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2009 09 28 Regular 605 Appointment/Reappointment To The South Seminole And North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority
COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 605 September 28, 2009 Regular Meeting REQUEST: Informational Consent Public Hearings Regular X gr. / Dept. Authorization The City Manager requests that the City Commission consider making an Appointment/Reappointment to the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority for the City's Representative and Alternate to the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority. PURPOSE: The South Scniinole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority has requested that the City of Winter Springs consider making an Appointment/Reappointment to this Committee for the position of Representative and possibly an Alternate. CONSIDERATIONS: On September 22, 2009, the City received correspondence from the South Seminole and North Orange (bounty Wastewater Transmission Authority requesting that the City of Winter Springs make an Appointment/Reappointment: • Mr. Donald Gilmore has currently been serving in the capacity of Representative to the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority. At this time, the City Conunission should consider whether Mr. Gilmore should be Reappointed, or whether another individual should be Appointed as the City's Representative CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING -SEPTEMBER 28, 2009 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM "605" PAGES 2 OF 2 • The City oC Winter Springs can also Appoint an Alternate to the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority. Currently, the City has not recently Appointed someone to serve as the City's Alternate • Regular Board meetings for South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority are scheduled for the fourth Thursday of each month, beginning at 9:00 A.M., in the Authority Board Office located at 410 Lake Howell Road FUNDING: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Commission make an Appointment/Reappointment to the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority and if interested, an Alternate Appointment to the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority. ATTACHMENTS: A. A copy of a letter from Mr. Stephen F. Miller, Executive Director of the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority, dated September 21, 2009 B. Enacting Legislation related to the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority C. Florida Stu~utes 189.415 D. Florida Stnlutes 189.417 E. The latest South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority Comprehensive Annual Financial Report F. South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority Meeting Schedule for 2009/2010 COMMISSION ACTION: ATTACHMENT «A~~ September 2 l , 2009 Ms. Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk. City of Winter Springs l 126 E. State Road 43~ Winter Springs, F! 32708 SUBJCT': Authority Board Representative Term. of Office Expiration Dear Ms. Lw•enzo-Luaces, "Chic letter is to advise you that i~~ accordance with Senate Bill No. 1341, Chapters 78-617, Enabling Legislation, the four {4) year term of office for Donald Gilmore, Authority Board Member, appointed by the City of Winter Springs, expires September 30, 2009. Please notify the Authority as soon as the City of Winter Springs has made a new appointment/reappointment. Should you laave any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Si relv~. r... Step n it Exec tive Directcxr WTA-2009-9-21 .: ~_ ~ ~ ssnacwta'tta?cfl.rr.cum ~ _.,,,~ ATTACHMENT «B» CHAPTER 76-617 LAWS 0i iLORIDA CHAPTER 7B-61T ' CHApTER•78-617 • Senate Bill No. 131 AN ACT creating the South Seminole and North Oringe County wastewater ?ransmisslon Authorltyr declartnq the intent and purpose of said acts providing a~legal description of the authority's boundary and a method o! modlEylnq the boundary lines provldinq for a governing board • providing deElnitions~ prescribing the purpose and porters of the authority= providing for the issuance of revenue bonds! providing a method Eor charging for services performed1 requiring customer^ to provide a method to pay for services received providing penalties Eor nonpayment providing Eor sealed Dlds Eor contracts for construction or imprbvementsf prohibiting free wastewater transmission services! providing Eor conveyance of property to the authority without conslderatlon= providing for cooperation with other governmental units, boards, and agencies and individuals providing for covenant of the state not to alter or limit the rights and powers of the authority! providing Eor exemption of the authority from tsxations providing for exemption of the authority trove certain regulations/ providing Eor deposit of money received) provldinq Eor sale of surplus property provldinq for lJberal construction and sevecabillty~ provldinq an_ effective date. Bc It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of iloridat Section 1. Short title.--This act may M knbvn and cited as the South Seminole and North Orange County Waatevater Transmission Authority Act. Section 2. Intent and purpose.--It is hereby declared to be the intent of the Leglslature that the beat interests of the public health, safety, and welfare within the boundaries of the South Seminvle and North Orsnge County wastewater Tranawlssion Authority, hereinafter created, necessitate the Formation of a~separate locsl agency of the government with powers designed to meat the particular needs of said area In raletionshlp to transmission of wastewater to the Regional Savage Treatment Plant. The wastewater is to be received Erom the retail collection systems owned and operated by the munlclpelitles, counties and others and transported by the authority through its fscilities to the Regional Sewage Treatment Plant which Is to be owned and operated by others. It is the intent that the authority created herein be limited in its powers, cesponsibilitles. facllltles and scope of operation and maintenance activltlea 1n order to avoid duplication of operating and maintenance personnel, equipment, and facilities with those ezistinq of the represented sponsoring .governments. It is further the intent of the Legislature that needs be met in such a way as to cause minimum damage to the area's resources and environment and prevent additional environmental problems from being created, ss wall as providing solutions to existing problems. Maximum use of ezlstinq systems shall De Mde whenever feasible and consistent with the purposes of this act. it !s also the' intent of the Leglslature that current and long rs^qe planning shall be earrled out so that required services ace ode available at the lowest possible cost as the characteristics of the area change. In order to carry out the Intent expressed herein the 3~8 OP •suthority shall have the right to acquire, hold. finance, construct, waintatn, operate, ovn or lease in the capacity of lessor or lessee a 'yaetewate~ transsission systew except as atherwlse provided in this act and to grant such additional rights and powers as hereineEter :eenferrad. • ~ Section 3. boundaries.--'i'hece !s hereby created and established a +'" political subdivision of the state to be known as the South Sewlnole rr~~,~ North Orange County Nastewater Transmission Authority, i;"~~~ieinsfter referred to as the authority, vhlch shall ewbrace and `i~`~,.include portions of the unincorporated areas of orange and Seminole ~•;~':tounty. Florida, and portions of the incorporated areas of the City i~'P' eE Maitland, tha City of Hinter Park, the City of Casselberry, and •'~~'the City of Hinter Springs, Florida, as folio«as •, ;£; . !-•`' Begin at the 5N Corner of the SE 1/4 of the SN l/4 of Section 12, a 'lornship 22 South, Range 29 Eastn run thence East 3/4 wile to the SE '•~.tQOrner of said Section 12; also being the SM[ corner of Sectlan 7, :~ Township 22 South. Range 30 Eastn thence East 982.1 feet along the '~•/oath line of said Ssctlon 7 to a point 129 feet Sast of the NM "~•eorner of Lot 44, Block 35 of Beverly Shorss as recorded !n Plat Book •. Q~ Page 44 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florids= thence ` Bouth 158.bb feet to a point on the North line of Nottinghaw 1lvenue ~`;`-• 129 feet East of the SE corner of Lot 43 of Bald Block 35f thance ~:{' Southeasterly along the East line of Nottingham Avenue 238 Eest wore `°•'er lass to the centerline of the abandoned Sesboard Coastline • ltailroadf thence Northeasterly along said centerline 255.5 feet to ,'~y,"~'the Last line of the NN 1/4 of the NN 1/1 of Section 18, Township 22 •<, South, Rsnge 30 Eastn thence South to the SN corner of the NE 1/4 of "~~•the NN 1/4 of Bald Section 18- thence East 1/4 mlls'to the SE corner ~" et the N8 1/1 of th! NM 1/4 of Bald Ssctlon 1B, thence South 1/4 Wile to the SN corner of the SN 1/4 of the NB 1/1 of said Section 18n '•~ thence East along the South line of said SN 1/4 of the NE 1/4 to a ~•' point 435.7 feet Nest of the SE corner of the SM 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of •<~'said Ssctlon 18t thence Southwesterly to the SFl corner of Lvt 8, :T~ dock C of the Ripples as recorded in Plat Book 5, Paga 26 of the c`.`.r~Pnblle Records of Orange County, Floridan continue thance r~••tauthwesterly 289 feet wore or less to the mouth of 'Spring Branch` •, at Lake Suer thance Southeasterly along said 'Spring Branch' 566 Eeet ••~'~~•: to the center of a concrete `Y' in the center of said "Spring r••, (ranch"j thence N 76°36'E 88 feet! thence S 86°30'E 693.86 feet to a point on the East right of way line of l~linter Park Roadl thence North ~~••along said right of way line 581.3 fact wore or less to a point 20 ,~~•feet South of the NN corner of Block !< of Parklando No. 2 as recorded :~~: in Plat Book N, Page IS of the Public Records of Orange County, `%,~tloridan thence East 632 Eeet wore or less tv a point on the Eaat 'R~lins of said Block !~ thence North 20 feet to the NE corner of sold •~,'.'~~:Rloek Pj thence North 329.5 feet to the N6 corner of the SE 1/4 of a~,eection 18, sownshlp 22 South. Range 30 Eastn thence N 89° 09'40' E •~"110 feet to a point 54.78 Eest East of the SN cornsr of Lot 15 Block ~. o[ Quail Hollow as recorded !n Plat Book 3, Pages 53 i 54 0l the 1~.~ tvblic Records of Orange County, Floridan thence S 49°40'2S` E 124.86 ••s~~'•Eest to the South corner of said Lot 15, thence N 16°43' E 86.2 teem •~~i'thence S 89P09'40' M 0.3 feats thence N 0°55'49• E 175 [Bet to the SN ~,eorner of Lot 1$ of said flock Dn thence N 89°09'40' E 230 feet to ,the SE corner of Lot 11 of said Block Dn thence South 175 feet to •tbe BM corner aE E 1/2 of the SN I/4 of the Ntii 1/4 of Section 17, `~ewnshlp 2Z South, Range 30 Easti thence East 1/8 alle to the SE Qerner of the SM 1/1 of the NN 1/4. of said Section l7n thence North' •'12!3.16 feet wore or less to a point 30 feet South of the NE corner ~~i the SN 1/4 of the NM 1/1 of said Section 17n thence East 1/Z wile ~3._ 349 CHAPTER 78-617 _-__-- LAMS 0! ILORIOA CRAFTER 78-617 to a point 30 fact South of the NL carnec•ot the 6M 1/1 of the Nt 1/t oL said Sectlon 17J thence North 30 Pest to sold N~ corner) thrnc• East i/~ •ile to the SC carnet of the NE 1/~ o! the Nlr 1/t of said Section 17r also bring the Sw corner of the NM 1/l'oE the NM I/4 of section I6,• Tovnshlp 22 South, Range 30 East) thence Cast 96 fist more or less to the west tight of ray line of Lakeswnt Avenue, also kno+m as the Urlando-Minter Park Road) thence Southerly along said right of tray line 1/t wile Nora ar less to ^ point 30 feet North and 3O feat west of the SN corner of the NM 1/~ of Sectlon 16, Township 22 South, Range 30 East) thence East 30 fact) thence South 30 test to said Sw corner) thence Bast 3/15 Nile Noce oc leas to khe SE earner aE Lot 2 of Mac Calluat's Subdivision as recorded in Plat look A, Page 98 of the Public Records of Orange County, lloridaJ thence North J/4 mile to the intsrsactlon of the Northerly extension of the East ilne of sold Lot 2 with the South Ilne of the NM•1/~ of the NM 1/4 of sold Section 16J thence Bast 15 Eaet Nore or less to the SB corner of the w 1/2 of the SE 1/t of the Nw ~/R o[ the NM 1/4 of said 6ectlon 16; thence North 1/a stile to the NE corner of the M 1/2 of the SE 1/{ o[ the Nil 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of sold Section 15J thence Most 960 feat more or leas to a point 30 Eeet Bast of the Sw corner of the NM 1/~ of the Nw 1/1 of the NM 1/~i of ssid Sectlon 16, also btidq on tha Boat tight of ray lint of Lakrsont Avenue) thence North 1/16 silt along said right of ray line to a point 30 feet score or less Cast of the Sw corner of the N 1/2 of the Nw 1/~ of the NM 1/~ of the Nw i/4 of sold Sectlon 16; thence East 630 feet Nore or less to the SE corner of the K 1/2 of the NM I/d of the eK 1/1 of th• NM 1/4 of sold Section 16; thence North 330 feet sore or less tv the NE corner of the Ntif 1/~ of Kw 1/4 of the NM 1/~i of sold Section 16J thence East 3/s slle to the NE corner of the NM 1/t of said Section 16J thence South 316.1 Eaet soya or less to the 5M cocner of the N 1/~ of the Nw 1/4 aE the NE 1/t of said 9ecttan 16r thence Cast 1/~ Nile to the SE corner aE the N 1/t of tha NM 1/1 of the NE 1/4 of said section 16, thence South 2336.95 feet tnors or less to the SM corner of the B 1/2 of the Nt 1/4 of said Sectlon 16; thence East 1/~ stile to the 5B corner of the HE 1/1 of said Section 16J amid cocner being the west I/4 corner of Section 15, Township 22 South, Range 30 East) thence Beat to the East 1/4 carnsi of said Section 15, sold point being the west 1/1 corner of Section 14, Tovnshlp 22 South, Range 30 East; thence Bast 1/4 Nile to the SC corner of the Mast 1/2 of the NW 1/1 of said Section 1,J thence South 1/9 mile to the SN cornrr of the North 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the Sw 1/4 of sold Sectlon•111 thence East to the SE corner of the North 1/2 of the NL 1/~ of the SM 1/~ of sold Sectlon 11, sold cornrr bring on the centerline of State Road 15-A, also known as Goldenrod Road; thence North along the centerline of said state Road IS-A to the NM corner of the SC 1/t of said Sectlon 14; thence Cast along the North line of the SB 1/t of ssid Sectlon li, a distance of Il fart ~nora or less to a point 2599.02 fart West of the Cast 1/t corner of ss[d 5tcti~on 1~J thence Southerly and Easterly along the west and South ltnes of Ivanhoe Estates Unit 3 as recorded in Plat look 3, Page 50 of the Public gecords of Oranys County, ['locidaJ to the SE cornet of Lot 12, Block C of said Ivanhor estates, Unit 3J thence Easterly and Northerly aIonq the South and East linaa of Ivanhor Lstatss, Unlt 2, as recorded in Plat Sook 3, Page 46 of the Public Records of Orange County, lloride, to t~hrncs corner of Lot t3, Block B of ssid Ivanhoe Estates, Unit 2J Northerly and Masterly along the fast and North lines of Ivanhoe Batates, Unlt 1 as recorded in Plat Book 2. Psge 129 of the81acki~ Records of Orange County, llorida, to the NM corner of the North line of said Ivanhoe Estates Onlt 1, thence westerly along 5t of aE Ivanhoe Estates, Unlt ~, as recorded !n Plat lyovic 3, Page the Public Record^ of Orange County, -lorida, to the cersterllne o[ 3S0 +~s~J1M'BR 78-617 LAM$ Of ELURIOA CHAPTER 78-617 s. ,. said Start Road 13A1 said centerline bslhg the Wast ling of the NE 1/Q o[ Section 11., To>nship 22 South, Range 30 East; thence Northerly ~••,to the North 1/j corner of laid Section 11, sold point being the . eolith 1/a corner of Section 11. 'Cownahip 22 Soutb, Range 30 East; 1k~s~ thene• ifoctherly alorq the Mast line of the SE 1/a of said Section r, ll~ 1/8 wila eor• of less to the Sw corner oC the North 1/2 of th. SM -,~ l/1 of the 8B 1/1 a[ sold Section !ls thence taaterly along the South ~~?•line to .the SE corner of the North I/2 of the SM 1/+ of the SE 1/4 of !'~- said Section 11! thence Northerly along the East Iine of the Korth 1/2 of the SM 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11, to the NE corner "~•: of the North 1/2 of the 311 1/Q of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11. said ~; point being the Southeast corner of Lot 29 of Laurel Springs Subdivision as recorded in Plat Sook 4, Page 16, Public Records of i~ Prange County, Flotlda; thence Northerly along the East line of said •~' 4surel Spclnq a to the Northeast corner oC Lot 17, Laurel Springs, ~2%:.-said corner being on the North ltne of the SE 1/4 of said Section iii ,~~; thence Masterly along the North line of said Laurel Springs to the centerline of State Road IS-A, said point being the NW corner o: the ~~ it 1/4 of Section Ili thence Northerly along the centerline of Bald ;:~ irate Road 1S-A to the point of intersection with tha centerline of ` rlotlda Technological Univeratty (f.T.U.) Boulevard, thence Easterly .,~.slonq the centerline of said !'. T.U. 9oulevard to the point of :t, intersectioh with tht Esst Iine oC the SE 1/4 of Section 1, Township ~E;, 22 South, Range 30 Eastj thence North along the East line of the SE y~••' 1/4 to the East 1/4 corner of said Section li thence North slonq the ~~,',•last line of the Northeast 1/4 to the NL corner of said Section 1, ""'said corner being on dividing line between Orange end Sewlnole County ~~. ;'~-end also being the Sli corner of Section 31, Township 21 South, Range ;~~ 11 Baat, thence Eaat along the Se~.lnole County-Orange County line to -.t Dean Raed; thence rMorthwssterly aIonq the East right-oC-way line of ~'' Desn Road to the tntersectton of Dean Noad and State Road 4266 thence .. Northeasterly along the Eaat right-oE-way line of State Road 426 to "'" tbs East line of the NE 1/4 of Section 20, Township 21 South, Ranga '`~ 31 Eaat; thence Northerly along the East line oC Sections 20, ~?, B ~i.; ,~~, end S, ail said sections being In Township 21 South, Range 31 East, '- to the Northeast corns[ of said Section 5 said corner being the ~~~ioutheaat corner of Section 32, Tovnahip 20 South, Range 31 East; ~ thence Northerly along the East line of said Section 32 to the South ,i!., shore of Lake Jessup; thtnc• proceeding generally Ylesterly and • 1ortherly meandering along aaid South shore of Lake Jcasup to the ~~~.,Ileat end of Lake Jessup at the mouth oC Soldiers Creak, being a Feint ~-•• 011 the Moses E. Levy Grant line; thence generally Mleaterly along the '-" said ilasea E. Levy Grant line to East right of way Iine of State Rosd ••100 (being U.S. Highway 17-92); thence generally Southerly and ,.;•.,, Masterly along said East right oC way line of State Road 400 to the -lhtersection aE said Bast right of way line with the South right of ~.' ray line of 5ewlnola soulevardr thence Masterly and Northerly along said South right of way line of seminola Boulevard to the East right ." a[ way line of State Rvad 427; thence Southerly and Nesterly along •~~ aaid Eaat right o! way line of State Road 427 to the intersection ~~`'~'~•Mlth the East ri ht of wa line of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad; '';thence Southerly and Mestecly aiang the East right of ray line of ssiQ Seaboard Coastline Railroad right aE way line to the Grange ~''Couhty-Se~nlnole County liner thence Nestsrly along the Orange County- ,,. ~~~ 8ss~inole County line to the Eaat right of way line of Interstate No. ~E;.ti It thence Sautherly elor+g the East right of way line of Said 1Rterstete No. 4 to the lntersectlon with a line defined ea running °-~treen a point 991.11 feet North of the Southwest corner of the `forthwest 1/4 0[ Section 35, Township 21 South, Range 29 East, and e ~ point 991.11 Eset North oC the Southeast corner of the Northeast 1/4 ~;.9t aaid Section 351 khenee Erst along saiQ line to the point 991.11 c,t, , 351 CHAPTER 79-617 LAMS OF FLORldX CBAP4ER 7Q-617 feet North df the Sautheast corner .of tha Northesst 1/4 oar said Section 35t thence East on a 1!•ne parsllil with the South line of section 36, Tawnahip 21 South, Range 29 fast, 662.00 Eeet~ th:nee run South to a paint 662.00 feet East of the Southwest corner of said Section 36t thence Cast along the South lint of ssid Section 36 to a point 1740.4 feet Mest of the [;ast line o[ the Narthreet 1/4 of Section !, Taanahlp ZZ South, Range 29 i:ast, thence South, parallel to said East line, 541 feet= thence Kest, parallel to the North line of said Section I, 231.7 feet mare or less to a point on the i<est lint 36.6 feet South of the Northeast corner of Lot 5, clock C of Lake 9e11 Terrace as recorded in Plat Book v, Page 13 of the public Records of grange County, Florida, thenct Southerly along the Eaat line of said Lake 9x11 Terrace ?43.4T feet to the 5i; corner of Lat 3, Block D; thence >:asterly 125.69 feet to the NE corner of Lot 4 of said Block L?t thence Southerly along the East line of Blocks D, E, and F of said Lake Bell Terrace 551.6 feet to a point 1435 feet South of the North lute of said Section 1; thence East, parallel to acid North line 714.E feet to a point I2.45 Feet South of the North line And 1S7.35 feet East of the Mrst line aE the SE 1/4 of the NM 1/4 of said Section lj thence Southerly to a paint on the 3auth right of ray line of Lee Raad 12Z feet East of the west line of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest i/4 of sold Section I; thence l:aat along the South right of way line of Let Road to its intersection. with the Bast right of wey line of Gay goad; thence South along said right of ray lfne to its interstction with the Narth line of Gay Road to the Easts thence west 101.3 Eeet more ar less to a point on the Northerly extension vE the West line of 91ack E of Killarney Shorts as recorded !n Plat Book Q, Page 135 of the Public Records of Oranga County' tlorida; run thence South 793.9 feat more or less to the SN cornet of said Black E; thence East, along the South line of said Killarney Shores to the SE corner of Lvt S, Block C; thence North 146.36 feet to tha NE corner of said Lot 8; thenct wear 6D feet to tha East right of way line of Robert Avenues thtnct North along said right of wey and iks extension to the Forth right aE way line of Gay aoadt thence Easterly along said North right of Way line to a paint 100 fact Nest of the East line of Lot 3 of Lord's Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book P, Pege 89 of the Public Records of Orange Caunty, Floridat thence North 50 Ferri thence Bast 100 feet more or less to the Last line of said Lot 3, at a point 50 feet North of the North right of way line of Gay Road, thence South along sold Eaat line end the East line of Killarney Shores as recorded in Plat gook 0, Pepe 175, of the Public Records of Orange County, Florida to the NE earner of Got 1, 91ock C of said Killarney Shocea; thence wtst z45 feat more oc less to khe NN cornet of Lot 2 at Block ly of said Killarney Shvrest thenct South 1x6.36 feet to the Sw corner of said Lot 2; thence East 245 feet more or less to the SE earner of Lot 3 of said Block C1 thence South to the SE corner of Lot 7, Block C of L.A. Chase's Addition as recorded in Plat Soak ~, page 73 of the Public Records of Orange County, Florfda; thence Meat 1p0 feeti thence North 115.5 fart parallel to the Cast line of Lats 1 and 2 of Bald 91ock C to s paint 105.5 tact South of the North line of se id Lot It thence west, parallel to the North line of said Block C to a point on the Nest line of Lot .7 of paid Block Gt thence Southerly along the west line of said Lot 7 to the Nw corner of Lot i of C.9. Mendsen's Subdivision as recorded to Plat gook G, Page 143 of the Public Records of Orange County Florida; thence Southerly along thr west line of said ~.8. Mendsen'a subdivision tv a point 25 feet South of the NN corner of Lot 5 of said t:.9. Mendsen'_s Subdlvis[on also being the NN corner of that portion at• Killarney Estates ss recorded In Plat Book K, page 11 01 the Public Records of Orange County, Florida lying in Section 1~ Township 22 South, Range Z9 Easti thence Southerly along the west ?52 ' pi1~t'tEA 7f-617 LAME Gt 1+LORiD11 CIiAPT1:R 75-617 Tina o! said Killareep ifstates to th• South line of said Section lj thence r-e:t to the N11 corns[ at th• NE 1/1 of Section I2, Toxnahip 22 south, Range 29 Lasts thence South along the Hest Iine of said NE 1/4 1790 tact wore or rasa to the i•E corner of Lvt 3, Block C of _ Larndalt, 3rd Addition a• recorded !n Plat Boon L, Paq• 45 of th• tublic pecorda of Oranq• County, Flvrida~ thence west 157 feet to the i1M corner of said Lot 3~ thence South along the Mest line of raid Block C 252 feet Aare of lees to the SK corner of Lot 7i thence Last 110.3 feet to th• SE corner of asid Lot ?~ thanes 5auth along the Mast line of the NE 1/i of Srctien 12, 'foxnship 22 South, Range 29 Rest 325 feet to the NE corner of the S 1/Z of Lot ~, Block i+ of said Laxndale, 3rd Additionp thence Nest 110 Eeet to the Nf~/ corner of the S 1/2 of raid Lot 1~ thence Soutfi 215 feet to the SN carnet of Lot T o[ said Block i'1 thence Last 110 feet tv the St cornet of Lot 9 of said Block f~ throes South 25 feet to the NN cornet of the SE 1/1 of Section 12, Toxnrhip 22 South, Range 29 t:aatt thence South 1/< aiie to the SM corner of the NN 1/1 of the SE 1/1 of se id Section 12, thence west 1/1 wilt to tht Nw corner of the 5e 1/4 of the SYf 1/1 of acid Section 1T~ thence South 1/~ wile to the P.O.B. Section 1. Governing board.-- ~'~4 {1} Seleetton of wewbers. The City of raitland, the City oL ~~~. Casselbetry, the City of winter Springs, the City of Hinter Park, and 8eainole County shall be entitled to representation on the governing '.board. Each governhental entity shall appvlnt one wewber rod one '~ alternate wewber, and the alternate Meaber shall be suthorised by ~,~ each respective entity to act !n all wafters for tf~e aewber during ~._~;; th• absence of the aewber at any duly author[=ed board seating. }~~;.Appointeea shall be qualified electors within the appointing . govstnaental entity. Me~pbers of the board say be elected officials, ~~ ewployees of the respective entities, or citizens residing xfthin the '.. respective entitierl but shall not be s professional engineer, ~.: attorney, or fiscal advisor contracted to provide service to any of `•~' the entities, xhsthar or not the contract is for compensation and ~`'~"' rhsther or not the contract is rrittsni •nd shall not be party to a ~'~' contract to prorids construction or waintenance.for the euthorityj ~~. and shall not ba an eaployea of or owner. of any interest in a privately oxned sever utility. The appointing governwental entities .,;._ say rewove its appointed aewber or slternate aewber frog office at .f`~ any rise without atatewent of cause and say appoint a new member foc •~~;the rewainder of the tars. Members and •ltarnate mewbers say bs ;~ reappointed to successly! terms. A ~nswber or alternate membec not reappointed at the expiration of s tern shall continua to serve ^a e ~• fully authorized masher or alternate aewber untfl reappointed, `:`~ reaoved frog office, or a successor is a ppointed. (2) Representation of board wembera. In all wstters coming before the board, the weight of voter shall bet (a) The first 50 votes shall be divided equally saong board wewbers, plus {b} An additional SO votes shall be divided aawng board aeabers in the proportion that xastewster flax frow each governa»ntal entity beats to tfls total xsatexater flow from all governmental entities. ~Plor frow soy privets utility which la a direct customer of the ~Mtharity shall not be included in date[mining allocation of vvtinq. li a private utility is a cuatowsr of a governwsntal entity and the *overnwental entity is reaponaible tar billing and collecting for authority services rendered to the private utElity, the privets 353 CSApTER 7S-61Y LAMS OF FLORIDA C![ApTER 7R-6I7 uttlity'a wastewater flow shill M Included in determininq the governmental entity's allocation of voter. (c1 Maatewater flaw for determinlnq wsight o[ vating shall be the quantity of wastewater in ons year ending September 30. The proportions ao derived shell determine weight of vot;lnq from October • 1 tv September 30 of the fallowing year. (d) The first year of operation shall begin wheh the Elrat flow of wastewater is transported to tht regional sewage treatwlent plant through eny part of the authority's system and shall end an the following September 30. buring [he first year of operation, the votes that are apportioned by floc shall ba.dlvided as Evllows: 1. City of Minter Springs ............................... 0 Yotes•. 2. City of Casaelbetry ..................................19 Votes. 3. Seminole County ..................................... 6 Votes. 4. City of ttalHand ..................................... 9 votes. 5. City of Minter Pack ......................••••-•~•••.I7 Votes. xn entity with no flow of wastew.t:c in the authority's system shall have none of the votes proportioned by flow but shall share equally !n the first fifty votes. Voting before the beginning of the first yeac of operation shall be by one vote per entity. !or determtninq votes weighted by flow, flow collected by a local eolltetion system owned and operated by a goverrnaental entity shall be attrlbuked to that entity whether or not the raateweter Elow originates in or out of the ~unlcipal or county boundaries of the entity. (3) Date of salectlon. The Eirat board and alternatr members shall be appointed within 30 days aEtec thts act takes effect Eor a term crm~nencing October 1, 1978 and terminatinge (a) !or members appointed by Seminole County, September 30, I9T9. (b) For members appointed by the City of Casselbetty, September 30, 1990. (c) For members appointed by the City of 1»intec Springs, September 30, 1491. (d) For ~nembera appointed by she Clty of Maitland, September 30, 1982. (e) For members appointed by the City of Minter Perk, September 10, 1992. After this Elrst term, terms of office shall be Eour years, terminating an September 30. {~} tilling vacancies. If a member of the boars !s unable to serve for any reason, the entity represented shall, wfthin 90 days after notification of that Inability, appoint • new member or alternate member or both, to serve the remaining term of office- seld notification shalt be addressed to the mayor or,chairmsn of the 351 CilAlT61t Te-6I7 LAMS Qt lLORfDA CHAPTCR 7•-61T board of the [epresented gvvernwental entity and shall be lnltlated s byt (a~ Absence trove tMa consecutive duly authorised weetings of the beard as evidenced by winutes of board weetings, oc ~`'= '~ (b} the wewber's decision of lnabillty to serve. ~~. J.~i' (Sf Selection of officers. The board shall select a ehafrwan end :~ vise chairwan Erow awonq its wewbers at Its first meetings by • wajotity vote, Mho shell serve until the folloMinq Septewber 30, the chairwan and vice chairwan for each succeeding yeac shall be s, siNilarly selected at the Iasi meeting of the board that precedes -' 6aptewber 30. The chairwan shall conduct and cell weetings of the ;; . Doerd~ the board shall direct actlan and policy of the authority :- directory and the chairwan o[ the board and individual board wewbers " and alternate wewbers shall have no further participation in the ,~ operation of the authority. In the absence or inability of the . chairwan to act, the vice chairwan shalt perform the duties aE the `' chalr~nan. ~~:~. (6} Records. AlI sctiona of the board shall be recorded in the s, tinutes of its weetings. Minutes shall be approved at each ' succeeding westing. Apprared winutes shell ba distributed by mail ~3~.. Mithin 7 days after the wasting, at which they are approved, to each °~ board member and to the wayoc or chairwan of the rrpteaentad -'~~ governleental entities. Public access to weetings, winutes, and all ~~ other records of the suthority shall be as required by state end ~~ tedetsl regulation. (7} The initial aKetinq of the bosrd shall be within 90 days ~,;; alter this act takes effect, and the board shall west nok less than once each calendar quarter therestter. the beard way change the day, •., fives, locetian of any ar all weetings or may call apeelal weetings by wejocity vote at a regular meeting. Specisl weetings not called at e ~a'. regular westing way be called by the cha€rwan, by the vSce chairwan acting as chairwsn, yr by wutusl consent of any two board wewbers by giving 7Z hours' notice by registered nail to a"ach n~ewber and alternste wswber, and with notification to media as required by state •'w': and Federal regulation. The board way cancel weetings Dut in no case .. shall there be feller than one westing each quarter of the year, The '' board shall determ(ne its oMn rules of order for conduct of weetings e:capt that Robert's Rules of order, Revised, shell apply Eor ,~ parliawentary wafters. All weetings shell be public to the extent required by state and federal regulations. - •~:~ (ts} Quoruw. A quoruw shall be necessary for voting an any wetter +' before the board and shall consist of Eour wewbers. 1lagardlass of *: total vote, no action way be taken without the votes of at least two ~r; ^ewbers. An wetter way be tev[ewed at any regular or properly '-'• celled spec~al westing rheh~a quoruw is not present but na vote way ``~,, be taken except Then a quoruw is present. 7'. (9} Required vote. ilo board wswber rsy retrain or abstain Erow - 1-oting ort•any a~attat properly before the board, except as provided by statute concerning conflict at interest, but way stove to table or •.~~Qe[er action on a wetter. 2E any board wswber believes that voting ;~~, Mould be a conflict o[ interest, ouch possible conflict shall be explained by that wswber to file board, and that explanstion shalt be .~!~' ahoMn in the winutes of the westing. beterwlnetlon of whether s Matter is proper for canelderstion by the board is defined by scope 355 CNApTER 71R-6i7 LAMS QF CLORIDA CRAPTCiI 7A-6I7 and powers within this act and tht intent of the definition is to limit snd not broaden the scope of activity. Deterwination of propriety way be voted at the request of any wewber and such drterwlnatlon shall take precedence over all other matters before the board at that time. voting shall only be by membeta or alternate Members present at a properly authorized meeting. Failure of a governmental entity to be represented at a properly authorized board meeting shall not alone constitute cause to reconsider a wetter. (10) Compensation. No cowpenaation ahelI~ ba par~itted a board member, alternate wex+ber, the chairman or vice chairwan for being a member or for expsnses of any nature frow funds of the authority or from any profesalonal, service, or construction contractor that has business with the suthorfty. A governmenta•1 entity represented by a board member oc slternate hewber may pay ssIariea or azpenses of its member or alternate mewber as !t deems appropriate, but way not pay any sslacy or expense of a member representing another entity. In al! matters concerning the authority, board wembers ar alternate members shall be governed by state and federal regulatlah concerning conflict of Interest, kickback, contributions, and gifts. State public financial disclosure regulations shall apply. {I1) IndemniElcation. After appointment as a board mewber or alternate camber snd before being eligible to vote 1n any mattRr, each member snd alternate member shall execute • bond in the penal sum of S50,000, payablt to the authority and conditioned upon the faithful perforwance of duties prescribed or fwplled herein, which bond shall be, approved by the counc[1 or commission of the governmental entity represented by the member or slternate member. The represented governmental entity steal] pay the cost of the bond. The represented governmental entity may provide said bond by pledge of its own esaets or eey act as cogvarantor for a bonding company. Nondtng compani.s shall be approved to do business in tht state. Section S. Definitions.--As used in this act, the following words and terns shall have the following meanings, unless the context otherwlst requires: (1) 'Authority" means the South Seminole and North Orange County xastewater Transmission Authority. t2) "Board" weans the members of the governing body of the South Seminole snd North orange County wastewater Trenawiseion Authority appointed to represtnt each governmental entity encompassed by this act. (3) "Dirtctar' means a person appointed by rtes board to serve at tht pleasure of the board and to Cunctlon as Its chief executive officer. (1) •wastewater" means sewage or effluent o! any nature or originating frow any source, Including residential wastes, or industrial wastes [esulting from any processes or industry. manufacture, trade, or bualness, or Crom the developwent of any natural resources. {S) "Customer' weans any governmental entity ar private utility which delSve•rs wastewater to the facilities of the authority for transmission. 355 cyiutcR 7A-61y [.Jlxa Or rfoRrDA ciuiprtR ye-617 ~~~ Beetlon 6. tvrpose and porters.--'i'he authority created and !' established by this act i! hereby granted and shall have all the ' tights, porters, and anthority necessary, appurtenant, or ineiderstal i to the carcying nut of the purposes of this act, including the ~. Loilorlnq rights and porarsr " ~`' (1) 7'o ew to • director rho shall be a p y person of recognlxed ' ~' ability and experience to servt at the pleaavice of the board= to ~~•oontcact Eor legal counsel, engineers, consultsnta, teehn[ral xi experts, and agents for any purpose of the• board including angineerlnq, architectural design, wanagewent, serer planning, and 's:' other studies concerning the design or [acilltles, and the :p~ acquisition, construction, operation, auintenanca, regulation, consolidation, and ilnancing o[ the transwiasion systew of the ~"`• anthorltyi to detecwine the Qualifications and fis the rowpensation ~:,~,. o[ such persons, firws~ ar corporations] and to delegate to one or "" •ore of its agents or ewplayees any of its porers as it shall deew •i:. necessary to carry out the purposes o! this act, subject slrays to :}} the supec~islon and control of the board. Notrithstanding the '~•, provision herefn stated, it shall be the responsibility of the •~ authority to utilise the services of the staffs of participating ~'~~ sewbers to the faliast a:tent practicable and to not employ persons ;;~• rthose duties ace essentially a duplication of the participating ._ .. wawbers' ata[fa. `'• {2) To construct, install, erect, acquire by purchase, condewn by ~'~ . '•r ••inent dowain proceedings !n accordance rith the provisions of :'~Y chapters 73 and 71, rlorlda Statutes, and to iwprove, enlarg:, •`;% reconstruct, waintain, repair, operate, and regulate a serape tranawission systew. ,,~ (]) ro inter on any land, waters, or prewlsea located rithin the -.. authority in order to carry out the purposes of this act. ~..: Yy.1 (1~ To provide for all surveys and for the preparation of plans, ;~ lpeciEicstions, and estiwates In connection rith the construction of • a serape ttanswission syatew. ~~ ~' (S) ro enter into contracts and other tnstruweRts with the '~J' 4overnwent of the united states, or any other departwent or .;;: subdivision of the United Staten or the state of irlorida, or rith any _~..: wvnicipality or private corporation, for or relating to the j~''• eranswission of rasterater and fos other purposes necessary and '•: proper tv effectuate this act. •r.•c, '`~~~ (6) ro borrow woney, to issue evidences of indebtedness, to apply .:~' rat and accept grants and adwinfstec grants and twaply with grant conditions on behalf of the authority and its sponsoring entities, to sake donations or loans, to provide aid for the planning, ,%~ construction or reconstruction, or financing of any systew, and to ~s~r;'enter contracts, leases, o[ other transactions rith any agency of the "~=`~ Itnited States governwent, the state, any agency of the state, ..~ ~i~' sewinole County, Orange Covnty, or any ~annlcipallty or any other ~.~•:.publlc body~of the state, and to accept grants or donations frow any ,:.other source, o! either woney, property, labor, or other things o! . •alu., .to be held, used, and applied only tar the purposes Eor rhich '; such giants of donations way be wade. {7) ro lix, alter, charge, establish, set, and collect reasonable • ~, fates, fees, rentals, and other charges for the services and •,• facilities [urnished by the systew and orned or operated by the ~~ . . ~ 357 CHAPTCtt 75-617 i.Atrs 0! n.DRipA CrtAI''tRR 7Q-617 authority, and for making connections snd~ w+r of same, and to enforce penalties or other legal measures for delinquency, in the payment as hereinafter pt'ovided, which rates, fees, rentals, and other charges ehall alwsys be sufficient to cowply with any covenants made Mith the holders of any bonds Issued pursuant to this act and tirhich ehal! be just and equitable and uniform for the same rises of customers and canalstes~t with applicable federal requlrewents Ear saws. t8) !o setrt a^ a Wholesale rerrice customer of the •~ltlty or entities which operate the Regionak Sewage Trestment plant, to receive chacgef for such services, and to allocate such charges to the various part[cipatinq rntitles according to the requirements of this art and according to regulations adopted pursuant hereto. t9) Tv requic• connection to the suthortty'e transmission system end to requlr: all wastewater collection systews receiving vc cvklecting wastsMatet from the public and operating faculties kocated within the authority`s boundaries to discharge their collected sewage directly or indirectly into the authority's system for trana+Aission by the authority to the regional savage treatment plant. Ae fat an exreption, It is specifically noted thak the Frcitity Plan. Orlando Easterly 20] Planning J-rea, July, 1977, dace not call for the connection of Yllnter Springs to the authority`s systew until 111nter Springs East plant reaches an avetage snnuai d~sily flow of l.flfl MCD and lrintrr Springs Mest plant reaches an average annual daily flow of 0.75 MGD. Aa a further exception, it fa duly noted that Sewlnole County currently discharges no treated wastewater to surface waters and has a valid operation perat[t for the pike Road facillty. shersfore, the County will 1» required only to pay its potion of debt service. That portion of debt service sheik be deter~a[ned by adding th• fioW treated at the bike Road facility to the aysteM flaw to determine a boat total, the f1oW at the County facillty xill then be divided by the bast total end multiplied by the annual system debt service to detetwine the County's portion of debt service. ?ht County's portion of debt service wail be paid in tMtlve (12) wonthly pa•ya+ents, this method of payment shall continue untlk the Dike Road facility exceeds an average annuak dally flow of 1.00 M.G.D. at which time the County will connect to the system and its rates w111 becawe these in effect for the Authority and further outlined In related sections of this Act. {l0) To contract with any municipality, county, of other governmental entity to provide the service o[ trana~eission of wastewater through the authority's system. 9'he authority way also contract with any private utility which has a valid certlflcate Issued by the t•lorida Public Service Coaaaission. Which ctrtlficate is In existence an the data this act takes effects provided, however, the privets utility shall first attempt to~negotkate a sponsorship agreement with the governmental entity in whose territory the mejarlty aE the private utility's system is located. {11) To contract with the represented perticipating governments or other entity customers or with a private contractor or contractors far operation end maintenance of authority-owned lift stations, force gains, end other facillttas according to the following guidelinese {a) All lilt stations serving only one entltr shall be opststed and maintained by that entity st !ts oWn eapenae, in accordance with standards ptowulgatsd by the authority, except that major repairs or replacements costing 51,500 or rare shall be contracted by the authority at its expense. Asa ~• C11Ap'i'1rR 7e~6I7 L11N8 Ot lLORIOA C1lJ1pTCA 71y-517 (b) The authority shall contract the operation and w~sintcnancs of J' lift stations secvlnq wore than one entity. The operation and ,J=r •aintananc• costs shall bs allocstad unifocn~lr to users of the lift ~~: station based on flow, except' that major' repairs or replacements !~;c; costing 51,544 or wore shall be contracted by the authorlty st its exprnse. The contract for operation and walntenance shall be with. -~~ in otdrr of preferences .~~ I. The ehtity, if any, rehlcri owned the lift station prior to ~~. iwplawentation of the authorities system. '~t• Z. An existing govethwrntal entity or ~:~ 3. A private contractor. (c) The authorlty shall contract the operation and maintenance of its systew of force mains and appurtenant facilities to one or more '" of the represented participating govern+nental entities or to s ~r;t' private contractor. ~~'~~ (lt) To seek ilsjUnctiva relief in a court of coe,petent ,, ,, jurisdiction, rule or regu]ation adapttd pursuant to the powers granted by this act, without the necesstty of showfnq a public nuisance in such legal proceeding. "`~ (I7) To require the.ptetrratrent of induattial .rastaa when the y~• ;,`. save arc not +~eneble to tteatment with Hormel dor~estlc sewage before !=•~. accepting ihdusttial waste for transwission, and to refuse to accept ...ti . '~' industrial wastes when hot sufficiently pretreat~td to standards as set by the board or state or fedrral regulatory authorities, or ownec of the Regional Treatment plant. (I4) To construct, install, erect, acquice and to operate, •,~,~_ maintain, reprove, extend or enlarge, and reconstruct s arwage '' transportation aystew or aysteses within the boundaries of the ,;;- authority, and to have the exclusive control and jurisdiction ' thereofi to pay all oc part of the cost of such construction, ' racvnstruction, eteetlon, acquis[tion, or installation of such sewage transportation systew and additions, extensions, and improvements ''`~" thereto as otherwise pcovided in this act. 'Che authocity shall t•~~. construct and orh thr system of force wains and 11Et stations shown .::;~~ an pages VIII D-47 through 64 of volume III, Technical Appendix of _. the Facility plan, drlando easterly Z01 plahhing Ared, July, 1977, ' EPi1 project 0124399422. Such system is hereinafter known as the ~:=• Northerly Interceptor System, the connecting points for which are ;: " ite~nlsed in Table 3-l, page VIII D-10 of the facility plan. Nowevar, ae fEnal design progresae• for each lhcrement of construction, if ,~;;;R changes in cannectlnq points are drained sdvisablc by the majority of !'!"r.. the drsignated representstlvre of tfie governmental entities to be represented on the board, said changes shall be aliosred. The ~~' authorlty shall ecquirr thoar elewenta of the Northerly interceptor ~` ~•~ 6ystesa currently owned by the units of local government which era to ~~ be utilized by the authorities. If said acquisition is Dy purchase, ;;.,A the units of local govetnfcent shall sell these alewents; to the ~~~. authority for an amount equal to the portfon rewsininq at the time of `•' acquisition of thr outstanding debt attributed to thes: facilities. r!i:,.. -~~ llowevsr, to rso case shall the acquisition amount exceed the portion • o[ the outstanding debt •ttrlbuted to these Eecilitlea remaining as ~:~,~',~ of January 1, 1476. Th! authorlty may establish the snaxiwum Iavel of f~~' participation !n reasonable costs of acquisition of facilities not ~;~., owned by a local government as of January 1, 1978 and which are to ,~ 3 59 CNIIFTER 78-617 __ __ LRM5_ dtr PLOitI'QA__._ C1(IIPTER 7s1-b17 become a part of the ifoctherly Interceptor 3yotsM. it is not the intent of this action to violate existing bond covsnantsi therefore, where additional moneys or actions sre required, the authority and the seller shell cooperate Fully to Insure that the transaction is co~npletrd at minimal additional costs. lieferenee is wade ~to subsection (111 Eor specific li~nitstions end yuldlrllnes an the operation snd maintenance of the authority's syste~e, to subsection (17} for specific liwitations and guidelines for the expansion of the authority's system, and to Subsection (14y for' ssauMptlon or retireMent of lndebtrdneaa. (I5} To acquire, purchase, hold, lease as lessee, •nd usr any ftanchise, property, teal, personal, or mixed, tangible or intangible, or any interest therein necessary Eor carrying out the pucposes of the authority except as prohibited herein. (ib) To provide wholesale wastewater transmission service within the authority's boundaries. Hawdver, the authvrlty is specifically prahlblted from owning of operating facilities yr in sny other wsy providing catall sewage collection service directly to homeowners oc other retail custoswers, or providing sewage treatment or effluent disposal services, or any other service other than a wholesale wastewater transmission service. (17) To develop plans to provide wastewater transmission servic! to present snd future population centers within the authority's boundaries in a ti~aely manner snd to coordinate !ta planning and programs with those of the appropriate munlctpal, county, state, and Federal agencies. ilefore the authority's interceptor system shall be expanded beyond the scope of Facilities defined as the Northerly Interceptor System, the facility plan shall be amended to Include the proposed expansion In accordance with appllcablf federal end state iaws and regulations. The amended facility plan shall be approved by the authority, said approval shall require the efEirmative vote of • minimum of three members of the Board. The local share of the cysts of sa[d expansions beyond the scope of faclllties shown as the Northerly Interceptor System shall be paid by the entity or entities to be served by the expansion, unless the sutharlty board unanimously approved allocating said costs unlfocmly to all users of the authority's system. (18) To contract foC necessary laboratory servicelk with the owner of the regional plant or other governmental or private entity. The authority shall apeelEically not construct, own oc optrate, or rent or lease laboratories. {19) To assume or cetlre the current indebtedness of any system or systrms for which the authority assumes responsibility. (10) To issue revenue bands for tht purpose of this act, in thr manner hereinafter provided. (21} To pledge, ar encurobec all or any part of the cevAnues, rates, fats, rentals, or other charges or rsceipta of the authority as security foe a21 or sny of the obligations oL this authority. (22) To sue end be sued, implead and be impleaded, complain end defend in ell courts. (23) To'pledge to the punctual payment of bends pursuant to this act, and interest theteon~ an amount of the revenue derived from the 360 ~:.t;!!!IM'LR 7!l-611 I.Ri13 QE TLaRIDA CN~IpTLR 75-617 . z.. -~•facliltiea and set!'1cMS of such wasteMater trarssiisslvn system. ,-lneluQinq plats thereof that~etofare acquired or constructed by said ,• authority, including extensions and improvesrenta thereof thereafter ¢~ constructed or acquired, sufficient to pay said bonds and the Interest thereon as the same shall become due, end to create an ~~ ^afntain reasonable reserves therefor. and !n addition, to pledge any ni special assesawents levied as provided herein. Such amount say _ consist of all or any part of such revenues. °~'' (7f) t`o use, in connection +.lth the evnstructivn, acqutaltlan. ~~ laproveeant, operation, or maintenance of such raatewater transmission systee, .any right-of-xay, easement, lands under water, ""' yr othat simllat property rights, necessary, convenient, or "s '' desirable, held by the state or any political subdivislan which •:±~,. consents to such use, whenever neceasacy to carry out the purposes of '" this act and when in reasonable conformity with the intent of loco; regulatlona. ~~,~,,• (2S) To prescribe and promulgate necessary rules end regulations °' ~onsistrnt with the pravisivns of this act, to regulate the vac of '~•' the transmission system, end to act standards end apeciEications for ~. physical Facilities and their operation and maintenance. Section 7. Iseusnce of Revenue Bonds.-- ~'S ~ . ~•~ (1) Scope. Tv pay ali nr part of the cast of the acquisttion, ~~. Construction, :ktenslon, or loprave+~ent of sewage transpottation ~' systems, the purchase from governmental entities oE' existing sewage • _7t!: ~• ,.•;. transportation facilities, and any and all other ix+provementa wh c'+ ,~,,, way be authorised or p+rsittad by this act (hareinaft:r collectively ' called "projects'), the authority fs authorized to issue, from tise ' to time, revenue bonds (hereinafter celled 'bonds'), in asaunts '' sufficient for such purposes. 'the bonds may be in coupon or fully i~'t, registered Eorm, in such denomination or denominations, bear interest at curb a rate or rstes not exceeding that rate per annum ailowsble •~ by general law, and mature at such tiwe or times, not exceeding tC ••','~ years from their date ar dates, as may be determined by the board. The bonds may be made redeemable before maturity, at the option of the board, at each price or prices and under such terms and a; condltians as may be fixed by the board prior to their issuance. The ;y:: board aha U determine the place or places of payment of the principal ~••nf and interest on the bends which slay be at any bank or trust a: • cowpony within ar outside the state. The bonds shall ba signed by '~~ the manual or facsimile signatures of the chairs-an and the secretary '~~ of the board, provided, however, that the bonds shall bear thereon ~•_~;`• the Manual signature of one of ouch oEficsra. The Coupons attache ':~ toe the bonds, if any, obeli bear khe Facsimile signature ar ~;:~;: signatures of such oEfictc or officers as shall be designsted by the _~~~ board. The bonds shall have the seal of the board affixed, E ~ imprinted, reproduced, or lithographed thereon, and the coupons, if j'•`ti•, any, may Nava printed thereon "(Seal-", all as may be preacrlbed in -: the resoluttvn or resolutions authorizing the issuance thereof. The It'•;:, bonds shall be sold at public sale. In the event en offer a[ sn ~.,' issue a! bonds st public sale produces no bid, or in the event sII ~^!-. bids received era rejected, the authority la authorised to negotiate ~`-~''• for the sale of avch bonds under such rates and terms as are ~~;._acceptsbJ,et provided that no ouch bonds shall be sold oc delivered on •,~s-terma less favorable than the terms contained in any bids rejected at -~rl' the public sale therevf, or the terms contained in the notice of public sale 1E no bids Mere received at such publfc salt. 351 CHAPTER 7A-617 _ __ U1fr5 0!__FLdRTDA Cll1lPTER _75»617 (2) Refunding bonds. Subject to the lifaitatians contained ifs nubaectlon (1}, the board may issue bonds (hereinafter called 'refunding bonds') to refund any bands issued pursuant to this act end provide foe the tights of the holders thereof. The refunding bonds may be issued to an amount sufficient to pay: (a) The principal of the outstanding bandal (b) The interest due and peyabl! on the outstanding bonds to and including the Eiret date upon vhich thr outstanding bonds shall be tellable prior to maturity or the dates upon ishlch the principal thereof shall ~saturet (c }•• The rede~nptlan ptemiuM, fE any; and (d) Any expenses of tht issuance and sale of the refunding bonds. (3) Security. The principal of and interest on the bonds shell be payable solely frog the rates, fees, charges, and other revenues derived by the authority from the operation of tht projects and may be additionally payable from the principal of of interest on any investaents of such revenues. The principal of and interest an the rr.funding bonds shell be payable solely from such revenues or any other funds of the authority legally available therefor. (1) Negotiable lnstrutnenta. The bondu and the Nfandinq bonds shall also be and they are hereby constituted negotiable lnatrusnents Cor the purposes of and under the laws of the state. (5) Refertndum. Na referendums or election of qualified voters shall be required for the exercise of any of the•ptovlsiona of this act unless suds referendum shall be required by law. (6) Cost of project. The cost of the acqufaltlan and construction of the projects shell be deemed to include, but not be limited to, the cost of acquialtion of real property and lnterests in reel propertyt legal, engineering, fiscal, and architectural fees and tees of all other experts or consultantsm engineering or architectural studies, surveys, plans, and deslgnsJ the cepitallzatlon of interest for a reasonable period alter issuance of tht bonder the eatabllshment of reasonable reserves for debt servitet a21 expenses of the laauance, authotizatlon, and sale of the bonds and proceedings necessary or appropriate in connection therrvitht and such other expenses ea are necessary, incidental, or appurtenant to the purposes authorized hereunder, including the reitsbursemeent of the Hoard for any expenditure for any project authorized hereby xhich shell have been made by the board prior.to the Saausnce of the bonds herein authorised. Section it. Charges.--The authority shall develop a system of charges which shall provide sufficient revenues to recover debt service payments, operation and meintenanee costs, renewai~ and replacement fund requirements, and such other caste necessary for the proper and efficient operation of the suthoClty In carry[nq out the intent of this act. To the extent practical, the chargfs shell ~ billed to tht customer of the authority on the basis of s cost per unit volume of sewage recelrad by the authority. All charges shall be consistent with sppliceDle local, state, end federal laws end regulations and with any Dond covenants that may be in effect Ecam t1w<e to time. 362 ,~: ~. `;• CMP'i'!!1l ?lI-61i LIIIIS Ot i'LOpIDII CAIIFTER 7d-617 ~'~: Section 4. Cvatosh r• to adopt saMSr dervlc• charges.--Each ;r~ CYatomeT shall adopt and amend appropriate aewlr service systeMS ar ~':~, other moans of obtaining finds within this ores of jurisdiction according to applicable local, dtate, and Federal laws and ~ [equlatfons, to provide sufficient pcrlodic pey~aent to authority foc ~ charges Levied by the authority. t14!? i,;. $action 10. Penalties far 'nonpsywtnt.--The authority shall hill ~~':~ iach customer for services on a monthly basis in accordance with the ~_ standard bi111nq procedure of the authority. Each customer shall pay such billings within 30 days of the daft th. monthly bill is mailed. =`~ If a customer does not peg within the 30-day period, the cuatotrttr ~• shall pay an additional Fats charge as deemed appropriate by the board. If a billing ar a portion aE a billlnq is outstanding for a T peciad of more than 60 days Erom the date of khe original billing, •4,: the custo~aer shall be considered in default and the authority, !n addition to all othtr rights and rtmedies, nay, by suit, action, ~~•. a~andamus, or such athtr proceedings at law or in equity, enforce or •;:~, comptl the customer and any of the oEEicars, agents, or employees of ~, the custow~er to perform and carry out their duties and obligations ender this act and other applicable law. Section 11. Contracts for construction or imprpvementsr sealed ,:~,;^ bids.--1111 contrscts let, awarded, or entered into by the authority for the construction, reconstruction, acquisition, or improvement of -- a sexer system or any part thereof, if the amount thereof shall T'~~ ettceed 65,000, shall be awarded only after public advertisement and y~. ^,t: call foc sealed bids therefoS, in a newspaper published in the county ' circulating in Che service area of the authority or, if there bt no ~x'- such newspaper, then in a newspaper published in the state and circulating i» tht service area, such advertisement to be published ~`~ at least once no less than 21 days btforr the date set far the •}~ receipt of such bids. Such advertlssments for bids, in addition to ;;~ the other ntcessary and pertinent matters, shall state in general firms the nature and description of the improvement and improvements to be undertaken and shall start that dttailed plans and ~.;`': specifications for such work are on file for inspection in the oEffce • of tfie authority and copies thereof shall be Furnished to any intertsted party upon paymtnt of reasonable charges to reimburse the ~. authority for its expenses in providing such copies, The award shall .~,+•` be made to the rasponslble and competent bidder or bidders who shall ':`,; offer to undertake the improvements at the lowest cost to the ~.%; .' authority and such bidder or bidders shall be required to file bond for the full end faithful ptrformance of such work in such amount as ' the authority board shall determine. In all other respects the ;j.., lteting of ouch construction contracts shell comply with applicablg •.'~- provisions of general law relating to the lettering of public ,,~,.} eentracts. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prevent the ~'; suthority from hiring or retaining such consulting englnesrs, .r~; attorneys, financial expects, or other technicians as it shall dee+s necessary, ar fsow undertaking any construction cork vrtth its own •~~' resourcts, without any such public advertisement, except as required by law. Provided, howtver, if an emergency exists es defined herein, r• bids shall- not be required. Provided, the authority board shall _ place on public record the circumstances creating the ewergency.• •.•Emergency' means any circumstance creating an immfnent peril of the 2osa of 'life oc property or endangerlnq public health, safety, and ~.~~;; 4eneral welfare, including financial welfare, of the suthority. a.: ;~• Section 12. free wastewater transmission cervices prohibited,-- ~'•~ Chargta shall bt fixtd end collected from any county, sch~oF ;',~~'~. ~~~. 363 CHAPTER 76-617____ _ ____ LAMS OF FLORXDA_ CHAPti~R 7Q-617 district, or other political' subdlvls-i-an using the services and facilltiaa of the authority's transmission system as era fixed and collected !?tom other aorta of such facilities in the same rises. No free service shall be tendered by the authortty and no discrfminatl.an shall exist in the charges Eot users of th• same class. Section 13. Conveyahce of property without consideration.--Any municipality or political subdivision le authorised ko sel2, Iesse. grant, or convey any real ar personal property to the authortty, and any such sale, grant, lease, or eonveyance may be madr w[thopt formal consideration. However, any such salt, grant, lease, oc conveyance shell not be datmed complete unless farAaIly accepted by the board. Sactlon 1~. Covperatfon with other units, boards, agencies, and indlvlduala.--Lxprsss authority and paver is hereby given and granted counties, municipalities, drainage dlstrfcts, road and bridge districts, school dlstrfcts, or .any other political subdivisions, boards, CommisalORS, or individuals in or of the state to make and enter fnto contracts, leases, conveyances, or other agreements with r..he authortty. consistent with the provisions and purposrs.oE this act. The authority is hereby expressly authorised to make and enter into contracts, leases, conveyances, and other igraements with any pallttcal subdivision, agency, or lnstramentallty of the state and any and a21 federal agencies, corporations, and individuals for thr pi.~rpose of carrying out the provisions of this act. Section 15.~ Covenant of the stele.--The state pledges ko, and agrees with, the United States, that in the event any fcderal agency shall construct, or contribute eny funds fvr the completion, extension, or improvement of, the authority's system or any part or portion thereof, the state will not alter or•llmit the rights and powers of the authority in any manner which would bt incanslstent with the continued malntanence and operation of the a stem or the completion, extension, or improvtmsnt thereof, or whic~ would be lnconslstent with the due performance of any agreements between the authority and any such federal agency, ahd the authv[!ty shall continue to have and may exorcise all powers herein granted ao long as~the same shell be necessary or desirable for retrying out the purposes of the United States In the completion, axtensfon, or improvamenta of the sewage system or any pert or portion kheceof. Section 16. Exemption from, taxation.--7he effectuation of the authorized purposes of the authority creetad under this act i~, in all respects, for the brneflt of the people of the stela and the citlzrns of the district Eor the improvement of their health and living conditions. and because such authority performs essential governmental functions in effectuating ,such purpoaas, the authortty shell not be requf[ed to pay any taxes or aasesament• of any kind or nature whatsoever upon any property acquired or used by it for such purposes, or upon any rates, fees, rentals, receipts, Income, or charges at any time received by it, and the bonds issued by. the authority, and chair transfer, and the income therefrom, Including any profits made on the sale thereof, shall at elf floes be free from taxation of any kind by the aisle or by any pollticel.aubdivislon, taxing agency, oc Instrumentality thereof. However, the exemption granted by thin section shall not be appllcable to soy tax imposed by chapter 220, i~lorida Statutes, on Interest, income, or profits on debt obligations owned by corporations. When property of the authority la leased, it shall be exempt from ad valorem taxes only if the use by the lessee qualifies the property Cor exemption under s. 196.199, Florida Statutes. 35~ ~-{ Cplll-TEi! ?8-617 LAitB of irLORIbA CfiAPTER 7d-617 ~~ Section 17. txes+ption Eros regyiativns.--The public sewerage ~• fscilitles operating In snd under the authority of ehis act and ''•' within the area of the authority shall be exewpt fro+a any of the ,k., requlatary provisions of chapter 367, llorida Statutes, as it now ;~; exists or as it say be alfended. :: r'- ~~ r 4 6ection le. Moneys of authority sy:tern.--Thf swneys of the authority derived Eros such systes, after bonds or ether obligations have been issued pursuant to this act, shall be deposited in one or ^ore banks or trust cowpanies in a special account or accounts and sha]1 constitute trust Eunds, to be sd~ninistered solely in accordance w1tR the provisions of the resolution or resolutions authorizing bonds or other obligations pursuant to this act, and sny funds not required Eor the retirewtent of bond obligations shall be adsinlstered ak the sole discretion vE the authority. 5ect[on 19. Sale of system.--The board shall have the power to transftr, sell, or assign any of the property of the authority which it finds is not need:d to carry oat the purposes of this act to any other governsental agency according to whatever taros it dee~as reaeanable or at a public sale after notice, unless the property has bean pledged for the repayment of indebtedness. Seetlon 20. t.iberal construction.--9't~: provision of this act shall be liberally construed to eEEect Lta purposes. • Section 21. severabiltty aE provisions.--IE any provision a! this aCt or the eppllcstlon thereof to any person or circumstance is held irtvalld, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the act which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are declared severable. Section 22. This act shall take effect upon becowlnq a law. l;eCaire s laM without the Governor's approval. Filed in Office Secretary of state June 23, 1978. CHJ4PTER 78-618 • House 9111 No. 1342 Alt ACT relating to Sarasota County cleating a species pack i~: and recrestion district, a political subdivision of the ~. State of lrlotids, for the unincorporated area known as •` Tri-PSt Estates Subdivisions, including ell additions, ~~ as is sere particularly set forth below according to the public records of Sarasota County= providlnq for '~' the adslnistration o! the affairs of said district by a ••t board of nine trustees and defining their powers end ~~~ dutiest providlnq far the qualification of electors in the bistrict snd the runner of conclurtinq the ffrst ,,~• glectlon o[ trustaas and Eor biennial election of .u•. trustees theresitert providlnq !oc rewoval of trustees ;~ and appointsent to fill vacancies providing Eor the ~•?':• assessment and collection of a recreation district tsx ~` assessed against each isproved residential parcel of ~~ rGal p[opecty within the districts providlnq that such '~ 16 5 w.: ~ ~. ATTACHMENT «C» Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes :->2009->Ch0189->Section 415 : Online Sunshine Select Year: 2009 Go The 2009 Florida Statutes Page 1 of 2 Title XIII Ch~ter__189 View_Entire PLANNING AND SPECIAL DISTRICTS: GENERAL Chapter DEVELOPMENT PROVISIONS 189.415 Special district public facilities report.-- (1) It is declared to be the policy of this state to foster coordination between special districts and local general-purpose governments as those local general-purpose governments develop comprehensive plans under the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, pursuant to part II of chapter 163. (2) Each independent special district shall submit to each local general-purpose government in which it is located a public facilities report and an annual notice of any changes. The public facilities report shall specify the following information: (a) A description of existing public facilities owned or operated by the special district, and each public facility that is operated by another entity, except a local general-purpose government, through a lease or other agreement with the special district. This description shall include the current capacity of the facility, the current demands placed upon it, and its location. This information shall be required in the initial report and updated every 5 years at least 12 months prior to the submission date of the evaluation and appraisal report of the appropriate local government required by s. 163_3.191_.._ At least 12 months prior to the date on which each special district's first updated report is due, the department shall notify each independent district on the official list of special districts compiled pursuant to s. 189.4035 of the schedule for submission of the evaluation and appraisal report by each local government within the special district's jurisdiction. (b) A description of each public facility the district is building, improving, or expanding, or is currently proposing to build, improve, or expand within at least the next 5 years, including any facilities that the district is assisting another entity, except a local general-purpose government, to build, improve, or expand through a tease or other agreement with the district. For each public facility identified, the report shall describe how the district currently proposes to finance the facility. (c) If the special district currently proposes to replace any facilities identified in paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) within the next 10 years, the date when such facility will be replaced. (d) The anticipated time the construction, improvement, or expansion of each facility wilt be completed. http://www.leg.state. fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App mode=Display_Statute& Search_String... 9/22/2009 Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes :->2009->Ch0189->Section 415 : Online Sunshine Page 2 of 2 (e) The anticipated capacity of and demands on each public facility when completed. In the case of an improvement or expansion of a public facility, both the existing and anticipated capacity must be listed. (3) A special district proposing to build, improve, or expand a public facility which requires a certificate of need pursuant to chapter 408 shall elect to notify the appropriate local general-purpose government of its plans either in its 5-year plan or at the time the letter of intent is filed with the Agency for Health Care Administration pursuant to s. 40.8.0_39.. (4) Those special districts building, improving, or expanding public facilities addressed by a development order issued to the developer pursuant to s. 380.06 may use the most recent annual report required by s. 380..06(15) and (18) and submitted by the developer, to the extent the annual report provides the information required by subsection (2). (5) The facilities report shall be prepared and submitted within 1 year after the district's creation. (6) For purposes of the preparation or revision of local government comprehensive plans required pursuant to s. 1.63._3.1.61...., aspecial district public facilities report may be used and retied upon by the local general-purpose government or governments within which the special district is located. (7) Any special district that has completed the construction of its public facilities, improvements to its facilities, or its development is not required to submit a public facilities report, but must submit the information required by paragraph (2)(a). (8) A special district plan of reclamation required pursuant to general law or special act, including, but not limited to, a plan prepared pursuant to chapter 298 which complies with the requirements of subsection (2), shalt satisfy the requirement for a public facilities report. A water management and control plan adopted pursuant to s. 190...01.3, which complies with the requirements of subsection (2), satisfies the requirement for a public facilities report for the facilities the plan addresses. (9) The Reedy Creek Improvement District is not required to provide the public facilities report as specified in subsection (2). (10) Each deepwater port listed in s. 403,021_(9)(b) shall satisfy the requirements of subsection (2) by submitting to the appropriate local government a comprehensive master plan as required by s. 1__.6...3,_3.1.78. (2)(k). Alt other ports shall submit a public facilities report as required in subsection (2). History.--s. 20, ch. 89-169; s. 26, ch. 95-280; s. 16, ch. 97-255; s. 17, ch. 99-8. Copyright ©1995-2009 The Florida Legislature • Privacy Statement • Contac..t. Us http://www.leg. state. fl. us/Statutes/index. cfm?App mode=Display_Statute& Search_String... 9/22/2009 ATTACHMENT «D» Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes :->2009->Ch0189->Section 417 : Online Sunshine Page 1 of 1 Select Year: 2009 ' Go The 2009 Florida Statutes Ttle_X_II_I Chapter__1.89 View_Entire PLANNING AND SPECIAL DISTRICTS: GENERAL Chapter DEVELOPMENT PROVISIONS 189.417 Meetings; notice; required reports.-- (1) The governing body of each special district shall file quarterly, semiannually, or annually a schedule of its regular meetings with the local governing authority or authorities. The schedule shall include the date, time, and location of each scheduled meeting. The schedule shall be published quarterly, semiannually, or annually in a newspaper of general paid circulation in the manner required in this subsection. The governing body of an independent special district shall advertise the day, time, place, and purpose of any meeting other than a regular meeting or any recessed and reconvened meeting of the governing body, at least 7 days prior to such meeting, in a newspaper of general paid circulation in the county or counties in which the special district is located, unless a bona fide emergency situation exists, in which case a meeting to deal with the emergency may be held as necessary, with reasonable notice, so long as it is subsequently ratified by the board. No approval of the annual budget shall be granted at an emergency meeting. The advertisement shall be placed in that portion of the newspaper where legal notices and classified advertisements appear. The advertisement shall appear in a newspaper that is published at least 5 days a week, unless the only newspaper in the county is published fewer than 5 days a week. The newspaper selected must be one of general interest and readership in the community and not one of limited subject matter, pursuant to chapter 50. Any other provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, and except in the case of emergency meetings, water management districts may provide reasonable notice of public meetings held to evaluate responses to solicitations issued by the water management district, by publication in a newspaper of general paid circulation in the county where the principal office of the water management district is located, or in the county or counties where the public work will be performed, no less than 7 days before such meeting. (2) All meetings of the governing body of the special district shall be open to the public and governed by the provisions of chapter 286. (3) Meetings of the governing body of the special district shall be held in a public building when available within the district, in a county courthouse of a county in which the district is located, or in a building in the county accessible to the public. History.--s. 10, ch. 79-183; s. 78, ch. 81-259; s. 24, ch. 89-169; s. 19, ch. 97-255; s. 33, ch. 99-378. Note.--Former s. 189.005. Copyright ©1995-2009 The Florida Legislature • Privacy Statement • Co_ ntact._Us http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String... 9/22/2009 ATTACHMENT «E~~ SOUTH SEMINOLE & NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY ' 410 Lake Howell Road Maitland, FL 32751-5907 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED March 27, 2009 Ms. Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces City Clerk City of Winter Springs 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, F132708 Dear Ms. Lorenzo-Luaces, ,~ „ ; ; ~, ~o In accordance with Chapter 189.415 (2) and 189.417 of the Florida Statutes, the South Seminole & North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority is submitting to you the required Public Facilities Report- 2009, Board Meeting Schedule 2009-2010, and the Audited Financial Statements for Fiscal Year ended September 30, 2008. S' cerel , .~ Step F. Miller Exe uti e Director cc: Bill Reischmann, Brown, Garganese, Weiss & D'Agresta, P.A. Lowry Rockett, Rockett & Associates WTA090327 'I'ele~~hone 407/628-3419 Fax: 407/628-0153 a-mail: ssnocwtal(tr~,cfl.rr.com ssnocwta2 ancfl.rr.com SOUTH SEMINOLE & NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY `f'' 4.10 Lake Howell Road Maitland, FL 32751-5907 SPECIAL DISTRICT PUBLIC FACILITIES REPORT 2009 The South Seminole & North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority, an existing Independent Special District, owns and operates an untreated wastewater transmission system located in portions of Seminole County, Orange County, the Cities of Casselberry, Winter Park, and the City of Maitland. The Authority provides such transmission service to Seminole County, The Cities of Maitland, Casselberry and Winter Park and can provide service to the City of Winter Springs. The Transmission System consists of nineteen (19) pumping stations and approximately thirty-three (33) miles of pipeline ranging in size from eight (8) inches to forty-eight (48) inches. The total transmission system of piping has a total hydraulic capacity, under peak conditions, of more than forty (40) million gallons per day. The current load on the system averages approximately eleven (11) million gallons per day. The South Seminole & North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority was created by an Act of the Florida Legislature in 1978 and began its design work in the spring of 1979. Design was completed, a Construction Grant was obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency, and Bond Anticipation Notes were issued during 1981, with construction on the system beginning in February 1982. Initial flows into the system were begun in February 1983 and the total system completed in the fall of 1983. Bond Anticipation Notes issued in December 1981 were replaced by Sewer Revenue Bonds in December 1983 and replaced at lower interest rates with bond issues in 1986 and 1993. The Authority paid off these bonds prior to September 30, 2004 and then issued Sewer Revenue Bonds Series 2004 to finance Phase One projects of its Capital Improvements Plan (CIP). This CIP consists of items of major maintenance and facilities that require replacement or expansion which were identified through facility inspections, discussions with the operation and maintenance entities and through hydraulic analyses performed via computer modeling. . During the next ten years we anticipate various line segment replacements and pump station rehabilitations due to the maturing of the system. Critical major construction/repairs/replacements have been identified and are included in the long-range capital improvements and financing plan that has been recently adopted. Our current anticipation as to capacity and demand remains at the forty (40) million gallons per day ultimate capacity with a probable average demand between fifteen (15) to twenty (20) million gallons per day. Telephone 407/628-3419 Fas: 407/628-0153 a-mail: ssnocwtalncfl.rr.com ssnocwta2~cfl.rr.com SOUTH SEMINOLE & NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY 410 Lake Howell Road Maitland, FL 32751 Telephone 40 716 2 8-341 9 Fax 407/628-0153 AUTHORITY BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE 2009/2010 Regular Board meetings for South Seminole & North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority are scheduled for the fourth (4th) Thursday of each month, beginning at 9:00 A.M., in the Authority Board Office located at 410 Lake Howell Road as follows: April 23, 2009 May 28, 2009 June 25, 2009 July 23, 2009 August 27, 2009 September 24, 2009 October 22, 2009 December 3, 2009 January 28, 2010 February 25, 2010 March 25, 2010 SOllTH SE1~f0IE AND NORTfI ORANGE COUNTY WASI~WATER TRAHS~ISSION AiPf NORf111 Maitland, Florida ®~~~S7L~i~Sd Y JCS ~1~ ~Vi iJLs ~~~ ~~~ ~is~l Yom' Enc1~1 Sep~~bcr 3®, 2008 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT SOUTH SEMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY Maitland, Florida For the year ended September 30, 2008 Prepared by: Authority Accountant INTRODUCTORY SECTION This section contains the following subsections: • TABLE OF CONTENTS • LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL • PRINCIPAL OFFICIALS • ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE • CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT SOUTH SEMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSNIISSION AUTHORITY TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTORY SECTION TRANSMITTAL LETTER PRINCIPAL OFFICIALS ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT FOR EXCELLENCE IN FINANCIAL REPORTING II. FINANCIAL SECTION INDEPENDENT AUDTTORS' REPORT MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Financial Statements: Statement of Net Assets Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets Statement of Cash Flows Notes to the Financial Statements III. STATISTICAL SECTION TABLE I Net Assets by Component II Changes in Net Assets III Debt Service Requirements IV Percentage of Committed Capacity of Member Entities V Percentage of Iron Bridge Facility Committed Capacity VI Annual Flow -Millions of Gallons Transmitted to Iron Bridge Facility VII Population of Member Entities VIII Miscellaneous Statistical Data IV. OTHER REPORTS Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting and On Compliance And Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards Auditors' Comments and Recommendations (Management Letter) Status of Prior Year Comments Management Response Letter Pages ii-viii ix x xi 1-2 4-7 8-9 10 11-12 13-21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33-34 35 35 36 i This page intentionally left blank. SOUTH SEMINOLE & NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY ~_ 410 Lake Howell Road Maitland, FL 32751-5907 S February 16, 2009 Authority Board Members South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority Gentlemen: The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority (Authority) for the year ended September 30, 2008, is hereby submitted. Responsibility for both the accuracy of the data, and the completeness and fairness of the presentation, including all disclosures, rests with management. To the best of our knowledge and belief, the enclosed data are accurate in all material respects and are reported in a manner that presents fairly the financial position and .results of operations of the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority. All disclosures necessary to enable the reader to gain an understanding of the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority's financial activities have been included. Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) require that management provide a narrative introduction, overview, and analysis to accompany the basic financial statements in the form of Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A). This letter of transmittal is designed to complement MD&A and should be read in conjunction with it. The Authority's MD&A can be found immediately following the report of the independent auditors. Reporting Entity Definition: The Authority, in determining the entity to be reported on, used the Government Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 14, The Financial Reporting Entity. The financial reporting entity consists of the primary government, organizations for which the primary government is financially accountable, and the other organizations for which the nature and significance of their relationship with their primary government are such that exclusion would cause the reporting entity's financial statements to be misleading or incomplete. The Authority has no component units. Governmental Structure: The South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority was created by an Act of Florida Legislature in 1978 as a separate local agency of the government with powers designed to meet the particular needs of the area in relationship to transmission of wastewater to a regional sewage treatment plant (Iron Bridge Treatment Facility). The Authority, an Independent Special District, encompasses a service area of approximately sixty-eight (68) square miles. It owns and operates an untreated wastewater transmission system located in portions of Seminole County, Orange County, and the Telephone 407/628-3419 Fax: 407/628-0153 a -mail: ssnocwtal(a~cfl.rr.com ssnocwta2Ca~cfl.rr.com ii Cities of Casselberry, Winter Park, and Maitland. The Authority provides such service to Seminole County, the Cities of Maitland, Casselberry, and Winter Park, and can provide transmission service to the City of Winter Springs. Design work for the Authority began in the spring of 1979. Construction grants were obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Bond Anticipation Notes were issued during 1981 in the amount of $7,000,000. Construction on the system began in February 1982. Initial flows into the system were begun in February 1983 and the total system completed in the fall of 1983. The Bond Anticipation Notes issued in December 1981 were replaced by Sewer Revenue Bonds in December 1983 and replaced at lower interest rates with bond issues in 1986 and 1993. EPA grants in the amount of~$8}876,992 had been received by September 30, 1984. Upon the pay-off of the 1993 Sewer Revenue Bonds, new bonds were issued in the amount of $8,515,000 to fund Phase I of the Master Plan-Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). The facilities owned by the Authority within the service area consist of thirty-three (33) metering points, nineteen (19) pump stations and approximately thirty-two (32) miles of force mains ranging in size from eight inch (8") to thirty-six inch (36") diameters. The Authority also owns a section of forty-two inch (42") and forty-eight inch (48") diameter gravity sewer lines and discharges into the City of Orlando's eighty-four inch (84") diameter gravity sewer for the final leg of transmission and ultimately treatment at the City of Orlando's Iron Bridge Treatment Facility. The Authority's present committed flow through the system is 13.203 million gallons per day (MGD). The Cities of Maitland, Casselberry, Winter Park, Winter Springs, and Seminole County are entitled to representation on the governing board. Each governmental entity appoints one member and one alternate member: The alternate member is authorized by each respective entity to act in all matters for the member during the absence of the member at any duly authorized board meeting. The term of office is four (4) alternating years terminating in successive years on September 30. The Legislative Act creates a 100-vote basis for conducting business with the first fifty (50) votes divided equally among board members and the remaining fifty (50) votes divided in proportion to the committed capacity for each governmental entity. The City of Winter Springs opted not to purchase any capacity in the Authority system while continuing operation of their own system. The Authority Board Members have the power to represent the Authority, and have the exclusive responsibility and power to adopt the annual budget for the operation of the Authority. The Authority does not have the power to levy taxes, but receives all revenues from its member entities through Interlocal Agreements. The Authority has two (2) employees. Duties other than administrative are provided by service contracts. The legal firm of Brown, Garganese, Weiss and D'Agresta, P.A. is the Authority's Attorneys (represented by the same attorney since 1990) and the firm of Woolpert, Inc. is the Authority's Consulting Engineers (represented by the same engineer since 1983}, OPERATIONAL OUTLOOK iii In order to ensure the viability and the financial integrity of the Authority's System, the Act gives the Authority the power to compel all retail sewage collection within its legislated boundaries to utilize its facilities. The Act further gives the Authority the ability to compel by legal proceedings payment by such user for among other things, the Authority's operation, maintenance and debt service expenses. Each member entity (customer) of the Authority has executed with the City of Orlando, Uniform Intergovernmental Agreements, whereby Orlando agrees to treat, at the City of Orlando's Iron Bridge Treatment Facility, a certain volume of sewage (committed capacity) generated within each customer's service area. The Authority's user charge system, which has been formalized through Uniform Interlocal Agreements (recently amended and restated) executed between the Authority and each one of its member entities, states that each customer will be billed monthly for its pro rata share of 100% of the Authority's operation, maintenance and depreciation expenses and 110% of the debt service expense of the bond based solely upon its committed flow. Member entities are charged penalties when total committed capacity is exceeded. With the exception of initial construction in 1982 and 1983 and a recent State Tribal Assistance Grant from the Environmental Protection Agency in the amount of $144,300, the Authority has not received any Federal or State funding. Major Initiatives for the Year: The Authority, by virtue of the Act, is to maintain the system and all components in good condition and operate the same in an economical and efficient manner and does so by making proper expenditures for equipment, repairs and replacements. The following is a summary of significant accomplishments and project related expenses made by the Authority during the fiscal year: The Authority adopted a Master Plan four years ago which now serves as a planning document to identify items of major maintenance, set forth facilities that require replacement or expansion, identify potential capital improvement projects, predict the costs associated with these projects, and define a Capital Improvements Plan. Since the majority of the Authority's facilities were constructed in 1980 and 1981, these original facilities are approaching the end of their useful lives requiring extensive maintenance or have limited capacities. Improvements to the Authority's pumping stations were identified through facility inspections, discussions with the operation and maintenance personnel of the entities and through hydraulic analyses performed via computer modeling. The Authority is presently in the engineering/design/construction phase for major system replacements, pump station rehabilitations, and force main relocations due to road widening projects. Long Term Financial Planning: Funding for identified projects is addressed through the existing rate structure which includes a depreciation component. This growth element is reviewed and adjusted annually, but may not exceed the actual depreciation of the prior fiscal year. This component is offset according to the required increase in debt service for project funding. Fund balances are reviewed annually during the budget process as to the minimum balance available for emergencies and grant matching funds. It is the intent of the Authority to operate and maintain the system within the existing rate structure and debt iv service to the maximum extent possible without the need for a rate increase. The Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) was originally adopted in two phases due to the magnitude of the number of projects and the projected costs. Phase I projects were expected to be constructed during the fiscal years 2005, 2006 and 2007 with projected costs of $15 million. Due to a steep escalation of materials and construction costs which were applied to the C1P and reflecting more than $13 million increase (61 % increase), the CIP was modified from two to three phases. Two pipeline projects originally listed in Phase i of the CIP were deferred to Phase I! and Phase 111 because of higher than anticipated total project costs and allow completion of the most critical projects within the original budgeted amount. All but two of the Phase I projects have been completed or currently under construction• during FY 2008. The first phase of capital projects has been funded with the Sewer Revenue Bonds Series 2004 and the cash contribution by.the City of Winter Park related to its share of the Capital Improvements Plan Phase I has been completed. Additionally, there were replacements of two (2) flow tubes, three (3) converters, two (2) check valves, one (1) chart recorder, two (2) UPS systems, two (2) pump replacements, one (1) wet well invert repair, one (1) pump controller, one (1) soft start; six (6) pumps were repaired while seventy-nine (79) air release valves were inspected and cleaned. Activities from the Capital Improvement Plan have included the completion of two (2) major line replacement project and one (1) pump station rehabilitation; construction in progress on one (1) line replacement project, various stages of the bidding process for one (1) pump station rehabilitation, and various engineering/design phases for one (1) line replacement (6,700') project. • Air Release Vatve Maintenance Program A contract is in effect with a service provider to clean, inspect and maintain the seventy- nine (79) valves located throughout the Authority's system. This extends the life of the pipe and pumps through the evacuation of hydrogen sulfide gases and trapped air. • System Interconnects This ongoing project allows directional flow options from multiple pump stations which permits intermittent low flow lines to be flushed and cleaned, reducing the maintenance requirements due to septic conditions. Additionally it serves as a back-up alternative during emergencies, routine maintenance, and would also allow flows to be diverted to or from the City of Casselberry's Water Reclamation Facility. To date there has been seventeen hundred feet (1,700') of 16" PVC pipe installed as a major interconnect in the Authority's system. Additionally, the Authority has retained the 8800' of 42" and 48" gravity lines and 7200' of 16" and 20" force mains that were .recently replaced as an alternate bypass and storage for these sections of the transmission system. • Operation and Maintenance Costs Operation and maintenance rates to the entities remained at the current level for eleven of the past twelve years. v • Future Capacity Members have completed their review of future capacity needs to assist the City of Orlando in analyzing repair/replacement alternatives as well as future capacity needs for the Iron Bridge Treatment Facility. Major Initiatives for the Future: Roadway widening throughout this rapidly growing area has and will continue to provide an opportunity to improve the system after determining the degree of required line relocation by replacing the affected line with non-corrosive pipe material. Since the Authority System is presently operating at 50% capacity, there are no immediate long-term plans for expanding the system. The Master Plan (CIP), both projects and costs, are annually revisited. Major. factors for consideration are as follows: • Age of infrastructure. • Potential adverse environmental impacts from damage or failure of components of the infrastructure. • Operating flexibility and improved emergency response time, which minimizes costs of repairs and replacement. • Developing alternative funding sources for the Master Plan (CIP) Phase II and Phase III. These factors translate into constant monitoring of the infrastructure so as to modify the Master Plan as necessary to assure a system that will be effective, efficient, and economical. FINANCIAL OUTLOOK Depreciation Reserve Fund: The Depreciation Reserve Fund was established to provide for system relocation costs and other capital improvements to the system. !t is funded through a depreciation rate component, dedicated interest earnings, year-end surplus, if any, and monthly excess flow administrative penalty charges. This account is held in the State Board of Administration Local Government Surplus Trust Funds Investment Pool and money market accounts that are insured by federal depository insurance up to $100,000. Amounts in excess of $100,000 are fully insured by U.S. Government securities held in the Public Deposit Security Trust Fund maintained and monitored by the Treasurer of the State of Florida. The balance in the Depreciation Reserve Fund at September 30, 2008 was $2,841,527. Internal Accounting Controls: The Authority's management is responsible for establishing and maintaining internal control designed to ensure that: 1) the assets of the Authority are protected from loss, theft, or misuse; 2) adequate accounting data is compiled to allow for the preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles; and 3) all transactions and activities are properly authorized. The internal accounting control should provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that the objectives are met. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that: 1) the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived; and 2) the valuation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgment by management. vi We believe the internal control for functions adequately safeguards assets, provides reasonable assurance of proper recording of financial transactions, and provides for proper authorization of all transactions and activities. During the year, monthly budgetary reports showing budget and actual revenue and expenses are reviewed by management and made available to the Authority Board. Cash Management: Cash, temporarily idle during the year, was invested in the State Board of Administration Local Government Surplus Trust Funds Investment Pool, demand deposits, and money market accounts. The Authority's investment policy remains very conservative with the primary objective being the safeguard of the principal. All Inflow and Infiltration accounts (individual accounts for each Member entity which are funded by daily excess committed flow penalties) were held by Wachovia Bank in government accounts. Risk Management: The Authority is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts; theft of, damage to and destruction of assets; errors and omissions; and natural disasters for which the Authority's insurance coverage is assigned to the Florida League of Cities. Debt Administration: As of September 30, 2008, the Authority had $7,951,938 in outstanding debt for the Series 2004 Bonds. South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority has a rating of AAA by Standard and Poor's Corporation and Fitch, and an underlying rating of A+ from Standard and Poor's Corporation. OTHER INFORMATION Independent Audit: The Enabling Legislative Act and Florida State Statutes require an annual audit made by independent certified public accountants. The accounting firm of Holland and Reilly, CPAs was selected by the Authority to audit the 2008 financial statements. The auditors' report on the basic financial statements is included in the financial section of this report. Submittal for Award: The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority, Maitland, Florida, for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for.the Fiscal Year ended September 30, 2007; this is the eleventh time the Authority has received the Certificate. The Certificate of Achievement is a prestigious national award recognizing conformance with the highest standards for preparation of state and local government financial reports. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a government unit must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), whose contents conform to program standards. Such CAFR must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current report conforms to the Certificate of Achievement program requirements and we are submitting it to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for acceptance. vii I~ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The preparation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report on a timely basis would not have been possible without the dedicated service of Wendy Woodhouse, Authority Accountant, and Holland and F2eilly, the Authority's Auditors for their contribution to the ~ excellence of this report. ~ Annual Financial reports are a permanent historical record of the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority's operation for the general public, member entities, Authority Board Members and management. It is our belief that ~A this is a comprehensive report of financial transactions under the control of the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority and that the ~ following statements present an accurate, informative record of the financial activities_of the Authority, and its financial condition at September 30, 2008. ~ We wish to acknowledge the interest, leadership and support of the Board Members in ~ planning and conducting financial operations in a responsible and progressive manner. pectfully submitted, ~ ~~`~ Ste h F. filler Wendy Woodhouse Ex cu ' e Director Authority Accountant wP1 wP~ rig viii G SOUTH SEMINOLE and NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY PRINCIPAL OFFICIALS REPRESENTATIVES Chairman Randy Knight City of Winter Park Vice-Chairman Phyllis Wallace City of Casselberry Dennis Westrick Seminole County Wm. Brian Jones City of Maitland Donald Gilmore City of Winter Springs ALTERNATE REPRESENTATIVES Richard Wells Barbara Lipscomb Jeffrey Briggs Carol Hunter City of Maitland City of Casselberry City of Winter Park Seminole County ADMINISTRATION Stephen F. Miller Executive Director Wendy Woodhouse Authority Accountant CONSULTANTS Legal Counsel .Brown, Garganese, Weiss, and D'Agresta, P.A. Engineering Woolpert, Inc. Auditors Holland and Reilly, CPAs ix ~0~ ~E1IIINOLE AND NO~Tg O~N(~E COUN'1l'Y ~P + ~TE~ T~lN~1VIII~ION~UT~OB,ITY ® ~TION~ I~UCTIT~tE South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority Board ~ Executive Director Authority Accountant Contractual Services Authori Authori Authori ty tY ~ Attorney Auditor Engineer * Board Members and Alternates are representatives from: City of Casselberry City of Maitland City of Winter Park City of Winter Springs Seminole County x Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financia Reporting Presented to South Seminole & North Orange County V~astewater Transmission Authority, Florida For its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2007 A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is presented by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada to government units and. public cmployee retirement systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFRs) achieve the highest standards in government accounting and financial reporting. p~bf ~F/ S~ ~~ R f f~A CAH/Bf ~~~r President «~ Executive Director xi !R+ !b FINANCIAL SECTION This section contains the following subsections: • INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT • MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION ANALYSIS • BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS HOLLAND &REILLY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 601 NORTH FERN CREEK SUITE 200 ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32803 DAVID S. HOLLAND, CPA THOMAS F. REILLY, CPA 1407) 9C4.6B03 (4071 90E•3044 fAX AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FLORID.> INSTRUTE Of CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ASSOCIATION Of CERTIf1ED FRAUD EXAMMERS INDEPENDENT AUDTI'ORS' REPORT Board of Directors South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority We have audited the accompanying statement of net assets of the South Seminole acid North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority (the Authority) as of September 30, 2008, and the related statements of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets, and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Authority's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with U.S. generally accepted auditing standards and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards,issued bythe Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and the significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Authority as of September 30, 2008, and the changes in fmancial position and cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated February 16, 2009 on our consideration of the Authority's internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered in assessing the results of our audit. The Management's Discussion and Analysis on pages 4 through 7 is not a required part of the financial statements but is supplementary information required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. We have applied certain limited procedures, which consisted principally of inquiries of management regarding the methods of measurement and presentation of the required supplementary information. However, we did not audit the information and express no opinion on it. The information presented in the Statistical Section is presented for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the financial statements. Such information has not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the financial statements and, accordingly, we express no opinion on it. February 16, 2009 Orlando, Florida 2 This page intentionally left blank. 3 Management's Discussion and Analysis As fmancial management of the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority (the "Authority"), we offer readers of the Authority's financial statements this narrative overview and analysis of the financial activities of the Authority for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2008. We encourage readers to consider the information presented here in conjunction with additional information that we have furnished in our letter of transmittal at the front of the report. Financial Highlights o Operating income for the Authority was $219,551 for fiscal year 2008. This"was -an increase ~of $87,577 from the previous year. o The Authority's net assets decreased $473,370. The term "net assets" refers to the difference between assets and liabilities. At the close of fiscal year 2008, the Authority had net assets of $20,948,973, a decrease of 2 % from the previous fiscal year. o The Authority reported unrestricted net assets of $3,273,861 at the close of fiscal year 2008. o The Authority's cash and cash equivalents balance was $6,179,894 representing a $2,797,244 decrease from the prior fiscal year. o The Authority had total operating revenues of $1,591,259 and total operating expenses of $1,371,708 for fiscal year 2008. o The Authority's capital outlays for fiscal year 2008 were $3,254,524. o The Authority's outstanding debt is $7,951,938, a decrease of $166,602 from the prior fiscal year. Overview of the Financial Statements This discussion and analysis is intended to serve as an introduction to the Authority's financial statements. The Authority's financial statements and notes to the financial statements included in this report were prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles applicable to governmental entities for proprietary fund types. Basic Financial Statements The Authority is aspecial-purpose government consisting only of a proprietary type enterprise fund whose function is to meet the particular need of the area in relationship to wastewater transmission to a regional sewage treatment plant. The basic financial statements are designed to provide readers with a broad overview of the Authority's finances, in a manner similar to aprivate-sector business. They consist of the statement of net assets, the statement of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets and statement of cash flows. ' The statement of net assets presents information on all the Authority's assets and liabilities, with the difference between the two reported as net assets. Over time increases or decreases in net assets may serve as a useful indicator of whether the financial position of the Authority is improving or deteriorating. The statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets presents information showing how the Authority's net assets changed during the most recent fiscal year. All changes in net assets are reported as soon as the underlying event occurs, regardless of timing of unrelated cash flows. Thus, revenues and expenses are reported in this statement for some items that will only result in cash flows in future fiscal periods (e.g., depreciation, and earned but unused compensated absences). 4 Notes to the Financial Statements The notes to the financial statements provide additional information that is essential to a full understanding of the data provided in the basic financial statements. Other Information In addition to the basic financial statements and accompanying notes, this report also presents certain supplementary statistical schedules that cover more than one fiscal year that reflect the population of member entities, annual flows, and financial trends of the Authority. Financial Analysis September 30, 2008 2007 ASSETS Current and other assets $ 6,412,876 $ 9,239,744 Capital assets, net 23,778,410 21,753,250 Total assets $ 30,191,286 $ 30,992,994 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities: Current liabilities (Payable from current assets) 109,574 174,114 Current liabilities (Payable from restricted assets) 1,180,801 1,277,997 Long-term debt, less current portion 7,951,938 8,118,540 Total liabilities 9,242,313 9,570,651 Net assets: Invested in capital assets, net of related debt 15,826,472 13,634,710 Restricted 1,848,640 4,325,203 Unrestricted 3,273,861 3,462,430 Total net assets $ 20,948,973 $ 21,422,343 Assets exceeded liabilities by $20,948,973. This represents an increase in net assets of $473,370 (2%) over the previous year. A portion of net assets ($1,415,734) is restricted to funding the capital improvements plan, and $432,906 is restricted for debt service and renewal and replacement reserves. The bond proceeds from a prior year were used to fund investments in capital assets of $3,254,524 primarily for improvements and renovations to the system. This compares to additional investments in capital assets made by the Authority for 2007 of $3,049,021. By far, the largest portion of the Authority's net assets (76%) reflects its investments in capita] assets (e.g., land, buildings, system facilities, and construction in progress) less any related debt used to acquire those assets that is still outstanding. The Authority uses these capital assets to operate a wastewater transmission line and consequently, those assets are not available to liquidate liabilities or other spending. 5 Of the $23,778,410 in capital assets, $1,160,660 represents construction in progress primarily for ~ engineering studies and design work for future line replacements and station rehabilitations. Changes in Net Assets Revenues: Operating revenues Interest income Other income Total revenue Expenses: Operating expenses Interest expense Loss on disposal of equipment Other Total expenses Income (loss) before capital contributions for the year ended September 30, 2008 2007 $ 1,591,259 $ 1,576,384 169,239 493,279 5,128 L51,683 1,765,626 2,221,346 1,371,708 1,444,410 344,414 348,664 521,903 320,813 971 1,665 2,238,996 2,115,552 (473,370) 105,794 Capital contributions Increase (decrease) in net assets $ (473,370) $ 105,794 Operating revenues increased in 2008 and operating expenses decreased between years 2007 and 2008. The steep decline in interest income from $493,279 in 2007 to $169,239 in 2008 was due to the withdrawal of funds from the State of Florida Board of Administration Local Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund Investment Pool (SBA) in late November 2007 as further explained in Note 4 to the financial statements. Interest rates on money market funds were substantially lower. The decrease in other income was due to a $144,300 grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for a scheduled line replacement project received last year. A significant portion of operating expenses relates to depreciation, which was $707,461 (52%} in 2008 and $680,611 (47%) in 2007. The decrease in net assets of $473,370 is due primarily to the lower interest earnings on investments as previously explained; the $144,300 capital grant received in 2007 and not in 2008; and the increase on the loss on disposal of equipment because more capital projects were closed in 2008 than the prior year. The losses on disposals of equipment represent the original depreciated costs of pipelines that are being replaced in the Authority's system improvement program. Capital Asset and Debt Administration Capital Assets The Authority's investment in capital assets was $23,778,410, net of accumulated depreciation, as of September 30, 2008, a net increase of $2,025,160. Capital assets include land, buildings, system facilities, furniture, fixtures and equipment, and construction in progress. Major capital asset events during the fiscal year included force main line replacements and pump station rehabilitations. Additional information on the Authority's capital assets can be found in note 6 on page 17 of this report. Long-Term Debt The Authority has outstanding bonds payable of $7,951,938 (net of unamortized bond discounts), a~ decrease of $166,602 during fiscal year 2008. The Authority's debt service coverage ratio decreased from 2.55 for fiscal year 2007 to 2.13 for fiscal year 2008. The decrease in debt service ratio was due primarily to the decrease in interest income. Additional information on the Authority's long-term debt can be found in note 7 on pages 18-19 of this report. Requests for Information This financial report is designed to provide a general overview of the Authority's finances for all those with an interest in its finances. Questions concerning any of the information provided in this report, or requests for additional financial information, should be addressed to the Executive Director, South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority, 410 Lake Howell Road, Maitland, Florida 32751. 7 SOUTH SEMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS September 30, 2008 ASSETS Current assets: ' Cash Prepaid expenses Restricted assets -cash equivalents Total current assets Noncurrent assets: Restricted assets: Cash equivalents Capital assets: Property and equipment Less accumulated depreciation Total capital assets Unamortized loan costs, less accumulated amortization of $36,165 Total noncurrent assets Total assets _ $ 280,766 3,446 1,180,801 1,465,013 4,718,327 $30,460,900 ( 6,682,490) 23,778,410 229,536 28,726,273 $30 191,286 8 LIABILITIES AND SYSTEM EQUITY Current liabilities (payable from current assets): Accounts payable Accrued salaries anti compensated absences Accrued and withheld payroll taxes Total current liabilities (payable from current assets) Current liabilities (payable from restricted assets): Contracts payable $ 143,271 Accrued interest payable 172 207 Due to other governmental units 865.323 Total current liabilities (payable from restricted assets) Total current liabilities Noncurrent liabilities: Due within one year: Bonds payable 175,000 Due in more than one year: Bonds payable 7,865,000 Less: unamortized bond discount ( 88.062) Total noncurrent liabilities Total liabilities Net assets: Investment in capital assets, net of related debt 15 826 472 Restricted for debt service and renewal and replacement reserves 432,906 Restricted for capital improvements 1 415 734 Unrestricted 3,273,861 Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets See accompanying notes. $ 73,910 20,849 14,815 109,574 1,180, 801 1,290,375 7,951,938 9,242,313 20,948,973 30.191.286 9 .._. ~ ~:. . _. SOUTH SENIINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSNIISSION AUTHORTTY STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS for the year ended September 30, 2008 Operating revenues: ~ Charges for services Operating expenses: Personal services $ 208,882 Maintenance 89,515 Contractual services 310,229 Depreciation 707,461 Amortization 12,255 Other 43,366 Total operating expenses Operating income Non-operating revenues (expenses): Interest income 169,239 Miscellaneous revenue 5,128 Loss on disposal of equipment ( 521,903) Interest expense ( 344,414) Fiscal agent fee ( 971) Total non-operating revenues (expenses) Decrease in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year $ 1,591,259 1,371,708 219,551 ( 692,921) ( 473,370) 21,422,343 $20.948.973 See accompanying notes. 10 r1 r1 ~1 7 D D SOUTH SElVIINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS for the year ended September 30, 2008 Cash flows from operating activities: Receipts from customers Payments to suppliers Payments to employees Net cash provided by operating activities Cash flows from capital and related financing activities: Additions to property and equipment Principal paid on bonds Interest paid on debt Fiscal agent fees paid Net cash used in capital and related financing activities Cash flows from noncapital financing activities: Penalties collected from other governments Net cash provided by noncapital financing activities Cash flows from investing activities: Interest earned Net cash provided by investing activities Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of year Classified as: Current assets: Cash Cash equivalents -restricted Noncurrent assets: Cash equivalents -restricted (Continued) See accompanying notes. 11 $ 1,703,762 ( 824,851) ( 221,759) 657,152 ( 3,111,253) ( 170,000) ( 346,539) ( 971) ( 3,628,763) 5,128 5,128 169,239 169,239 ( 2,797,244) 8,977,138 6.179.894 280,766 1,180,801 4,718,327 6.179.894 ___-- -- - C SOUTH SENIINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS -Continued for the year ended September 30, 2008 Reconciliation of operating income to net cash provided i by operating activities: $ 219,551 ! Operating income I,~j Adjustments not affecting cash: Depreciation ~ 707,461 Amortization 12,255 Change in assets and liabilities: 24 171 Decrease in due from other governments , Increase in prepaid expenses ( 3,404) Decrease in accounts payable ( 7,530) Decrease in accrued salaries and compensated absences ( 26,785) Increase in accrued payroll taxes 13,908 Decrease in contracts payable ( 298,141) Decrease in retainage payable ( 72,666) Decrease in customer deposit ( 44,133) Increase in due to other governmental units, operating portion 132,465 Total adjustments 437,601 Net cash provided by operating activities Non cash capital and related financing activities Capital assets funded by contracts payable and retainage payable i See accompanying notes. 12 e S SOUTH SEMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY ~ WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE FINANCL~I. STATEMENTS 1. Organization: The South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority (the Authority) was formed in October 1978 by Legislative Act of the State of Florida to construct and operate a wastewater transmission line to be the prime source of conveyance of wastewater collected in the service area of its five customers (Seminole County and the Cities of Winter Park, Casselberry, Maitland and Winter Springs) to the Iron Bridge Regional Treatment Plant owned by the City of Orlando. Each of the Authorit}~s customers is bound, through uniform interlocal agreements, to pay its pro-rata share of the Authorit}~s operation and maintenance expenses and annual bond debt service requirements. All of the Authorit}~s program revenues (charges for services) come from four of its five customers. These fmancial statements consist only of the Authorit}~s operations; there are no component units. 2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies: A Basis of Presentation -The Authority is accounted for as a proprietary type enterprise fund. Enterprise funds are used to account for activities that are fmanced and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises and is mandatory in the following situations: 1) the activity is financed with debt that is secured solely by a pledge of the net revenues from fees and charges of the activity, 2) laws or regulations require that all costs of providing services, including capital costs, be recovered from fees and charges, or 3) fees and charges are designed to recover the costs of the activity, including capital costs. In accordance with Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 20, the Authority has elected not ~ to apply Financial Accounting Standards Board statements and interpretations issued on or after December 30, 1989. ~ Basis of Accountine -These financial statements are prepared on the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Under the accrual basis of accounting, ~ revenues are recognized when earned; expenses are recognized when incurred. The assets, liabilities, and ~ net assets of the Authority are reported in aself-balancing set of accounts, which include restricted and ~ unrestricted resources, representing funds available for support of the Authority's operations ~ Cash and Cash Equivalents -For purposes of the statement of cash flows, the Authority considers all highly ~ liquid investments (including restricted assets) with maturity of three months or less when purchased to be cash equivalents. The Authority's cash equivalents included in restricted assets and the depreciation reserve (see notes 4 and 5) consist of funds invested with the State of Florida Board of Administration Local ~ Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund Investment Pool (SBA) and money market funds collateralized by ~ U.S. Government obligations, with the fair value equal to the carrying value. The Authority's bank deposits are held by qualified state depositories that, under state law, are required to be collateralized by U.S. government obligations held by the various fmancial institutions. 13 ( ~. . SOUTH SEMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies -Continued: Ouerating.Revenues and Expenses -The Authority's operating revenues and expenses consist of revenues earned and expenses incurred relating to the operation and maintenance of its system, including administrative expenses and depreciation of capital assets. All other revenues and expenses are reported as nonoperating revenues and expenses. Capital Assets -Capital assets are stated at cost to the Authority when purchased or constructed and at fair value at time of acquisition when donated. The significant portion of capital assets is comprised of infrastructure assets, such as sewer pipes and lines. Expenditures for capital asset additions and improvements with a cost of $500 or more are capitalized. Expenditures for maintenance and repairs are charged to operating expenses. Provisions for depreciation are made using the straight-line method, based upon the estimated useful lives of the assets, which range as follows: Assets Years Buildings 40 Building improvements 10 Furniture, fixtures, and equipment 5-7 System facilities 5-50 Amortization of Loan Costs -Costs incurred in connection with the offering of the Authority's Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2004 have been capitalized and are being amortized over the life of the related debt. Amortization of Bond Discount -The discount associated with the issuance of the Authority's Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, has been capitalized, as a reduction of bonds payable, and is being amortized over the life of the related debt. Estimates -The preparation of financial statements inconformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. 3. Cash and Cash Equivalents: Cash and cash equivalents are carried at cost. Demand deposits and money market accounts are insured by federal depository insurance up to $100,000 of the aggregate account balances. Amounts in excess of $100,000 are fully insured by U.S. Government securities held in the Public Deposit Security Trust Fund (Pool) maintained and monitored by the Treasurer of the State of Florida. The Pool provides for additional assessments to members of the pool to insure that there will be no loss of public funds. At September 30, 2008, the carrying amount of the Authority's demand deposits was $1,142,421, and the respective bank balances totaled $1,154,046. 14 SOUTH SEMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4. Restricted Assets: Cash equivalents and investments included in restricted assets, current and noncurrent, at September 30, 2008 consist of the following: Account Infiltration and Inflow Rehabilitation Fund Debt Service Reserve Interest Principal Water Sewer Project Renewal and Replacement Depreciation Reserve Carrying Fair Value Value $ 861,754 $ 861,754 83,840 83,840 172,207 172,207 175,000 175,000 1,415,734 1,415,734 349,066 349,066 2,841,527 2,841,527 $ 5,899,128 $ 5,899,128 The funds above are invested in demand deposits ($861,754), money market accounts ($4,976,602), and SBA Pool A/LG]P and Pool B ($60,772). These amounts are reflected in the Statement of Assets as follows: Current assets Noncurrent assets $ 1,180,801 4,718,327 $ 5,899,128 The bond covenants permit the Authority to invest in obligations of the U.S. Government or other agencies or instrumentalities of the United States. Further, the Authority may invest in commercial paper, any general obligation of any state or political subdivision with a rating in one of the two highest rating categories by a nationally recognized bond rating agency, certificates of deposits with a Federal Reserve System member bank, units of participation in Local Government Surplus Funds Trust Funds or any other investment permitted under applicable Florida and United States law and/or approved by the insurer in writing. The Authority's policy with respect to concentrations of credit risk states "Assets shall be diversified to control the risk of loss resulting from over concentration of assets in specific maturities, issuer, and security issues." Before November 29, 2007, the Authority invested principally in the SBA. Subsequent to that date, the Authority invested principally in money market accounts. On November 29, 2007, the Authority withdrew most of its funds from the SBA, leaving $192,769 in the Pool, just prior to the SBA implementing a temporary freeze on the assets held in the Pool due to an unprecedented amount of withdrawals from the Fund, coupled with the absence of market liquidity for certain securities within the Pool. The significant amount of withdrawals followed reports that the Pool held asset-backed commercial paper that was subject to sub prime mortgage risk. On December 4, 2007, based on recommendations from an outside financial advisor, the SBA restructured the Pool into two separate pools. Pool A consisted of all money market appropriate assets, which was approximately $12 billion, or 86% of Pool assets. Pool B consisted of assets that either defaulted on a payment, paid more slowly than scheduled, and/or had any significant credit and liquidity risk, totaling approximately $2 billion, or 14% of Pool assets. 15 SOUTH 5EMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4. Restricted Assets -Continued: At the time of the restructuring, all current pool participants had their existing balances proportionately allocated into Pool A and Pool B. The Authority's investments were split into $165,040 in Pool A and $27,729 in Pool B. Pool A, subsequently renamed the LGIP pool, is considered a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) :'2a7-like" fund, with the fair value of the investment equal to the account balance. A 2a7-like fund is not registered with the SEC as an investment company, but has a policy that it will, and does, operate in a manner consistent with SEC's Rule 2a7 of the Investment Company Act ~of 1940, the rules governing money market funds. Thus, the pool operates essentially as a money market fund, but is classified as an external investment pool. On December 21, 2007, Standard and Poor's Rating Services assigned its AAA principal stability fund rating to Pool AlLGIP. Pool A/LGIP participants were permitted initially to withdraw up to the higher of 15% of their balance or $2 million without penalty. Withdrawals from Pool A/LGIP in excess of the above limits are subject to a 2% redemption fee. These withdrawal provisions for Pool A/LGIP increased periodically throughout the year as its investments matured, and subject to the liquidity requirements of the Pool. The withdrawal provisions at September 30, 2008 allow the higher of 65% of each participant's December 4, 2007 balance or $12 million without penalty. New deposits in Pool AILGIP are not subject to the redemption fee or withdrawal restrictions. Pool B participants are prohibited from withdrawing any amount from the Pool. Amounts totaling $1.4 billion were transferred by the SBA from Pool A to Pool B, with immediate availability, between February and September 2008, leaving a Pool B balance for all participants of approximately $800 million at September 30, 2008. The weighted average days to maturity of Pool A/LGIP was 8.5 days, while the weighted average life of Pool B was 9.36 years as of September 30, 2008. On September 30, 2008, the Authorityhad $52,099 invested in Pool A/LGIP with no liquidityrestrictions, and $8,673 in Pool B. The Infiltration and Inflow Rehabilitation Fund Account was established by the Authority in 1988 for the collection of excess flow penalties from customers that exceeded their daily committed flow allocation. An amount equal to the excess flow penalty is recorded in an account called "due to other governmental units" when the funds are collected. The funds are returned to the customer from whom they were collected after the customer has completed infiltration and inflow rehabilitation services to correct the excess flow. 5. Depreciation Reserve Account: The Depreciation Reserve Account was originally established by the Board of Directors to replace fully depreciated assets. The account is funded by a depreciation rate component which is authorized in the interlocal agreements and the Revenue Bond Series 2004 resolution and excess charges for service after all restricted accounts have been fully funded as required by the bond resolution. The bond resolutions specify that this Account may be used for the purpose of paying extraordinary and nonrecurring costs for removal and transfer of used and useable capital facilities caused by governmental requirements or directives. Funds may also be used for paying the costs of extensions, enlargements or additions to, or the replacement of capital assets of the system and emergency repairs thereto. In addition, if no other funds are available, funds may be used to pay for operation/maintenance expenses on a non-recurring basis caused by unforeseen circumstances. 16 h _~ /R aa~ :J i~ wJ wJ J ~~ .,1 SOUTH SEIVIINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSNIISSION AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5. Depreciation Reserve Account -Continued: Activity in the Depreciation Reserve Account for the year ended September 30, 2008 is as follows: Balance at October 1, 2007 $ 3,448,268 Additions: Interest income 74,361 Deposits from entities - ~ 422,000 Deductions: Payments for costs of extensions of capital assets (1,102,904) Administrative fees (198) Balance at September 30, 2008 $ 2,841,527 6. Capital Assets: Capital assets are summarized as follows: Beginning Dispositions/ Ending Capital Assets, Not Depreciated: balance Additions Adjustments balance Land $ 174,832 $ - $ - $ 174,832 Construction in progress 2,072,260 3,230,620 (4,142,2202 1,160,660 Total capital assets, not being depreciated 2,247,092 3,230,620 (4,142,220) 1,335,492 Capital Assets, Being Depreciated: Building and improvements 65,169 - - 65,169 System facilities 25,909,573 23,904 3,099,447 29,032,924 Furniture, fixtures, and equipment _ 27,315 - - 27~ 15 Total capital assets, beingdepreciated 26,002,057 23,904 3,099,447 29,125,408 Less Accumulated Depreciation For: Building and improvements (38,665) (1,923) - (40,588) System facilities (6,432,509) (704,847) 520,870 (6,616,486) Furniture, fixtures, and equipment (24,725) (691) - (25,416) Tota] acc~unulated depreciation (6,495,899) (707,461 520,870 (6,682,490) Total capital assets, beingdepreciated, 19,506,158 (683,557) 3,620,317 22,442,918 net Total Capital Assets, Net $ 21,753,250 $ 2,547,063 $ (521,903) $ 23,778,410 17 „... SOUTH SEMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSNIISSION AUTHORITY NOTES TO THE FINANCLAL STATEMENTS 7. Long-Term Debt: A summary of changes in long-term debt is as follows: Beginning Ending Due within balance Additions Reductions balance one year Series 2004 bonds $ 8,210,000 $ - $ (170,000) $ 8,040,000 ~ I75,000' Less: Unamortized discount (91,460) - 3,398 (88,062) $ 8,118,540 $ - $ (166,602) $ 7,951,938 $ 175,000 The Authority issued one series ofbonds during the fiscal year ended September 30, 2004 for the purpose of financing major capital improvements. The $8,515,000 Authority Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2004, dated September 8, 2004, are due on October 1 of each year through 2034, with interest from 2.5% to 4.75% payable semi-annually on April 1 and October 1. These bonds are collateralized by a pledge of the net revenues derived by the Authority from the operations of the sewer system and amounts on deposit in certain funds and accounts. Annual debt service requirements to maturity for sewer system revenue bonds are as follows: Year ending September 30, Principal Interest Total Interest rate 2009 175,000 342,226 517,226 2.50% 2010 180,000 337,451 517,451 2.88% 2011 185,000 331,858 516,858 3.25% 2012 190,000 325,764 515,764 3.25% 2013 195,000 325,764 520,764 3.50% 2014-2018 1,100,000 1,480,138 2,580,138 3.63-3.88% 2019-2023 1,330,000 1,240,184 2,570,184 4-4.4% 2024-2028 1,650,000 912,866 2,562,866 4.45-4.63% 2029-2033 2,065,000 483,406 2,548,406 4.63-4.75% 2034-2035 970,000 46,550 1,016,550 4.75% $ 8,040,000 $ 5,826,207 $ 13,866,207 The resolution authorizing the bonds established the following restricted accounts. The purpose of the accounts in order of priority of monthly revenue transfers is as follows: A. Revenue Fund Deposit gross revenues of the Authority's system. B. Debt Service Fund Shall maintain the Principal Account, the Interest Account, the Parity Contract Obligation Account and the Redemption Account as follows: 1. Interest Account Deposit 1/6 of the interest income becoming due on the next semi- annual interest payment. 2. Parity Contract Deposit 1/6 of the parity contract obligation due on the next semi- Obligation Account annual interest payment. 18 r i i r r r r r t e SOUTH SEMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 7. Long-Term Debt -Continued 3. Principal Account Deposit 1/12 of the principal due on the next maturity date for the bonds. 4. Redemption Account Deposit an amount sufficient to pay the next due amortization. C. Reserve Fund Deposit amount necessary to bring the account balance equal to the maximum amount of principal and interest becoming due in any ensuing fiscal year. D. Subordinated Debt Deposit an amount to meet current principal, interest, mandatory Service Fund redemption and parity contract obligations, if any. E. Renewal and Deposit 1/12 of 5% of the gross revenues received during the Replacement Fund immediately preceding year until the balance is equal to $300,000. F. Project Fund G. Depreciation Reserve Fund H. Surplus Fund 8. Retirement: Florida Retirement S_ sy tem Deposit remaining funds to be used for paying project costs. Deposit an amount as shall be determined by the annual budget of the Authority. Deposit excess Revenue Fund moneys after all above payments have been made. During the year, one full-time employee of the Authority participated in the Florida Retirement System (FRS), a multiple employer cost sharing public employee retirement system, administered by the Florida Department of Administration. The Plan was created by the Florida Legislature and is available to governmental units within Florida. One of the employees does not participate in the FRS. The FRS provides vesting after six years of creditable service. Members are eligible for normal retirement after vesting (6 years or more creditable service for regular members). Early retirement may be taken anytime, but there is a five percent benefit reduction for each year prior to normal retirement age (less than 30 years service or 62 years of age for regular members). Benefits are computed on the basis of age, average fmal compensation and service credit. Members are also eligible for in-line-of--duty or regular disability benefits if permanently disabled and unable to work. Article X, Section 14 of the State Constitution and Part VII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes provide the authority to establish and amend the contributory obligations. The Plan is noncontributory and requires the Authority to contribute 10.91% of the wages of senior management and 9.85% of regular covered employees. Contribution rates are in agreement with the actuarially determined rates. 19 8. Retirement -Continued: The Authority's contributions to the FRS for the last three years (which were equal to the required contributions) were as follows: ' Year ended September 30, 2008 2007 2006 Contributions A mnnnt $ 16,259 12,883 11,079 Contribution Rate - 10.91%/9.85% 13.12%/9.85% 13.12%/9.85% The most recent actuarial report was prepared as of July 1, 2008. Section 121.031(3) of the Florida Statutes requires that an actuarial review of the FRS be performed annually. The conclusions of the review are included in the annual report of the FRS. The Florida Retirement System issues a financial report that includes financial statements and other relevant fmancial and statistical information. That report may be obtained from the State of Florida, Division of Retirement, 2639 N. Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399 or by calling (850) 488-2879. Defined Contribution Plan The Authority also set up a Defined Contribution Plan under Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a) with the Florida Municipal Pension Trust Fund. This plan is pursuant to the Florida Retirement System Opt-out for all new employees hired on or after January 1, 1996. One full-time employee participates in this plan. Contributions for the year ended September 30, 2008 were $2,708. 9. Deferred Compensation Plan: The Authority offers its employees a deferred compensation plan created in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457. The plan, available to all full time employees, permits them to defer a portion of their salary until future years. The deferred compensation is not available to employees until termination, retirement, death, or unforeseeable emergency. Funds are held in trust by a third party administrator; thus the assets and related liabilities are not reflected in these financial statements. lO.Commitments and Contingencies: The Authority is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts, theft of, damage to, and destruction of assets; errors and omissions; and natural disasters for which the Authority carries commercial insurance. There have been no significant reductions in insurance coverage from the prior year. No settlements have exceeded the Authority's insurance coverage for each of the past three years. 20 SOUTH SEMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 11.Construction Commitments: The Authority has active construction projects as of September 30, 2008. The projects include replacing or relocating sewer lines, rehabilitation of pumping stations, as well as design work and engineering studies for future line replacement and pumping station rehabilitation. At year end, the Authority's commitments with contractors are as follows: R Construction projects Spent- emaming to-date - commitment _ $ 1,231,998 $ 167,237 21 This page intentionally left blank. 22 STATISTICAL SECTION Statistical schedules differ from financial statements because they usually cover more than one fiscal year and may represent non-accountable data. These schedules reflect social and economic data, and financial trends of the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority, Maitland, Florida. STATISTICAL SECTION The Statistical Schedules differ from other financial presentations because they generally disclose more than ~ one fiscal year and may present non-accounting data such as social and economic data and financial trends of ~ the Authority. TABLE Financial Trends PAGE These schedules contain information to help the reader understand how the Authority s _ financial performance and well-being have changed over time. I Net Assets by Component 24 II Changes in Net Assets 25 Debt Capacity These schedules present information to help the reader assess the affordability of the Authority's current levels of outstanding debt and the government's ability to issue additional debt in thefuture. III Debt Service Requirements 26 Operating Information These schedules contain service and infrastructure data to help the reader understand how the information in the Authority s financial report relates to the services the Authority provides and the activities it performs. IV Percentage of Committed Capacity of Member Entities 27 V Percentage of Iron Bridge Facility Committed Capacity 28 VI Annual Flow -Millions of Gallons Transmitted to Iron Bridge Facility 29 Demographic and Economic Information These schedules offer demographic and economic indicators to help the reader understand the environment within which the Authority s fcnancial activities take place. VII Population of Member Entities 30 VIII Miscellaneous Statistical Data 31 Except where noted, the information is derived from the Authority's comprehensive fmancial reports for the relevant year. The Authority implemented GASB Statement 34 in 2002; Tables I and II presenting financial trends include information beginning that year. 23 TABLEI SOUTH SEMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY NET ASSETS BY COMPONENT LAST SEVEN FISCAL YEARS 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Net Assets: Investment in captial assets, net of related debt $ 15,826,472 $ 13,634,710 $ 11,425,511 $ 12,682,384 S 11,556,515 S 10,237,404 S 9,030,399 Restricted for debt service and renewal and replacement reserves 432,906 685,473 664,717 650.650 302.718 1,273.772 1,565.009 Restricted for capital improvements 1,415,734 3,639,730 6,650,616 4,280,121 6.737,456 - - Unrestricted 3,273,861 3,462,430 2.575,705 4,140,024 2,171,535 1,808,728 2.232,949 Total net assets S 20.948,973 S ~. 21,422,343 $ 21,316,549 S ~® 21,753,179 $ ~~ 20.768.229 S 13,319,904 $ 12,828,307 N ~P TABLE II SOUTH SEMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY CHANGES IN NET ASSETS LAST SEVEN FISCAL YEARS 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 Revenues: Charges fors $ 1,591,259 $ 1,576,384 $ 1,471,200 $ 1,566,769 $ 1,538,003 $ 1,409,619 $ 1,403,847 Operation & maintenance exl (664,247) (763,799) (660,531) (589,539) (589,868) (519,727 (528,323) Income before depreciatiot 927,012 812,585 810,669 977,230 948,135 889,892 875,524 Depreciation: (707,461) (680,611) (422,489) (410,303) (395,347) (395,810) (390,397) cNr, Operating income 219,551 131,974 388,180 566,927 552,788 494,082 485,127 Non-operating Revenue (expenses): Interest income 169,239 493,279 547,147 360,754 58,372 46,917 68,429 Miscellaneous income 5,128 151,683 11,495 10,215 - 9,438 7,297 Net increase in fair value of investments - - - 29,914 - - - Loss on disposal of equipmc (521,903) (320,813) (1,209,610) (23,097) (58,466 (18,380) (77,464) Interest expense (344,414) (348,664) (241,551) (236,410) (94,779) (80,285) (116,129) Fiscal agent fee (971) (1,665) (2,521) (2,726) (1,298) (1,566) (1,369) Total non-operating revenue or (expense) (692,921) (26,180) (895,040) 138,650 (96,171) (43,876) (119,236) Increase (decrease) in net assets before capital contributions (473,370) 105,794 (506,860) 705,577 456,617 450,206 365,891 Contributed capital - - 70,230 279,378 6,991,703 41,391 129,800 Change in net $ (473,370) $ 105,794 $ (436,630) $ 984,955 $ 7,448,320 $ 491,597 $ 495,691 TABLE III SOUTH SEMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY SCIIEDULE OF DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS FOR LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS NET REVENUE FISCAL AVAILABLE 'YEAR GROSS OPERATING FOR DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS ENDED REVENUES (I1 EXPENSES DEBTSVC PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL COVERAGE 2008 $ 1,765,626 $ 664,247 $ 1,101,379 $ 170,000 $ 346,539 $ 516,539 2.13 2007 2,077,046 763,799 1.313,247 165,000 350,726 515,726 2.55 2006 2,029,842 660,531 1,369,311 140,000 354,539 494,539 2.77 2005 1,967,652 589,539 1,378,113 140,000 379,051 519,051 2.66 2004 1,596,375 589,868 1,006,507 845,000 41,405 886,405 1.14 2003 1,594,358 519,727 1,074,631 810,000 80,285 890,285 1.21 2002 1,614,573 528,323 1,086,250 775,000 116,129 891,129 1.22 2001 1,724,796 544,307 1,180,489 735,000 149,204 884,204 ].34 2000 ],783,759 423,194 1,360,565 705,000 179,519 884,519 1.54 1999 1,708,007 430,152 1,277,855 675,000 207,194 882,194 1.45 (1) Includes Charges for Service (O & M & Debt Service, including debt service receivable reduction in years 1998 to 2003), Interest Earnings, and Miscellaneous Revenue. Source: South Seminole & North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority 26 TABLE IV SOUTH SEMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY PERCENTAGE OF COMMITTED CAPACITY OF MEMBER ENTITIES LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS FISCAL CITY OF CITY OF TOTAL YEAR CITY OF CITY OF WINTER SEMINOLE WINTER CAPACITY ENDED MAITLAND CASSELBERRY PARK COUNTY SPRINGS SSNOCWTA 2008 8.332% 25.714% 45.156% 20.798% - 100% 2007 8.332% 25.714% 45.156% 20.798% - 100% 2006 8.332% 25.714% 45.156% 20.798% - 100% 2005 8.332% 25.714% 45.156% 20.798% - 100% 2004 8.332% 25.714°/u 45.156% 20.798% - 100% 2003 8.332% 25.714% 45.156% 20.798% - 100% 2002 8.332% 25.714% 45.156% 20.798% - 100% 2001 8.332% 25.714% 45.156% 20.798% - 100% 2000 8.332% 25.714% 45.156% 20.798% - 100% 1999 8.332% 25.714% 45.156% 20.798% - 100% Note: The City of Winter Springs is a Member Entity with no committed capacity. 27 -_ ..~ . , _ ~,_ ~ . TABLE V SOUTH SEMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY PERCENTAGE OF IRON BRIDGE FACILITY COMMITTED CAPACITY COMMITTED FACILITY CAPACITY (2) _ COMMITTED SYSTEM CAPACITY (3) _ SSNOCWTA CUSTOMER MAiTLAND CASSELBERRY WINTER PARK SEMINOLE COUNTY WINTER SPRINGS SUB-TOTAL NON-CUSTOMER ORLANDO ORANGE COUNTY RESERVE TOTAL COMMITTED CUSTOMER FLOW-MGD (1) 1.1000 3.3950 5.9620 2.7460 COMM]TTED CUSTOMER FLOW (11 . TOTAL COMMITTED CUSTOMER FLOW - RESERVE FUTURE ALLOCATION COMMITTED CUSTOMER FLOW (1) SUBTOTAL COMMITTED CUSTOMER FLOW COMMITTED COMMITTED FACILITY SYSTEM CAPACITY (21 CAPACITY (3) 3212% 8.332% 9.913% 25.714% 17.408% 45.156% 8.018% 20.798% 13.2030 38.551 20.6715 60.336% 0.3750 1.093 5.7505 40MGD 100.000% 100.000% (1) SSNOCWTA has Committed Customer Flow of 13.203 Million Gallons Daily (MGD). (2) Based on current Committed Customer Flow, SSNOCWTA has Committed Facility Capacity of 38.551 % with Iron Bridge Facility. (3) Based on current Committed Customer Flow, SSNOCWTA has Committed System Capacity of 100% with Iron Bridge Facility. Source: South Seminole & North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority 28 9 r ~' r d b s b TABLE VI SOUTH SEMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY ANNUAL FLOW -MILLIONS OF GALLONS TRANSMITTED TO IRON BRIDGE FACILITY FOR LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS YEAR CITY OF CITY OF CITY OF SEMINOLE CITY OF _ .TOTAL ENDED MAITLAND CASSELBERRY WINTER PARK COUNTY WINTER SPRINGS * FLOW 2008 276.144 775.914 1706.942 1083.943 - 3842.943 2007 285.430 723.430 1535.555 1100.110 - 3644.525 2006 287.990 857.750 1797.260 1133.330 - 4076.330 2005 292.701 935.711 2089.556 1018.169 - 4336.137 2004 297.191 961.608 1866.428 997.036 - 4122.263 2003 314.227 1017.449 1926.252 951.109 - 4209.037 2002 328.088 923.531 1879.444 937.794 - 4068.857 2001 322.194 894.448 1772.573 884.858 - 3874.073 2000 333.368 860.315 1872.644 908.707 - 3975.034 1999 310.804 970.282 1976.826 903.634 - 4161.546 "The City of Winter Springs is a Member Entity with no committed capacity. Source: City of Orlando Environmental Control Section-Environmental Services Department 29 TABLE VII SOUTH SEMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY POPULATION OF MEMBER ENTITIES FOR LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS FISCAL CITY OF CITY OF YEAR CITY OF CITY OF WINTER WINTER SEMINOLE ENDED MAITLAND CASSELBERRY PARK SPRINGS COUNTY 2008 16,209 25,182 28,921 34,390 426,413 2007 16,552 25,013 28,621 34,621 425,645 2006 16,055 24,930 28,620 33,971 420,667 2005 16,919 24,893 27,868 36,941 416,605 2004 16,476 24,735 26,860 32,995 402,000 2003 15,360 24,439 26,401 32,572 396,098 2002 14,441 23,854 25,852 32,508 387,626 2001 13,237 23,851 24,512 31,666 372,517 2000 11,600 25,331 24,967 31,200 370,375 1999 11,600 24,727 24,967 29,681 354,148 SOUICe: City of Maitland: University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research, City of Maitland Planning Dept. & U.S. Bureau of Census. City of Casselberry: University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research, U.S. Bureau of Census. City of Winter Park: University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research. City of Winter Springs: University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research, City of Winter Springs Planning Department. Seminole County: University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research. 30 r i i i ~' R • • Y TABLE VIII SOUTH SEMINOLE AND NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICAL DATA Date of Establishment Form of Government Number of Employees Area Served Transmission Force Mains Number of Pump Stations Number of Metering Points Daily Permitted Capacity in Million Gallons October 1, 1978 Special Governmental District 2 68 square miles 32 miles 19 33 13.203 Source: South Seminole & North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority 31 This page intentionally left blank 32 it V ~i ~/ i1 i~ iI +~ iI jI rI .11 OTHER REPORTS Report on Compliance and on Internal Control over Financial Reporting based on an Audit of the Financial Statements in accordance with Government Auditing Standards. HOLLAND & REILLY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 601 NORTH FERN CREEK SUITE 200 ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32803 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1407) 804-6803 FLORID.a MSTRUTE DF (407) B06.304d FAX CERTIFIED PUBLIC .I000UNT.VJTS DAVID S. HOLLAND, CPA ASSOCIATION OF THOMAS F. ftEfLLY, CPA CERTIFIED FRAUD E%AMINERS REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING AND ON COMP~.IANCE AND OTHER MATTERS BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AUDITING STANDARDS ~ ~ ~ - Board of Directors South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority We have audited the financial statements of the South Seminole and North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority (the Authority) as of and for the year ended September 30, 2008 and have issued our report thereon dated February 16, 2009. We conducted our audit in accordance with U.S. generally accepted auditing standards and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Internal Control Over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit, we considered the Authority's internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Authority's internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the Authority's internal control over fmancial reporting. Our consideration of internal control over financial reporting was for the limited purpose described in the preceding paragraph and would not necessarily identify all deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that might be significant deficiencies or material weaknesses. However, as discussed below, we identified certain deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that we consider to be significant deficiencies. A control deficiency exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent or detect misstatements on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a control deficiency, or combination of control deficiencies, that adversely affects the Authority's ability to initiate, authorize, record, process, or report financial data reliably in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles such that there is more than a remote likelihood that a misstatement of the Authority's financial statements that is more than inconsequential will not be prevented or detected by the Authority's internal control. We consider the deficiencies described in the accompanying auditors' comments and recommendations to be significant deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting. See Comments No. 1 and 2 on page 35. A material weakness is a significant deficiency, or combination of significant deficiencies, that results in more than a remote likelihood that a material misstatement of the fmancial statements will not be prevented or detected by the Authorit}~s internal control. 33 Our consideration of internal control over financial reporting was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and would not necessarily identify all deficiencies in the internal control that might be significant deficiencies and, accordingly, would not necessarily disclose all significant deficiencies that are also considered to be material weaknesses. However, we believe that both of the significant deficiencies described above are material weaknesses. Compliance and Other Matters As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the Authority's financial statements are free of material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance. with those provisions was not an objective of our audit and, accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards. The Authority's response to our findings identified in our audit is described on page 36 of this report. We did not audit the Authority's response, and accordingly, we express no opinion on it. This report is intended solely for the information and use of management and the board of directors, and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than those specified parties. y.e~,.~ .~ ~z~ February 16, 2009 Orlando, Florida 34 AUDITORS' COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS (MANAGEMENT LETTER) 1. Improve Knowledge of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Statement on Auditing Standard (SAS No. 112) -Communicating Internal Control Related Matters Identified in an Audit addresses various control deficiencies in the design or operation of intemal control and now requires the auditor to communicate such deficiencies in writing. One of those controls addresses "the person responsible for the accounting and reporting function lacks the skills and knowledge to apply generally accepted accounting principles in recording the entity's financial transactions or preparing its financial statements". We believe that this situation exists at the Authority for the year ended September 30, 2008. The basis for this control issue is that the auditor cannot be considered part of the Authority's internal control (i.e., cannot be substituted for elements within the Authority's internal control system.) We bring this condition to your attention in accordance with professional standards, but we recognize that it requires your assessment of a cost effective solution. Alternative solutions aught include training accounting staff, hiring additional staff or engaging outside consultants or obtaining assistance from knowledgeable volunteers to prepare financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. 2. Lack of Segregation of Duties The size of the Authority's accounting and administrative staff precludes certain internal controls that would be preferred if the office staff were large enough to provide optimum segregation of duties. However, management is aware of this situation and should continue to exercise a high level of management review and supervision. Also, the Board of Directors should remain involved in the financial affairs of the Authority to provide oversight and independent review functions. OTHER MATTERS In accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida, the following is noted: 1. The financial report filed with the Department of Financial Services pursuant to Florida Statute Section 218.32 is in agreement with the annual financial audit report. 2. Based on our audit procedures performed, no indications came to our attention that caused us to believe that the Authority met any of the conditions described in Florida Statutes Section 218.503(1). 3. The Authority was formed in October 1978 by Legislative Act 78-617 of the State of Florida. 4. The Authority was in compliance with Section 218.415, Florida Statutes, regarding the investment of public funds. 5. The auditors applied financial condition assessment procedures per Auditor General Rule 10.556(8). It is management's responsibility to monitor the Authoritys financial condition, and our financial condition assessment was based in part on representations made by management and the review of financial information provided by same. STATUS OF PRIOR YEAR COMMENTS See Comments No. 1 and 2 in current year. 35 SOUTH SEMINOLE & NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY ~. ~~~ ''" 41U Lake Howell Road Maitland. FL 32751-5907 February 16, 2009 Mr. David W. Martin, CPA Auditor General State of Florida 111 West Madison Street Claude Denson Pepper Bldg. Tallahassee, FL 32399-1450 Subject: Management response to Auditors' comments and recommendations on Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Financial Statements Dear Mr. Martin: In accordance with the rules of the Auditor General, I am submitting my written response to the auditors' comments and recommendations on the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Financial Statements, which were received on February 16, 2009 as follows: 1. We have evaluated the cost versus benefit of establishing internal controls over the preparation of financial statements in accordance with GAAP, and determined that it is in our best interests to outsource this task to our independent auditors. 2. We will continue to provide management review and supervision as well as oversight by the Authority Board to address the comment regarding the lack of an optimum segregation of duties due to the limited number (two employees) of accounting and administrative staff. ~ Y'~ (- Miller Cc: Tom Reilly, Holland and Reilly CPA's Wta 090216 Telephone 407/fi28-3419 Fax: 407/628-0153 e-mail: ssnocwtal@cfl.rr.com ssnocwta2@cfl.rr.com 36 ATTACHMENT «F~~ SOUTH SEMINOLE & NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY 410 Lake Howell Road Maitland, FL 32751 Telephone 407/628-3419 Fax 407/628-0153 AUTHORITY BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE 2009/2010 Regular Board meetings for South Seminole & North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority are scheduled for the fourth (4th) Thursday of each month, beginning at 9:00 A.M., in the Authority Board Office located at 410 Lake Howell Road as follows: April 23, 2009 May 28, 2009 June 25, 2009 July 23, 2009 August 27, 2009 September 24, 2009 October 22, 2009 December 3, 2009 January 28, 2010 February 25, 2010 March 25, 2010