HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 09 28 Regular September 25, 1987 I !7-~f 7 TO: City Manager 2if Land Developnent COOrdinato~.~- Fl:{()M : RE: P 6( Z Board Recorranendations for Commission Meeting The P 6( Z Board, at their meeting of August 26, 1987, made the follCMing recommendations for site standards in residential zoning areas: PROPOSED Min. Min. Setbacks Min. Zoning Lot Size Lot Width Front/Rear/Side Living Area R-1AAA 20,000 ft.sq. 100' 501 35' 20' 2,000 ft.sq. R-1M 12,000 ft.sq.* 90'* 351 35' 15'* 1,500 ft.sq. R-1A 8,000 ft.sq. 75' 251 25' 10'* 1,100 ft.sq. R-1 6,600 ft.sq. 60' 25' 25' 6' 700 ft.sq. EXISTING R-1AAA 20,000 ft.sq. 100' 501 351 20' R-1M 10,000 ft:.sq. 80' 35' 35' 20' R-1A 8,000 ft.sq. 75' 25' 25' 7 1/2' R-1 6,600 ft.sq. 60' 25' 25' 6' 2,000 ft.sq. 1,500 ft:.sq. 1,100 ft.sq. 700 ft.sq. * Denotes changes from existing standards. Imh cc: Mayor Commissioners September 23, 1987 TO: FROM: REFERENCE: COMMISSION/~O~ m~ CITY MANAGER .~~ ' Seminole County Charter Advisory Committee (Letter September 16, 1987, M. Crotty, Chairman) The above referenced letter requests a representative of the City be designated to speak before the board on October 20, 1987. I will place the item on the September 28, 1987 agenda for your consideration. COUNTY OF SEMINOLE FLORIDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PHONE: (305) 321-1130 1101 EAST FIRST STREET SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 September 16, l~t(Gt~~~' \)\ St.P 21 ~~1 II1Il ~ ~I\l.:;;~:\lt\(;S ~. Richard Rozansky, City Manager City of Winter Springs 1226 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Dear Mr. Rozansky: The Seminole County Citizens' Charter Advisory Committee has been estab~ lished by the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners to prepare a recommendation for the Board on whether or not Seminole County should adopt a charter form of government. The Seminole County Citizens' Charter Advisory Committee requests a rep- resentative of your City be designated to speak before the Committee regarding the City's views on a charter. The meeting will be hela at 7 p.m., Tuesday, October 20, 1987, at the Lyman High School Auditorium, 1141 East Lake Avenue (CR 427), Longwood. . Please notify (by September 30, 1987) Marie Harris, Secretary, at 321- 1130, extension 211, of the name of your City's representative who will attend this meeting. Sincerely, ~~ Chairman MC/mh cc: Kenneth R. Hooper, County Administrator Nikki Clarton, County Attorney Barbara 0 Hara, Senior OMB Analyst September 22, 1987 TO, COMMISSION/MA~\\~ FROM: CITY MANAGER~'\~ REFERENCE: Seminole County Road Impact Fee Ordinance 87-4 (Letter M. Beamer, September 15, 1987, Pertaining to the Appointment of Officials to Committee.) Attached for your information and direction is the above referenced letter. I recommended we make the appointments unless the Attorney would rule that the appointments could have a detrimental effect upon the pending litagation. I will place the item on the next agenda for your consideration. Attachment: a/s CC: City Attorney ~-'--"'-- ".------- ,..- ------...---.----.--".--- ,'-~-'-' COUNTY OF SEMINOLE FLORIDA ...., ,.-..., p.'" 1)[1 -, ,.". . . 'I \u . \.. . ;.... :.' \ ~ . Wl.,\ \~.'_. 1,,,. . ...1, 1rSt Stroot ~ 0 ' S5lf .. cr;<2 32771 .:..' St.? 11 \~\)1 ~ 'JIl\\f([ll, 'JPR\NCS ~\1j O~~ ~~~~G~~ Office of dE AssistH CaIlty JdIIinistrata" 1ltDle(305)32Hl30. Ext. 211/213 September 15, 1987 Mr. Dick Rozansky, City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 E SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Dear Mr. Rozansky: As you may recall, Seminole County I s Road Impact Fee Ordinance 87-4 rnal<.es provision for both a Citizens Advisory Conunittee and a Municipal Technical Advisory CODmi ttee to participate in the armual review process. The Citizens Advisory Committee was established in Resolution R-87-100, adopted on March 24, 1987; the Camni ttee membership includes an appointment by each municipal! ty . The membership term for Winter Springs' appointee runs through September 30, 1988. Thereafter, reappointment will occur on an every other year basis. For the Technical Advisory Camnittee, as specified in Section 4.11 of the Ordinance, the member is to be the Mayor, or his designee. On May 12, 1987, in a letter to Mayor Torcaso, Canmissioner Streetman requested the appointments. On September 8, 1987, the Board of County Conunissioners canpleted County appointments to the Citizens Advisory Camni ttee and confirmed the appointments made by other munici};ali ties. In addition, the Board accepted the appointments received to-date for the Municipal Technical Advisory Conuni ttee. We have not as yet received the names from Winter Springs. We are beginning the annual review and anticipate that the first meeting for each Committee will be held in October, 1987. I would like to encourage the City to make its appointment to each of the two committees at the earliest opportunity. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or if I can be of assistance. Sincerely, ??::tye~ i::Z ~~ Assistant County Administrator MEB/m cc: Kenneth R. Hooper, County Administrator -I .);) ;! 1 /J 00 u~ 1M", y',/ 7i;'z,/"L'/l.6'?~r.: ~ 'v"'V? /~ /1 . ;I l ,<:-. l' I If >:] tJ-t.,.,.;!/? L.t//./'::"" ~ )' /''/ / "Ch??C6 .a/. /~/' /~~~j (/ '!)' J/ ' / . '-4 '?," I . '..;;~ ( S{ I"" d'.y;{y~v~/ ""J../ /i,t(/ l /'/ J (j/J:>.c2 -(-:.elL/, Y/Ct> . ~~v'7- ~: (,5"7- 11113-<>' {., iJ~dA /:~ f , UJ:'/i~7'/c:t~L; "-AL,YZhj ~2f;; f 'Y'-Ft>;4h;u ~ /n7Y?/4<f?<hd :Z. . 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L~~<' LAa/ J~( )n7-}?4!-e(~~ (!~~ ad, :0~,0U z1 c!P- - ~d ,0;d r ~ aLe '7rJ~ . . ~Ab71}~ ~ r ~L- d~/ (J th~.Q./~(,~-Y.J ' .td~ . (2.?>?~ if ~~ ;;//;Z2 :+L' i / / ..-?.,,<.4 . ,-?-.t--~,..,-/ IMPORTANT SERVICE Casselberry Occupation LIe. 114279 QUALITY ADDRESSING SERVICE Is scheduled to paint GLASS BEADED address numbers for all participating homes along your street. Due to the rising crime rate In our society today, night-time calls to the Pollee have risen nearly 80% of those 5 years ago. Because of Inadequate numbering, arrival time can be delayed. Could you afford the loss of even 5 I'T!lnutes In the event ofa break-In? Perhaps a loved one has suffered a heart attack - - -would the ambulance arrive as promptly as It should? Out of town visitors, special delivery service and repairmen, are all presented with this difficulty everyday. Tomorrow (with your consent only) we will paint your address In GLASS BEADED NUMBERS on BOTH SIDES OF DRIVEWAY. c (Corner houses with SIDE DRIVEWAYS, one In front and corner ~ curve). Total cost, $5.00 PER HOME. These 4" WHITE numbers ~ are set onan EMERALD GREEN background. * At night they are z brllllantiy reflective 75 to 100 times brighter than ordinary : numbers. They maintain an excellent appearance from 4 to 5 o years. u: u.. Collection Is made AFTER completion of work. Checks are ~ acceptable. If not at home - an addressed envelope will be left ... for your mailing convenience. FOR YOUR HOME TO BE INCLUDED: Fill out the infor- mation below and place this card so as to be seen easily from the street. Cards WILL B~ picked up TOMORROW, and painted as weather permits. Homes receiving only one number will be charged $4.00. Please indicate If you wish only one number 0 . NAME: DATE: ADDRESS: PHONE: CITY: ~_~ ~A tl' . STATE: PHONE: 657.4148 HOME OFFICE NOTE: This addressing service does not exempt you as a clllzen of Casselberry from meeting the requirements 01 the 911 numberIng pursuant to applicable atatutes. C) c: J> ::r:J J> Z -t m m c ::r:J m " ,.... m o -t <: m