HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 09 28 Other Relates To Regular Agenda Item 605 Date: September 28, 2009
The attached document was presented to the
City at the September 28, 2009 City
Commission Regular Meeting by Mr. Donald
Gilmore — this is related to Regular Agenda Item
"605 ".
410 Lake Howell Road
Maitland, FL 32751 -5907
Telephone 407/628-3419
Fax 407/628 -0153
August 27, 2009
A regular meeting of the South Seminole & North Orange County Wastewater Transmission
Authority Board was held on Thursday, August 27, 2009, at 9:00 A.M., at the Authority Board
The following members were present:
Randy Knight — Chairman City of Winter Park
Barbara Lipscomb — Alternate City of Casselberry
Don Gilmore — Member City of Winter Springs
Brian Jones — Member City of Maitland
Bob Dallari — Member Seminole County
Dennis Westrick — Alternate Seminole County
Also in attendance:
Stephen F. Miller Executive Director
Bill Reischmann Authority Attorney
Lowry Rockett Woolpert Inc.
Robert Reiss Reiss Engineering, Inc.
Gary ReVoir Reiss Engineering, Inc.
Wendy A. Woodhouse Administrative Assistant
Alan Ambler City of Casselberry
Mr. Knight, Authority Board Chairman, called the regular meeting to order at 9:03 AM, August 27,
The first item of business was to approve the minutes of the July 15, 2009 and July 23, 2009
Authority Board Meetings as submitted.
A motion was made by Mr. Westrick to approve the minutes for the July 15, 2009 and July 27,
2009 South Seminole & North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Authority Board
Meetings. Mr. Gilmore seconded the motion and members unanimously approved
A) Status Report on RFQ Process
Mr. Miller stated that the negotiating team consisting of Dennis Westrick, Bill Reischmann, and
himself have held meetings with Woolpert and Reiss to discuss the transition plan. Both engineering
firms have agreed in principle and to a large degree in specificity, as to the logical breaking points for
the transition of the projects and activities previously identified to the Authority Board. Woolpert is
fully cooperating toward the shared goal of a successful transition. Additionally there have been
several productive meetings with Reiss where the rates, transition, and contract issues were
discussed. A few minor contract issues remain to be resolved before presentation to the Authority
Board, and some of the transition issues overlap with rate discussions and contract terms. We are
continuing to work with Reiss to obtain information for the Authority Board regarding the full costs
associated with this transition of engineering services; another meeting is scheduled for tomorrow
(8/28/09). The team anticipates completing discussions with Woolpert and Reiss to reach consensus
on transition and present that consensus to the Authority Board along with a contract for the Board's
review at the next Authority Board Meeting.
B) Proposed FY 2009 -2010 Budget
The proposed FY 2009 -2010 budget includes an overall increase of $27,000 in rates and charges due
to the completion of various capital projects which are then factored into the depreciation element of
the rates as set forth in the bond documents. The depreciation element rose from $680,000 in the
2008 -2009 budget to $707,000 in the 2009 -2010 budget. The depreciation element will increase
annually as more projects contained in the CIP are completed. Several noted funding elements are
included in 2009 -2010 budget such as the cash funding of the Debt Service Reserve ($100,000 per
year due to the AMBAC surety bond downgrading) and $400,000 from the project fund dedicated to
the Pump Station Rehabs. The final contract including rates for the new engineering firm has not
been finalized, but it is anticipated that the rates can be addressed within the proposed expenditures
including use of Depreciation Reserve Funds, if necessary. Several future projects have been
identified that will require funding from the Depreciation Reserve
(Dean Road Widening Project
(may need to relocate lines), SR 436 & Red Bug Lake Road Flyover @ $1.2 million (start date
unknown), and the $500,000 STAG Grant sponsored by Representatives Mica and Kosmas (requires
a 45% match from the Authority). Mr. Miller reminded the Board that the 0 & M element had
remained constant for 10 of the past 11 years and the debt service had remained level.
Mr. Jones received confirmation that there were three separate components to the rates billed the
entities: debt service, depreciation, and operations/maintenance fees. He also noted that there was no
increase in the executive salary. Mr. Miller said that any compensation increase was at the discretion
of the Board, and would come out of the contingency funds. Casselberry, Winter Park, and Seminole siw
County did not include any staff raises in their proposed budgets. Mr. Jones asked how much
advance notice the entities would have, should the Authority need to increase the rates in the budget.
Mr. Miller responded that the Authority would notify the entities of an impending October increase
by March of each fiscal year. Mr. Westrick confirmed that the increases on Schedule V of the budget
package were annual Increases. The Board Members preferred to study the budget further and vote
on it at the next meeting.
August 27, 2009
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Attorney- none
Consulting Engineer — none
City of Orlando — none
City of Casselberry - none
City of Maitland — none
City of Winter Park — none
Seminole County — none
Executive Director —
The I & I balances are as follows: Seminole County $779,628.57, Winter Park $176,759.01, and
Casselberry $65,012.24.
The next regularly scheduled Authority Board Meeting will be held at 9:00 a.m., Thursday,
September 24 2009.
Mr. Knight, Authority Board Chairman, declared the meeting adjourned at 9:18 am.
Submitted By: Approved By:
Stephen F. Miller Randy Knight
Secretary Chairman
August 27, 2009
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