HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 02 01 Workshop .' - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS - WATER & SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECTED FUNDING CAPITAL PROJECTS: PROJECTS COMPLETED PROJECTS IN PROCESS PROJECTS PLANNED ONGOING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM FUNDING 1984 BOND ISSUE PROCEEDS REIMBURSED FROM STATE GRANT (2+3) CONTRIBUTED FROM OPERATIONS SINCE PURCHASE FUNDED/COMPLETED PROJECTS PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED . CURRENT SOURCE OF FUNDS: AVAILABLE CASH PROJECTED CASH FLOW CURRENT OPERATIONS PROJECTED AVAILABLE RESERVATION CHGS PROJECTED' ACCESS FEES UOPN COMPLETION OF DAYRON SPRAY IRRIGATION PROJECT CURRENT FUNDING AVAILABLE ~.31 e '? lJ ~ I ~ b3, ~~ FUNDING NEEDED FOR FUTURE CAPITAL PROJECTS . $2 , 193 ,014 _ 549,:30& .6 ~.:>O() 2.21~.300> ~ "'!:JS5, 5'~ c) $4.9:;8.014 ..5' ~ g-~ ~/Y . ~ $1,034,000 523,000 636.014 $2.193.014 ). ff(uu I ( $~S.-o ero $ 212,016 674,980 237,000 .:2 Y'i; I ., ~ 248.000 ~ $1.~.996 $+.373.004 I., ;. h'?, II~ FINANCE DEPT. .. tit WE ARE BEGINNING THE PROCESS OF CONVERTING THE CURRENT COMPUTER OVER TO OUR TOWER SYSTEM. WE HAVE BEEN OPERATING THE PRESENT SYSTEM SINCE 1984 AND CURRENTLY DO NOT HAVE SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE SUPPORT. ADDITIONALLY THE PRESENT SOFTWARE DOES NOT PROVIDE SOME NEEDED INFORMATION. THE FUNDS REQUIRED TO CONVERT TO THE TOWER SYSTEM WOULD BE BETWEEN $8,000 AND $10,000, PLUS THE TELEPHONE LINE CHARGES. WE HAVE A TENTATIVE TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETING THE CONVERSION OF THE END OF JULY. WE PROCESSED AND MAILED 42,286 BILLS FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICES. OF THE 42,286 BILLS PROCESSED, WE HAD TO SEND DELINQUENT NOTICES TO 12,948 CUSTOMERS AND THEN GO OUT AND TURN-OFF 1,232. THE COST OF MAILING DELINQUENT NOTICES FOR THE CALENDER YEAR 1987 WAS $4,145. WHICH DOES NOT INCLUDE LABOR COSTS. WE ARE RECOMMENDING A CHANGE BE MADE IN THE PRESENT RATE ORDIANCE. THAT CHANGE WILL REDUCE OUR ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS AND WILL PAY FOR THE ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR THE CONVERSTION ONVER THE NEXT 2 YEARS. e FINANCE DEPT. . e CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PRESENTATION WINTER SPRINGS COMMISSION e Presented by: Conklin, Porter & Holmes - Engineers, Inc. Terry M. Zaudtke, P.E. CPH Project No. 6136.08 e e e e SECTION 1 SECTION 2 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PROJECTS WITHIN BOND ISSUE Under Construction and/or Completed Immediate Under Design Near Future Improvements Future Capital Improvements Summary 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 APPENDIX A - Bond Report Photocopies APPENDIX B - Display Boards 6 15 e e e SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION This report contains an update on the capital improvements described in the bond reports for Winter Springs Water and Sewer. It describes the capital improvements listed in the bond reports issued initially for the acquisition and then for the re-funding of the original bond issue of the utility. We have attached photocopies of the capital improvements lists from each report. Two items listed in the original report were not included in the re-funding report. Item 3 under "Immediate Improvements" calls for the rehabilitation of the sewer on LaVista Drive. This item will be budgeted as a renewal and replacement project. Item 1 under "Future" calls for connection to the Iron Bridge Regional Facility. This connection is not feasible at this time because capacity is not available. The subtitles used in the re-funding bond report will be used within this report for clarity. 1 e e e SECTION 2 PROJECTS WITHIN BOND ISSUE Under Construction and/or ComDleted All items under this section have been completed. This includes the Dayron percolation ponds, additional storage at the wastewater treatment plant, purchasing the utility office, modification of Site 16, safety improvements to water treatment plant No.1, and electrical repairs to lift station No.5. Immediate Under Desion The projects under this section are discussed below: Item 1) A new well has been added at water treatment plant 3 with a capacity of approximately 2400 GP~. This is twice the original anticipated flow rate for this well and should place the City in a position of not requiring an additional well for this plant within the next twenty years. We have not added the well for water plant no. 2. This well should be budgeted as a near-future capital improvement. We have constructed all the necessary high service pumping improvements for both water treatment plants 2 and 3 that were anticipated for the bonding report. Item 2) The golf course has provided a new control system for their irrigation system. We have not, however, added additional irrigation heads for holes 3, 4, and 5. We believe that this is still a cost effective project that would increase the disposal capacity on the golf course. 2 . e . Item 3) A stronger lease with the golf course is currently under negotiation. Items 4), 7), & 9) Tertiary filtration, sludge handling facilities and high level disinfection have been placed in service and construction should be complete by the end of January. Item 5) The modification of the electrical control system at water plant no. 2 has been completed. Item 6) Site 16 has been purchased under the state grant program. Item 8) The pumps for the effluent pump station have been placed in service and a new 8" force main from the plant to the golf course has been completed. Near Future Improvements Item 1) The removal of infiltration/inflow and sewer rehabilitation is an ongoing project and an amount for such work should be budgeted annually. Item 2) The conversion of lift station 5 to a submersible station is scheduled under the renewal and replacement budget for the upcoming year. Items 3) thru 5) These items relate to lift station improvements which have been completed. Item 6) Because of the increased well capacity at water plant no. 3, it will be necessary to build a much larger aerator at water treatment plant no. 3. Replacement of the aerator at water plant 3 is scheduled within the next fiscal year and at water plant no. 2 upon completion of well no. 6. 3 . e . Future Capital Improvements Item 1) Auxiliary power will be provided for water treatment plant no. 3 and lift station 7 under the current contract for the used package treatment plant at the wastewater treatment plant. The auxiliary generator will most likely be located at lift station no. 7 with power capability running back to water treatment plant no. 3. This generator will also serve the future irrigation distribution station adjacent to lift station no. 7. It will be necessary at a later date to supply emergency power to water treatment plant no. 2. Item 2) Ton chlorination systems will need to be provided at both water plants within the next five years. Item 3) Water line looping and extensions are an ongoing project and the City should consider, in some cases, sharing the cost with developers for larger line systems. Item 4) Emergency power at the wastewater treatment plant is part of the current construction project. Summary The City has constructed more of the capital improvement projects than was possible with the funds that were allocated by the bond issue. The initial capital improvements account (from the bond issue) was supplemented by connection charges, capacity reservation charges, and State Grant Funds allowing the additional projects to be constructed. This allows the City to provide a higher, more reliable level of service to the customers. 4 e e e The major remaining projects are construction of well 6, new lease with the golf course, Infiltration/Inflow Program, new aerators at WTP 2 and 3, ton chlorination at WTP 2 and 3 and emergency power at WTP 2. The minor projects remaining which will be covered by renewal/replacement funds in the coming fiscal year are Lift Station 5 and repair LeVista Drive sewer. The City has made a major effort in completing the projects within the bond reports. 5 . APPENDIX A BOND REPORT PHOTOCOPIES e . 6 --- , ~l f.-v.. Sc~flt\.eo..ste'rPt. Kerorl-, -. Ke -t~/':J A. Under Construction and/or Completed . 1 . 2. Ie 3 . e Effluent Disposal - The Dayron percolation ponds are almost complete and ready for testing. These ponds are permitted for disposal of 0.40 MGD. Land Construction Engr.. Testing & Insp. Provide an ac~itional 2.0 million gallons stora;e for the effluent irrigation sjstem with lined pond. Purchase utility office building on S.R. 434 4. Modification of Site 16 by construction of berms to e1iminate surface runoff and produce increased percolation in the lower sections. 5 . Safety improv~~ents at water trea~~ent plant no. 1 (repairs are under general maintenance funds). 6. Electrical repairs to Lift Station No.5. Repairs are presently under construction and will be made under general maintenance funds. TOTAL 7 (, t3(;;.C:c Estimated Cost $ 700.000 526.325 15,000 (Included above) $ 100,000 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - S 1,341,325 . e e ~- ( B. Immediate Under Design 1. Add new wells and high service pu~ping at water plants 2 and 3, including land and all appurtenances. S 2. Add additional heids on the golf course on holes 3, 4, & 5 to provide 50,000 g~d e ;( t r a d i spa s a 1 a "c m oJ i iy con t r 0 1 s y S ':. em. $ 3. St.4ronger lease with the golf course for a minimum use of 300,000 gpd and other needed conditions. (Does not include attorney fees.) $ 4. Tertiary filtration of the effluent to comply with D~~ regulations. This ;s part of the project up for a State Grant more fully descirbed herein. $ 5 . Modify the electrical control system a':. water treatment plant 2 to prevent startup of the electrical motor when the auxiliary power system is connected. S 6. Purchase Site 16. This is part of the project up for a State Grant more fully described herein. $ 7 . Sludge handling facilities. Improvements to the sludge processing facilities to provide dewatering. This is part of the project up for a State Grant and is discussed more fully herein. S 8 220,000 50,000 o 385,000 500 275,000 385,000 8. Improvements. to the effluent pump station and a new 6" forcemain to the perc pond. This is part of the project up for a State Grant more fully described here1n. $ e 9. High level disinfection. This is part of the project up for a State Grant more fully described herein. $ TOTAL $ c. Near Future 1 . Removal of infiltation/inflow and other $ sewer rehabilitation. .I 2. Convert Lift Station #5 to submersible lift station. e 3. Standardize lift station generator plug-ins. 4. Provide pump by-passes for five (5) lift stations. J 5. Provide hose bibbs and vacuum breakers for 10 lift stations. - , Increa~e the capacity of the aerators at water plants 2 and 3. 6 . TOTAL $ . J D. Future ~. 1 . Auxiliary power generator at water plants 2 and 3 with housing. , ~- 9 140,000 110,000 1,565,500 100,000 25,000 2,000 5,000 5,000 40,000 177,000 $ 80,000 e 2. 3. .4 Note: e Ton chlorinated systems at water plants 2 and 3 with housing. 60.000 Water line looping and extensions with developers co-oping SO~. 175.000 u?grade emergency power at the waste- water treatment plant $ 50,000 3'65.000 TOTAL The earlier bond issue described a need for the City of ~inter Springs to connect to the Iron Eridge Regional ~astewater Treatment Facilities curing :he initial 10-year period. The connection can no~ be accomplished at a later date be~ause additional tre~:ment capacity is available at the present wastewater treatment faciliites of up to 1.5 MGD. The disp:sal capacity is projected at 1.4 MGD at the present ti7.e. It is anticipated that the remaining 0.1 MGD capacity will be available from future developers. This ca~acity should provide services up to approximately t~e year 2000. At that time, the Iron Bridge connection Nill be made or additional plant capacity and disposal will be constructed. OTHEK SOURCES OF REVENUE: State Grants: The State of Florida has a Small Communities Trust Fund for the purpose of supplying Grants to publicly owned wastewater treatment systems for improvements to these facilities. The City of Winter Springs has been elevated by the State into the fundable portion of the eligibility list. The City of Winter Springs has completed the necessary documentation and awaits the e 10 e e e f,c; Ii' I {- ~dJ Be.'Ld. l<<':...f<:;1' + _(0',,,;;; + Issu e VII. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM The capital improvements were organized into priority categories of immediate, near future, and future requirements. The program is for an eight-year period from 1984-1992. Immediate Improvements: 1. At water plant 1, make the necessary safety improvements. /2 . At wa t e r p 1 ant. 2, mod i f y the e 1 e c t r i c a 1 con t r 0 1 system so that the electric motor will not start up with the auxiliary motor operating. /3. Fix the sewer line on La Vista Drive 4. Repair the electrical system at Lift Station No.5. 5. Add new wells and high service pumping at water plants 2 and 3, including land and all appurtenances. 6. Effluent disposal: .* Complete the Dayron option and improvements, i.e., percolation ponds - 400,000 gpd estimated including land - 20 acres. a. 11 Cost $ 1 ,000 500 9,000 9,000 220,000 1,250,000 e e e r " b. Add additional heads on the golf course on holes 3, 4, & 5 to provide 50,000 gpd extra disposal and modify control system. c. Modification of Site 16 by construction of berms to eliminate surface runoff and produce some head to increase percolation in the lower sections. (Total system effluent disposal capacity at all sites after these improvements of a), b), and c) would equal 900,000 gpd.) 7. Tertiary filtration of the effluent to comply with DER regulations. 8. Provide an additional 2.0 million gallons of storage for the effluent irrigation system with lined pond. 9. Stronger lease with the golf course for a minimum use of 300,000 gpd and other lIeeded conditions. (Does not include attorney fees.) TOTAL - - - - - - - 12 50,000 25,000 250,000 150,000 o $1,956,000 TOTAL - - - - - - - $ 427,000 Future: /1 . Iron Bridge connection. $ 500,000 2. Aux i 1 i a ry powe r generator at water plants 2 and 3 with housing. 80,000 I- ': .I. ~.. : ""'- . ""1 i .e f?, ~ I - , i J e :1 :1 I; II Ir I, " 'i :; :1 .; :i e t~ ear F u t u r e : 1. Removal of infiltration/inflow and other sewer rehabilitation. 2. Convert Lift Station #5 to submersible lift station. 3. Standardize lift station generator plug-ins. 4. Provide pump by-passes for five (5) lift stations. 5. Provide hose bibbs and vacuum breakers for 10 lift stations. 6. Increase the capacity of the aerators at water plants 2 and 3 7. Sludge handling facilities to meet new Chapter 17-6 FAC regulations. Rule goes into effect in July 1984 13 $ 100,000 25,000 2,000 "5,000 5,000 40,000 250,000 ~. .' ~ e 3. Ton chlorinated systems at water plants 2 and 3 with housing. 60,000 ~ , 4. Water line looping and extensions with developers co-oping 50:. 175,000 5. Add emergency power at the wastewater treatment plant 50,000 , ~ j TOTAL - - - - - - - $ 865,000 ~ ~ e The capital improvement projects total $3,248,000. The 1984 bond issue will carry $1 ,ilO,OOO and the 1988 bond issue will carry approximately $545,000. This leaves a total of $993,000 remaining. This amount can be generated by other sources listed below: 1. State Grants: A state grant of approximately $680,000, which represents 55~ or the total listed under Immediate Improvements Item 6A, is possible far the percolation pond construction. The City of Winter Springs should know by June 1984 how they were ranked on the priority lists. After the rankings are published. we can determine the 1ikeiihood of available funding to Winter Springs. We also subnitted applications for tertiary filtration, sewer rehabilitation, and new sludge handling facilities. These last three items amount to approxinately $509,000 of the capital i~prove~ent items listed above. 2. Oebt Service Charge: A debt service carrying charge could be assessed against the developer agreements. It appears from our calculations that approximately $60,OOO/year coul~ It be generated by this carrying charge. This anount ~ou1d decrease as developers ccnr.ect to the service system. 14 e APPENDIX B DISPLAY BOARDS . . 15 -- BOND ISSUE PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION AUXILIARY POWER FOR LIFT STATION NUMBER 7 AND WATER TREATMENT PLANT NUMBER 3 IAI . 40,000 REMOV AL OF INFIL TRA TION/INFLOW IR/RI 100,000 . 140,000 PROJECTS PLANNED e RENOVATION OF LIFT STATION NUMBER 5 IR/RI . 30,000 SEWER LaVISTA DRIVE IR/RI 10,000 INCREASE AERATOR CAPACITIES AT WATER TREATMENT PLANTS NUMBER 2 AND NUMBER 3 100,000 AUXILIARY POWER AT WATER TREATMENT 80,000 PLANT NUMBER 2 TON CHLORINATOR SYSTEMS WATER 80,000 TREA TMENT PLANTS NUMBER 2 AND NUMBER 3 WATER DISTRIBUTION IMPROVEMENTS 45,500 CONSTRUCT WELL NUMBER 8 100,000 . 425,500 e 16 - BOND ISSUE PROJECTS COMPLETED DA YRON EFFLUENT DISPOSAL SITE 0.45 MGD CAPACITY . 541,325 EFFLUENT STORAGE POND AT PLANT SITE SEE ABOVE WELL NUMBER 5 [LARGER CAPACITYI 138,518 HIGH SERVICE PUMPING WATER PLANTS NUMBER 2 AND NUMBER 3 200,170 W ASTEW A TER TREATMENT PLANT NUMBER 1 IMPROVEMENTS 1,312,000 TERTIARY FIL TRA TION SLUDGE PROCESSING FACILITY e EFFLUENT PUMP STATION HIGH LEVEL DISINFECTION EMERGENCY POWER GENERATOR EFFLUENT FORCE MAIN SITE 18 PURCHASE COLLECTION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS N/A HOSE BIBBS PUMP BY-PASSES . 2,183,014 BOND FUNDS A V AILABLE FROM ISSUE . 1,034,000 ST A TE GRANT FUNDS 523,000 . 1,557,000 FUNDS EXPENDED FROM GENERA TED REVENUES FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS [10/84 THRU 12/871 838,014 . 2,183,014 -- 17 - e e OTHER PROJECTS FUTURE PAVING ACCESS ROAD TO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT SLUDGE DISPOSAL SITE NEW CHLORINATION FACILITIES WASTEWATER TREA TMENT PLANT SEMINOLE UTILITIES ACQUISITION EFFLUENT DISPOSAL SITES PUBLIC AREASI ACCESS RESIDENCES SPRAY FIELDS PLACE UTILITY SYSTEM LAYOUT ON COMPUTER DATA BASE CONTINUING UPGRADE OF SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM CONTINUING WATER DISTRIBUTION IMPROVEMENTS 18 e e e OTHER PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION OR PERMITTED CONSTRUCTION OF 1.5 MGD PACKAGE PLANT WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT NUMBER 2 DA YRON IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENTS PLANNED RENOV A TION OF W ASTEW A TER TREATMENT PLANT NUMBER 1 IR/RI REPAIR BLOWER AIR LINES IR/RI DEMOLITION OF WATER TREATMENT PLANT NUMBER 1 PHASE I · RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM PHASE II · RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM UPGRADE LIFT STATION 10 AND EXTEND FORCEMAIN TO LIFT STATION 7 19 w . 498,000 37,500 . 535,500 . 100,000 10,000 20,000 1,000,000 450,000 210,000 . 1,790,000