HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 04 11 Regular e e e April 8, 1988 TO: City Manager ~ Land Development Coordinator FROM: RE: Agenda Item III-B, Commission Meeting April 11, 1988 The Grove Counseling Center, Inc. has a Site Plan under review for an addition to their existing facilities. At present, the City does not have water lines on the Old Sanford/OViedo Road. Therefore, a waiver to Section 14-124 (c) in regards to fire hydrants, storage capacity and escrow requirements is being requested. SECTION 14-124. REQUIREMENTS FOR WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS (c) . . . . . . . . Sufficient storage and/or emergency pumping facilities shall be provided to such an extent that the minimum fire flows will be maintained for at least four ( 4 ) hours. The requirement for f ire hydrants may be waived temporarily be City Council upon recommendation of the Fire Chief in areas where adequate mains are not available, but in such case, the builder must place in escrow an amount equal to the cost of such hydrants plus an additional twenty-five ( 25) percent to provide for their connection as soon as adequate mains become available, and such funds may be used for no other purpose. In any case, the distribution system shall comply with the above requirements. Please refer to the attached correspondence from the Fire Department and The Grove Counseling Center, Inc. Attachment /mh cc: Mayor Conunission FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES e e ... " . m('ll~'-W" '. --. ", L',' , " I t.' - " I , ~, 1..- : 1-,,.- ) ,J MArl 11 lJjj FIRE DEPARTMENT 102 NORTH MOSS ROAD WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 TELEPHONE (305) 327-2332 CJTY 01 Vili'I-I"':/' ";)I"j",ir-.(" L \ ....)1 \J I:'..:lJ CJ ry :,JMiAGER March 10. 1988 ~', Coyt,t,Mt'-S tAIl AcJ) TO: Richard Rozansky. City Manager The attached letter from The Grove Counseling Center.Inc.. dated March 4. 1988 and Captain Dallas' letter to the land development coordinator dated February 24. 1988 is furnished for your information. Section 14-124 of the Land Development Code requires a fire flow of one thousand. two hundred fifty (1,250) gallons per minute in commercial, instit- utional or industrial areas at each user point of delivery adjacent to the distribution system. My interpretation of this section of the code is that it refers to devel- opers or to already installed distribution systems. To rigidly inforce this code on a single project of this nature is. I feel. an impractical application of the intent of the code. By that I mean to require that the stated fire flow would. in place of a water distribution system. require a water storage tank of three hundred thousand (300.000) gallons. The type of structure. construction type. use. and compliance with the Life Safety Code should offset the need and the expense of such water capacity for this project. I therefore concur in granting the Grove Counseling Center, Inc. their request for a waiver as stated and recommend the installation of a water st~rage tank of 10,000 gallons as was discussed in our meeting with them of February 18, 1988. ~ Charles L. Holzman Fire Cheif CLH/pjs eel Land Planning Coordinator City Engineer / The Grove Counseling Center, Inc. 580 Old Sanford/Oviedo Rd., P.O. Box 4035 Winter Springs, FL 32708 · (407) 327 -1765 A United W.t'Y Agt:ncy 04 March 1988 p ~.~. (~ E \ \j E 0 l 't (\ (.) 1\ .". 1, e, '.J Llr'i\ \)~) \ ;,)0 Charles L. Holzman, Winter Springs Fire 102 North Moss Road Winter Springs, FL Fire Chief Department 32708 . __.;: ~1-'I'~I~<G~. r If"': Dt.;-'.:.:JHI.,dG Dear Chief Holzman: I am writing to request a waiver to Section 14-124 of the winter Springs Land Development Code. e As per our discussion of February 18, 1988, I am requesting permission to install a 5,000 - 10,000 gallon water storage tank on site at 580 Old Sanford/Oviedo Road in lieu of a fire hydrant connected to city water supply. I am making this request in connection with our site plan for construction of a new adolescent treatment facility. At present our water supply comes from a 411 well on the premises. Our site is located one fourth to one half mile from the nearest city water supply. The cost of installing water pipes over that distance as well as boring and jacking under a railroad track is prohibitive for us and the neigh- .boring businesses. As you know we are a charitable organi- zation and rely on contributions to fund the project in question. If you agree to our request, please take whatever steps are necessary to proceed with full City approval. Thank you, in advance, for your prompt consideration. Sincerely, La ry A. Visser Ex cutive Director cc: Don LeBlanc, Winter Springs Planning Department ~ Ron Woods, Woods Engineering Chemical Dependency Treatment b Prevention . FlfmAND ReScue SI!.RVICes e e FIRE DEPARTMENT 102 NORTH MOSS ROAD WlNTI!.R SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 TI!.LI!.PHONI!. (305) 327-2332 24 February, 1988 'ro: Land Developrrent Coordinator FRCM: Fire Marshal RE: 'Ihe Grove Counseling Center, new construction A rreeting was held on February 18, 1988, to discuss the above subject. Those present were Mr. Larry Visser and Mr. Ronald \<1oods representing the Grove and the Fire Chief, Assistant Chief and Fire Marshal from the fire departIrent. ;'" \ ! ;-",,\, . \ The pw:r?ose of this rreeting was to discuss alternate fire protection rreasures due! to the lack, of fire hydrants and city water supply to the area. '!be GroJe: is instituting residential ~re: ~'d life saf~ty of these occupants is ,our primary concern. ,. , ~ t ...._ "', .' ~ ; , After discussing the issues, it was decided to' waive the sprinkler ~ , , requirerrents in \ favor ~f, constrl.;1ction" teclmiques and a f~t,! response alarm , . "':_,,' _ ~ ; ", " , 1 system nonitored by a central station nonitoring service..; In additio~,".,a stap.c ~ater source in,'thefODn of an ,Underground tank will be provided., \This tank would be of sufficJ.ent size to provide fire .. . . fighting water suPplies for both the existing and new construction. A rronitoring device would insure the tank was kept full from their dorrestic water supply. A fire departIrent connection wOUld alSo, be installed along old Sanford-Oviedo road for hook-up by a fire departrrent punper. ,/ ......r.' ""--.----L /h/'(~' ) .~ ' C I ,l" ,,~.. ..,' /t//cY// (!~ ll.'.?(?f':.,...-! Robert cE. Dallas / fre Marshal . . e .... April 8, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager ~ Land Development Coordinator FROM: RE: Agenda Item III-B, Commission Meeting April 11, 1988 The Grove Counseling Center, Inc. has a Site Plan under review for an addition to their existing facilities. At present, the City does not have water lines on the Old Sanford/Oviedo Road. Therefore, a waiver to Section 14-124 (c) in regards to fire hydrants, storage capacity and escrow requirements is being requested. SECTION 14-124. REQUIREMENTS FOR WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS (c)....... . Sufficient storage and/or emergency pumping facilities shall be provided to such an extent that the minimum fire flows will be maintained for at least four ( 4 ) hours. The requirement for fire hydrants may be waived temporarily be City Council upon recommendation of the Fire Chief in areas where adequate mains are not available, but in such case, the builder must place in escrow an amount equal to the cost of such hYdrants plus an additional twenty-five (25) percent to provide for their connection as soon as adequate mains become available, and such funds may be used for no other purpose. In any case, the distribution system shall comply with the above requirements. Please refer to the attached correspondence from the Fire Department and The Grove Counseling Center, Inc. Attachment /mh cc: Mayor Commission ------ ~~~~ " ~,~"'~ ! O~;€' ~~~ ~'l/~' ~ -.', Ii ,"\ -/ ..... i..::.of" J l. ,.- i ,II t, ',t,". . ;\,~ Cl . ~.\"'~'I\"",1\' ~1 ,.~ '~ '-.:.--.-/./ , l..OHIOt'- FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES . e " . ~"I-:':1"" .,,:w",. '," ",-- I:, " ,", - r,~ . j' I t." : ,- " I ' i~;.I...- ! , I ". .J MI-\t-( 11 J~~tl FIRE DEPARTMENT 102 NORTH MOSS ROAD WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 TELEPHONE (305) 327-2332 elT'( 01 Fi/,Ji:J: S?I\iU~;S Cl/''I ,;IMIAGCn March 10. 1988 ~ I, CoYl,.ttMl-'-S iM A@ TO: Richard Rozansky. City Manager The attached letter from The Grove Counseling Center.lnc.. dated March. 4. 1988 and Captain Dallas' letter to the land development coordinator dated February 24. 1988 is furnished for your information. Section 14-124 of the Land Development Code requires a fire flow of one thousand. two hundred fifty (1.250) gallons per minute in cOfi~ercial, instit- utional or industrial areas at each user point of delivery adjacent to the distribution system. My interpretation of this section of the code is that it refers to devel- opers or to already installed distribution systems. To rigidly inforce this code on a single project of this nature is, I feel, an impractical application of the intent of the code. By that I mean to require that the stated fire flow would, in place of a water distribution system. require a water storage tank of three hundred thousand (300,000) gallons. The type of structure. construction type. use, and compliance with the Life Safety Code should offset the need and the expense of such water capacity for this project. I therefore concur in granting the Grove Counseling Center, Inc. their request for a waiver as stated and recommend the installation of a water storage tank of 10,000 gallons as was discussed in our meeting with them of February 18, 1988. ~ Charles L. Holzman Fire Cheif CLH/pjs ccl Land Planning Coordinator City Engineer ./ The Grove Counseling Center, Inc. 580 Old Sanford/Oviedo Rd., P.O. Box 4035 Winter Springs, FL 32708 · (407) 327-1765 ^ Urllltd W4't' Ayrmy 04 March 1988 p ~.~. (~ [ \ \j E 0 "f' c) 1\ \-, 11~~~{O" L I -\ i\ \i.) I." Charles L. Holzman, Winter Springs Fire 102 North Moss Road Winter Springs, FL Fire Chief Department 32708 , ;"'~,"; l.' . ..: ...._ 1.1'" .........U' r\r\~ (;t.~-'.":J~d...d\1 Dear Chief Holzman: I am writing to request a waiver to Section 14-124 of the winter Springs Land Development Code. . As per our discussion of February 18, 1988, I am requesting permission to install a 5,000 - 10,000 gallon water storage tank on site at 580 Old Sanford/Oviedo Road in lieu of a fire hydrant connected to city water supply. I am making this request in connection with our site plan for construction of a new adolescent treatment facility. At present our water supply comes from a 411 well on the premises. Our site is located one fourth to one half mile from the nearest city water supply. The cost of installing water pipes over that distance as well as boring and jacking under a railroad track is prohibitive for us and the neigh- .boring businesses. As you know we are a charitable organi- zation and rely on contributions to fund the project in question. If you agree to our request, please take whatever steps are necessary to proceed with full City approval. Thank you, in advance, for your prompt consideration. Sincerely, La ry A. Visser Ex cutive Director e cc: Don LeBlanc, Winter Springs Planning Department Ron Woods, Woods Engineering Chemical Dependency Treatment G Prevention . FIRE AND REScue SERVICes . e .... FIRE DEPARTMENT 102 NORTH MOSS ROAD WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA .32708 TELEPHONE (.305) .327.2.3.32 24 February, 1988 TO: Land Developrrent Coordinator FRCM: Fire Marshal RE: 'lbe Grove Counseling Center, new construction A rreeting was held on February 18, 1988, to discuss the above subject. '!hose present were Mr. Larry Visser and Mr. Ronald \Voods representing the Grove and the Fire Chief, Assistant Olief and Fire Marshal from the fire departnent. ;' ('. \ ~ '"\. ~ ' ( '!he purJ?ose of this rreeting was to discuss alternate fire protection rreasures due! to the lack of fire hydrants and city water supply to the area. '!he Gro~e: is instit~ting ~sidential ~re: ~d life saf~ty of these occupants is .our prinary concern. , . , . , . . , 1 of t . '. ~.. . . . / , After discussing the issues, i twas decided to' waive the sprinkler ~ . . , requirerrents in \, favor ~f: construction' techniques and a f~t,' response alarm , . ,~,. ,.' " :. . ", - -, : " , .: system nonitored by a central station rronitoring service.' : In addition," a static water source in 'the form of an Underground tank I, I .,' will. be provided., \.This tank would be of sufficient size to provide fire fighting water supp'lies f~r both the existing and' new construction. A rronitoring device would insure the tank was kept full from their dorrestic water supply. A fire departIrent connection wOUld' alSo. be installed along old Sanford-Oviedo road for hook-up by a fire depa.rtIrent pllll'per. '" '~.... ".. ...... ;.' ,/' .,-", /h,/! 'l---~L ) . ( I' " ,'~ ". J, . ) /. ,~, ,,' j(.j~:-:,~/ ~4 ,.....(:/t;....! Robert tE;. Dallas I fre Marshal e e e c~ April II, 1988 TO: MAYOR/COMM~SION CITY MANAG~ J' DRAINAGE PROB~MS SUGARTREE (ALTON AVE. - RESIDENT COMPLAINT) FROM: REF: 1. We have again received a complaint from a resident of Alton - mainly that the backyard - patio/pool frequently becomes flooded as a result of wet weather. The resident felt that the City approved the home and consequently the drainage is our problem regardless of the fact that actually the problem is on private property. It is also noted that there was some $12,000.00 placed in the budget to correct the problem. 2. I explained that I would not accept liability for the water on the property and that the $12,000.00 was budgeted in the event there was an easement between the two streets. There is not. The subject ease- ment is a utility and not a drainage easement. Additionally. there appears to have been changes in the grading - pools have been installed, and fences erected on many lots. Finally, property owners that do not experience a drainage problem feel it is not their problem. 3. A workable solution would be for each problem lot to be underdrained by the owner, the water brought to the front of the property. hence into a pipe manifold that could be tapped into a manhole inlet. Once in the right of way the city could handle the problem. 4. I do not recommend the city fund work or perform work on private property. The commission would be inundated with demands for remedial drainage action from property owners throughout the city. 5. I will discuss this item and seek direction at the next meeting. / "".. /"'~ '~INT(;f", .' a- ......-...l~.., 01' ""'~.. J..,'I../ "'~"';.,(I , .~0lr.', 'ri.~; .:. '< .. . :; t..1; .. ..,'1 '. \.... ./., ", 7~~';:"::;:~ .:~.." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 April 11, 1988 TO: COMMISSION/MAYOR FROM: CITY MANAGER REFERENCE: Acquisition of Park/Recreation Property Following are my recommendations for proceeding with our acquisition of park/recreation property and facilities. As you will note, we have adequate bonding capacity; however, we must also consider the road construction program. I. GOAL: LOCATE, FUND. ACQUIRE PROPERTY AND CONSTRUCT THE FOLLOWING FACILITIES: e A. General Recreation Facility of approximately 30 to 40 acres to include baseball/softball, soccer, and football fields, tennis courts and a building to house a gym. dreSSing/Showers. and office space. (FY 88/89 - 89/90). B. A Senior Citizen Facility of adequate size based upon present and future need. (FY 88/89 - 89/90). C. A site for a Civic Center of adequate size to serve an estimated population of some 35.000 to 45,000 people in the area of S.R. 419 and the future crossing site of the Expressway. (Construction determined by Expressway Schedule) Site Acquisition PY 88/8g-89/90). II. PROCEDURES: A. General Recreation Facility 1. Determine/Accept Sizing 2. Advertise/Select Suitable Site 3. Purchase Site - FY 88/89 (late) 4. Construct Facilities - FY 89/90 (a) Consider Phasing B. Senior Citizen Facility e 1. Determine size requirements based upon use and estimated population. (FY 87/88) 2. Determine/Select suitable site (separate or combined with another facility) - FY B7/SS . e e ~ . f.o: Commission/Mayor April 11. 1988 Page 2 3. Purchase Site: FY 88/89 4. Construct Facility: FY 88/89 C. Civic Center 1. Adopt or Reject Concept of I C above. 2. Determine/Accept site size (FY 87/88). 3. Advertise. Select, Purchase Site - FY 88/89. 4. Construct Facility sometime after FY 89/90 - Determined by Expressway/Development. III. FINANCING: A. General Recreation Facility. 1. Funds Available (a) Electric Franchise Fee/Public Service Tax Funds (1). Maximum Bond available at this time: $2.735.000.00. Approximately $2.317.000.00 would be available for Acquisition/Construction. The $2.735.000.00 represents approximately $350.000.00 in revenue (.8 mills). (b) Half-cent Sales Tax. (1). Maximum Bonding Capacity: $4.870.000.00. Approximately $ would be available for Acquisition/Con- struction. The $ represents approximately $712.061.00 in General Fund Revenue. B. Senior Citizens Facility. 1. Funds Available (a) Same as Item III A above. (b) Block Grant. (Applied for). (c) Budget FY 88/89. WE HAVE SOME $48.000.00 in the present budget that can be carried forward from this year. C. Civic Center. 1. Funds Available . e e To: Commission/Mayor April 11, 1988 Page 3 (a) . Sa~e as Item III A and for land acquisition 0 RR/mn Enc 1. (1) abo~ This expenditure y during \{~ 88/(9. \J~l Roz1fm ~I City Manager~ would be