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Board of Adjustment Building Code
October 9, 1984
Mayor Torcaso called the Meeting to order at 10:45 p. m. to discuss Casa Park
Swimming Pool Fence.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman that we allow Casa Park Villas to build
their swimming pool fence at 4~ inches (per exhibit in City Hall). Seconded by
Commissioner Linville. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye;
Commissioner Linville, aye; motion carried.
Mayor Torcaso announced that Commissioner Adkins has withdrawn his candidacy for
Seat II in the November 6, 1984 election.
Meeting adjourned 10:50 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk
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Resolutions Agreed to at the meeting of August 15:
Problem Area #1
Bel-t,ire will install a drainage pipe at the corner of Sequoia
Drive and Chokecherry Drive to connect with the sewer drain to
drain any excess water that accu~ulates on the two lots. These
lots will not be improved by Bel-Aire because pilings would have
to be sunk into the ground to keep it stable for building purposes.
P.rea #2
Winter Springs agreed to clear the area around the sewer drain-
pipes that go under the street to keep the water draining properly.
The pitch of the drainpipe is set correctly to drain off the water
but the weeds and sludge around the drainpipe areas are clogging
the entrances and that keeps the water from flowing throu6h faster.
A re a # 3
The drainage ditch that was du~ in the bac~ of the model homes
will be fenced off on both sides of the str'eet to make it more
attractive and clean.
P. re a ijit
The drainage pipe running into the lake to drain off rain water
from the sewers at Taproot Drive and Oak Forest Drive is draining
properly. Excess water from rainstorms and cloudbursts cannot be
immediately accommodated by the sewers.
A re a I/: 5
The exposed pipe in this area will be covered with a metal shield.
'. r-
A re a 'fj- 0
The sidewalk will be ins~alled in this section.
.4 rea #7
This area was checked out and found to be normal. There was no
water laying or saturating the soil. The grass was growing
properly. Constant excess water would not be tolerated by grass.
r. re a li8
1-1 il
Bel-Aire agreed to clean UP all the debris and to cut the grass
and weeds on undeveloped lots; also, to maintain and cut the
grass and weeds at all entrances to Oak Forest.
The Orlando Sentinel
Publiahed Daily
A1lamonle Springs. Seminole County. Florida
~lt:l~~ ()~1:)H~~(r;~lri0a} ~~
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared __________________
Bettv Luther __.______.___, who on oath says that
she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Orlando Sentinel, a Daily newspaper
published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad-
vertisement, being a_ ..Ng_t .1<: E::_~f . .,.., ub~Lc::---.!leC1:.E:i n CT__ in the matter of
._JJti 1 i.zi:ttj_QJ1_P -=-)'\,]:)0 J;;"O X j.J"1. a.t e 1 ',,-28 _l\ c rues 0 -F ~___
land in Hiahlands
________in the ____.____..__Court,
was published in said newspaper '1. the issues oL~_____ _ _____ n ___.________
__________~C;_eEt2..1 111 84________ . __~___________
Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at Altamonte
Springs. in Seminole County, Florida. and that the said newspaper has heretofore been contin-
uously published in said Seminole County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as
second-class mail matter at the post office in Altamonte Springs, in said Seminole County,
Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad-
vertisement; and affiant further says that helshe has neither paid nor promised any person,
finn or corporation any discoU'1t, rebate, cornmi.<;sion or refund for the purpose of securing this
advertisement for publication :n the said newspaper.
Sworn to and suhscri bed before me this
A.D., ] 9 ~~_____
I~/'/(- -'2Li~<--C.L.'-,/ IL. ffi~.~ffl-. ...... .)~~.~:~
. 1" C'.t~';'() nf F1.:~',':~~- '1..'T Publi'
,,~,,"'H p,.-.-e., '_'-" .' l~oti\H', c
\ ,,1._. 'J . :. i ~:? 1~;:j:J
Bonded (}j
City CommiSSion of the, City of Winter
Spnngs, Flonda, that saId CommiSSion
will hold a Public Hearing on the utili
zation of approximately 28 acres of
land in the Highlands Planned Unit
Development for effluent disposal
The Public Hearing will be held on
Tuesday, Sept. 25, 1984 at 7:30 pm
or as soon thereafter as possible, In
the Winter Sprongs City Hall, 400 N.
~~g~;;~~ Ave.; Winter Springs, Flor-
IntereSled parties may appear a1.,thls
Heanng and be heard with respect to
thiS issue
Please be adVised that, under State
Law, If you decide to appeal a deci-
sIOn made with respect to this matter
you will need a record of the proceed-
Ings and may need to ensure that a
verbatim record is made
Dated this 23rd day of August, 1984.
/s/Mary T. Norton
Mary T Norton.
C,ty Clerk
,=S=~93(6s) Sept2.t984