HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 08 10 Regular it,.. ''t---- J j /1., Vi 1[' ,\~ I' / /), / ~, / / August 6, 1987 TO: Ci ty Manager Lam Developnent Coordinato~ FRQ.1 : RE: Oak Forest Unit 7 - Final Engineering The above referenced is to be on the Agen:1a for the Ccmnission Meeting to be held August 10, 1987. The City Engineer approved the engineering as per his letter of July 22, 1987, Ntich is attached. Also attached is my memo of July 28, 1987, Ntich addresses the Staff Review and concurrence by the Staff. Attachments /mh CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Mr. Brian D. Austin, P.E. Donald W. McIntosh Associates, Inc. 2200 Park Avenue, North Winter Park, FL 32789 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 July 22, 1987 RE: Final Engineering Oak Forest Unit 7 Dear Brian: The latest engineering and associated documents for Oak Forest Unit 7 has been received and reviewed and has been determined to be satisfactory. /mh cc: City Manager Laud.Development Coordinator Building Department tB<<) : .July 28, 1981 TO : Ci ty Manager @ Land Deuelq.-nt Coordinator . rRa4: . RE: Staff Review, Oak i"oreSt Unit 1 Final Engineering A Staff Review em the atx:Ne referenced was held al .July 28, 1981, at 9:00 A.M. Repr:!I8enting the project was C. True. The Staff ~rs present N!re Artman, Gavoruhk, Holzman, Koch, Kazlav, LeBlaB: and smith. The City Mimager sat in for the latter partial of the review. Lots 141-146 will be designated as a eooservatial Area/FP--nt em the Final Plat, will also be included in Deed Restrictions and will be maintained by the developer until such time as CH1e1'ShiP is transferred to the proper aqency. No b111ding or major lard clearance is to be allowed em these lots. Maintenance of the pcmds em Lots 146-150 will be the reepalSibility of the iDiividual lot CNllL!Il"S and such respoosibility will be included in the Deed Restrictions . The Arbor OrdinanCe was discUssed and the ac>>-."eny~ fee. It was agreed the clearing for the infrastructure can pl"OC8ed. Before clear~ of irxiividual lots can c--"'~, the City Forester will be notified. '1here are to be no lift ooles in the stcmlNlter drainage piping system. Fire ~ts are to be painted in accordanCe to City stardards. Opm b:aming is to be allaed according to DBR existing regulatiCX18. Street 11 - tere di."..1&,&ed. The Fire and Police DepartJDents had no objectiem to names or layouts of the streets. There is no requireaent for fencing or buffer on property along '.lWIaM11la. 'l'bere..... dj""'lI8icm of ~ to the North of the project Mhich is in U. county. Itrticm bf Ho]~ to accept the poject with the atxNe djar!'l.-iClDll to be _tiafied. seooni bf Qauoruhk. All voted aye with excepticm of ICDch tCJo ~. /JIb cc: staff C. '!'rue Qualifying Time for City of Winter Springs: Each candidate seeking the office of City Commissioner for Seat II and Seat IV, and Mayor shall file a petition signed by 15 registered voters of the City with the City Clerk. All candidates for office shall be registered voters, shall have resided in Winter Springs one year prior to the time of qualifying, and pay a qualifying fee of $150.00. The Qualifying Time is September 1 through September 15, 1987. ...-.. -- ~"~fit....... :~eJ\ . c.;; . l ~ ". J ~ -. . .' .. . ~ .;. '.'. :1>1".....' \, . . ,. ~ CITY OP WINTER SPIUNGS. noRIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WWTER SPAINGS. FLOfIOA 32701 Telephone (305) 327.1100 July 27, 1987 R:~~~UW~@ J<'"". ~ ~J JUL 28 1981 MDl>RANDUM CITY of \fv';'~ IfR SPRINGS CITY MANACiQl . TO: City Manager FROM: G. E. Artman/Public Works Director~~ (/ SUBJECT: Pick-Up Truck Bids It is recommended, we accept Don Reid Fords bid on two (2) F-150 Pick-lip Truc~s at $9996.00 each with an additional '75.00 fnr a step up bumper. Thic:; would come to a total of $20,142.00. However, we currently have $18,149.73 for equipment purchase, this leaves a deficit of $1992.27. WP. currently hav~ sufficient dn11~rs in other line codes that would cnmfnrtab1y c~rry us through the fiscal year and this deficit can be transferred from one of these. /1u..&ta , ~ ') ~ G~ ~~eu.eRc.. l TI,rv1;t. .rn: t!!Ivz b ) (b) ( BID OPENING FOR THREE WHITE 1987 TWO WHEEL DRIVE PICK UP TRUCKS Thursday, July 23, 1987 - 2:30 p.m. The Bid Opening was called to order by City Manager Richard Rozansky. Present: Richard Rozansky, C~ty Manager Leonard Koz10v, City Engineer Gi1 Artm~n, Public Works Director Mary Norton, eity Clerk Four Bids were received as follows: Don Reid Ford, 1875 S. Orlando Ave., Maitland, FL 32751: 2 New 1987 Ford F-150, $9,996.00 each 1988 Ford F-150,$10,375.00 each Bob Dance Dodge, Inc., 5152 Highway 17-92, P.O. Box 1167, Longwood,FL 32750: 3 New 1987 Pickup Trucks, White - $12,584.00 each Ken Rummel, 3455 Orlando Dr., Sanford, FL 32771: 3 1988 3/4 Ton Pickup Trucks, $10,947.47 Seminole Ford, Inc., 3786 17-92 South, P.O. Box 1420, Sanford, FL 32771: 1987 Ford Trucks, $10,875.72 each Total (3) $32,627.16 The Bids will be turned over to the Public Works Director and the Building Official for a recommendation to the City Manager. The award is tentatively scheduled to be made Aug. 24, 1987. Bid opening was closed at 2:46 p.m. Mary T. Norton, City Clerk MEMORANDUM , ,;' 'f '\<. I. ) Ill! f., "7 I I ) [ DATE: Dick Rozansky t Linda J. Barnby ~_~;> Thomas F. Lang ~] August 10, 1987 TO: FROM: SUBJ: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS/BID CHALLENGE/PACKAGE TREATMENT PLANT It is our understanding that the Hardaway Company objects to Florida Aquastore's bid to furnish and install waste water system improvements for the following reasons. In their opinion: 1. The bids should be evaluated based on the figure reflecting the total base bid plus addi tional items rather than the on the sum of the listed items; and 2. Florida Aquastore submitted a "qualified bid" by offering two alternative proposals for supplying a generator as an "additional" item. Aquastore's bid form reflects that the total base bid is higher than the sum of all the items listed, and the total base bid amount is the same as the amount listed for the total base bid plus all additional items. The sum of the items and the total base bid plus the highest alternate proposal are both lower than any other bid submitted. Only the figure which represents the total base bid is not less than the other bids submi t ted. However, since this figure does not match the sum of all the items listed, there is clearly an error in addition. The purpose of the bidding process is to protect the public against collusion in the awarding of public contracts, to remove the opportunity for gain at public expense, to close all avenues to favoritism and fraud and to afford an equal advantage to all bidders. Wester v. Belote, 138 So. 721 (Fla. 1931). Therefore, the general rule is that a bidder on a public project may not change its bid after the bids have been opened, except to cure minor irregularities. The test for measur ing whether a deviation in a bid is sufficiently material to destroy its competitive character is whether the variation affects the amount of the bid by giving the bidder an advantage or benefit not enjoyed by the other bidders. Harry Pepper ~ Associates vs. City Of Cape Coral, 352 So. 2d 1190 (Fla. 2d DCA 1977). Here, where the correction which needs to be made is merely a scrivener's error, the deviation from the original bid is not suf f icient ly mater ial to cause disadvantage to other bidder s. This is especially true since the bids were sent to be evaluated by the city's consulting engineer, who in making the evaluation, discovered the mathematical error. Further, it is apparent in Terry Zautdke' s letter of July 13, 1987, that the bids were evaluated based on the total base bid plus additional items. Secondly, by submitting two alternative supplying a generator, Florida Aquastore did "qualified" bid. proposals for not submit a A distinction between "an invitation for bids" and "request for proposals" is made in the case law. See System Development Corporation vs. Department of Health and Rehabilitated Services, 423 So. 2d 433 (Fla. 1st DCA 1982). Where the former is a rigid and specific request for work required, the latter is flexible, identifies problems and requests a solution. Since the generator is listed as an additional item to be bid on at the contractor's option, and could be either used or new, it is arguable that this item can be characterized as a request for a proposal. Therefore, since a flexible response was requested, it is likely that the submission by Aquastore of two alternative proposals for a generator would not consti tute a "mater ial irregular i ty" from the bid request. It is wi thin the Ci ty Commission's discretion whether to accept the bid or throw all the bids out. There is case law, as described above, which supports the position that the City may legally accept Aquas tore's low bid. However, the acceptance of this bid or a rejection of the bids is a policy decision for the City Commission to make. cc: Frank C. Kruppenbacher H107LJBJOI-Jl - 2 -