HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 03 14 Regular
. .
February 10, 1988
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
BOl@> MEr1!3ER?.:__.____.__.__.._...__------9Irr...9flfICJ;M-~~_._.__.._._._ ...__
David Hopkins, Present D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator
Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present J. Koch, Dir .Adm. /Comp. Planning
Taru Joshi, Absent
David McLeod, Present
Michael Saporito, Vice-Chairman, Present
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Dorman stated that he had an amendment to the minutes. Paragraph five should
state that the first thing the Board needs to do is to make a finding of fact
as to whether this change is consistent, or not consistent, with the previously
approved development plan.
McLeod moved to approve the minutes of January 27, 1988, as amended. Seconded
by Hopkins. Vote: All Aye. Motion carried.
434 Partnership - 289 Acres South of State road 419/434 and East of Mockingbird
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Dorman stated for the benefit of the residents present, the City and Florida
Land, the previous owner of the property, had a settlement agreement dated in
1986 concluding costly law suits. An agreement was made whereby Florida Land
was granted an approval to build 400 units on the property. He stated to the
residents that whether the we like to or not the fact of the matter is that 400
dwelling units were approved by the settlement. There is no choice in the
matter. The board has a choice as to the kind of zoning that is assigned to
it, and other matters that may come up of interest. He stated that this is not
a public hearing per se, but the Board will give the residents a chance to
speak. He stated that he wanted to clarify that the residents understand that
the Board has no choice in the matter as to how many uni ts are built on the
property but it cannot be more than 400.
LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated that the Board is not here to debate
the merits of the settlement agreement, the contract was signed by the City
Fathers and the Florida Land COI~ny. It has to be zoned 400 units and in the
agreement it didn't state what type of units, it could be multi-family, one
acre estates, up to 400 units. Don McIntosh and Allan Keen, owners of 434
Partnership, are here with their presentation and to answer any questions.
Sapor i to stated that maybe he is misreading the agreement but he didn't see
anything in this agreement that binds this Board to take any action whatsoever
to grant or deny. He stated that his understanding is that this is a normal
application before this Board and this Board has a right to grant or deny the
change of zoning. He stated that he does not believe that under the law the
City fathers at this point can take the powers and authority from this Board,
otherwise why would we be here.
Koch stated that the question is whether or not to approve the applicant r s
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
February 10, 1988
Page 2
request for R-1A, or whether to propose other residental zoning to use in order
to develop 400 units on the property. R-C1 zoning is not possible. Any other R
zones and even PUD can be possible; these are the choices, and that is the role
of this Board. The Board needs to make a recommendation whether the
appl icant' s request for R-IA zoning is acceptable or if there is another
appropriate zoning category for this property.
Saporito stated that the document states that the City is willing to consider
the proposed zoning changes and Florida Land will follow the normal processes
outlined in the City Code to have said zoning changes considered. He stated
that it is the Board's job to recommend or not recommend the zoning change.
Koch stated that the application before you is for R-IA and whether or not you
find this or another zoning category appropriate.
Donald McIntosh, of McIntosh Associates, Winter Park, was there to represent
434 Partnership. He stated that the application is for R-IA zoning. He show:!d
the Board an aerial photo of the subject area. The application is excluding
103 acres on the east that was incumbered by a conservation easement. There
has been a 14 month environmental investigation done on this property. The 434
Partnership has developed other projects in Central Florida such as Tusca Bay
and Sweetwater Springs. The project area in the application is 289 acres which
excludes the 103 acres that was mentioned. Approximately 205 acres of the 289
acres are usable. We have excluded the lands within the 100 year flood plane
and lands that were determined jurisdictional by the Army Corps of Engineers,
The st. John's Water Management District, and Florida Department of
Environmental Regulation with exceptions of railroad crossings and roads. He
stated that the developer's full intention is to abide by the rules and
regulations of the City. The number of single family units preferred is 400.
They have found through great deal of preliminary work to accomplish this after
setting aside not only the environmental areas that we have talked about but
parks that are described in the agre~lent as well, they can provide 400 lots
size 80' x 120', which is consistent with the R-1A zoning category. This will
maintain the character of the area and the integrity of the property. We will
continue to WJrk on .1 terns as transportation networks which are a concern of the
Ci ty. We will work with the planners to accommodate the long term plans for
not only roadway construction and right-of-way reservation as prescribed in the
agreement. The existing land uses of the adjacent properties are R-IA, R-lAA,
PUD areas containing predominately 80' and 75' lots. We feel the application
is consistent wi th the adjacent area. We h.'3.ve review:!d during the 14 month
period issues such as the land use issues, utilities, transportation road
netlNOrk's, environmental sensitivity and area stormwater requirements, for the
purpose of being able to stand up from day one to be knowledgeable of the
property. We have not yet finally designed this property because it is out ofmstep wi th not first having the zoning approval. We WJuld like to emphasize
that we are not part of the Florida Land Company.
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
February 10, 1988
Page 3
Dorman asked when was the property sold by Florida Land to the 434 Partnership?
McIntosh stated that it was in October of 1987, it was first placed under
contract in January of 1987, which shows you that a lot of work has been done
prior to the closing in October 1987.
Sapor i to asked if there have been any studies on the im};E.ct of this proposed
development on the roads in the immediate area. McIntosh stated not as of this
date do we have a corf[plete full blown traffic study but we have looked at the
impact of 400 units on S.R. 434 with prospective improvements. We have been
looking at the connection potential of the properties to the west. The owners
of the property are very much torn as to what this body as well as the City
Commission would like to have done in relation to the connection to the west.
We can either not connect the roadway to the property to the west or connect
the road network to the west, depending on the preference of the Fire and
Safety people as well as the benefit to the transportation overall network nf
the area.
Saporito stated that in his understanding of the agreement that the road will
go up to but not join. McIntosh stated that if that is specifically the case,
we would be totally happy with it.
Saporito asked if there has been a study on the impact of traffic on Tuscawilla
Road. McIntosh stated that he didn't bring all the plans here tonight, but
they have envisioned a road netwJrk from S . R. 434 on the north end of this
property to the south boundary.
Saporito asked about the approximate build out time. McIntosh stated that it
would be 5 years or so.
Saporito asked about the type of sewage disposal. McIntosh stated that they
have a contract with the City and have presently purchased enough capacity for
three hundred uni ts .
Hopkins stated that he was concerned about the traffic impact.
Dorman spoke about an article that was in the Sunday Sentinel about the road
changes, and that he thought S.R. 434 was to be widened to four lanes before
Koch stated that S.R. 434 is in the design phase and DOT advised the City
Conunission that construction will be by 1992. However, Tuscawilla Road
wouldn I t be completed until the 2001 - 2005 year time period. She stated that
the Ci ty would like to see that happen much sooner than the schedule.
There was discussion on road rights-of~y.
Dorman stated that the Board is concerned about the overcrcw:iing of the
schools. He asked if wi thin the 205 usable acres or other property that the
developer awns to the north, if it would be possible to dedicate part of the
land for schools.
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
February 10, 1988
Page 4
Allan Keen, one of the CMners of 434 Partnership, stated that the other
property is separate from this project. . The other property is zoned
cOlTUnercial, and it would be very difficult and expensive to donate some of the
property for schools. He stated that if the School Board wanted to purchase
some of the property, that they would sell some to the School Board. He also
stated that they could have asked for R-3 zoning, but they didn't think multi-
family would be appropriate for this parcel. He stated that they would be
willing to participate in a school impact fee.
Dorman asked if the developer was aware that the City Code is under a change in
relation to the lot width and side setbacks. Particularly the R-IM zoning
which nCM has a lot width of 80' and a side setback of 20', which only allows a
40 I wide home. The change will be a lot width of 90' and a side setb3.ck of
10 I . This will come before the City COITUnission for the first reading of the
ordinance at the next COITUnission meeting.
Dorman asked what impact would it have if this project was zoned R-1M.
McIntosh stated that the impact would be a loss of 15 to 20 per cent of the
Mary Rose, Curtis Moore, Kathy Nucci, Tony Pudwill, a gentleman from 709
Sailfish Road, Russ Henningsen, Locke Burgess, spoke against the project.
Steve Coover, representing the Leffler Corporation, was there to speak for Ken
Leffler. He stated the concern of the Leffler Corp. was that of buffers.
Dorman explained that the zoning now is R-U and in the agreement it is stated
tha t F lor ida Land shall apply for R-3 zoning in the northern 40 acres of the
property or acceptable zoning necesaary for 400 units. He stated that various
zoning assigments could be made for the property within the 205 usable acres,
to allow 400 units.
Peggy Fletcher asked about an Indian Burial Ground.
Dianne Brown, Local School Advisory Chairman, Keeth Elementary, stated that she
has been invol ved in the school rezoning and that there are no new schools
planned until 1990-1991, because there are no funds available. The school
board is looking at land in this area to alleviate the overcrowding situation.
She stated that she would like the Board to recommend to the City
Commissioners: 1. Meet with the school board to discuss the paying of impact
fees, or the donation of land. 2. Study impact of grCMth in the area in
relation to educational systems. 3. Set a moratorium on growth until a study
has been done in relation to the education system.
Hopkins stated that concerning the road system through this project, instead of
alleviating the traffic problem this might be just displacing the traffic and
may complicate matters with the addition of 400 more homes. He stated that in
view of the school.road, and traffic and environmental situation he feels that
the Board cannot go along with this project at this time.
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
February 10, 1988
Page 5
McLeod stated that in several places throughout the document this is an
agreement basically stating the Florida Land and the City came to a point to
negotiate. It does not say that the City is definitely going to allow 400
units on this property. It says if it goes into the proper zoning and proper
procedures and the right coordinates within a reasonable amount of time the
Ci ty will do everYthing in its behalf to allow this to happen. At this time
this is only an agreement that states the City will do certain things within a
reasonable amount of time, and Florida Land will come back to the City wi thin a
reasonable amount of time wi th a plan showing the adjoining roads wi th the
curbing, showing the water systems, and is only allowed to build an R-3 area
which will be in the upper northern 40 acres of the property, other than that
it continues to stay R-U the way it was. It could have 400 units in the" 405
acre site but the majority being in the 40 acre area and only having access
onto S.R. 419. He asked if this is what the developer is reading into the
McIntosh stated that the reason they are applying for the R-IA zoning is they
felt it is consistent with the area.
McLeod asked the developer if they feel they can develop up to or exceeding 400
homes. McIntosh stated that they only would like to develop up to 400 units.
McLeod questioned McIntosh whether what the developer is really doing is not
looking at the document but asking the Board that they would like to change the
zoning to R-1A. McIntosh stated yes.
McLeod then asked whether the developer will try to live up to what the
document states and will bring up before the City Commission the proposed road
plan, drainage and also the easement along Bahama that is not actually
connecting to the property. McIntosh stated yes.
There was discussion on the notification of the residents with property
abutting the subject property and on when this request will go qefore the City
Commission for a public hearing. Dorman stated that this Boarl:t reques~ the
City Commission to send a letter to the abutting property owners to notify them
when this comes up for public hearing. All Board members agreed.
Hopkins moved that, in view of the current road situation and traffic problems
that we have in our City and problems with communication lines with the school
Board and also the environment here in Winter Springs, to recommend to the City
Commission denial of this zoning change. Seconded by Sap::>r ito .
There was discussion on the motion. Sap::>rito stated that he can't vote for a
zoning change in that area due to the traffic situation on Tuscawilla Road. He
stated that he can't believe that this will do anything to alleviate it, he
cant believe that this will be beneficial to Oak Forest to open a road way from
one subdivision to another. All that this will do is permit people to come in
from 434 to bypass the traffic congestion on 419 and Tuscawilla Road. He
stated that he feels that this would increase the danger to the residents of
the subdivisions. He stated that there is no reason to approve something that
would be harmful to the residents in the subdivisions. He also stated that the
Board should not approve something that would increase substantially the burden
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
February 10, 1988
Page 6
stated that he can I t believe that this will do anything to alleviate it, he
cant believe that this will be beneficial to Oak Forest to open a road way from
one subdivision to another. All that this will do is permit people to come in
from 434 to bypass the traffic congestion on 419 and Tuscawilla Road. He
stated that he feels that this would increase the danger to the residents of
the subdivisions. He stated that there is no reason to approve something that
w:>uld be harmful to the residents in the subdivisions. He also stated that the
Board should not approve something that would increase substantially the burden
of traffic on our already over burdened highway. He stated that he is not
convinced that the school systems will be able to absorb the people who will
take up residence in the subdivision or any new subdivision that comes before
this Board, and not convinced that the fire and police services, with some of
the response time, can be extended until we can do something to enhance the
abili ty of the service the City provides. He stated that he can I t in good
conscience vote for this request.
Dorman stated that he agrees with most of what was said, that there is concern
with the cr~ing of traffic and schools and so on. He stated that the fact is
this settlement agreement is for 400 units.
e Vote: Donnan: nay; McLeod: aye; Saporito: aye; Hopkins: aye. Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary
Planning and Zoning Board
.:,. ... -
C 0 Nt PAN Y, INC.
651 NORTH U.S. HIGHWAY 17-92
March 8, 1988
City of Winter Springs
1126 State Road 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Attention: City Council
Subject: Six month extension of temporary Permit for a trailer being used
in a C-2 Zone.
Location: 651 N. U.S. Highway 17-92, across from Courtesy Pontiac
I, Howard L. Hall, agent for Atlantic Motors Company, Inc. request from the
City of Winter Springs, a six month extension of the temporary permit to use a
trailer in a commercial zone as provided by Section 44.75, which was origanally
granted on September 14, 1987. We have retained the Engineering Company,
Site Engineering Consultants, Inc., to proceed with site planning, engineering
and construction permitting for permanent improvements upon the site. Preliminary
plans are being submitted no later than March 14, 1988 and once the project
permitting has been finalized, ground breaking will begin.
Please, therefore, take favorable action in review of the necessary time
extension requested above.
Should there be any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me
Sincerel ,
Howard L. Hall
(305) 645-1234 Ext. 292
...... '-
Site Engineering Consultants, Inc.
Engineers . Pll1nners
405 Douala. Avenue SUlle 2-405
Altamontt- SprlIllll. FlondB 32714
Phone; (3D:>) 662- 31:;).1
J\.tt.er J.oun by mode= (3Db) 662-.43U
March 4, 1988
Mr. Donald R. LeBlanc
Land Development Coordinator
City of Winter Springs
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Re: Yugo Dealer5hip
Florida Avenue and Hwy. 17-92
Dear Mr. LeBlanc:
Site Engineering Consultants, Inc. has been retained and is under
contract to the owners of the above referenced property to proceed
with site planning, engineering, and construction permitting for
permanent improvements upon the site. I expect to submit the
Preliminary Plan this coming week, and we look forward to working
within the City, and will continue to an expeditious end in project
design and permitting. We understand that the owners then will be
breaking ground immediately upon project permitting.
Please, therefore, take favorable action in review of the
necessary time extension of permitting of the current, temporary
/s~.r~~i ~
Moo je s.~.nk. P. E.
5i e Engineering Consultants,
ee: Roger Holler III
HOlvard Hall
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Ci]~y ,
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Regular Meeting, City Commission, Sept. L4, 1987
Page 3
Request of Howard L. Hall, Atlantic Motor Co., Inc., for temporary permit for a
trailer to be used in a C-2 Zone-Section 44.75 City Code:
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs that we grant the request of Howard Hall
for a temporary permit for a trailer for six months to be automatically renewed
for six months providing construction has begun on the new facility. Seconded
by Commissioner Hoffmann. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Trencher,
aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Kulbes,
aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; motion carried.
City Manager-Richard Rozansky:
Bid Recommendation for truck for Building Department:
Manager Rozansky reported that on Sept. 9th bids were received for a truck for the
Building Department. Five bids were received. Manager Rozansky recommended the bid
of Ken Rummel Chevrolet in the amount of $8,160.31.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kulbes to approve the purchase of a truck for the
Building Department in the sum of $8,160.31 from Ken Rummel Chevrolet Inc. Seconded
by Commissioner Hoffmann. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Kaehler, aye;
Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
Commissioner Trencher, aye; motion carried.
Insurance Audit: Manager Rozansky spoke about the need for an insurance audit. The
Commission is to review the pamphlet from Risk Management Consulting: The Wyatt
Approach. This will be on the Agenda at a later date.
Manager Rozansky reported that work is to be started this week on the Moss Road Tennis
Commission Seat I - Cindy Kaehler:
No report.
Commission Seat II - Arthur Hoffmann:
Commissioner Hoffmann asked the status of Indian Ridge. Commissioner Hoffmann asked
about'cleaning the creeks in Oak Forest and asked about an ordinance on pit bulls.
Commission Seat III - Phil~p A. Kulbes:
Commissioner Kulbes spoke about the letter from I.W.S. and the problems at Lori Ann
apartments. Commissioner Kulbes said he sent a letter to the Department of Transporta-
tion asking for a reduction of speed on S.R. 434 and Sheoah Boulevard. A meeting is
scheduled for Friday, Sept. 18 at 1:00 p.m. in the Conference Room in City Hall.
Commission Seat IV - William A. Jacobs:
No report.
Commission Seat V - Martin Trencher:
Commissioner Trencher thanked the Police Chief and his officers for bringing to justice
the individuals that caused a great deal of vandalism and damage in the Highlands
on Sept. 13th.
g, "1 g88
Ci ty Commission
City of Winter Springs
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
He: E-Xfl' rrI
() F T'I ['JiE 1i~' Th E CC m\L;;R CF
ST. & 434.
Dear Commissioners:
I would liKe the time extended for the purpose
of operating my fruit a~d vegetable marKet until
the 15th day of July.
i\ly 1 icense is good un til th e 30t'n 0 f September.
:L WOll Id 1 iKe an exten tion un t i 1 tn e 15th of July
at which time I will vacatethe premises. This wil]
give me time to seeK another location for my marKet.
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Regular Meeting, City Commission, March 9, 1987
Page 4
Commission Seat IV - William A. Jacobs:
Commissioner Jacobs asked the City Engineer to come up with
a policy on handling drainage easements in subdivisions.
a recommendation for
Commission Seat V - Martin Trencher:
Commissioner Trencher spoke in reference to the previous discussion of the personnel
Mayor's Office:
Mayor Torcaso spoke about our participation in the Transmission Authority.
Motion was made to place Mr. Downing's request for an extension for his fruit and
vegetable stand on the corner of Wade & S.R. 434 On the agenda. Seconded by Commissioner
Hoffmann. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner
. Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner
Jacobs, aye; motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to grant an extension to Mr. Downing for one
year to occupy that corner for his present selling of fruits and vegetables providing
that the screen be put up around the dumpster and that the grounds are maintained in a
neat and orderly fashion. Seconded by Commissioner Kulbes. Discussion. Vote on the
motion: Commissioner Kaehler, no; Commissioner Hoffmann, no; Commissioner Kulbes, aye;
Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; motion carried.
Mayor Torcaso spoke about giving employees with over 5 years service lapel pins.
The die would cost $295.00 and each pin $9.50. Commission was in agreement.
The City Planner Jacqueline Koch and Land Development Coordinator Don LeBlanc were
appointed to the Metropolitan Planning Organization Technical Committee.
Meeting was adjourned 11:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk
The Orlando Sentinel
Publiahed Daily
Altamoole Sprinp, Seminole County, Florida
~hde of 'loriha} S5.
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared
Nancy A. Puglia
, who on oath says that
she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Orlando Sentinel, a Daily newspaper
published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad-
vertisement, being A Cancellation of Public Hearing in the matter of
Planning and Zoning Board
in the
Public Hearing, which was scheduled
by the Planning and Zoning Board for
February 10, 1988 at 7:30 P.M. at Winter
Springs City Hall, 1126 East S.R. 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708, has beeti
cancelled. The topic that was to be dis-
cussed was the atteration to the ap-
proved Master Plan of the Tuscawilla
Planned UM Development, to redesig-
nate the land use of property from stall-
Ie/pasture to siflQle family.
THIS NOTICE shall be posed in three
(3) pUblic places .within the City of Win-
ter Spnngs, Flonda, and published in
the Orlando "Seminole", a newspaper
of lj,eneral circulation in tha City of Win- I
ter pr~ b~~Nf~ ~'P~iNGS
/S/Mary T. Norton
Mary T. Norton
City .CIerk
LS-e88(&i)-=-:_-=-__ Feb.7,1988
was published in said newspaper in the issues of
February 7, 1988
Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at Altamonte
Springs, in Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been contin-
uously published in said Seminole County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as
second-class mail matter at the post office in Altamonte Springs, in said Seminole County,
Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad-
vertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person,
firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this
advertisement for publication in the said newspaper.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
My Co '.
mmlsslon Expires March 4 198
Bonded Thru Brown & B '
rown, Inc.
The Orlando. Sentinel
Publiahed Daily
Altamoote Spriq., Seminole County, Florida
Whde of Jflori~m} SS.
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared
Tuesday C. Leavitt
, who on oath says that
she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Orlando Sentinel, a Daily newspaper
published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad.
vertisement, being a Notice of Public Hearing in the matter of
Master Plan of the Tuscawilla Planned Unit
in the
was published in said newspaper in the issues of
,lanlJrny 24, 1988
Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at Altamonte
Springs, in Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been contin-
uously published in said Seminole County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as
second-class mail matter at the post office in Altamonte Springs, in said Seminole County,
Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad-
vertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person,
firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this
advertisement for publication in the said newspaper.
\!Jw:o (;\0--0 L. ~tU'ltc
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
My Commission Expires Mtry 25, 1991
HondAlI 81 ,,,..I. RICAN p'l'mr [R CASllALTY INS. CO.
$ 31. 84
ning and Zoning Board of the CIty of
Winter Springs, Florida, lhal said Plan.
ning and Zoning Board will hold a Pub-
lic Hearing on Wednesday, February 10,
1988 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon lhereafIer
as possible to consider an alteration to
the approved Master Plan of the
TuscawiUa Planned Un~ Development,
to redesignate the land use of property
from SlablelPasture to Single Family, on
the following described property:
Approximately 30 acres situated
east of Tuscawilla Road, north of
SI. Stephen's Catholic Church,
west of Un~ 6 and south of UM 8.
o The Public Hearing will be held at City
Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter
Springs, Florida 32708.
THIS NOTICE shall be pOSted in three
(3) public pIac:es within the. CIty of W~
ter Springs, FIorIda..and pUbIshed In
tar Springs, Florida, one time at least fif-
teen days prior to the date of the Public
~ parties may 8Jl.P98' at this
hearing and be '-d with respect to
this proposed alteration.
Persons are advised lhal ~ they decide
to appeal any decision /l'llIde at this
meeting, lbey wifi need a record of the
proceedings and for such purpose, they
may need to ensure lhal a VllIbatim re-
cord 01 the proceedings is made which
recored includes lhe testimony and evi-
dence upon which lhe appeal is to be
based per Section 286.0105 Florida
Dated this 19th day of January, 1988.
,-, , . City..Clerk
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, , I r1/1Lt'
The Orlando Sentinel
Publiahed Daily
A1tamonte Springa, Seminole County, Florida
~htte of 1Ioriha} SS.
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared
Nancy A. Puglia
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
Commission of the .City of Winter
Springs, Florida, that said City Commis-
sion win hold a PUblic Hearing on Mon-
day, February 22, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. or
as soon lI'1eiealler as possible to con-
sider an amendment to the approved
Master Plan of the Tuscawilla Planned
Un~ Development, to redesignate the
land use of property from Stable/Pas-
ture to Single Family and Church on the
following described property:
Approximately 30 acres situated
east of TuscawiUa Road, north of
SI. Stephan's Catholic Church,
_ of U~ 6 and south of Un~ B.
The Public Hearing win be held at City
Hall. 1126 East S.R. 434, Winter
Springs, A. 32708.
TI-IIS llOTICE shan be posted in three
(3) j:lUblic places within the C~ of Win-
ter Springs, Aorida, and published .n
the 0rIarid0 "Seminole", a newSpaper
of It..er eneral circulation in the City of Win-
terliPrings, Aonda, one time at least fif-
teen days prior to the dat~ of the Public
Interasted parties may appear at this
hearing and be heard with respect to
~ =r;:r~!hay decide
to appeal any decision made at this
meeting, !hay wiD need a record of the
proceedings and for such purpose, they
may need to ensure that a verbatim re-
cord of the proceedings is made which
record includes the testimony and evi-
dence upon which the appeal is to be
based per Section 286.0105 Florida
Datad this 1st day of February, 1988.
~IA~~?T T N~W,.o~N
City Clerk
LS-765(Bs) Feb.7,l988
, who on oath says that
she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Orlando Sentinel, a Daily newspaper
published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad-
vertisement, being II Not ice 0 f Pn h 1 i Co HeR r i n e in the matter of
Master Plan of the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development
in the
was published in said newspaper in the issues of
February 7. 1988
Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at Altamonte
Springs, in Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been contin-
uously published in said Seminole County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as
second-class mail matter at the post office in Altamonte Springs, in said Seminole County,
Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad-
vertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person,
firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this
advertisement for publication in the said newspaper.
~Q-W4 A P~h.
of Februafl