HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 05 23 Regular . . . ... .. May 19, 1988 TO: City Manager ~ Land Development Coordinator~ FRa.1 : RE: Fairway Lakes at Tuscawilla (Bentley Green) Agenda Item C This is for approval/disapproval of Final Engineering for the above referenced. Attached are the Staff Review minutes of May 18, 1988, and the City Engineer approval letter of May 19, 1988. /mh cc: Mayor City Conunission . . . ~. May 18, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager OJ Land Developnent CoordinatJ::::! FROM: RE: Staff Review, Final Engineering Fairway Lakes at Tuscawilla (Bentley Green) The above referenced was held on May 17, 1988. The project was represented by w. Temple and B. Austin. Staff members present were Archer, Artman, Govoruhk, Holzman, Hursh, Koch, Kozlov and LeBlanc. The Staff had no objection to the project. Copies of the correspondence with Florida Power will be subnitted to the Building Official in lieu of the lighting plan. The sign was approved. The developer has agreed to responsibility for any damage to Greenbriar resulting from construction activities on the project. 1mb cc: Staff t . . (Q:) Xx.:~~......",.~"" ... CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 May 19, 1988 Mr. Brian D. Austin, P.E. Donald W. McIntosh Associates, Inc. 2200 Park Avenue North Winter Park, FL 32789 RE: Fairway Lakes at Tuscawilla (Bentley Green) Final Engineering Dear Brian: . After review of the revised soils report, received by the City on May 19, 1988, concerning the need of additional underdrains, all Final Engineering was found to be satisfactory. It should be noted that after final grading for the roadway is completed, it is the responsibility of the engineer-of- record/developer to notify the City, so that final determination of additional roadway underdrains is completed. Please be advised, that upon completion of construction, "as-built" drawings should be submitted to the City for review and site inspection prior to issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy. If you have any questions, please contact this office. PH/mh cc: City Manager Building Department Land Developnent Coordinator Mr. A. Walter Temple Jr. . . . . .~ .... May 6, 1988 To: City Manager From: Land Development Re: Agenda Item C, Oak coordinator~ Forest Unit 8 This is the Final Engineering for Oak Forest Unit 8. the project to be satisfactory on April 13, 1988 and project on April 19, 1988. Please refer to attached cc: Mayor Commission City Attorney City Clerk The City Engineer found the Staff reviewed the letters. . . . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 April 13, 1988 Mr. Brian D. Austin, P.E. Donald W. McIntosh Associates 2200 Park Avenue North Winter Park,Fl 32789 RE: Oak Forest Unit 8 - Final Engineering Review Dear Brian: On April 7, 1988, the city had received the revised final engineering for the above mentioned project. After further review, all engineering was found to be satisfac- tory. Pleased be advised, that upon completion of construction, "as-built" drawings should be submitted to the city for review and site inspection prior to issuance of any certificates of occupancy. If you have any questions, please contact this office. PH/nav cc: City Manager Land Development Coordinator Building Department . . . <04 April 20, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager ~ Land Development Coordinato~ FROM: RE: Staff Review, Oak Forest Unit 8, Final Engineering The above referenced was held on April 19, 1988. The project was represented by C. True and L. Taylor. Staff members present were Archer, Artman, Govoruhk, Holzman, Hursh, Koch, Kozlov, LeBlanc and Raeder. The barricade at the end of Trotw:>od will be on metal posts built to DOT standards . Transmittal letters to Florida Power were presented in lieu of a lighting plan. The lighting plan will come from Florida Power. Retention areas will be maintained by the developer. The question of who will maintain these areas in Oak Forest at build-out was asked of the developer. It was requested that the developer present some plan for this at the Commission Meeting. /mh cc: Staff --- . . . ." May 20, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager ~ Land Development Coordinato~ FROM: RE: Ranchlands Paving SUrvey Initially, 286 surveys were mailed out. Some of these surveys had more than one piece of property listed. The survey \o\laS sent to only those property owners whose property abutted dirt roads. The survey results address parcels of land, not the owners per say. In other words, if one survey listed two parcels, the tally \o\laS doubled. As of May 20, 1988, 248 votes were received with the following results: 176 or 71% voted NO S".'l';.~<t - ~ tJ\.> 64 or 25.8% voted YES 8 or 3.2% were undecided (not a def ini te yes or no) A further breakdown was made for that property south of Tradewinds in Section 1A and all of Sections IB, 6 and 7. 116 votes were received with the following results: 65 or 56% voted NO 48 or 41.4% voted YES 3 or 2.6% were undecided /mh - .. - . . . " May 20, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager ~ Land Developnent Coordinato~ FROM : RE: Ranchlands Paving SUrvey Initially, 286 surveys were mailed out. Sane of these surveys had more than one piece of property listed. The survey was sent to only those property owners whose property abutted dirt roads. The survey results address parcels of land, not the owners per say. In other w:>rds, if one survey listed two parcels, the tally was doubled. As of May 20, 1988, 248 votes were received with the following results: 176 or 71% voted NO 64 or 25.8% voted YES 8 or 3.2% were undecided (not a def ini te yes or no) A further breakdown was made for that property south of Tradewinds in Section 1A and all of Sections lB, 6 and 7. 116 votes were received with the following results: 65 or 56% voted NO 48 or 41.4% voted YES 3 or 2.6% were undecided /mh . . . .' . .. ~ ";'\~;'r~ \ , , ,'d ~'I ~'i:r?J"'''''' 't.', Du 'tj..~ ~~ ,.:... .9 1) . . l, I...... .; \ "'fa., ,...............-:", .." . "-" r,...... '. '.'.'\".,,,, ....... CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 April 13, 1988 Mr. Brian D. Austin, P.E. Donald W. McIntosh Associates 2200 Park Avenue North Winter Park,Fl 32789 RE: Oak Forest Unit 8 - Final Engineering Review Dear Brian: On April 7, 1988. the city had received the revised final engineering for the above mentioned project. After further review, all engineering was found to be satisfac- tory. Pleased be advised. that upon completion of construction. "as-built" drawings should be submitted to the city for review and site inspection prior to issuance of any certificates of occupancy. If you have any questions, please contact this office. PH/nav cc: City Manager Land Development Coordinator Building Department . . . ~ "." . April 20, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager ~ Land Development Coordinato~ FRG1: RE: Staff Review, Oak Forest Unit 8, Final Engineering The above referenced was held on April 19, 1988. The project was represented by C. True and L. Taylor. Staff members present were Archer, Artman, Govoruhk, Holzman, Hursh, Koch, Kozlov, LeBlanc and Raeder. The barricade at the end of Tro~ will be on metal posts built to DOT standards . Transmittal letters to Florida Pcwer were presented in lieu of a lighting plan. The lighting plan will come from Florida Power. Retention areas will be maintained by the developer. The question of who will maintain these areas in Oak Forest at build-out was asked of the developer. It was requested that the developer present some plan for this at the Commission Meeting. /mh cc: Staff . ~ May 6, 1988 ~ . To: City Manager From: Land Development Re: Agenda Item C, Oak coordinator~ Forest Unit 8 This is the Final Engineering for Oak Forest unit 8. the project to be satisfactory on April 13, 1988 and project on April 19, 1988. Please refer to attached cc: Mayor Commission City Attorney City Clerk The City Engineer found the Staff reviewed the letters. . . . < ~ May 6, 1988 To: City Manager From: Land Development Coordinator Re: Agenda Item B, Tuscawilla Unit lBJ This is the Preliminary Engineering/Final Development Plan for Tuscawilla Unit 16. The City Engineer found the project to be satisfactory on April 13, 1988 (see attached letter). Staff comments are addressed in the attached Land Development Coordinator letter dated April 20, 1988. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval on April 27, 1988. cc: Mayor Commission City Attorney City Clerk . . . April 20, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager ~ Land Developnent COOrdinato@ FRG1: HE: Staff Review, Tuscawilla Unit 16, Preliminary Engineering/ Final Developnent Plan The above referenced was held on April 19, 1988. The project was represented by C. Thompson, C. True, and L. Taylor. Staff members present were Archer, Artman, Govoruhk, Holzman, Hursh, Koch, Kozlov, LeBlanc and. Raeder. Fire hydrants will be added at the approximate locations: Lots 26/27 and Lots 43/44 wi th corresponding 6" lines. This change will be noted on Final Engineering . A small section of Northern Way (near the entrance to Unit 16) is in need of repair. The developer has agreed to repair this at the time of street installation. The City Engineer will meet with the developer prior to any improvement on this parcel to assess the existing street condition. Any damage attributed to Unit 16 because of improvements will be borne by the developer. To have better control on grading and drainage the developer will have a meeting with all contractors before improvements are made. This will be reiterated when the contractor gets approval for each individual lot from the Archi tectural Review Board. There was some concerned voiced about the lots along the pov.er easement, especially Lots 118 and 124. The developer will take this into consideration. All retention areas will be maintained by a mandatory HOII\eCWner's Association. /mh cc: Staff . . . ~,.. ~ "'." , ... ~ ' ~ ~IIHEJ? \ \ \ to~(d ;~~tt~. 9~ ,,,") ~1 I ~. t!o' .hl.. t\_. ~'~-;:;':i. ".. ....' , ),:,- ~."\ ... .. ........ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA Mr. Charles H. True, P.E. Senior Vice President Donald W. McIntosh Associates 2200 Park Avenue North Winter Park, FL 32789 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 April 13, 1988 RE: Tuscawilla Unit 16, Preliminary Engineering Review Dear Charlie: On April 12, 1988, the City had received the revised preliminary engineering for Tuscawilla Unit 16. After further review of the engineering plans, the designated location for canpensating storage was found to be satisfactory. It should be clearly noted that any revisions made regarding canpensating storage, must be subni tted arxi approved by the City. If you have any questions, please contact tlUs office. PH/rnh cc: Ci ty Manager LaIxi Developnent Coordinator Building Department e 'fE~fEUWft~ MAy 23 ]B88 May 23, 1988 em of WINTER SPRINGS CITY MANAGER Mr. Richard Rozansky City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Conklin, ~ort.r and Holmes ~ ~ EHGItEERS. INC. 500 w. F\A.TON STREET POST OFFICE BOX 1178 SANFOAQ. A..ORDA 3277 1 TEL 305 322-614 1 TEL 305 13 1~717 Re: Water and Wastewater Master Plans CPH Project No. W0408.00 Dear Mr. Rozansky: We have prepared this letter report and attached tables to more fully identify the recommended capital improvements and projected financing for the City of Winter Springs water and sewer system. After presentation and approval by the City Commission, this information will be incorporated into revised Master Water and Wastewater Plans. Capital Improvements Program - The first exhibit and indicates the the Master Plans. of the exhibit in shows the improvements on a time line basis required expenditures per year as described in The service capability is shown at the bottom terms of population. Population growth is based on the approved population figures contained within the Master Plans. The capital improvement program does not include items that are defined as renewal and replacement projects. They are discussed later in this report. Cash Flow Analysis The second and third exhibits present cash flow analyses through the year 2010. We have described, with the assistance of the finance department and the utility department, the projected cash flow of the utility system. Cash flow is projected for revenue and expenses, for the renewal and replacements budget and the capital improvements budget. e Water and sewer revenue is increased on an annual basis based on population. Payroll was increased by seven percent per annum based on historical records and also increased for additional manpower to support the increased customer base. Manpower increases are the following: one additional person in 1989 and two additional personnel each in the years 1990, 1991, 1996, and 2001. All addi ti ona 1 personnel were p1 aced at the introductory pay level, but two personnel were placed as plant operators while the others were maintenance personnel. It is anticipated that we will be required to provide personnel at the wastewater treatment plant for seven days, 24-hour operation when we reach a permitted flow capacity of 1.5 MGD. Conklin, ~ort.r and Ho...... ~ [P) ENGINEERS, INC. 500 W. FUlTON STREET o POST OFFICE BOX I'" SANFOAO. FLORIOA 32771 TEL305322-6841 TEL3D5131-5717 4It Operations expense was increased slightly by a two percent increase in utility cost per annum. Sludge disposal expense was increased by two percent per year to account for additional volume. Renewal and replacement expense is based on five percent of the previous years gross revenues, which includes connection fees, as per the bond issue requirements. Debt service includes principal and interest from the bond issue and the revenue generation fund is a requirement of the grant recently issued by the State to the City. It should be noted that projected expenses exceed projected operational revenues in 1997. A correction to the rates may be required prior to 1997. The projected renewal and replacement budget is shown at the bottom of the chart as well as the projected capital improvements budget. The renewal and re?lacement budget is sufficiently funded to meet the needs of the projects identified. The capital improvements budget reveals a negative cash flow by utilizing the existing connection fees of $3.10 per gallon sewer and $1.12 per gallon water. We have therefore prepared the third exhibit to show the cash flow generated by an increased sewer connection fee of $6.30 per gallon and maintaining the wa~er connection fee at $1.12 per gallon. - Connection needed for purposes. are 1 i sted fees are collected to finance capital improvements new growth and cannot be utilized for other They are not included as revenue in our analysis and separately in the capital improvements section. The proposed connection fees would allow the construction of the projected projects without a bond issue. This is due to the fact that all projects are phased and constructed as needed. We believe this information answers the questions of the Commission and identifies the long-term financial considerations of the Master Water and Wastewater Plans. Sincerely, PORTER & HOLMES - ENGINEERS, INC. Zaudtke, P.E. 5/23 L1 A . ... . . . e e e Moneys in the Reserve Account shall ~e used only for the purpose of paying Bond Service Requirement on the Bonds when the other moneys in the Debt Serv ice Fund are insuff ic ient therefor, and for no other purpose. Whenever the amount on depos it in the Reserve Account exceeds the then current Reserve Requirement, the excess shall be withdrawn from the Reserve Account by the Trustee and deposited in any account in the Debt Service Fund. (3) Upon the issuance of any Additional Parity Obliga- tions under the terms, limitations and cond i tions as are herein provided the paymp.nts into the several accounts in the Debt Ser- vice Fund, including, if Term Bonds are issued, the Redemption Account, shall be increased in such amounts as shall be necessary to make the payment for the principal of, interest on and reserves for such Additional Parity Obligations on the same basis as here- inabove provided with respect to the Bonds initially issued under this Resolution. ~ (4) The Issuer shall next apply and deposit monthly from the moneys remaining on depos it in the Revenue Fund into a special account to be kIlown as the "City of Winter Springs Water and Sewer Renewal and Replacement Fund" (hereinafter called the "Renewal and Replacement Fund"), which fund is hereby created and established, an amount equal to one-twelft~ (1/12th) of five percent (5%) of the Gross Revenues received during the immediately preceding Fiscal Year, such deposit to be continued to be made for the purpose of this account; provided that no deposit shall be required to be made so long as there is an a!T1ount on deposit in the Renewal and Replacement Fund in the amount of 5% of the Gross Revenues rece ived during the immed iately preceed ing Fiscal Year. The moneys in the Renewal and Replacement Funa shall be used only for the purpose of paying the cost of extensions, enlargements or addi tions to, or the replacement of capital assets of the System and emergency repairs thereto. Such moneys on deposi t in such account shall also be used to supplement the Reserve Account in the Debt Service Fund, if necessary, in order to prevent a default in the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds. (5) Fifty percent (50%) of the balance of any moneys remaining in the Revenue Fund after the above required payments have been made may be used for any lawful purpose; prov ided , however, that none of said money shall be used for any purposes other than those hereinabove specified unless all current pay- ments, incl ud ing any def ic ienc ies for prior payments, have been made in full and unless the Issuer shall have compl ied fully wi th all the covenants and provisions of this Resolution. The remain- ing fifty percent (50%) of the balance of any moneys remaining in the Revenue Fund shall remain in the Revenue Fund or shall, at the option of the City, be deposited in the Renewal and Replacement Fund. (6) The Debt Service Fund (including the Reserve Account and all accounts therein), the Rene"-'al and Replacement Fund, the Revenue Fund, the Acquisition and Improvement Fund and any other special funds herein established and created shall E-20 ,...,!..iliil<"'1JIiWi~L~C: ~ e \'EAR ------------------------------ --------------------------- WATER SUPPLY S't'STEt1 1'388 1'98"3 19'30 -----------------------------------.-------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------- -- 1'3'31 ---------------------- - -------------- --- NININUH INPROVE~S WQU lG 500000 Gal GST IfTP 2 WTP 2 SitQ Piping Hi gh S9'rVi CEO Purop WTP 3 500000 Gal GST IfTP 3 WTP 3 SitE' Piping High SQrVicQ Punp WTP 2 RECOt1I1EHOED I t1PROlIE11EHTS Ton CI WTP 3 Ton CI IUP 2 Auxil i.ary POW<<" IITP 2 WASTEWATER IMPROUEMENTS 100000 ClOOOO 10000 ------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- 37500 e D<IO,fron I "'ProvQft9ftU Packag... Plant 2 AUl<:. 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RENEWAL AM) REPlACEHEHT FUND ~ ========================--======== 'r'EAR ENOIMG SEPT. 30 1988 CUHLATIVE R & R 226667 EXPENDI TlJRES: LI FT STA _ 5 REHAB. 30000 1/1 RE"OVAL RHO CORRECTION SOOOO UIoITP 1 REHAB 3: BLOUER U HE AERATOR Io4TP 3 AERATOR J.ITP 2 I,lATER LI ME 396 I,lATER LIMES 92,9"'.97,'3'9.101,102 IoIATER LIMES 1,2,30 SUCTION PIPING IoITP 3 UATER LIMES 175,261,26"1 sucnON PIPING IUP 2 TON CL IU~TP IoIIoITP ROADWAY PAVED ----------- -------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ 2?'S575 133350 I-t5Z25 2911'38 132273 159225 226161 133656 '32505 253356 133570 11'3786 258010 1333-15 121665 260"10'3 132975 127"'31 255380 133703 121677 150111 l32922 17193 1285'32 133256 -"I66"t 10-111'3 133311 -291'32 i"G3O 1 133151 -56853 19130 -89151 -155716 133967 133186 133396 -91838 -222315 -28'3132 -231'310 -313708 -100501 -106315 -1S7833 133253 134038 131379 133025 l32S13 -365163 -"f-t7716 -53-1882 -~O -5'30316 -51S'320 -575933 131)50 132'" 13 -652'370 -708316 -6506.87 132825 -783512 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1"38'3 1"3'90 2"fC33'91 1 ""'3967 1'3'91 19'32 19'93 19'91 1'3'35 19% 1997 19'38 1'3'99 2000 2001 2002 2003 200"'1 2005 2'006 2007 2009 2ilO9 201:l 122172 2163'30 31350'3 "'13527 5161"1'" 152231 500862 57?688 6'35821 816"158 ~3'3603 1063189 11'32201 1322287 1153136 1585652 1728863 187597'3 20269'33 2181'315 -- -------------- ------- - 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P&l RE~AL ~ REPLACEMENT REV. GEN. FUND TRANSFER SLUDGE DISPOSAL --------- --- ------------------- 1515171 1601719 1700085 179..-:lO1 1802025 18"l635-l 18'3293'3 19'f6951 2093731 2156227 2221871 22'3OG91 2368065 2515172 2603095 2703'30" 28070'40 2'915172 3023770 31578'13 32'96871 3"f3Z051 358"1"320 --------- ------- TorRL CASH EXPENSES 93-'C 15 9'38571 1067332 1212137 12~."s"H 1385"l11 1..a12"l7 l583792 1693515 1810'319 1~1 2070'J56 221"'781 1.2n5OO 120500 120500 120500 120500 120500 120500 120500 120500 120500 120500 120500 120500 36101'1 3638"l8 366708 369625 372600 375635 379730 381888 385108 388393 3'31 ?11 3951r.2 3'386"l8 ~ 7'3250 7'3250 79256 7'3250 79250 79250 7'9250 ~50 79250 7'3250 7'3250 79250 1'3000 1'3000 1'3000 19000 19000 19000 1'3000 1'9000 1'3000 19000 19lJOO l4JOOO 1'3000 533.36"l 53261"1 5358(,9 532711 5335.... 533013 536.150 537513 532100 530050 536200 52'l650 531300 11'33'97 121907 12'1'406 126915 127357 136096 13i'162 138229 13'3296 15"l731 158636 16253"1 166"l"2 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 55000 SSOOO 55000 31072 316'3"'1 32328 32971 3J6301 31306 3"'19'33 35692 36"l06 3713"'1 37877' 38635 39'401 ==============================--============================================================--===============----------====================~=================================-------================== --------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- GROSS AVAILABLE CASH FL~ COVERAGE REOOI REO (25V NET AVAILABLE CRSH FLOW e RENENAl RHO REPUICEHEMT FUHO 2G5"l11 133037 132101 ------------------ -------- YEAR ENOING SEPT. 30 1988 CUl1LAfI VE R & R 226667 EXPEHOI rURES: LIFT STA. 5 REHAB. 3??oo 1/1 REHOVAL AND CORRECTION 5??oo WWTP 1 REHAB & BLOIolER LUtE AERATOR WTP 3 AERATOR J./TP 2 ~ArER LINE 3'36 WATER LINES 92,9"1.'37,99,101.102 WATER LIMES 1.2.30 SUCTION PIPING WTP 3 ~ATER LI NES 175,261.26"'1 SUCTION PIPIMG ~TP 2 TON Cl W~TP WWTP ROAOIolAY PAVED -------------------- ------------------ 116667 REttAI NI NG R ., R CRPITRL FUND 278575 133350 1 "l5225 258010 1333"'15 12"l66S 260"l09 132975 127"l3"1 1"t63"'13 132'322 13"'122 121821 133256 -8"'135 ------------------------------- - 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REVENUE GENERATION FUND YEARLY FUNDS AVAILABLE E:olPEHOITURES CARRY OVER e