HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 05 11 City Commission Regular Minutes
MAY ll, 1987
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Mayor John V. Torcaso at 7:30 p. m.
Roll Call:
Mayor John V. Torcaso, present
Deputy Mayor William A. Jacobs, present
City Manager Richard Rozansky, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Cindy Kaehler, present
Arthur Hoffmann, present
Philip A. Kulbes, present
Martin Trencher, present
For the invocation, Commisisoner Trencher asked for a moment of silent prayer.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to approve the minutes of April 13 and May
4th with an amendment to the minutes of May 4, Page 2, fourth paragraph, add:
"it was announced that another public hearing will be held by the Commission to
review comments from the State prior to final action on these amendments."
Seconded by Commissioner Trencher. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner
Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; motion carried.
Public Input:
Mrs. Catherine Case, Burgos Road, spoke about a senior citizen center for the City
of Winter Springs. She spoke about the City of Sanford and the City of Winter
Springs being removed from the list of recipients of the grant and she also said
the senior citizens would like the use of the Civic Center one day a week. When
this is possible, after the summer recreation program, Mrs. Case said she would
like to have an open house on a Sunday and invite all the senior citizens and
then start the program.
Mrs. Juanita Blumberg, Winter Springs, spoke about the proposed route of the
expressway and that it is proposed to go right through her house and property and
the property of the Kingsberry's. She gave the Mayor and Commissioner pictures
and requested a resolution be drawn up and sent to the Expressway Authority asking
for the expressway to be moved northeastward approximately 500 feet.
Mr. John Casselberry, General Manager of Casselberry Gardens, Inc., asked the
Commission if they had any questions regarding the rezoning of a 45 acre parcel
of land in the City of Casselberry.
Public Hearing for Ord. No. 367, amending Article XIV, Planned Unit Development
Zoning; providing for the adoption of Art. XIV, Part B, etc. Second Reading:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 367 by title only on second reading.
The following changes were discussed:
Page 17, patio homes and townhouses- it was suggested to put in "townhouses have a
minimum of 3 units in a group" and to delete the words "lot line walls" under
Definitions 21.
Definition 12, delete "adjoining and parallel to the lot line".
Regular Meeting, City Commission, May 11, 1987
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On page 3, there was discussion of defining the height of a story. Attorney
Kruppenbacher suggested the following: "Nothing herein shall permit the
construction of a unit or combination of units in excess of 35 feet."
On Page 4 item 4c there was discussion of open space, and Page 5 item m, there
was discussion of dedicating 20 useable acres. The City Attorney suggested the
following: for each residential P.U.D. a minimum site of useable and contiguous
acres shall be delegated for the purposes of education and recreation. Said
amount of land shall be determined by the City Commission, not to exceed 20 acres
per 500 units.
On Page 8, item 13, refers to Chapter 14 and add "of the City Code", and wherever
that appears thereafter.
On Page 9, item 14, add the word "conditions" after covenants.
On Page 14, item 2c (Sec.44.85.ll) change the word article to "section". The City
Attorney said not to make this change.
On Page 15, item 4, change the word effected to "affected."
Commissioner Jacobs spoke against Item f on Page 4.
Mayor Torcaso recessed the Commission Meeting and opened the Public Hearing. No
one spoke for or against the ordinance. Mayor Torcaso closed the public hearing and
reconvened the Commission Meeting.
Attorney Kruppenbacher suggested the ordinance be adopted with the changes on pages
8, 9 and 15 being grammatical and minor technical changes and with regard to those
substantive issues, have us bring back to you a revised one at the next meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kulbes to adopt Ord. No. 367 as delineated by our
City Attorney. Seconded by Commissioner Kaehler. Discussion. In discussion Commissioner
Trencher commented he could not support the ordinance as it would preclude any
developer from developing a planned unit development. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Jacobs, no; Commissioner Trencher, no; Commissioner Kaehler, aye;
Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Kulbes, aye; motion carried.
Braewick of Tuscawilla Final Plat Approval:
Motion was made by Commissioner Kulbes to approve the final plat of Braewick of
Tuscawilla. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye;
Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; motion carried.
First Reading of Ord. No. 379, Vacation of Drainage Easement- Wayne Miller:
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to authorize the City Attorney to read Ord.
No. 379, 380 and 381 by title only on first reading. Seconded by Commissioner
Kulbes. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner
Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner
Trencher, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. NO. 379, Ord. No. 380 and Ord. No. 381 by title
only on first reading.
Regular Meeting, City Commisison, May 11, 1987
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City Manager - Richard Rozansky:
Tentative FY 87/88 Budget - Manager Rozansky spoke about the Budget calendar (attached
to the minutes). He asked the Commission if they would consider the salaries and
benefit package during the month of May, then they could be incorporated into the
tentative budget and discussed during a workshop meeting.
Recreation Program (Summer):
Glenn Whitsett, Recreation Director discussed the summer recreation program.
He discussed the schedule of activities, registration and transportation.
There was discussion of allowing only two children from one family, and it was
decided to allow as many members from one family on a first come first serve basis.
It was also decided to allow the children to bring their lunches to Boardwalk &
Baseball and they would be allowed to eat lunch on the bus. As for needy children,
six will be allowed per session.
Absence of City Manager:
Motion was made by Commissioner Kulbes that we approve the naming of the Chief of
Police as the acting city manager in the absence of the City Manager. Seconded by
Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hoffmann, aye;
Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye;
Commissioner Kaehler, aye; motion carried.
Winter Springs Water & Sewer:
Computer (Billing Program):
Manager Rozansky said we are going ahead with the well project. Commissioner
Trencher asked that a statement be added to the water bills - "Say no to drugs".
Manager Rozansky said we are in need of a new computer billing program as the
present one will not accommodate the new tax for non residential users which is
to start July 1. We are looking at a program that will be compatible with IBM.
Manager Rozansky said he will be reviewing two proposals and will give the Commission
a memo.
Police Department:
Equipment Standardization Change-Weapons:
Motion was made by Commissioner Trencher that we authorize the City Manager to
buy 26 new Smith and Wesson 9MM semi-automatics #659 to replace the current Smith
and Wesson 357 revolvers at a cost of $8,840.00 to be found in the budget at his
discretion. Seconded by Commissioner Kulbes. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; motion carried.
On the street lights on SR 434, Florida Power is waiting for approvals from D.O.T.
The City has received the signed agreements back from CSX Railroad for the crossings
at Tuscora and Vistawilla Drive.
Discussion of impact fees followed.
Regular Meeting, City Commisison, May 11, 1987
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Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs that we put the inter-local agreement and
impact fees on the Agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Trencher. Discussion. Vote on
the motion: Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner
Trencher, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; motion
Attorney Kruppenbacher asked the City Clerk to obtain a copy of the existing ordinances
on the moratorium of impact fees. Mayor Torcaso called a five minute recess and the
tape recorder was put on hold. When the Clerk returned, the meeting was back in order.
Therefore, there is a portion of the meeting that was not taped.
Attorney Kruppenbacher spoke about the lawsuit with Florida Public Utilities and
said he would bring back a finalized agreement at the next meeting.
Commission Seat I - Cindy Kaehler:
Commissioner Kaehler asked about the drainage easements on Oak Road. Commissioner
Kaehler also spoke about the property around the pond on Fruitwood Avenue and
dedicating the property to the homeowners. She also spoke about some rottweilers
running around the Ranchlands causing problems.
Commission Seat II - Arthur Hoffmann:
Commissioner Hoffmann asked the status of the mapping program; welcomed Mr. Gil
Artman back after his accident, and he said the residents along Northern Way have
commented about the Georgetowne Project which has been under construction. They
have asked if we could hasten their building of the wall along Northern Way to hide
the construction site.
Commissioner Hoffmann suggested we start condemnation proceedings against the owners
of the Indian Ridge project. Commissioner Hoffmann also spoke about the list of
employees provided by the Personnel office and asked if it could be indicated on the
list the new employees and also the names of those removed.
Commissioner Hoffmann also spoke about Election Precincts 94 and 50, and asked if the
City Attorney knew what proceedings are necessary to have the precinct lines changed.
Commissioner Hoffmann also spoke about the call from Mr. George Weigle who is un-
happy about the sign at Greenbriar. In reference to the Expressway, Commissioner
Hoffmann noted that one of the routes would cut off SR 419 and allow local access only.
He has written a letter to the Expressway Authority telling them not to do this.
Commission Seat III - Philip A. Kulbes:
Commissioner Kulbes spoke about ballfields in our City and asked the Recreation
Director and City Manager to check with the developer of Tuscawilla to see if the parks
in that area could be developed into playing fields for the citizens of Winter Springs.
Commissioner Hoffmann noted that when the expressway comes in there will be lands
that will not be useable for anything else and possibly that will provide suitable
land for ballfields.
Commissioner Kulbes spoke about a senior center. He said he would like to have
every Thursday set aside for senior citizens at the Civic Center and have the 9th
of August set aside for open house. Mayor Torcaso said he would have a resolution
prepared for the next meeting.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, May 11, 1987
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Commissioner Kulbes also spoke about the grant, and the actions taken at the Council
of Local Governments meeting in reference to appointing three members to a charter
advisory committee.
Motion was made by Commissioner Trencher that we as a Commission, based upon
Commissioner Kulbes' report, make a motion to put the CALNO issue on the Agenda.
Seconded by Commissioner Hoffmann. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner
Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Kulbes, aye; motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Trencher that this Commission decided to withdraw
its membership from CALNO based on the Commission's understanding that CALNO no
longer represents the interests of municipalities. Seconded by Commissioner Kaehler.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye;
Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
motion carried.
Commission Seat IV - William A. Jacobs:
Commissioner Jacobs said he would like to see some recommendations from the City
Manager as to what different options the City should pursue for a senior citizen center.
Commission Seat V - Martin Trencher:
Commissioner Trencher commended Glenn Whitsett for his work on the Recreation Program
last year and for this year's program. He said the City has made tremendous progress
in recreation and social programs, and he gave his personal thanks to Mr. Whitsett
for all his efforts.
Mayor's Office:
Mayor Torcaso read the letter from Mrs. Mildred L. Ellsworth thanking the Public
Works Department for their fine work in keeping the community looking nice.
Motion was made by Commissioner Trencher to place Ord. No. 382 and Resolution No. 572
on the Agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye;
Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hoffmann, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to read
Ord. No. 382 and Resolution No. 572 by title only. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Kulbes, aye;
Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 382 in its entirety.
Motion was made by Commissioner Trencher to adopt this ordinance as read by the City
Attorney under the rules of the emergency ordinance statute. Seconded by Commissioner
Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner
Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner
Kaehler, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 572 by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Trencher to approve Resolution No. 572. Seconded by
Commissioner Hoffmann. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Kulbes, aye;
Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye;
Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; motion carried.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, May 11, 1987
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Al Girda, Oak Forest, spoke about the polling place for Precinct 76.
Commissioner Hoffmann spoke about changing the precinct lines for those precincts
that run into another City.
Attorney Kruppenbacher asked the Commission, if in the event he thinks it appropriate
to file suit against the County to attempt to block their transportation impact fee
ordinance, do we have the authority of the Commission to do that and Commission
was in agreement.
Meeting was adjourned 10:10 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk
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