HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 09 14 Regular '-..,.....- \.....,.-' -----~ PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES August 26, 1987 BOARD MEMBERS: David Hopkins, Present Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present Taru Joshi, Present Terri Donnelly, Present Michael Sap:>rito, Vice-<:hairman, Present CI'IY OFFICIALS: D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator J. Koch, Dir.Adm./City Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 12, 1987: Sap:>rito moved to approve the minutes of August 12, 1987. Seconded by Hopkins. Vote: Hopkins: aye; Dorman: aye; Joshi: aye; Donnelly: aye; Sap:>rito: aye. All aye. M::>tion carried. Public Hearing - Amendment to Tuscawilla PUD - Change Land Use From Stable/Pasture to Single Family: Dorman closed the regular meeting and opened the Public Hearing. LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated that this is a 30+ acre parcel designated at Stable/Pasture. Winter Springs Developnent Corp:>ration is requesting a change fran Stable/Pasture to single family homes which would be equal or better than the banes in Oak Forest. He stated that in 1981 the developer asked for a change for this parcel to multi-family and it was disapproved . Jack Affelbach, Executive Vice-President of the Winter Springs Developnent Corp:>ration, was there to speak for the request. He stated that when Winter Springs Developnent Corp:>ration started to develop the Tuscawilla POO, certain areas of the POD were designated for different things, such as, single family, mul t i -fami 1 y, parks, camnercial, also designation of a stable site and a marina.All this occurred back in the early 1970's. All POOlS have been designed for flexibility, to be changed based on marketing etc. The original density planned for Tuscawilla was 12,000 - 14,000 [sic]. OVer the years the density has changed. The final build out of Tuscawilla will be 5,000 to 6,000 [sic] housing units, which is less than half of the original intention of the POD. The location of the stable/pasture area is surrounded by single family and the catholic church. The single family would be canp:u'able to the single family homes in Tuscawilla now, and would be bigger lots than in Oak Forest. Affelbach stated that he sent out a survey to all residents of Tuscawilla and Oak Forest, which was done by the National List Council. There was a mistake and two streets were left out; surveys were hand delivered to those two streets. The survey asked the residents what they would like to see for the land in question and the totals of the survey are as follows: Single Family detached Hames - 380; Park, Green Belt, Recreational facility: 158; Churches &. Shopping: 120; Health Care or Retirement Facility: 73; Stables: 43; a total of 774 residents responded to the survey. Affelbach stated that what he got out of the survey was that there was not an over whelming objection to a nice developnent for the p:u'cel of land in question. Affelbach also stated that in the City's upcaning budget, there was no tax increase and he felt that that was a result of Tuscawilla. - ,.~ ......; Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Augus"t 26, 1987 Page 2 Dorman asked if there was anyone present to speak for the request. M:u'k Sardo, President of the Oak Forest Homeowners AssOciation, was there to speak for the request. He stated tha"t the Oak Forest Homeowners Association lends their support to the request. Dorman asked if there was anyone present to speak against the reques"t. Erma Sheentact, Jane Farmer, Shirley Grey, and Don Hamil ton spoke agains"t the request. They sta"ted that at the time they purchased their property "they were told that the land would stay the way it is and not be developed. They all asked for a continuance of this request; they all stated that this was a change of zoning and all residents should be notified when a change such as this is going to occur. Koch stated that this is no"t a change of zoning; all Tuscawilla is zoned PUD. The request is to change the land use designation of one parcel and no"t a change of zoning. This is a change "to "the Master nevelopnent Plan. This was advertised in "the newspaper 15 days prior to the meeting, s"ta"ting "tha"t "there was a Public Hearing to change the land use for "this parcel. Dorman closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the regular mee"ting. There was discussion on the request. The Board discussed whe"ther this request was consistent with the Master Developnen"t Plan. Saporito stated that under section 44.85.2 ( 2) ccmoon open spaces means an area of land or wa"ter or any canbination "thereof, wi "thin the area of a planned unit developnent which is designated and intended for the use and enjoyment of the residents of the planned unit developnent in canmon. He also stated that under Section 44.85.1 (3) Intent and PurpoSe of District are to preserve the natural amenities and envirorunental assets of the land by encouraging the preservation and improvement of scenic and functional open space areas. Sapor i to moved. that finding based upon section 44.85. 1 and 44.85.2 and the definitions contained therein, that it is inconsistent with the pre-developnen"t plan and rec~ disapproval of the request. Seconded by Hopkins. Vote: Joshi: nay; Donnelly: nay; Saporito: aye; Hopkins: aye; Dorman: aye. MJtion carried. There was discussion on modifications of the request. 'fhe Board agreed "that this area would eventually be develOped and it would be the best interest for the residents in the area for single family homeS. There was also discussion on the impact of traffic on Tuscawilla Road. Donnelly moved to recommend approval to the City Ccmmission for developnent to be consistent with the surrounding area that is presently abutting "the property. Seconded by Saporito. Vote: Saporito: aye; Hopkins: nay; Dorman: aye; Joshi: aye; Donnelly: aye. MJtion carried. - "-" t........I Planning and Zoning Board Minutes August 26, 1987 Page 3 Discussion of Develot:mental Standards for Single-Family Residential Zoning: Dorman stated that this is a matter that the Board had discussed several months ago. This is a result of an application to develop property in R-1M zoning which was before the Board of Adjustment and was turned down, and from that it was determined that there was a glitch in the Code side setbacks. There was discussion on the site standards in the residential zoning. The Board came to a concensus to recamnend the following: MIN. SETBACKS MAX. MIN. ZONING wr SIZE Left DIM. FRONT/REAR/SIDE BUILDABLE AREA HOUSE SIZE R-lAAA 20,000 100x200 50/ 35/ 20 6900 2,000 R-lM 12,000 90x133.33 35/ 35/ 15 3800 1,500 R-lA 8,000 75x106.66 25/ 25/ 10 3116 1 , 100 R-l 6,600 6Ox110 25/ 25/ 6 2880 700 'l'hF,~ting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Respectfully 5ubnitted ~~ Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning Board Industrial Waste Service, Inc. 555 Hope Street Longwood, Florida 32750 (305) 831-1539 Orange/Seminole 425-6600 Osceola 892-2298 ~""""""'a" \l> ;"iSl'~_,~~~~~_l1l::) ,. $;"" ''''~l<~'i<W~'''''''''''~' .~... "111 I; ~~..,:,4_~""'~''''''_'~~~~''''''''_w-:t';""~;;~,,,,,,~....:Wt~,,,,,~..,,,,,,,,,,..,,:.,,k,,y.....~...,:<,;:<-..,.."".;..,.~",..:-~<~",.,.<-,~~;;..;,~"':,~y;..k':,:.,:(;"_",,,,,::,;;,,;;,;;:~^,,,'_y:l"""'_,'<;'M."";':.':W:.:,:,&,,,,.f.~ ~~~~uw~@ SEP 2 1987 August 31, 1987 Mr. Richard Rozansky, City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 E SR 434 Winter Springs Fl 32708 CllY of WINTER SPRINGS CJIY WAHA~ qS: L/J~ PIe. o.-jt:- Re: ~ori Ann Apartments Dear Mr. Rozansky, Payment for trash service at Lori Ann Apartments has been a long standing problem. I feel we have exhausted all avenues of collecting from certain owners and we are now looking to the Winter Springs Code Enforcement Board for assistance. Attached are copies of invoices sent to Mr. Chris Derato and Ronald Church. There are twelve (12) units involved between the two accounts - Mr. Derato says he no longer owns and Mr. Church says he will not pay the balance due. We do not want to suspend service, because of health reasons, however I'm sure you realize we cannot continue to provide service without payment, therefore, we are considering this altern tive. Any assistance you can give us in this ill tter will be greatly appreciated. ~:rrY B zrn ~ ~eneral Manager KB:bh encl. .;., ,. I. \. INDUSTRIAL WASTE SERVICES 555 HOPE ST., LONGWOOD, FLORIDA 32750 4256600 831-1539 Past due balance: $1, 13 6.00 , August 18, 1987 0 '1,'V,<f INVOICE i.Q# · N~ L 1 q'255 I . . < . J' ~ l. t , ,J. " " i: ~ '. - .\'.' : ':' ) ~. ~ ~ -l . . ... )'1..-'7 ~ f 1 Chris Derato, partnershiP@~ 144 Wisteria Dr ~ Longwood Fl 32750 ~ . . 1 Acct # 6040750 , Lori Ann Apartments DESCRIPTION OF EXTRA SERVICES RENDERED This balance must be paid in full in ten (10) days or we will have no choice but to refer the matter to the City of Winter Springs Code Enforcement Board per Section 7 of the covenan s on subject property. $1,136.00 Thank you for your prompt payment. PLEASE PAV LAST AMOUNT SHOWN ~ 1M jf>'ttl/ /?if c;- J~c:' I,:J-~ /.;23/ /;2.6- -1/;2.7 PLEASE RETURN .YELLOW COPV WITH PAYMENT THIS BILL MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTH ,. I Ii ,! ( t. I~ 1 ~. .}. i -i 'i g.. .! j;4~ ~. . t, .~, ..~ ", <;. ,. " ,) .~. ; ~ '. .. ~1 ':F INOUSTRIAL WAST~" i~i:~::1~~jl~fl'il!" .:.,;~; 555 HOPE ST., LONGWOOD. FLORIDA 32760 ";! 425~600 831"639,:':.T'".~:\;- .~",~;;id . i., : .-:t"/,r..,),.,":",. \. "~~;~,, ''t.\~ ;j.;. . ,.'" ,,','::\':i~'f'U~~'~jf" ~"'::. '~'i.~;~j' August lsr 1987 INv61'ce7.:;. ~l4\;, ~I, ,f" ~..~ !if.' \>}:,)~k~%,,~~:'L:0 .,,; " NO L 1025'4: ,r;y~'; .:;~~}'f~~~l,~,~;l~I~: · I"~ ;;' " f .. . . . Mr. Ronald Church 4109 Corrizo Dr Plaino Texas 75054 . Acct # 6121619., ',Wi- Re: Lori Ann Apts UniU 110L.l~t!:.,t~4 . DESCRIPTION OF E.XTRA SERVICES RENDER~Dl';'~;}'~~:~~;' Past due balance: April. May, June. July & Aug @ $48.00, This balance must be paid in full in ten (10) days or we will have no choice but to refer , the matter to the City of Winter Springs.Code. Enforcement Board per Section 7 of the covenan on subject property# Thank you for your prompt payment. '..'1.... I PLEASE PA V LAST,: AMOU~,T.fiHOW~ ,'~ . :~ ;,1 .~ ..r,:.... . .. !,i~t'11r ... .. PLEASE RETURN ,YELLOW 'COPVWITH PAVMENT'!'i:~;:'\;F; ;;:1,';': .,~ . ..._._~_H,IS..BI.~~.~~.~~.~~u~~~.~_~EF~~~.:\~Oth OF IHE ":'~~H.~.~~i;~;;'J'~:~.'- .," ., ~ :~., , j ~' . I r' :~~. >' I ( t: 't ATLANTIC MOTOR COMPANY, INC. 651 N. U.S. Highway 17/92 - Winter Springs, Fl, 32750 September 8, 1987 CIty of Winter Springs, Florida 1126 State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Attention: City Council Subject: Temporary permit for a Trailer to be used in a C-2 Zone. Location: 651 N. u.S. 17-92, across from Courtesy Pontiac. I, Howard L. Hall, agent for Atlantic Motors Company, Inc. request from the City of Winter Springs a temporary permit to use a trailer in a commercial zone as provided by Section 44.75. The trailer will be used for the sale of new and used automobiles, while a permanent sales and service facility is being constructed. I request the permit be issued for a period of one (1) year from the date the council gives it's approval. The trailer will be located on the SW corner of lot 14, Entzminger Farms Addition No.3. and will be about 14 feet wide and 60 feet long in size. Should there be any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. ~~ Howard L. Hall (305)645-1234 ext. 292 ,~ SEP ,. ,;_:~ '~J~ a 1987 '!d CITY Of WiNTER SPRJNCi~ till'. HAlJ.)';- ..'J ..