HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 04 10 Regular e e e ," .. ~::J.::.J._1. ~Plu~ 'IlINTE.q S~<" ft" ,P"""""" ,'" ill.) " , I , ~ ... '\I~.. . ~ .~ , ^ "" >~'7:;;' ;:.~' J..rS:.t.-.:o_">- CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 MEMO TO: Commission/Mayor SUBJECT: Annexation, Lot 6 and a portion of Lot 7 Entziminger Farms Add. No. 2 DATE: April 6, 1984 I have placed the above referenced annexation on the agenda for your action. The item has been before the Planning and Zoning Board on March 28, 1984. A motion to recommend annexation failed and the item was subsequently tabled. After reviewing the minutes I determined that a motion had been made, seconded and when the vote was taken, failed 3 to 2. However, another motion to table was made and passed 4 to 1. I believe this to be an improper action. (See my letter to the P & Z Board of April 4, 1984) I recommend the Commission authorize the preparation of the Annexation Ordinance and that the process be allowed to continue in the normal manner. We can stop short if necessary. However, we feel the problem will be worked out and we will have all lots in the immediate area ready for annexation. Additionally, I beleive we could lose the opportunity to annex this lot if we do not take positive action. RR/pkl Enclosure cc: Police Chief City Planner City Attorney e e e "", _~_'\",'\;,\ t. ~ - "\NT~.Q . -r:J ... ~:' :;r....'.'.J'" : (J . ~ '!t, " . , , .'. . . . ", ...";' . . ~ :~..~';"'~'~:r." .>-/,' , . J.. IS! ' CITY OF WINTER'SPRINGS. FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 April 4, 1984 Mr. John Hatfield Chairman, Planning & Zoning Board City of Winter Springs Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Reference: Voluntary Annexation - Lot 6 and a portion of Lot 7, Entzminger Farms Add. No. 2 Dear Mr. Hatfield: I have reviewed the Planning and Zoning Board minutes of March 28, 1984. As a result of the review I feel that the next proper step to take regarding the matter of the annexation is to place the item on the next City Commission agenda for consideration. In my opinion any motion to table an item after a motion to take action is made, seconded and subsequently fails, is an improper motion. Additionally, I believe the motion to table as qualified as this tabling motion is denies the applicant ultimate access to the City Commission, the only body with the authority to approve or deny an annexation application. Consequently I intend to place the item on the next agenda for considera- tion by the City Commission. cere1y, RR/mn ene. Minutes of 3/28/84 cc: }~yor/Commission City Planner / I ,,1 I. r;;-) \ . .. e Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Wednesday, March 28, 1984 Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Chairman Hatfield. ROLL CALL: John Hat field, Chairman, present Cindy Kaehler, Vice-Chairman, present Richard DeFazio, present Robert Smedley, present Taru Joshi, present CITY OFFICIALS: Walter ,Elwell, City Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 14, 1984. DeFazio moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Vote: All aye. Minutes approved as submitted. Joshi second. e VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION - LOT 6 AND PORTION OF LOT 3.7 ACRES, SEMINOLE CO. Elwell presentation. DeFazio moved to recommend to City annexed into the City contingent on the City first. Hatfield second. Vote: Kaehler, nay; Smedley, nay; Motion does not carry. 7 , ENTZMINGER FARMS ADD. NO.2, Commission that Lot 6 and portion of Lot 7 be the other lots that create an enclave come into Discussion. Joshi, nay; Hatfield, aye. DeFazio, aye. Smedley moved the matter be tabled without penalty to the applicant and if the other lots do not come in for annexation in a reasonable period of time the applicant's fee be refunded. Kaehler second. Discussion. Vote: DeFazio, nay; Hatfield, aye; Joshi, aye; Kaehler, aye; Smedley, aye. Motion carries. Smedley moved the Board's oplnlon that annexation in this area is welcome. We appreciate the individual's application and we hope to see the applications of the other lots before this Board in a timely fashion so that we can act on all these lots in the near future. Kaehler second. Vote: Hatfield, aye; Joshi, aye; Kaehler, aye; Smedley, aye; DeFazio, nay. Motion carries. REZONING _ AMENDI-ffiNT TO PUD PRELIMINARY PLAN (CHANGE OF LAND USE/DESIGN) WINTER SPRINGS COMMERCE CENTER, WALTER DITTMER. Elwell presentation. Walter Dittmer, applicant, came forward with his presentation. Discussion. Smedley moved the request for amendment to the preliminary plan be tabled until April 11th meeting and the matter be agended as the first item with a strict time limit of 20 minutes after which a motion one way or the other will be made and vote taken ane. that staff be directed to send a letter to the President of the Wi:ldwood Homeo't.'Tle Association requesting their participation at said meetinb. Kaehler second. Vote: Kaehler, aye; Smedley, aye; Joshi, aye; Hatfield, nay; DeFazio nay. Motion carries. e Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~ J1J~ l(,l.. ,t,i,,?,"{ ~~,I;;".1"r"..n7 ,\ e( ec e (( <i cJ;.&j!nL Work performance product, addresses JOB TASKS: Support of CITY CODES: Land Development, Walt~r Thomas Elwell, CITY PLANNER, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. " '" Boards, REQUEST FOR INSPECTION/RECOMMENDATION ON DIVIDING PLATTED~RO~E Development/Unit: LoTI; ELI<. 0/ N O..e44NPO RIINCIf&5 J see 4- I\^^' . Applicant/Agent: /.flJNARP 'Bte-oso6"/ L IV ~ STAMP/ TTACH: ReView/Action Requested:c-~CQ~~.(~Y.1~~~~Vh~ Date/Work Order No. LOT SPLIT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SEC. 14-3.1 ~/l3 /4 / CPT/",/ / ----~ MEMORANDID1 TO: DEPTS./AGENTS (Specify):O Mgr. ,~i~~r./p.Works, OPolice, o Fire, tl Bldg., .DAttny., 0 Other (Sp~cify): ~- . .' . /FROM: City Planner/Elwell (sign/date): / j /..-J//. 0 ~ II /1 V{/{l#t/f 6 kNt(j' I 2/1V/1lr: ~ #{ Text, page 1 of / Assessment, Validation Pursuant to the applicant's/agent's written request (attached) please coordinate to: 1. Inspect the proposed development (identified), and; 2. Complete the following assessments by return memo (execute/return this memo as per your responsibility/jurisdiction under the applicable codes of the City) as follows (any correspondence regarding the appli- cant's request should be attached/addressed to me, with copies sent to all relevant parties): A. The parcel in question is a single lot of record....................... ,and; B. The applicant is the owner of record.........,.......................... ;Vll OWNEI?~fI/P <:::'Ee7fP/CA-7fOry /tY ,A~t(CriNTS j..677"b72.. ,and; C. The parcel of record has not previously been split..................... NO /NO/c4r/a.v Of: PR/(J72 .s;p~ff /ijC/7}' peAT ~tJCX. ,and; D. Each resulting parcel (proposed) meets in every respect the criteria established elsewhere in t~e City Code (in addition to Sec. 14-3.1) as follows: (1) Zoning (specify .classification): R-/A4 . l'aOOOSC;;.FT. / 3ct;240 SC;.+=f: + (a) area requl.rement............................................. ,and; .A. Identified, Above; ~Iux/( . B. AFFf~ Vir lJIe60ED I E((.AT!"(/ .c. COMa-fa EkPt/ / .(a) C.OMllI5, Eff>>C(/ (b) yard requirements . r. 3S R.ZE;;.5. 20 ( s pee i fy) . . . . . ~ . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . (b) COJllt::r:/5S/ C k>>d I ,and; (c) minimum lot width reqUirements..~.~.~...(~r!:!......... ,and; .(c) CCyV/Ptles / E?t'A11 '- . . j REQUEST FOR INSPECTION/RECOMMENDATION ON DIVIDING PLATTED PROPERTY Deve1opment/Unit:Lor~ 8t../t. 0, AI. tJf?tANOORI1NC#cS,c5E.C 4. Applicant/ Agent: LBJ}lAeD BCWsa;- / Review/ Action Requested: CITe.,-' COM/I1. 12eY/EW! APPQ(JVA C- LOT SPLIT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SEC. 14-3.1 Report Text. Page 2 ( Assessment/ Validation ~(t{ ~_(2) Engineering requirements set out in Chapter 14 ~ tla)~ (Specify by attachment)......................................... .(2)~~ ,and now therefore; e( e( (3) Other applicable requirements of the City Code (specify):....... .(3)~ f)()~S{)AN'T 71) see. (,f-3,~ WHClZ.~ rH6 UJT5 P?C~SEO (ia:urIPt~O) Neer IN EY$C! ~~OT rfle" Cent7fZIA (Z6"'1N~/ cN~/NE€7Z/N6... ItJe.lTfFrC[;J .Ae,ljVc) 7#6" F{/~L P2DVI.$/()"'~ OF C-I7APTe7Z- /4 MAl( 6e:- WAtVCZ/AN.o VIfK::./ANCe:> G/t/6JV, €Jwd( $-~~~~-/~~ ~/<f~k~~~' ~~c2~~~~~' ;J~ J r~~~~~ ~ ~A~~~ ~~~/oo ?-: ~CL'.~ ~~ rrl4 ",r 3P~~~~j/r-~ f( (j, $9.er DEPT. RESPONDANf~$~ Signature/Position/Date -- CITY OF WH'HER SrRI~GS RECEIVED '1a 2 9 1984 a~~ ( ( e TO CI~Y O? WDEE.a SFEI!,:G:> 3-1[; -S~. T0 ilhor'l It i.lay ConCPl n: I. L~onarJ El~:s0A, woul~ likA to divide e the property at the ?Drt!J. Orlanno Hanehf'-' On H~jli'~s Roa,-}, Lot 1 Block D Sec. 4., On@ Lot to consis~ of ~2.051.6o squar~ fe~t a~(j thp other Lot to consist of 39.240 squar/! fl"',...to T'!1ank you, ~d&~ 255 pa nama Road Winter Springs Ph: 695-1498 We. Leonard & Elsie Bledsoe, are the solp ow~ers o~ said OTY Of WmTER SPRINGS RFCEIVED e L::J$~~ ~ ~~ / \ ,\- / (, f) IJJ . ~ .;, aG~~~4' Mlt; _. '. .__~....-.;:, MAR 1984 CITY PLANNER , . . ~ r.......--c7riJ/j 7fl1K- Tl~Cd/lP--PlAI-- -----. ,-.' -OTV.O~.-WJNJER-SPRiHGS'-" / v/'7 RECEIVED ( NdfJrtl · ;';--'-MAR!41984 ~.....-. P8- I I I I I I, I \ I ] ] .60 I j( ..~ I e ..,...... . . " .. / 'l .", '; ..I " .,' I ;.IlO~ Ac, 11",", ,.. ~"i " ".J' cr.,; z @ I. TZZ Ac r..... (. ~.... \...:~ J;o" ... . . -,. l-:..~ - . " ~ 3 /. 72~ Ac, - ;,;.. ~~; .~ .. . \.~ ..:~ : ',', " .l I) I- (., I.: .... t. t~ ", I";" . ~' ..... ,.~ . ,., . ,.. ".-"-. CITY PlANNER "(.7 ~ . -, ... ';C,..<!.,1, I. Y '. t>- . ~ 2. O::t/ r ~o . "" '" ':'f , ..... f,ll' 7 Ac, I' r. .3 f.JJt 0 . CJt:> \:)..,. ~ ,:5(," D ..... .. . .1 .l{~ " , i~ ~ ...... o ~ ~ " " ~ " :~ z @ /,1/~ Ac .. ~ -.... . . ..' J I "!lJ ;to: ~ . Work performance product, addresses JOB TASKS: Support of Commission and Boards, CITY CODES: Land Development, Zoning: Walter Thomas Elwell, CITY PLANNER, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. - STAFF REPORT, PLANNING DEPT. ~ ORDER/~: 84,2,1,2 / 17 APIUL 84 ( Development IUni t : TUSCAWILLA/UNIT 14 Applicant/Agent: WINTER SPRINGS DEV. CORP./ J. ALPERT Review/Action Requested: CITY COMMISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL SUBDIVISION, PRELIMINARY PLAN Report Text, Page 1, REVIEW/ANALYSIS OF APPLICANT'S TRAFFIC SURVEY Assessment/ Validation To: CITY MANAGER/Rozansky, and all parties who may become identified relevant to the above identified request for review/action, From: CITY PLANNER/Elwell (sign/date). . . .. . . . . e. . tfk4; /71on/ H Re: STAFF REVIEW-for action toward approval of the above identifi.ed development. The Applicant's/Agent's analysis (Traffic Impact Analysis Tuscawilla Develop- ment Plan, Winter Springs, Florida) dated March 1984 has been referred through City Commissioner Hartman to the Transportation Department of the Eas Central Florida Regional Planning Council (ECFRPC) for technical review~ and with the following result: e 1. The Council (Executive Director Cliff Guillet, Planner/Dowling) agreed to review the applicant's study without charge, as a council service to its member/jurisdiction (City of Winter Springs), and; 2. The Council's Analys t/Fred Milch reported (4 p ..m., 16 April 84) their findings, by telephone, to City Planner/Elwell, and ~ade the points as follows: A. The Analyst's review-addressed primarily the link (Winter Springs Blvd.) between Traffic Zone fifteen (~Z15) in Tuscawilla and State Road 426 (S.R. 426) in Oviedo, and; B. The Analyst finds-three (3) notable sources of traffic not addressed or otherwise accounted for in the Applicant's impact analysis: (1) Zone 4 in Tuscawilla should produce ~ore trips. Analyst/Milch estimates conservatively: 1660 additional trips, twenty (20) percent of which (330 vehicles) he would assign to the link in question, and; (2) The applicant's analysis does not address the Alafaya Woods Development (3,500 dwelling units in Seminole County outside of Tuscawilla) which analyst/Milch estimates conservatively would generate 30,000 vehicles per day, nine hundred (900) of which he would assign to the link in question to enter TZ15,and; e { STAFF REPORT, PLANNING DEPT. WORK ORDER/DATE: 84 ,2,1,2 / 17 APRIL 84 e Development/Unit: TUSCAWILLA UNIT 14 'Applicant/Agent: WINTER SPRINGS DEV. CORP./J. ALPERT Review/Action Requested: CITY COMMISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL SUBDIVISION, PRELIMINARY PLAN Report Text, Page 2, REVIEW/ANALYSIS OF APPLICANT'S TRAFFIC SURVEY Assessment/ Validation (3) The applicant's analysis does not address Red Bug Road traffic projected to 1995, ten (10) percent (1,100 vehicles) of which analyst/Milch would assign to the link in question to enter Tuscawilla, and; C. Evaluating, subjectively-what the foregoing means, Analyst/Milch feels that the link- in question would provide traffic service at or about level "D". (Depiction of level of service (LOS) "D" attached) . D. Other concerns-expressed by Analyst/Milch are: (1) No peak ho~r analysis was presented by the Applicant. There is not always a direct correlation of level of service estimates, between average daily travel (ADT) and peak hour analysis. At peak hours traffic service on the link in question may fall below what Analyst/Milch has estimated (a high level of service in range "D"), and; e (2) No intersection analysis was presented by the Applicant. Some concern seems warranted over traffic control at the intersection of the link in question and S.R. 426, and; E. In the period required ~ arrange and perform the above analysis- additional information on the funding of the Dean Road route for the northerly extension of the East-West Expressway has become available (clipping attached). It seems likely to Analyst/Milch that the route (identifi~gl..ma~ be extended through Tuscawilla 14, and require (for reason~V~Jg~se buffering) a right-of-way width of 1000 feet, plus acreage for interchanges (refer: con- victions 1 thru 4, page 2 Memo of Planner/Elwell to City Mgr., 10 April 84). ucdl! WTE/rnn Attachments, attached cc: Winter Springs City Commission/Mayor File (identified) . ( .,.. ~~o/ - E /wi} ANALYSIS) qpt~h/5IU -(M2/CCdr~ ~5 6-f<S-f+ (tJ.,Ylk((J tA.-Is -- ~12'05~ 65 ~ 6W(;~ e (DRAFT TUSCAWILLA TRAFFIC POIN~ON DESIGN OF THE LINK IN QUESTION 1. The design proposed by the applicant (two (2) lanes in ea~h~d~~~tfj) seems to the analyst/Milch to be adequate for the traffic'~p99i~, hbwever; 2. Problems with traffic service often arise from the design of the nodes~ (intersections). Intersection design often dictates the capacity of roads, ~~~I\~Sc>(lJI(~ ( LOS) "E" and "F" on 434 at 1-4 at peak hours (5-6 PM Fridays~) is an example of how intersections (turning movements~etc.) can impact the traffic service, o~ otherwise adequate roads, and;: J(gf(JV"rvdVC~ 1\'l~\j~M.(~ 3. The 1_ ~ "iflrE,?,ection analysis, and of peak hour anal.ys.~s ~d' nl!ll)l- "f>....l ~ J ~ ~~m Th1~applicant' s traffic impact analysis\4oei; not support an objective evaluation of th~ nodes Q: the link in questiOl;. dfb$lal.1 6c....."'-.Q. ,-f.if:..!~I.{($1- ($ Finally, from the analysis to date" aRRl:; _...'v.,...... f the conviction that..ee:- ~ AcrllIlovt+l~ty 8f Ujr+-n br>.. h't;::> should insist on appropriate design to limit the access to commercial development^Ut<-TZ15, 4yy(~ 'l~+eV'SG'C~IOV\ C\v(.t-(ySf,sO---w'\ q'.('~~ f ~.p:'':cc( fbV b0 +fto o-rProfl'ltc+t o.t>-f'Iv\II(\-+YJ. ~61J\{' <^V\,tA"\~tS ,"'~ ~ v-e"U\vL'~Vf"C>-.(..(~ 1~..f((StC"1I6v1 a~-tiA.e II vt.-k (,..L-\.. ~.f~ u..s I. f~ ~ '2-'=' # e \VI\)~~J:r!(';:\(.. L~ 'D'I)~~~~J4~../ ~ I Pop. rJo 5 CfJ G -'/(j 250/ QOO ~. ftJP No ~b\J ~ ~L ~\J.! -- M~ e