HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 03 28 Regular e e . ~ March 24, 1988 To: City Manager ~ From: Land Development Coordinator ~ Re: Agenda Item, Tuscawilla unit 17 The final engineering for Tuscawilla Unit 17 was reviewed by Staff and found to be satisfactory. All items addressed in the Land Development Coordinator's memo of March 16, 1988 have been answered, or will be before platting is approved. cc: Mayor Commission jgh e e . March 16, 1988 TO: City Manager GJ Land Developnent Coordinator --.., FR(X\1 : HE: Staff Review, Tuscawilla Unit 17 The above referenced was held on March 15, 1988. B. Austin and C. Thanpson represented the project. Staff members present were Artman, Govoruhk, Holzman, Hursh, Koch, Kozlov, LeBlanc, and Raeder. This is a 254 unit project to be builtin four (4) stages. Engineering was approved on February 29, 1988, and the wall was approved onJ~1arch"-If;-l96~ The streets will be public. The tho entrances will hav /:~cial ty pavement. ) (: There will be a Homeowner's Association which will be inCOrPOrated, have by- laws, etc. Homeowners will be responsible for the retention areas, the wall and ~ pn'trances. --Ct)MAI~:ili~. t. The request for a lighting plan was sent to Florida P~r. Austin will furnish the Building Official with this paper work. ---., It was suggested that the developer look into the possibility of logging out the removed trees instead of burning. Also, save as many trees as possible. Winter Springs Boulevard and Northern Way will be evaluated before construction begins and once again after the project is completed. Any repairs w:luld then be accomplished by the developer. A letter attesting to this will be sent by the developer. Retention will be off site. Documents authorizing this will be checked to see if the City has emergency ingress/egress for repairs. If not, the documents will be amended to give the City this authority. Tuscawilla Unit 17, Final Engineering, will be scheduled for the COlIunission meeting of March 28, 1988. /mh cc: Staff e e . ,,-...'\\ . ,,' ~\NT€q' l \ . cl' ?1.s:.o.'\1 ,..... '~d "t:-(t ,'--"" 'f. 'i" '<- ('" t'>) ,70 . I/l',\ ~! ~', '0 . .'....... * 1.~1 ~l" .'",..............~...f"~, I.J. (,~ ~---,~ r.ca"'~ -.. ,... ......... -,- CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 March 11, 1988 Mr. Donald M:Je, P.E. Don M:>e Engineering, Inc. 950 North Orlando Avenue, Suite 110 Winter Park, FL 32189 RE: Tuscawilla Unit 11 - Wall Calculations Dear Mr. lYbe: On March 10, 1988, the City had received your wind load calculations for the proposed masonry wall for Tuscawilla Unit 11. After further review of the documentation, the wall design was found to be satisfactory. PH/mh cc: City Manager Land Developnent Coordinator Building Department Brian Austin, Donald W. McIntosh Associates, Inc. . .,' \ . . '-t/IN If /;' , . ,":t ;.,.,.:.::.~:.~:.;<~~{ ;uK F ":', ..,j." ":, . ~~'~':..'"':;:''' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 February 29, 1988 Brian D. Austin, P.E. Donald W. McIntosh Associates, Inc. 2200 Park Avenue North Winter Park, FL 32789 RE: Tuscawilla Unit 17 - Revi€..'W of Final Engineering Plans and Drainage Calculations Dear Brian: On February 26, 1988, the City had received the revised Final Engineering for Tuscawilla Unit 17. After further revi€..'W, the documentation was found to be satisfactory, contingent upon the submitted statement from the Tuscawilla Country Club owners regarding maintenance of the vertical volume recovery structure and a complete wall and sidewalk detail for the perimeter of the ~ site, along Winter Springs Boulevard and Northern Way. Please be advised, that upon canpletion of construction, "as-built" drawings should be submitted to the City for review and site inspection prior to issuance of any Certificates of Occupancy. If you have any questions, please call this office. _cS\rel:Q /" L'T~ P:E. Ci ty Eng~er PH/mh cc: City Manager Building Department Land Developnent Coordinator . . . ~a~ Gulfstrealll Orlando Inc. AN AFFILIATE OF GULFSTREAM LAND & DEVELOPMENT CORP. March 17, 1988 Mr. Leonard Kozlov City of Winter Springs Chief Engineer 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Mr. Kozlov: e As per our discussion at the staff meeting on Tuscawilla unit 17, Winter springs Development Corp. will be responsible for any repairs to winter Springs Blvd. or Northern Way due to heavy equipment damage from construction on unit 17. Please inspect the roads at your convenience and at any point of construction should you notice any damage, upon notification winter Springs Development Corp will repair the damage as soon as possible. I appreciate your comments and the staff's comments on Unit 17. I realize you cannot replace a man like Jack Afflebach, but Gulfstream is very committed to Tuscawilla and we hope to continue the relationship Jack established the past year. Thank you for your help and I look forward to working with you in the future. wlY' Charles 9:. ~son Vice President Gulfstream Orlando, Inc. CAT/lh ,Y CC: Donald R. LaBlanc . .. 900 North Maitland Avenue - Maitland, Florida 32751- (305) 647-7500 .I.~I DONALD W. MciNTOSH AnocI.....Jnc. 2200 PARK AVENUE NORTH, WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 3271llI (305) 644-4068 TRANSMITTAL CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS I SURVEYORS Date Ma reh 9, 1988 Job No. 87011. 0993 Re: Gulfstream Orlando Via: Hand Delivered TO: Mr. Wayne tkMull en Florida Power Corp. 10634 E. Colonial Drive Orlando, Florida GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU... [iJ Attached o Shop Drawings o Specifications o Prints o Change Order o o Copy of Letter o Plans o Preliminary Plans o Calculations ". No. Copies Date Drawinq No. Description 1 set Tuseawilla Unit 17 Final Engineering Plans .ea. Plat for Tuseawilla Units 17A, 17B, 17C, 170 1 set Fairway Lakes at Tuseawilla Final Engi neeri ng Plans 1 ea. Plat for Bentley Green Units 1, 2 and 3 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval 00 For your use o As requested o For review and comment o Approved as submitted o FOR BIDS DUE ,19 o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: For information regarding ale sizes and street lights, contact: Tuseawilla - Lisa Hagood 365-3252 Bentley Green - Wally Temple 788-3007 Imlw \ hI J I: 0 /1 / \ -A () I;,J. 'I h r/--. Signed:---' y~,-"... j~--U v .__UV\._- ,......~,'-~... / U / ~~J Brian D.Austin, P.E. Project t~anager cola: -- ----.. e ...-~-'--""_lo..""::l.:,. .' ~\NTE;;> ~\ ,'cf .....~' \{ :?''tC. """", '1:.,lt _() . ,'thn tl q r, l~~~j 'I It 11 11 ~1 1 .,1 ,,\ '{\, .... .,." ,'" ~, .I;:'...:'\t.tt\.~_1'-."'''' ~'.l..:.:"-_......_...:",, MEMORANDUM To: From: Ref: e . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 March 28, 1988 Mayor/Commission City Manager Ranchlands Paving/Drainage Improvements 1. I have reviewed all documentation regarding road construction and drainage improvements to the roads in the Ranchlands including: a petition received February 24, 1984 with some 153 signatures against paving; and a recent poll from residents of Fisher, Williams, Morton, Sunrise and Herrell Roads which indicates a majority desire paving. 2. We also have two memos from the City Engineer dated November 13, 1987 giving cost estimates for the entire section ($2,889,760.34) and the "selected roads" in the southern section ($971,524.24). His original estimate of October 14, 1987 was $2,777,100.59. 3. Regardless of the urging portrayed by some residents it is obvious that we cannot undertake a project of this magnitude and importance without first considering it along with other projects during the budget process. Since our last road con- struction project there have been major changes in state and federal regulations. I had planned to include this in the FY 88/89 Budget for consideration. 4. Before the Staff can make any solid recommendations we require more in-depth engineering from our consultant. The Staff feels that we must engineer the entire area before we can recommend doing the paving and drainage in a specific section of the entire area. 5. Regarding assessments. I feel that because an assessment is based upon the benefit derived from the improvement it is quite possible that a flat rate would not be advisable for the entire Ranchlands because actually there could be a difference in benefit received depending upon where one resides. This is a decision Commission must make. 6. Recommend you allow me to continue with Staff discussion and bring in our consulting engineer to the extent that he can give us a reasonable estimate of engineering costs required to make an educated --- e e e MEMO To: Mayor/Commission March 28, 1988 Page 2 decision in this matter to appoint a couple of i the Staff regarding th Finally terested matter. IL Richard Roz City Manage rhaps the Mayor would like itizens who would work with { sk~. . - e e e ~la rch 24, 1988 To: Mary Norton, City Clerk, City of Winter Springs Subject: Winter Springs Code, Section 4-2, More than Two (2) Dogs or Cats Prohibited - Exception I respectfully request a variance from the Winter Springs City Counci I on the above due to Animal Rescue work I do in conjunction with Sem- inole County Animal Control. This work has been presented to the Seminole County Commissioners in the form of records of the dogs and cats we have saved and replaced in new homes after spaying and neuter- ing. Since I do this on a fairly regular basis, I find it necessary to bring some of the dogs to my home in order to adopt them out. By doing this, I can learn something of their personalities, habits, etc., to make sure they are placed in proper new homes. I live in Tuscawi I la, Lot 42, Unit 2 (plat attached). The lots in this section are all one (1) + acres. I am fenced with four (4) foot chain link (700 ft.) on three (3) sides, and a six (6) foot board on board fence running along the back lot line (237 ft.) for privacy. The fence is wired to prevent jumping and digging, and the dogs are maintained in a proper manner. Most of what comes to my home are smal I housedogs, but lately I have acquired some larger dogs that live outside. The dogs that are fostered at my home are there only on a temporary basis, unti I a new home can be found. The rescue work I do is strictly for the protection and wel I being of the animals. It!s not my intent to Infringe on those about me. I would like to be able to continue my work and also work in harmony with WI nter Spri ngs. Respectfully Submitted, ~~ Sandra Raw Ii ns 1002 Gator Lane Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Attachment: 1 .-........_...__~.~..._,.z;.._.............~... ...~__...... _........... ~., .~. .....................~~~ _a_ .. .~ iI\ .', l~t-~~" , ~ ~ ~ 1..1.. ~ ~ rz> "" ~ .:5O~/5-"E il3()",~ P oN &AA!./) - - '"' f - - II /z.Q7:'"- ~p I ' '"r~" - I re location of the build' . 'elevations, and all . lng, the finished grades and Improvement . I agreement with the a s are 10 substantial , ',and ad~qU1Ie'y Jc;':r~,OVr~dl plans and SpeC;fic;jtions , '1l\ M' . .. · I P ,e: 1 th' b' . I I ....!.'" '/Jr,l P,...,: . '.. "" ~ t) 0 sectlVcs of the "- ' . . "'If' 'It ,f " . I ,- I " f "- . ~~~ /'''/ 4) '. I ~. ( ~ j," , 1j ,. ? \ .4-_. . . ... \' -'~ $'",. os... ,t,. ~ rr C'! _' .... ~ ct,:,. 'of ~ c-:~ ...,.. "'t~. e"' ~ ~''7 ~~~ :C-<~;V~1:.-' oj '...., ..,. ~ . ":"..,~ '~:z.1-~~~\~ ~~' / l~/ b.'f / :a7' - t " I " , ~?i" f I , /7' I / f~ , ... ;;- ~ "L.!-~!.H !:.,~I<- - _----, ~ ... ~ 01 ~ ~ , I ~ &.~ \5~ H-b~"e5~Lo/.!!E 51.58' rOK)/;'{r 0,1' A..~:~e~E ('.:..'"e:&/r- At. S'~~( AvrE: /0' dnL./o' 09.5EHG'Nr Ar ~eh'L OF t.or ,9A..1D .?~. RT ~/PE~ ~tD/.~' ,cOV#Oh'.oo/y 5tJJ:YEY- ';;:::&L /~ /972 ,t:"1,vr-lL :1'/..Z'y,Ey- yI~.Ne /.j~' l,?lZ p~~ (f....' A.n !I,...... ~...." . r, ,<< .;-- \;,I~J~!:'( 't.1 'i:' '~:' . ... 61 <;. \.:........ II....,.. LOr- 4c.1 M~/TE? .5Pg;/V6~-I/IV/T C . e.~ 1Il~"""'r!~~\"" ~'" -~.. t'.~"'" 'DV':--:~':' t-.;'''..:~r''.'~p\ t.. ~#:t.t~'.' ..-.....p' i/. nl'.",n.. ,~~ O'~"?'! ""mite ""CORDS ~"itI~H...:II loW ..:::..1 ~~II Il~_.-~..;l" &;._...:.1.._.1.;.... .". "..~ 1'~";4..'ep 1r~\Jin,J '00;;' . hllol ..-UIIW MIl nO! ~L"'."~Ab1I~ c....'.....,,. '-f.' .....,^ r,:' t.. ,,~..\'ij.:'-' t;J,'r"l ...... ...1'....'JI'~. r..~nr:..rr:"""'""' l.llI'"tlf'OOM IS CODf"!'-cr vr J~"'rv'-l: ''''ut.~''1 ,:.:.).~_..;.b &!3.:>' ,:..~ 4 ...~:._' 41 :..:. II~.L: ...-.;.':. .... .-=.,.d.~.~\J:l..;;.I M'"J:'~f.,Jr.; n ~. ""':" "I':~"'"'!" ~:f::J ,.~..":..-.:-....-.~- "il.r.~:". '-C' r:v 'I:"~-: r '". .. ',1\ t'l"!'::::7U' ^T': ~"I't'~~c.~'o,,'I\' · Ar-.'D etf!\"~ortC! ~...~., 6li~~i;I ar~... 1_... ...-.........;t.ulu .~v" tu...;./ till Ih... .,t..:..,.........-.l ..,w.......::;i I ". I~&....,j(-...,..... .w':~ ..:'uv. ~~..v,." A1iI r~~: M/l .eO,5.d t".J'.!Ei / " r= ~O I . llJl.m FE8L"0/7eY"- /4 /9?c lo:J Q.g eOC)6JZ-t::! ~ . c O/..,-(J .:~~O C;. ~!J.l"'!;jj--' !:!" l'\iW !tJi:\1~alt !:C'~~ ^ut:lOli:d ~r.~.!:/O JOJ1.c:J, "Wood & Gsn47. In:s. . ~:ll NO!lTH PAU,ttTO AW. FQST OFFIce cox 2,$G" Om..r.NDO, )-'l..OmDA s~ooa ....--'A"......- A __"....._..--_. It _..~......-L ..c.;.,.'_ .--......... ........ e e e -. MARCH 25, 1988 MEMO TO: CITY Mfu~AGER FROM: FINANCE DIRECTOR rW\ SUBJECT: UTILITY BILLING COMPUTER CONVERSION AS PART OF THE INSTALLATION OF THE COMPUTER FOR THE CITY WE WERE GOING TO ADD THE UTILITY BILLING PROCESS. WE CURRENTLY HAVE THE PROGRAMS INSTALLED, AWAITING THE APPROVAL TO ORDER THE NECESSARY EQUIPMENT. OUR CURRENT COMPUTER SYSTEM LOCATED AT THE UTILITY DEPARTMENT IS OVER 3 YEARS OLD AND THE PROGRP~ HAS NO MAINTENANCE SUPPORT. THAT IS IF WE HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE PROGRAM WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PRODUCE BILLS. IT HAS SERVED US WELL AND NOW NEEDS TO BE UPDATED. IF WE ORDERED THE NECESSARY EQUIPMENT TOMORROW IT WOULD BE AT LEAST 60 DAYS BEFORE DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION. IT WOULD REQUIRE SEVERAL WEEKS TO BUILD THE CUSTOMER DATA BASE. WE WERE TENTATIVELY WORKING TOWARDS A JULY START-UP. WE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO ACHIEVE THAT TIME FRAME UNLESS WE REALLY PUSH HARD. THE NECESSARY EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TO INCLUDE UTILITY riILLING ON THE TOWER SYSTEM, WOULD REQUIRE 3 VIDEO DISPLAY TERMINALS, A LEAST 1 UNINTERRUPTABLE POWER SUPPLY AND MODEM SYSTEM WITH DEDICATED TELEPHONE LINE. WE CAN UTILIZE THE CURRENT PRINTER. THE ATTACHED INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY NCR WILL SHOW THE COS':';:' OF THE TERMINALS AND COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT, THIS DOE~~ NOT INCLUDE TO DEDICATED TELEPHONE LINE. WE WILL NEED TO P..8K JACKIE TO GET PRICING ON THIS. e e e .... I TEl"1 ,. ..., :,j ~r t.1"j ::. ~:~ :i. l'~ ~::;. t 0;::\ -! Cil:-?V:L ,:::)e~::)" C!-:-"'( C!UU'fr'l'l I (,:;;\: i:: I,,::: l.! ,:-Uh {::'J i:::' I:::' l::~ lJ (\ ~::; ;"'1 ; I (~ i I D E ~=; C P i t='-l- 1 Ct~...~ -~-------~-~_. "-', ...:.. 0DS Model V.32 9bOOops ~:; y r"j c I"'! en C:J d (7.: fn w ./ ;~:. '/ inl C j""1 'C. C~, .i;";\ .;::~ .~/ n c.: r"i c.: C) (' i \/ \';.'; ,.... ~;;~ } C) ;"'] -to ':.J ;,., c:lla'i-Ll~) (]l'" L~-Wl('\8 122~~~ j :I. ~"I c: t c. I.... rn :;, l""'l'";":'t .~..:. t.:.., t:~ ::. 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School Insurance Total Expenditures Total Receipts Total Expenditures Balance (Breakdown to follow) $8,000.00 8,600.00 $16,600.00 $ 1,050.00 800.00 1,580.00 1,000.00 510.00 6,841,00 550.56 1,990.00 2,613.00 1,300.00 $18,234.56 $16,600.00 $18,234.56 ($ 1,634.56) e e e ,,--- Receipts EXPENDITURES FIRST SESSION 50 participants @$80.00 ea. $4,000.00 A. Swimming $3.00 X 50 X 3 4th July 450.00 Bowling $100.00 per trip (4 trips) 400.00 Ice Skating 3.95 X 50 X 4 790.00 Roller Skating 2.50 X 50 X 4 500.00 T-Shirts (both sessions) B. c. D. E. 120 X 4.25 510.00 F. Instructors Fee 1 teacher X 20 hours per wk. times 4 weeks X $6.50 per hr. 500.50 G. 1 teacher X 20 hrs. per wk. X 4 weeks X $6.50 per hr. 500.50 H. 3 assistant recreation specialists X 40 hrs. per week X 4 weeks X $5.00 2,400.00 I. Field trips 6 instructors X 4 trips X 11.47 275.28 Expenditures $6,326.28 Receipts 1st. Session 4,000.00 ($2,326.28) e e e - ,-- SECOND SESSION Receipts 50 participants @ $80.00 ea. $4,000.00 A. Swimming 113.00 X 50 X 4 600.00 B. Bowling $100.00 per trip - 4 trips 400.00 C. Ice Skating $3.95 X 50 X 4 790.00 D. Roller Skating 500.00 E. T-Shirts will be purchased in 1st. session -0- F. Instructor's fee 1 teacher X 20 hrs. per week X 4 weeks X $6.50 per hr. 520.00 G. 1 teacher X 20 hrs. per week X 4 weeks X $6.50 per hr. 520.00 H. 3 assistant recreation specialists X 40 hrs. per wk. X 4 weeks X 5.00 per hr. 2,400.00 I. Field trips 6 instructors X 4 trips X 11.47 275.28 Expenditures 6,005.28 Receipts fees 4,000.00 $ 2,005.28 Transportation Bus driver approx. 180 X $8.00 Gas .50 per mile approx. 1100 miles $1,440.00 550.00 $1,990.00 School rental $60.00 per day for 39 days 2,340.00 School janitor $7.00 per day for 39 days 273.00 Total $2,613.00