HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 01 11 Regular ~...... . C/Jlll'~/ ~ ..{ .~ l1j: kl "";i 11 1981 FLORIDA r;ITY of ;, Ill{ SPRINGS CITY MANAGER ~()towl c~e Road Sanford, Florida 32773 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Fire Suppression/Rescue Division Emergency Medical Services Central Communications Disaster Preparedness December 9, 1987 Telephone (305) 323-2500 To Report Emergencies Only - 911 Richard Rozansky, City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 E. SR 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Mr. Rozansky: The 1987 Session of the Florida Legislature amended Florida Statutes 553 and 633, relating to fire prevention and control, building codes, State Fire Marshal's powers, and resolution of conflicts between building codes and minimum fire safety codes. This legislation has been commonly referred to as H.B. 1337. - This Legislature adopted the National Fire Protection Association (NFP A) Life Safety Code 101, 1985 edition, as a minimum state-wide code. Additionally, it stipulated that one of four codes be adopted by local jurisdictions before January 1, 1988. In the event appropriate code selection is not made at the local level, the Standard Fire Prevention Code, 1985 edition, and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101, Life Safety Code, 1985 edition, become the minimum fire code. We, the undersigned fire chiefs, have discussed the options presented by the State in great detail. We believe strongly that the time has come to have one consistent fire code throughout the County and all of the municipalities. The uniform adoption of one code would accomplish the following: 1. Eliminate confusion between jurisdictions as to what codes a particular property must comply, 2. Insure the same level of safety throughout Seminole County, and 3. Eliminate confusion for architectural design and construction people with regard to different codes throughout the County. We, therefore, propose the following: 1. That all jurisdictions within Seminole County adopt the National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet 1, Fire Prevention Code, 1982 edition, and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Life Safety Code 101, 1985 edition, as the minimum fire codes, and e Jr'" .~ --.. . e e . .. Fire Code Standardization Page -2- 2. That each city and the County adopt the same amendments to NFP A 1, as provided in the code and as recommended by the fire chiefs within the County. The above recommendation was unanimous among all of the fire chiefs within Seminole County, and we urge each governing body to proceed as quickly as practical in the adoption of these codes. ision ~h,~ /If. (1~<. Charles tiapman, C . ef - Longwood Fire Department i tl, Chief e prings Fire Department c ~~r7I;Jd~ Tom Hickson, Chief Sanford Fire Department e:.~~ Winter Springs Fire Department >aul Algeri, Chief Casselberry Fire Depa fid/ ~.&~ Robert Stoddard, Chief Lake Mary Fire Department :mvt cf: Fire Chief Charles Holzman . . e -r-.,," "; I;' January 9, 19B7: -, ..., -, ",":--. >'~ ; ~' , , I" \j:"lllto; I ~ I' A J i : , 1 "\~~ ~:} ".,"'" .)(! ; Ci r j t!, TO: Mayor Commissioners ti", /: FROM: Cindy Kaehler Commissioner Seat 1 0J~/ It has come to my attention that, as per the attached letter from the Attorney General's office, Mr. Jacobs, as Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court and as City Commissioner, is in violation of the State Constitution, Article II s. 5(a), which prohibits dual office holding. As stated in the letter, it does not appear that a city commissioner may serve simultaneously as deputy court clerk without violating the State Constitution. We, as City Commissioners, have sworn to uphold the State Constitution and it is our responsibility to act on this matter immediately. We cannot allow the decisions made by this commission to be compromised because one of our members was not qualified to run as per the Resign-to-Run Law, s. 99.012(2) - No individual may qualify as a candidate for public office who holds another elective or appointive office, whether state, county or municipal, the term of which or any part thereof runs concurrently with the term of office for which he seeks to qualify without resigning from such office not less than 10 days prior to the first day of qualifying for the office he intends to seek. According to our Charter, Section 4.0B s bl - Forfeiture of office. A commissioner or mayor shall forfeit his office if he lacks at any time during his term of office any qualifications prescribed by this Charter or by law. The Constitution is the supreme law of the State of Florida. To comply with the law, we are required to follow the procedure as outlined in our Charter, Section 4.09. C) , ri. . .. v (. J {It-t;M1<:/f . . ~ ., , 'I," .'i...;,_-, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL DEPARTMENT OF LEGAL AFFAIRS THE CAPITOL ROBERT A. BUTfERWORTH Attorney General State of Florida TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-1050 MEMORANDUM FROM: The Honorable John V. Torcaso Mayor, city of Winter Springs Gerry Hammond vJr Assistant Attorney General TO: DATE: December 28, 1987 RE: DUAL OFFICEHOLDING--MUNICIPALITIES--CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT--MAYOR--applicability of dual officeholding prohibition to city commissioner serving as deputy clerk of court and deputy mayor. Section 5(a), Art. II, State Const. . ---------.------------------------------------------------------- This is in response to your inquiry regarding whether a City Commissioner of Winter springs may simultaneously serve as Deputy Clerk of the Court in Seminole County and as Deputy Mayor of the City of winter Springs without violating the prohibition contained in s. 5(a), Art. II, State Const., against dual of fi cehold ing. Section 5(a), Art. II, State Const., provides in part that: No person shall hold at the same time more than one office under the government of the state and the counties and municipalities therein, except that . . . any officer may be a member of a . . . statutory body having only advisory powers. ThUS, this constitutional provision prohibits a person from contemporaneously holding more than one "office" under the government of the state and the counties and municipalities therein.l Section 5(a), Art. II, State Const., however, does not define the terms "office" or .officer" for its pur~oses. The Florida Supreme Court has stated that "[t]he term office~ e AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTlON/EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER -- e Memorandum Honorable John V. Torcaso page Two implies a delegation of a portion of the sovereign power to, and the possession of it by, the person filling the office, while an 'employment' does not2comprehend a delegation of any part of the sovereign authority." In a number of previously issued Attorney General's Opinions, this office has concluded that a city commissioner is a~ officer within the scope of the dual officeholding prohibition. Therefore, the issue to be considered herein is whether a deputy mayor or a deputy clerk of court is an officer. . You have not provided me with information regarding the particu- lar duties and responsibilities of either the position of Deputy Mayor of Winter springs or deputy clerk of the court. However, this office has de~ermined in previous opinions that a maygr is a municipal officer and that a clerk of court is an officer for purposes of s. S(a), Art. II, State Const. Thus, to the extent that a deputy mayor or deputy clerk performs the duties of the office of the mayor or clerk, it would appear that such deputy is an "officer" for purposes of the constitutional prohibition. However, it would be advisable for the city attorney to examine the municipal charter to determine whether the duties and responsibilities prescribed for the Mayor of the City of Winter Springs would qualify the mayor as an "officer." Thus, as related herein, it does not appear that a member of a city commission may serve simultaneously as a deputy mayor or deputy court clerk without violating s. S(aJ' Art. II, state Const., which prohibits dual officeholding. This conclusion assumes that the deputy officers perform, or may be called upon in certain instances to perform, the duties of the mayor or of the clerk of court. Further, a determination must be made based on an examination of the charter of the City of Winter Springs that the mayor is an "officer" for purposes of the constitutional prohibition. I would also note that a public officer is prohibited by the common law from holding two incompatible offices at the same time, as a matter of public policy, in order to assure not only the actuality of undivided loyalty but also the appearance thereof.7 In this regard the issue is whether occupancy of both offices by the same person is detrimental to the public interest or whether the performance of the duties of one interferes with the performance of those of the other. Incompatibility exists where one office is subordinate to the other and subject in some e e . e Memorandum Honorable John V. Torcaso page Three degree to the supervisory power of its incumbent or where the incumbent of one of the offices has the power of appointment as tot he 0 the r 0 f f ice, 0 r has the p 08w e r tor e m 0 vet he in cum b en t 0 f the other or to punish the other. Any questions you have have concerning possible conflicts of interest by public officials pursuant to Part III, Ch. 112, F.S. (Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees), should be forwarded to the Ethics Commission. You may address any such inqu ir ies to: State of Florida Ethics Commission Post Office Box 6 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 This informal opinion was prepared by the Department of Legal Affairs in an effort to be of assistance to you. The opinions ex pre sse d her e in are tho s e 0 f the w r it era n d don 0 t con s tit ute a formal opinion of the Attorney General. GH/gk ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 See, Bath Club, Inc. v. Dade County, 394 So.2d 110,112 (Fla.198l). 2 State ex reI. Holloway v. Sheats, 83 So. 508, 509 (Fla. 19l9).-Seealso, AGO 69-2 (and authorities cited therein) noting that s. 5(a), Art. II, State Const., makes no distinction between legally appointed and legally elected officers; and AGO 80-97. 3 See, AGO.'S 81-61 and 77-63. See, AGO'S 77-89 and 76-92. See, AGO 72-426. 4 5 And see, AGO 84-90 which concludes that one person may not serve simultaneously in a municipal office and a county office as such simultaneous service would violate s. 5(a), Art. II, State Const. 6 e . e ,- Memorandum Honorable John v. Torcaso Page Four 7 See generally, 67 C.J.S. Officers s. 27a. See, AGO 85-24. 8 /-' . \. \ .':Ai' , :\i,(\\ ;{;;~ .. '; '~'\'l"~ , (~~~' , :';'~t~ ',';; : i i;;;:;~~i' :"l.:~:~W ",~; I~f , '~'~k~ ,: i:::~ , ',:":1 '''''j'i~ ~ :1; if: 1 _ .} )tj . ~ '? ":'::-:\>i: , ',-.( ',n " ,;:-~ .',' . ,( . ,.~."t ',: .<~ " ':,: >/";t " ".. A~il{:..,\':"\ ~ '" k.\ ,', ~':):,:!, , ; ~..f; ;"ii:':'H , -' .,.; I; f ',' , : ;;':ni~J ""I.",.JJi' , 'l"~;"~t!, i I t. ,i~ 101,i,.;, ',:,'t ,t q r( ~ ',' " ',.j"..\. ~' " ' J" de' I I..: ". -. .. . .. .~! :,'~' , . t 't;-:,:::, ~,~<:,-;<:~,~;{ I i t:'~ I .f,t. , ' , l f ,_, t e ,---. . " .," 2 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL 069.2-January 24, 1969 PUBLIC OFFICERS CONSTRUCTION OF a 6(a), ART. II, 1968 STATE CONST.- STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL OFFICERS To: Bm Gunter, State Senator, Orlando QUESTION: Who are IltAte, county and municipal ofCIcers within the purview and Intention of the lut aentence of I 5(a), Art. II, of the 1968 State Const.? The last lIentence of lAid 16(a), Art. II, of the 1968 State Const., provldell that, with certain exceptlonll, .. (n] 0 perllon IIhall hold at the I18me time more than one office under the government of the .tate and the counties and municipalities therein. . , ." 1 find nowhere In the 1988 Btate Con.t. any con.Ulullonal definition of the term "orncer" as Ulled therein. In State 't. Sheall, 78 Fla. 683, 83 So. 608, text 609, the Sup. Ct. of Fla. held that: The term "ornce" Implies a delegation of a portion of the 1I0vereilln power to, and the pOMelllllon of It by, the perRon filling the office, while an employment does not comprehend a delegation of any part oC the sovereign authority. The term "office" embrAcell the Idl'a of tenure, duration, and dutlell In exercllllng some portion of the .overelgn power, conferred or deClned by law and not by contract. An employment dOl'lI not authorize the exercllle In one'lI own right of any 1I0vereign power or any prellcrlbed Independent authority of a governmental nature; and this con.tltutes, perhaplI, the mOllt decllllve diCCerence between an employment and an ornce, and between an employee and an oWcer. . . . Some oWcell are merely clerical or mlnillterial; but they are Ulleful In enforcing the powers conCerred on other offlcerll or trlbunalll, and they are UllUally designated all ornces by the low and have featurell of tenure and duration and of duties prescribed by law, which differentiate an oWce from a mere employment. To the some effect lI('e alllo State v. Hocker, 39 Fla. 477, 22 So. 721, text 722; Advillory Opinion, 49 Fla. 269, .39 So. 63, t(,llt 64; State v. Jonell, 79 Fla. 66, 84 So. 84, text 86; Dade County v. State, 95 Fla. 466, 116 So. 72, text 76; McSween v. State Llvelltock Sanlt.ary Board, 97 Fla. 749, 122 So. 239, text 246 and 247; Amon. MathewlI, 99 Fla. 1, 126 So. 308, text 335; Opinion oC JustiCl'lI, 120 Fla. 729, 163 So. 76, text 77; State v. Martenll, 141 Fla. 66, 193 So. 836, text 837; Palmer v. State, 149 Fla. 616, 6 So.2d 660, text 662; State v. City oC Miami, 163 Fla. 90, 13 So.2d 707, text 708; Ghmdlnnlnll v. Curry, 163 Fla. 398, 14 So.2d 794, text 798 and 799; Advisory Opinion, 163 Fla. 660, 16 So.2d 760, text 766; Curry v. Hammond, 154 Fla. 63, 16 So.2d 623; Pace v. Klnll, Fla. 38 So.2d 823, text 826; Advisory Opinion, Fla. 63 So.2d 321, text 325; Blackburn v. Brorein, Fla., 70 So.2d 293, text 296 and 297. In Curry v. Hammond, .upra, It wall IItated: "It can hardly be questioned that a patrolman on a city police foree Is clothed with 1I0vereilln power oC the city while dillcharglnll hill duty.... It III the character oC the duty performed that mUllt determine hilllltAtuS." In State v. Martens, .upra, the Court remarked: "The right, particularly, to arrest without warrant, indicates the type ,of power delegated t.o oWcerll In quest\< than t than t law." (" '" Statr ';'t'. cour '.)J" , ~~i! text 4 ";i~,k";J~j\" aid t.' " i\~\'rf .;' officel , "" I,"" ..... If e 1_ , . )-~"'~I~'\ ,I; Xm ?;~~,;I,,~eM I;' 'q,ih~ ......~., 646.6~ ~,)'.F', city at :.-l, (~/ '1'.:',:,I"l.l. or we: "," ,.I" t ;.,.,; ':&1:' reDSUI < '\." .~!~f':' dutie. .t,I~'", ""1 i"'" lili~WlL',J:r appller ". ,> '\i,;;,~,;, duratl, ,,,-!':;1,,"'; power , 't.f,;:i; ; ; the cr ~~()~<\:;~ emplr :It.~~~:;': \ ,emplc '-;',.;,r ,'" . S ~~*i,~>l:l~~;>' ,: ", 1 ~~I:,:':l',,\' . betwr r~~~';,," St t ~<~~i:r,~~ ,~, S a r :,i\tf" tate ff"'Ii):.,},,', J "'~F'1t:~ ,,',. 7" ',..\~t',:,,,;: ft 6(a) \~ 1'1j;~'f;',I"(',:., oWce, , "~~l.ll"h ' being '\;,.,,'1',0.1"'-'." . 1929 "~\),it~~~~..... . ~\',r~TJ;;~'" ',' !:ttOI l'Cf"t'".' emp ":,l'..~I'';''':'' .elect; 1~k3~di.. ' 'i'!~,,""~'" the el >.',i". conch, -;.i, and co Sl Intenti are th, and w, not In' they n 069-3- ( To: ( QUES at II . - e '\0 ~ SILVIA MORELL ALDERMAN EDMUND T. BAXA, JR. PAUL H. BOWEN JEANELLE G. BRONSON PAUL F. BRYAN DWIGHT I. COOL GRACE ANNE GLAVIN EDWARD E. HADDOCK, JR. ALLAN J. KATZ CHRISTOPHER K. KAY FRANK C. KRUPPENBACHER EDWARD L. KUTTER THOMAS F. LANG PETER G. LATHAM PATRICIA RETHWILL MUELLER RICHARD R. SWANN THOMAS R. TEDCASTLE MARTIN B. UNGER JAMES G. WILLARD OF COUNSEL: PATRICK F. MARONEY DAVID C. LATHAM William Jacobs Deputy Mayor - Commissioner Post Office Box 1030 Sanford, Florida 32772-1030 d~A>>d~ 9Jy'v"."'~8-T"~ IN ORLANDO: SUITE 1100 135 WEST CENTRAL BOULEVARD POST OFFICE BOX 640 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32B02-0e40 130S1 425-3939 ~~~J~ REPLY TO: ORLANDO IN TALLAHASSEE: SUITE eeo BARNETT BANK BUILDING 315 SOUTH CALHOUN STREET TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 19041 224-9634 December 18, 1984 PERVIE P. SWANN IISSlS-ISlS41 RE: Legal Opinion - dual office holding Dear Commissioner Jacobs: You have requested our office issue an opinion regarding whether or not a member of the City Commission of the Ci ty of Winter Springs, Florida, may serve as a Deputy Clerk of the Court. Our answer to that question is that it would not violate the dual office prohibi tion of Article II, S. 5, of the State Constitution, for a City Commissioner to serve as a Deputy Clerk of the Court. Our opinion is based upon the attached March 6, 1974, Opinion isSued by the AttOrney General of the State of Florida, as well as, discussions with the Attorney General's office this date. Should you have any further FCK/lj Enclosure l649FCK-0 me. 07<1-7:J .__ _-^-~NtJ^J, ltt;.POLrI.'91<"I'III-':.A 1"l'Q!!J~!I~YJ:m.N~:R^k- -- --- . i ..___---~N~AL REPOR' DUAL OFFICEHOLDlNG DEPUTY TAX ASSESSOR MAY SERVE AS ELECTED SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER assistants rather than the substitut, 70 So.2d 294 (FIa: 1~56). Therefore assessor is not wlthm the pU1'V1ew deputy tax assessor on a county provision.. t There still remams, however, . provisions of the Standa~d~ of Con of the act formerly.pro~I~lted a p which might impaIr hIS mdepem duties. Even assuming for the pur a deputy tax asselJ:S<?r w,ould ge~e- member the provIsIon In questiol 1971). However, the. comm.on.la' positions in the pubhc sel'Vlce st under that rule 1ie~. in a c~~ft_ employments or posItIons, as" wt one obligation over the ot~er: A I do not perceive any slgnIfica, assessor and county school boa common law. . . f t' The only other provIsIon 0 ! here is s. 112.313(4), F. S. Thl accepting employment or eng., reasonably expect would re?U1 IIcquired by him by re~SC?~ 0 h to pluce somu responslblhty fo himself-presumably because h~ it does not appear forese~able t "require or induce" the dlsclosu out his official duties as a mem ~e.tention fl;1cility: However, this duty does not. e?'tend tl? a nonindifent prisoner 'Yho is Injured whIle bemg legally arrested by a mUnicIpal pohce officer. find nothing m the applicable statutcs or rules which would cause me to recede from my predecessor's opinion in AGO 059.148, and I must conclude that a nor.indigent prisoner who is injured while being legally arrested by a municipal police officer, is charged with a violation of 1I municiplIl ordinance, and is to be or is being detained in (\ municipal detention facility mUlit heal' the medicul costli which result from his injury, 074.73-March 6, 1974 - To: Clinton R. Snyder, Putnam Cuunty Tax Assessor, Palatka Prepared by: Rebecca Rowles Haw/lins. Assistant Attorney General, and Gerald L. Knilfht. Legal Research Assistant QUESTION: MIlY II deputy tax aSHeHHor foIerVll 1111 an t!leclive member of a county IIchool board'! SUMMARY: As a deputy tax assessor Is an employee rather than an "officer," he may scrve simultaneously as an elected school board member without violatinJ{ the dual oflice prohibition, Art. II, s. 5, State Const. Nor are the dutit!s of the two positions in the public service in conflict within the purview of the Standards of Conduct Law, ss. 112.311-112.318, F. S., and the common-law rule of Incompatibility. Your question is answered in the affirmative. Article II, s. 5(a), State Const., ~rohibits dual office holding under state county or municipal I{overnments. The positIOn of elected member of a county sch~ol board is clearly nn "office" within the purview of thnt constitutional provision. Attorney General Opinion 1171-280. Therefore, the importnnt considcnUion IS whether the position of dcputy tax II HSCI;.<;OI' iH alHo an ollice, 01' mer'ely II pOHition of employment to which the dual olliceholdinl{ prohibition does not apply. Attornt!Y Generul Opinion 073.332. The State Constitution does not deline office or offices, but, as interpreted by the flo/'ida Supreme Court, 074.74-March 6, 1974 PAYMENT OF F OFFICIAL BUSlt To: J. H. Guerry, Executive D PrepClrecl by: Rebecca BOlllles I :e The term "office" implies a delegation of a portion of sovereign power to and the possession of it by, the person filling the office, while an employment'does no~ comprehend a delegation of any part of the sovereign authority. The term onlce embraces the idea of tenurc, duration, and duties in exercising some p'ortion of the sovereign power, conferred or defined by law and not by contract. [Stute v. Sheats, 83 So. 508 (Fla. 1919)). ~ttor:neY Generul Opinion 071.263 holds that an assistant stnte attorney is not an olhcer lor the pUrJ>oses of Art. II, s. 5(u), State Const. Likewise, in AGO 069-5 it wus ruled that an assistant public defender did not have the status of a government ~fficer, These pre~i_ous ~pinions were base4 primarily ~n the statutory description of the respective pOSitIOns IIlvolved and lire m accord With the general rule that the constitutional prohihition a~ainst dual oflict!holdinJ{ does not IIpply to those persons who lire not invested with ollicinl powers in their own ril{ht, but merely t!xel'cisc ct!rtl.lin powerH as the aJ{entli of government officers. Attorney General Opinion 069.2. Such appelll'S to be the situation with regard to deputy tax assessors in your office. Although they are entitled "deputy tux assessors," I assume they perform larltely the ministerial duties of QUESTIONS: 1. May public fund~ owned vehicles used ' business? 2 If the answer to the' county pay said r SUMMARY: Rental parking fee state and county-oW" on official business fi free parking space governmental units, attorney, and In no it provided in fiscR provide this service, fees as a nece8Sary 120 rR'P.~ ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ATIORNEY GENERAL 074-74 e assistants rather than the substitute functions of a true deputy. See Blackburn v. Brorein, 70 So.2d 294 (Fla. 1955). Therefore, I am of the opinion that the position of deputy tax assessor is not within the purview of Art. U, s. 5{a), State Const., and that service by a deputy tax assessor on a county school board would not violate that constitutional provision. There still remains, however, the question of whether such service would violate provisions of the Standards of Conduct Law, ss. 112.311-112.318, F. S. Section 112.313(6) of the act formerly prohibited a public official from accepting a position of employment which might impair his independence of judgment in the performance of his public dutics. gvcn assuming for the purposes of argument that an individual's employment as II dcputy tux nssessOI' would gonoratc II conflict with his duties as a county school board memhcr. tho provision in quostion was invalidated in State v. Llopis, 257 So.2d 17 (Fla. 1971). However, the common-law rule p'rohibiting the holding of two incompatible positions in the public service still has hfe in this state. Disqualifying incompatibility under that rule lies in a conflict between the duties and functions of two public employmonts or positions, as "where the duties ell-ah, inviting the incumbent to prefer one obligation over the other." Attorney General Opinion 070-46. Applying this definition, I do nol porcoive anysif.,rnificanl clash between the respective duties of deputy tax assessor and county school board member which would constilute a violation of the common law. The only other provision of the Standards of Conduct Law that might be applicable hOl'e is s. 112.313(4), F. S. This section prohibits a public officer or employee from accepting employmenl or ongaging in IIny profossional activity "which he might roasonahly oxpocl would requiro or induco him to discloso confidential information ncquired by him by roo son of his ollicinl position." The language of the statuto IIppears 1.11 pl:II'" Kom" I'I!HponHihility for resolving this question upon the officer or employee hilll:...11' I'I'!'HlIlIlahly 1"','aIlS" I.., is ill \.II" fnostadvantllg"ous position to do so. However, it dill''' 1If11. ;'III'"al' 1'1I1'!'H""aht" that 1.1\1' cllll.i"s III' II cl"IHll.y lax aSH"SHllr aI'\! HlIt'h as would "I'equil'c III' iflclucc" thc c1isclIISUI'l! III' ':IIf1licll!f1l.ial illl'lIl'1l1a\.illfllu'l,uil'l',1 hy him ill nllTyilll~ out his ollicial duties as a member of tho school board. (. ! t .. .. .. ,. " L ~ i I .! 074-74-March 6, 1974 PUBLIC FUNDS ,:1 \ :- PAVMENT 01" PARKING )<'gF,s FOR VEHICLES USED ON <WI.'ICIAI. (JUSINESS fW STA'I'g A1YJ'OItNEVS' EMPLOYEES To: J. H. Guerry, Executive Director, Judicial Administratio'l Commissiu'l. 'J'ul/alwssee Prepared by: Rebecca Bowles Hawkins and Gerald L. Knight, Assistants Attorney General QUESTIONS: 1. May public funds be appropriated to pay parking feell for publicly ownt!d vehicles used by employees of state attorneys' offices for ofllclul hu~ne~? . 2. If the answer to question I Is In the ufllrmative, should the state or the county pay said rental parkin" fees? \ 'i .,. .\ - ~~ SUMMARY: Rental parking fees Incurred In the official oferation and storage of stah! and county-owned vehicles by employees 0 a state attorney's office on ollicial busino5.'l may be paid from public funds. If a county provides froe parking space as a common transportation service to county governmental units, the county must provide such service to the state attorney, and in no case may a county rrovlde lellS of such service than It provided in fiscal y(!Ur 1972-197:1. I the county Is not required to provide this service, the state should pay such rental parking or storaKe foes as a neceSHary expense of tho office of the state uttorney. Any such 121 i. 4o~~1-~{'n .","; ,..."","~_~...... . ~. """!"Jl.:o.____ ''1P'_ ___ ,.. - - 4Il . e e January 8, 1988 TO: City Manager coordinator~ FROM: Land Development RE: January 11, 1988 Commission Meeting, Agenda Item A Lots 22 and 23 and lots 24 and 25 are being combined to form two (2) lots. This resolution will vacate the easements that ran between lots 22 and 23 and lots 24 and 25. The utility companies have no objection to this action. /mh cc: Mayor City Commission It "" "TtZ/E B15re,e'-Y7~5crgcZ: Cl.E:5S T~c NC.(JTI(C-RLY /0.00 FeC:-T //I-/D me SCLITl-/eICLY: 7s"o Fe-eT. 7J.Ic:.ecOF) OF tor Z ZJ , T~s,c-:?~/.c.c...,,!_(.//I.hr /3, ?'~TSCC>K z~ MtPes /~,l.JD Z C!/r _,771c-f!'qd~/~,1!e-.~,?~~6 t?;:::- SCM/A./OC-eCeun ~ ,c~/DA. . e ..5knc.1-/ 0;:: D~R/PT/~/J I f1ere(,y certify thut this 5UI'V':y is true and correct to lit" b, ,/ J, i' k.:cwL:dge and that this Sur, ". J. , r . 'd' , 'i" '- ..../1 j'lr~p3re In accoraan,=~ ....~-:,. j" :.':"':J)>.J \\ lv\;oimum TGeltr,;c;./ <.: ..,,'.' ., . d b _, ~.'" " r;:;qulre y Ch"PlGr L 1 " :.' A C ff . , . . . C cell Vtl SeplcmL;;. " ,. i. .'!/<-I~.AJ Cpu.e. r , , "-;.1 , /'/0'<'7'; I I";. ~.o Lo{ 'Z- 3 ~ ~ l'() ~\ ""v') 't~ ~ ~~ ~ ' \;J ~ \-..~ ~'\ ~ ~ . ~~ Lc:rT '2/ ~ ~ \n K L.oj Z z.. 7. S' ~T/~. oS 00. O~''ii7'~G =1'1~e, ~ ~tn ~ ~~ ~ ,\S, " ~~ K <l ~ Y) to'" /8 Ce/27/F/ED 7(;)/ 7lIe CI7Y o,c: NIA.JTe€ S?eINc;~ , . 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' '. ,.:, i.s ruqu;r"d b Idp..21 H :./ . 6 F. A " . y $("'1 ' '. 1 ". . C. effectlva t" . ~j.., I J:ldl. ~ .~ - o~ 8 V) L 0 -r '1.. (.p tWe.,...l 5 89Q$'1 '.::0 3 ,~ AI . . &.:s.o 0'" 1.~' ....,jll... ~ "'P!Z,4/N e,,-:.atE.? (..Q T ~Q' LOT 1.."3 ~' ~ ~ , (...0 7 =3. I ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" '1' ~ ~~ ~ ~ II ~ \) '-) Ca17PEp k:1JI.:f'C(rY(1FNI/:!~~~~_~{~~~'; . . --. _._..._-_.~...._-,..__.___..J;1-'J Ecc"i./o. '7.5l.q. , .... .... '.... -'-'~ . - ...-. . . PAtE,' //.Zt?!31 . 5ClfLt: I";.~~ ;:/~: 67./1Z,C1 ~..<I&S &!SCO at:: R~ !'l9r ... . ,~ t::eS:::..R / Prl j:)tJ -- LtJi:7 ?Z j 23 7dS(;/lWII..tJl UNIT 13 4S RECCYzoe-o 1.<.1 If.~T~ 1'3.1 .I / ~GC5 I AA/O Z / 0':: 71/e Rleuc.. .e'ea;>.ea:. oP :S~/H INOt. C Coqv7Y.I p4:J8/a4. e " // " ~;;I /"~b e .. . De5cRirT1t}N .!or.:> 2.f{Z~ NSC4w/U4 UNIT 13 .,;:s .R""~"",o "'" ~r&oK 2)l ~6G":S /(z-, ~CJt./c R&:".::v2.0.:5 o,c :561'11^-loL.<:>~' cc;u/i/ry ;::Zo/CID4. , 'I) ~ ~~.?l'~ 0" W /..0129 ~ ~ ~~ \JI.. \l ~ ~ ~ ~ \j & ~ '"or 25 6 IU' l\j '\ Vi I~ :-0 t-of 31 " ~ (Q () () , '-1 e A/oetl/ /'1.30 ' ~ /'" ~ ~ ~~ () loT -Z 4- Iii . Vi \l "- I~ \ .~ - . . . ~ January 8, 1988 TO: coordinato~ City Manager FROM: Land Development RE: January 11, 1988 Commission Meeting, Agenda Item C The City Engineer found this project satisfactory on December 15, 1987 and the Staff had no objection on December 29, 1987. The developer is seeking a waiver to Section (50' building setback from the mean high water level of any body of water) for lots 107 and 108. A very small portion of the lake in Sunshine Park is on lots 107 and 108. To avoid any problems that may arise for maintenance or permitting for any work that may need to be done on the lake, the developer is donating that portion of the lake to the City. /mh cc: Mayor City Commission , . . . January 8, 1988 TO: City Manager ~ Land Development Coordinato~ FROM: RE: January II, 1988 Commission Meeting, Agenda Item B This is a modification to the Highland Village I Final Engineering which was disapproved at the Commission Meeting of November 23,1987. The disapproval was because of a proposed road cut on Sheoah Boulevard which was less than 800 feet from an intersection. The lots have been reconfigured so that they now face a court instead of a street, thus eliminating the road cut onto Sheoah. All else remains the same. The City Engineer has reviewed this modification and has no objection. Plat approval is also being requested. /mh cc: Mayor City Commission . . . '"' January 4, 1987 TO: City Manager ~ Land Development coordinator~~ FROM: RE: Highland Village II, Staff Review A Staff Review for the above referenced was held on December 29, 1987. Representing the project were A. Halberstadt and A. Land. Staff members present were Artman, Govoruhk, Koch, Kozlov, Lallathin, LeBlanc,and Smith. There were no areas of concern for the Staff. The developer asked that the sidewalks be allowed to meander within the right- of-way in order to save trees. The Staff had no problems with this. /mh '" ... '" ... \', '\ .'~ ~~\~.. ." . ~~:'.~ ..:~.~'~,~ ,,,., ).~ ~".. ............'fC" (' J:' \::l.~'-f c:o-,1..j-,~"",'" "-:1.............'<.-... CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 December 15, 1987 Mr. Albert L. Land, Jr., P.E. Land Engineering Co. Consulting Engineers 848 East Lake Street Longwood, FL 32750 RE: Highland Village Unit 2 Dear AI: The final corrected engineering for the project, Highland Village Unit 2, has been received and reviewed. The engineering for this project has been found to be satisfactory. - Imh cc; Ci ty Manager Land Developnent Coordinator Building Department .