HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 07 10 Regular 4,,---. I':;;>;,', ~ ~ ~ession, City Council, Jan. 11, 1978 Page 4 77 -78-11 . would be outside the Charter and he said he ,,,ould take 'lhatever action he deems necessary. Mayor Piland said he will place both appointments for action under the Hayor's officeJn the agenda. Motion was made by Councilman Daniels to table. Seconded by Councilman Sines. Discussion.Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman Logan, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; motion carried. Councilman Sines asked that Council sit down at a Workshop and come up with names of three attorneys to arbitrate with the understanding we abide by it. ~~ildWOOd was, discussed. Mr. Courtner passed out exhibits and a letter to all Councilmen. Mr. Rick Stanley of Orlando, attorney, represented residents of Wildwood. The attorney for National Homes explained that National Homes has offered to do whatever is necessary to satisfy the Homeowners. In response to Mr. Stanley National Homes does not concede that the project has ever been abandoned. He said that if the residents wish to remain in the Planned Unit Development then National Homes will pay their fees so long as they own their home; if they wish to be extracted from the P.U.D. then we are willing to allow that, the only proviso to that is if they are removed from the P.U.D. and making use of the P.U.D. association's small streets there is going to have to be a provision between them and the association, not the developer, for them to pay their proportional actual cost of using the streets. City engineer, Cal Conklin, and Council discussed the proposed amendments (copy is attached to the minutes). v~ It Motion ,vas made by Councilman Sines to approve Mr. Conklin's recommendations that those have to be complied with; also ~ities lackage; and also the City would have to approve the agreement tulL. L.U lot:: w'-'>o _ j_"1een themselves (the restrictions). Seconded by Councilman Pellerin. Discussion. An amendment to the motion was made by Councilman Daniels inasmuch as the developer has expressed his agreement to temporarily leave Lot 49 not built upon until Thistle Court is completed and the reason for this being to consider the traffic problems that may exist at that time on Thistle place and;hhat no final permits will be issued until the first phase of the work has been completed. Seconded by Councilman Logan. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman Logan, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; motion carried. Vote on the main motion as amended:Gouncilman Sines, aye; Councilman Logan, aye; \ ~ouncilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; motion ~.rried. Motion was made by Councilman Daniels that the requested vacation of easement on Lot 20 'Jild'vood Planned Unit Development be approved for that encroachment on the easement by the house. Seconded by Councilman Sabatini. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Councilman Sines, aye; Councilman Logan, aye; Councilman Daniels, aye; Councilman Pellerin, aye; Councilman Sabatini, aye; motion carried. Attorney Massey is to prepare a resolution to vacate this easement. ~e 1/to/f4 ~ <~~. INTERIOR DESIGN CONSULTANT'S e .~?tJ ~/OtJ ~/~ Torcaso Jacobs Grove Donna Kirby & Associates(3) 62 85 .4'~ ~ Raleigh & Associates (2) 53 85 zJ Vickrey, Ovresat, Awsumb (1) 60 90 5 56 60 ~ ~~7 ~ .2-6'T ~7 ~717 ~:1~ Linville Hartman 42 62 67 48 270 ~k~?O ~~ ~~'A ~ {pO ~ ~ 8'.:t. (I) ~d ~, ~oO (3 ) (, J J.5" cJ. 7.J (:.) ~ YJ~ /J~... 7-JO-~4 ~~cn<-'~~7/.)~ - 6(/ If} e ~O, . ~r/Jv ~~~~-u~4 7<; ~~ t,tJ (pO 63 .:5 ~tJR Ei5 4LL- BffSf3.D e>V IV? AX' fill ()M se.tJ~E PtJ5S / e Lt - 7 ~ (J")(1) ~~ K/HhL /0 nIL s (I) ?~ bO Go Jj-j.. &.;1.. ~8~ ~ (J) -.5J 60 /~ 50 60 ;1.3 CJ tit rz;&cL @ ~o 63 30 67 4r cJ.fc.~ e -4--<::!O";:" ~ \ . _.0- 'fI\NTE~ . , . ;6 ~" .~u"\:, do . l'tr.'. ~ 'i~~ .~ ~. * .,.> ":~ / "':-. ,- ,,-~~.d' ~~..rs:~ rri? 7 j;a/flf W CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 July 10, 1984 MEl~O TO: City Manager SUBJECT: Vacation of Part of Garden Drive Tom Binford, as agent for one of the adjacent property owners, requests the City to agree to the ultimate vacation of the unconstructed northern portion of Garden Drive, including the cul-de-sac. His client will be developing an apartment project on the property shown in red, and he proposes to connect the north end of the constructed portion of Garden Drive with Fairfax and Moss Roads by aligning the driveway through the project with the north end of the existing Garden Drive pavement adjacent to Lot 10 of the quadruplex development on the west. The temporary cul-de-sac on Lot 10 could them be removed and the easement on which it is built could be converted back to a front yard for that lot. A slight offset in pavement at the connection of Garden Drive with the driveway into the apartments would be eased by curves and noted by signs. e This connection would be for the purposes of emergency through access between Garden Drive and Fairfax and Moss Roads. The Police and Fire Departments indicate such a connection would be satisfactory to them, pending their review of the actual engineering plans for the apartment development. The Seventh Day Adventist Church indicated by phone they would provide a letter today joining in the request. It is recommended that this proposed vacation of the unconstructed northern portion of the platted right-of-way of Garden Drive be approved in concept so that the property will revert to the adjacent property owners according to State law at the time a resolution accomplishing the vacation is passed. However, to protect the public's interest in the event the apartment project currently proposed is not constructed, I recommend the resolution itself not be passed until such time as the driveway through the project is actually constructed creating the emergency link between public roads. If for some reason the apartment project does not proceed, the property may be sold to various owners, so that it would be difficult for the City to require one or several of them to create such a link between Moss and Fairfax and what would be the dead end of Garden Drive if the plat were prematurely vacated. . a~~ /ac:;lne Koch Director of Administration JK/pkl . e . Clom dI. !Binfo'Ld d?E.a.fty Co., [Inc. 425 ...Long wood - Doi€do cR oad fPo~t Dffic€ !BoJC 292 <"Wintn .:Slning~, 9[o~ida 32707 fPl:.on.€ {3D'} 327-'3" July 6, 1984 RECE\VED Jackie Koch City of Winter Springs City Hall Winter Springs, Florida 32708 JUl 9 1984 Re: Vacating of Garden Drive cul-de-sac. City of Winter Sprin?s , Director or Administration Dear Jackie: Late this evening Pastor Marvin Williams returned my phone call. After explaining our intentions on the vacating, he stated he could see no problem with the church and would work with us accordingly. Anyway, I told him to phone you should he generate need for additional information. Following my discussions with the City Engineer, Fire Chief, Acting Police Chief, and you, I trust the requested vacating is now just a simple, routine matter. We would prefer vacating to the south end of our property thereby initiating a slight off-set in the road coming into our project. The City Engineer could see no reason why this wouldn't be acceptable. He recommended a street sign telling of the impending off-set. The Fire Chief and Acting Police Chief could find no fault with this approach either. However, as you know, you and I discussed other possibilities, also. We will do (within reason) whatever the City recommends concerning this matter. We respectfully request that the Commission make a final decision as to their intent at the July 10th meeting. Our initial request for vacating came last October. We would really like to move ahead post haste with the re- quired approvals for this project. Respectfully Submitted, r-;rr~a~ Tom A. Binford TAB:bb cc: Classic Custom Homes Elaine Wack To: City Manager July 6, 1984 Page 2 Approval of the preliminary plan for Phase 1 of the Winter Springs Commerce Center is recommended subject to the preceding comments and the recommendations of the City Engineer and Planning and Zoning Board. Q ~'W ~a~ne Koch, Director of Administration mn , e e , " ~~~~UWf[~- , ~ . MA.Y 7 1984 CITY of WINTER SPRINGS (ITY HALL May 7, 1984 CITY OF WImER SPRING~ R1::(- E;'j Ei) Winter Springs City Commission Winter Springs City Hall Winter Springs, Florida 32708 MAY 0 7 1984 Re: Request To Vacate Garden Drive cul-de-sac. (ITY PLANNER Honorable Commission: e Presently we are in the process of submitting a final site plan for development of that property as shown on the enclosed survey. This parcel already has the approved zoning and density as required. As you may recall the Commission was hesitant in vacating subject cul-de-sac until such time as we were ready to develop and our site plan hQd been submitted. The concern was that emergency police and fire vehicles would be able to have access on Garden Drive northerly to and through our property without the necessity of the cul-de-sac as shown. Based on our site plan submittal, both the Police Chief and the Fire Chief stated their approval insofar as safe accessibility to and through our project was concerned and the continued need for the cul-de-sac was not necessary. Therefore, we request that the City Commission vacate the dedicated cul-de-sac as outlined in the enclosed survey. We can not receive final staff approval of our site plan until this action is taken. Respectfully Submitted, ~~i?&t p /7 Tom A. Binford~ Enclosure (1) cc: Elaine Wack Gary Lazar TAB:bb . " (5 z OrlO Addlf,"", PB 16, lIr ~. TS, s.m,_ C". FItIIltIt1 I _\\ \\\ C> \\\ - 8 ~ ~i '1t)1---------.- ."\~ a_ · t:i ~- ~ I \\' 10' ~~ !U I R/W ,,,.. tIf GlNHrr Dr ? Jvn....4'~.f6;y:J.:. I 1,0" R'~aOO' D,: ITO'~~'OT" L,,49.I6' ~ o l- f' ...)1 \J "'4 ," u~ " ~4""" 'r"'" . , . . . .~ ,1- <t , pi . ~ ~ Por~1 "2" I 3Q'! Ac.re!. )(' 1:.. u... -..... o::t:: IW... ~ g LO, :3 c) tlC,l4.. ~-~_. .... .....~~~-- .-',...-... ....... -- . S Ii", "f ItW N. 110M' of UI $ ~~~. t:J~ fJ-< ~\J .';. ~ .,! t () '!ET .1100 "lON PIPli EA'3, .~ I () l- I oJ" ..., <t ... l- I\:'" '0 ~ J J"~ c. ~. t ....\" i. I.. .. I ":.J r - ... ..t-I- t t' Z ... ...~ ^'tt~ --~~. -7cQI&; ~ '( ~ ~ ~ c.- .-. I J '-1' 'b''(~ " . ... f5 r V f::, , _ ' nL ..~ . I .\ -'v-' Ilt;~' (~~ tie @ ..,.,- e . 10 ~Ii' o . ~ i ...~ ~ I . I~ ~ I . , ~ I . I i' .' .. '.. ..\ l- 'll J -- .. .1 ~~ 0 J <:. .f~ J ..l;' 0 r. I' l,) () I - " 1~ - (~. '101 /.,1 ,I'(" " I I~ _ -!l. ...1 I I"~ I~ <( " :z: It ~ % v ~ .1\ ... % ..J ... b < ~ .. ~ .. .... i Il I I I I i l Ii=.) '- 'v 4- .. I I I ~II ~) I .! " :f - I!..-. t- " . .. ~' , e e , -- ;l\~TE~' . . --f15'~" :t ~. ..... '\..', III (J .. ~ tr. " ~'~" : "',. .' .. ~ 'j .- .-" .: l\a~ ,.,~ ~? lI:.......s>~~ I!~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 July la, 1984 To: City Manager Subject: Barricade of Public Road at Tuscawi11a Model Center With the acceptance of Tuscawi11a Unit 12, homes may be constructed on section of White Dove Drive east of the barricade at the model center. Persons who may occupy these houses would not have direct access to them from Northern Way but would have to reach their homes from Winter Springs Boulevard by way of Wood Duck Drive. Since this conflicts with the Chief's original approval, the continued barricading of White Dove Drive needs to be re-examined. ./2: - /" '" / J;f:~-~ ~.~/ I . Jacqu~i'ine Koch, vDir~or of Administration mn ~ ~ :{t v>~ 'oJft- Jf:; '0 it' Q e e , i~ ~liISC;I,,'ill;1 WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1 500 Winter Springs Boulevard Winter Springs. Florida 32708 (305) 365-3252 July 9, 1984 Di ck Rozansky City Manager City of Winter Springs 400 N. Edgemon Ave. Winter Springs, F1 32708 RE: APPROVAL OF BARRICADES ON WHITE DOVE DRIVE FOR DURATION OF 1983-84 COLLECTION OF HOMES Dear Dick: Please accept this request to continue using the temporary barricades on White Dove Drive. We are requesting that Winter Springs Development Corporation be allowed to keep the existing barricades that are now erected on White Dove Drive up for the duration of the 1983-84 Tuscawilla Collection of Homes and after the acceptance of Unit 12 by the City of Winter Springs. The.Co1lection is due to end January 31, 1985. perations VELOPMENT CORP. JBAlsd cc: ~ie Koch John Govoruhk - Police Chief Charles Holtzman - Fire Chief RECEIVED JUL 10 1984 City Of Winter Springs Director or Admin;stration .,- '\linter'Springs Police Dcpat'tment 102 NORTH MOSS ROAD. WINTER SPRINGS. rLOmOA 3270)"'. TELEPHONE (305) 327-1000 f e February 28, 1983 ~', --~ ''\ Mr. Jay Alpert Vice President-Operations Winter Springs Development Corp. / ~. ert In reply to your letter dated February 18, 1983 to the Mayor in reference to Tuscawilla Collection of Homes, White Dove Drive and Sleeping Rock Court being closed to traffic, this is to hereby authorize you to install a split rail/ or existing fence already being used, in accordance with the sketch you provided with your request, provided the following specifications are met: White Dove Drive and Sleeping Rock Court is to remain closed to vehicular traffic until such time as the first unit, located on White Dove Drive or Sleeping Rock Court, is occupied as a residence. ~ A temporary, removable barricade or fence shall be installed across the entrance to White Dove Drive. The fence will be easily removed for access to the street for" EMERGENCY VEHICLES". Sincerely, CC: City Manager Fire Chief Dir. Public Works File ........._~..;... .lr /J; , -- e . RECEIVED JUN 26 1984 lID Beach AVehu,e Altal'nont€. Spr\n~.sJ Fla. June :15..; jCJ8J.j C~tY' 0fi ~~hrrte.r Spf:U1lgS '.~~. City of' 'W/nte r S p (j n 55 Wi hie 'r S P ri n 35 J r- J eJr I' d Q Deqr Sirs; We wO'lAlcJ like approval to hQve q ~er5on I ive ',n q rnob,"e h~m eon OLA r ,~+ toY" seCtA r" ty rea &0 ns. The pr~perfy is -I-ha-t p~r-f- of Lot /3 Ih Block C of D. R. Mi+chel/)5 Survey Ot -the levy 9Y'ant) occo'rdin3 to ihe Pk.t +hereQ~ as recorded in P/a"t Book I) pa~e 5 0 f the PubUc Records of Seminole CCLln+YJ f:loy; dewJ ly,'nj nor-rh of' SeC\board Cd~st L.ne R,,;l\"oad. SIncerely) J;tdU "'~ -..-....-__....' - ."....t".. ...., ',' .~. " .. ";;'.,' ." '.:~,i . ... "" ..r-' . /;.:~~ ..;.:..~... ~'~~'..~h:~.."'~~~"~""~'~~~i'P>-'~"l\~.f;~'~- ~ ;'; '~:J -:::"t~:.Y:'~:; ..... ..:: i!, '\" ~'..i'k""':~'~" S. ~.... i'i~.., " 2. '. .~:< . P ,.I;: .'" :. ~,. ....~., ..." O' ". .,..;..... 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FLORIDA ZIP CODE 32708 December 4~ 1980 Mr. Dennis Koscicki 5623 Santa Barbara Drive RanoverPark~ Illinois 60103 Subject: Wildwood Dear Mr. Koscicki: After reviewing the status of development in Wildwood~ the City determines thal construction in Phases 2 and 3 may proceed according to the following conditions: ( 1) Phase 2 - Existing ~provements shall be cleaned and tested, with reports of test results furnished to the'City. The water lines shall be pressure tested, and the sewer lines lamped and flushed. The City will then inspect these existing facilities. Concurrently, engineering plans for all uninstalled improvements will be submitted for review by the City Engineer' prior to construction. Specifically, curbing needs to be installed in this phase. A lot grading plan and a lighting plan for Phase 2 should be submitted as soon as possible during this review. Applications for building permits will be considered on an individual basis, starting at present, and will be approvable for any lots certified by the City Engineer as being served by fully functional ~provements. The concept of a temporary entrance into Phase 2 at Ridgewood Way and Shepard Road is approved from the present until the end of 1981. Permit '~ for this road cut onto Shepard Road must' be obtained from Seminole County. . The City will consider extension of this time limit beyond 1981,upon request of the developer. Approval will be dependent on review of the status of construction in Wildwood after ten months from this date. . (2) Phase 3 - The developer will submit engineering plans for completion of ~ll improvements in Phase 3, as well as as-built plans of the partially completed facilities. When the City Engineer approves this engineering, including design for rebuilding drainage'inlets and installing pavement and curbs, and when he is satisfied with tbe results of lamping and flushing sewer lines, pressure test,ing water lines, and flushing drainage lines now in place, development of Phase 3 may resume. Engineer will also require during construction laboratory analyses and recommendations'for underdrains including quantity and location if shown to be needed. A lot grading plan and lighting plan for Phase 3 should be furnished prior to issuance of building permits. As further construction of !mprovements proceeds, the City Engineer may certify any fully improved, accessibl~ lots as eligible for building permits. . , ' ; ., .. . " Mr. Dennis Koscicki December 4, 1980 Page 2 . .." (3) -- . In conjunction with resumption of phase 3, the recreational common area southwest of the corner of Wildwood and Tanglewood Roads shall be developed according to the plans approved by the City Council on January 11, 1978. Homeowners in Phases 2 and 3 of Wildwood are bound by the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for the Wildwood Planned Unit Development recorded September 18, 1973, as amended November 10, 1977. We look forward to working with you and your engineers on reactivation of development in Wildwood. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call on us. cc: Albert L. Land, Jr. Land Engineering Co. Richard McKool National Homes Construction Corp. am ~. ," ~ '.. . ~. . t " - .. ". , ~ ,1 __ - -~\NTE,q ',: . :r........-~' ..'C (:N". ....., '~~; :<; ".'" )'. 't),., :,.\ ,0' .,' ,: " ..... /':/ , '=~:~.:~,.::,'> CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA .. 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 July 6, 1984 / To: City Manager Subject: Preliminary Plan for Phase 1 of Winter Springs Commerce Center Walt Dittmer requests approval of the first phase of the Winter Springs Commerce Center on the 30-acre tract of the Wildwood PUD west of the power easement. The entire commerce center will consist of three tiers of development: from east to west, a row of professional offices across the easement from the residential area of Wildwood, a 10-10t commercial area west of the offices, and, westerTh~ost, an II-lot light industrial area abutting the C-2 property on U.S. 17-92, plus a ~ third phase to the south of the industrial area, to comprise an office park. Phase 1 includes the 21 commercial and industrial lots, all fronting on a 1200- foot long private road intersecting Shepard Road and ending in a cul-de-sac to the south. The developer acquired a variance July 5, 1984, from the Board of Adjustment to construct a cul-de-sac of this length, as long as it is ultimately interconnected with a similar road to be built on the power easement and parking is prohibited along it. The interconnection will be for emergency purposes only and will be a stabilized and sodded passageway. The City Engineer's comments on the development are attached and specify informa- tion to be provided with final engineering. The Planning and Zoning Board considered the preliminary plan for Phase 1 on June 13, 1984, and recommended approval subject to certain conditions as specified in their minutes. . Regarding the P&Z Board's condition No.3, items (a) through (g), the Commerce Center will operate under a Property Owner's association and the deed restrictions of that association shall include those seven items. Regarding item (h), this buffering will be only the first phase in the total buffering plan to screen the Commercial Center from the residences in Wildwood. When the professional office phase is developed, the buffering shall be completed in accordance with the City's approval of the land-use change under which this project was authorized. e BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING CITY OF WI~ITER SPRINGS JULY 5, 1984 The Board of Adjustment Meeting of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, was called to order by Vice-Chairman Harry Reid. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was led by Vice-Chairman Harry Reid. Roll Call: Ted Holz, Chairman, absent Gil Artman, present Harry Reid, Vice-Chairman, present Richard Kessler, present Louise Poole, present Approval of minu~es of June 7, 1984: Vice-Chairman Harry Reid asked that the minutes be amended to include the reasons for the denial of the request of Emily Powell. Motion was made by Reid, seconded by Kessler to approve the minutes as amended. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Mr. Artman, aye; Mr. Reid, aye; Mr. Kessler, aye; Mrs. Poole, aye; motion carried. Jacqueline Koch, Director of Administration, said the two current members have been reappointed and the next meeting will be a reorganizational meeting. e Request of Walt Dittmer, Dittmer Properties, Inc., for Variance, pursuant to Section 14-4 of the Winter Springs City Code, to construct streets ending in cul- de-sacs longer than the 800 feet allowed by Section 14-90, on 30 acres of the Wildwood PUD, west of the power easement, south of Shepard Road in Winter Springs: Miss Koch explained the property is the western 30 acres of the Wildwood PUD. Its been approved for land use of a commercial industrial park. The Developer has sub- mitted a preliminary plan for development; he is asking for approval of Phase I; however, in the whole plan, there are two cases that do not comply with the Land Development Ordinance with respect to streets that end in a cul-de-sac. Sec. 14-90 states a street ending in a cul-de-sac shall have a maximum length of 800 feet including the cul-de-sac; this one is 1200 feet and the other somewhat longer. That is the essence of the request, the length of the road.Mr. Dittmer was present. Motion was made by Artman, seconded by Kessler, that we approve Mr. Dittmer's request with these changes and additions: there will be one cul-de-sac in Phase I and one cul-de-sac in Phase II; and that we include the Fire Chief's recommendations as to signs prohibiting parking and to also include the Police Department's recommendation that there be a stabilized emergency access connecting the two cul-de-sacs and to include at the entrance a sign that it is a dead end. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Mr. Reid, aye; Mr. Kessler, aye; Mrs. Poole, aye; Mr. Artman, aye; motion carried. Motion was made by Reid, seconded by Kessler, that the next meeting will start at 7:00 p. m. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Mr. Kessler, aye; Mrs. Poole, aye; Mr. Artman, aye; Mr. Reid, aye; motion carried. . e e , Planning and Zoning Board Amended Minutes Wednesday, June 13, 1984 7:30 P.M. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Smedley. ROLL CALL: John Hatfield, Chairman, present Cindy Kaehler, Vice-Chairman, absent Richard DeFazio, present Robert Smedley, present Taru Joshi, present CITY OFFI CIAL Jacqueline Koch, Dir. of Administration APPROVAL OF MINUTES MAY 23, 1984 Koch presentation, in which she advised the Board of the applicant's request to amend two of the original conditions previously approved. (1) Request building height on west side (Industrial) of proposed road to be 35' instead of 30' maximum. Request building height along east side of proposed road (commercial) to be 25' instead of 12' maximum. (2) Area west of proposed road to be subdivided into .717 acre (125' x 250'), minimum sites instead of 1 acre sites. Discussion. Walt Dittmer, applicant, made his presentation. Discussion. Smedley moved to approve the preliminary plan of Phase I subject to the following conditions. Smedley withdrew motion. Discussion. Smedley moved that the preliminary plan be approved subject to the following conditions: (1) Conditions listed in City Engineer's memo to the City Planner dated May 23, 1984; (2) That a variance be acquired for the non-conforming cul-de-sac length; (3) The development be subject to the following restrictions: (a) Total square footage of building not to exceed 35% of the property area; (b) Front setback to offer sufficient capacity for water retention accomplished by undulating landscaping; (c) Building plans to be submitted to owner's review board for approval prior to construction. Overall height of building not to exceed 35' in the industrial area, 25' in the commercial area and 12' in the office area; (d) Industrial sites be no less than 125' x 250'; (e) All areas to operate primarily during daylight hours; (f) The development will exclude businesses dealing with video games, pool rooms, paint and body shops and similar uses, including no iodizing, smelly or noisy facilities or mini-warehouse storage; (g) Owners will be subject to maintenance fee required to maintain all common area. (h) That rough graded berms 5 to 6' in height, planted in hardy grass be constructed on the east side of the eastern most road as part of the buffering previously agreed to. DeFazio second. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. The recertification of zoning map was added to the agenda. RECERTIFICATION OF ZONn~G MAP Koch presentation, advising Board of corrections and additions that she made. Smedley moved to recertify the zoning map. Hatfield second. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. The next scheduled regular meeting will be June 27, 1984. A Workshop with the Commission for the Commercial Zoning ordinance will be scheduled for June 19, 1984 at 7:00 P.M. City Hall. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted ~.~~:1..1 ..;-ci ",'NTE"? ". -~C~)\ ",. . . ~ . ;- ~'.'~' -" ':"'~ · ,",rr.r.P'~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305)327-1800 ;HAY E 3) /9 8,1- MEMO TO: Walter Elwell, City Planner FRO~HaSSler, P.E., City Engineer/Public Works Director SUBJECT: Review of WINTEe SPR.INGS ctJ/4,M€eCG CENr€,e/ .D,rTM13lc. Pt//JSE I I have reviewed the subject project and find it is not in compliance with the following checked requirement(s) of Article II, Division 2, Section 14-30., Subsection (a)(2) of the City Code. [] b. Preliminary plan supporting data. The preliminary plan shall be drawn on standard twenty-four-inch by thirty-six-inch paper for convenient filing at a reasonable scale (normally one inch equals one hundred (100) feet) and shall include the following: e ~. o ?D 8 ~6. o 7. ~ . o 9. 2. Name of development; date of preliminary plan or revision; scale of plan; north arrow; approximate acreage in the the tract being subdivided; total number of lots; name, address and telephone number of developer, surveyor and engineer. Location map showing relationship between area proposej for development and surrounding area. Legal description of tract to be subdivided. IITT/1CIIED SH€1i"7 ? Boundaries of tract shown by a heavy line. Existing streets. The name, location and right-of-way width of all existing improved streets, rights-of-way and platted streets within two hundred (200) feet of the proposed subdivision; surface elevation, including any legally established center line elevations; walks, curbs, gutters, culverts, etc. Proposed streets. The name of temporary designation (Street A, B, C, etc.), right-of-way, and type and width of pavement. Include any streets shown on the adopted comprehensive plan. Proposed easements or rights-of-way other than for streets (e.g., for drainage, pedestrian ways, bridle paths, or bicycle paths), location, width and purpose. Lots. Lot lines and scaled dimension, lot numbers, and/or block numbers, and ~uilding setback lines for irregularly shaped lots. The building setback distance is the distance required to meet the minimum lot width of the zoning district. Sites, if any, for multifamily dwellings, shopping centers, churches, industry, parks, playgrounds, and other public and nonpublic uses exclusive of single-family dwellings. 3. 4. 5. . . ~ N I .~ ~ . " ---~ i ~l .:~. ;\ ~ \., .' t \ h o I.U U ~ 5t -.:: " ....... Of! ZIIIIN:II it "'.",~ Of! I ...0 - .. "'Z"'....: . ZClC"'- . j....cl-on ~ ...~.... 8 .. 0 II iii '" r: ~=:5i ....~.....D. "" ) .. d ~ << Z w i ... z i .... .. c . J'- ~~\...W't';..~... ..~. I ..... / \\ ~ j..... / .. ., ....~: s: In . . ___ t -W-. -, < : . ..LN".'" tot ..1.-1 !J,..~- ../ ... t~. . b> a: " i1-' ,_~1I 'l!l ( , q .. q'!, '. ..."' .... .... 1 10- \ ..\ \\ .., C\U ,'. .. . .' l\.~ U . ~ - ~ U J I , ~ - " .---- - / I -----' .' ,.....- . .c\ ,/ !f'!'&..----~ I'/' ,/( 1 I 1'. . L- N I o ~ rr, (\j e . . .....~NT~;." -6 ~ ~ ~ eu) ,~V CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 July 9, 1984 HEMO TO: City Manager SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements in Tuscawilla Units 12, l2-A, and 13 Winter Springs Development Corporation requests the City to accept the public improvements in Units 12, l2-A and 13 in Tuscawilla, including the extension of Winter Springs Blvd. east of Howell Creek and the bridge over the creek just east of the Country Club. All necessary inspections have been performed and the Staff is satisfied that Winter Springs Development corporation has completed all items for which they are responsible. The maintenance bonds are under review by the City Attorney. The following recommendation is contingent on the understandings: (1) that the developer shall have installed all sidewalks required under the agreement accepted by the City on July 12, 1983, and (2) that the developer will pay all costs to install underground wiring on Winter Springs Blvd. to light the section of the road from ~~orthern Way to Howell Creek. Given the preceding, acceptance is recommended of the public improvements in Units 12, l2-A, and 13 and of Bridge No. 2 over Howell Creek on Winter Springs Blvd. Q~X~ I:.cq~e Koch Director of Administration JK/pkl =~ tI = ... . t!.~ . .. ..:I ..:. -- tau = .. .. - II II . . n I o o ~ ! z II ~ . w ~ ~ ~ ~ . ./ ~ 11 ~ m ~ I . z ~ . Z Q ,. . .. ~ I ;: ~ ~ ~ i I ; \ I ~ ~ I - ; I ~ I ,- / "- "-- -l L.. . i Q ,. . W ~ I ;: 0( j' . :f. f !fJ(',l'R (?~r',. rftt:/{. / .j _....;\;.TE~' I. -6 ~. · :~r1\''\'' ,.v . .J.. . . . . ., . '.' I'.: ...........~..;:. . ~ ..~, n." ~.." , . ~.4 J . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 May 9, 1984 Mr. Dennis Koscicki Southern Springs Development Corporation 800 Tang1ewood Road Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Reference: Recreational Common Area (My letter of December 4, 1980) Dear Mr. Kosc ic ki: . I understand that the tennis courts have been installed and turned over to the Homeowners' Organization. The president of the Homeowners' Organization has contacted me regarding the City's position on the remainder of the recreational facilities to be located on the Common Area as approved by the City Commission an January 11, 1978. 1 informed Mr. Longo, the president of the Homeowner's Association, that our position has not changed since my letter of December 4, 1980, in which I informed you that "in conjunction with resumption of Phase 3, the recreational CODDDon area southwest of the corner of Wildwood and Tang1ewood Roads shall be developed according to the plans approved by the City Council on January 11, 1978. " Please provide me with your intentions/plans regarding the completion of this recreation area. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to call on me. . stu', ~i:hard Roz u./pU cc: Sa Loaao MEMO TO: Walter Elwell, City Planner Page 2 e ~lO. L!1 11. o 12. D 13. D 14. ~15. ~6. o 17. o 18. o 19. o 20. o 21. ^/o IE .. CAH/pkl Names of abutting subdivisions, recordation date and number. Existing utilities on and abutting the tract; location, size and invert elevation of sanitary, storm, and combined sewers; location and size of water mains; location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone poles, and streetlights. If water mains and sewers are not on or abutting the tract, indicate the direction and distance to, and size of nearest ones, showing invert elevation of sewers. Proposed utilities. A statement on the proposed method of water supply and sewage disposal. Other existing improvements, including buildings, on the tract. Natural features, including lakes, marshes or swamps, watercourses, and other pertinent features; wooded areas. A general description of soils and existing vegetation on the tract shall also be provided (Seminole County Soils Survey). Existing contours at one-foot intervals based on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Datum for the tract to be subdivided and, where prac- ticable, extending twenty-five (25) feet beyond the tract boundary . Proposed surface drainage with direction of flow and method of disposition to the natural drainage area indicated or other ... acceptable storm;ater systr'ms. ., Subsurface conditions on the tract, to a minimum depth requested by the city engineer; location and results of tests made to ascertain subsurface soil, rock and groundwater conditions; depth to groundwater; location and results of soil percolation tests; location and extent of muck pockets. Tests shall indicate weight-bearing capability of the soil after stripping and compacting. Zoning on and abutting the tract. Proposed public improvements; hi[hways or other majcr improvements planned by public authorities for future consideration on or near the tract. Draft of restrictive covenants, if any. If the develop:::e!1t is a PUD or private development of any nature, restri cti ve covenants vill be required, if available at the time of subJdssio!1. Other preliminary plans. ~TIen requested by the city, typical cross sections of the proposed grading, roadway and sidewalk, preliminary plans of proposed potable water and fire-fighting systems, sanitary sewage system, storm water management systems. All elevations shall be based on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Datum. (Ord. No. 235 2, 5-26-81) peG - 1>05 T C I'fLCUL. I'f It ON J Fo'€ S iO~/ff II/tr€/ff? j)I? /9IN 1J6t:r TO BG ,suB,A11 rTeJJ wITH F/NIfL t:7fG,e, cc: Richard Rozansky, City Manager - ( Board of Adjustment Meeting, July 5, 1984 Page 2 Motion was made by Poole, seconded by Artman to adjourn. Vote on motion: all aye; motion carried. Meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Mary T. Norton, Ci ty Clerk e e .