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Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Nancy A. Puglia , who on oath says that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Orlando Sentinel, a Daily newspaper published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad- vertisement, being a App:cove Planned Notice of Public Hearing Master Plan Tuscawilla Unit Development Court, in the matter of in the was published in said newspaper in the issues of Octoher 18, ]987 Mfiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been contin- uously published in said Seminole County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Altamonte Springs, in said Seminole County, Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad- vertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. 4~_iJ~ fL r 19th of_ o ~~ ~ ADVERTISING CHARGE $23.88 NConcE OF PUBUC HJ"NG - IlY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOTICE I~ HEREBY GIVEN by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs. Florida. that said City Commis- SIOn will hold a Public Hearing on Mon- day, November 9, 1987 at 7'30 p m or ~ sonn thereafter as possible, to COn- SIder an amendment to the approved Master Plan ot the Tuscawilla 'Planned Unll Development, to redesigna'e the land use. of property from stable/Pas- ture t~ Single Family, on the following descnbed property: Approximately 30 acres situated east of Tus~willa Road, north of St. Stephen s Catholic Church west of Unit 6, and south of Unit 8. . The Public Hearing will be held at City Hall, 1 t 26 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708. ' ThiS. NetiGe shall be posted in three (3) public Piaces within the City of Winter Springs. Flonda, and published in the Seminole. a newspaper ot general circu- lation In the City of Winter Springs Fler- Ida, one time at least fifteen (15]' da grlor to the date of public hearing. ys l:Jid thIS 22nd day of September. ~LljRWf,. WINTER SPRINGS, Is/Mary T. Norton Mary T. Norton City Clerk . LS-238(6s) Oct. 18, 1987 day J. ~ ~--" . ~:I -'("~ '-'~:l' ;.f'." .,.,.. . ~'P,.~k",'.~ JJ,'J i j".; :,.., ,.... .- I':, ,~-;;), >: ..' ' IlIt.J~ ~'''' .';.~~:... ,.,'. ~ ... -.,.~ l D CT 2 31Si3l' tHY OF Ik.'J /u'T -. Ii .11' fR' S?rt1t(fI{0S .CJTY HAll I'f~. .. J:'~' .' :' t"-; , . . I ,,' ).~~~.J i FORM NO, AD-264 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, that said City Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 9, 1987 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, to consider an amendment to the approved Master Plan of the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development, to redesignate the land use of property from Stable/Pasture to Single Family, on the following described property: Approximately 30 acres situated east of Tuscawilla Road, north of St. Stephen's Catholic Church, west of Unit 6 and south of Unit 8. The Public Hearing will be held at City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. This Notice shall be posted in three (3) public places within the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and published in the Seminole, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, one time at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of public hearing. Dated this 25th day of September, 1987. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ~j:~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk ~ .\-c( o NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS /vtJV.Cj NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, that said City Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, Uctobey E&, 1987 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, to consider an amendment to the approved Master Plan of the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development, to redesignate the land use of property from Stable/Pasture to Single Family, on the following described property: Approximately 30 acres situated east of Tuscawilla Road, north of St. Stephen's Catholic Church, west of Unit 6 and south of Unit 8. The Public Hearing will be held at City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. This Notice shall be posted in three (3) public places within the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and published in the Seminole, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, one time at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of public hearing. Dated this 22nd day of September, 1987. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ;n~;; 7z~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk L:/W71--y<-.~L /t<-; ,- t:~<-~ 'I/;s(i 7 Z-t~ i I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, that said City Commission will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, October 26, 1987 at 7:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, to consider an amendment to the approved Master Plan of the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development, to redesignate the land use of property from Stable/Pasture to Single Family, on the following described property: Approximately 30 acres situated east of Tuscawilla Road, north of St. Stephen's Catholic Church, west of Unit 6 and south of Unit 8. The Public Hearing will be held at City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. This Notice shall be posted in three (3) public places within the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and published in the Seminole, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, one time at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of public hearing. Dated this 22nd day of September, 1987. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ~~ /t ~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk f~~~~ k~~~~tJ/ ~ 7.-// vhT~ q~Jff7. I ........../ , ......' ...-~~ PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES August 26, 198'] BOARD MEMBERS: David Hopkins, Present Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present 'Iaru Joshi, Present Terri Donnelly, Present Michael Saporito, Vice-{;hairman, Present CITY OFFICIALS: D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator J. Koch, Dir .Adm./Ci ty Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUS'l~ 12, 1987: Saporito moved to approve the minutes of August 12, 1987. Seconded by Hopkins. Vote: Hopkins: aye; Dorman: aye; Joshi: aye; Donnelly: aye; Saporito: aye. All aye. Motion carried. Public Hearing - Amendment to Tuscawilla PUD - Change Land Use From Stable/Pasture to Single Family: Donnan closed the regular meeting and opened the Public Hearing. LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated that this is a 30+ acre parcel designated at Stable/Pasture. Winter Springs Develo};l11ent CoI'];X>ration is requesting a change fran Stable/Pasture to single family homes which would be equal or better than the homes in Oak Forest. He stated that in 1981 the developer asked for a change for this parcel to multi-family and it was disapproved. Jack Affelbach, Executive Vice-President of the Winter Springs Develo};l11ent CoI'];X>ration, was there to speak for the request. He stated that when Winter Springs Developnent CoI'];X>ration started to develop the 'l'Uscawilla POO, certain areas of the PUD were designated for different things, such as, single family, multi-family, parks, camnercial, also designation of a stable site and a marina.All this occurred back in the early 1970's. All POO's have been designed for flexibility, to be changed based on marketing etc. The original density planned for Tuscawilla was 12,000 - 14,000 [sic]. OVer the years the density has changed. The final build out of Tuscawilla will be 5,000 to 6,000 [sic] housing units, which is less than half of the original intention of the PUD. The location of the stable/pasture area is surrounded by single family and the catholic church. The single family would be canparable to the single family homes in Tuscawilla now, and would be bigger lots than in Oak Forest. Affelbach stated that he sent out a survey to all residents of Tuscawilla and Oak Forest, which was done by the National List Cowlcil. There was a mistake and two streets were left out; surveys were hand delivered to those two streets. The survey asked the residents what they would like to see for the land in question and the totals of the survey are as follows: Single Family detached Hanes - 380; Park, Green Belt, Recreational facility: 158; Churches 6( Shopping: 120; Health Care or Retirement Facility: 73; Stables: 43; a total of 774 residents responded to the survey. Affelbach stated that what he got out of the survey was that' there was not an over whelming objection to a nice developnent for the parcel of land in question. Affelbach also stated that in the City I s upcaning budget, there was no tax increase and he felt that that was a result of Tuscawilla. ......... , ,,/' Planning and Zoning Board Minutes August: 26, 1981 Page 2 Dorman asked if there was anyone present to speak for the request. Mark Sardo, President of the Oak Forest Homeowners Association, was t:here to speak for the request. He stated that: the Oak Forest Homeowners Association lends their supp:>rt to the request. Dorman asked if there was anyone present t:o speak against the request:. Erma Sheentact, Jane Farmer, Shirley Grey, and Don Hamilton spoke against: t:he request. They stated that at the time t:hey purchased their property t:hey were told that the land would stay the way it is and not: be developed. They all asked for a continuance of this request; they all st:ated that this was a change of zoning and all residents should be notified when a change such as this is going to occur. Koch stated that this is not: a change of zoning; all Tuscawilla is zoned POD. The request: is to change the land use designation of one parcel and not: a change of zoning. This is a change t:o t:he Master Developnent Plan. Tnis was advertised in the newspaper 15 days prior to the meet:ing, st:ating that: t:here was a Public Hearing to change t:he land use for t:his parcel. Dorman closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the regular meet:ing. There was discussion on the request:. '!'he Board discussed whether this request was consist:ent with the Master Developnent: Plan. Saporito stat:ed that under section 44.85.2 (2) coomon open spaces means an area of land or wat:er or any combination thereof, wi thin the area of a planned unit developnent: which is designated and intended for the use and enjoyment of the residents of the planned unit developnent in coounon. He also stated that under Section 44.85.1 (3) Intent and Purpose of District are to preserve the natural amenities and envirorunental assets of the land by encouraging the preservation and improvement of scenic and functional open space areas. Saporito moved that finding based upon sect:ion 44.85.1 and 44.85.2 and the definitions contained therein, that it is inconsistent with the pre-developnent plan and reccmnends disapproval of t:he request. Seconded by Hopkins. Vote: Joshi: nay; Donnelly: nay; Saporito: aye; Hopkins: aye; Dorman: aye. lVbtion carried. There was discussion on modifications of the request. The Board agreed that t:his area would eventually be developed and it: would be the best: int:erest for the residents in the area for single family homes. '!'here was also discussion on the impact of traffic on Tuscawilla Road. Donnelly moved to recommend. approval to the City Commission for developnent: to be consistent wi th the surrounding area that is presently abut:t:ing the property. Seconded by Saporito. Vote: Saporito: aye; Hopkins: nay; Dorman: aye; Joshi: aye; Donnelly: aye. lVbt:ion carried. 1 I ' . ~~) ,4:~ 1"+.' --( T r...~' F' /:='.. ~ 8 n "'.PI 17::\ ('""-\. {.l:r; ~L,lt;: L:. \ .'; : · , ,:.--' i. jA '/" . UI:~(~ ~~~~ 'y '.\i ! \. November 6, 1987 ,.. /) (~ TO: Ci ty Manager City Engineer ~ Road CUts per FOOT Requirements i II ii 1(1/ A l FROM: SUBJECT: /-\ I .. I ..11 . ., .' t _I._ /' / (;//..[;et-'" / i~--~/i !A.l4- ! ,,- // ....--,y,.~);~/L c;r,..;.'""'~ A telephone conversation was held dn-November 6, 1987, with Mr. Jim Farrell, FOOT concerning the realignment of Wade Street and Hayes Road. He was questioned on the distance requirements between intersections with regard to FOOT regulations. He stated that the realigned road cut would be considered as a class III Driveway Permit. Since the speed limit on S.R. 434 is 45 mph in an urban area, the minimum separation all~ed would be 230 ft. Separation between old Wade Street intersection and the new proposed aligned intersection with Hayes Road is 152 ft.; therefore, a new road cut for the realigrunent may not be all~ed . " I ''1 tl': \/ t He mentioned a variance or exception to this requiren~nt may be possible but that it would be a matter to discuss with Mr. George Gilhouley, District Traffic Engineer. r'l r lLE [;{)PV October 30, 1987 To: From: City Manager ~;I ~ City Engineer ~~ . Subject: Addendum to the Realignment of Hayes and Wade Streets at S.R. 434; Estimated Costs for Procuring and Constructing the Alignment Road. In addition to the memo of July 10,1987, the following is a cost estimate to procure and construct the realignment road for Hayes and Wade Streets. Estimated Costs: Road Construction Earthworks, Cut and Fill Standard Curb and Gutter Base Stabilizing Soil Cement Base Asphalt Sub Total $4,600.00 1,900.00 444.50 5,022.85 3,333.75 $15,301.10 1,000.00 1,500.00 65,000.00 $82,801.10 Engineering Surveying Cost Property Acquisition Total Estimat~d Cost LK/gh ......~"'~~ ,- ~---- _~,~..",-" $11 ~"'-rJ.- ~\lolTE"i S', .r; p."......,'<> ~I, :(J . l'ti.: ~ . ~ ,~~; " ...~ . / -;" . '\~:~ ~~.~:~ .'. ' ." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 MEM) : July 10, 1987 FILE COpy TO: Ci ty Manager _ City ~ineer ~ Realignment of Hayes and Wade Streets at S.R. 434 ~: SUBJECT : A meeting was held on July 8, 1987, with members of the Staff to discuss the varying issues related to the realignment of Wade cm:i Hayes Streets at the intersection of S.R. 434. An alignment of Wade Stree~ with Hayes could be accomplished by bringing the Hayes Street centerline fran the north side of S.R. 434 and running a centerline intersecting at this point 84.60 to 860 wiUh S.R. 434 and extending the proposed centerline to a point on the Wade Street centerline approximately \ ,/ ~ tt. (396 tt.) tran the present northern intersection of Wade Street and :3i3J S .R. 434. By diverting the road going south an Wade about 22. so, a gradual turn to the east, the alignment could be accarplished. The properties involved would be the north east comer lot of Wade and S.R. 434 and the adjacent portion of the church property. A brief exami.natioo. was made of realigning Hayes Street with Wade, rot that would involve the deIoolishing of an existing house, the acquisition ot this land and a sectioo. of Hacien:ia Village. Wi th the initial plan, there remains the problem of the existing segment of Wade Street with the ingress and egress for existing hanes. Several opticms are examined: 1. Block off the intersec~ion ot old Wade Street with S.R. 434 and establish a cul-de-sac. In addition, construct an outlet perpendicular to old Wade Street rwm.1ng east to intersect with the new Wade Street. '!his would allow these residences to ingress and egress to S.R. 434 usirYJ the new Wade Street. ~ July 10, 1987 Page 2 2. Establish old Wade Street as a one ~ street with a right turn only onto S.R. 434 for the ingress aOO egress of the residence on old Wade Street. In addition the construction of a new Wade Street could include an additional right turning lane. It must be noted that lIDier Section 14-93, intersections with major streets should be located not less than 800 ft. apart, center line measurement. Ms. Koch mentioned in the meet~ that the corner property at Wade aId S.R. 434 is appraised at $40,000 aOO the entirety of the Church property is appraised at about $85,000. The Police Chief proposed to presently investigate the use of a three (3) way traffic signalization system. Imh cc: Staff , ,\ " \\ ~.:>:-- ,:_-~-<.:!r ,":_~-;~ .....' .":,, I.' ,," '1', V~,.- " ,~- ' \ \' r" ~I " ,\', ~' " . . ......... ,',~ '.' , . .-s:--..J--/v -., , ,,' ' , ..,. .- ,,~,' ' : ,- ..~.,' , , . '~ "'~" ,'" ., ,,', ""1 ',' " " ' , , " ,. ,,' ~"-;', ,,"'" "~~' ..... '..... ,'.\....~"., ",;,.. ;,~, ....... I """::':..:-- . .,,:"..., '- - , .:... " . ~.. . \~...~' '. n,' ., ..... -----..... \ , ' . \ ,., '. . ./ '-..\ _/ .;---- l.. . .- - . . '" ---",-"---=" - - .~... ..... -. ---. "', -- -....... . ---- ---..... - -, -----........ ~\ - , , , -~ -\--.. 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Manager;J y;/ From: "I Doug Taylor Util ity Manager Location: Date: November 9, 1987 Location: Subject: Flow matcher load cell plates for Lift Station #7 i ! ! .) if i..\ 1 '.' / Ii j I. ' I- i [ I I . i' The flow matcher load cell is a manufacturers item. It is designed as a varible speed for a 75 hours power pump. We have two of these pumps in the lift station plus one constant speed pump. The load cell plate is the $8,460.00 item that needs replacement. The only manufacturer of this item is Flo Matcher. The only alternative to purchasing this item is to replace the whole variable speed control with another type. The costs would be much higher, between $10,000 to $20,000 and then we would have two separate types of controls to maintain. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD v.K)RKSHOP October 28, 1987 / 1/ "') /j If !.- I r I / I , I I .:,/' j J I / The meeting was called to order at 7: 34 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS: -~--_. David Hopkins, Present Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present Taru Joshi, Absent Terri Donnelly, Present Michael Saporito, Vice-Chairman, CITY OFFICIAL: _..._--------_._.,--,..__.,_._----_._~-,-~._----+_._------ J. Koch, Dir. Adm./City Planner Present Approval of Minutes of October 14, 1987: _. Donnelly moved to approve the minutes of October 14, 1987. Seconded by Saporito. Vote: Hopkins: aye; Dorman: aye; Joshi: absent; Donnelly: aye; Saporito: aye. MJtion carried. v.K)RKSHOP Question of Conversion to Commercial of Lots on West Side of Wade Street v. Perpetuation of Residential Character -, Item Referred from City Commission: , Koch gave her presentation. She stated that the Commission referred this back to the Planning and Zoning Board to address the whole street and not just one lot, (this matter was brought to the Board by an applicant to rezone Lot 10, Block 2 of North Orlando 4th Add.- House at 204 Wade Street). The question is whether at this time to go ahead and change the land use map to conunercial regarding all the houses fronting on Wade Street and then, at each individual cwner I s request, change the zoning to C-1. The Board needs to determine if this is consistent and acceptable to the neighborhood. Koch stated that in 1982, while the Board reconnnended other changes to the map, it discussed this area and decided that to change the land use at that time seemed premature. If the Board reconunends changing the land use for this area now, it could simplify rezoning for the owners, but this might create spot zoning. A major concern is the families who live just to the west of these houses on Wade Street. Before the land use map could be changed, there would be a public hearing held by the Commission. Koch also stated that the Staff was given 30 days by the Commission to present a report on aligning the intersection of Hayes and Wade. There was discussion on the land use change, on traffic, parking, buffers from the residential area. The Board determined that they can I t predict what the future holds for the area, and that there is no need for more conunercial space. Saporito moved to recommend that the land use classification of lots on the West side of Wade Street not be changed to commercial. The reconunendation is based upon (1) the current abundance of commercial property in the area which is currently unused and (2) the lack of accurate predictability of future needs of the owners of the lots to the north of the applicant I slot. Seconded by Dorman. Vote: Donnelly: aye; Saporito: aye; Hopkins: aye; Dorman: aye; Joshi: absent. Motion carried. ~' ,. , , , " ~z /~. /j') , J.' ,.-1 { : ,,/ 1.1,'f'/ / . ",' '~,-:::-.-::~--,;~,-,'- " / /'< / . (// November 6, 1987 / /' .- TO: Ci ty Manager /C;J Land Developnent Coordinato~ ~' ! /' j/'U /.-r') ..' I , ../ <~. \. ~./ ,I / 'v" \ ,... v ' y' C,,: J 0' FROM: RE: November 9, 1987 Conunission Meeting, Agenda Items A & E Item~ - This first went to the P & Z Board on July 22, 1987 where the Board voted to hold a Public Hearing. The Hearing was held on August 26, 1987. The change was found to be inconsistent with the Master Plan. There was more discussion on this topic. The Board agreed that this area would eventually be developed and that single family homes would be in the best interest of the residents in the area. The Board then recommended to the City Commission approval, provided that any developnent be consistent with the surrounding area which abuts this property. The surrounding properties are a little over 1/3 acre in size. NOTE: An attempt to change the land use of this parcel to multi-family was denied by the P & Z Board on December 16, 1981. Item E - This is to accept the sidewalks around the project and the Acel/Decel Lane on Winter Springs Boulevard. The City Engineer approved the "As-Built" Engineering on November 5, 1987. We have a Maintenance Bond in the amOlll1t of $2,443.61. /mh cc: Mayor City COIlUnission PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTEs July 22, 1987 The meeting was called to order by Saporito at 7: 30 P.M. PRESENT WERE: David Hopkins, Present Gene Donnan, Chairman, Absent 'l'aru Joshi, Absent Terri Dannelly, Present Michael Saporito, Present CITY OFFICIALS: D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator J. Koch, Dir. Adm./City Planner A::orova1 of M.irmtes ot June 10, 1987 : Saporito chaired the meeting as Dorman was absent. Saporito suggested to approve the minutes of June 10, 1987, at the next scheduled meeting so the members that were present at that meeting could vote on the minutes, because new JnfOonIbers were not appointed at that time. All agreed. A::orova1 of M.irmtes of Julv 15, 1981: Hopkins moved to approve the minutes of July 15, 1987. Seccnied by Dannelly. Vote: Donnelly: aye; Saporito: aye; Hopkins: aye; Dozman: absent; Joshi: absent. MJtioo carried. Election of Officers for 1981-88: Saporito suggested to hold the election at the next scheduled meeting until the full Board is present. All agreed. AmeOOment to Tuscawilla .PUD - Change land use fran Candaninium to Single Family (Tract Soutbo.est of EasterrmDst Intersection of Winter Springs Boulevard and Northem Way): LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated that this is an alteration to the prel.imi.nary develqment plan. If the Board finds that this is consistent with the Planned Unit Developnent, it will not go to the City Cnrmissian. The developer WJUld like to develop single family hcmes on the 112 acre site, with 260 units with the lot size approximately 14,00Q sq.ft. Jack Afflebach, Winter Springs Developnent Corporation was there to speak for the request. Ho{:kins asked what is S\1I'I'O\JOOing the proposed developnent. Afflebach stated that there are single family hcmes on one side, a park and s~r plant on the other side, 'with the balance single family hcmes in the area. He stated that the market is for single family hcmes and feels that single family haues w:mJ.d be more canpatible with the area. He stated that there w:mJ.d be 2 units per acre and this is a reduction fran what was previously planned by as much as 1,000 units, in the developnent as a whole. Koch stated that on the original plan for Tuscawilla part of the area in question was single family hanes. ~ the road design was changed, the Winter Springs Boulevard - Northem Way intersection shifting eastward, the developers received approval to designate all the property west of the road as Condo. Now they KJU.ld like to revise the plan to have all of the tract west of the intersection Single Family. Planning arxi Zoning Board Minutes July 22, 1987 Page 2 Koch stated that the consistency required is not cnly with this particular master plan but with the PUD concept as a whole. There was discussion an the request. Donnelly JOOVed to approve the proposed change and that it is consistent with the preliminary developDent plan. Seconded by Hqitins. Vote: Saporito: aye; Donnelly: aye; Hqitins: aye; Dcmnan: absent; Joshi: absent. M:>tion carried. Amen:iment to Tuscawilla POD - Change larxi use frail Stable/Pasture to Single Familv: LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated that in 1981 this was proposed for multi-family arxi there was 56 people who spoke against the request. In 1985 the St. Stephans Catholic Church purchased 5 acres in the back of this property. Leblanc stated that the Board may decide to hold a Public Hearing on this request. There was discussion on the request. Koch stated that Seminole County w:JUld have to awrove a street cut. There was di.scussioo. en tratf ic in the area. Saporito suggested that the Board hold a Public Hearing on this request so the residents in the area could be heard. Koch stated that there is a Public Hearing scheduled for August 12, 1987, for the amendments to the Land Use Map. Saporito suggested that this sl'xnlld be scheduled separately fran the Public Hearing',scheduled an August 12, 1987. Saporito JOOVed to schedule this request at another time so a Public Hearing can be held and get the public's inplt. Seconded by Donnelly. Vote: Hopkins: aye; Donnelly: aye; Saporito: aye; Joshi: absent; Donnan: absent. fwbtion carried. Koch stated that when Tuscawilla is fully developed, saneone will have to maintain the parks. She stated that this needs to be considered before the developoent is canpleted. The question is if the Haneowner Association will take over the maintenance or will the developers give the parks over to the City for maintenance. She stated that jf the City takes over the maintenance of the Parks then they will be open to all residents of Wi~ter &"prings. Afflebach said he would confer with the HOOleOWl'lers' Association to see if they have plans as yet. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 P.M. Respectfully Subni. tted ~ Hopkins, Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning Board .' ...--- PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES August 26, 1987 BOAkD MEMBERS: David Hopkins, Present Gene Donnan, Chairman, Present 'l'aru Joshi, Present Terri Donnelly, Present Michael Saporito, Vice-Chairman, Present CITY OFFICIALS: D. LeBlanc,Land Dev. Coordinat:or J. Koch, Dir.Adm./CityPlanner APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 12. 1987: Sapori to rooved to approve the minutes of August 12, 1987. Seconded by Hopkins. Vote: Hopkins: aye; Dorman: aye; Joshi: aye; Donnelly: aye; Saporito: aye. All aye. M:ltion carried. Public Hearing - Amendment to Tuscawilla PUD - Change Land Use From Stable/Pasture to Simle Family: Dorman closed the regular meeting an1 opened the Public Hearing. LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated that this is a 30+ acre parcel designated at Stable/Pasture. Winter SpriD.;1S Developnellt Corporation is requesting a change fran Stable/Pasture to single family homes which w::>uld be equal or better than the hanes in Oak Forest. He sta'ted that in 1981 the developer asked for a change for this parcel 'to multi-family and it was disapproved. Jack Atfelbach, EKecutive Vice-President of the Winter Springs Developnent Corporation, was there to speak for the request. He stated that when Winter Spri.n3s Developnent Corporation started to develop the 'luscawilla PUD, certain areas of the PUD were designated for different things, such as, single family, multi-family, parks, caranercial, also designation of a stable site an1 a marina.AIl this occurred back in the early 1970's. All POOlS have been designed for flexibility, to be chanJed based-on marketing etc. The original density planned for Tuscawilla was 12,000 - 14,000 [sic]. OVer the years the density has changed. The final build out of Tuscawilla will be 5,000 to 6,000 [sic] housing units, which is less than half of the original intention of the PUD. The location of the stable/pasture area is surrounded by single family and the catholic church. The single family would be canparable to the single family banes in Tuscawilla now, ard would be bigger lots than in Oak Forest. Affelbach stated that he sent out a survey to all residents of Tuscawilla and Oak Forest, which was done by the National List Council. There was a mistake and two streets were left out; surveys were hand delivered to those two streets. The survey asked the residents what they w::>uld like to see for 'the lard in question and the totals of the survey are as follows: Single Family detached Homes - 380; Park, Green Belt, Recreational facility: 158; Churches & Shopping: 120; Health Care or Retirement Facility: 73; Stables: 43; a total of 774 residents responded to the survey. Affelbach stated that what he got out: of the survey was that there was not an over whelming objection to a nice develo~t for the parcel of land in question. Affelbach also stated that: in the City I s upcc:mi~ budget, there was no tax increase and he felt: that that was a result of 1Uscawilla. fI fit Planning and Zoning Board Minutes August 26, 19&7 Page 2 Dorman asked if there was anyone present to speak for the request. Mark Sardo, President of the Oak Forest HOflleQiners Association, was there to speak for the request. He stated that the Oak F'orest Haneowners Association lerds their support to the request. Dorman asked if there was anyone present to speak against the request:. .' '" Erma Sheentact,Cd..ane Farme~ Shirley Grey, and Don Hamilton spoke against the request. They statea-tna:t at the time they purchased their property 'they were told that the land would stay the way it is and not be developed. They all asked for a continuance of this request; they all stated that this was a change of zoning and all residents should be notified when a change such as this is going to occur. Koch stated that this is not a change of zoning; all Tuscawilla is zoned PUD. The request is to change the land use designation of one parcel and not a change of zoning. This is a change to the Master Developnent Plan. 'lTnis was advertised in the newspaper 15 days prior to the meeting, stating that there was a Public Hearing to change the land use for this parcel. Dorman closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the regular meeting. There was discussion on the request. The Board discussed whether this request was consistent with the Master Developnent Plan. Saporito stated that under section 44.&5.2 (2) COII1DOn open spaces means an area. of land or water or any canbination thereof, wi thin the area of a planned uni t developnent which is designated and intenied for the use and enjoyment of the residents of the planned unit development in common. He also stated that under Section 44.&5.1 (3) Intent and Purpose of District are to preserve the natural amenities and envirorunental assets of the land by encouraging the preservation and improvement of scenic and functional open space areas. Saporito moved that firding based upon section 44.&5.1 and 44.&5.2 and the defini tions contained therein, that it is inconsistent with the pre-developnent plan and recanmends disapproval of the request. Seconded by Hopkins. Vote: Joshi: nay; Dannelly: nay; Saporito: aye; Hopkins: aye; Dorman: aye. M:ltion carried. There was discussion on modifications of the request. T,ne Board agreed th.::it this area would eventually be developed and it would be the best interest tor the residents in the area for single family homes. There was also discussion on the impact of traffic on Tuscawilla Road. Donnelly rooved to recommend approval to the City Ccmnission for developnent to be consistent with the surrounding area that is presently abutting the property. Seconded by Saporito. Vote: Saporito: aye; Hopkins: nay; Dorman: aye; Joshi: aye; Dormelly: aye. l"btion carried. . e PlaMing an:] Zoning Board Minutes August 26, 1987 Page 3 Discussion of Developmental Standards for Sinale-Familv Residential Zonina: Dorman stated that this is a matter that the Board had discussed several months ago. This is a result of an application to develop property in R-1AA zoning which was before the Board of Adjustment and was turned down, and from that it was determined that there was a glitch in the Code side setbacks. There was discussion on the site standards in the residential zoning. The Board came to a concensus to reccmnend the following: MIN. SETBACKS MAX. MIN. ZONING LOT SIZE WI' DIM. FF<ONT/REAR/SIDE BUILDABLE AREA HOUSE SIZE R-lAAA 20,000 lOOX2oo 50/ 35/ 20 6900 2,000 R-lAA 12,000 90xl33.33 35/ 35/ 15 3800 1,500 R-lA 8,000 75xl06.66 25/ 25/ 10 3116 1,100 R-l 6,600 6Ox110 25/ 25/ 6 2880 700 .Ie meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Respectfully ~"Ubui. tted ~~ Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary P laMing and Zoning Board ~ e - PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS DECEMBER 16, 1981 The Planning and Zoning Board meeting was called to order by Chairman George Kaplan at 7:30 p. m. The ~ledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Bill Daucher. Roll Call: Chairman George Kaplan, present Bill Daucher, present Joel Weiss, present Leanne Grove, present Cindy Kaehler, present }wtion was made by Weiss, seconded by Grove to approve the minutes of November 18, 1981 with one correction. Change Mr. Daucher as excused rather than absent. Discussion. Vote: all aye; motion carried. Request of Cecelia Del Corral for approval of modification of the approved final development plan of Lot 24, Section 6 of the Highlands, to permit individual ownership of each of two halves of a duplex unit (Section 44.85.10, paragraph 2(b). Chairman Kaplan read a letter from Ann Helms of the Highlands Homeowners Association stating no objection to this request. Mr. Corral was present to speak for the request. Bill Daucher asked the City Planner if Lot 24 is the dividing line between the duplexes and the private homes. Miss Koch explained that the original concept of Pipers Ridge was to have two duplex units on one large lot. When the second portion was built, or prior to that, they came back and replatted each of these lots so that the duplex could be built with the lot line through the common wall so that half of the unit could be purchased along with the land. Mr. Del Corral wished approval to do that on Lot 24. Motion was made by' Weiss, seconded by Daucher, that we approve the request of Cecelia Del Corral for approval of modification of the approved final development plan of Lot 24, Section 6 of the Highlands, to permit individual ownership of each of two halves of a duplex unit according to Section 44.85.10, paragraph 2(b) of the City Code. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Daucher, aye; Weiss, aye; Kaplan, aye; Grove, aye; Kaehler, aye; motion carried. Public Hearing on a request of Winter Springs Development Corporation for approval of amendment of the master preliminary plan of the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Devel- opment to change the land use of the 25.48 acre Pasture area on the east side of Tuscawilla Road to multi-family residential at 12 units per acre and (2) the question of relocating the 40 acre commercial and office park area closer to an arterial road and redesignating this 40 acre tract between Northern Way and Winter Springs Boulevard as multi-family residential. Mr. Art Barr, 1500 Winter Springs Boulevard, was present to speak for the requests. The 40 acres, designated commercial, is surrounded on the west by Lake Tuscawilla Park, on the north by Tuscany Place, on the east by the Tennis Villas and south by the remainder of the commercial property and Tuscawilla country club. Mr. Barr explained that major shopping center and office park developers are not interested in areas located within residential areas. When the PUD was developed in the early 1970's it was thought to be an ideal place for a commercial area. The ideal locationsnow are at intersections. -- -- P&Z Board Meeting, Dec. 16, 1981 Page 2 This change was suggested by the Planning and Zoning Board and Winter Springs Development concurs with the suggestion. Mr. Barr explained that this will tie in with the property that is adjacent to property that is outside of the City and that is the easterly terminus of Winter Springs Boulevard where it ties in with SR 426. Mr. Barr then discussed the 25.48 acre pasture area. He said that after the stables became vacant there were no people that were willing to restore the property and pay a fair market price eith~r on a lease basis or purchase it. Now someone' is interested in the stable area and they are still in the negotiating stage. Winter Springs Development feels the only reasonable use of that parcel is residential since they agreed that no commercial should be on Tuscawilla Road. They felt the multi-family category at 12 units per acre would be appropriate since this land is surrounded on two-thirds by non-residential. Mr. Barr said they would be amenable to a buffering of either 50 foot wide landscape strip or a six foot solid masonry wall. The following persons spoke in opposition to the proposed change to the pasture area: Mr. Art Harris, Sable Court, president of the Tuscawilla Homeowners. He was concerned with the increase in the density; he also talked about broken promises; that was the reason people paid premium prices for those lots. They were told the pasture would remain pasture. The whole picture is going to build up our density that we can not handle unless we do a lot to the road situation ; should stay pasture. Mr. Ed Wirth, 1114 Cheetah Trail, a contiguous property owner. He explained that the Homeowners Association opposed the rezoning by passing a resolution. Along Tuscawilla Road there is no multi-family zoning - it sets a tone for the neigh- borhood. This is a classic case of spot zoning. '. Mr. R. H. Bradley, 1135 Duncan Road was concerned about the supply of water. Mr. James Hargan, 1226 Cheetah Trail, agreed with Mr. Wirth's statements. He was against any development of that pasture. Mrs. Irma Schientag, 1222 Cheetah Trail, backs on to the pasture land; said its a question of misrepresentation; they told us that land is a greenbelt and that land would never be touched. She was opposed to anything being built there. Mrs. Inez Linville, 800 Dyson Drive - opposed the rezoning; she said the concept of Tuscawilla will be destroyed i~ they continue to increase the density. Greta Osterback, 1204 Cheetah Trail was concerned about the increase of traffic. She also opposed the rezoning. The City Planner reported from the international traffic engineering charts that condominiums produce one half the trips per day per unit as single family homes. Miss Koch recommended that the change be found inconsistent; it should be single family if it is to be changed to residential. t . . P&Z Board Meeting, Dec. 18, 1981 Page 3 '. Bruing, 1218 Winter Springs Boulevard, asked what is the criteria of the Board wded to rezone the property. Mr. Joel Weiss read Sec. 44.02 of the City Code to define what zoning is. Mr. Fred Schramm, 1209 Winter Springs Boulevard, totally opposed the rezoning. He said its part of the entire package of Tuscawillaj if that goes. what goes next? Gail Welsch, 1218 Cheetah Trail, her property backs up to the stable area. She was concerned with the density, and was totally opposed to the rezoning. Mr. Hugh Tackett, 1220 Cheetah Trail, very much opposed to any development of that laud. Mr. George Butterfield, 723 Cybilwood, opposed the change. Mr. Harrison, 1105 Winter Springs Boulevard, was concerned that this would deva]uc his property and the property around it; he wanted it to stay pasture land. Mr. John Hatfield, lt03 Ermine, opposed to any changes; he objected to both changes. Mr. Al Schultz, 863 Gazelle Trail, wanted the land to stay as is. There were approximately 56 persons in the audience opposing the rezoning. O',tion was made by Kaplan to deny the redesignation of the 25.48 pasture area on _fie east side of Tuscawilla Road to multi-family residential at 12 units per acre. Seconded by Kaehler. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Daucher. aye; Weiss, aye; Grove, no; Kaehler, aye; Kaplan, aye; motion carried. Motion was made by Kaplan to recommend approval of retocating the 40 acre commercial and office park area closer to an arterial road and redesignating this 40 acre tract"between Northern Way and Winter Springs Boulevard as multi- family residential. Seconded by Weiss. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Daucher, aye; Weiss, aye; Grove, aye; Kaehler, aye; Kaplan, aye; motion carried. Motion was made by Grove that we adopt Roberts Rules of Order Revised as our guide for parliamentary procedure. Seconded by Weiss. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Daucher, aye; Weiss, aye; Kaehler, aye; Grove, aye; Kaplan. aye; motion carried. ,.~ , , ., Respectfully submitted'.: Meeting was adjourned 9:30 p. m. .t' Mary T. Norton, City Clerk Ir,] 'A ") ) n '\."'..''1., , ' ~\NTEJi ' '\ , 'cJ: ......-j''\ 'J~''tC'~''t" 1:;,.)' I,U . '(j, ~~ NW , . . 4 \. l~.~ .n ",:' \\~tl (.f,,"''':~''''~ol,. '\..\'1.,." ....- CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 November 5, 1987 Mr. Brian D. Austin, P.E. Project Manager Donald W. McIntosh Associates, Inc. 2200 Park Avenue, North Winter Park, FL 32789 RE: Georgetowne Unit I (Tuscora Villas) "As-Built" Engineering Dear Brian: Your latest revised "as-built" engineering and letter dated October 22, 1987, for Georgetowne Unit I has been received and reviewed and found to be satisfactory. Sincerely, .~. . / L.T. Ci ty Eng P.E. /rnh cc: City Manager Land Developnent Coordinator Building Department j~~ -II 'AliiSCil\\'1 il WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1500 Winter Springs Boulevard Winter Springs. Florida 3270B (305) 365-3252 September 28, 1987 Honorable John Torcasco Mayor, City of Winter Springs Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Mayor Torcasco: I am requesting a change from October 26, 1987, to November 9, 1987, for public hearing regarding the stable site land use change. We have a time conflict within our company and we will not be able to be represented for the October 26 date. Your cooperation in this change will be very much appreciated. Sincerely, ffi2:~:1 C7~::&/~L L ~ f /,~' f/ Z' . }1~ack Afflebach u Executive Vice President IP~{J WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORP. BGO