HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 06 22 Regular - PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING June 10, 1987 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. PRESENT WERE: Richard DeFazio, V. Chairman, Present Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present 'Iaru Joshi, Present Jim Hartman, Absent Michael Sap::>rito, Present --,.... CITY OFFICIAlS: J. Koch, City Plarmer D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator Approva-l_ of Minutes_ o( May 2'1, 198'ZL__ De:F'azio moved to approve the minutes of May 27, 1987. Seconded by Saporito. Vote: DeF'azio: aye; Dorman: aye; Joshi: aye; Hartman: absent; Sap::>rito: aye. M::>tion carried. Request: of Billy R. Martin to Armex 1.5 acres on south side of Florida Avenue J!flt:s 9 and_J~_Block D, Flamingo Springs, Plat: Book 8, Page 72): Koch gave her presentat:ion. She stat:ed t:hat Florida Avenue is off U.S. 1']-92, west of t:h,e Highlands. All the prope~t:y on the nort:h side of Florida Avenue is Light: Indust:r ial propert:y in the City. Everything on the south side is in Seminole County. There is General Ccmmercial developnent near US 17-92 and a residential developnent platted between t:hat and the Highlands greenbelt: to the east:. - Joshi asked who maintains Florida Avenue. Koch stated that the county maintains this unpaved road. Billy Martin was there to speak for his request. He stated that the County maintains the road and that it is graded once a month. Dorman asked if the City would be taking over the maintenance of the road. Koch stated not at this time. Koch stated that the residential developnent that includes these lots is built out only in the western sector. The lot:s on the east are vacant: except for a few scattered houses. There are ways to develop the property without causing further impact on the residential area near this property. She also stated that the impact: is already t:here. Developnent under City review could actually improve the situation. Deb'azio asked about the lot directly across the street fran this property, heM close the nearest residence is to this property. Miller st:ated that there is no residence directly across the street that the closest is about four to five lots up from his property. Dorman asked what the County zoning of A-1 meant. Koch stated that it is Agricul ture. She st:ated that the Count:y has Low Density Residential land use classification throughout this area but nearby has continued permittiIYJ under Canmercial zoning. Therefore a land use conflict: already exists. Sap::>ri to and Dorman stated that concerns about the impact: i t ~d cause to the people in the area, if the City extended Light Industrial land use to the south side of Florida Avenue. - Planning and Zoning Board Minutes June 10, 1987 Page 2 There was discussion on the annexation. DeFazio stated. that the concern is Florida Avenue is not much of a buffer already. Dorman stated. that there ~d be a Public Hearing when this property comes up for land use assignment and at that time the public could make any camnents on the zoning. The Board asked Miller if he has requested the County to rezone this property. Miller stated that he hasn It. He stated. that he feels that he ~d get better protection from the City. The Board reviewed the point that 'the current decision is whether to reconunend annexation. Koch pointed out that several recent annexation ordinances have included reversionary clauses to protect the applicant should he not later on acquire a land use designation accept:able to him. DeFazio moved t:o accept the annexat:ion of Lots 9 and 10,Blk. D, as pursuant to the applicant: Billy R. Martin int:o t:he City of Winter 5-prings. Seconded by Joshi. Vote: Dorman: aye; Joshi: aye; Hartman: absent; Saporito: aye; DeF'azio: aye. Motion carried. .- Request of Raymond and Martha Denton to Annex 6.85 acres north of Old Sanford- Oviedo ~d (Lot 12, Entzm~r Farms Add~ No.2, Plat Boo~.5, Page 9): Koch gave her presentation. She stated that Lot 12 is physically part of Winter Springs. The area to the north is part of the Spring Hanmock wetlands area and is not developable. Present and potential services to the property would be identical to others in this Light Industrial area of the City. Joshi asked what is the zoning around the property. Koch stated that the zoning is C-2. Robert Seigler and Ms. lVlartha Denton were there to speak for the request. Denton stated that there is a residence now on the property. Dorman asked if there are any plans for the property. Seigler stated that there is no plan as yet;; developnent w:mld be similar to that of the surrounding property in the City. Sapori to moved that the application be granted that the property be annexed into the City of Winter 5-prings. Seconded by Joshi. Vote: Joshi: aye; Hartman: absent; Saporito: aye; DeFazio: aye; Dorman: aye. M::>tion carried.. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes ,-' June 10, 1987 Page 3 Review of Devel()J:!llent Standards for Zone R-1AA (Sections 44.28-29, 44.31-34): LeBlanc stated that one option is to change the lot size or reduce the side yard setbacks. Another prospect is to formulate a formula . for setbacks. He stated that one concern is that the people in zone R-lAA now have a 20 ft. side yard setback, people who now \<<JUld move into the area would have a 10 ft. setback. He stated that you can see that there are inequities in the zoning ordinance. There was discussion on the size of the lot width and the size of home to be built. I<och stated that a complete revamp of the zoning needs to be done. She stated that the zoning Code was adopted in 1968. Residential zones need to be devised to allow more choices and therefore better transitions between developnents. To only reduce the R-1AA setback and make no other mcxiifications would leave us with two almost identical zones, R-1A and R-1AA, on one end of the scale and the one-acre RC-1 zone on the other. Tne City needs more intermediate zones to avoid conflicts between residential zoning categories. ..- DeFazio stated that something needs to' be done to make a transitional change between the zoni~. I<och stated that the Staff is here to give the Board any input that they have to make a recommendation to the City Cormnission. Sapori to stated that in his opinion that houses are now being built too close together. DeFazio stated that when homes are bui! t close together this adds to the chaos on the roads. Saporito stated that a solution would be to change the minimum lot width and side yard fran 60 ft. to 65 ft. (width) and 6 ft. to 7 ft.(side yard); 75 ft. to 80 ft. (width) and 7 1/2 ft. to 10 ft. (side yard); 80 ft. to 100 ft. (width) and 20 ft. to) 15 ft. (side yard); 100 ft. to 120 ft. (width) and 20 ft. to 25. - There was discussion on the minimum living area allowed in each zoning category . Dorman suggested that the Board continue this discussion and get more information from the Staff on what size of home is being builtin the different zoning categories. Also, get input fran the builders in the area, and any information the Staff can come up with would be helpful. He stated that the Board will come up with a decision by the end of September. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. Respectfully sul:mi tted, - Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning Board fIRE DEPARTMENT 102 NORTH MOSS ROAD WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 TELEPHONE (:505) 327-2332 FIRE AND ImSCUE SERVICES June 5, 1987 TO: Richard Rozansky, City Manager SUBJECT: Review of and recommended bid results - Monitor/Defibrillator The three bids which were received and read on May 28, 1987 have been reviewed and the following is recommended: Accept the bid for purchase of one Physio-Control LIFEPAK 5 unit at a cost of $6,750.00. The charger unit listed on the bid for $850.00 is not required sinc~existing charger units in our inventory will serve our needs. This proposed unit 1s identical to those currently in use and is recommended for that reason. CLH/pjs -- ~s p tfully, ".'i'lf"" /~/? ~?J . .Y-a--' Charles L. H zman Fire Chief J1&~~uwJ~~'r..;:i'! ''::'i. " JUN 8 1987 CITY of WINTER SPRINGS CITY MAlM,GEl( (- BID OPENING PORTABLE CARDIAC MONITOR/DEFIBRILLATOR FOR THE WINTER SPR ~GS FIRE DEPARTMENT THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1987 - 2:30 P. M. The Bid Opening was called to order by Mary Norton, City Clerk, at 2:30 p. m. Present: Fire Chief Charles Holzman Caroline McGinley, Clerk Tom Marsh, Maintenance Three Bids were received for the Portable Cardiac Monitor/Defibrillator as follows: Aero Products Corporation 708 Industry Road Longwood, Florida 32750, for a Model-Liteguard 9P, including 1 carrying case; 2 extra batteries and 1 battery manager; Bid-$7,250. Physio Control Corp. 1777 Phoenix Parkway, Suite 110 Atlanta, GA 30349, Lifepak 5, total Bid $7,600.00 .- Bio-Medical Service Corp. Specialty Engineering Service 3122 Corrine Drive Orlando, FL 32803, Burdick Corp. Medic Additional Warranty . 4, Bid $5,995.00 . . . 900.00 The Bids will be turned over to Fire Chief Holzman for a recommendation to the City Manager. Bid Opening was closed at 2:40 p. m. Mary Norton, City Clerk - r1 CJ~ \0 AR HITE TU L ALUMINUM ~5: C# MM(/k "'1~"- ~ PIc-- Pl41 P.,ll~ 't>~~ ((1J1 June 17, 1987 Mr. Dick Rozansky, City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Permit to remove excess clay/fill dirt Winter Springs Commerce Center Dear Di ck: ,.- I hereby request a permit to remove approximately 15,000 cubic yards of fill on the above project. I have indicated the approxi- mate 300' x 700' X 21 depth on the enclosed plot plan. Some 5,000 cubic yards is to be used to build up the six acres recently pur- chased at the southeast corner of the property; the remaining 10,000 cubic yards to be sold over the next year. This should complete the removal of any clay/fill dirt from the site. I do appreciate your consideration in this matter. Very truly yours, Dittmer Properties, Incorporated Walt Dittmer, Jr. President WD/sd Encl: ,.".......... 100b SHEPARD ROAD \NINTER SPRINGS. FLORID4 32708-2018 305tfi9 1755 (i, '/1'~7 ~t.T brr1UU .' ~~ 6ff-/1SS' .<~t~ .i.~! r:. _~. '. ;.....l: ~ :,1\"". . \' ~...; ..:. .::;.\,~~.. ~.: .~- ,,:.; .,. ~ ... , .. , .. ~. .~. .- ~. WINTER SPRINGS~: COMMERC'i.... .. ^ ~~~!!!t~I~~J!IJ . \ SlCTIOtIS 216>>, TOWNSHIP . SOUTH. lANG&JI lAST. Sill..... ooam.... .~ \', . DlSc;IItT.!ON_ '. \ ---=::-~::.=.::;~:~=:.~;.......'"::.:: ~:-..:=: ~==--~.:.=~....,,:..-==.. ... ':::'. ::"::'.:::...~:=-=-~:.:.:.:":::::.;-:::~...;~-:.:.~--=---==-~-==:.:---.-- . - -..-.-.-------...--.-.......... ..--.------...--.... ,,: ~~::.~~E~~~..;:.:a;.E=r-=~~~.:r~~ ( :5'::-=:::..~~.::.-~_!...:;:E~-=-=-~=:!r~.::.-==..a ," ~.-=:::::.-:.:.-=---=--~;;::===-':.::.."':""-=:..~.=..5~ ...' .,..... ----~~=~.~=~~::r.:=--==1r~-=.,~ ~ 'ea.= --=----..~-_.---._-~;:;~ ",..-.... ..~. ~ ~:i~,~~;===~:==.'~-::~- =... ........-, --_._---_.=--......=:&-......--...~........ ... .. 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Q.'" , ,., 0llICW' aJel'"r ~.. .......,.........-.. .-..--... t.t. ..~,......-_.---- -. , ~-_...--"._._--"'.-.- ;iIDk~"'. . .. .~~~.~:~ l.> :\ .-..'f- u __... .---- TO: RICHARD ROZANSKY, CITY MANAGER FROM: John Govoruhk, Chief of Police DATE: June 19, 1987 SUBJ: BID, SEMIAUTOMATIC 17-87 Two (2) Bids were received: EXNER ENTERPRISES ................................... $9,988.00 OAKS WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS - 26 @ $340.00 .......... $8,840.00 It is recommended that the Bid be awarded to OAKS WHOLESALE the LOWEST BIDDER. JG/es ~{I'i/~7 Ole ~~ -------- .--- l ,'" BID OPENING FOR Twenty-six S&W semiautomatic pistols JUNE 18, 1987 0 The Bid Opening for twenty-six S & W Model 659, 9MM, l4-shot, adjustable sight, semi-automatic pistols, stainless steel with magazines, was called to order by Mary Norton, City Clerk. Present: Police Chief John Govoruhk Caroline McGinley, Clerk's Office Mary Norton, City Clerk Two Bids were received as follows: 1.Exner Enterprises, P.O. Box 396, Winter Park, FL 32790, in the amount of $9988.00 2. Oaks Wholesale Distributors, 954 Florida Ave.,Rockledge, FL 32955, in the amount of $340.00 each ($8,840). The Bids will be turned over to the Police Chief for a recommendation to the City Manager. There were no further bids, the bid opening was closed. Mary Norton, City Clerk - ,-