_ hir~/,a;:~JB '~. r ~~~;k~ 1J~fV -;?~~ ~ ~/FY . / .'/ .,' - /' # . ~"# << .-'7<---<-.-. ~--UL- \\ . \ l.. \~' \ ()~ .~ 7: / '------- 7~ 7?;, .~-~ - ;;t?~ ~ . LJv J . . . . L9-~ r1 CJ dit:t:m~r Q ARCHITECTURAL ALUMINUM June 3, 1988 Mr. Dick Rozanski, City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 CJIY of WINI ~II ",,-dINGS ClTr MANAGER GIrT ~(.. (0IlIC.) CjS'. ~~ L{Jt:... e]Jt:< Pf,~"'d,tt. ~t~ qe.-J . ~C1 RE: Winter Springs Commerce Center Shepard Road Winter Springs, FL Dear Dick: Don LeBlanc called me today to rem!gd me that my permit to remove fill/clay from the above site expires the 24 of this month. I hereby request a years extension on a permit for the removal of approxi- mately 15,000 cubic yards. We have removed approximately 1,200 cubic yards this past year with almost half of that going to my plant addition present- ly under way. Incidentally Dick it took one year to gain permitting through the city and the city engineer - most frustrating and nit picking! Now the county is playing games, I.E. wanting to know why one of my drives does not line up with the proposed entrance to my commerce center across the street, etc. Dick, someday when you have the time I would like you to stop by so I can show you first hand why I think I am not getting cooperation from various officials. I am paying an awful lot of taxes for many years, as a business and per- sonally, to be jacked around this badly. Thanks in advance for you help. ;;;;J;;~ Walt Dittmer, Jr. WD:jd P.S. Got a kick out of Marty Trencher's suggestion to form a "business panel" to lure and attract new business. 1006 SHEPARD ROLJD Vli1NTER SPRINGS, FLORIDLJ 32708-2018 407-699-1755 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 June 24, 1987 Mr. Walt Dittmer, Jr. President Dittmer Architectural Aluminum 1006 Shepard Road Winter Springs, FL 32708-2018 Re: Permit to remove excess clay/fill dirt Winter Springs Commerce Center Dear Mr. Dittmer: In reference to your request for a permit to remove approximately 15,000 cubic yards of fill on the above listed project, Lots 4 through 9, the City Commission granted permission at their Regular Meeting of June 22, 1987 as follows: . Permission is hereby granted to remove excess clay subject to the following conditions: a. Time Limit For Permit: One year from the date of this permit (June 24, 1987) b. Material is to be removed (15,000 yards) and not relocated or stockpiled on the site. c. No excavation of the fill material beyond the grade elevations allowed in the approved Site Plan for the Winter Springs Commerce Center project. d. When removing material from the back side of lots four through nine, a gradual slope must be retained starting with the slope crown to the west or back side of the lots and the slope toe to some point to e east. vJ . Tor~ tlJ. 1/ f' ? ~~.~ .~ r.O, ;P~ It/. . . . June 10, 1988 TO: FROM: RE: City Managerf} LDC Agenda .Item You already have this package. Mr. Hall's secretary informed me that this trailer would be used as an office space. I informed her that any use of the property other than the trailer would have to be approved by the staff. This temporary permit may be granted by the Commission under Section 44.75 of the Code. cc: Mayor Commission City Clerk City Attorney . Jon M. Hall Co. June 3, 1988 City of Winter Springs 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: 245 Sanford-Oviedo Road Winter Springs, Florida ATTENTION: Don LeBlanc Gentlemen: . In response to Mr. LeBlanc's phone call of June 2, attached you will find a copy of the Survey of the subject property locating the Mobile Office. The structure is 45' X 12' and is located at the rear southwesterly corner of the property. The property is currently fenced in three sections. We respectfully request that the permit be granted for at least one year. Once again, we thank you for your assistance in this matter. VerYltruly yours, I~ Ja:."":all JMH/rmc lp1".~.'(f\ 'l_( ..~,#, "-- ~,' b. """, '1>", ':.':-.. '" ,lJy fD till: 'i~, l~~. ". i - ; j 11; .,~ ...~H (,~;) 1,~!J !lUN G / . Cln: OE WINTEF? SPHII\iGS ClOd Oeve!oprneni Coordinator 551 Wade Street . Winter Springs, Florida 32708 . 305/327 -1040 . Jon M. Hall Co. May 27, 1988 City of Winter Springs 1126 E. S. R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: 245 Sanford-Oviedo Road Winter Springs, Florida ATTENTION: Don LeBlanc Gentlemen: The undersigned respectfully request a permit to place a mobile office on the subject property. The property is to be leased as an office site and it is necessary to provide electrical power to the site for the benefit of the tenant. . Please advise if there are any other requirements of the under- signed in order for the City Commission to grant this permit. Your assistance is appreciated. vrr::-:;"" , ~~all JNH/rmc 'I,,,,, ~: . CiTY OF .c ".-- I I~ d:.i't SPRING" .....and DeveIoDfl'lcri" (' . .' ;;) , . "-.' ,-,oordmator 551 Wade Street . Winter Springs. Florida 32708 . 305/327 -1040 . ~ ~'" ~~... \S. : ~ tv .i:-; '. -:- 0 , .',~, ,", ~';~~:""'.'~'..<';'.' . .., J :,.~ ,.... '., . )( '.' -~' ::', .' .\. '.: . .,.. .......,..J '.' .. .'. ,.. ~ . .'. "-:~~"~,'.( ';'.'~ ,,', ". .. '. . ,.~ --... .. ;.:::'::Xl}~ : . ,Jr:J' . r,.~ . :~. ."-. \,.;/ .... .... . .t.... :. ,...:. .';.'.' , :.'.," ~.'~./tf '.1 ." ~ I ~ . . ~,' . .:i;: .! .', ~.~ . \:':. :-'.'-, . . ~ A .<. '.:t ..:....;.:4~ ~7:,.::.;.~t , ".:~i ..~'....,.:~ . '. .J ~ ~ ;.~':' "~c.:~1'1: 1" ...T '.LJI'..l: i':, 28, i.',)O' ~)7? '. ", ~': . .. . . '~;~ -.: ~ -' '. . .. ."6!:lltrr1~~C()~i;). . ~..~~;;~'';:'':' :,",.. sm~,,....'Yti.~"A'12.9~' .'. t' - .,.. - -, , ~ ... ..... ' ./ . #. ~ 4 ,. .' '., :. ~~ # '..'. .;.... . '::~:,~.::'.~,~'...~.~;.',.... :.::.... .' ',"1" ::~""~~ '~:}::.: ....:. "~'. .~. .......' ...~:..... 'Ft '~~r . : .~'.- . yhr :.~:'. ~ . '.".' . .... :i;':;:~4'2'" " ~',,;,'''{\O;..A .St.... . .. . ~ ..I ... ~.....1 ~,,",., ... ':::','Or1.arld"-,, Florid&~' .:;2801" . ::'~ ~.fl~one '. '13.1l-6?' 6 .'; '.1 r. Lot 6; and the West 55.5 feet of Lot 7, No.2, according to the plat thereof, as recorded Page 9, of the Public Records of Seminole County, ENTZMINGER FARMS ADDITION in Plat Book 5, Florida. ........ ~:.;~ .~:. ~A( {:~ ,. ...:': . -.... . ~ - .... ',. " .... . . '. ..~ ':;- ". :." . ......;. ;:.~~'..'~.~~.;.~','..;'..~.:. :'" . ~...~.~ ~ ." . . . ::'.' . ~~~'-; ... 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Conklin, ~ort.r and Holm.. ~ [P) ENGINEERS, INC. ~oo w. FUlTON STREET o POST OFFICE BOl( 11171 SANFORD. FLORIOA 32711 TEL305322-6841 TEL 30~ 831.5717 Nay 18, 1988 Mr. Richard Rozansky, City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Winter Springs Package Treatment Plant CPH Job No. W0409.00 Dear Mr. Rozansky: Our design services in connection with the above referenced project were performed based on the verbal authorization of the City Commission on February 19, 1987. After bidding the project, it was determined that construction administration and resident project representative services would be required, and Amendment 6 was prepared and subsequently executed by the City in February of this year. Amendment 6 outlined the anticipated level of effort required to perform the design, construction administration and resldent project services and was based on a construction period of 180 days. Change Order 1 to the construction contract increased the contract time by twenty days for a total construction period of 200 days. We also believe the contractor will not meet the current completion date of May 26, 1988 and anticipate a completion date of June 17, 1988. A review of our current engineering invoice attached indicates that we are still within the anticipated budget established by Amendment 6. However, due to the increased construction contract time described above, we anticipate that engineering fees will exceed those previouSly established and in that regard, respectfully request a fee increase in the amount of $6,719.20 for a revised not to exceed fee total of $50,000. Our request is a result of the extended construction time created both by Change Order 1 and the contractor not meeting the schedule established. The request is based on a projected need of approximately 20 hours per week for six weeks for an inspector on site to adequately monitor the work of the contractor and approximately 5 hours per week for six weeks for an engineer to supervise and coordinate the construction work effort. We believe it is necessary to maintain this level of service to ensure the City of the best possible product and compliance with the plans and specifications. . . . . tit. ...",.---- Conklin, r1!..orter and Holmes @ ~ If)) ENGINEERS, INC. Mr. Richard Rozansky The contract contains provisions for liquidated damages for failure by the contractor to complete the work as scheduled. liquidated damages may be used for the payment of engineering fees incurred after the completion date. If this request meets with City approval, please sign one copy of this letter and return it for our files. We thank you for the cooperation of your staff throughout the project and look forward to a successful completion of the project work. SIncerely, AND HOLMES-ENGINEERS, INC. P. Eo TMZ/jms Richard M. Rozansky, City Manager 05/18 l2W ... . ( ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~:'- (JQ n> );:> ::l ..... :r: """ ., (t) (t) Co' () 0- ::r -.s C"J c-, C) ."\' ~ .-+ :J:::> -~-\ ~' :::l ill \l) ~:,,:, /. ~ 0. 0 V VI -0 ,~. () ~.~~ ..-- ~ :r: ..-', \.... ",""- r.- ""- (,) -" -0 >" " :..L: ::--! :.. ~, ..:-- C,. . .. ~ r\.~ L'" - \\- ,r-, " ~ - J c:> ;.:.:l :,. .J ~ ,~ .J , li~ ., < ....:::: c:-; i.J~' v) t ):> (0 rn VI ~ ~) VI () 0 <:2. en I'" 0 ~r O' III => ""'\ 0. . (l) ~\ ~ ~_ ~r ,~ R'\ ~ ~ () ~ '~ ~ S i\ 8 ) ~ ~ ~~ll P ,'0 ~ \ ,- ,~'-:~",j .' .~l '. ~:~, .,' ....., ,,) ':- ') --- .." \,' J , ' .'''~ " ,\ , ~:.'~:"J ~,-;" ,:.f.~. ....->- . '. - I ..... -'... \ t....1 ~.' ' 4..,.....) 2J' ~~"'. ) .--'-- -j ,'. i ..,..-,,:, ) ~----- ~ I, "- " " ~~t\)'l ,-. I'" I, I '\ ~ ~ ~ '\)' ~~ t : ~ ' ~ ~\ ~ 0 t> ~ ~ " N ~ ~~ ~ ~'~ t h .- -_. ~_.,._-_. --_... ....... .......-...,-- '....---..- . . . . The 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. . 12. . REQUEST FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES June 13, 1988 The City of Winter Springs requested proposals for professional services to perform a traffic circulation study of the existing and programmed roads in and near the City. The following proposals were received on June 13, 1988 before 2:00 p. m. and were opened by the City Manager. Also present at the opening were Jacqueline Koch, Director of Administrative Services/City Planner and Mary Norton, City Clerk. following proposals were received: Ghioto, Singhofen & Associates, Inc., 5456 Hoffner Ave., Suite 202, Orlando, FL 32812; they declined to respond. Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc., 2611 Technology Drive, Suite 201, Orlando, FL 32804. Traffic Planning and Design, Inc., P.O. Box 1237, Longwood, FL 32750 Foxworth, Swift and Associates Engineers, 2400 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 114, Maitland, FL 32751. Tipton Associates Inc., 930 Woodcock Road, Orlando, FL 32803. Transportation Consulting Group, P.O. Box 2547, Winter Park, FL 32790. Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Architects, Engineers & Planners, Inc., 1715 N. Westshore Blvd., Suite 500,P.O. Box 22003, Tampa, FL 33622-2003 JHK & Associates, 7575 Dr. Phillips Blvd., Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32819. Harland Bartholomew & Associates, Inc., Planning, Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Suite 400, 4417 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville, FL 32207. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. , 1200 E. Hillcrest St., Suite 300, Orlando, FL 32803. Ivey, Bennett, Harris and Walls,Inc., Planners, Engineers , Landscape Architects, 122 E. Colonial Dr. ,Orlando, FL 32801. Miller-Sellen Associates, Inc., declined. The proposals will be reviewed by the City Engineer, the Land Development Coordinator, the Building Official, the Police Chief, the Fire Chief and Director of Administrative Services/City Planner. Mary Norton, City Clerk