HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 10 26 Consent 206 Request Approval To Purchase Laptop and Desktop Dell ComputersCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 206
October 26, 2009
REQUEST: The Chief of Police and Information Services Department are requesting the City
Commissions approve the purchase of 781aptops and 5 desktops from Dell Computers at a total cost
of $151,959.74.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to obtain City Commissions approval to replace
existing laptop computers and reduce the need for desktop computers and related software in the
police department.
CONSIDERATIONS: Police Department currently has 75 laptop computers that are no longer
supported by warranty and are not the latest in technology. The 75 laptop computers, along with 16
desktop computers, are scheduled to be replaced as per the current recommended rotation schedule.
During the FY 2010 budget workshops, the police department requested funding for this
replacement project and included such as part of their FY 2010 budget. The Commission approved
this request (during the workshops and ultimately) with adoption of the FY 2010 budget.
The project will replace all the current laptops and decrease the department's need for desktop
computers for those employees that currently have a separate desktop computer and laptop by
furnishing those employees with a laptop and docking station setup. This will allow the computer to
be used in the office as a desktop computer or to be taken anywhere as needed. Additionally,
Information Services feels that this project will significantly assist the City by reducing the total
number of computers by 40 and will enable the rotation of 14 current computers to other users. This
then leaves us with only having to purchase 5 additional replacement desktop computers for the
Communications and Operations Center. With the current rotation schedule, we would have to
purchase the 78 laptops and replace 40 computers over the next three years. This also allows us to
save money by not purchasing the 35 additional copies of Microsoft Office that was needed to
complete the City's transition to Office 2007.
This will also allow up to 26 out-dated desktop computers to be placed out of service right away.
With the Dell plan we purchase only the 78 laptops and 5 desktop computers. So we have a savings
to the City of 35 computers along with software cost. This also doesn't count the savings of the cost
of the Dell Laptops vs. Toughbooks. Note that the Dell Specifications and Warranty is better and
less money than the Toughbooks.
Inheritably, with a project of this size there were many questions that may be of concern and must
be answered. The Police Department and Information Services found during our research that many
of these questions required some additional coordination with other agencies. Those issues and
answers are listed below;
• Our purchasing policy allows us to purchase from the State Contract.
State of Florida Contract Pricing results from a State competitive bid.
In addition to the State Contract, we also solicited two additional quotes and were able to obtain
a price which was $9,9861ower than State Contract pricing.
• The Police Department previously obtained quotes for Panasonic Toughbooks. The Dell option
will provides us with more/better technology and superior support/warranty for significantly less
• The Dell option gives us the ability to consolidate Police Department desktop computers to
reduce the purchase of over 40 desktops and related software. This will result in a huge cost
savings to the City.
• April 26, 2003 the Police Department purchased 64 toughbooks for $284,749 with a 3 year
warranty. An additional 2 year warranty was purchased in 2006 which expired in 2008 and is no
longer supported by Panasonic and have been at end of expected life since 2008.
• According to Information Services, Windows XP is currently the only Operating System that
Seminole County Sheriff s Office supports with their applications such Mobile CAD, CAFE,
and XCAD.
• Our past experience with the superior level of service and support that we have received from
Dell was another factor in this decision vs. other vendors.
• Dell is providing on-site next business day repair, along with their complete care plan.
• After discussing with other police agencies in the area, we found out the next most reliable
hardware for public safety was the Dell Laptops. Lake Mary, Oviedo, Altamonte Springs, and
the Sherriff s Office are using some Dell laptops. While having Dell as the vendor is an added
bonus, we did support the Toughbooks by Panasonic. Having a proven track record and asking
what other agencies are using and their experiences with the equipment (both Pros and Cons)
was a contributing factor in choosing Dell.
• All of the Panasonic Toughbooks are out of warranty. The largest single issue we have with
them currently is hard drive failure and air card slots. These 2 key components are not cost
effective to replace considering the age of the units. Based on our experience with hard drives in
Police laptop computers, we opted to utilize the solid state drive technology in these new
laptops. This should reduce/eliminate the hard drive failures we are seeing as there are no
moving parts involved. Furthermore, with fewer hard drives failing we can keep these laptops
operational and avoid unnecessary downtime during rebuilds.
Deadline for Windows 7 on new orders is October 22nd. However, we have worked with our
vendor and they will extend the deadline for us. We must remain on Windows XP because of
application compatibility. Our understanding from Seminole County Sheriff's Office is that
their applications, upon which we heavily rely, have not yet been tested and proven operational
on Windows 7. Based on state contract pricing when we do upgrade to Windows 7 it will be
roughly $100 per license. This should be considered as an FY 2011 budget item.
By purchasing Dell Computers rather than the Panasonic Tough Books and implementing the re-
distribution mentioned above the City will realize a savings of $300,579. This strategy is consistent
with that discussed during the FY 2010 budget workshops.
By utilizing pricing direct from Dell Computers rather than State of Florida contract pricing the City
will realize a savings of $9,986 (this savings is included in the $300,578.74 mentioned above).
Additionally, Dell Computers offer warranties not available through other companies.
Based on this information the Police Department and Information Services staff recommends this
course of action.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the purchase of
5 desktop computers and 78 laptop computers from Dell Computers at a total cost of $151,959.74
(per option 1 in Attachment A).
ATTACHMENTS: A- Replacement Proposal, B- Quotes associated to project.
Winter Springs Police Department -MCT !Desktop Replacement Proposal f=Y2010
OPTION 2 -Current replacement cycle cost -with new MCT Panasonic TB30 J with new Dell Desktops
No Desktop reduction and MCT replacment will be over 3 years
Item t7esctiption Unrt S ett~et' Cluotcit Flr1o-nTrr cxlo I:rli~rr Flr11 FY1z-an Fr11 roTnL
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z S 1,545.3D a7s2s22a2 a $ 6.161]0 $ 0 5
De~drsteadaaaak- S s,161zo
~ DcttAapltrpiersM-slrt~le S 1,2is.se a75251771f 23 $ z7.9sb.at u s la,5r15.7fi 1 S 1~15.4a 5 a~,rn1a
FY10 $187,137.24 ltlti $139,385.76 FY32 $126,015.48 $ 452,536.18
Option 1 Informatron Services Department /Dell Eti500 Laptops/Docking Station proposal with desktop reduction and replacement IS - Proposal $ 151,459.74
Option 2 (Maintain current hardware status but repl«e with new like equipment aver next 3 budget years Cvrmt replacment cycle $ 4sz,s36.4a
Savings to Cify with selection of Option i ->
Propnsel by: CMistaplter WMI • Ple[work Adrtwnistratar
Date: October 14, 2009
Winter Springs Police Department - MCT /Desktop Replacement Proposal FY2010
Proposal br: QvaAoplser We0 -Network Administrator
Date c Octotrer 14, 2009
Quotes for WSPD - MCTJDesktop -with Qty 78 Laptops Drll E6500 laptops with 5 Year NBD onsite warranty
33 Docking Stations with keyboard, manse, monitor, and stand. 7 Docking stations with keyboard, mouse, monitor, and dual monitor.
Quote Vendor Total Pricin` Amount below state contract priein~
t DELL PricirEC thty REP -Quote $ 126,082.34 $ 9,986.46
2 Tatd,cwloay ints$ratfon 6-ouP • Quoto $ 135,002.20 $ 1.066.60
3 mate of Florida C,entnd Prig $ 136,Ob8.80 $ -