HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 03 09 Regular CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 March 6, 1987 TO: City Manager Land Developmen't coordina'tor~ FROM: SUBJECT: Tuscawi lla Uni t 14-B, C i 'ty Acceptance of Improvements and Recorda'tion of Final Plat (Agenda Item E) It is recommended that the lJl'ty accept the improvemen'ts contingent on the Ci'ty Engineer's let'ter da'ted March 3, 1987, and the Fire Departmen tis Departmental Correspondence dated march 6, 1987. Both are a'ttached. J i i i I i .-. It is also recommended tha't the City approve the Final Plat for recordation contingent on receiving the city Attorney's review of the "Notice of Restrictions on Real Es'ta'te, Tuscawilla Unit 14-B", and the Ci ty receiving a Maintenance Bond in the amount of $80 ,000.00. See attached memos dated February 24,1 981, and March 4, 1981. Attachments DL/mh -0'; ~ .1 , '" .""-.. .' ./' .~. .""..',..- XX",.::...",--.. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 March 3, 1987 Mr. Charles H. True, P.E. Senior Vice President Donald W. McIntosh Associates Inc. 2200 Park Avenue North Winter Park, FL 32789 RE: Tuscawilla Unit 14-B - "As Built" Engineering Drawings ." Dear Charlie: An on site inspection was made of Tuscawilla Unit: 14-B on February 23, 1987, to verify the "as built" engineering drawings you have submitted. Some items were noted during the inspection. On sheet 1 of 38, the manhole between lots 234 and 235 on Seneca Boulevard could not: be located. If this manhole does not exist then please provide the proper engineering that reflects the proper configuration of the stormwater piping at this location. , On sheet 2 of 38 at the retention area B/C, the berm had a break near the excavated pond. Water was flowing through this break from this retention area. It will be necessary to permanently repair this break as soon as possible. Lastly, it would be appropriate to designate on the plat who or what parties are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the retention/detention ponds in the project. Please provide this information. Please respond to the preceding comments in writing. If you have any questions, please contact this office. ,- cc: City Manager Land Development Coordinator Building Department Public Works Director LTK/mmh (DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE) Don LeBlanc DEP'T Land Development Coordinator FROM Timothy Lallathin DEP'T Fire SUBJECT Fire Hydrants, Tuscawilla Unit l4-B DATE March 6, 1987 All hydrants in Tuscawilla Unit l4-B were inspected and tested on March 3, 1987. With the exception of one hydrant they all meet the requirements of the Fire Department. Below is the description of the hydrant that did not meet our requirements. 1. Mid-block, Canadice Lane, Lot # 164. The hydrant was found dry. .. ~~/~~ ~othy Lallathin Assistant Fire Chief TJL/pjs ...-~TE~' " A_ ri.t};--\.~. : \I ..1 ~ . '. l , . . 'i. ". .,..~. I'.", , ".. ;. , " TO: F'J<UM: RE: ..... CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 February 24, 1987 City Attorney lAlmi<~nevelCtpmen~ coordinator~ No~ice of ~es~ric~ions on Real ~state, ~uscawilla Unit 14-B Please review ~~e above referenced, which is attached, for content ana validity. Attachment DL/mh I' .,. > ".>ilifA.'-: , ~..1..' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 March 4, 1987 TO: Land Development Coordinator FROM, City Engineer~L~ SUBJECT: Tuscawilla Unit 14-B Maintenance Bond In reference to a letter from Charles H. True, P.E. engineer-of- record, the amount of $80,000.00 for the maintenance bond is considered satisfactory after reviewing the final costs to install stormwater draining, paving and curbs, underdrains, roads and other elements of the stormwater management system. LKjmh cc: City Manager -- SOUTH SEMINOLE & NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY 410 LAKE HOWELL ROAD PO. BOX 1837 MAITLAND. FLORIDA 32751.1837 TELEPHONE (305) 628.3419 February 19, 1987 The regular Authority Board meeting was held on Thursday, February 19, 1987 at the Authority Board Office. The chairman, David A. Johnston, called the meeting to order at 9:06 a.m. Those present were: David A. Johnston, Chairman Marilynne E. Davis, V. Chairman OLoJen Sheppard John Torcaso Philip Kulbes James Bible City of Winter Park City of Maitland City of Casselberry City of Winter Springs City of Winter Springs Seminole County Others present were: ""'""'-- Hoyt Owens Thomas L. Lothrop Cooper Curtis City of Winter Park City of Orlundo Citv of Orland8 The minutes of approved as written. the January 15, 1987 board meeting were QLD BUSINESS Bond~t.lorney Fee The chairman briefed the members of the Board's displeasure in the handlIng of the bond closing by the attorney representing Bryant, Miller & Olive, and what had since transpired. The Board had taken a position wanting a 25% reduction in the bond attorney's fee. The Authority has received a letter enclosing a .,_ch.Ej~::L-for $5,000 a.S an appropriate good faith arljt.J.strne:it. The total fee was $25,000 witholJt pocket expenses and this $5,000 represents 20%. .-. To put a close to this matter, a motion was made by Marilynne Davis and seconded by John Torcaso to accept the $5,000 check. Hearing no discussion, all members voted unanimously to accept the check from the bond attorney. For the reec)l-d, the chairman indicated that the attorney handling our bond closing is nolo n q e r ~v i t h the f i ,- m . A I 1 f e I t t hat LVe h a vet i3 d fin e reI at ion s wit h Bob 0 1 i '/ e ' s fir. m i nth e p a '3 t; t 1"; e ,. e f C 1- fi". the Executive Dir-ectoi- ,'Jas directed to t.JI'.ite a letter to Fk.'t; Oli.'e statinr:l that an',: futur-e bondir:g He may ha./E:' ('J:;? eel tai.i:l'. ~.Ii 11 con sid E.' r the mas the bon d a t t 0 I n e 'y' . I t was a Iso n c; t e d t 11 a t f'h'. Olive had stated that in an'v' futur-e transactions, he vJOuJd be the one assigned to the Authority. Authority Board Minutes -2- February 19, 1987 WinterSprinqs Connection Mr. John Torcaso stated that now is the time that Winter Springs should get into the Iron Bridge sewage capacity since they are expand i ng in Winter Spr i ngs and there will be -no sel.o<Jage capacity. Winter Springs has been sitting on the Board and not getting anything out of it as far as MGD is concerned. What can be done to get Winter Springs capacity, ~s legally they are in the defined area of the Iron Bridge plant and service area? Discussion ensued by the members and should be done. The allocated flow of 1 MGD Winter Springs in the Facility Plan of 1979 Mr. Rockett noted that the original projection hooking into the system was 1990. attorney as to what which was promised has been used up. of Winter Springs At this time, Jim Bible, representing Seminole County, noted that even if Winter Springs writes a letter to connect there would be no place to go. All the entities had an opportunity to participate in the Iron Bridge expansion and only Winter Park, Seminole County and Orlando elected to participate. Contracts have been made (Amendment IV) allocating all of the effluent disposal that is now being built in the expansion. Mr. Torcaso did not know of this opportunity being in existance at the time It was made in 1986. Only way Winter Springs could become part of the system would be if there was further expansion 01 one of the three entities who are involved with this expansion would want to sell an allocation to them. Discussion continued regarding capacity and what happened in the early years of the formation of the Authority. Mr. Torcaso wi 11 bring this matter to his commissiorl and the next appropriate step would be that the city write the Authority stating they want to begin to participate and we would then start the process and look at the records and the necessary steps needed to be taken, including the analysis of the expansion. NE 0L t3_!::!~LNs2~ !,,)io1~r __E.@,.CJ.<_ Estates EmerqencyQ.i scharge Mr. We s t ex p,l a i n e d t hat the Aut h 0 r i t y has r e c e i '.' e d are que s t from the City of'tJinter Pad< ~vith relation to theil- op;::,>ration at Winter Park Est~tes plant and its possible problems that may occur with a DER requirement that they install an ernel-gency overflow connection into the Winter Park/Authority pump station. The letter included a draft of the special permitting cO;1ditions, which was read by the Executive Director. This permitting would include a statement that no surcharge be levied bv the Autl-,OI-j ty for discharging of this treated wastewater and will not be Authority Board Meeting -3- February 19, 1987 construed as additional flow for the purpose of assessing penalties or determine whether Winter Park has exceeded allocated capacity through the Authority or at Iron Bridge. Mr. West noted that this had been referred to the attorney for his review and possible development to make methods more clearer, etc. Mr. Owens, City of Winter Park, explained this discharge and what they have been doing. He noted that there had been verbal instructions from DER which needed to be cleared up which have been corrected, and that more capacity has now been developed and that the emergency discharge likelihood has been lessened. The attorney requested several items to help him in his review: (1) define what is an emergency that will accelerate discharge at the Bongart location; (2) what specific place in our system is going to meet the needs of that emergency from the standpoint as to site of inflow; (3) who are the parties involved in the decision making process; (4) at what level is volume triggered; (5) does our agreement adequately cover the situation, or should a special permitting agreement be made, etc. Mr. Bible suggested that Winter Park present their program outlining what they will be doing to decrease the potential of future occurrences. There may also be a potential of other plants having the same occurrences; therefore a plan should be developed to meet all possibilities for all the entities. The administrative staff was directed to work on a proper amendment or agreement for discussion at a future meeting. REPORT_~ Attorney Mr. McIntosh noted that he will meet with the Executive Director and Consulting Engineer after this meeting to discuss the implementation of the penalty clause and how these funds will be utilized and administered and to define what is an occurrence, etc. Mr. McIntosh stated that he had been in communication with the Seminole legislative delegation and they are ~illinq to listen to us to modify our Enabling legislation where and if necessary. We wi 11. of course, get the work pl-oduct bacl; to the Board before going before the delegation. The." ha,'e indicated this matter is -'c:f significance whereby they will be qlad to handle it fully oaiappearances in the local community and in Tallahassee. The Executive Director and Chairman of the Board would make such a presentation. t:Q n s _'=!.L t iI2.9-_~Qgj, nee 1- The b"o it~ms for discussion ."ill be y-efel'r-ed to the E:<E'cutive Dil-ector:ln his repor-t and the consulting enqinc..oE"r' (Jill _. Authority Board Meeting -4- February 19, 1987 reserve comment at that time. Executive Director Mr. West informed the board members of the investigation that was asked at the last month's board meeting of the probable costs involved to install the Venturi meter at the master meter to show if the magmeters are accurate or not. The figure that the consulting engineer and the Executive Director came up ~'iith was between $75,000 and $85,000 to be installed. Material items would be minimal but the major cost would be the contractor's labor in digging out the pipe system and cutting in and building a vault around the Venturi meter fittings themselves. It is a concern that the entities are paying more than they believe they should to Orlando and the purpose of this Venturi meter is to look at a way to get a more accurate reading. It is not a replacement for a magmeter. it is to be used as a calibration device because one of the biggest questions about calibrating our meters is that you are doing an electronic calibration and not calibrating the actual measuring element. The members were told how Dade County solved their problems by purchasing these Venturi meters. Mr. Rockett stated that it is the best technology available now to calibrate an actual flow condition thl-ouqh the magmeter-. After a lengthy discussion, the Executive Director was asked to make a complete report in writing to each member entity which should include more definitive information, inclusion of the Miami trip findings, and discussion with Orlando and their feelings about the matter. This would then be continued for discussion at a future meeting. Mr. West brought the board up to date r-egal-dinq their direction to the attorney and Mr. West in which they were to proceed on the damage claim against the contractor doing the work on University Boulevard. This has proven successful and the Authority received payment in the amount of $1,301.13 last week. The installation authorized last month, days. of covers at Winter Par!, Central and should be finished within the next vias h\lo _ ~i:tY_....QL_O cla n do Tom Lothrop, City of Orlando, briefed the group on the TAC meeting held February 18th, and the progress in the e~<pansiOll, etc. at Iron Bridge. He mentioned that Orlando received 3 letter - Authority Board Meeting -5- February 19, 1987 from EPA denying the pre-award costs request. They were quite surprised about the denial; however, there were no guarantees. Orlando has responded and will continue to follow up on this. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:22 a.m. Submitted by: Approved by: ./ David A. Johnston Chairman WTA-87-039 ~R, OF D. R. MITCJ..IcLL'S SURVEY'OF 2 '8D- ~ I.,S i) "J~C. .oi . IN seCTION .3,9 t 10, TWI? 21.s.~ RGE.JOE. IN C L , COUNT;; FLORIDA I 0" ,'.5wlk 2 )o.a," .!ltJ .-Ie ...... 1", 7 ~, -b. 4TFIELD I STONER ~ ) ,0. 35<:0 ~2. .'.o~,.:c 10 LAND .5UI2VEYORS "- It) ., \) Z Q Q .... OC7"O/!!!ICl!2 19S~ \) 1.60-le ... ~ "? .. '" SCALe: /"=200' . '" ... .... .14/ Q '" '< . l=o"MDc)L ~" " ~; !~ '" ~ .3 Q ~ <:> .. 1.!J'Ac " ~ 1t.'AP\ 3ZC..4!1 ; .. " 4 3 2 .,0 < \l . ..' " <:> oj 100 8~ " " ~X I..S T\ t-\ l\ ~ ~ (j 4 ;;; l."iiAc (i 2.8Z, 'PT"bK- 12. 1'~ 3 ~ / ~r~\~/L.!~~ ~B~I) L A l' E .~ \ POND 1I1~. ,." I'~' March 9, 1987 Mayor John V. Torcaso and City Commission Winter Springs, FL 32708 On or about December 8, 1986, you granted to me permission to locate my Fruit and Vegetable Stand on the corner of State Rd. 4.34 and Wade for a period of 90 days. My time has expired and I would like to have it extended indef- inately. The police, and building department and County Health Dept. have been by and inspected and find nothing wrong. Thank you. y~;: fJ ' Roger Downing ~ ~0hCD 7! 9(17 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 March 6, 1987 TO: City Manager L d D I t - d" t @ an eve opmen coor ~na or FROM: SUBJECT: Foxmoor East, F'inal Engineering (Agenda Item D) This is a 17.37 acre, 34 Lot project, zoned R-1AA, along South Edgemon Avenue between Bahama Road and Sunset Drive. The Ci ty Engineer has determined that the Final Engineering is satisfactory as per his letter of March 3, 1987, which is attached. In the same letter he recommended that the retention ponds (swales) be maintained by the City but all liabilities associated with these ponds remain with the individual property owners who own all or portions of these ponds. The Lots included in the recommendation are Lots 1 through 10, 21 through 26 and 27 through 32. A question regarding Final Plat recordation has arisen. A complete package, in accordance with Chapter 14, Section 44, was not submitted. This section is also attached. Attachments DLjmh . . ~~~).~' - r.!-8~' . Ijl . ' " ~- 'j" '-~ .,... :..~ ~;,)r CITY OP WINTER SP1lINGS, FLORIDA 1126 STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 327Cl8 TIIephone (305) 327-1800 March 3, 1987 TO: Land Development Coordinator FROM, City Engineer{?--- SUBJECT: Foxmoor East - Final Engineering The revised Final February 27, 1987, satisfactory. Engineering for Foxmoor East was received on has been reviewed and determined to be It is recommended that the retention ponds (swales) be maintained by the City but all and any liabilities associated wi th these ponds remain with the individual property owners who own all or portions of these ponds. / LK/mh cc: City Manager Building Department .... SEMINOLE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH UNIT Board of County Commissioners Seminole County A Cd) C:' \:1:(7 , ., ,J~. <:. 240 WEST AIRPORT BLVD. SANFORD. FLORIDA 32771 April 6, 1987 ClTY ()f ViihlE.h ~PRINGS: Land Development Coordinate>n Mr. Jim Newlon 5104 N. Orange Blossom Trail Suite 206, Rosemont Bldg. Orlando, FL 32810 I" / r ~/. (,; r'I" . .'-. .... ....._.. C', r::.l'~ t. " Re: PROPOSED FOXMOOR EAST (PROJECT 8629) EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA c.r:::~~ ~i'N!--"_~'.._~ Dear Mr. Newlon, - This letter is to specifically address the problem of sewage disposal for Lots 3 through 10, 14, and 16 of the above men~ tioned project. It is my understanding that a sewer line is available to serve said lots but public sewer capacity is not available. If a public sewage system does not meet the criteria of "available" as defined in 10D-6.42 (7) FAC, an alternative would be the use of onsite sewage disposal systems. Based on data furnished to this department by BJM Associates and Stephen Berry, P.E., dated December 29, 1986, the following has been determined: (1) Said lots meet the minimum net 1/4 acre size require- ments for septic and public water use. (2) Do to soil conditions, certain lots (7, 10, 14, and 16) may require modification and/or fill per lOD-6 FAC). (3) Requirements for installation of systems may vary at time of permit applications (onsite soil analysis by department personnel). (4) The specific lots mentioned can be approved for septic use provided all requirements of 10D-6 FAC are met on a lot by lot basis. -. NOTE: Regarding homes. located to the east of proposed lots; this department has not received any adverse reports concerning the functioning of those existing wells and septic tanks. VI Page 20 If there are any questions regarding this matter, you may call this office at 322-2724. Sincerely, Richard alemi Supervisor mle cc: Richard Rozanski 1126 E. S.R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Russell A. Miller, R.S., M.S.E.H. Director of Environmental Health - --