HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 09 14 Informational 104 Objections, Recommendations and Comments of the Florida Department of Community Affairs/City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report Based Amendments To The Comprehensive PlanCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 104
Information X
Public Hearin
Re ular
September 14, 2009
Mgr. / e t.
Authorizat n
REQUEST: The Community Development Department -Planning Division submits with
pleasure, the findings (ORC Report) of the Florida Dept of Community Affairs' concerning the
City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) Based Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan in
which the State identified NO Objections.
PURPOSE: It is extremely unusual for the State to have NO Objections on a submitted
amendment and unheard of in the case of an amendment as substantial as the EAR-Based
Amendments. Therefore, the final adoption and public hearing for this document can move forward
and is scheduled for September 28.
Section 163.3177, Florida Statutes (Required Elements of the Comprehensive Plan)
Rule 9-J5. Florida Administrative Code (Criteria for Review)
Winter Springs Article III. (Comprehensive Plan Amendments)
Section 15-30. Authority, purpose and intent
Section 15-36. Review criteria
Section 15-37. Local Planning Agency Review and Recommendation
The ORC Report is the method by which the Florida Dept. of Community Affairs outlines their
findings concerning a proposed amendment. The review addresses consistency with Chapter 163,
Part II, Florida Statutes and Chapter 9J-5 Florida Administrative Code.
It is with pleasure that the Community Development Department -Planning Division reports that the
state identified NO Objections to our EAR-Based Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. It is
extremely unusual for the State to have NO Obj ections on a submitted amendment and unheard of in
the case of an amendment as substantial as the EAR-Based Amendments.
This finding illustrates a proactive and efficient approach on the part of the Planning Division to
address the questions raised by the State early in the process, thereby eliminating confusion,
September 14, 2009
satisfying concerns and shortening the time before adoption. It also illustrates the commitment given
to the review by the Planning and Zoning Board.
The EAR-Based Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan will be distributed to the City Commission
on CD for final public hearing and adoption on September 28, 2009.
Staff recommends that the City Commission review the attached Objections, Recommendations,
and Comments (ORC) Report.
A. Dept of Community Affairs Objections, Recommendations, and Comments (ORC) Report.
AUG Z 4 2009
"Dedicated to making Florida a better place to call home' C~ Tj~~CC,!CA~C/'~(
Gow-nor 56cntary
August 21, 2009
The Honorable John F. Bush, Mayor
City of Winter Springs
1126 State Road 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799
Dear Mayor Bush:
The Department of Community Affairs has completed its review of the proposed comprehensive
plan amendment for the City of Winter Springs (DCA No. 09-lER), which was received on June 23,
2009. Copies of the proposed amendment were distributed to the appropriate state, regional and local
agencies for review. Their comments are enclosed.
The Department reviewed the comprehensive plan amendment for consistency with Chapter 163,
Part Il, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Rule 9J-S, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). The Department
looks forward to continuing to work closely with the City through the adoption of these amendments
along with the commitments in the City's August 7, 2009 memorandum. The Department has not
identified any objections and this letter serves as the Objections, Recommendations and Comments
(ORC) report.
For your assistance, we have attached procedures for the final adoption and transmittal of the
comprehensive plan amendment. Tf you have any questions, please contact Caroline Knight, Principal
Planner, at (850) 922-1773.
Sinc ly,
,~ ~~, ~'
1 ~~
Mike McDaniel, Chief
Office of Comprehensive Planning
Enclosures: Review Agency Comments
Transmittal Procedures
cc: Ms. Eloise Sahlstrom, Senior Planner, City of Winter Springs.
Mr. Phil Laurier, Executive Director, East Central Florida Regional Council
850-488-8488 (p) • 850-921-0781 (f) • Wsbsits: www.dca.state.fl.us
• COMMUNITY PLANNING 050488.2356 (P) 66018b3309 (f1 • FLONbA COMMUNtT1E8 TttUbT a60-0Q2,2207 (p) 660-021.1747 (f) •
• HOU61N0 ANO COMMUNITY OaVaLOPM[NT 660186-7966 (p) 4623 (~ •
Upon receipt of this letter, the City has 120 days in which to adopt, adopt with changes,
or determine that the City will not adopt the proposed amendment. The process for adoption of
local government comprehensive plan amendments is outlined in s. 163.3184, Florida Statutes
(F. S.), and Rule 9J-11.011, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). The City must ensure that all
ordinances adopting comprehensive plan amendments are consistent with the provisions of
Chapter 163.3189(2)(a), F. S.
Within ten working days of the date of adoption, the City must submit the following
documents to the Department:
^ Three copies of the adopted comprehensive plan amendments;
^ A list of additional changes not previously reviewed;
^ A list of findings by the local governing body, if any, which were not included in
the ordinance; and
^ A statement indicating the relationship of the additional changes to the
Department's Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report.
The above amendment and documentation are necessary for the Department to conduct a
compliance review, make a compliance determination and issue the appropriate notice of intent.
In order to expedite the regional planning council's review of the amendment, and
pursuant to Rule 9J-11.011(5), Florida Administrative Code, please provide a copy of the
adopted amendment directly to the Executive Director of the East Central Florida Regional
Planning Council.
Please be advised that Section 163.3184(8)(c), F. S., requires the Department to provide a
courtesy information statement regarding the Department's Notice of Intent to citizens who
furnish their names and addresses at the local government's plan amendment transmittal
(proposed) or adoption hearings. In order to provide the courtesy information statement, local
governments are required by law to furnish the names and addresses of the citizens requesting
this information to the Department. Please provide these names and addresses to the Department
with the submission of your adopted amendment package for compliance review. In the event
there are no citizen requests for this information, please so inform us. For purposes of efficiency,
we encourage that the information sheet be provided in electronic format.
1126 STATE ROAD a34
Augusl T, 2009 '
RE: Winter Springs 09-1 ER
Dear Ms. Knight:
Over the last six weeks, ea you end the various other reviewing agencies have reviewed the
Winter Spring's EAR-Based Amendmer-ts, we have had opportunity to share in a great deal of
correspondence with one another. As a result, the City has bean able to not only direct you to the
location of various poikies. but has also been abie to submit minor revisions to aNeviate any
concerns expressed by yourself and the other reviewing agencies.
These minor revfsbns have been comp~ed and are attached to this document.
Staff has reviewed these revisions with both the City Commission and City Attorney, and Staff will
include these revisions in the flnal document that is presented to the City Commission for Public
Hearing and Final Adoption.
Eloise Sah/sbom
Senior Planner
~iiir The t;ity of Wxder Sprirga is celebraWq tb 50~' YnNversery since Ks incorporation in June of 1959.
These following revisions are to be included in the EAR-Based Amendments document that goes to
Public Hearing for Adoption. These revisions have been made in response to DCA and the other
reviewing agencies:
Planning Horizon- Short term 2013 and Long Tenn 203Q:
In order to clarify the long term planning horizon,
All references to the Future Land Use Map have been revised to include 2030 in the title, i.e.
Future Land Use Map - 2030
All references to the Future Transportation Map have been revised to include 2030 in the title, i.e.
Future Transportation Map - 2030
Infrastructure Element, Tabls IV-D-1: Capacity, Demand and County Level of Service (relating to
solid waste), has been revised to include the City's correct short term (2013) and long term (2030)
planning horizons.
Specific references to the long term planning horizon have been added for further clarification in
Future Land Use Element, GOAL 1: Quality of Life. To ensure that the d~aracter, magnitude, and
location of all lond uses provides a system for orderly growth and development (as defined in
sections 163.3221 and 380.04, Florida Statutes) that achieves a balanced, natural, energy
efficient, and economic environment, and enhances the quality of life of all residents fhrouahQ~
and beyond the 2030 ylanning horizon.
Supporting data references to a 2012 forecast have been revised to reflect the correct short term
planning horizon of 2013. Affected elements include:
Future Land Use Element pages: I-66 and I-67
Transportation Element (section on Current Roadway Performance and Future Roadway
Performance) pages: II- 41 and II-44
Imalementation of Code Revisions:
Reference to code revisions being implemented by 2012 have been removed for compliance with
statutory requirements. Affected policies include:
Housing Element, Polity 1.1.10
Conservation Element, Objective 1.4
Conservation Element, Policies 1.3.4; 1.8.1; 1.8.2; and 1.8.10
Defe-ing to Land Development Code not appropriate•
References which deferred to the land development code have been removed:
Future Land Uae Element, Polity 1.1.1: land Use Categories...
Greeneway Irrterchange 1.0 floor area ratio
_____ _ ~jhe 1.0 FAR mn be exceeded through the uae of development (5onuaes,
(~ but the total PAR shut not exceed 2.0.) 1
Future Land Use Element, Policy 3.24: Intensity and Building Height. Encourage higher intensity
development in the GID by requiring buildings to include at least two (2) stories of occupiable
space (as defined in Florida Building Code, Chapter 2) and allowtr~g a FAR up to 1.0.
Development bonuses allowing a higher FAR, may be granted based on the criteria described in
Future Land Use Element, Policy 3.2.5
A new policy has been inserted after Future land Use Element, Policy 3.2.4 which describes the
Criteria for Density Bonuses, resulting in Future Land Use Element, Policies 3.2.5 and 3.2.6 being
renumbered to 3.2.6 and 3.2.7.
[New Policy] Futuro Land Use Element, Policy 3.25: Development bonuses which allow a higher
FAR (up to a maximum FAR of 2.0), may be granted for pro(ects within the Greeneway
interdiange District which demonstrate environmental stewardship through one or more of the
• Environmentally-seruitive site planning (Cross Reference: See Conservatbn Element, Policy 1.8.2);
• Green building design and energy efficient buildtrtgs as determined by USGBC LEED
Certification or equivalent;
• Incorporation of low Impact Development (LID) practices, such as green roofs capture and
use of stormwater for irrigation and/or other grey water type uses, and rain gardens
(Cross Reference: Ses Conservation Element, Policy 1.3.4);
• Energy efficient land use which minimizes impervious surfaces, such as inclusion of one or
more parking garages (Cross Reference: See Conservation Element, Policy 1.8.1);
• Restoration or enhancement of degraded wetlands, native ecosystems, or preservation of
extra upland buffers around uitical habitat (Cross Reference: See Conservation Element, Poliq
17.2); and
• Waterwise practices including sustainable site design through natural landscaping with
Florida native plants (Cross Reference: See Conservation Element, Policy T.2.6).
References which deferred to the land development code have been removed and the term
"gross acreage" has been defined:
Future Land Ute Element Policy 1.1.4: Density/Intensity. Adopt maximum densities and
intensities for each land use category based on gross acreage, which encourage economic
development while protecting the natural environment as indicated in the above table. Gross
acreage is te-be defined h t l r within r l
Vague Policies:
Vague policies have been revised. These include:
Future Land Use Element, Policy 1.1.5: Housing Diversity, ir+eluele Ider>tifv on the Future Land Use
Map, locations for a variety of residential land uses to accommodate a mix of housing unit types
Future Land Use Element, Polity 2.4.7 Accessory Dwelling Units. Encourage developers of single
family detached units in the Town Center, to include
residential units with accessory dwelling units (such as garage apartments). {Cross Reference: See
Housing Element, Policy 1.3.9)
Housing Element, Policy 1.3.9: Encourage developers to address the need for workforce housing
where appropriate, by including workforce housing units in their
developmerm. Additionally, encourage developers of single family detached units, where
appropriate, to irxlude esidential units with accessory
dwelling units (such as garage apartments). (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use Element, Policy 2.2J)
Conservation Element, Polity 1.7.1: Oversee the completion of an area-wide evaluation ~y
2012, to identify regionally environmentally significant areas that should be set aside as
protected conservation lands.
Conservation Element Polfry 1.4.5 has been revised (as indicated in strike-through/underlined
format), based on discussion with the St John River Water Management District:
R~stire dedicattori (boor on behalf of the owner~f the D!'4Qg~y~ Bedieate to the City and/or
QRQ~Q riate reg t rY~gencv, vie a conservation easement
et~eers tnursuant to Section 704.06. F.S,1 for all most-development flood prone areas t,re~p•~~
habitat (with aaencv approved manaaement clan incorporcted,~ QReliooble for listed s ectesl.
most-development ur~land buffers and wetland areas (including, created mitigation areasl as a
IlmitaiJon to future development anal disturbance These areas shall also be shown on th Future
Land Use Map - 2030 as Conservation.
easement agreement shall include management requirements which help to preserve, restore,
and/or maintain native ecosystems. The easement may require the periodic removal of
nonnative, invasive plant material within the conservation area by the easement dedicator, to the
extent practicable.
Planning Horizon and LOS data
In response to FDOT comments, several new transportation maps and tables were prepared. The
Table of Contentshas been revised to include these and text within the supporting data These
illustrate the near term (2013 five-year} horizon and long term (2030) horizon in accordance with
91-5.019(3)(f)-(h), F.A.C.
Mast fese will replace what was previously y~1 n II-5 grid Man II-61
II-SA: FDOT Functional Classifications - 2013
II-56: Projected Number of Lanes - 2013
II-6: Projected Level of Service - 2013
II-7A: Future Transportation Map - 2030
II-76: Projected Number of lanes - 2030
II-8: Projected Level of Service - 2030
Tables (Table 11-7 is revised and Table II-10 is addedl:
II-7: Projected Year 2013 Roadway Link Levels of Service
II-10: Projected Year 2030 Roadway Link Level of Service
Text located within Transportation Element page II-44 has also been changed to read:
Improvements to U.S. 17-92, S.R. 419, S.R. 434, and S.R. 417
are dn~n~g~~pon State funding based on re9lonal priorities, as determined by METRQPLAN
309 Cranes Roost Blvd. Suite 2000 • Altamonte Springs. FI 32701 Philip Laurien. AICP
Phone (407).262.7772 • Fax (407).262.7788 • www.ecfrpc.org Executive Director
July 26, 2009
Mr. Ray Eubanks
Plan Review and Processing Administrator
Department of Community Affairs
2335 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahasee, FL 32399-2100
RE: City of Winter Springs Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment
DCA Amendment # 09-1 ER
Dear Mr. Eubanks:
~a 7S
The East Central Florida Regional Planning Council staff has completed a technical review of
the proposed EAR based comprehensive plan amendment Winter Springs 09-IER. The
amendment consists of three changes to the Future Land Use Map (PLUM) and text changes.
Staff comments are indicated below in italics.
In conducting plan amendment reviews Council staff considers effects on natural resources of
regional significance, extra jurisdictional impacts, compatibility with the 2050 Regional Vision,
and consistency with the agency's Strategic Regional Policy Plan.
We commend the City staff for their extensive e,~`orts to strengthen the Comprehensive Plan. The
proposed changes further advance the 2050 Regional Vision for Central Florida. Specifically,
the City proposes changes to the Future Land Use Element to allow a vertical mix of uses along
the SR 434 Corridor, policies to permit and encourage Accessory Dwelling Units, policies to
address energy conservation including LEED principles, and suppon for Low Impact
Development techniques.
Staff has not identified any significant or adverse effects on regional resources or facilities, nor
have any extrayurisdictional impacts been identified that would adversely affect the ability of
neighboring jurisdictions to implement their comprehensive plans.
fxircvtMr Camr/MeY
Cisdr Viu Chair Tteeasrrr Serntary
Mary Martin Cheryl Grieb Elaine Renick Daniel O'Keefe
Vice Mayor of Port Orange Ciry Commissioner Commissioner Gutxmatorial Appointee
Volusia County League of Cities City of Kissimmee take County Orange County
-~, yr .S:i... .... ., l t: .,
' The review was conductcd in accordance with the provisions tl. she East Central Florida
Regional Planning CouncIl's current contract with the Florida Department of Community Affairs
for Plan and Plan Amendment Reviews.
Council staff is available to assist in the resolution of any issue that should arise in the course of
your review. If you should have any questions, please contact Andrew Landis at
andrewC~ecfrpc.org or by phone at (407) 262-7772 ext. 310. Thank you.
Philip Laurier
Local Government Contact: Eloise M. Sahlstrom, AICP, ASLA, Senior Planner
Errn~the Comrniltsr
Chair Vlcst Chalr 7resanr Sea*tary
Mary Martin Cheryl Grieb Elaine Renick Daniel O'Keefe
Vice Mayor of Port Orange City Commissioner Commissioner Gubernatorial Appointee
Volusia County League of Cities City of Kissimmee Lake County Orange County
~ , "'
~ .~ Caroline
07272009 03:22 PM
~ ~
For your files.
Caroline Knight
Principal Planner
Division of Community Planning
Department of Community Affairs
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100
(850) 922.1773; Fax: (850) 488-3309
carofine. knight~dca. state.fl.us
To Ray Eubanks/DCA/FLEOC@fteoc
Subject Fw: SJRWMD Comments on Winter Springs 09-1ER
The Department of Community Affairs is committed to maintaining the highest levels of service and
values your feedback. Please take a few moments to complete our Customer Service Survey by visiting
http://www.dca.state.fl.usJCustomerServiceSurvey/. We look forvvard to hearing from you. However, if
you require assistance or a response from the agency, please use the "Contact Us" webpage at
http://www.dca.state:fl. us/contadus/.
Florida has a broad public records law and all correspondence, including email addresses, may be
subject to disclosure.
- Forwarded by Caroline Knight/DCA/FLEOC on 07/27!2009 03:21 PM -
Elolso Sahlatrom
~ : <esahlatrom@wintderspringsf To
07272009 02:49 PM ~
'Cathy Foerater <CFoerster@sjrovmd.com>, Brian Fields
<btlelds@winterspringsA.org>, Randy Stsvenson
<rstevensonQwlnterspringafl.org>, Anthony Garganese
<agarganeae@orlandolaw.neb, Kate Latorre
RE: SJRWMD Comments on Winter Springs 09-1ER
Caroline, the SJRWMD and the City has agreed upon the following text:
REVISED- Proposed Conservation Element Policy 1.4.5 (in strike-Through/underlined formal) for
your review-
erreers ( dedication (~v or
riate regulatory ag
pursuant to Section on behalf of the owner of the groperty~ F
gn~yLvie- a conservation easement
704.06. F.S.1 for all post-development flood ete to the City and f or
prone areas, preservgd
habitat (with agency aRpr oved management plan Incorporated. if appl icable for listed species
velopment upland
buffers and wetland areas lincludina created „
mitigation areas! as a
limitatio n to future develop ment and disturbance. These areas shall also be shown on the Future
Land U se Map - 2030 as Conservation
..~-_ ~.,.:__ _ _:,..,. _c _ _.:__ ,. _~___ . .:.~ .~_ ~:... The
easement agreement shall include management requirements which help to preserve, restore,
and/or maintain native ecosystems. The easement may require the periodic removal of
nonnative, invasive plant material within the conservation area by the easement dedicator, to the
extent practicable.
Eloise Sahlstrom, ASLA, A/CP
Senior Planner, City of Winter Springs
The City of Winter Springs is celebrating its 50 ~ Anniversary since its incorporation in June of 1959.
From: Cathy Foerster [mailto:CFoersterC~sjrwmd.com]
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 2:42 PM
To: Eloise Sahlstrom
Subject RE: 5]RWMD Comments on Winter Springs 09-1ER
"And/or" will be fine.
From: Eloise Sahlstrom [mailto:esahlstrom(~wlnterspringsfl.org]
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 2:40 PM
To: Cathy Foerster
Subject FW: SJRWMD Comments on Winter Springs 09-lER
Our City Attorney's comments are included below. Would "and/or" be acceptable?
Eloise Sahlstrom, ASLA, A/CP
Senior Planner, City of Winter Springs
~~ O
The City of Winter Springs is celebrating its SO ~ Anniversary since its incorporation in June of 1959.
From: Anthony Garganese [mailto:agarganese~orlandolaw.net]
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 2:37 PM
To: Eloise Sahlstrom; Kate Latorre
Cc: Brian Fields; Randy Stevenson
Sub~ec~ RE: SJRWMD Comments on Winter Springs 09-lER
I'm not keen on the City being named on all St. John's conservation easements either, and the intent of
this paragraph is not to inject the City into St. John's permit process. This is a comprehensive plan
requirement that is being imposed by the City. I can think of some instances where it may make sense
to have both the District and the City as a beneficiary of a conservation easement. Foreclosing that
opportunity is very short sighted in my opinion, especially when the City and the District have mutual
interests. I would suggest accepting the changes, but make it "and/or appropriate regulatory agency
If she still has concerns with that, please tell her to have the District Attorney Stan Niego call me to
discuss. However, I don't think that is necessary.
Anthony A Garganese, Managing Shareholder
Board Certified City, County 8 Local Government Law
111 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 2000
Orlando, Florida 32801
P.O. Box 2873 (32802-2873}
Phone (407) 425-9568
Fax (407) 425-9598
Kissimmee (321) 402-0144
Cocoa (866) 425-9566
Ft. Lauderdale (954) 670-1979
Website: www.orlandolaw.net
Email: aaaraanese(cllorlandolaw.net
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From: Eloise Sahlstrom jmailto:esahlstrom@~winterspringSfl.orgJ
Sen1w Monday, July 27, 2009 9:57 AM
To: Anthony Garganese; Kate t_atArre
tyc: Brian Fields; Randy Stevenson
SubjecC FW: S]RWMD Comments on Winger Springs 09-lER
SJRWMD is not keen on including the City on conservation easements that result from their
permitting process. I spoke with Cathy of SJRWMD after sending this email, and she is going to
put me in contact with their legal staff. Her concern is that by including the City it may disrupt
their permitting process, and she was unaware of any other City's that is currently included
during this process. I indicated that the current Comp Plan already requires conservation
easements to include the City. [Conservation Element Policy 1.4.5 Wetlands and respective
buffer areas must be dedicated to the City via a conservation easement.]
Your thoughts?
Eloise Sohlstrom, ASLA, AICP
Senior Planner, City of Winter Springs
v ~.
The City of Winter Springs is celebrating its 50 ~ Anniversary since its incorporation in June of 1959.
From: Eloise Sohlstrom
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 8:53 AM
To: 'Cathy FoerSter'
Cc: 'Caroline.Knlght@dca.state.fl.us'
Subject: RE: SJRWMD Comments on Winter Springs 09-lER
Hi Cathy
This policy was previously in our 2002 Comp Plan and required that conservation easements be
dedicated to the City. Although your proposed language reads better, it removes this requirement, that
the City be included. I am happy to revise this policy as long the City is still one of the entities included.
Your thoughts? [I left a voice mail message, as I thought it might be easier to discuss over the phone-
butemail is fine too.]
Eloise Sohlstrom, ASLA, A1CP
Senior Planner, City of Winter Springs
(407) 327-5967
~i."r~ The City of Winter Springs is celebrating its 50 ~ Anniversary since its incorporation in June of 1959.
From: Cathy Foerster [mailto:CFoerster~sjrwmd.com)
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 8:21 AM
To: Eloise Sohlstrom
Cc: Caroline.Knight@dca.state.fl.us
Subietil~ RE: SJRWMD Comments on Winter Springs 09-lER
Good morning Eloise. I apologize for the delay in responding as 1 was out of the office on Friday. Below
are my suggested changes in red.
REVISED- Proposed Conservation Element Policy 1.4.5 (in strike-through/underlined format) for
your review-
R_eauire dedication (bv or on behalf of the owner of the property,) Bute to the City or
appropriate regulatorx agencyvia a conservation easement
afees (pursuant to Section 704.06. F.S.1 for all post-development flood prone areas. preserved
habitat (with a_ encv approved management plan incorporated. if applicable for listed species)
post-develo m~ e~rt upland buffers and wetland areas (includina created mitiaation areasl as a
limitation to future development and disturbancg These areas shall also be shown on the Future
Land Use Map - 2030 as Conservation.
easement agreement shall include management requirements which help to preserve, restore,
and/or maintain native ecosystems. The easement may require the periodic removal of
nonnative, invasive plant material within the conservation area by the easement dedicator, to the
extent practicable.
From: Eioise Sahlstrom [mailto:esahlstrom@winterspringsfl.org]
Senib Thursday, July 23, 2009 5:05 PM
To: Cathy Foerster
Subiett: RE: SJRWMD Comments on Winter Springs 09-1ER
In response to your comments, I have revised policy 1.4.5 for your review (see below). I will also
forward to DCA if it meets your requirements:
REVISED- Proposed Conservation Element Policy 1.4.5 (in strike-through/underlined format) for
your review-
Reauire dedication (bv or on behalf of the owner of the property] Bedic~te to the City via a
conservation easement (pursuant to Section 704.06. F.S.L
all post-development flood prone areas, preserved habitat (with agency approved manaaement
plan incorporated if applicable for listed species post-develo ment upland buffers and
wetland areas (including created mitigation areasl as a limitation to future develoc~ment and
disturbance These areas shall also be shown on the Future Land Use Map - 2030 as
Conservation This oli4Y does not preclude an appropriate state agency from also being a
rg~ipient of a conservation easement. along with the City. The easement agreement shall include
management requirements which help to preserve, restore, and/or maintain native ecosystems.
The easement may require the periodic removal of nonnative, invasive plant material within the
conservation area by the easement dedicator, to the extent practicable.
Eloise Sah/sfrom, ASLA, AICP
Senior Pianner, City of Winter Springs
(407) 327-5967
The City of Winter Springs is celebrating its 50~ Anniversary since its incorporation in June of 1959.
From: Cathy Foerster [mailto:CFcersterCcifsjrwmd.com]
Sent Monday, ]uly 20, 200910:05 AM
To: 'Ray Eubanks (E-mail)'; Caroline.Knight~dca.state.fl.us; 'James.StansburyCc~dca.state.fl.us'; 'Andrew
Landis'; 'Quinn, Jim L'; 'Ray, Suzanne E.'; Eloise Sahlstrom
Cc: Kraig McLane; Nancy Christman; Peter Brown
Subiect: SJRWMD Comments on Winter Springs 09-1ER
Please find attached the District's comment letter on Winter Springs 09-3ER. Please contact me with any
Cathy Foerster, AICP
Policy Analyst
Office of Communications & Governmental Affairs
4049 Reid Street
Palatka, FI. 32177
(386) 329-4436 (direct line)
(386) 329-4103 (fax)
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~ ~ •Caroline
' 07/28/2009 02:01 PM
For your file.
Caroline Knight
Principal Planner
Division of Community Planning
Department of Communty Affairs
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100
(850) 922-1773; Fax: (850) 48&3309
caroline.kn ight(~dca.state.fl.us
To •Ray Eubanks/0CA/FLEOC@fleoc
Subject Fw: venter Springs 0&1 ER
~ TS
The Department of Community Affairs is committed to maintaining the highest levels of service and
values your feedback. Please take a few moments to complete our Customer Service Survey by visiting
http://www.dca.slate.fl.us/CustomerServiceSurvey/. We look forward to hearing from you. However, if
you require assistance or a response from the agency, please use the "Contact Us" webpage at
http://www.dca.state.fl. us/contactus/.
Florida has a broad public records law and all correspondence, including email addresses, may be
subJect to disclosure.
- Forwarded by Caroline KnighUDCAlFLEOC on 07/28/2009 01:59 PM -
"Pizzo, Judy"
''. <Judy.Piuo~dotstaids.fl.us To Eloise Sahlstrom <esahlstrom~winterspringsfl.org>,
> "kblume~kittelson.com'" <kblume~klttelson.com>,
07/28/2009 01:24 PM "Caroline.Knight~dca.state.fl.us'"
cc "kblume@kittelson.com'" <kblumelg~kittelson.com>,
"Caroline. Knight(g'ltke.stats.fl. us'"
<Caroline.Knightl~dca.staDe.fl.us>, "Gorken Mimioglu"
Subject RE: Winter Springs 09-1 ER
Thank you for the additional information this resolves;the need for the TE supporting data & analysis and
the revision of the text (p.244) of the transportation element as mentioned in our recent review we
provided DCA on July 15, 2009. We expect the City will be incorporating this information in the adopted
JudlJ, Pizzo, CRISP
SIJ. stLYx F`lAv~.wCr
FDOr, District s, OLlO
'~ vnicC~ -in?.4o2. xRRO
Please consider the impact on the environment
and your responsibility before printing this e~ttail
From: Eloise Sahlstrom [mailb~:esahlstrom~winterspringsfl.org]
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 2:51 PM
To: Pizzo, Ludy; 'kblume(~klttelson.corn'; 'Caroline.Knight(~dca.state.fl.us'
Subject: Winter Springs 09-lER
In response to your comments, Winter Springs has prepared several new TRANSPORTATION
maps and tables which are attached. These illustrate the near term (2013 five-year) horizon
and long term (2030) horizon in accordance with 9J-5.019(3)(f)-(h}, F.A.C.
Mans (These will replace what was previously Mas? II-5 and Man II-61:
II-SA: FDOT Functional Classifications - 2013
II-5B: Projected Number of Lanes - 2013
II-6: Projected Level of Service - 201 3
II-7A: Future Transportation Map - 2030
II-76: Projected Number of Lanes - 2030
II-8: Projected Level of Service - 2030
Tables [Table II-7 is revised and Table II-10 is addedl:
II-7: Projected Year 2013 Roadway Link Levels of Service
II-10: Projected Year 2030 Roadway Link Level of Service
As requested, text located within Transportation Element page II-44, has also been changed to
Improvements to U.S. 17-92, S.R. 419, S.R. 434, and S.R. 417
are dependent upon State funding based on regional priorities as determined by METROPLAN
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Eloise Sahlstrom, ASLA, AICP
Senior Planner, City of Winter Springs
(407) 327-5967
The City of Winter Springs is celebrating its SO ~ Anniversary since its incorporation in June of 1959.
a ~"
July 27, 2009
Florida Department of
Environmental Protection
Charlie Crist
Guy crnor
JetT huttk;unp
Lt. Goy ernur
C\tidti~el ~V. Sole
~ ~~~~~
Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building
3900 Commonwealth BoWevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000
Mr, Ray Eubanks
Plan Review and DRI Processing Team
Florida Department of Community Affairs
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100
RE: Winter Springs 09-lER, Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment Objections,
Recommendations, and Comments Report Review
Dear Mr. Eubanks:
The Office of Intergovernmental Programs of the Florida Deparhnent of Environmental
Protection (DEP or Department) has reviewed the above-referenced amendment under
the provisions of Chapter 163, Part II. Florida Statutes and Chapters 9J-5 and 9J-11,
Florida Administrative Code. Our review was based on the pofiential impacts of the
proposed land use designation or policy change on resources or facilities within scope
of the Department's regulatory and proprietary authorities. The Department has found
no provision in the proposed. amendment that requires comments recommendation or
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposal. ff I may be of further
assistance, please call meat (850)245-2172
Suzanne E. Ray, AICP
Office of Intergovernmental Programs
~ lnl'r' 1 ~r'nlc'c linll. L.CK.~ i'4'uiYS.1
11 I I Il . i li'11. V(N~'. /l. 11.5
Kurt S. Browning
Secretary of State
July 17, 2009
Mr. Ray Eubanks
Department of Community Affairs
Bureau of State Planning
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100
Re: Historic Preservation Review of the Winter Springs (09-lER) Comprehensive Plan
Amendment (Seminole County)
Dear Mr. Eubanks:
~P Ts
According to this agency's responsibilities under Sections 163.3177 and 163.3178, Florida
Statutes, and Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, we reviewed the above document to
determine if data regarding historic resources have been given sufficient consideration in the
request to amend the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan.
We reviewed proposed Evaluation and Appraisal Report based text amendments to various
elements of the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, in addition to several administrative land
use changes, to consider the potential effects of these actions on historic resources. In the
Future Land Use IIementr Objective 1.9 addresses archaeological sites and historic properties.
Policy 1.9.2 addresses the state's "register of historically significant property." There is no such
register. The state maintains the Florida Master Site'File which is a database of all recorded
sites and properties. While there are some properties which have been determined significant
listed on the site h1e, many of these sites and properties have never had a significance
determination. Policy 1.9.3 removes any time frame for conducting a cultural resource
assessment survey to locate and evaluate the city's archaeological sites and historic properties.
The same is true for Policy 1.9.4 which removes a due date for addressing historic preservation
in the Code of Ordinances.
In the Housing Element, Objective 2.3 also addresses historic preservation with regard to
historic housing. Policy 2.3'.1 has been modified to remove a due date to identify historic
buildings. Policy 2.3.2 also removes any due date for the establishment of rehabilitation
standards for historically significant structures. The city should use'I1te Secretary of the
Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings
for any rehabilitation artavities that affect significant structures..
500 S. Bronough Street . TAllahassee, FL 32399-0250 . http://www.fiheritage.com
O Directot'~ Office O Atrhaeologic~l Rese~~rch / Historic Preservation
(85U) 2}56300 • FAX: Zi5~64.% (850) 24564i~i • FAX: 2~i5(r152 (E60) 215-6333 • FAX: 2~1S6i37
Mr. Eubanks
July 1 ~, 2009
Page 2
If you have any questions regarding our comments, please feel free to contact Susan M. Harp
of the Division's Compliance Review staff at (850) 245-b333.
- /~~ss~c-ez_
Laura A. Kammerer
Historic Preservationist Supervisor
Compliance Review Section
Bureau of Historic Preservation
xc: Mr. James Stansbury
St. ohns River
~ Water Management District ~~
Knbr a. Groan AI, t~eartiN Director • David W. FialS Aaeiatmt Eleeeutiw CNredor
4049 Reid Street • P.O. Box 1429 • Palatka, Fl 32178-1429 • (386) 329.4500
On the Internet at www.sjrwmd cart.
July 20, 2009
D. Ray Eubanks, Administrator
Plan Review and Processing
Department of Community Affairs
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100
Subject: Winter Springs Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment
DCA Amendment #09-IER
Dear Mr. Eubanks:
St. Johns River Water Management District (District) planning staff have reviewed the above-referenced
proposed comprehensive plan amendment. The proposed amendment is the required Evaluation and
Appraisal Report (EAR)-based amendment related to the City of Winter Springs' (City's) adopted 2008
EAR The proposed amendment consists of text changes to each element of the comprehensive plan.
The amendment also includes three changes to the Future Land Use Map (PLUM). District staff review
focuses on water supply availability and related water resource issues in an effort to link land use
planning and water supply planning. In the review of water supply availability, District staff consider
infrastructure, permitted allocation under District-issued consumptive use permit (CUP), and source.
District staff have no comments on the PLUM changes since no substantial water supply availability or
related water resource issues were identified. District staff wnunents on the text changes are provided
Water supply planning requirements
The City addressed the water supply planning requirements of chapters 163 and 373, Florida Statutes,
through adoption of its 07RWSP1 amendment. The Department of Community Affairs (DCA} found the
amendment in compliance on September 19, 2007. The text changes adopted in the 07RWSPl
amendment aze included in the City's comprehensive plan and are not proposed to be changed in the 09-
lER amendment. The City indicates in Infrastructure Element Objective 2.3 that the water supply
facilities work plan will be updated should the ongoing CUP modification process result in changes to
projected potable water demand. The District has no further comment regarding water supply planning
requirements ai this time.
Wetland protection
New Conservation Element (CE) Policy 1.4.5 requires dedication of wetlands and respective buffer
areas to the City via a conservation easement. As written, the policy does not specify who is required to
dedicate a conservation easement. Also, requiring dedication of conservation easements to the City
potentially conflicts with District permitting rules. As part of the permitting process, the District could
Susan N, Huphea, ct!~waur W. Laaraad Wood wcEa+ Hereay'1ierNY HuThnen, s~cw¢t~rly Hari G. Tanner 111.
r~anrevcorw ~ uw~roNn ear a ~acsawvnr,~
Daglea C. Bournique Michael Erel idaryem H. Ghyalrs Richaad 0. Hamam Arlen N. Jumper
Letter to D. Ray Eubanks
July 20, 2009
Page 2 of 2
be a recipient of conservation easements. The City should rovise CB Policy'rr1.4,5'to establish who is
required to dedicate a conservation easement and indicate that such easement may be dedicated to the
City or appropriate state agency.
We appreciate the opportunity to provide comments. If you have any questions or need additional
information, please contact District Policy Analyst Cathleen Foerster, AICP, at (386) 329-4436 or
cfoerstt ~sjrwmd.cvm.
Jeff le, Director
Office of Communications and Governmental Affairs
cc: Eloise Sahlstrom, City of Winter Springs
Andrew Landis, ECFRPC
Jim Quinn, FDEP
Kraig McLane, SJRWNID
Nancy Christman, SJRWMD
Florida Department of Transportation ~ ~ S ~ ~ 5
CH~\it1.lE C12rS1' t?3 South Semcxan Boulevard S'i'F,PH.\NIE C. ICOPEL()L'SOS
GO\7~;1L\()R Orlando, FL ~28U7-32zp SF.CRF.TARY
July 8, 2009
Mr. Ray Eubanks, Community Program Administrator
Department of Community Affairs, State of Florida
Plan Review & DRI Processing Section
2555 Shumard Oaks Boulevard
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100
DCA ~: 09-1 ER
Dear Mr. Eubanks:
The Department of Transportation has completed its review of the above proposed EAR-based
amendments as requested in your memorandum dated, June 23, 2009.
We appreciate the opportunity to participate in this review process and we offer our comments
with this letter. We provided the local government a courtesy review on July 8, 2009. K further
information is received from the local government prior to the Issuance of the Objectbn.
Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report, the Department will revise the
If you have any questions, you may contact me at 407-482-7880 or by e-mail at
iudy.oiaoColdot.state.fl.us. or Jon V. Weiss, Government Operations Manager, at 407-482-7881
or by e-mail at ion.weissCc3~dot.state.fl.us.
Sinter y,
J y P' , GISP
S terns Planner
C: Eloise Sahlstrom, Winter Springs
Alison Blattner, Seminole County
Jerry McCollum, Seminob County
Phil Laurien, ECFRPC
Rob Magee, FDOT
James Stansbury, DCA
~a ~~ w. dot. state. tl. us
Florida Department of Transportation
Intrrrrwdal Sysbms Development
Growth Manaosmsnt Unit
Paps 1 of 10
Local c3ovsmmant: City of Winter Springs
DCA Amandnrent a: 0&1 ER
Dab of DCA's Raquast Marra: Ot3/23~09
Ravlaw Comment Dsadiina: 07rI?A9
Today's wa: o7~oe~os
ELEMENTS: Future Land Use Elemerd, Transportation Element, Housing Element,
infrastructure Element, Conservation Element, Recreation and Open Space
Element, Public School Facilities Element, Irttergovemmental Coordination
Element, and Capital Improvement Element
RUf E REFERENCE: Chapter 163.3177, F.S., Required and optional element
Chapter 163.3184, F.S., Process for adoption
Chapter 163.3191, F.S., Evaluation and appraisal of comprehensive plan
The City of Winter Springs has submitted Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR)-based amendment to
the comprehensive plan. The EAR-based amendment include the text amendment described in the
following sections. FOOT reviewed the adopted EAR in May 2008. FDOT reviewed the City's Capital
Improvement Element update in December 2008.
Population Projoctlons and Methodology
In this newly written section of the comprehensive plan, the City addresses population growth from 1960
through 2008 and methodologies for population projections.
Future Land Utica Element
The EAR-based amendment to the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) goals, objectives, and policies that
may be relevant to State roadway planning and operations are as follows:
• Dates and timelines have been updated.
^ Minor text edits have been made.
^ Revised Policy 1.1.1 addresses future land use categories as follows:
a Muted Use category now aliows for 12 dwellinfl units (du) per gross acre or a 1.0 floor area ratio
(FAR) instead of both.
Town Center District now allows for 36 du per gross acre or a 2.0 FAR instead of both.
FDOT Contact Judy Pizzo, GISP, Syafertr PFarxier Re~rlewad by Gorton Mirniopiu 3 Katy gkma, P.E.
FDOT Distrkt 3 Kifleleon 3 Aatoeiatas, inc.
Otrla of Intam~odsl Syotems Development
Telephone: 407-482-7890 gp7.ytp.p6S6
Fax: 407-275-4188 g07.a40.O6S0
E{nall: judo aiaocf4dot.siate.fl.us kblume(~kittelson.com
Fla: H.YJOC1PYmkp1()rwrtl~MsnpNnaM.PAProjktF9wWVM~rSpirpl_S~rtrwN1F~1NWird~rS~rY~y~o~tERR~vNw07070p.mc
Florida Department of Transportation
tnbrmodal Systems Dawlopmsnt
Growth Management Unit
Pegs 2 of 10
Local Government City of Wmbr Springs
DCA Amendment ~ 09-1 ER
Dab of DCA'a Request Memo: 081231D9
Review Comments Deadline: 07122A9
Today's Dab: 07106/09
Greenaway Interchange District no longer allows for 12 du per gross acre. It Is also stated that
the 1.0 FAR can be exceeded through the use of development bonuses but the total FAR shall
not exceed 2.0.
• Revised Policy 1.1.2 adds {anguage clarifying that densities and intensities are calculated based on
gross acreage and gross acreage is to be defined in the land development code (LDCy.
• Revised Policy 1.1.4 addressee innovative design and encourages energy-etficerrt, ernironmentally
friendly, low-impact development.
• New Policy 1.1.6 states that the City shall allow accessory dwelling units as a condftionai use in
single family dwelling zoning distrlcta.
• Revised Policy 1.1.7 restricts impervious area on lands designated as Recreation and Open Spaoe
to a maximum of 25%.
• Revised Policy 1.1.8 addresses Conservation Overlays.
• New Policy 1.4.1 addresses establishing redevelopment or small area plans to Identify and create
redevelopment opportunities.
• Revised Policy 1.4.2 states that the City shall encourage compatible infiil and higher-
densityfintensitydevelopment within the Town Center and the US 17192 Community
Rddevebpment Area (CRA) corridor.
• Revised Policy 1.4.5 inductee new language allowing a vertical mix of uses under the SR 434
overlay corridor design standards.
^ New Policy 1.4.6 addresses the implementation of bicycle and pedestrian connections to the new
SR 434 Crosstown bus route.
• New Policies 1.4.7 and 1.4.8 address areas of blgM and deterioration.
• New Policy 1.4.9 addresses support for the Seminole Economic Enhancement D'IStrid (SEED).
^ New Policy 1.5.3 states that the City shah identify locations and strategies for infiii development and
redevelopment. Future amendments may follow.
^ Revised Policy 1.5.4 states that the City shall support the conversion of older residential homes
fronting arterial roadways to Live-work or commercial uses.
^ Removed Poly 1.5.3 (oki policy number) regarding alkywing support commercial uses in
residential future land use categories.
^ Revised Polk:y 1.6.1 addressee cross-access easements and shared driveways. It is stated that
development projects over 10 acres in size wilt be encouraged to have more than one point of
• New Policy 1.6.5 requires development to provide safe and convenient on-site traffic circulation,
adequate pedestrian facilities, and sufficent parking.
• Revisedlnew polices under Objectives 1.7 and 1.8 address irrtergovemmental and annexation
• Revised Goal 2 and its policies elaborate on the City's Town Center concept. Revised Policy 2.2.6
defines a minimum allowed density of 7 du/acre for residential development (n the Town Center.
FDOT Contsct JuQy Ptr~o, GISP, SyReme Plrvnr Revlowed t>)r. Gorkan 3 Kelhr t3krrn, P.E.
FDOf Distrfat 5 KAtoleon 6 Asocietes,lnc.
ORlce of Interrrwdal Syderrn Oevebpmant
Takiphons: 407-d82-7880 40740-0556
Fax: 407-273-418a 407~b40-0650
E-maN: iudv pfzzo~dot.state.fl.us kblumeCcQkittebon.com
Fikt: H.~000~PYrti~arM~ Mamp~rtwtrCPt. Proj~.t F4esyNktr Spn~ SNnYWv1RWVY~M Spi+p 0~1ER R~viwv070TOY.doc
Florida Oepartrnent of Transportatlon
Intermodal Systsrns Dsvelopment
Growth Managsmsnt Unit
Pegs 3 of 10
Local Govsrnmsnt: City of Winter Springs
DCA Amendment /: 09-1 ER
Data of DCA's Rsqusat Mauro: 0883109
Rsvisw Comments Deadline: 07/22A9
Todays ate: o7roe~o9
New Objective 2.3 and its policies address economic development.
Objective 2.3 regarding drainage has been deleted.
Revised/new policies under Goal 3 address the Greenaway Interchange District
° Revised ObjedNe 3.1 (formerly Objective 2.4) states that the Greenaway Interchange DisMd
(GID) shall be located in proximity to SR 417 and the interchange area on SR 434. Moreover,
new language added states that the GID is located within the target area' identified by
Seminole County in 2007 as'SeminoleWAY,' which runs from SR 426 in Oviedo to I-4 in
Sanford along the SR 417 corridor.
° New Policy 3.1.3 requires pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular connectivity in the GID.
° Revised Polk:y 3.2.1 describes the target industries within the GID.
Revised Policy 3.2.2 limits the residential component in the GID to no more than 25°~ of any
mixed-use project.
° New Policy 3.2.4 defines a maximum allowed intensity of 1.0 FAR in the GID and requires at
least two stories in each building.
° New Policy 3.2.5 addresses trail linkages through the GID.
° New Polk:y 3.3.4 addresses support for transportation linkages between the GID and the Town
° New Objective 3.5 and ib policies address economic development specifically for the GID.
The data and analysis accompanying the EAR-based FLUE amendments includes information on general
City history and character, the SR 434 corridor vision plan; an inventory/anatysie of existing and future
land use; population projections; discussion ottransportation and planning initiatNes; vacant land
analysis; and discussion of redevelopment.
Amendments to the Future Land Use Map (PLUM) accompany the EAR-based FLUE text amendments.
These amendments appear intended to correct PLUM oversights and are as follows:
Golf Side Villas. This text amendment corrects the land use designation that was approved in 1995
but never implemented by changing it from Recreation and Open Space to High Density
Lot 91 8 92 of Tuscawilla Unit 12. This text amendment corrects the land use designation that
identifies two developed lots by changing it from Conservation to Rural Residential.
Torcaso Park, portions of the FP&L Easement between Moss Road wesf to the C/ty Umrts, Moss
Parr Foxmoor Unit 2 d 3 Open Space, Fruitwood Park, and Sam Smith Park. This text amendment
corrects the land use designations of the properties currently in use as City parks by changing them
to Recreation and Open Space.
FDOT Contact Judy Pluo, GISP, 3yatama Planrxar Reviewed by: Gorken Mknlo9lu 3 Kelly Slums, P.E.
FDUI' District S Kktelaon 3 Associates, Inc.
OAfce or intsmtodal Systems Development
Tekphons: 407-~82-7880 407~540-0551f
Fax: 407-2754188 40710-0660
E-mail: judv.oiuo~dot.state.fl.us kblumeC~Dkiltelson.com
Fl10: H:10001P~rriY+p~6rwrV~ IMrrp~rtrnPC:AA Pmrct FaNIM1IM~r 9prirq~ S~rtYroM~EARIWrAM 9prM~pr 00~ 1FR Revbwr07Q709 dx
Florida Department of Transportation
Intermodal Systems Development
_ Growth Manaflement Unit
Pegs 4 of 10
Local r3overnmsnt: City of Winbsr Springs
DCA Amendment tY: 09-1 ER
Dab of DCA's Request Memo: 08123109
RsvlawComntsnb Deadline: 07I22A9
Today's Data: 07/08A9
Transportation Element
The EAR-based amendments to the Transportation Element (TE) goals, objectives, and policies are as
• Minor text edits have been made.
• New Policy 1.1.7 addresses proportionate fair-share payments.
• New Policy 1.1.8 encourages coordination with FDOT regarding methods by which a pedestrian-
oriented Town Center can be achieved. It is stated that this coordination may include a possible
reclassification of SR 434 through the Town Center as a Class II or III arterial, a possible policy
constraint on SR 434 between US 17192 and Vtstawiila Drive to limit future widening, and/or
lowering the speed limit along a portion of the corridor.
^ Revised Policy 1.2.8 adds new language addressing designing major roadways as multimodal
systems with the intent of redudng greenhouse gas emissions. This change may contribute to a
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and assist the City in complying with 163.3177(8), F.S.
• Revised Policy 1.2.13 addresses limiting driveway cuts.
• Revised Policy 1.2.14 states that the City shall coordinate with FDOT to reclassify SR 434 due to
increased traff(~signal density.
• New Policy 1.2.15 states that the City will support the widening of SR 434 to four lanes from SR
417 to SR 4261n Oviedo.
• Revised Policy 1.3.8 states that nonresidential parcels shall be required to have right-of--way
frontage or an adequate access easement.
^ New Policy 1.3.9 requires adequate emergency site accesses.
• New and revised policies under Objective 1.5 address devebpment of a muRimodal system.
Policies related to pedestrian and bicycle facilities have been rewritten.
Revised Policy 1.5.16 states that the City shall adopt a GID master circulation plan prior to
issuing any development approval in the portion of the GID west of SR 41 T.
New Policy 1.5.17 encourages implementing the SR 434 Crosstown bus route and linking it to
• New Policy 1.5.19 states that the City shall consider the feasibility of a non-automot~ile route
abng SR 434 connecting the Town Center and the GID.
• Revised Objective 1.6 and its policies address public transit as it relates to coordination with LYNX
and SunRait, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, provision of transit-supportive development
features, and an irnentory of sidevtralks within 1/4 mik of the SR 434 Crosstown bus route. These
changes may contribute to a redudbn in greenhouse gas emissions and assist the City in
complying with 163.3177(6), F.S.
^ Revised Objective 1.7 and its policies address coordination of transportation tend use. New Policy
1.7.5 addresses pedestrian-scale blocks in the Town Center.
FDOT Cor-tact Judy Pizzo, GISP, Systems Planner Reviewed by: Gorksn Mildogw 3 Kelly 81ume, P.E.
FDOT District 5 Krlielson b Associates, tnc.
Oftxe of Intem~oQal Systems Development
Telephone: 407-~/82-7880 407~4Pa6'a6
Fax: 407-276-4188 407.640~06Ci0
E{nail: iudy oiuoCc~dot.state.rt.us kblume(~kdtetson com
Fk: H.nOC.~PdmtgvCirovM uampnr•nOGPA rno)fa Faeewanar spnrq._s+mrnis~a+www. Splnya OD-rER R«~ moron dx
Florida Department of Transportation
Intermodal Systems Dewbpment
_ Growth Management Unit
Pays 5 of 10
Local t3ovsmmart: City of Winter Springs
DCA Amendment 1k 09-1 ER
Dab of DCA's Regwst Memo: 08/23109
Review Commsnb Daadlins: 07/2?A9
Today's Dab: 07l08A9
^ New Policy 1.9.6 states that the City shalt work with FDOT and the County regarding urban street
design in the Town Center, namely design features that result in low speeds. New Policy 1.9.8
addresses coordination with FOOT regarding a reduction in the speed limit on SR 434, specifically,
in the Town Center.
• New Policy 1.9.9 states that the City shall discourage the widening of SR 434 between US 17/92
and Vistawilta Drive.
^ Revised Policy 1.10.1 addresses Transportation System Management (TSM) and Transportation
Demand Management strategies (TDM).
^ New and revised policies under Objective 1.11 address the City's concurrency management
New Policy 1.11.4 requires transportation facilites needed to serve new development to be in
place/under construction within three years after approval of a building permit
New Policy 1.11.5 addresses maintaining records about de minimis transportation impacts.
a New Policy 1.11,6 states that the City shall consider conducting a study to determine the
feasibility of establishing a transportation concurrency exception area (TCEA), muRimodal
transportation district (MMTD), or similar concurrency management aRernative for the Town
Center, the GID, and the developable land in between the two areas.
The data and analysis accompanying the EAR-based amendments Includes a description of major
roadways; daffy LOS analyses for 2008 and 2012 crash data; information on transit, parking, bicycle, and
pedestrian systems and intermodal facilities; discussion of planned/programmed highway system
improvements; discussion about model development and validation; and discussion about future
transportation planning (e.g., a potential TCEA or MMTD).
Housing Element
The EAR-based amendments to the Housing Element (HOU) goals, objectives, and policies that may be
relevant to State roadway planning and operations are as follows:
^ Minor text edits have been made.
^ Revised Objective 1.1 and Its policies address housing supply.
• New Policy 1.1.8 states that the City shall limit devebpment of housing with a density greater than
18 du/acre to the Town Center and the US 17/92 CRA corridor.
^ New Policy 1.1.15 addresses supporting the desired commercial activity and urban character
desired for the Town Center by encouraging high~ensity residential development up to 36 du/acre.
• New Policy 1.3.9 states that the City shall encourage developers to address the need for workforce
^ New Objective 1.5 and its policies address energy efficiency and sustainability.
FDOT t„ontect Judy Ptmo, 013P, Syetertr Planwr Reviewed by: Gorken AAinfopw a Kely Blum, P.E.
FDOT District 5 lGiteban a Aseociatee, Inc.
oAks or Intemiodai syteme Devebpmsnt
Telephone: 407-482-7880 407S14a665
Fax: 407-275-4188 40T-64401560
Email: i~idy aiao~ldot.state.ll.us kblumefiDkittelson.com
FN: H ~aocwrm^gKxoMm M•n.y.nrnnc:P~ arcya F•eMwV,er sp~np•_semrnr~~w~n,rr spnnp. a0.~Eg Revwro7a~oY aoe
Florida Department of Tranaport9tion
inmmadal Syetsms Development
Growth Management Unit
Pape 6 0110
Local Government: City of Wlnbr Springs
DCA Amandnwnt ~ Ot~1 ER
Dab of DCA's Request Memo: 0612309
Review Commenb Deadline: 07/22/08
Todays Dab: 07/06A9
^ Revised Objective 2.4 and its policies address infill development and redevelopment.
The data and analysis accompanying the EAR-based amendments consists of discussion about growth
trends and population and housing inventory and analysis.
Infrastructure Element
The EAR-based amendments to the Infrastructure Element (INFRA) goals, objectives, and policies are
relation to existing/tuture water treatment, septic tanks, future demand, wells, service area, reclaimed
water, fire protection, solid waste disposal, recycling, hazardous waste, flood control, and natural
recharge protection and conservaton.
Conservation Element
The EAR-based amendments to the Conservation Element (CON) goals, objectives, and policies address
air qualityr, groundwater resources, surface water, wetland protection, floodplains and floodways, wildlife
protection, biological diversity, and energy conservation and sustainabliity.
Related to energy conservation and sustainability, new Policies 1.8.1 through 1.8.12 state that the City
shall provide incentives by 2012 to encourage energy-efficient land use patterns, consider energy use
and vehicle-mites traveled (VMT), encourage multimodal options when making land use decisions, adopt
a draft'Smart Growth Concept Map' of planned or potential smart growth locations by 2012, and apply
for Florida Green Building Coalition Local Government status by 2011.
Recreation and Open Space Element
The EAR-based amendments to the Recreation and Open Space Element (ROSE) goals, objectives, and
poNcies that may be relevant to State roadway planning and operations are as follows:
• Minortext edits have been made.
^ Revised Policy 1.1.1 states the total overall public park and recreation land acreage goal, which is 8
acres11,000 residents, and the city-owned open space goal, which is 4 acresN,000 residents.
• New Policy 1.1.8 addresses requiring open space In the GID and promoting connectivit}r.
• New Policy 1.1.9 states that the City shall identify additional sites for recreational opportunities.
^ New Policy 1.1.14 proposes that, prior to the vacation of right-of-way, the City shall evaluate the
potential of the right-of--way for use as part of a future trail corridor or other aRernatfve transportation
^ New Objeclive 1.2 and its policies address expanding the trait network
FDOT Contact Judy Pi:zo, GISP, Systems PlarxMr Reviewed by: Gorken Mimbpiu 6 Kelly Blume, P.E.
FDO'T Distrkt 6 Kittetson 3 Associate, inc.
ORlcs of intemwdal Systems Development
Telephone: 407-482-7880 407340.0556
Fax: 407-275.4188 407340.0650
E-tired: !udv.euso{~dot.state.fl ut kbiumeC~kittelaon.com
Fie: H~.~000WrrYVplLlraN1 ILr^p^rtrn11CPA Proj~d FileMYVIrbr Sprlnpl-9^rtiYiolsIEMWYInflr Sprfnp^ 04~7ER RNUw0~0709.dx
Florida Department of Troraporbtion
InEarmodal Syseams Development
Growth Managemsrrt Unit
Page 7 of 10
Local Government City of Wmtar Springs
DCA Amendment d: 09-1 ER
Dab of DCA's Request Marra: 0823109
Review Comntenb Deadline: 07/2?I09
Today's Dab: 07!08!09
• New Objective 1.5 addresses accessibility.
• New Policy 1.5.1 states that the City shall continue to provide adequate and appropriate
automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian access to all public parks and facilities.
• New Policy 1.6.4 addresses new developmerrts within the planned trail network providing public trail
Public School Facilltles Element
The EAR-based amendments to the this element's goals, objectives, and policies are related to school
LOS, concurrency, existinglfuture school facility planning, compatibility with Land uses, and coordination
with the School Board and other cities.
Inter>~overnmental Coordlnatlon Element
The EAR-based amendments to the Intergovernmental Coordination Element (ICE) goals, objectNes, and
polldes that may be relevant to State roadway planning and operations are as follows:
• Dates and timelines have been updated.
• Minor text edits have been made.
• Revised Policy 1.2.1 states that the City shall identity and establish procedures by interlocal
agreement with the County for joint action regarding future joint planning areas, annexations, and
the compatibility of County and City land uses.
^ Revised Policy 1.2.3 addresses reviewing other local govemmenta' actions and understanding the
impacts of those actions on City LOS standards.
^ New Policy 1.25 states that the City shall continue to participate and coordinate joint planning and
redevelopment activities in the US 17!92 CRA
• New Policy 1.3.1 states that the City shall continue to coordinate with FDOT on matters related to
speed limit reduction and arterial re-classification on SR 434 in the Town Center, a potential policy
to constrain widening on SR 434 between US 17192 and Vistawilia Drive, widening of SR 434 to
four Lanes east of SR 417 within the GID, and use of enhancement funding for streetscaping and
muftimodal opportunities.
• New Policy 1.3.4 addresses coordination with METROPLAN ORLANDO to Implement partnerships
for TRIP projects.
• New Policy 1.3.5 addresses coordination with relevant agendas, including FDOT and
METROPIAN ORLANDO, regarding the provision of a pedestrian and bicycle trail network
The data and analysis accompanying the EAR-based amendments consists of a list of irrteriocal
agreements and a list of other coordination mechanisms.
FDOT Contact Judy Pico, GISP, Systems Plarx~er Revlerwd by: Gorken tlAirnioglu b Kel y Bksrr, P.E.
Fool t 5 tGttehon a Aseodab., Inc.
Ottbe or -ntertnodal 3y.cema Development
Teleptwna: 407-482-7880 40740-0655
Fax: 407-2754188 407-540-0650
E~+natl: [udy oizzoCBldot.state.fl.us kblume(tHkittelson.com
Fiia: M h0001Pgnr~GtowM M^Mp^rtwltCPA ProMe F!kNW1rNr Spl~ 3~mYioMIEARtlNirir ~ 04.1ER R~v~sw 070T03.dot
Florida Department of Tranaporbtion
Intsrtnodai Systems Development
Growth Management Unit
Pape 8 of 10
Local Government: City of Winter Springs
OCA Amendment d: 09-1 ER
Dab of OCA's Request Memo: 08/23A9
RevtewCommenb D+adllne: O7122A9
Today's Dab: 07/Ot3l09
Capital Improvements Element
The EAR-based amendments to the Capital Improvements Element (CIE) goals, obJedives, and policies
consist of minor text edits and revised adopted LOS standards for solid waste, stormwater management,
parks, and City-owned open space.
There is no data and analysis accompanying the EAR-based amendments to the CIE. However, FDOT
reviewed the annual CIE updated in December 2008.
The LOS analyses In the TE supporting data and analysis reflect an existing year of 2008 and anear-
term horizon of 2012 (three years out). There is no long-term LOS analysis.
FDOT notes that the SunRail commuter rail service is an underpinning of many of the City's planning
efforts. SunRail was not approved by the State legislature in the 2009 session, but FOOT and others are
continuing to work towards implementation of SunRail.
FDOT notes that DCA may ot~jed to'setf-amending' language such as the reference to FDOT's LOS
standards in TE Policy 1.1.1.
The City has updated analysis tables from to reflect a 2012 horizon. However, Map II-5 and Map 11-6 of
the TE supporting data and analysis make references t0 a 2010 horizon.
The Department reviewed the City's adopted CIE update separately through the 08-CIE1 cycle and
submitted comments in December 2008.
In accordance with 9J~.019(3)(f){h), F.A.C., please provide a LOS analysis that shows whether or not
State roadways in the city meet adopted LOS standards in the near term (a five-year horizon) and the
long term (at least a 10-year horizon). The analysis should demonstrate whether or not planned and
programmed improvements are adequate to maintain adopted LOS standards in the near and long term.
If additional improvements are needed, please Identify the needed improvements and work towards
including them in the appropriate plans and programs (e.g., the LRTP) or discuss other means by which
the deficienaes will be addressed. New comprehensive plan policies may be needed to describe how
long-term deflclencies will be addressed.
FDOT Contact Judy Pizzo, GISP, Systems Planner Revlewsd by: Gerken Mimioplu b KeAy Blume, P.E.
FDt7T Dlatrict S Kdtelson 3 Associates, Ins.
C111es of IMsrmodal Systems Development
Telephone: 407-482-7880 407_y10.~~
Fax: 407-27Sd188 gOT~y{O.Ob+lO
E~rnaU: (udy.aizzo(~dot.state.fl.us kblume(Slkittelson.com
Fla: H~LX]C~PMmeq~GroMN~MurgerwnHCPAProJ~dFl7MNNrbr5pAnqr_SsrtikioNtiFJ~RWVM~r3prk~prOCIERRrrw0707D-.dx
~ -- - - ---
Florida Department of Tnnaportatlon
Inbm~odal Sysems Development
- -- Growth Manapstnsnt Unit
Paps 9 of 10
Locsl r3overnment: City of Winbr Springs
DCA Amendment ~ 09-1 ER
Date o>t DCA's Request Memo: 08/23108
Review Comnwnb Dsadtlne: 07i2?J08
Today's Dab: 07/06/09
Please update Map II-5 and Map II-8 of the TE supporting data and analysis provided to reflect the new
horizon year of 2012.
The City states on page II-44 of the TE supporting data and analysis that improvements to US 17/92, SR
419, SR 434, and SR 17 are the responsibility of the State.' FDOT notes that the State allocates funding
towards needed projects based on regional priorities. Hence, FDOT encourages the City to coordinate
with METROPLAN ORLANDO to ensure that needed projects are included in the LRTP.
FDOT is available to coordinate with the City on matters related to SR 434 (including changing the
facility's arterial class and addressing widening issues) and the design of roadways in the Town Center.
FDOT notes that Winter Springs has been designated as a Dense Urban Land Area (DULA) under the
recent SB 380 Iegisiation. If the Clty chooses to become a TCEA per SB 360, the City must adopt
strategies for supporting and funding mobility in the TCEA within two years of the TCEA taking effect. Per
163.3180(5)(b), F.S., these strategies should include alternative transportation modes and should reflect
the regional vision (e.g., the How Shall We Growl regional vision). FDOT strongly recommends that the
City continue to proactively develop TCEArsupportive strategies so that the benefits of TCEA-related
planning can more quickly be realized. These benefrts include:
^ Demonstrating the City's commitment to being consistent with the intent of the SB 3Q0 concunency
language. 183.3180(5)(a), F.S., states that's range of transportation alternatives (Is) essential to
satisfy mobility needs, reduce congestion, and achieve healthy, vivant centers.' FDOT believes
that DCA is more likely to find the TCEA strategies in compliance in two years if the City is able to
demonstrate the success of strategies that are in place at that t(me.
• Ensuring that the safety of the transportation system Carr be maintained /n the face of a potentially
increased /eve! ofdevelopment /n the next two years. Crashes are more likely to occur as vehicle-
miles traveled (VMT) increases. Therefore, managing VMT through the tools that support the
TCEA may yield transportation safety benefits.
• More expedklous/y acquiring lundirp, ded/cations, and/or e/temathre mode infrasbvcture.
Developing TCEA strategies proactively may more immediately establish a means of collecting
funding for mobility projects or requiring developers to construct mobility projects.
• Increasing livability. Support for alternative modes can open up more job opportunities for transit-
dependent residents. High levels of congestion may dissuade visitors from shopping in Winter
Springs and may dissuade businesses from locating in the city.
• Protect/ng environmental resources. 163.3177(6), F.S., requires kx:al government comprehensive
plans to incorporate transportation strategies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. DCA is
currently developing the associated Florida Administrative Code language.
FDCrT Contact Judy Piszo, GISP, Systems Planner Ravlewsd by: Gorken Mlmio9lu 6 Kely Blum, P.E.
FDOT District 3 Ktttelson b Associates, Inc.
011ice of Inler7nodal Systems Development
Tebprtone: 407-482-7880 407b40.0656
Fax: 407-275.4188 gp7,&W.ag5p
E-mall: judv.piuoc®dat.state.fl.us kblumeC~Dkittetson.com
File: H~OOCW4~r~(3rwvg1,4npMwdlCpAp~o}dFiNfWWb~gplnp~_g~r~w,gNE~gyryy~g~wp~tERRNIwv0707n9.dx
. ~ i I
Florida Ospertmsnt of Tronsportr~tion
Intermodal Systems Development
Growl Management Unit
Page 10 of 10
Lo~l Government: City of 1lVinter Springs
DCA Amendmtnt ~ 09-1 ER
Deb of DCA's Request Memo: 06/23N9
Review Comment Deadilne: 07/22/09
Today's DaEa: 0X061'08
If the City moves forward with development of TCEA (or MMTD) strategies, FDOT fs willing to meet with
the City to review the analysts methodology andlor draft comprehensive plan amendments.
FDOT encourages the CRy to coordinate with METROPLAN ORLANDO in the development of tools by
which potential increases and decreases in greenhouse gas emissions can be determined in furtherance
of the requirements of 163.3177(6), F.S. One such tool may be based on vehicle-miles traveled as
calculated from the regional planning model.
FDC? Contact Judy Pizzo, GISP, Syetema Planner Revlswed by. Gorken Mimfoglu 3 Kely Blumt, P.E.
FDC? Diabitt 3 IGttebon 6 llaeociatea, Inc.
OMloe of Intermodal 3yetema Devek>pment
Telephone: 407-482-7880 407.,y10.p5e~
Fax: 407-273-4188 407~~
E-maH: [udy.pizzo(8tdot.state.fl.us kbtume(dlkittebo~.com
Fla: N nocwr~rW+acxaw~ M.o.fl.m.~ncae Fropd F~is.~wir,e.. spi~,q._s.~wWUwe,. sPmy. oatER a«~ o~o~ me