HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 02 22 Regular . - e February 19, 1988 TO: Ci ty Manager ~ Land Develol'nent COOrdinator&:"'/ FRavt : RE: Agenda Item C, Conunission Meeting February 22, 1988 This is the Public Hearing to change the Land Use in the Tuscawilla PUD from Stable/Pasture to Single Family/Church. The Planning and Zoning Board found that this is inconsistent with the approved plan and also recommended disapproval of the land use change. This was at their meeting of January 27, 1988. The Planning and Zoning Board also found this (Stable/Pasture to Single F~nily) to be inconsistent on August 26, 1987 and the Commission denied the request on November 9, 1987. The Planning and Zoning Board denied a request to change this same parcel to multi-family on December 16, 1981. /mh cc: Mayor Commission e e e . CANCELLATION OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Hearing which was scheduled by the Planning and Zoning Board for February 10, 1988 at 7:30 P.M. at Winter Springs City Hall, 1126 East S.R. 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, has been cancelled. The topic that was to be discussed was the alteration to the approved Master Plan of the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development, to redesignate the land use of property from stable/pasture to single family. THIS NOTICE shall be posted in three (3) public places within the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and published in the Orlando "Seminole", a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, one time. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ~r:~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk e e e NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, that said Planning and Zoning Board will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, February 10, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible to consider an alteration to the approved Master Plan of the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development, to redesignate the land use of property from Stable/Pasture to Single Family, on the following described property: Approximately 30 acres situated east of Tuscawilla Road, north of St. Stephen's Catholic Church, west of Unit 6 and south of Uni t 8. The Public Hearing will be held at City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. THIS NOTICE shall be posted in three (3) public places within the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and published in the Orlando "Seminole", a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, one time at least fifteen days prior to the date of the Public Hearing. Interested parties may appear at this hearing and be heard with respect to this proposed alteration. Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at this meeting, they will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. DAted this 19th day of January, 1988. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ~r~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk e ......" , "- J ~?)'NTER~' .. ...-~~I ~".tC'''''''''\, ';0;11., "0 .'ti.r Ii ,I '{~ . 1'1'.-' . i'j' t .."., ;,'" {\. <~"",;'.,...............y"; ,'~ .," t,,\"ot,{ ,J,,..IIl<l' .... \. ~ ~-", ... CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 January 29, 1988 Mr. Jack Afflebach Winter Springs Development Corp. 1500 Winter Springs Boulevard Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Mr. Afflebach: In accordance with Resolution No. 533 of the City of Winter Springs, applicants applying for an amendment to the approved PUD Master Plan are required to pay the actual cost of the public hearing notice printed in the newspaper. e Therefore, I am enclosing a copy of the bill from the Orlando Sentinel in the amount of $31.84 for the public hearing that was published for the proposed hearing on Feb. 10, 1988. If you have any questions in this regard, please call this office. Yours very truly, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS fi?~T~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk Enc. e O~5(:~:~f10 ,J7/ ,I 8C:~~:;H -'.'~; 'H: :1 '..-:' J. :: .:!,. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES January 27, 1988 e The meeting was called to order at 7: 35 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS: . -- ..~_.._-~.~ . -~..._--_.-- ---+ .~ ,.._--_...._,.._.~---_.__._.__._~~,.. David Hopkins, Present Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present Taru Joshi, Present David McLeod, Present Michael Saporito, Vice-Chairman, Absent ___ .__ _________c::rTI~F]'_!9..!Mos. :--_--_---.-----_--.--- D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator J. Koch, Dir.Adm./City Planner ~J2!'9Y9l ot:Mi.nu!=~_s_g~J.ap~J~ [_)_~_8f3.:__.__ __________ .---- - ----- -- .----.----..-.------ Joshi moved to approve the minutes of January 13, 1988. Seconded by Hopkins. Vote: Dorman: aye; Joshi: aye; McLeod: aye; Saporito: absent; Hopkins: aye. Motion carried. ~~~nt.-!9~~.!"lJJJ.?_._fQP_.::__~~__~._g~~_~r.QI!LQo~<:!!!!!!.i~_~~i.oo:,le__~-lY LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated that the developers would like to change this property from Condo to Single Family. The abutting property owners have been notified. LeBlanc also stated that this would be decreasing the density for this area. Jack Afflebach, of Winter Springs Developnent Corporation was there to speak for the request. He stated that they are following the same concept as in the W:>od Duck area. We are looking to develop this into 150 single family detached dwellings. We are reducing the density by about 150 units for this parcel. e Koch stated that the original alignment of Northern Way divided this parcel. At that time the west side of the road was multi-family and the east side was single family. In 1981 the road was reconfigured eastward, leaving these twJ parcels abutting each other. On the south side of Winter Springs Boulevard the shift in the road to the east enlarged a condo parcel significantly, thus increasing the densi ty of the immediate area. Dorman stated that the first step the Board needs to do is the finding of fact if this is consistent or not consistent with the previously approved plan. There was discussion on the request. Dorman moved that the Board make a finding of the fact that this request is consistent with the previously final approved developnent plan. Seconded by Hopkins. Vote: Dorman: aye; Joshi: aye; McLeod: aye; Saporito: absent; Hopkins: aye. Motion carried. Dorman stated the Board now needs to decide whether to approve or disapprove with the change. Joshi moved to amend the Tuscawilla PUD to change the land use from condominium to single family. Second by McLeod. Vote: McLeod:aye; Hopkins: aye; Dorman: aye; Saporito: absent; Joshi: aye. Motion carried. e e Planning and Zoning Board Minutes January 27, 1988 Page 2 Amendment to Tuscawilla POD - Change Land Use from Stable/Pasture to Single .E.:~jJ:Y~ _ LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated that this has come before the Board before, and the Board had found it to be inconsistent, but that if this was to be develoPed that it should be single family and be consistent with the surrounding homes. This then went before the City Camnission and the Canmission disapproved the request. Since then Winter Springs Developnent has revised their plan and still want single family ~llings rather than p3.sture/stable. LeBlanc stated that the adjacent property owners have been notified of this meeting. e Afflebach stated that the Board voted before that this was not consistent, but if this is developed it be compatible to the homes surrounding the stable site. He stated that the intent of Tuscawilla was a country gentlemen's developnent with a marina and a stable, back in the 70's. Tuscawilla Estates, Unit 3, there is horse trails, also horse trails along some of the power easements in Tuscawilla. The stable economically didn't work out, it lost the initial advantage of having a stable. This piece of property has already been nibbled away with 10 acres now for St.Stephen's Catholic Church. Afflebach stated that they have looked at other alternatives for this parcel, church, elderly, shopping center, and could sell to the City for a park. He stated that City has stated that there might be a problem with maintenance with the existing parks and the median, and that it would be an added ~nse for the City to maintain another park. Aff lebach stated that the church wants another 10 acres, and with the remaJ.nJ.ng 20 acres they would like to construct 38 single family homes. The hones would probably be in the price range of 180,000, and possibly 200,000 price range. He stated that the church would have 300 feet of frontage along with their existing 300 feet of frontage. He stated that there is a considerable reduction from when the property was first brought up from 90 hanes to 38 homes. He stated that he feels that this is a good solution for this property. He stated that there would be a brick wall along Tuscawilla Road, and some kind of buffer from the church and the homes. Dorman asked what the church was planning for their additional 10 acres. Aff lebach stated that there was no immediate plans. He stated that the church felt that land was a safe investment and \\UUld buy now to protect themselves. He stated that the church wanted to protect themselves from having hanes or some other kind of developnent along side of them. He also stated that he spoke with Father Bluett and asked if the church had a school in mind for the addi tional acres, and stated that Father Bluett said that there are no plans as of yet but could be a long term plan that it was always an alternative. e . Planning and Zoning Board Minutes . Janu3ry. 27, 1988 - page'3 . e Dorman stated that this was not a formal public hearing but asked if there was anyone present to sPeak for or against the request. John Bushey had a question on the sewage. He stated that his concern was on the lift station. He stated that there is a lift station that oorders his property and there is a bad odor caning fran this. He also had a concern if the aroor ordinance would be enforced. He also asked aoout the size of lot that was planned. Dorman stated that the concern aoout the sewage would be brought up at the final engineering and any questions could be brought up at the Conunission meeting, and this would be after the approval of the project. Afflebach stated that the average lot size would be 110' wide by 120' deep. He also stated aoout the aroor ordinance, he feels that they go abJve and beyond what is needed. he stated that they have a tree spade and they are moving trees fran areas being develOPed and move them to areas in need of trees. He stated that as far as the lift station that the civil engineerin;;J has not been done for that area yet. There was also a question on the power easement. Aff lebach stated that the easement is 100' wide and is against the back of the lots, and it would be used as a retention area. e Jane Farmer spoke against the request. She stated that the City Conunission has turned this request down not long ago. She stated that the traffic on Tuscawilla Road can't handle any more traffic. and the schools are over craorled. She questioned why this was coming up again, if it was just denied. She stated that the Planning and Zoning Board should think twice in making the decision as the schools and roads are already overcraorled. Bill Goldberg he had the same concerns aoout the traffic and the cra-rled schools. Mark Chapnan stated his concern aoout the trees along the easement and that it would take away the aesthetic look of his back yard. He was also concerned about the price of the homes if the price would go dCMn if the homes weren It selling at the price quoted by Afflebach. Hopkins stated his concern was that there was a notification in Sunday's paper of a public hearing concerning this subject on February 10, 1988, scheduled by the Planning and Zoning Board, and that he couldn't recall the Board calling a public hearing on this subject. He also stated that in the notification it referred to the change from stable/pasture to single family and not the church property also, and was concerned aoout the discrepancy and heM valid this is. He also asked who authorized the publication. He also was concerned that the letter sent to the property CMners was also incorrect by not mentioning the church property. e Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes January 27, 1988 Page 4 e LeBlanc stated that tbe Ci ty Manager directed that a public hearing he publ iShed, and there was an error because the church property was not mentioned and that it ~ld need to be resubnitted with the correct infonnation. He stated that the City Manager directed for expediency sake that by publishing this in advance it ~ld cut the process time by one month. Joshi stated that the traffic on Tuscawilla Road and the school are overcromed before this project is even started. McLeod stated his concern of the traffic problems on Tuscawilla Road. He also asked if the retention POnd running back to the lake behind the property, and asked if the water ~ld perk back or flCM back to the poneL Afflebach stated tha tit MJuld perk back to the pond. McLeod also stated that he was also concerned about the publication along with the fact that the haneowners weren't properly notified, that there is more to this than changing to single family, he stated that the property owners need to be properly notified regarding the church property. Hopkins moved that the Board makes a finding of the fact that this is inconsistent with the PreviOUSly approved final developnent plan. Secotxl by Joshi . Hopkins: aye; Donnan: aye. Joshi: aye: Sapori to: absent; McLeod; aye. Motion carried. e Joshi moved to l'eCCIm1end disapproval of the land use change amending the Tuscawilla PtlD change of land use from stable/pasture to single family. Seconded by Hopkins. Vote: Joshi: aye; Saporito: absent; McLeod; aye; Hopkins: aye; Dorman: aye. Motion carried. LeBlanc stated that he """-ld notify the property owners that the public hearing has been canceled and that this ~ld go before the City Camnission. He also stated that there MJUld be a notification published in the paper stating that the public hearing has been canceled. The meeting was adjourned at 8: 35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ----jtdf-/C ~~~.o) Margo Hopkins, ReCording Secretary Plarming and Zoning Board . e e . ~ February 19, 1988 TO: City Manager ~ Land Development Coordinator ~-=-;> FROM: RE: Agenda Item D, Camnission Meeting February 22, 1988 This is to accept the northern stub of Greenbriar Lane builtin conjunction with that section of the Tuscawilla PUD known as Braewick. The City Engineer (Reference his attached letter of October 26, 1987) found this project to be satisfactory. The reason for the delay in accepting this project is that the Maintenance Bond was not received in this office until February 10, 1988. /mh cc: Mayor Camnission . e . ,. ....',\ \ " ~ '".\NTE.q' \ \ ,," "c& ~~il ;. t ........ ...."~ L'~~\I ,(.) . ,'t;.~ ~\ (( "',. ' ~ . . ~ *t '" .,' \_ '-4ir/'lllu...SJll""'" ,," .... \""~': -,",~:', -..... CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 october 26, 1987 Mr. Kenneth M. McCoig, P.E. Vice presiden t phoenix Engineering Associates, Inc. 2555 Temple Trail, Suite 202 Winter Park, FL. 32789 RE: "As-Built" Engineering, Braewick at Tuscawilla, Greenbriar Lane Dear Ken: Another site inspection was made of Greenbriar Lane (Braewick) to corroborate your latest revised "as-built" engineering drawing you have submitted. This revised "as-built" engineering of Greenbriar Lane has been found to be satisfactory. Sincerely, c_.. LK/mh cc: City Manager Land Development Coordinator Building Department Public Works Director e e . February 22, 1988 coordinato~ To: City Manager From: Land Development Re: Agenda Item D, Commission Meeting February 22, 1988 Attached is a letter from Linda Barnby addressing the Maintenance Bond for Greenbriar Lane. cc: Mayor Commission /gh It e . JAMES E. ALDERMAN RANDAL M. ALLIGOOD LINOA J. BARNSY EDMUND T. SAX". JR. MARK J. BRANDY . JE.ANELLE Q. BRONSON CHARLES R. P. BROWN ANDREw M. BRUMSY PAUL F. BRYAN .JAMES A. BURT LOUIS T. M. CONTI ROBERT tot. DE.LL-ECKER GARRISON M.OUNDAS THERESA M. GALLION . CHARLES R. GEORGE m GREGORY W. GLASS N. DWAYNE GRAY, JR. JAMES A. GUSTlNO EOWARD E. HADDOCK, JR. JANE C. HAYMAN JOSEPH J. KADOW CHRISTOPHER K. KAY FRANK C. KRUPPENBACHER THOMAS F. LANG PETER G. LATHAM JAMES A. MINIX MICHAEL A.O'QUINN . dAUaffvn/ ~:Yd:~ ;!lJ~ .s:~k'<U.kQn/ 2Zffl~ ~terA",d-~~N ~~ ..JOSEPH R. PANZL HECTOR A. Tleo PE:REZ NANCY A. ROSSMAN SCOTT ". SATELL . ROBERT A. SAVILL BARRY J. SOBE:RING DAVID N. SOWERBY I. WILLIAM SPIVEY, II ROBERT p. SUMMERS RICHARD R. SWANN MARK 5. WALKER GERALD O. WALLING . JAMES G. WILLARD LETITIA E. WOOD KENNETH C.WRIGHT . SUITE 1100 13S WEST CENTRAL BOULEVARD POST OFFICE BOX 640 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32802-0640 (305) 425~3939 FAX (305) 425-9913 200 SEMINOLE STREET POST OFFICE BOX 538 STUART. FLORIDA 34995 (305) 287-8822 SOUTHEAST BANK BUILDING 300 SOUTH 6TH STREET FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA 33450 (305) 466-9119 OF' COUNSEL DAVID C. LATHAM ROBERT P. SALTSMAN PERVIE p. SWANN (1895-1984) REPL.Y TO ORL.ANDO . NOT A MEMBER OF' THE F'L.ORIDA BAR February 19, 1988 Mr. Donald LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Form Maintenance Bond Provided by Gulfstream Housing Corp. Dear Don: This letter is to confirm our conversation yesterday concerning the Maintenance Bond form provided by Gulfstream Housing Corporation for road improvements. As we discussed, the fourth paragraph should read as follows: "Now, therefore, if the said improvement shall be free from defects of workmanship and materials, general wear and tear excepted, for a period of two (2) years from the date the improvements are accepted by the Winter Springs City Commission, then this obligation shall be null and void, other- wise to remain in full force and effect." In addition, the description of the improvements to which the Maintenance Bond attaches should be described by a legal description of metes and bounds or by specific reference to a plat. " I'~. "-..... \,':, . fl; f !.~ \......<1 it \.....; L..II;~ ~,;.~ \. ....... -., ,",r". ,.' j':"l i 4 L.a-..1 . v.:;"":.:I' ItJf tit e . .. uJAQanW'~ ~ Mr. Donald LeBlanc February 19, 1988 Page 2 These same comments apply to any other Haintenance Bond presented on this same form for the City's approval. please do not hesitate to give me a call if you have any questions or comments. Very truly yours, Linda LJB/Cg encl. cc: Frank C. Kruppenbacher Dick Rozansky " r-' /", ':'...., I"~ ' ! '. ". I I: \. ( i~" i ~\": r, \ '- . ;- ; , !!, '... l \;'1, ,- ,l F;'~ r~:. I', \1, I:, I ' "\ " " . . ~ ,I '; , CITY":> ,,;,d':.:: ':. ..... ,..-" ~ . ,"--' .. '-'" ~.. ~) , ""'" ,.; L:~;-:d :-~\!..:: ..-~.:....':_: ;-.:~- l~ ~~',:....~-.;f~ii."','.)~Is.'r. . . . WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORP. 1301 Winter Springs Boulevard Winter Springs, Florida 32708 (305) 365-3252 March 9, 1988 Mr. Robert Hughes Seminole County School Board 1211 Mellonville Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Dear Bob: This letter is to confirm our conversation of Monday, March 7, 1988 in which I reiterated our company's commitment to donate an elementary school site within the Tuscawilla PUD. Instead of the three available locations, we have now reduced the potential sites to two because of unfavorable soil conditions at the third site. I suggest that the two best locations within Tuscawilla are either the Vista Willa Drive or Winter Springs Boulevard locations. Please accept this letter as a re-affirmation of our commitment, with the understanding that the School Board will try to have a new elementary school constructed within Tuscawilla as soon as possible, but not later than three years from this date. Your cooperation is very much appreciated. ck Afflebach Executive Vice President winter Springs Development corporation JA: lrh "\ 'I';;:. ,~:' ; ,I.. i I t~i L:' f",: . r. ~; . I ..~ . cc: City of Winter Springs ,,,'; I CITY Of V::I'~TER SPRINGS. Land DE:velopment Coordinator. P' e e e NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, that said City Commission will hold a Public Hering on Monday, February 22, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible to consider an amendment to the approved Master Plan of the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development, to redesignate the land use of property from Stable/Pasture to Single Family and Church on the following described property: Approximately 30 acres situated east of Tuscawilla Road, north of St. Stephen's Catholic Church, west of Unit 6 and south of Unit 8. The Public Hearing will be held at City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. THIS NOTICE shall be posted in three (3) public places within the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and published in the Orlando "Seminole", a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, one time at least fifteen days prior to the date of the Public Hearing. Interested parties may appear at this hearing and be heard with respect to this proposed amendment. Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at this meeting, they will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. Dated this 1st day of February, 1988. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ~r~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk