HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 04 13 Regular .."c-w_..._.__,,,,....._. .~Eit".. .-i:tJS'/ < ?\~i . ,: .t:,~.~ XJ.",...~..." ~I.S".&., <...... CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 April 6, 1981 SUBJECT: Ci ty Manager ~I/~ Ci ty Engineer (l \l,./' Recommendations on Maintenance and Upkeep of Stormwater Retention/Detention Ponds TO: PROM: On March 24, 1981, selected members of the Staff held a meeting to discuss options in maintaining the various stormwater retention/detention ponds that exist on private property. Three options were discussed. 1. The City to take over maintenance and upkeep of all retention/detention ponds on private property. a) The Property owners would have to hold the City harmless for all and any liabilities. b) Easement access available to the City. 2. Private property owners remain totally responsible for maintenance and upkeep of retention/detention ponds. 3. The City selectively take over certain retention/detention ponds for maintenance and upkeep. a) Property owners would have to hold the City harmless for any and all liability. b) Easement access available to the City. c) Establish a criteria for the City to selectively take over ponds. 1. Size 2. Multiplicity of owners 3. Accessibility Of the preceding options; it was determined that option (2) was the option torecolUllend but to adopt the additional proviso that an _ easement be established for the purpose of emergency maintenance over, under, above and through said area. lab cc: Police Chief Land Development Coordinator ~.h'.~ Wn~~~ n;~_r~nr CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 April 9, 1981 TO: City Manager Land Development coordinato~ FROM: RE: Vacation of Drainage Easement, Dedication of Drainage Easement (Agenda Item D) These easements are on the property of Mr. Wayne Miller, 155 Tradewinds Road. He 1S in the process of refinancing his house and it was found that a portion of his house is on the existing easement. Naturally, this presents a problem. He is proposing to vacate the present 14 ft. drainage easement and dedicate another 14 ft. drainage easement on the western edge of his property. The City Engineer has reviewed this and finds it to be satisfactory. The concept of this project only is being brought before the Commission. If they are in agreement an ordinance will be drawn up for the following meeting. 1mb CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 MEMORANDUM APRIL 10, 1987 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR SUBJECT: BRAEWICK (agenda Item C) The final engineering for Phase I of the above referenced has been approved by the City Engineer on April 10, 1987. Please see attached City Engineer memo dated April 10, 1987 A staff review for this project is to be held on April 13, 1987. I do not anticipate any major disagreements during the review. jds Attachment: CD'Y OF WINTBJlSPRlNGS, FLORIDA 1128 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 T-"PhOIII (305) 327-1100 April 10, 1981 TO: Land Developme~~ ~~dina~r City Bngineer ;tl~ FROM: SUB3BCT: Final Engineering Braewick at Tuscawilla The revised Final Engineering has been received and reviewed, and it has been deter.ined that the Final Engineering is satisfactory. IIIlh cc: City Manager Building Department .- PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING March 25, 1987 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dorman at 7:30 P.M. PRESENT WERE: Richard DeFazio, Vice Chairman, Absent Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present Taru Joshi, Present Jim Hartman, Present Michael Saporito, Present CITY OFFIClAL: J. Koch,Dir. Adm./C. Planner APPROV~~~QJ:"n_At-lli.~mED MINUTE~ o F'_ JANUARY ~28_,!~~'1. : __________________. Saporito moved to approve the amended minutes of January 28, 1981. Seconded by Joshi. Vote: DeFazio: absent; Dorman: aye; Joshi: aye; Hartman: aye. Motion carried. AP~BOVA~~!t'__MINJ1'l'E~. OF' FEBRUARY 1!L 198'(~____...____._________ Dorman moved to approved the minutes of February 11, 1987. Seconded by Saporito. Vote: Dorman: aye; Joshi: aye; Hartman: aye; Saporito: aye; DeFazio: absent. Motion carried. Request of The Grove and Gerald Korman, to rezone Lots 3, 4, and 5, Entzminger Farms, Add. 2, Plat Book 5, Page 9 - 22 acres on Old Sanford-Oviedo Road (Existing Land Use Classification Light Jndl1.!?.!=!' J..~l:____ ___________________ --------.------ ------ ------- -- Koch gave her presentation. She stated that this property has two owners; The Grove and Gerald Korman. On the future Land Use Map all the property is classified Light Industrial, the request is to bring the zoning incompliance with the land use map. Larry Visser, Di rector of the Grove, was there to speak for the request. He stated that the request is to have the property be consistent wi th the adjacent property. He stated that plans are to develop a program for drug and alcohol treatment center for adults and adolescents, the plan is to keep the property as it is. Joshi asked what is the permi tted land use for this project. Koch stated that C-1 zoning would permit the use, but the request is for C- 2 zoning to be in compl iance wi th the land use map, and C-2 zoning would include anything in C-1 zoning. There was discussion on what is on the adjacent property. determined that the adjacent property is vacant. I twas Hartman stated that his father is the owner of property adjacent to this property and he would file a conflict of interest form due to that fact. Hartman moved to recommend approval of the Grove and Gerald Korman, to rezone Lots 3,4, and 5, Entzminger Farms Add. 2, Plat Book 5, Page 9- .- 22 acres on Old Sanford-Oviedo Road, to C-2 to come incompliance with the existing Land Use Plan. Seconded by Saporito. Vote: Joshi: aye; Hartman: aye; Saporito: aye; Dorman: aye; DeF'azio: absent. Motion carried. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes March 25, 1987 Page 2 ..--. PUBLIC HEARING Dorman stated that the Board will hear the request as The Local Planning Agency, they will convene the Public Hearing and take action on the request as the Planning and Zoning Board. Addition of annexed property to map at Light Industrial Classification - Lot 14 and part of Lot 15, Entzminger Farms Add. 3, and part of Lot 13, Add. 1, Plat Book 6, Page 27 - 10 acres on Florida Avenue at US 17-92_~ Koch gave her presentation. She stated that this property fronts on US 17-92, to the south is Florida Avenue , and the north Winter Springs Commerce Center. The current land use in Seminole County is Low Densi ty Residential. She stated that this property was annexed into the City in November of 1986. She stated that it is up to the City to put this on our map to be appropriate to be consistent with the surrounding property which is classified as Light Industrial. She also stated that there is residential property across Florida Avenue, and the City will respect the residents and any construction on this property will be dealt with at the Site Plan Review, the City will J:.'c4uirc a huffer, and the developer will be required to not disrupt thp habitation of the area. --.. Jack Zimmer, owner of the property was there to speak for his request. He stated that half of the property is zoned commercial, and he would like the whole property to be zoned C-2 to conform with the surrounding property. 'I'here was discussion on the intended use of the property. stated that this was not planned as of yet. Zimmer Dorman closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Planning and Zoning board. Saporito moved to recommend approval to add this property to our land use map as Light Industrial and to assign the zoning classification of C-2. Seconded by Hartman. Vote: Hartman: aye; Saporito: aye; Dorman: aye; Joshi: aye; DeFazio: aye. Motion carried. Addi t i on of property being annexed to map at Light Industrial Classification - Lot 25, Block D, D.R. Mitchell Survey of the Levy Grant, Plat Book 1, Page 5 - 10 acres on south side of S.R. 434, East of S.R. 419: Koch gave her presentation. She stated that the Board recommended earlier this year the annexation of the Henson property, and had to deal with the land use separately. The request is for Light Industrial and to have the zoning as C-2. She stated that the property ;to the east is Light Industrial and Commercial to the west, RU property to the south, wetlands area to the south. The property was annexed in 1983 and there was not a request to change the zoning until this time. .-. Robert Feeney, Vice-President of the Homeowners Association of Oak Planning and Zoning Board Minutes March 25, 1981 Page 3 Forest Subdivision, spoke against the request. Larry Dunn, representing the owner of the property was there to speak for the request. There was discussion on the request. Dorman closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Planning and Zoning Board. There was discussion on the request. Joshi moved to recommend approval of the addition of property being annexed, Lot 25, Block D, D.R. Mitchell Survey of the Levy Grant, Plat Book 1, Page 5 - 10 acres on south side of S.R. 434, East of S.R. 419 to the Land Use Classi f ication of Light Industrial and the zoning classification of C-2. Seconded by Hartman. Vote: Saporito: nay; Dorman: aye; Joshi: aye; Hartman: aye; DeFazio: absent. Motion carried. Reclassification of property to Light Industrial - West 1/2 of Lot 20, Block D, D.R. Mitchell Survey of the Levy Grant, Plat Book 1, Page 5- 5 acres on.J!9'l:l!h aiQ.~_ .of .~~R~. .!.34.L ea~.!.o~S.J~.~.. 419.: Koch gave her presentation. She stated that this property was anneKed into the City in 1983, the owner is requesting that the land use map be ;,mr~nded to be f.ight Indust rial. LaITY Dunn repl'f.!sent ing the owner, was there to speak for the request. This request is to correct a discrepancy mane by the OWIIl~ t' by .'1" t. ; ng it compatible to the adjacent land use of C-2. Dorman closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Planning and Zoning board. Hartman moved to recommend approval of the West 1/2 of Lot 20, Block D, D.R. Mitchell Survey of the Levy Grant, Plat Book 1, Page 5 - 5 acres on south side of S.R. 434, east of S.R. 419 to the Land Use Classification of Light Industrial and to the zoning classification of C-2. Seconded by Joshi. Vote: Dorman: aye; Joshi: aye; Hartman: aye; Saporito: nay; DeFazio: absent. Motion carried. Reclassification of property to Light Industrial - Lot 28, Block B, D.R. Mitchell Survey of the Levy Grant, Plat Book 1, Page 5 - 8 acres north of_~.. R. 434 - 'l'uscawi lla Road. intersect ion.~_ .. Koch gave her presentation. She stated that the property is remote from view, and any development inV(I)vpd would be contjngent to the area. The property is located on Brantley Avenue, across form Tuscawilla Road. Juanita Blumberg was there to speak for her request. She stated that the intenned use of the property would be an Office Park concept, and would be low-rise. , . -- Planning and Zoning Board Minutes March 25, 1987 Page 4 ~, There was discussion on the request. It was determined that the property fronting on S.R. 434 is zoned C-1 and property off of S.R. 434 is zoned C-2. Dorman closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Planning and Zoning Board. Saporito moved to recommend approval of the reclassification of Lot 28, Block B, D.R. Mitchell Survey of the Levy Grant, Plat Book 1, Page 5, 8 acres north of S. R. 434 - Tuscawi lIa Road intersect i on to reclassify the land use as Light Industrial and the zoning classification of C-2. Seconded by Joshi. Vote: Joshi: aye; Hartman: aye; Saporito: aye; Dorman: aye; DeFazio: absent. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 P.M. ~espectfully submitted, -, Margo Hopkins Recording Secretary. .-, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APPLICATION rOR ANNEXATION OR CHANGE OF ZONING (1) ~ Y k)j"l Please print in ink or type Applicant Annexation )l Change of Zoning ____Amendment to PUO Preliminary Plan THE GROVE COUNSELING CENTER, INC. Last Name First Middle Initial WINTER SPRINGS, City )05-327-1765 Telephone Number FL 32708 State Zip Code (If the applicant is not the owner of the subject property. the application must include a letter of authorization signed by the owner.) P. O. Box 4035 Mailing Address , PB 5 P . 9 ~ Total No. of Acres 14.5 Total Usable Acres 10 ~ Present Zoning Classification R-IJ General location of subject property (including names and types of roads which tract abuts Physical address is 580 Old Sanford. Oviedo Road, Wintp-r ~pringR Propprty is locatp-d np-ar thp- intersp-ction of WndP ~~ nnd Old ~nnford Ouipdc ROnd Tt is nhll~~Pd hy Old ~nnford/Ouipdo Rd on t-hp ~o ~nd hy FllAC: ~alvagp- Yard on ~hp- F.nS~ Present land use: Outpatient drug and alcohol rehahilitation nnd prpupnt-ion sprui~pc: Zoning classifications and land use of abutting property: Zoning classification requested C2 Detailed information concerning purpose and intent of request: The Grove Counsel~nq Center. Inc.. is a non-profit corpornr1on fllndPd hy t-hp ~t-~t-P of Florida. Seminole Cormtv. The United Wa,y. and others to provide dnlg nnd nlmhol t-rpi'lt-- _ ment and orevention services. The Grove possesses a Ip.i'lSF! on t-ne PTrVrty dpc:t'!rihPd nhnup The lease exoires in 1996 with provisions for longPI i-f:.nn rpnPWn 1 R Wi t-h fllndi ng ~c:cz; c::t-~'1C o-fran the Central Florida Caoital Funds Ccmnit~pp. The Grove plnns ~o hni ld n f'~,,; 1 it-y on t-h !JBbove site to ooerate a residential drua and alcohol treatmP.nt pTY'Wnm p1'Tn1id;nq 1 hTA-;n ,,~ ~d rehabilitation for adolescents in a non-ho!Wi~.i'll SF!tting on n 14 honr ~ d-"lY h::Ic::;c: ~l ipnt-s will hP ~hnrqPd on ~hp Mczi s of ~hi 1 i~y ~o P"IY ThP f'n~i 1 it-y wi 11 ;niH~l1y h~up ~ ("~citv of not rrore than 24 hPds. -. ~_.._ '" J dJ /p J ~i,.an+Ji\wnAr ~J" .....--.",.-_..--..--P-.------ .,J ~~ ,,-, rJ) ~ ~ ~ .... ~~ - ~ ~ .., ~ ~ .... rt) ~~D co 0 ..., ~ ~ Et . . I ' I '-.:.' . :1 ;(0 ! ' :::!) ..:I ? -~ -'.----, .::::....--- -.. .', I ~ .-............. /Q'~ -::.s , , '" ,Ei " I ...................... L:~J -...::::, ~ ! . . .... -: ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ... - ~ I .... ............... ..... y I li! I \ ~ .. ~ 't ~ . <<! 01 l- .,---. ,_. - \ , ~ '" ~~ frY-- --s --, . ,- '~~- The Grove Counseling Center, Inc. 580 Old Sanford/Oviedo Rd., P.O. Box 4035 Winter Springs, FL 32708 · (305) 327-1765 A United Way Agency February 18, 1987 Ms. Jacqueline Koch Director of Administration City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Ms. Koch: With this letter, I am submitting a request for change of zoning on the property occupied by The Grove Counseling Center, Inc. at 580 Old Sanford/Oviedo Road in Winter Springs. As per the attached application, we are applying for a change from RU to C2 zoning in connection with our desire to build and operate a live-in, non-hospital, drug and alcohol treat- ment program for adolescents. Attached you will find both the application for change of zoning, a letter from the owner of the subject property authorizing The Grove to apply for a change of zoning, a map of the subject property, and a check in the amount of two- hundred and seventy-five dollars ($275.00) which I understand to be the fee for rezoning 14.5 acres of land. Since The Grove is a charitable organization which is funded primarily by Governmental and United Way support, I would like to respectfully request that the fee for zoning change be waived in our case. I would like to thank you in advance for your prompt handling of this request. Please let me know if you require any further information or whether I can help in any way to expedite the process. The recent public concern about teen- age drug problems has heightened the need for this program and we would like to proceed with it as quickly as possible. Sincerely, L ry A. Visser Executive Director April 14, 1987 Conklin, ~ort.r and Holm.. ~ ~O ENGINEERS, INC. soo w. FUlTON STREET POST OFFICE BOX 1976 SANFORD. FLORIDA 32771 TEL30S322-6841 TEL 30S 831-S717 ~~1 \o~'\fJ, \ ~\ Mr. Richard Rozansky City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Re: Winter Springs Wells CPH Project No. W0405.00 Dear Mr. Rozansky: We recently resolved the outstanding issues on the present contract wit~ Layne-Atlantic Company. As you are well aware, many difficulties have arisen during the attempted construction of well number 5. We have been advised by Jamma1 & Assoc. that the Winter Springs area is a difficult area to construct a well. Since t~is is true, it is advisable to construct a larger diameter well which could be slip lined if we have problems during construction or in the alternative, the well will produce a larger capacity. The City Water and Sewer Department is in a critical situation for water supply. Last year during the dry season, the existing wells were pumping 20 to 23 hours per day. Standard operating procedure utilizes a maximum of 16 hours per day of pumping which allows reserve capacity to meet the demands for fire flow. We believe that the City is in an emergency situation that reQuires the Quickest response to resolve the problem. We believe that utilizing Layne-Atlantic to construct the new larger well at the new location next to Water Plant 3 will provide the Quickest resolution. The City has received a proposal for this new construction, which replaces the contract for wells 5 and 6, and believe it is a reasonable proposal and in keeping with standard prevailing costs for this size well. To issue contract documents, i.e., plans and specifications, bid the project and then enter into an agreement would take approximately sixty (60) days. We do not have the ability to wait 60 days without a possible shortage of water or issuing a watering moratorium. T~e City needs another producing well as soon as possible. If you have any Questions, please call. Sincerely, CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES - ENGINEERS, INC. J~' Ja#Cif!A, Terry MiJtaudtke, P.E. TMZ:alv 4/13 LlA xc: Doug Taylor Harry Marti n FLl\l Ut ,uhVLY It) r Kf_ 11 H c, I U' I: UX Let)dl Dl',>cription -ot C, [-,].d A, NJRTHj;L-\tWO fV'JLHES Sl fl N 3. ., 1", r I. diP],(k 1.', F)lq,s 3j id 34 .,f th. FuLl j, kef.. ,d" 01:), Ii, I. '- rl' y. r) I id I, L..,,:>-I j. " ttl<' Sill: >1, el',t Cnl'l'I "f L"t 6, BI,-~ ,'\, ,f N("'fH RL.t..,I..'G ~.,;,c.![.) SECTlltJ 3: rh'lle. Iun N.lO )'09"'.1. ,I, r:q th, E""t 1 jilt. (It id] ,t j)] .2e ln't t, th t. tl h. oJ,>t L tll, I .j ._" jd Lut (,: th.nc. rUf' N.ll 36'24"\.1. oilnq tfk N ,rth rlv ) ,t lill' of '",id I"t ()" ,'i:.t"Il'J ot 1')). Jr Lt.t. th. Ill' run S. OJ 07 '11 'E. 36().56 f.. t t ,l oJ 0' i nt <11 d CI.rlj., C!'n, v.' tl' th, :" Lith, " i . h " r oj d i w, u t :, ;) () . J 0 f t..~ l: t, ,:>" i j r, i n t t" i n q I~ t h, :" u' h I 1 'i t 1 i . i. I Jt ,I I I d (,: th.lle, troll d tanq.:nt [It',,ri'l, ()f 1J.86 '51'43"[." III L t, 11'1 oj] nth. ,r\..I)1 lid ,L.rv , j n li "j i I :; I U. h, r 1/ 1 i ' 1 "1 n. 1 ;; t, . ,') 0 f,. t ' r u h " (. n' 1 In' 1.. () f 1 c;. ! j I .' 6 t, t h, p"j'l' ,,f L ,Inrin. lit in'; 1.32'](r, I,.',., I I .nJ ubi,tl t<l r tl.j Ii I:' uf I,'c"rd. 4-0 CANAL VI) /~ ..K""" p.."l ~. {I 03<:<:> Z4 ~ ,5' ~".. f , 7. Wlsr 'J ~ \~ q. t'J ~~ 1.- ~ . \J\ ~. \J ~, 1- ~ ~ ~ 'b. ~ 'b. t' \ \ ~ ~ ((O~7V p~~ ~/ ~~ ~\\ . ,~J' \(~.~~.~.......-z;n;r,..~,cc~~~VSW# "'\.,./ 1,' ,.. '\ . '\. \ 3 .--' ',; I, 7 , ., .. /. I, I, .. > ,/ 4 )~j\/>-iCAr ~00/'~ II '" / l LCC'AT/eN' s..ee TC,i./ In 700' oR/W F#tJ I IIf'''''- plp'e , -':':," 11J '.5{-t~i'", - I () ~ ;,/ I';' 00 . "i' Zcx::>,34. -". -.-.--..-...- ---. \: \. \\J ~ ;;.. ." ,,-.., ..... .N , , , :~~ .PC."i " ,.. ."./ ~-,c ...., ,/ ,,~ ,,}"i Ib 1 , '!> ~(P~ . \ \ \ , \ :""~~ ~~ ~~~ .> \..s- ~CJ.? .;>rd'~, ~~'?~~'~1 , . ~>! .. '. ..~.'/;' / /Cf.() ~ () ()- 'tJ () ~ #<J:' Ii ~ /,/\~<1 t7 ,j-h(/} J' v' .. ,. tt 'f .(' "'~ /J t1 ~'A '<. .J/ !l ?:\.., , ~ '~ ~''1C - ~\9 .. (07:' ," OC " L~) \2. t> \,: .>;.ri ; '] ..j' "'. . 'I: ~/..', ~" i ~.'.I ~/.>. ~', ". "",,- ..~ ~ .~/. /A,I'CJ /" /RON '/P~ {)./,,',5 5 c: CI Ie: I" = ~. ~~E~~ ~ ~ITJ'i '0/\ '~~p ".. J.. . . ;( + ~ "{:,.:'"",,-- _ ,. .1.'1' ~~~C'-c~..:. x:~-:~. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 April 15, 1981 Frank C. Kruppenbacher Swann and Haddock P.O. Box 6.0 Orlando, FL 32802-0640 RE: Foxmoor East Dear Frank, Part of the approval motion, stated and restated several times, was that a performance bond be issued for the drainage work. This bond is to commence upon occupancy of the last lot and have a duration of two years. The present Code does not address this type bond. Therefore, an interpretation is needed to answer such questions as: What type of bond is this, Who issues it, In what amount, How can the City enforce it, How is it to be written, etc. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, ~...~~~~- Donald R. LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator /mh cc: City Manager .L\ \1 ~ I ,.Ill! CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FlORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 MEMORANDUM APRIL 10, 1987 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR SUBJECT: FOXMOOR EAST (Agenda Item B) J. Newlon's letter of April 9, 1987 is asking the Commission to gi~e consideration to the fact that 1.32 acres as drainage tracts meet the requirements of section 14-62 Public Sites and open spaces. See Newlon's attached letter. I have not been able to contact the entire staff on this, but the consensus of those that I did contact was that this area is not suitable for the requirements of 14-62. A monetary equivalent of the 5% would be better. jds Attachment: ",.___~'!I...';~~^ ,,,,,~.,~',.,.-...,,.7"'_'_.~';8 NEWLON a COMPANY, INC. ua. MAL......~/~".OOI"....- Nl ..1CMT' .1LatNlI. ...,.- ..NClI'ftH~ .~T--.. OI'ILANDQ, 1'I..OfIIIDlI'.... ~~-- April 9, 1987 Mr. Donald LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Dear Mr. LeBlanc: We have furnished to the City's Attorneys a copy of the proposed plat of Foxmoor East along with a title certificate. We have previously furnished the City on August 11, 1986 our checks for various fees as follows: Check No. 643, $200.00 Check No. 644, $100.00 Check No. 645, $70.00 Waiver of Subdivision Requirements Review of Replat Recording Fees We are dedicating 1.321 acres of additional property as drainage tracts A ana B which represents 7.61% of the total property platted of 17.37 acres. We respec~fullY request that the City Council give consideration to this dedication in determining any sums due under Sec. 14.62 of the City of Winter Springs Code. There are no protective or restrictive covenants to be recorded with the plat and no bond is due under Sec. 14-45 of the City of Winter Springs Code as no streets are being dedicated to the public. We request that consideration of the plat be placed upon the agenda for the April 13, 1987 meeting. Sincerely, { , I ames H. Newlon resident JHN/n 1~@f&llW[~ APR 9 1987 IS'.. \ 0 Pft\ aa OE WINTER SPRINGa raDcl Development CooRInatG& CITY OP WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1128 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 TIIIphone (305) 327.1100 April 10, 1987 SUBJECT: Land Developme~r~tor Ci ty Engineer 7t fL.../'" Public Sites and Open Spaces, Exception - Section 1.-62 Foxmoor East TO: PROM: Upon reviewing the letter form Mr. James Newlon, Hewlon & Company, Inc. on Foxmoor East dated April 9, 1987, it is noted that the Tracts A and B are drainage easements that appear on the proposed plat. The decision as to whether the City desires to accept these drainage easements as dedicated properties with respect to Section 1.- 62, would have to be decided by the City Co..i.sion. Bear in mind Section 14-~2 (a) aentions that five (5) percent of the gross area shall be dedicated by the owner to the City for parks and recreation purposes. Section 1.-62 (b) mentions that if the development is less than 20 acres, the City Staff may reco..end that the City Council waive the aforesaid requirements in conjunction with approval of the preliminary plan. I am not aware of any Staff recommendations on this matter except that the issue was mentioned in previous aeetings with a co_ent that the City could be monetarily compensated for an equivalency of the five (5) percent require.ent. lab cc: City Manager . . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 i ! 1))~7 April 9, 1981 FROM: City Manager Land Development coordinator~ TO: RE: Foxmoor East - Final Engineering (Agenda Item B) This is a 11.31 acre, 3. - Lot project, zoned R-1AA (one family dwelling district), along South Edgemon Avenue between Bahama Road and Murphy Road. The City Engineer has determined that the Final Engineering is satisfactory as per his letter of March 3, 1981, which is attached. ._ Also attached is his memo dated March 9, 1981, which recommends that the City Commission incorporate the requirement of sidewalks as per Section 1.-119 of the Land Development Code, which is also attached, in their approval of Final Engineering. This can be reflected on the "As-Built" Engineering. As for the retention/detention ponds (swales) it is recommended that the property owners remain totally responsible for maintenance and upkeep of these swales along with all liabilities associated with these swales, but with the additional proviso that an easement be established for the purpose of emergency maintenance over, under, above and through said area. See attached City Engineer memo dated April 6, 1981. Other items of note out of the Land Development Code: Section 1.-43 (a) - Action on Final Development Plan. This states that a Final Development Plan may be approved prior to approval of the Pinal Plat. It is City policy that some work may be done (i.e., land clearing and building infrastructure) prior to recordation of Plat. A building permit will not be issued until the Plat is recorded. Section 1.-62 - Public sites and open spaces. An area equal to five (5) percent of the gross area shall be dedicated by the owner to the City for park and recreational purposes. Five (5) percent in this case is .81 acres. When said development is less than 20 acres this requirement can be waived by the City _' .""'_"'_".~_"""""_':~__"" ,__,. ""'.. . .~.~,'. ",..,_ ,...... -~...~..."..~..,....-..4.~..."'.., ......_... MEMO City Manager April 9, 198'1 Page 2 Commission. It is my understanding that, historically, this waiver has not been granted. Section 14-122 - Stormwater Management - City Engineer used this section for his analysis. Zoning requirements for R-1AA, Sections 44.28 through 44.36- This project meets all the requirements of these sections. Special attention to Section 44.33 - Front, rear and side yard requirements must be adhered to by the builder. /mh .__.,....-"-..-......,..~....---~ .-e\ ~ .... :' ~. ' ". .~, ,~ "Y" ~'ouJ. <>~' --.~,.".i.. CITY OP WINTER SPRINGS, PLOIUDA 1128 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FL()M)A 32708 TtIephone (305) 327-1100 March 9, 1981 SUBJEC'!' : Land Developme~t -, ordinator City Engineer r ~ I!'oxmoor East - dendum to Engineering Drawing TO: FROM: As part of the approval to the Final Engineering, it is -. recommended that a four foot sidewalk that is four inches thick be incorporated in the engineering using 2500 psi concrete. The sidewalks at driveway approaches are to be six inches thick, Reference Land Development Code - Section 14-119. Please incorporate the preceding in the Final Engineering approval to the City Commission. LK/mh cc: City Manager Building Department