HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 02 18 Workshop
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Telephone (305) 327-1800
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1985 - 7:00 P. M.
1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Municipal Complex/Interior Design
4. Proposed Zoning Ordinance
5. Policy/Procedure
6. Adjournment
Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at this meeting, they will
need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim
'~cord of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which
Ie appeal is to be based per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes.
Section 44.46 Establishment of a PC Professional Commercial District
The Professional Commercial District is established to provide for lands
abuting and adjoining residential districts that would be advers1y affected by
a greater diversification of uses. The intent and purpose of this zone is to
allow for the acquisition of goods and services accessable but without detriment
to the habitation of/~djoining residential neighborhoods.
,_Sec tion 44.46.1 Permitted uses: Uses permi tted wi thin the PC
Professional Commercial District shall include, but not be limited to the
following uses:
Advertising Agencies
Employment Agencies
~~) ~ose \,V~ja ted professions lis ted
Insurance Agencies
Title Companies
Travel Agencies
below, licensed by the State of Florida
Department of Professional Regulation pursuant to Chapters 455 and 471 and
Section 20.30, Florida Statutes:
Architecture & Landscape
Laboratories, Clinical &
Land Surveying
Medical Practice
Occupational Therapy
Spe(;lch Pathology
Dentistry, Dental Hygienists
Hearing Aids, Fitting & Selling
Investigative & Patrol Services,
Decption Detection
Physical Therapy
Psychological Services
Public Accountancy
Real Estate Brokers &
Section 44.46.2 Accessory Uses
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The uses listed below ~ be lcoated only within multi-unit structures to
provide for the convenience of tenants and local residents conducting typical
uses in their respective businesses.
Post Office Branches
Snack Shups
Section 44.46.3 Conditional Uses
Quick Printen;
The uses listed below may be allowed when approved by the Board of Adjustment
Administrative Public Buildings
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Group Homes and Congregate Living Facilities for up to
Five (5) Persons
Multi-family Residential Dwellings Developed according
to the Standards of Zone R-3
Schools for Academic Training
Section 44.46.4 Mouloi"u[ilrJllli,,~ Uses
The lawful use of the land
by law
The lawful use of a building or structure existing at the time of the
of this chapter (article) may be continued~ although such use does not
to the provisions of this chapter (article); and such use may be
throughout the building provided no alterations~ except those
or ordinance, or ordered by an authorized officer to ensure
of the
building, are made therein. No
any land
outside such building. If such nonconforming build'
removed or the
nonconforming use of such
continuous period of
not less than one hundred eighty two
future use of such
premises shall be in conformity with
this chapter (article).
time of the passage of this
ordinance (article) may be
provided~ however, that no such noncon-
forming use may
a greater area of land than that occupied by
such use at the
(article). If such nonconforming
use is discontinued continuous period of not less than one hundred eighty
two (182) days~ use of said land shall be in conformity with the
provisions chapter (article).
a nonconforming use of a building or land has been discontinued or
a conforming use, such use shall not thereafter be changed to a
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The uses listed below shall be deemed as ~p~IR~aFmiag uses:
Single-Family Dwellings
44.47 Building Site area regulations
1)In the PC Professional Commercial District the maximum lot size shall be
1. 5 acres.
2) The minimum lot width shall be no less than 1Bd feet along the front
property line. For properties abuting arterial or collector roads the front
property line must be considered the line in common with the right of way.
j) The mlnimUID lot depth shall be no less than H)O feet.
44.47.1 Building Dimensions
No building or structure may exceed a gross square footage of more than
10,200 sq. ft. on any building lotJor thirty(30) percent of the ground area
of the site.
44.48 Front, Rear and Side yard regualtions
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1) The front yard set back shall be no less than twenty-five (25) feet
in depth from the front property line. The front ten (10) li~88Y feet in depth
must be maintained as a green belt.
2) Side and rear yard set backs in common with other commercial lots may
have a zero (0) setback. If a setback is to be left along a side or rear yard
abutting commercial properties at least a five (5) foot minimum width must be
~~maintained as green belt.
3) Side and rear yard setbacks abutting residential district must provide
a setback of no less than thirty (30) feet with either as six (6) foot wall of
stone or brick Oi?-fi---dense hedge to a height of six (6) feet.
44.49 Building height regulations
No building shall exceed twenty five (25) feet in height.
44.50 Buffering
1) Within the Professional Commercial District the preservation of the
properties existing and mature trees is manditory except where such growth
will interfere with construction. When trees with a core of six (6) inches or
in height with ,;ill' core;5 of three
more ~ removed Jf tre~ of fifteen (15) feet
inches or more shall replace ~. When there
are no trees on the site $ tre~of
fifteen (15) feet in height with a cor~of three (3) or more inches must be
planted every twenty (20) lineal feet in the front set back.
2) Plant coverings, shrubs, or sod shall cover no less than fifteen (15)
percent of the site area in the Professional Commercial District.
3) All areas not utilized by paved surfaces shall be covered by plant
material or sod.
44.51 Site Pl u R.i., Hea)!.. standards for Professional Commercial Districts.
1) Architecture: Buildings on commercial lots adjacent to single-family
residential property must be constructed with design and materials compatible
with residential construction. The Site Plan Review Board shall make a
determination, considering each proposal on an individual basis, whether
commercial buildings are compatible with the single-family neighborhoods in
which they are constructed.
2) \J"'~ f " h bl' d f 1
Ho~ 0 Operatlon: BUSlness may open to t e pu lC an per orm usua
operations ~ within the time period from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
3) Outdoor Activity: ~ Gutdoor sales, display or merchandise, or any
exterior activity involving customers wil1Abe allowed. The only outdoor
structures or equipment permissible are energy-related equipment required to
serve the business, fully enclosed containers for the temporary storage of
solid waste, and outdoor furniture for leisure use of employees.
Y' -~ 4) Noise: Passenger car traffic, occasional deliveries, maintenance operations,
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",J and energy-related equipment;. noise >~ only" audible at the property lines
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~y~ shall be full extent of noise.
5) Illumination: Free standing area lighting installations shall not be
allowed. Building security lights permanently attached to the structure must
be focussed away from adjacent residences. Identifications signs illuminated
or not shall be placed on a side of the lot with no property line in common
with a residential lot.
6) Traffic Volume: Only those businesses that generate no more than a
combined average of 50 trip ends per 1,000 square feet of commercial structure
per day, as determined by the trip generation rates published by the Institute
of Transportation Engineers, will be considered for the Professional Commercial