HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 06 12 Regular e e e ~ ". ". A .. .-~;;:::~~~,! " t; l """"'.' -. '? \ l ! : v I ' I ,. . . ,\:,";.:::i' ; f\fW1M1 &f~ f~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 MEMO TO: Mayor/Commission SUBJECT: Drainage Repairs - Northern Way DATE: June 11, 1984 As you know we have been experiencing some major drainage problems in Unit 3 of Tuscawilla, namely the Shetland/Northern Way sections. The problem became apparent this past winter while public works was involved in correcting the drainage on Shetland. The present problem being a 42 inch pipe on Northern Way beginning at the corner of Northern Way and Shetland and running for approximately 250-300 feet down Northern Way. Approximately six joints are involved, each sucking sand resulting in cave-ins. To resolve the problem it will be necessary to lower the water table so that it will be below the pipe and allow repairs to be made. To lower the water table we will require a "Well Point System". We can rent the system for $4,000.00 for 14 days (Nov. 83 price), or we can purchase one for $10,820.00 (May 84 price). While on the surface it is cheaper to rent a system, I'm of the opinion that there are and will be many more occaisons where we will require this piece of equipment. Additionally our public works department has the expertise to perform repair projects that require special equipment. Its unfortunate that we did not have this piece of equipment in our budget, however, we did not intend to do repairs that required it. Unfortunately we now have this problem and should address it. Because I feel we should take corrective action as soon as we can and, that it would be a waste of funds to rent a system for 14 days at approximately $4,000.00. I believe we should bid to lease/purchase a system. That is my recommendation. ~~ / City Manager RR/pkl Attaclunent DISPOSITION FORM REFERENCE OR OFFICE SYMBOL e P.H. SUBJECT Dewatering Well Point System Richard Rozansky City Nanager FR~~. Hassler, P. E. ~{t;' Engr. / Dpl) DATE CMT 1 TO 5/21/84 Due to the large number of depressions developinG in the various storm water drainage systems within the City it has become necessary to ?urchase a de\va- tering well point system. A prime example is on Northern \{ay, east of Shetland Ave. and along the east side of Shetland Ave. The section requiring immediate attention involves a 42" pipe where six (6) depressions have developed,is on Northern Way. To re- pair these joints the \Vater table which is at approximately 5' feet belo1" gra- de must be lowered 3' to 3.5 to an elevation belo\v the bottom of the pipe to expose the entire joint. In November of 1983 a local dewatering company had quoted $4,000.00 to dewater six (6) depressions, copy attached. It is possible for the City to purchase a dewatering system for $10,820.00, payable in 10 equal payments, see attached quote from Thompson Pump and Man- ufacturing Co. Inc. I have made local inquiries for such a system and some of the companies re- ferred me to Thompson Pump and Manufacturing Co. Inc. because they purchase from them and I could get a better price directly from the supplier. - ,. \ \ \" , ---- CENTRAL FLORIDA DEWATERING &. WELLPOINTING CONTRACTORS 555 BROOKSIDE DRIVE · WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32707 . PHONE (305) 327-0007 (j,j.fy o-fWI~ S'PRIVtf':OTATION (V61J./983 Central Florida Dewatering will furnish all equipment and labor to install wellpoints and maintain the system for I~ days. The System will consist of; ( 1) I 611 or 8" wellpoint pump I j J + it i 8 14 '( (2) Approx.300'Header pipe IAJSfhLle !:'O!.atp.,..,,;r: (J Wh p~1 LL ~S (3) 1I 1I 30 Wellpoints 11'YI,oItt!S~ ,OIV"S.. K~W\ O'\/-e ~ ('(€ IA- S IT (4) 1I 1I 30 Swingjoints N'€ed~J, (5) Discharge pipe ~ (6) Jet pump and hose (7) Sand for sanding wellpoints (8) NisI. equip. Remove system upon completion. PRICE ~ ~OO, 00 I If the system remains inplace longer than I~ days at no fault of Central Florida Dewatering a charge of -I!2tJOf!Jl per day will be added to Quoted price. If less than 1/1 daysll1..()(!J'!.9per day will be subtracted from Quoted price. e Central Florida Dewatering & Wel1P~~X, Inc. Bill J\iartin President ~ ~ I: I' I ~! .' ith~son Pump. Manufacturing Ce,;,'lnc. Post Office Box 336 Port Orange, Florida 32019 (904) 767-7310 SALE QUOTATION Date: May 15, 1984 1;0: City of Winter Springs 400 N. Edgemon Avenue Winter Springs, FL~ 32707 I Number: E-2583 Reference: ~TTENTION: Mr. Charles Hassler -.J OTY. SIZE DESCRIPTION OTY. SIZE DESCRIPTION 1 4" Thompson Double Dia~ragn 1 2" Foot Valve Pump - D/..f6L D'" II a'" 20' 4" Suction Hose 1 2" High Pressure Jet Pump, Used 100' 6" Header Pipe 20 std. Wellpoints 20 9 ' Risers 20 std. Swings 50' 4" Discharse Hose 2 6" Ells 90 1 6" Tee 2 6" Caps 12 6" " Header Couplings w/straps 1 4x6" Reducer 1 std. Valve Wrench 1 std. Jet Fitting 1 st4. Wellpoint Puller 20 std. , Riser Tops 50' 1~" Jet Hose 300' 2" Jet Hose 20' 2" Suction Hose Our sale price for the above listed equipment, quoted F.O.B. Port Orange FL. will be as follows: Total Sale Amount: $ 10,820.00 Rental Payments @ $ 1,082.00 per month for 10 months (@ 100% per month applied to sale) All prices exclude eppliceble seles tax. This quotetion is governed by the terms set forth on the I1IvelS8 side of this sheet. e Allow me to take this chance to thank you for this opportunity to quote with you on this project. Should you have any questions concerning this quotation, feel free to contact us at your conll9nience. Since Dev.....n. T..,mo. Net 30 Prices Quoted Shall Remain In Effect URBAN OF TUSCAWILLA, INC. P.O. BOX 8258 MAITLAND, FLORIDA 32751 (305) 660.8888 V.....,....D.. ~ '7.:\ no. \\ n. ~. rm 1,j!,'.'..:;....',\Vl~r:; ~ ,', "" . .' ,c",,~;, 1",1 . 'j..' ......'. . " j .J I....:.. ;>,.> ' ,~;.~ I' ~ > " ' . -'...J MfN n. !"; '('184 .,,!. ., rJ ;1 f,J RE: Casa Park Villas Tuscawilla Subdivision Tree Planting in Right of Way CITY of WINTER SPRiNGS CITY HALL ~ S ~ "''''' () (.!c.olfAM. 6lJ.t\ ~ May 17, 1984 City Counc il City of Winter Springs 400 N. Edgemon Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Council Members: Please allow this letter to serve as our formal request for permission to install and maintain approximately 20 Sabal Palm trees in the area between the paved road and sidewalk in front of our property known as Casa Park Villas in the Tuscawilla P.U.D. e As a matter of fact, we have already installed the trees and were just today advised that formal request for permission was a requirement. We are sorry for making the installation prior to obtaining formal approval however, we are quite certain that you will agree that the trees improve the overall appearance of Trotwood Boulevard. Your kind attention to this request is AHG/ljv cc: J. Alpert, Winter Springs Development Co. e e ~ -.~\~T(4 ~ ~ ~ .'-j.~~' 'i::(""'~>O', ,\"". ~C; . -\C '. . . ,I; " ~,>, /.': " 1: :-_-' C{\o ~ , fl~~~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 MEMO TO: Mayor/Commission SUBJECT: Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 1984 - Procedures DATE: June 11, 1984 1. On May 30, 1984, at the World Trade Center, we closed on the above referenced issue. At that time I received a check for $3,394,830.66. With the concurrence of our attorneys the Mayor and I signed the check and had our trustee for the issue, Sun Bank, deposit/invest same. 2. All funds are presently invested at Sun Bank. I have the $394,830.66 plus the interest (May 31 - June 4) in a repo. The $3,000,000.00 is invested at 10.4 percent interest for 30 days. I am going to set up the following accounts and the $3,394,830.66 will be allocated as follows: e (a) Construction Fund $2,781,810.00 (b) Construction Fund (Memo Acct) 93,900.00 (c) S inking Fund 139,619.00 (d) S inking Fund Reserve 379,500.00 (1) Construction Fund: Funds in this account can only be utilized by the City for payment of the cost of the improvements as provided by the resolution. The Construction Fund Account estimates are as follows: Paving & Improvements Moss Rd. Land Acquisition for the Complex Complex Construction Communication Equipment Misc. Costs, Professional fees, landscaping $510,000 143,000 1,500,000 200,000 430,000 (2) Construction Fund (Memo Acct): This account will be used for paying costs of issuance of the bonds and include the MBIA insurance cost (which I paid at closing out of the General Fund) Memo Account 93,900 e e e e ~ Mayor/Commission Improvement Revenue Bondst Series 1984 - Procedures June 11, 1984 Page 2 (3) Sinking Fund: This account will be utilized for paying the interest and principal as payments become due on April 1 and October 1 of each year. I will deposit $139,619 in the sinking fund to be utilized for the payment which will be due October 1, 1984. (4) Sinking Fund Reserve: I will deposit $379,500 in the Reserve Account. This amount is equal to the largest amount of principal and interest which will become due in any ensuing year of the issue. 3. Because the Commission chose Sun Bank as the Registar for this issue and they also have our 1979 Bond Issue I intend to utilize them provided I can make satisfactory arrangements. Between now and July, when the 30 day investment of the $3,000,000 matures, I will be looking at cash management proposals and also determining how to split the funds for staggered investment. 4. Finally, I'm in the process of amending the "finance report" to include the issue. Our total budget will be $6,523,988 and I am looking into whether or not we must amend the budget. RR/pk1 e e e "<~\NTER " . - (} ,....--.....~... . >::( "''''''' '\. ':i . '- " '" \1' ~V . )"1'; , .-. ~ , .' . . .~'::~,,":;~':': / . ;' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 MEMO TO: Mayor/Commission SUBJECT: Bid Recommendations DATE: June 11, 1984 Following are the bid recommendations a. Bid opening May 10~ 1984 - Motorcycle (1) Three bids received (a) Harley Davidson (b) Kawasaki,/- (c) BMW $7~150.00 6,789.00 6,153.00 Recommend we purchase the Kawasaki for $6,789.00. The other two do not meet specifications that if added would cost in excess of the Kawasaki. b. Bid opening May 24, 1984 - Tractor One bid was received for a John Deere Tractor. The Public Works Director states it meets all specifications and recommends purchase. I concur. /) I ! \ RR/pk1 Attachment r:,',/ j v' /l,1 ( ~ S ( tJ A) ~.~ . e J J .A .~,;> ~..- ;v I'r L. , " , GII'2(%f - TO: Richard Rozansky, City Manager FROM: John Govoruhk, Chief of Pol ice DATE: Ma y 14, 1984 SUBJ: MOTORCYCLE; RECOMMENDATION OF 17-84 It is recommended that the Kawasaki be purchased as this is the only one that meets al I specifications/requirements as per request. If al I additional equipment was purchased on the BMW and Harley, the Kawasaki would be the lowest bid. See attached evaluation. JG: bs -~ ' / J; ,/ '/) /" // / /" / ::. / I,IY/ / I // /" /"71'7/ / -;l /- /1 J nrfGo~t)iunl</ c ;I hief f Pol ice /; e ""----------..-. --..--.----.-.-.-.....' ------------- - O/~-=-~-1.!-~~-~- c ~ , .----", -------- e/~~, S e J I . ~ r . DISPOSITION FORM REFERENCE OR OFFICE SYMBOL SUBJECT Pub lic Works Recommendation- Tractor w/ Mower TO FROM /"L,/./ ~ A. Hassler, P. E. City Engineer/ D~~ DATE . Richard RozanskJ City Manager The bid received from D & J Equipment for the tractor with mower specifications as advertised and the propose~quipment has been by department personnel. ~7 A r~ '/O~V.Ov Therefore I respectfully request your approval fdt the purchase equipment. CMT 1 June 4, 1984 meets the inspected of this