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2009 08 10 Regular 603 Final Engineering and Landscape Plans - Tuscawilla Country Club Golf Course Feature/Dry Retention Area
COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 603 August 10, 2009 Meeting CONSENT INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR X MGR /DEPT /~'~~ Authorization REQUEST: The Public Works Department requests the City Commission review the Final Engineering and Landscape plans for a proposed Tuscawilla Country Club Golf Course Feature /Dry Retention Area, located on the north side of Northern Way west of Wicklow Way PURPOSE: To review the Final Engineering and Landscape plans for the proposed Tuscawilla Country Club Golf Course Feature /Dry Retention Area BACKGROUND INFORMATION: • Final Engineering /Site Plan and a Developer's Agreement for the Tuscawilla Greens 60- unit condominium project adjacent to the Tuscawilla Country Club were approved by the City Commission at the September 8, 2008 meeting. The Tuscawilla Country Club Golf Course Feature /Dry Retention Area is a related project being submitted to the City Commission as an amendment to the approved Tuscawilla Greens Final Engineering plans. • The Tuscawilla Greens site requires extensive over-excavation and removal of unsuitable soil materials near the ground surface. In addition, much of the finished grading at the site is above the existing grade. Fill material must be imported from an offsite location in order to raise the finished grades across the site and replace the unsuitable soils. A similar project called the "Northern Way Borrow Area "located east of Wicklow Way was approved by the City Commission at the February 23, 2009 Commission meeting. The Northern Way Borrow Area, which was designed in accordance with wet detention pond design criteria, was recently completed; however, it did not supply the full amount of fill material needed for the project and thus a second nearby Northern Way Golf Course Feature is now proposed on the opposite side of Wicklow Way. PROJECT OVERVIEW: The Tuscawilla Country Club Golf Course Feature /Dry Retention Area is proposed as a source of fill material 'for the Tuscawilla Greens site. The project is located on the Tuscawilla Country Club property, at the north side of Northern Way, west of the Wicklow Way intersection (see Exhibit 1 -Aerial Map). The Golf Course Feature is located between the Northern Way right-of--way and the fairway for golf course hole #5. The Tuscawilla Country Club Golf Course Feature has been designed in compliance with dry retention pond design criteria. This is different from the recently completed Northern Way Borrow Area, which was designed as a wet pond (having a permanently visible water surface). The bottom elevation of the proposed Dry Retention Area has been set at a minimum of 1-foot above the estimated seasonal high groundwater table elevation and the side slopes are 4:1. The retention area will be normally dry and is designed to allow any stormwater entering it to percolate through permeable soils into the shallow groundwater aquifer such that the pond is returned to a dry condition after a maximum of 72 hours. Soil excavated from the Golf Course Feature /Dry Retention Area will be hauled to the Tuscawilla Greens site by trucks using a route from Northern Way east to Greenbriar Lane north to Winter Springs Boulevard. Tuscawilla Greens is located on the south side of Winter Springs Boulevard between the Country Club and Howell Creek. OFFSITE DRAINAGE AND EMERGENCY OUTFACE: The Golf Course Feature /Dry Retention Area will receive stormwater surface runoff from the south and east sides. On the south side of the pond, stormwater runoff from the north side of the Northern Way right-of--way will drain into the pond. • The proposed Golf Course Feature /Dry Retention Area is designed to retain the 100- year storm. In the event of an extremely large storm or a series of severe storms the pond would overflow to the west and drain to Howell Creek following the existing established drainage pattern in this area. GOLF COURSE FEATURE /DRY RETENTION AREA APPEARANCE: • The top of the retention area bank will be at the existing grade, meaning that the pond bank will not obstruct the view of the golf course from Northern Way. No existing trees will be removed for the retention area construction. All existing trees in the project vicinity are required to have tree protection barricades as shown on the Final Engineering plans. • The proposed pond will be landscaped at the perimeter as shown on the enclosed plans. The landscaping is intended to enhance the appearance of the retention area without obstructing the view of the golf course from the surrounding homes. • The retention area will not be fenced, as it has 4:1 side slopes and a fence is not required by Code. The top of bank on the south side is located approximately 35-feet from the Northern Way pavement, a 25-mph residential street. COMMUNICATION WITH SURROUNDING RESIDENTS: The initial plans received by Staff for this project showed the project to be a wet detention area, similar to the existing Northern Way Borrow Area recently completed on the east side of Wicklow Way. These plans were mailed to the surrounding homeowners immediately adjacent to the site as a courtesy and to request their input. Two homeowners responded and expressed opposition to the project with reasons given that it would be unsightly, a safety hazard, it would attract mosquitoes, and that it would not be well maintained by the Country Club. The revised plans showing the Golf Course Feature as a Dry Retention Area were mailed to the surrounding residents on July 30, 2009 advising them of the updated design and the scheduled agenda item for the August 10 Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Commission consider the proposed Tuscawilla Country Club Golf Course Feature /Dry Retention Area. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Exhibit 1 -Aerial Map 2. Exhibit 2 -Final Engineering and Landscape Plans COMMISSION ACTION: a~ a~ o~ °v1 0 0 M o~ 0 N O ^ O n r O tc') O The greens at Tuscawilla ~- N©rthern Way ~©rrow ~;rea -- ~,~~ x 52.1 \S3 ~ \ 5 ~y t1 LrJ' V//~ L x 51.6 Thine are severol kaes {n this arw thot on rwt shown haraon ~ d //L IU 52.9 x ` x 52.6 OAKIO p~KUOAKPS{1~14 8 84 O OAK72 OOAkiB OOAKlO Q ~ 0AK x 5"a.2 O 14 x3 .a ~J O C pA1Ct8 x5 2.4 \~ x52.0 OOAK18 Oy ~! u C ~ c `k" ~'^-~ ~~ Z, \ / OAK14 ~~I Q x 53.3 ,v x52.2 hY y ~rse ~, Y Yl~n r ~ ` _ O7YpAKi6 t~~ S Oy I H I x84.5 `f ~J~~ f \ x 51.7 x54.8 ~_ x g:.3 W ~?j `_ O QAK30 ~ ~ x54.88 Z x 49 ~ ~ ~- . a ~`-_:,_, x 54.2 XJ/ r ~ ~ rv4. o ~ o 1 .t~~ H ~ t 3 J 2~ \ aa, ~,~,~ ~~~ e ox OOAK2 rrit~ I~ ~ ~! 40. ~_ ~QAK OAK,2. 4 f1R?ApKp!d AK7d Ali,p ~ ort ;` ` _ h~ s~_ x54.2 ` xis . SOY L ~; ~ s x •.,,~ _ ,. ~_ i V f ~V of ~ ,` ~ 4~ Tf ~ { ~°i ~' d ~~ \ ..3 J ' ,` ~, ..'., x i.T- J ^~ti x g2. "~i.~~W ex! - _. ~1E8 -~ -- -- ~~tl~ ~ai>rQa~ 515 Paris Rve. N.. Ste. Z16 L' ~' .~/ ~ •-_.. ~ s+ce Benchrnu Top of 5/8- iron ~S~ n 9 ~n ~ C~ Winter Park, FL 32189 /~ "'`' ww~w.outdoordes{gnworks.com ~ ~'7''°"j ~tm~ p:ailic ca{ ~ ~~nri~ z '4.0~ LANDSCAPE PLAN The Greens at Tuscawilia ~- Northern Way Borrow Area -2 ~~g-rte RJri - denol» rgnt of way 3" layer pine straw much under LIT, SB $t DTV. ~~ - dMOteevtrKlai ReGOrde Ronk Coordinate irrigation with existing. o PAt M24 - tlenptei Fp~fn tree and size (N" polm tree) A!1 plant material to be Florida # 1 or better and may be rejected for any reason ~ oM,. - d.not=k pck tree and slze (.4• >o~ tree) If not suitable to Landscape Architect and City representative. o WnEt6 -denotes kwin ~rvnk ook tree Arid si:e (16' Iwi•i yak, irec) q rigµ:lg - rlegotet, pine tree 6ntl eiu (tE" DI^e trae) ---54~- ~ ° denotes car low ilns r~~Y x95.6 -denotes spot Mevotlon Spy (No~~ n9S (;p~~~St ~ - oen.ites soli L•a'~nq bcation •m0 number ~C W Z J S x 52.5 ~G 6Ax:~; --___ G . ~a!. 0`--~rS 'ii r~Y.i~ ~~ cL .. ~.. x56.4` . to 8anchmark p of 5/8" em roc with 41uw plasik cop ;.rt,.,n _ sx.ets° ~ tr~3 O~oOr 515 Park Ave. N.. Ste. 216 /~~%~/ t/ ~~"~ INiMer Park. FL 32789 't 8esign www.uutdoordesigmvutks.com MIOCkS am.saa.73351~1 ao7.6aa.5622 pt ~. ~~ - °`~ .• ~ ~ q: iiA t 17549 • G RlA 4 4ti5 • ft RiA tgpetF7 . tz RU tt9t' ~ ~ Y ; u o r.r m.~ 2' miaml ._._ f 1~ J LANDSCAPE PLAN •~• Y a V`(0 Northern woy DTV 16 __._' ~- --_.._.._~_.~ _ - 90' wkSe R/W . The Greens at Tuscawilla - Northern Way Borrow Area - 2 - Pl ant Mater List � � i 3;� I..;�y��rstr��erni�� inriir.�-� ' I ontc�' /�1�onto Crare Myrtle 15 gai MT �B 42E� Spartina bakerii /.a�n�i Cc�rcJ Grass 1 gal. :3' oc D 1V 1 ��/� Daniella 7asrr�anica Vanegated / �lax Lily 1 gaL 3' oc 3" layer pinE; straw rnuch undHr I IT. SB � DTV Coorc�inate irric�atic�n with existin,y. All Fil�3nt n�at�rial tc� bF� Flo►idr� # 1 cii befter arui r7iay t�c; reJc;ct�d for �any rer3son I( n�,t s�iitahle t� I ;�n�1S.r.����P ArChitec,i �nd C;ity fE, pres��iitative. ♦` 1 DAVE SCHMITT ENGINEERING INC. July 28, 2009 Mr. Brian Fields City of Winter Springs 1126 State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 RE: Tuscawilla Country Club Golf Course Feature Final Engineering Dear Mr. Fields: This letter is sent to you in response to the comments dated July 13, 2009. Your comments are included in this letter and are shown in italics type. Our responses appear directly below your comments and are shown in bold type. 1. At the western end of the site, the pond appears to encroach into the Northern Way right -of- way. The 40.00' dimension shown is noted from the roadway centerline, but the centerline as drawn appears to be closer to the southern edge of pavement line. There should be +1- 16 feet from the back of the existing sidewalk to the right -of -way line. Response: As discussed at DRC 7/21/09, we have spoken to the surveyor and are showing the R/W line 40' from the centerline of Northern Way. 2. Where the pond narrows down, the pond bottom will be approximately elevation 48.0 and will be exposed during dry periods. The narrow point should be eliminated or modified as needed to avoid the unsightly appearance of a dried out pond bottom. Response: The pond has been redesigned to be dry. The NWL and pond bottom has been adjusted to elevation 49.8, which is one foot above the average SHWT elevation. 3. The proposed normal water level of 48.5 is not supported by the geotechnical report. The average existing ground elevation is 53 to 54. Per the geotech report the SHGWT is 5-6 feet below ground surface, or in the range of 47 -49. The normal water level should be set at the average between the seasonal high and seasonal low groundwater levels. Response: The pond has been redesigned to be dry. The NWL and pond bottom has been adjusted to elevation 49.8, which is one foot above the average SHWT elevation. 4. Provide a temporary dewatering area similar to that used on the first borrow area. Response: The dewatering area will not be needed since the pond has been redesigned to be dry. 5. As an informational item, the City has provided a courtesy notice and distributed the plans to the seven homeowners on Northern Way closest to the proposed borrow area. The homeowners have been asked to provide any Input before the Staff review meeting on July 21. Response: This is understood. 3680 Avalon Park Blvd. East, Suite 310 • Orlando, FL 32828 • Phone: (407) 207 -9088 • Fax: (407) 207 -9089 www.dseorl.com • Page 2 July 28, 2009 6. The water level at the existing borrow pond is approximately 3 -4 feet below the design normal water level of 45.0, even though we are now into the wet season. The water level has consistently been at or below the transition point from 4:1 to 2:1 side slopes, which is set 3 -feet below the normal water level per the City Code. It is a potential safety hazard to have the normal water level within the 2:1 side slope section. Please investigate this issue and address the deficiency before the next pond is submitted for final approval. Response: We have discussed this and we are maintaining our design, based on the geotechnical information. It is customary for us to design wet ponds using the SHWT elevation as the normal water elevation, as this has been required in many other areas. We have researched the City of Winter Springs land development code and have not found the requirement that the normal water level be set to the average of the SLWT and SHWT. We believe that our responses sufficiently address your comments. If you have any questions or concems, please do not hesitate to contact us at Dave Schmitt Engineering, Inc. at (407) 207 -9088. BMW 11 41. 41111 V • 'M 'chmitt, P.E. President Dave Schmitt Engineering, Inc. cc: Rick Casey, Congressional Homes & Developers of Florida Ted Schwartzhoff, Dave Schmitt Engineering, Inc. File RTC_Letter Drawing Drawing Drawing Date: August 10, 2009 The attached document was provided to the City Commission and related to Regular Agenda Item "603" scheduled for the August 10, 2009 City Commission Regular Meeting. Mayor Bush, The following document pertains to Regular Agenda Item 603 and as I have been told, the Applicant will not be in attendance. Please pass this to everyone on the dais, and you and the City Commission may decide to make a"Motion to Postpone" Regular Agenda Item 603. This could be handled early under Agenda Changes or at any time you would prefer. Please note that Brian Fields and Staff have sent notices to the nearby residents and some of them may be in attendance tonight and may wish to speak on this issue. Thank You CONGRESS HOMES AND DEVELOPERS OF FLORIDA August 7, 2009 Randy Stevenson City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Randy, This letter is to request that we move our hearing in front of the City Council on August 10, 2009 to August 24, 2009. We were not able to complete the task of explaining to the homeowners adjacent to Hole #5 that we had changed this golf course feature from a pond to a dry landscaped golf course feature. Sincerely, 6 _7 Richard Casey Congressional Homes and Developers of Florida, Inc. RECEIVED An n 2 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Permitting - Phyllis 1511 East S.R. 434, Suite 1025 • Winter Springs, FL 32708 • 407.971.8857 • Fax: 407.971.1538