HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 04 24 Regular . " . , EDMUND T. BAXA...JR. PAUL H. BOWEN ..JEANELLE G. BRONSON PAUL F. BRYAN DWIGHT I. COOL GRACE ANNE GLAVIN EDWARD E. HADDOCK, ..JR. ALLAN ..J. KATZ FRANK C. KRUPPENBACHER EDWARD L. KUTTER THOMAS F. LANG PETER G. LATHAM PATRICIA RETHWILL MUELLER RICHARD R. SWANN THOMAS R. TEDCASTLE MARTIN Ii. UNGER DAVID A. WEBSTER ..JAMES G. WILLARD OF COUNSEL: PERVIE P. SWANN PATRICK F. MARONEY TO: FROM: RE: .dAUann~~ ~~ ~~~~J~ IN ORLANDO: SUITE 1100 1315 WEST CENTRAL BOULEVARD POST OFFICE BOX 640 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32602-0640 (305) 425'3939 April 20, 1984 IN TALLAHASSEE: SUITE B60 BARNETT BANK BUILDING 3115 SOUTH CALHOUN STREET TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 (904) 224-9634 REPLY TO: ORLANDO ." ...., '.;~ l-1EMORANDUM '~.' '~I.: .' ~ '" 'r.., .; _ ~_~; Walter Elwell, City Planner ~ Frank Kruppenbacher, City AttornelJ1~ Casa Park Villas, Phase II ------------------------------------------------------------ Per your request, we have reviewed those items listed in your letter of April 13, 1984, regarding the above-referenced matter. The following recommendations are made: 1. Mortgage Holders Certification -- This Portion of the document should: A. Identify the Mortgagee (not just a blank) ; B. Identify the OR book and page of the mortgage; C. Identify the name and title of the person signing; and D. Contain an acknowledgment of the notary public of the persons signature. 2. Dedication of Plat -- The dedication of plat contains language regarding Trotwood Boulevard. However, Trotwood Boulevard is not in the area to be platted. 3. Protective/Restrictive Covenants, Articles of Incorporation The City must obtain updated/supplemental Declarations evidencing applicability to Phase II. Then, these must be recorded. .,> . e . '" d~~~ ". . ',-,..., -"~ '~} ,~r;"' . Memorandum to Walter Elwell April 20, 1984 Page Two ~,t 4. Letter of Certification of Abstractor ~t. ':. l >.,'..'.a Per applicable Florida Statutes, we need a new Letter of Certification of Abstractor for Phase II. 5. Bond-- We think that the City should require some bond to insure that the improvements are completed. Otherwise, there may be no protection for the City in the event lots and homes are sold and all improvements are not completed. Finally, with regard to Mr. Page's letter of April 6, 1984, I will review the preliminary plan with you at the meeting on April 24, 1984. /sps 'Iloo"--' " . e . - , . TASKS: il~!j!!, f~on Work performance product, addresses JOB CITY'CODES: Land Development, Zoning: Walter Thomas Elwell, CITY PLANNER, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. MINUTES OF STAFF REVIEW (SPECIFY MEETING): 9:00 A.M. Thursday, 29 March 84, City Hall Report Text. Pa~e 1 of City Staff in attendance (Specify): o Mgr. /Absent il Bldg. Official/Smith lJ Engr., P. Works Dir. /Hassler n Fire Chief /Holzman IX! Planner / Elwell IX! Police Chief / Govoruhk o Other No other Staff " AGENDA ITEHS: 1. Final Engineering/Plat, Cas a Park Villas/Phase II The applicant/Agent Steve Koss was present. Planner/Elwell reviewed the history of approvals of Casa Park Villas to clarify the status of approvals of Preliminary/Final Engineering. Discussion followed. The concensus (unanimous) was that Phase II be recommended to the City Commission for approval of final engineering/plat subject to the following conditions, enumerated: 1. Favorable review of street names by Post Office, and; 2. Favorable review by City Attorney of letter of certification by the abstractor, and of restrictions, covenants and other certifications on the plat. 2. Sign Offs-Regency Seville, approved by Staff at 22 Mar 84 review meeting. Planner/Elwell requested Department Heads to Sign Off on three (3) copies displayed in Planning office. Meeting adjourned. and Boards, Assessment, alidation fJkr1/!f!!f1 !{)r! 34' e ~~=C'''''' ~ . ..7 'fIItH!:,q' , , ;cj ~. ".:t~.. ..', ,.'.-1, ; u . ~"-' , ' i- J ' I' ".--/ \ ,::~:::~::~/. . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 3Z7-1800 April 13, 1984 Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher Swann & Haddock, P. A. The First Banker's Building 135 W. Central Blvd., Suite 1100 P. O. Box 640 Orlando, Fl. 32802-0640 Re: Recording of record plat, Casa Park Villas/Phase II Dear Frank: Please respond by letter to issue your legal opinion/recommendation on the following items to protect the interests of the City (identified, file. Refer: appropriate sub-sections of City Land Development Code Sec. 14-44) in the matter identified (above): 1. Mortgage Holders Certification (identified, attached. Refer: plat), and; 2. Dedications for perpetual use for all public purposes (identified, attached. Refer: plat), and; 3. Protective/Restrictive Covenants, Articles of Incorporation (Identified, file. Submitted/approved in the course of recording Phase I, no new sub- mission by applicant), and; 4. Letter of Certification of Abstractor (identified, file. Submission by applicant approved with Phase I may not address Phase II), and; 5. Appropriate bond (identified, certification by City Engr./Pub1ic Works Director, file. No bonds are to be required for the reason that all improvements are to be installed as approved prior to City permission of occupancy, and none of the improvements are to be dedicated to the public for maintenance), and; Additionally, please address protection of the City's interest in the matter of Phase II, as it may/may not be affected by the complaint: "Breaches of Pre- liminary Plan for Casa Park Villas" (identified, attached. Refer -letter of Gray, Harris and Robinson). - - -e Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher April 13, 1984 Page 2 A response (letter and return of the attached file copy of the plat,) is required to support action as it may be taken by the City Commission at its meeting scheduled for 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, 24 April 84, at City Hall. Please address what ever questions you may have to this office. Thank you for your cooperation Sincerely, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS w~~ Walter Elwell/City Planner WTE/mn Attachments: attached cc: City Manager/Rozansky -- " on Of Wn\~HT, SPRfiWGS pr:'r.C ~\/ED GRAY, HARRIS Be ROBINSON e .J. CHARLES GRAY GORDON H. HARRIS RICHARD M, ROBINSON PHILLIP R. FINCH PAMEL.... O. PRICE .JAMES F". PAGE, ..JR. PHILIP H. TREES WILLIAM A. BOYLES THOMAS oJ. WILKES. .JR. THOMAS A. CLOUO ..J. t-4ASON WILLIAMS. m ANTHONY W. P....LM... LANA N. SUNNER STEPHEN A. HILGER MARY ANN ARLT STEPHEN E. COOK Q. ROBERTSON OILG RICHARD MADDEN, .JR. CHARLES W. SELL PROF"ESSIONAL ASSOCIATION APR J 9 1984 ~ (', ~'~ I ~l.. !j.t: :: R ATTORN EYS AT LAW POST Of'"F"ICE BOX 30fSS ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32802 SOUTHEAST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 201 EAST PINE STREET TEkE"HONE (30~) 1!l"3 -I!lI!lI!lO IEfri -10: ('it/. i-(:;r,) 8/Uf ()f~-'Cf;1 ~ f (If. April 6, 1984 Mr. Walter Thomas Elwell City Planner 400 North Edgemon Avenue City of Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Breaches of Preliminary Plan for Casa Park Villas Dear Mr. Elwell: - It was a pleasure talking with you yesterday. On behalf of Thomas R. and Jackie Q. Herring, I am writing to file a formal protest against Urban of Tuscawilla for violating the Casa Park Villas Development Plan by destroying numerous orange trees adjacent to the Herrings' property. The Prelim- inary Plan for Casa Park Villas contains a specific requirement that "a buffer of existing orange groves will remain for at least twenty-five feet adjacent to single family homes." See, Memorandum of Jacqueline Koch, City Manager, October 24, 1983. As the attached Memorandum of Betty Shorthouse demonstrates, the Herrings purchased their prcperty in reliance on assurances that a permanent buffer zone of two tree lines would remain between them and the planned development for Casa Park Villas. As you know, Urban of Tuscawilla has recently bulldozed many of the orange trees in the buffer zone adjacent to the Herrings' property. Such actions consti tute a clear breach of the Preliminary Plan referred to in the October 24th Memorandum. I trust the City will act promptly to require Urban of Tuscawilla to replace the destroyed trees with suitable other trees of a similar height. The Herrings are also concerned, based on the location of construction stakes and what they have heard in the neighborhood, that Urban of Tuscawilla intends to build a two-story condominium within forty feet of their single-family townhouse. Such action, if true, would represent a clear breach of the Preliminary Plan wherein bui Idings are to be - '. -e Mr. Walter Thomas Elwell April 6, 1984 Page Two at~ ~--- - I am currently in possession of the two above referenced memoranda~ a Memorandum to Koch from C. A. Hassler of October 7, 1983 ~ a Memorandum to yourself from Hassler of December 7, 1983~ the Minutes of the City Commission Meeting of October 25, 1983, page 2~ and a three-page staff report prepared by yourself of December 12, 1983. I would appreciate it if you could make available to me any additional data concerning conditions imposed upon the Casa Park Villas Development Plan. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, ,~~~ James F. Page Jr. JFPJr/GRD/tam Enclosures cc: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Herring - '. ~:':..11 --....\NTfq " /-"S~' . _ tt~\'.: ,\.:.. ) ',' , ..JI' '.:' J~ .........Jl.~w.. ~.. ~~; ..~~J..r ~~,-/' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 /3~PH/t84 U. S. Postal Service ATTN: J. R. Long, Casselberry, Fl. 32707 Re: Street names, Development/unit:~Ph& VILLAS/PHASeD 7~!r Applicant/Agent:f/e'BIrrI01= TIJ.SCAlAJIUA /AC/S7EYE 1<0S5 /30S"/ 89-'2..1.- Review/ Action Requested: CITY ("OM.4"!!SS/OA! /i?'EVIEW/APP/26VAL, f(ECOe:fAlNG. tJF TZ6C02D Pt.AT Dear Sir: . Please review the proposed record plat (identified, attached for your records, pursuant to your request-letter of R.D.Kelly, Postmaster, dated: 15 Feb. 84) to assess the appropriateness of the street names proposed by the applicant (identified). At your earliest convenience please respond to this office with your written approval/disapproval of the names proposed, and any recommendations you may have for the assignment of street/property numbers by this office. Your response will be assessed as criteria for approval of the record plat (identified). Final approval for recording the plat is pending the receipt of your recommendation. Please address your requests for any additional copies of the plat, which you may need for your purposes to the applicants (identified). Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1(/11& tkd( Walter Elwell/City Planner e WTE/mn , cc: Applicant/Agent File (identified) Attachment: Proposed record plat. e UNITED STATES POST OFFICE CASSELBERRY, FLORIDA 32707 DATE: riT''{ ,.,~ ','.,';" ~':-r: r ;;"1~1:'{ \.., "'-.; . .'. ",.l ~ ~ '.. t' ...'1.. April 18, 1984 R :..... ; ""'", ~. ~ \ ' ~;~: ~~.~, OUR REF: SUBJECT: Street names, Casa Park Villas APR 1 9 1S84 .,.. ... .,' i~, . ~ : . . TO: City of Winter Springs ATTN: Walter Elwell City Planner Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Dear Sir: We have reviewed the proposed record plat sent by your office on above subject. The proposed names appear to be appropriate , inasmuch as phase one of the development and phase two 8Jre in continuijJy of names and numbers. Thank you very much for your continued cooperation in furnishing the plats for new development in your city. - RDK/jrl - " ' . #.J. -e . e e .---- . . CITY Ot ~N1NTER SPRINGS J::'ECE!VED APPLICATION MAR 1 5 1984 ~~a CITY OF WINTEK SPRINGS __ Approval of Preliminary Plan 0f'X'C1f'f n~f11f')= X Approval of Final Engineering and Plat (CASA PARK VILLAS/PHASE II) Site Plan Review 'Sl)(.. SUBMIT TIHl&E COPIES OF THE PLAT AND ENGINEERING FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT WITH THIS APPLICATION. Applicant URBAN OF TUSCAWILLA. INC Name (If the applicant is not the owner of the subject property, th application must inc a letter of authoriz signed by the owner. Post Office Box 8258 Address Maitland. FL 3275] (305) 708-22SS Te iephone o GO- 6000 Legal I)escription of Subject Property: SEE PLATT Tota I Acres 1 3. 7552 Total Usab le Acres 13. 7 5 52 General Location (Include Names and Types of Roads Abutting Property): Adiacent/abuttinq Casa Park Villas. Phase I. on Casa Park Cirrlp Present Land Use V a can t Zoning Classification P . U .0. (Mu 1 t i - F am i 1 y) Details of Request Platt aDDroval for Phase II. r.asa Park Villa,. Urban of Tuscawilla. Inc. is of the opinion that all nthpr "lh- mittals are .in ossesslon. Date 3 /;..:5-);1- / / Signature .0 * * * Fee~QJ JjQO Receipt No. 7Cf::>3 Dat.20/JAB 1A Ordinance References Legal and Ownership Verified Action Work :Performance product. &d~.~~~. JOB TASKS: S~rt ~t t~:tie:l~ii '~d. ~arci.. CITY COD~: Land Development. Zenina: Val ter Thoma. nveli. CITY PLAlUER. CITY OF lUJI'J.'s!(. S~.IlfGS. FLORIDA. . '. It STAFF REPORT. PLAnING ~. '9!. ORDER/M!!.: 84; 2,1, 2 I 24 FEB ~ . 84 Development/unit: TUSCAWILLA/UNIT 14 . Applicant/Agent: WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORP./J . ALPERT . Review/Action R~que.ted: CITY COMMISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL SUBDIVISION} PRELIMINARY PLAN (PUD) .,. Report Text. Pa&e 1. To: CITY MANAGER/Rozansky, and all parties who may become identi tied re1evan to the above identified request for revJew/actioo, From: CITY PLANNER/Elwell (sign/date}........................................ Re: STAFF REVIEW-for action toward approval of the above identified develop- ment. THE PLANNING/ZONING BD. RECOMMENDS APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT (IDENTIFIED) SUBJECT TO THE FINDINGS OF FURTHER STAFF REVIEW (REFER: MINUTES OF PLANNING/ ZONING BD. MEETING 22 FEB. 84, IN PROGRESS), AND; PURSUANT TO THE ABOVE, THE STAFF HAS COMPLETED ITS REVIEW IN CONSULTATION WITH THE APPLICANT (MEETING OF 24 FEB. 84) AND FINDS THE FOLLOWING REMAINING CON- .. DITIONS FOR APPROVAL OF THE IDENTIFIED DEVELOPMENT: '? 01. THE APPLICANT SHALL DEDICATE THE ACCESS RIGHTS TO :: -:':'";~;.. :::':"4M:lIUMIB~-fIllORIrA_"'&' It'~4I___'''i_ .. ~ FOR THE 02. PHASED DEVELOPMENT, AS IT MAY BE PROPOSED BY THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REVIEWED FOR APPROVAL BY THE CITY PRIOR TO PLATTING, AND; 03. THE UNDESIGNATED TRACT FRONTING VISTAWILLA DRIVE SHALL BE DESIGNATED "CONSERVATION, GREEN BELT," WITH OWNERSHIP RETAINED BY THE APPLICANT, AND 04. THE APPLICANT SHALt. END WINTER SPRINGS DRIVE, FOR SOME DISTANCE .TO BE DETER}lINED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SHORT OF THE OVIEDO CITY LIMIT, AND; 05. THE APPLICANT SHALL EXTEND VISTAWILLA DRIVE NORTHWARD TO S.R. 419, IN -~-,- . ,- ACe' ""'!AmnC10lrr'!1r '.M!" \.1:r~ or"lM,!I!\( AND AS A CONDITION OF APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT (IDENTIFIED), AND: 06. THE APPLICANT SHALL PROVIDE A BUFFER AREA BETWEEN THE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL AREA (LOTS l,336) OF A DESIGN AND OTHERWISE TO THE SATIS- FACTION OF THE CITY, AND 07. THE DEVELOPMENT SHALL OTHERWISE MEET THE REQUIREMENT~ OF THE CITY CODES. THE APPLICANT SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY ENGINEER __.I 08. (SPECIFIED, MmI) OF 15 FEB. WTE/mn Attachments: attached; ~ cc:' File (identified~' ~~~Y_ Co~s~i~~, _ 84, ATTACHED). Auessment/ Validation . 1..1"/110- #I: ~ , .",' .' ( Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Wednesday, April 20, 1983 7:30 p.m. ~ The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hatfield. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: John Hatfield-Chairman, present Cindy Kaehler-Vice Chairman, present Richard DeFazio, present Taru Joshi, present Robert Smedley, present CITY OFFICALS: Jacqueline Koch, City Planner Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of March 30, ,1983. Vote: all aye. motion carried. FUTURE RESPONSIBILITY FOR TUSCAWILLA PARK FACILITIES. Background presentation by Ms. Koch on the subject matter. Discussion. Art Harris, Tuscawilla Homeowners' Association, gave an update on their survey to determine homeowners' interest and preference on control of the park facilities. Jay Alpert with Winter Springs Development spoke in reference to the future status of develo- per's intentions. Discussion. It was tentatively set by the Board to have a workshop on the future of the park facilities in Tuscawilla in the near future. I '~DIFICATION OF REQUEST OF WALT DITTMER FOR AMENDMENT OF APPROVED PLAN FOR WILDWOOD . !~,u.D. TO REDESIGNATE 30 ACRES WEST OF POWER EASEMENT FROM ALL MULTI-FAMILY, TO MULTI- . FAMILY, COMMERICAL AND INDUSTRIAL. This modified plan was submitted with the stated intent of satisfying the objections raised at the Board and Commission meetings earlier this year. Mr. Larry Carroll spoke in behalf of Mr. Dittmer on the request. Discussion. Input from Mr. Dittmer. Discussion. Input from Ms. Koch. Discussion. Input from audience. Discussion. Hatfield adjorned the meeting for a five minute recess. Meeting was reconvened and the discussion on the Dittmer request continued. Smedley moved that the Board recommend to the City Commission the approval of the application modified to change the designation of lots 1 thru 5 as shown in the drawing as being planned commerical centers and lots 6 thru 17 as being planned industrial parks. Clarification by Hatfield on the motion. Second for discussion by Hatfield. Discussion. Smedley withdrew his motion and Hatfield withdrew the second. Discussion. Motion by Smedley to table the matter until such time as Mr. Dittmer can provide the Board written specific restrictions as he has discussed. Seconded by Kaehler. Discussion. Vote: all aye, motion carried. Discussion. Hatfield adjourned the meeting for a brief recess. Meeting was reconvened and the discussion continued on the Dittmer request. Smedley moved that the request be brought back into consideration. Second by Kaehler. Vote: ail aye, motion carried. Motion by Hatfield to approve Mr. Dittmer's application contingent upon or modified by the restrictions of his March 4th letter: (1) Total square footage of building not to exceed 35% of the property area. (2) Front setback to offer sufficent capacity for water retention accomplished by undulating landscaping(as opposed to fenced off excavation as often used).(3) Building plans to be submitted to owners' review board for approval prior to construction. Overall height of building not to exceed 30 feet on the west side and 12 feet on the east side of the proposed road (contingent upon - e 4- .i ... '" ( A & Planning and Zoning 4/20/82 Page 2 being light industrial on the west side of the road and being more commercial on the east side). (4) Area west of the proposed road to be 1 acre-plus sites with office/ warehouse/industrial buildings. (5) All areas to operate primarily during daylight hours. (6) Excluding video games, pool rooms, paint and body shops and similar uses; no iodizing, smelly or noisy facilities or mini-warehouse storage. (7) Owners will be subject to maintenance fee required to maintain all common areas. Another area of concern is that the whole new road from Shepard Road to Florida Avenue be developed expediently so that the traffic impact can be handled(dispersed). Contingent upon County approval, Mr. Dittmer will participate in the surfacing of Florida Avenue from the property to the main highway (US 17-92). The five lots (1 to 5) that back up to the duplexes be changed to PUD Commercial, and the others to PUD Industrial. In addition the duplexes be developed along with the commercial property. Second by Smedley. Discussion. Vote: all aye, motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:00 p.m. o ~/'~ ;/ If Sherry Zielonka Recording Secretary ~ .. STAFF REPORT, PLANNING DEPT. WORK ORDER/DATE: 83,11,17,1 / 15 MAR. 84 ~Development/Unit: WINTER SPRINGS COMMERCE CENTER ~.Applicant/Agent: WALTER DITTMER Review/Action Requested: PLANNING/ZONING BD. REVIEW/APPROVAL AMENDMENT TO PUD, PRELIMINARY PLAN Report Text, Page 2, RESULTS OF STAFF REVIEW MEETING Assessment/ Validation PURSUANT TO THE APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE CITY CODE - THE CITY STAFF FOUND THE FOLLOWING: 1. THE PLANS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT (IDENTIFIED) ARE APPROVABLE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS TO BE MET: A. SPECIFIED BY CITY MGR. - NONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A. ,AND; B. SPECIFIED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL - NONE .............................................................. B. ,AND; C. SPECIFIED BY ENGR./PUBLIC WORKS DIR.-NONE . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. c. ,AND; D. SPECIFIED BY FIRE CHIEF - NONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. D. -- ,AND; E. SPECIFIED BY PLANNER -NONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. E. ,AND; F. SPECIFIED BY POLICE CHIEF - NONE .............................................................. F. ,AND; G. CONDITIONS BY THE BD. ARISING FROM DISCUSSION (RECORDED) fu~ONG THE PARTIES PRESENT, AND SPECIFIED HEREIN AND AS FOLLOWS: (1). THE APPLICANT/AGENT (IDENTIFIED) SHALL AGREE THAT THE SUBMISSIONS FOR REVIEW (A. WINTER SPRINGS COM}lliRCE CENTER SCHEME B2, RECEIVED 08 FEB. 84, AND; B: FRONT ELEVATION, OFFICE DUPLEX OR TRIPLEX, RECEIVED 08 FEB,84) ARE REVIEWED ONLY AS SUPPLEMENTARY DATA TO AMEND (JMPROVE THE DESIGN CONCEPT OF THE PLAN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT (IDENTIFIED) PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE PLANNING/ZONING BD. AND THE CITY CO}lliISSION, AND ADDITIONALLY; (2). THE APPLICANT/AGENT SHALL RE-DESIGN SCHEME B2 TO INTERRUPT THE THRU ACCESS VIA THE PARKING LOT OFF SHEPARD RD., AS ANNOTATED ON SCHEME B2 BY THE STAFF AND' ~ , , (3). THE APPLICANT/AGENT SHALL PROVIDE AN OBSCURED HOWEV~R STABILIZED ROAD BASE FOR THE THRU PASSAGE OF EMERGENCY VEHICLES IN THE AREA ANNOTATED ON SCHEME B2 BY THE STAFF AND' ~ , 1 ,. ~ .. STAFF REPORT, PLANNING DEPT. WORK ORDER/DATE: 83,11,17,1 / 15 MAR. 84 _Development/Unit: WINTER SPRINGS COMMERCE CENTER , ;Applicant/Agent: WALTER DITTMER Review/Action Requested: PLANNING/ZONING BD. REVIEW/APPROVAL AMENDMENT TO PUD, PRELIMINARY PLAN Report Text, Page 3 Assessment/ Validation (4). IN THE EVENT OF APPROVAL BY THE PLANNING/ZONING BD. AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT (INCLUDING ITS FEATURE, A CHANGE OF THE LAND USE FROM DUPLEX RESIDENCES TO GARDEN OFFICE DUPLEXES/ TRIPLEXES, THAT APPEAR FROM THEIR EASTERN (FRONT) ELEVATIONS TO BE RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES) THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT A COMPLETED "PRELIMINARY" DEVELOPMENT PLAN, REVISED ACCORDINGLY AND OTHERWISE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CITY CODE, FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL, AND; (5). OTHERWISE THE CONDITIONS OF PRIOR APPROVAL WITHSTANDING SHALL NOT BE AFFECTED BY THE AMENDMENT PROPOSED. - WTE/mn Attachments: attached. .' cc: Planning/Zoning Bd., Applicant/Agent (Identified), All Departments, File (Identified) e Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Wednesday, April 11,1984 7:00 P.M. CITY OF Wft.:TER SPRINGS R~CEfVED APR 1 7 1984 .., Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by DeFazio. CITY PLANNER ROLL CALL: John Hatfield, Chairman, present Cindy Kaehler, Vice-Chairman, present Richard DeFazio, present Robert Smedley, present Taru Joshi, present CITY OFFICIALS: Walter Elwell, City Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 28, 1984 Smedley moved to approve minutes as submitted. Kaehler second. Vote: All aye. Minutes approved as submitted. The next scheduled regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board will be April 25, 1984, 7:30 P.M. ~ENDMENT TO PUD PRELIMiNARY PLAN, WINTER SPRINGS COMMERCE CENTER, WALTER DITTMER. Elwell presentation. Sam Longo, representing Wildwood Homeowners Association carne forward and stated the approval of the Homeowners contingent upon the construction of a 6' wood fence to be put on bordering property, to be installed prior to construction beginning. The fence to be maintained by Mr. Dittmer or future owner. e Kaehler moved that the Amendment to the P.U.D. preliminary plan Winter Springs Commerce Center for Mr. Walt Dittmer be approved subject to the staff's recommendations and also spelling out Planning and Zoning Board's recommendations of April 20, 1983, seven to be exact and also subject to Mr. Dittmer putting a fence on any property bordering residential property to be maintained by the Commerce Center and the fence goes up first before any construction ~egins. Joshi second. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. PUBLIC HEARING, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, ADNAC, (CHANGE OF ZONING FROM RC-l TO P.U.D.). Elwell presentation. John Webb, John B. Webb & Associates, representing the applicant made a presentation. The following residents came forward and stated their opposition to this project. Susie Reid, 285 Hayes Rd.; Bob Maltese, 643 lbrton Ln.; Vernon Smith, 647 Sailfish Rd.; Shyla Wright, 1416 Tusca Trail, Casselberry, (property owner), representing Dunmar Homeowners Assoc.; Steve Reik, President of Tuscawilla Lake Assoc.; Ray Jondra, 647 Morton Ln.; Gordon Pierce, 15 Morton Ln; Frank Baker, 90 Morton Ln.; Gail Hicks, 324 Bahama Rd.; Ann Schneider, 50 Morton Ln.; Rudy Vandegraff, Corner of Fisher and Panama Rd.; Dave Baldino, 450 Fisher Rd.; Charles Angelier, 480 Fisher Rd.; Bill Rucker, 23 Morton Ln.; Pat Smith 647 Sailfish Rd.; Carl Stevens, 600 Fisher Rd.; Harry Reid, 285 Hayes Rd. A letter from Thomas O. Drake. 630 Dunmar Circle was read for the record by City Attorney Kruppenbacher. which stated the writer was rescinding his objection to this project. John Webb of John B. Webb, representing the applicant, summarized and answered questions. The following residents stated their opposition. Bob Guskowitz, Dunmar Estates; Angela Jacobson, 545 Julie Ln.; Bob Maltese, 643 Morton Ln; Jeff Mazer, Dunmar Estates. Discussion. e Smedley moved to recommend denial of request in that the proposed zoning is not in keeping with the character of the area or the Comprehens~ve Land Use Plan. Kaehler second. Discussion. Vote: All aye. Motion carries.