HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 10 28 Regular
Conkin, ~ort... ..... Holme.
@ [P) ==:"'-:-ffi~fl
TEL 305 425-0452
September 27, 1985
Mr. Peter Cowell
City Planner
City of Winter Springs
400 North Edgemon Ave
Winter Springs, Fla 32708
REI Oak Forest Unit b
CPH Job Number W0402.00
Dear Peter:
We have completed the review of the final plan and data submission on
Oak Forest, Unit b. We hereby recommend approval based on the
following conditions:
1. That underdrains are installed .s recommended by the Soils
Consultant. A preliminary location ~or the underdrains has been shown
on the plans and in thp. soil report. These locations will be
r~evaluated in the field during construction with a report given to
the City for review and follow-up.
~ 2. This recommendation is also subject to the standard provisions and
requirements in the Cities Subdivision Code, and the permits issued by
Florida Department of Environmental Regulations ad the st. John River,
Management District for water, sewer and storm drainange.
3. Lots requiring demucking and fill as indicated in the soils report
shown on the plans should be inspected by a Soils Consultant during
the filling operation to allow certification that the unsuitable soils
have been removed and that free draining fill has been properly
placed and compacted in the house pad area.
4. The rear lot storm water retention treatment areas shall remain
accessable after home construction and sales. Restriction shall be
placed on the drainage/access easements to each retention area to
insure continued access for maintenance.
5. The gabion basket dewatering system for the retention areas is
experimental in application with only limited success in the Central
Florida Area. Maintenance of the upstream filter face may be
impossible and replacement would be very expensive. We, therefore,
recommend that a valved (normally closed) pipe be placed at the bottom
of each retention basin to allow emergency drawdown of the stored
water for maintenance or as a back up system should the primary system
A) The City should consider not taking over the retention area
system for maintenance at the end of the normal maintenance
bond period, but require an additional 5 year bond for
that part of the .y.tem to allow it to prove it.el~ and to
develop a functional maintenance record. It it do.sn't
work as designed, then it should be replaced with an
Corporate Office: 500 W. Fulton St.. P. O. Box 1976. Sanford. FL 32772-1976
~'~'" "., ,," '~.,;.~~~' Port... ..... Holm..
~ <;. " , ' ~ fR) ENGINEERS. INC.
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"~~~~;~~n.~. .Y.~...
ti ", ,,4 :; "~':~'i' ~', .
~.j) Ally defective con.truction Dr' damaging deterioration of the
S,<.;t~, .. gabien ba.ket-filt.... fabric d....atering system in the
'.J"." retention .reas shall be corrected by repair or repl acement
~' , with. suitable substitute prior to the final project
~ acceptance or expiration and release of the maintenance
l' band whichever occurs first.
If you have any questions, please call us.
Si NC:erel y,
Willi.m R. Holmes, P.E.
FAM Associates
Plans (1) City of Winter Springs (1 City ~ 1 Developer)
Soils Report
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OCT 16 1985
an IlAllAGER
October IS, 1985
Mr. ~ichard Rozansky
City Manager
Winter Springs City Hall
1126 E. State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
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Re: Coventry Place, Site Plan Review
Dear Mr. Rozansky,
In accordance with the dates of the, site plan review for the
above project, please be advised that our reengineering is nearing
completion and resubmtssion will ~e forthcoming this week. It is
our intent, per the review reKords to accomodate the review board
in all aspects but one.
As voiced the~, and conffrmed herein, we intend to appeal the
request of your Fire Chief that the structure be fully sprinklered.
We will base this appeal on our knowledge that no such requirements
exist legally whether federal, state, or local. As per current
design we have taken extended steps to afford safe and effective
fire safety protection considered more than adequate.
In the regard to the time element, although the board has said
that all other items should be addressed prior to any appeal, we
request to be placed on the agenda for the October 28th meeting
inasmuch as we expected that, by that time, these items will have
been dealt with.
Accordingly we would appreciate your placement on the agenda of
our request for appeal.
Thank you very much.
cc: Peter Cowell
C't. '', Gt~
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C4Tt el.c.'l.1G - ~M IglUt8r-
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1126 STATE ROAD 4J.4
Telephone (305) 327-1800
MEH) :
October .17, 1985
'ID: City Manager, Richard RozanskY.
FRCM: City Plamer, Peter Cowell@;
RE: Coventry Place
Attached is a letter received today fran Mr. G. E. Yurchi.son in
regard to a sprinkler system for Coventry Place. Also attached are the
Site Plan Review Board Minutes of June 25: 1985, discussing the fact
that Mr. Yurchison ~d have to go b8ck before the (;onni'ssion. Fran
the date of the meeting Mr. Yurchison had 30 days in which to make the
request for his appeal to the Site Plan Review Board's decision. lb1
do you wish to have this matter handled?
Also, please note) that as of right rDN, we do not have the amended
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OCT 18 1985 ------
site plan.
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TUESDAY. JUNE-25. 1985
The Site Plan Review Board meetinl w~s called to order at 9:00 a. a.
Fire Chief. Charles Holzman; Buildinl Official Sam Smith; Utilities Director
Barry Martin; City Planner Peter Cowell and Police Officer Charles Sexton.
The reason this is cominl back before the Site Plan Review Board is the fact
that the review was here over a year alo and therefore is null and void. Further.
there are some discrepancies in the plan that need to be reevaluated in the review
because they were not clarified or corrected at the time of the orilinal review.
Corrections need to be made to the sidewalks in the rear. The three foot distance
will need to be removed allowinl the whole distance of the sidewalk to be even
insurinl that there will be no three foot sidewalks. The 9 x 20 parkinl spaces
will be brought back to Code at 10 x 20. with handicapped spaces at 12 x 20 with
signs. It will be necessary to curb around the areas that are not protected with
wheel stops. Dumpsters will be screened and enclosed. Buffering will be along
the entire front of the parking lot at the rear of the front setback from the
street. In the side yard setbacks a buffered area on the northside of the project
is approximately 25 feet in width and an area on the souths ide 15 feet in width
is to be left natural. A five foot sidewalk will run the full width of property
along the front property line. The sidewalk will be put on the right of way. The
developer has provided an adequate parking light plan. Street lights are being
reviewed by Florida Power Corporat~on.
There will be an internal mail system for the development. The developer has also
agreed to help with the traffic signal control device for Moss Road. The retention
swales are to be sodded.
A new manhole will not be permitted on North Moss Road and any additional watet
and sewer problem will have to be worked out with Winter Springs Water and Sewer
prior to the issuance of a building permit.
The developer will furnish the engineering calculations as to how many apartments
can be sufficiently run off the four inch water line to Winter Springs Water and
1. Drainage and retention engineerinl is to be reviewed by Conklin. Porter & Holmes.
2. The direction and flow of stormwater must be corrected to meet the engineer's
specifications for drainage.
3. Sprinkler system will be developed throulhout the buildinl per the recommendation
of the fire chief.
4. PVC will be standardized to Winter Springs Wat~r & Sewer specifications. The
meter will be moved to the front easement. an~ if necessary additional ease-
ment will be Iranted.
Sit a Plan Review Board Heeting, Tuesday, June 25, 1985
Paga 2
5. There will be calculatioD8 t8 ensure that the pressure is adequate for a
four inch line. . .
6. Tha hydrant will ba relocated 10 feet away fro. the water force main.
7. There will be buffering across th~ front, also a sidewalk across the front,
and curbing around the planted and noncurbed areas that are not protected
wheel stops.
8. All parking spaces per code will be 10 x 20, handicapped spaces 12 x 20 with
signs, all sidewalks will be the width of the sidewalk either 5 or 6 feet;
no 3 foot sidewalks.
9. The rear sidewalk designed in asphalt will be changed to concrete; however,
development is a separate issue to be dealt with. It will be left optional.
The back sidewalk to be lighted if it is put in.
10. The stripping will be white per DOT Standards.
11. Dumpsters will be enclosed and fenced across the front.
12. Street lights will go before Florida Power Corporation for review of both
parking and street lights.
13. The Developer will pickup a copy of the traffic signal agreement so that
that can be filled out and returned.
The Fire Chief has requested fire sprinkler system throughout the building. ~
.a...h'JL i I [ litH In.. J-U L t - A1Jjl)- ~;1tiftI""~'_r un'"
~.....:... wi... Three members of the Sit,.e Plan Review Board are in favor of the
Motion was made by Sam Smith and seconded by Peter Cowell to approve with all
modifications. All aye.
Respectfully submitted,
1f]~, '(J~n~
Mary W lso , \\.......-
Record ~ Secretary
''l:.l/-C/'';60ft A61Oc"'4t.6',.~-: ' .\.~EG"TE"ED AIIICHITECT. AND PL.ANN.E".
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Octoh.r 7. 19ft_
em fI WlITER SPRlltGS ~ .~l7JM"16JJ AI
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'r. ~.te~ Covell. Cityr1anner . "'1', ~~
City R.l1 ~
1126 B. St.te aoa4 434
-Willter SpriIlS.. l'L 32708 - ~ fa w
Coventry Place, Conlrelate Care Paci1ity for the Elderly,
208 B. Hoaa t.a4, Wint.r S,rin.a~ P10rlda
De.r Hr. Covell,
With reference to your co..ent aeetinl of 1aat Friday wherein
Hr. Webb aubattted hia a11el.tory letter witb the subsequent news-
paper arttc1e lollovtns the next d.y, lt 1. proper and expected that
1 too should coaaent, and I wl11 herein.
To beSin with, ~r. Webb,w.a hired aa the enlineer to desisn the
.ite Irades and stera water .aRaleaent. Thi. was accomplished by
in.ertion ef hia de.iln upon our orilina1 aite utility plan prepared
by our office beartng .y aea1 and aignature. Upon p1aceaent of the
.ite drainase inforaatt~n Hr. Wehb placed hi. seal and signature as
Thia particular drawing wa. indeed revised at the request of
(.1) the office of R.U.D. who raised the elevation of the bui1dinl
and aurroundinl sidewalks, and (2) the reque.t of the City of Winter
Sprin.. to incorporate the new 4 lane Moa. aoad paving plan, which
included a atora water inlet at the front of the aite to acco.odate
our forward .tora vater. Actually i.provln. the aite drainale.
Hr. V.bb h.d knov1edle of thl. .nd p.rticipated in thia correction.
Vhat la leraaine t. that, upon .ub.isaion to the City for. nev aite
p1.n review, your con.u1tant., Conk1ia, Porte~ 6 Bo1aea, di.covered
a deaign deficiency in the ba1an~. of the dr~inage design inc1udin. a
qu.atloninl of the de.iln .yatea '.p10yed. At ao tiae vaa thia office
.w.r. of thia, nor had auch dr.lnale ~yat.a be.n chan.ed~ .iace there
..a ao aeed C.t th.t tiae) to qu..tioa .....
la Hr. Vebh'. r( 'ona. to thi. r.iaed queation h. do.a not .ddre..
.thl. ..fici.acy, .eek.41 r.ther to .h.o1v. bi.a.1f of .11 r..pon.ibi1ity
inaa.uch .a the oriliaa1 .ravlal ..d h..a r.vl.... Tbi. i. .n atteapt
hy .r. V.bh to evade the point 1. qu.atioa. i.... th.t the draiaa,.
de.ilni. lacoapetent. laa..uch.. this v.. the .r.a lor vhich Hr.
V.hb:... hired, our ia.latence th.t h. cor~.ct the ...t,a .a. aet with
hi. ~.'u..1 to .ate aay correctioa.. .
Slu_arl1y. . ae. eallne.rlal ..rvlc. la.. heea ..p10y.. an. Hr. Webb
terata.te. .. eite enllne.r.
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.f tht. wo1'thwhil. proj.ct. j
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cc: ttchard tozaaaty
Conklin, Porter & Wel...
P. Piak~etn.r, Ea..
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City Manager
~, DEP'T
Fire Chief
SUBJECT Coventry Place - Site Plan Review
DATE October 21, 1985
Following are my thoughts and reasoning concerning my suggestions
for a total sprinkler system throughout the Coventry Place structure
which is referred in Mr. Yurchison's attached letter.
Although Mr. Yurchison is correct in stating that no federal, state,
or local requirements exist for fully sprinkling the structure I main-
tain that the very nature of the type of occupancy and it's inhabitants
should be cause for additional personal life safety precautions for
those occupants.
The fact that the building is a home for the elderly, some will be
living alone, some will suffer from failing eyesight, hearing losses,
_ and some may-will beborderingon-senili ty, anyone of them still smoking,
or for other reasons, lacking their full abilities and facilities, is
reason enough to provide the maximum protection for their safety.
Meeting all fire codes, as well as the NFPA Life Safety Code may, in
Mr. Yurchison's opinion, be more than adequate, however, meeting those
standards merely means that the requirements have been met, not exceeded.
Deaths from fire are rarely attributed to burns, rather the result
of asphyxiation due to the inhalation of toxic gases-even from small
fires, i.e., a smoldering mattress or a chair.
I base my suggestion of a total sprinkled building of this nature
on the fact that it has been reported that there have been no reported
deaths in structures that contained a fully sprinklered system that
was in working condition at the time the fire occurred.
OCT 23 1985
CI~~fiENGS' FL!~t1T(
1126 STATE ROAD 434
Telephone (305) 327.1800
October 23, 1985
10: City Manager~ and Camlission
F'RCM: City PlBIUler. Peter Cowell
RE: Mt. Greenwood PUD. Tracts 1 and 2 Final Engineering
Attached is a copy of the City Engineer's report to accept the
final engineering for Tracts 1 and 2 of Mt. Greenwood PUD.
The type of housing is canparable to R-lM housing directly
across fran Hayes Road to the entrance.
These provisos have not been received for acceptance:
1. The design and engineering for the right turn lane onto Hayes
Road and S.R. 434.
2. The sidewalk along Hacienda Village down Hayes Road to the
project entrance.
3. Engineering and design and site plan for the amenities package
for Tract 6.
4. The wall dividing Hacienda Village fran Tracts 1 and 3 of Mt.
Greenwood .
Further. the developer will not be able to plat or pull any building
pennits until the issue of the perculation ponds has been resolved.
.. ,...
~' '
"'9ctoberl. 1985-
\~ ,
Conklin, ~ort.r and Holmes
TEl305322-6841 TEL30513Hi717
J' < '
Mr. ,.Pete Cowell
ti ty of, Wi nter Spri ngs
,1.126 EastS.,R. :434,
'Vi nter Springs ~ FL 32708
~ountGreenwood Phases I and II
CPH Project No. W0402.00
Dear Mr. Cowell:
We have completed the review of the engineering supplied by
Boyer Singleton & Associates for the Mount Greenwood PUD Tracts
1 and 2. The following comments are based on this review.
1. Lots 29, 30, 31, and 32 are graded as -BM lots to the back
of the property lines. A potential problem is created in
this area should the lots on 36, 37, and 38 be constructed
improperly or if swimming pools are added at a later date,
thereby cutting off the swale drainage thru these
.roperties. To eliminate this problem, easements would have
to be provided ~etween lots 36, 37, 38 and 39 or the grading
plan for1.ots 29, 30, 31, and 32 should be changed to Type A
~ ots.
;2~ ""'ow.trows should be added to indicate the direction of
'; ,'flow along the rear retention swale behind lots 10,11,12
.nd 13 of Tract 1.
3. .
Tract no~ 2 has no sewer service to Lot no. 12. The spacing
of the fire hydrants in Tract no. 2 did not meet the City
~Code of 350' to the lot line. No additional hydrants should
'be" .requi ~ed as hydrants shown can be relocated to meet the
. code~, ','.;$:
'l~,.. ,. ('-j .i !,'
.~', ,;' .
;'We reco..end that additio-na1 so11s information be provided
.' ..~ 'to f ndfcat'e whether underdra1 n~s wi 11 be needed on these
'~;:f;:'streets .
1"~~.? ", . , ,';J : '.'
".", -,":,,:,.,,~~pproval '1),fthese draw1ngs1s contingent on the resolution of
.;;:,Hithe above 1 te.s.
-4'~' :.-(.. 4-',',"/ ':' ' " . ; .' ,
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:1;- (",.j t,': ,:~'~: ',I~'
t,,,),,:~'''f.YOU haveanyquest1ons, please call our offices.
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