HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 10 26 Consent 200 Authorization To Increase City Standard Street Light Base RateCOMMISSION AGENDA
October 26, 2009
REQUEST: The Community Development Department, Urban Beautification Division, is
requesting authorization to increase the City Standard Street Light Base Rate
from $13.52 to $14.24 per month pursuant to a revised rate schedule from
Progress Energy, effective July 1, 2009. The revised rate represents an increase
of $.72 over the previous rate.
PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed for the City Commission to approve a revision to the
City's Street Light Base Rate as billed by Progress Energy effective July 1, 2009 and
as approved by the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC).
On April 13, 1998, the City Commission adopted the City Standard `Base' Street
Light consisting of one (1) STD 30/3 5' Concrete Pole attached to one (1) Roadway HPS
100w Cobra Fixture. This street light configuration is provided as a minimum standard along
public roadways throughout the City of Winter Springs. Currently, there is an inventory of
roughly 2300 street lights, decorative and non-decorative, included in the City's street lighting
In December of each year, Progress Energy makes available to the City a revised rate
schedule for street lighting that will become effective January 1st of the upcoming calendar
year. On July 1, 2009, amid-year rate adjustment took affect which increased the monthly
cost of base street lights by $.72 each. Such cost revisions are comprised of rates and fees
which have received approval from the FPSC and are not negotiable by the end user.
Based upon Progress Energy rates approved by the FPSC and published in the rate
schedule (PSC BA-1 No. 6.106) effective July 1, 2009, the City Standard Street Light Base
Rate should be adjusted from $13.52 to $14.24 per month. This cost revision will result in an
increase of roughly $22,500 for one (1) year of service as compared to the previous rate.
Funding for the City Standard Base Street Light in the amount of $14.24 will continue
to come from the Urban Beautification Street Lighting Line Code (1526-54312). The
Progress Energy Rate Increase effective July 1, 2009 has resulted in an increased expenditure
of approximately $22,500 per year. The abovementioned line code is budgeted at $399,750
for FY 2010 and includes the current rate adjustment.
Community Development Department, Urban Beautification Division, recommends
the City Commission approve the Revised 2009 Street Light Base Rate of $14.24 per month,
effective retroactively to July 1, 2009, which represents an increase of $.72 per street light per
month over the previous rate.
The Progress Energy street light price revision became effective on July 1, 2009;
therefore, the revised cost would be retroactive to the effective date upon Commission
1. Progress Energy Cost Revision Sheets No. BA-1 6.105 & 6.106
2. City Standard Base Rate Calculation (Proposed) - Eff. July 1, 2009
Progress Ener9V
Page 1 of Z
To the Rate Per Month provision in each of the Company's flied rate schedules which reference the billing adjustments set forth below.
¢1 kWh
Fuel Cost Racoveryll>
Metering Levelized On-Peak Oft-Peak ECCR(2) CCR(3) ECRC(41
RS-1, RST-1, RSL-1, RSL
2, RSS-t (sea) 8.015 4.948 0.223 1.386 0.368
< 1000 5.60D
> 1000 6.600
GS-1, GST-1
Primary 5.933 8.015 4.948 0.202 1.170 G.343
Transmission 5.874 7.936 4.899 0.200 1.158 0.340
5.814 7.855 4.849 0.198 1.147 G.336
GS-2 (Sec.) 5.933 - - 0.164 0.801 0.291
GSO-t, GSOT-t, SS-1
Primary 5.933 8.015 4.948 0.182 0.988 0.307
Transmission 5.874 7.936 4.899 p.18D G 978 G.304
5.814 7.855 4.849 0.178 0.968 0.301
CS-1, CST-1, CS-2,
CS-3, CST-3, SS-3
Secondary 5.933 8.015 4.948 0.153 0.718 0
Primary 5.874 7,936 4.899 0.151 0.711 .
Transmission 5.814 7.855 4.649 0.150 0.704 .
IS-1, IST•1, IS-2,
IST-2, SS-2
Primary 5.933 8.015 4.948 0.169 0.860 0.296
Transmission 5.874 7.936 4.899 0.167 0.851 C.293
5.814 7.855 4.849 0,166 0.843 0.290
LS-1 (Sec.} 5.522 - - 0.102 0.196 0.252
GSt.M-1, GSLM-2 See appropriate General Service rate schedule
(1) Fuel Cost Recovery Factor:
The Fuel Cost Recovery Factors applicable to the Fuel Charge under the Company's various rate schedules are normally determined
annuaNy by the Florida Pubiir. Service Commission for the billing months of January through Qecember These factors are designed to
recover the costs of fuel and purchased power {other than capacity payments) incurred by the Company to prov de electric service to ds
customers and are adjusted to reflect changes in these costs from one period to the next. Revisions to the Fue' Cost Recovery Factors
within the described period may be determined in the event of a significant change in costs.
(2) Energy Conservation Cost Recovery Factor:
The Energy Conservation Cost Recovery (ECCR) Factor applicable to the Energy Charge under the Company's various rate schedutea
is normally determined annually by the Florida Pubtic Service Commission for twelve-month periods beginning with the billing month of
January. This factor is designed to recover the costs incurred by the Company under its approved Energy Conservation Programs and
is adjusted to reflect changes in these costs from one period to the next.
(Continued on Page No. 2)
ISSUED BY: Lori J. Cross, Manager, Utility Regulatory Planning -Florida
EFFECTIVE: April 1, 2009
~' Progress Ener9Y
Page Z of 2
(3} Capacity Cost Recovery Factor:
(Continued from Page 1)
The Capacity Cost Recovery (CCR} Factors applicable to the Energy Charge under the Company's various rate schedules are normally
determined annually by the Florida Public Service Commission for the billing manths of January through December. This factor is
designed to recover the cost of capacity payments made by the Company for off-system capacity and Is adjusted to reflect changes in
these costs from one period to the next.
{4) Environmental Cost Recovery Clause Factor:
The Environmental Cost Recovery Clause (ECRC) Factors applicable to the Energy Charge under the Company's various rate
schedules are normally determined annually by the Florida Public Service Commission far the billing months of January through
December. This factor is designed to recover environmental compliance costs incurred by the Company and is adjusted to reflect
changes in these costs from one period to the next.
Rate Adjustment:
AS authorized by the Florida Public Service Commission in Docket Nos. 090079-E1 and 090144-EI, effective with July 2009 billings. for
rates recoverable a} on an interim basis. and b) on a limited basis associated with the Bartow Repowering project, an increase of
10.03°l0 (0.91°fo for interim and 9.12% for Ballow Repower) shall apply to the following base rate billings under each rate schedule:
i) Customer Charge, ii) Demand Charge, iii) Energy Charge, iv) Lighting Facilities Charges and vj demand and energy related
charges for premium distribution, delivery voltage credits, power factor and meter voltage credits. This rate adjustment factor will not
apply to Toad management credits, interruptible credits, curtailable credits, or standby generation credits.
Gross Receipts Tax Factor:
In accordance with Section 203.01 of the Florida Statutes, a factor of 2.5641% is applicable to electric sales charges for collection of
the state Gross Receipts Tax.
Right-of•Way Utilization Fee:
A Right-of-Way Utilization Fee is applied io the charges for electric service (exclusive of any Municipa , County, or State Sales Tax)
provided to customers within the jurisdictional limits of each municipal or county governmental body or any unit of special-purpose
government or other entity with authority requiring the payment of a franchise fee, tax, charge, or other imposition whether in money,
service. or other things of value for utilization of rights-of-way for location of Company distribution or transmission facilities. The Right-
of-Way Utilization Fee shall be determined in a negotiated agreement (i.e., franchise and other agreements) in a manner which reflects
the Company's payments to a governmental body or other entity with authority plus the appropriate Gross Receipts Taxes and
Regulatory Assessment Fees resulting from such additional revenue. The Right-of-Way Utilization Fee is added tc the charges for
electric service prior to the application of any appropriate taxes.
Municipal Tax:
A Municipal Tax is applied to the charge for electric service provided to customers within the jurisdictional limits of each municipal or
other governmental body imposing a utility tax on such service. The Municipal Tax shall be determined in accordance with the
governmental body's utility tax ordinance, and the amount collected by the Company from the Municipal Tax shall be remitted to the
governmental body in the manner required by law. No Municipal Tax shall apply to fuel charges in excess of 0.699¢/kWh.
Sales Tax:
A State Sales Tax is applied to the charge for electric service provided to all non-residential customers and equipment rental provided
to all customers (unless a qualified sales tax exemption status Is on record with the Company). The State Sales Tax shall be
determined in accordance with the State's sales tax laws. The amount collected by the Company shall be remitted to the State in the
manner required by law. in those counBes that have enacted a County Discretionary Sales Surtax, such tax shall be applied and paid
in a like manner.
Governmental Undergrounding Fee:
Applicable to customers located in a designated Underground Assessment Area within a local government (a municipality or a county)
that requires the Company to collect a Governmental Undergrounding Fee Pram such customers to recover the local government's
costs of converting overhead electrc distribution facilities to underground facilities The Governmental Undergrounding Fee billed to a
customer's account shall not exceed the lesser of (i) 15 percent of a customer's total net electric service charges, o' (il} a maximum
monthly amount of 530 for residential customers and 550 for each 5,000 kilowatt-hour Increment of consumption for
commercial/industrial customers,. unless the Commission approves a higher percentage or maximum monthly amount. The maximum
monthly amount shall apply to each line of billing in the case of a customer receiving a single bill for multiple service points, and to each
ocx;upancy unit in the case of a master metered customer. The Governmental Undergrounding Fee shalt be catcutated on the
customer's charges for electric service before the addition of any applicable taxes.
ISSUED BY: Lori J. Gross, Manager, Utility Regulatory Planning -Florida
EFFECTIVE: July 1, 2009
Attachment 2 City Standard Base Rate Calculatior Corrected 10123109
Progress Energy Cost
Effective July 1, 2009
City Standard Base Rate
Rental Kwh Each Energy Fuel
F &E Total
Line Totals
$3.68 0.42 $0.97 $2.32
Gross R'cpt Tax
Municipal Franchise
Municipal Utility Tax
Customer Charge
$0.00 Not in total
Light Types
Concrete Pole 30135'
HPS 100W Cobra Roadway
Please note this is a copy of an email sent October 26, 2009. The attachment is
the revised version which was included in this email.
Gayle A. Coutant
_Mayor Commission;
Kevin Smith; Anthony Garganese; Steven Richart; Randy Stevenson; _City Clerk Department;
City Commission Regular Meeting October 26, 2009 Consent Agenda Item 200
Monday, October 26, 2009 8:46:00 AM
Revised_Attach2_C200_102609. pdf
Good Morning,
Attached is the revised Standard Base Rate Calculation Attachment 2 for Consent Agenda Item 200. Steve
Richart's email below explains the reason for the change. Should you have any questions or need anything
further, please know we would be happy to assist.
Gayle Coutant, Assistant to the City Clerk
City of Winter Springs, Florida
1 126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Telephone: (407) 327 -5965
Facsimile: (407) 327 -4753
email: gcoutant @winterspringsfl.org
From: Steven Richart Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 3:54 PM To: Gayle A. Coutant; Andrea Lorenzo
luaces Cc: Randy Stevenson Subject:
Please find the corrected Attachment #2 for Agenda Item C -200 for the City Commission Meeting on
10/26/09. It seems that the rounding feature in Microsoft Excel has caused a problem with the line
totals in the original document.
Good thing I did the calculations manually today as the line total for luminaries and the yearly total
were both not showing the proper numbers. The monthly total of $14.24 is correct and nothing else
in the Agenda Item needs to be changed except the sheet for Attachment #2.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Respectfully, Q
`1444. T. g44f1L CPCO# 3F147201
Urban Beautification Manager
City Of Winter Springs
1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708
407.327.5976 Office 1 321.689.1417 CeII 1 407.327.6695 Fax
web: www.winterspringsfl.org email: srichart@winterspringsfl.org
'A Tree City USA Sterling Community'
Attachment 2 City Standard Base Rate Calculatior Corrected 10/23/09
City of Winter Springs Progress Energy Cost
Effective July 1, 2009
City Standard Base Rate
Monthly Units Maint Rental Kwh Each Energy Blel F &E Total Line Totals
Luminaries 1 $1.74 $3.68 0.42 $0.97 $2.32 $3.29 $8.71
Poles 1 $5.09 $5.09
Gross R'cpt Tax 1 $0.08 $0.08
Municipal Franchise 1 $0.20 $0.20
Municipal Utility Tax 1 $0.16
Customer Charge 1 $1.09 $0.00 Not in total
Monthly Total $14.24
Yearly Total $170.88
Light T>ryes Concrete Pole 30/35'
HPS 100W Cobra Roadway