HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 03 27 Regular G-CvvP g,,?l/,.(.I~e ~")Ir!It.;$5 J' COUNTY o STA TE I -, FORM 4 MEN trl LAS,T NAME - FIRST NAME - MIDDLE NAME - 0 tl/~ l3J1t~e MAILING ADDRESS . J t 34; '()~ c(R . 'w 1/tV..,eft- ..s.o/Z/~ I' NAME OF AGENCY , C.4ry O-k w//l/-fe~ SPG-5 RANDUM OF VOTIN ONFLICT AGENCY is unit of: VU.DCOUNTY ~UNICIPALITY TITLE OF PERSON RECORDING MINUTES U SPECIFY C f-e<<-IC DOTHER MEMORANDUM OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN A VOTING SITUATION [Required by Florida Statutes g112.3143 (1979) ] If you have voted in your official capacity upon any measure in which you had a personal, private, or professional interest which inures to your special private gain or the special private gain of any principal by whom you are retained, please disclose the nature of your interest below. 1. Description of the matter upon which you voted in your official capacity: j/aJA-~ COt-{) ,ct//V()~ If! #- /T/t'/lA:-e vU&t//~ 6? ,t:? ,g t tI ,I}t- e 5~~tJ 13 'I C I'lf /Jt/-e /,<)0 ~ "O,L u..s . 2. Description of the personal, private, or professional interest you have in the above matter which inures to your special private gain or the special private gain of any principal by whom you are retained: -PA!OpeK ~ 'tfU./A/-e/L e 3. Person or principal to whom the special gain described above will inure: a.~ ourself b.O Principal by whom you are retained: (NAME) L r;3~ ~,~ DATE ON WHICH FORM 4 WAS FILED WITH THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR RECORDING MINUTES OF THE MEETING AT WHICH THE VOTE OCCURRED: SIGNATURE ( ~~ 7/~C/ , FILING INSTRUCTIONS This memorandum must be filed within fifteen (15) days following the meeting during which the voting conflict occurred with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who shall incorporate the memorandum in the meeting minutes. This form need not be filed merely to indicate the absence of a voting conflict. Florida law permits but does not require you to abstain from voting when a conflict I of interest arises; if you vote, however, the conflict must be disclosed pursuant to the requirements described above. re , NOTICE: UNDER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES ~ 112.317 (1979), A FAILURE TO MAKE ANY REQUIRED DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAY BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT, DEMOTION, REDUCTION IN SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED $5,000. L CE FORM 4 - REV. 12-79 '(D)~~\tilW~ij e MAR 26 '984 CITy of \!WnER SPRINGS (.\'If HAll e e~!'2!.!pf , . '", k' I . A-- {~t~~~ t~) dCL~' ~-i/' -<,l/> ,'/C/o " ')!i ;;.i. .-b../'" ~ \. //7 J f/" " ; March 26, 198: 1-11 ,'V1~.~~~(;[/or . ..l (( f / ~. ~ . ( Mr. Richard Rozansky City of Winter Springs 400 North Edgemond Drive Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Dear ~1r. Rozansky, As spokesman in general for the property owners shown on the attached plat of the Old Sanford Oviedo Road, I hereby request your help in a matter that concerns us. This portion of the road shown in green is supposedly an abandoned road by the Seminole County Commission. Most of the property is located in the city of winter Springs and therefore at present the only active industrial property within the city limits. e We wish to improve this road to specs which will be a lOO.ton industrial road with a 6" x 12" curb as part of the road base. We are willing to do this at our own expense, to improve our property with better access and to increase the value of our property. We would like a formal motion by the Commission stating that the city will accept this road as .a permanent road and maintain it once it is completed. Hopefully within four weeks. We also ask you as a Commission to pave Wade Street to the end so as to help in our common concern/with the one vital industrial park now in your city. If possible please let us know when you would be willing and able to pave this. e Yours truly, --::> /1 ~/ /. -D ~~ lJ,-~'''''- Burley G. Adkins e e March 12, 1984 Winter Springs Commerce Center Sanford-Oviedo Rd. Winter Springs, Fl. Attn: Mr. Buck Adkins Proposal 1. Excavate roadway area to an approx. 9~" depth 1740' x 23' wide e , 2. Add 8" spi1 cement base with 7~ % cement mix- . ture. Prime base when mixing is completed. 1740' x 23' width, 4446 sly area 3. Add H" type S-l asphalt to soil cement base, area 1740' x 22' Total e " / ,C"\- Optional: Add a 6" x 12" header curb on both sides of the ne\'i roadway. 3480 LF @ 3.25. Quotation 1S based on the above figures. Any extra excavating, pipework; ditch grading, etc. shall be an additional cost to this contract. e ". -... e e .t'_~ ..1."- :J ir I L , . .' ,? ~ Signed .nd SQled. ift the _t;~------ a:IJ1-~74/~L...... .---.- - - -:: '~~j ~~1::$ec) lc, ~ ~ "- , 8.&o4C 2 .G30 '() J::. ~.,. 6.8AC " <::?~ Il\ .3 ~ 13 ~ 6. 'lAC 4- \9 IZ ~IQ 6.63 M, . IJ ~~ 6. S ", ~ 5 6.85 AC :-: 7!1S ~ ~ 8.16AC. \9 ~. \4 ~ ~ ~ S.7+-AI 79S " 10 A.C IE 4;1804(.. 1\ .., "> P} .. ..... ;. '..; ~ :. ;" t . . . . ,,,,,~,,., ;,> $''''' .,' .... t. ~~: :.. "'i: 1'" .~ . -J~ . (,) \ '" - '- tr') to . .~ ~. - 0) :; r>:;~': ., ~ 'J\ . .;.~ " ,..:z.., ... .-','--:: .,">. .!, n ,.D ~... ,. --~~~~~:~'&~ ~ :;.~ ^ ..I....... .~, ~~ ':~.'. ,:,'d:Q WP;k performance product. ad_sses JOB TASKS: Support 01" Cca.ssion and Boards. CITY CODES: Land Development. Zoning: · Walter Thomas Elwell. CITY PLANNER. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA. e STAFF REPORT. PLANNING DEPT. ~ ORDER/DATE: 84,3,15,1 / 21 }~R..~y 'J\ :2-'1\ r .. , 'y /j) ......). / - If(f Assessment/ Validation Development/Unit: REGENCY SEVILLE Applicant/Agent: E'fTO CORP./CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES Review/Action Requested: CITY COMMISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL FINAL ENGINEERING Report Text. Page I, RESULTS OF STAFF REVIEW MEETING To: CITY MANAGER/Rozansky, and all parties who may become identified relevant to the above identified request for review/action, Re: STAFF REVIEW-for action toward approval of the above identified develop- ment. ~ '2. 6 /tf#- g,f From: CITY PLANNER/Elwell (sign/date)........................................ AT ITS MEETING, THURSDAY, 9 A.~., 22 MAR.84 , CITY HALL, ATTENDED AS FOLLOh'S: 1. APPLICANT/AGENT BILL HOLMES, JACKIE SMALLEY-PRESENT ..................................................................... 1. e ,AND; 2. CITY MANAGER/ABSENT ..................................................................... 2. ,AND; 3. BUILDING OFFICIAL/SMITH-PRESENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3. ,AND; 4. ENGR./PUBLIC WORKS DIR./HASSLER-PRESENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' 4. ,AND; 5. FIRE CHIEF/HOLZ}~-PRESENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5. ,AND; 6. PLANNER/ELWELL-PRESENT ..................................................................... 6. ,AND; 7. POLICE CHIEF/GOVORUHK-PRESENT ... ......... ... .......... ...... ............... ............ ........... 7. ,AND; 8. RECORDING SECRETARY/NOT AVAILABLE, NOTES BY ELWELL ..................................................................... 8. ,AND; 9. OTHER (SPECIFY);KATHLEEN DEGRENIA, HIGHLANDS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION- PEESE~'l: . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9. ,AND FURTHER; e e e , STAFF REPORT, PLANNING DEPT. WORK ORDER/DATE: 84,3,15,1 / 21 MAR. 84 ~ Development/Unit: REGENCY SEVILLE ~Applicant/Agent: ETTO CORP./CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES Review/Action Requested: CITY COHHISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL FINAL ENGINEERING Report Text, Page 2, RESULTS OF STAFF REVIEW MEETING Assessment/ Validation PURSUANT TO THE APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE CITY CODE - THE CITY STAFF FOUND THE FOLLOWING: 1. THE PLANS FOR THE DEVELOP~ENT (IDENTIFIED) ARE APPROVABLE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS TO BE MET: A. SPECIFIED BY CITY MGR. -ABSENT .............................................................. A. e ,AND; B. SPECIFIED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL -NO MEMO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. B. ,AND; C. SPECIFIED BY ENGR./PUBLIC WORKS DIR.- NO MEMO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. C. ,AND; D. SPECIFIED BY FIRE CHIEF -MEMO ATTACHED . . ........... .. . .. .......... .. . .. ... .... ......... ... .. ........ D. ,AND; E. SPECIFIED BY PLANNER -SUBHITTED HEREWITH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. E. ,AND; F. SPECIFIED BY POLICE CHIEF -NO MEMO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. F. ,AND; G. CONDITIONS BY THE BD. ARISING FROM DISCUSSION (RECORDED) AMONG THE PARTIES PRESENT, AND SPECIFIED HEREIN AND AS FOLLOWS: (1). THE APPLICANT SHALL REVISE THE PLAN (PARKING SPACE DETAIL, ATTACHED) TO PROVIDE SIX (6) FT. WIDE SIDE- WALKS WHERE THEY MUST SERVE TO PROVIDE TWO (2) FT. OVERHANG AREA FOR 200 SQ.FT. PARKING SPACES, AND WHERE FOUR (4) FT. OF USABLE SIDEWALK IS REQUIRED WHEN PARKING SPACES MAY BE OCCUPIED, OR ALTERNATIVELY; THE APPLICANT SHALL SECURE BD. OF ADJUSTMENT APPROVAL FOR 180 SQ. FT. PARKING SPACES IN CONJUNCTION WITH FOUR (4) FT. WIDE SIDEWALKS. (2). THE APPLICANT SHALL PROVIDE 3~ FT. WIDE COLLECTOR SIDEWALK AT BLDG. 15, AND; e (3). THE POSTMASTER t1UST CONCUR (FAVORABLE REVIEW AND RE- SPONSE IN WRITING TO THE CITY PLANNER) WITH THE APPLICANT'S STREET NAME/ADDRESSING PLAN (DIRECTORY! CENTRAL DELIVERY SCHEME TO BE SUBMITTED BY APPLICANT), " e e STAFF REPORT, PLANNING DEPT. WORK ORDER/DATE: 84,3,15,1 21 MAR. 84 e Development/Unit: REGENCY SEVILLE JApplicant/Agent: ETTO CORP./CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES Review/Action Requested: CITY COMMISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL FINAL ENGINEERING Report Text, Page 3, RESULTS OF STAFF REVIEW MEETING Assessment/ Validation (4) THE APPLICANT SHALL PROVIDE SIDEWALKS DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED TO CITY SPECIFICATIONS WITHIN THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY OF THE COLLECTOR STREET (SHEOAH BLVD.), AND; (5) THE APPLICANT MUST COMPLY WITH THE CITY FIRE CHIEF'S MEMO DATED 22 MAR. 84 (REFER: ITEM 6. CONDITIONS/ EXCEPTIONS), AND; (6) THE APPLICANT MUST SUBMIT FOR REVIEW/APPROVAL BY THE CITY ENGR. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE PRIVATE ACCESS DRIVE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY (PROPOSED BY THE APPLICANT AS A CONDITION OF THEIR TRANSACTION WITH THE ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER), It WTE/mn Attachments: Attached tit cc: Applicant/Agent, City Commission, All Departments, File (identified) e e e "TV OF WINTER SPRINGS RECEIVED Regular Meeting, City Commission, Jan. 10, 1984 Page 2 83-84-7 JAN19 1984 . Attorney'lruppenbacher read Ordinance No. 282 by title only on second reading. Mayor Torcaso recessed the Commission meeting and convened the public hearing for purposetlf( _"ag comment on proposed Ord. No. 282. No one spoke for or against the ordrnance. Mayor Torcaso closed the public hearing and reconvened the Commission Meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Adkins to adopt Ord. No. 282. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; motion carried. Public Hearing for Ord. No. 284, rezoning Lots 26 and 27, Blk. D, D. R. Mitchell Survey, etc. Second Reading. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ordinance No. 284 by title only on second reading. Mayor Torcaso recessed the Commission meeting and convened the public hearing for purposes of hearing comment on proposed Ord. No. 284. No one spoke for or against the ordinance. Mayor Torcaso closed the public hearing and reconvened the Commission Meeting. MOtion was made by Commissioner Hartman to approve Ord. No. 284. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried. e Cypress Village Phase II, preliminary plan: The plan was recommended for approval by the Planning & Zoning Board subject to conditions on the report. Joan Cerretti of Harling Lockl~n & Associates, requested certain waivers from the Commission. lDtion was made by Commissioner Jacobs that we approve the Cypress Village Phase II preliminary plan and waive that portion of Sec. 14-95 and Sec. 14-119 Subsection(b) reference to traffic studies and sidewalks and subject to Staff Review. Seconded by Commissioner Adkins. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried. Regency Seville, preliminary plan: The preliminary plan was recommended for approval by the Planning & Zoning Board subject to conditions on the report.Tarmo Purre, Agent and Bill Holmes, Conklin Porter & HOlmes, were present. There was discussion of the parking spaces, and Bill Holmes said the size would be shown on the final plan in detail. Motion was made by Commissioner Adkins to approve the Regency Seville Preliminary Plan subject to Staff Review. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. In discussion, Commissioner Jacobs asked the Manager to request the P&Z Board to give a recommendation on lowering the size of the parking space from 200 to 180 sq. feet. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; motion carried. e . \ ~ r . e Winter Springs Fire Department 102 North M.oss Rood Winter Springs. FL 32707 Sto. #1 327-1000 #2 365.5802 FROM: F I trr: c tof 1!iF STAFF RPVIE ~:'J.i ,. .:~. ,.' '\it. fa I Z~.:1 ' CITY OF WFNTEI SPIII6S Rf:SEIVED TO: e } TV P t. AI/NEft- REFERENCE: MAR 2 2 J!I4 PHASE: f IIIIU- -- CITY PLANNER The following items, as indicated, have been reviewed and found to be in conformance with, and/or acceptable to, Fire Department requirements or standards with conditions or exceptions listed below: Site/Staff Review Checklist PROJECT: REG 'EAley Sf: v Il...L t: 1. FIRE HYDRANTS c (e a. Full compli'.nce with Chapter Six of ):he City Code' ,l , b.Spacing .ndplacement c. Access and availability (obstructions,etc.) piA ~ ).u '4:' -~ , 2 . WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM b. Looped system tri ~ A. Main size 3 . 'l'BOROGBFARES c. Cul-de-sacs - adequate turnaround area ~ equipment p.,e. rJ- ~ ~.~ a. Paved right of way b. Ingress and egress routes . " r . . J ~ . e ../e e e Site/Staff Review Checklist Page Two 4 . CONSTROCTION a. Density b. Type (materials) c. Height ;vIA 1/./11 tV III 5. PROTECTION liill t1I /11 . a. Detection system b. Internal protection system 6. CONDITIONS/EXCEPTIONS 4. Where hydrants are located between or adjacent to marked parking spaces, care should be taken to allow sufficient spacing to provide a full six (6) feet clearance on either side of the hydrant to the probable location of a parked vehicle. Protective barriers such as vertical steele "I" beams or other suitable material should be installed to preventvehicles from driving or backing into fire hydrants. e 'DV~~~ f I 1 .H;iC 711l'~, _ ~D~~--'- -- Zoo' I L " t. .. ~ - ~l~ lZ'. "f "/2' -t' "2,0 %oefl ~\qy ~ G ,PACE . -- . 4 . ,. .,. --- . .HIt"-~ ev.c& .. .'~IFT. I 1/../fJf . - .... ~ .... Q 1- MIN. ASPHAL TIC CONCRETE 8- BASE COURSE ,- ST AEMllZEO SUB-BASE ST AffRE,VIEW' . . l -A 'I 2,t:J I . - . . ,~ . & & . . ~ ~ .. , -~--- ~. " f!r, I' J . J~ . 'J ~()lJa)eJ!r4. e,I J>J!!J..IAl-J:.. e "e . SLOPE.1"O~ TYPICAL PAV...NT a.eno.. I f PAA'K./^,~.:::;p~ D/!!..,-;4/i,... Co^,~UA/J j:ierg Ifk.~~ RE:4,~Nay ~EVII.L~ r ~ ". ),~.,., d~C~~ . . e e e e e _,9-s:.,.~ ~ ~...-~ ...\NTE~ 'S: '. ".~u '< ~,', .. 0 III ~ Y)) , ~ :J; ,. . "... ~ / ... :/ I J .. . ~ ,..;; ..a k '<I. YJ.,It"" _-':' 't.l.'ol-r~.":> , CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1860 March 26, 1984 U. S. Postal Service Attn: J. R. Long Casselberry, Fl. 32707 Re: Street names, (None proposed) Development/Unit: REGENCY SEVILLE Applicant/Agent: ETTO CORP./CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLUES Review/Action Requested: CITY COMMISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL Dear Sir: Please review the proposed Final Engineering (identified, attached for your records, pursuant to your request-letter of R. D. Kelly, Postmaster, dated: 15 Feb. 84) to assess the appropriateness of the street names proposed (None) by the applicant (identified).. At your earliest convenience please respond to this office with your written approval/disapproval of the names proposed (None), and any recommen- dations you may have for the assignment of street/property numbers by this office. (Building Directory, Central Delivery proposed by applicant for rental project on one parcel). Your response will be assessed as criteria for approval of the final engin- eering (no record plat will be required). Final approval is pending the receipt of your recommendation. Please address your requests for any additional copies of the plat, which you may need for your purposes to the applicants (identified). Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS (J;t1IiJt ~U I Walter Elwell/City Planner WTE/mn cc: Applicant/Agent File (identified) plat .~f ntlA'1f~'/A".,,1v17~9I"'a~ IKt al',ltalff, Attachment: Proposed rQQ9:rli - . 'W ~ e · 2 \f\bY e Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Wednesday, February 22, 1984 REGULAR MEETING Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Cindy Kaehler. ROLL CALL John Hatfield, Chairm~" present Cindy Kaehler, Vice-Chairman, present Richard DeFazio, present Taru Joshi, present Robert Smedley, present CITY OFFICIALS Walter Elwell, City Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 8, 1984. Smedley moved to approve minutes as submitted. Joshi second. Vote: All aye. Minutes approved as submitted. ADNAC, PRELIMINARY PLAN (PUD), FISHER ROAD. Elwell presentation. Discussion. Smedley moved the application for approval of Preliminary Plan for Bluewater Trading Co. be denied, and the applicant be informed that the first step should be in accordance to ~ction 44.85.5, paragraph two, found on page 1005. DeFazio second. Discussion ~Fazio withdrew second. Motion dies for lack of a second. ~'It~~e~~~~~~AAt"~.,~~~l;l~,,,~AM~;.o..t.~Ih1t~u.J..ii~.~~_'1~'::-' engineer for Bluewater Trading Co., came forward to make his presentation for the applicant. Applicant requested a recommendation from the Board tonignt (2-22-84). Tom Binford, 409 Sheoah Blvd. Winter Springs, FL, speaking as agent for the property owner and for the applicant requested that a decision be made tonight (2-22-84) with or without prejudice. To either approve or deny the application as submitted. Discussion. Hatfield moved to hear appli cant's presentation this' evening (2-22-84). Motion dies for lack of a second. Kaehler moved to table the applicant's request until the proper steps have been taken so that the Board is covered legally in this matter. Smedley second. Tom Binford, 409 Sheoah Blvd., Winter Springs, FL, came forward. Request he respectfully go on the record that representing his client and the applicant that "'"'....i4't'f.'~eny "da:mage1t~",~.~,"ve"~l:~ 'l~"'to. ~.~~"'.for."'8ft,....-,.eeours.~--~ .l>ll""'iII."',"""",W"~~~ Vote: All aye. Motion carries. Appli cant's request is tabled pending receipt of the full Staff report and Zoning change request. /TUSCAWILLA 14, PRELIMINARY PLAN (PUD) , WINTER SPRINGS BLVD., OVIEDO CITY LIMITS. Elwell presentation. Applicant's presentation, Charlie True t Engineer for the project came forward and made presentation. Discussion. DeFazio moved that the Board recommend approval subject to the finDings of. further Staff review. Smedley second. Discussion. .te: DeFazio, aye; Hatfield, nay; Joshi, aye; Smedley, aye; Kaehler, nay. e e - . e e CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 March 16, 1984 , MEMORANDUM TO: PLANNING/ZONING BOARD FROM: CITY PLANNER/ELWELL RE: Results of Staff Review Meetings on Tuscawilla/Unit 14, pursuant to Planning/Zoning Bd. Approval subject to the findings of further Staff Review (Refer: Bd. minutes of 22 Feb. 84, attached) Pursuant to the condition of the Board's approval (identified), the findings of the Staff Review are attached for your information. ;.::. ''''''''~-~~'''''~~'''l(._.~,;.~-..-,......,.,:-,...;..,)..;.,~..:..;;~. ,~_:-,.:+.t;~~_)'i!.~J'_:""'~'l.l'.""'~~""::;!"r,":i-','" ""~l'''''''';\' :*,,';;. "\.t4~""'-"'~'jl'."ijl;-,oiI"'..'.. ........ ,,.~- ~.,'t.j.;i.-"'.'~:...t-~.~- ~.!~. .........!I'~.........ft~.,"'I"I'.~.'IIf";~Ao;~~)~_~;.~ ~'."'l'~~~'.""'''-'-''-'_.'_1.'''- .',...:c"...4>.,. ...;" ....,_ .....~H,....'Y',~~'l;."'},.....""~~~"".:+,~_'\.'-\i.~~.~,......;l!lO..,; I' ;{d,_-......~..~....,~;.~.....r .:. WTE/mn .. . 'fo. ..~.....,-:>..-.:\..,..;."~..:-.:..4l",,~....~.~~-..~,,~~ Attachments: attached File (identified) " e) e , . . " V~rk pertormance product. .!e..ea JOB TASKS: SuPPorl 'ot t&.afi~ ';;"d Boards. CITY CODES: Land Development, Zoning: Walter Thomas Elwell, CITY PLANNER, CITY OF WIBTEFt" S~INGS, FLORIDA. STAFF REPORT, PLANNING DEPT. ~ORDER/~:84;2,1,2 / 24 FEB. 84 Development/Unit: TUSCAWILLA/UNIT 14 . Applicant/Agent: WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORP. 0 . ALPERT . Review/Action Requested: CITY COMMISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL SUBDIVISION, PRELIMINARY PLAN (PUD) Report Text, Page 1. Assessment/ Validation To: From: Re: THE PLANNING/ZONING BD. RECOMMENDS APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT (IDENTIFIED) SUBJECT TO THE FINDINGS OF FURTHER STAFF REVIEW (REFER: MINUTES OF PLANNING/ ZONING BD. MEETING 22 FEB. 84, IN PROGRESS), AND; PURSUANT TO THE ABOVE, THE STAFF HAS COMPLETED ITS REVIEW IN CONSULTATION WITH THE APPLICANT (MEETING OF 24 FEB. 84) AND FINDS THE FOLLOWING REMAINING CON- DITIONS FOR APPROVAL OF THE IDENTIFIED DEVELOPMENT: ? d ISSION ROAD FOR THE }lIlf'~'~", 01. THE APPLICANT SHALL DEDICATE THE ACCESS RIGHTS TO -.;:;.;~~ ti_.....t,_tJBM~~.'PftOIMAM~.1+.o!ftI'IUJ.~8*"....'flH5,-€Ifi;' ~';,;._~... 02. PHASED DEVELOPMENT, AS IT MAY BE PROPOSED BY THE APPLICANT SHALL BE REVIEWED FOR APPROVAL BY THE CITY PRIOR TO PLATTING, AND; 03. THE UNDESIGNATED TRACT FRONTING VISTAWILLA DRIVE SHALL BE DESIGNATED "CONSERVATION, GREEN BELT," WITH OWNERSHIP RETAINED BY THE APPLICANT, AND' 04. THE APPLICANT SHALL END WINTER SPRINGS DRIVE, FOR SOME DISTANCE .TO BE DETERHINED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SHORT OF THE OVIEDO CITY LIMIT, AND; 05. THE APPLICANT SHALL EXTEND VISTAWILLA DRIVE NORTHWARD TO S.R. 419, IN ~"""""",,'-'''''I 'I .~1 ~ACC6Im'AN'C~"trtt:t"r'T~~''''~A'!TSrAt1'O'1tV.,TO 'rHt"cm O......"mr!l("'SPtn:'N~ AND AS A CONDITION OF APPROVAL OF THE DEVELOPMENT (IDENTIFIED), AND: e) ,~.~.;'^~~'.~'~..~' 06. THE APPLICANT SHALL PROVIDE A BUFFER AREA BETWEEN THE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL AREA (LOTS 1,336) OF A DESIGN AND OTHERWISE TO THE SATIS- FACTION OF THE CITY, AND 07. THE DEVELOPMENT SHALL OTHERWISE MEET THE REQUIREMENT~ OF THE CITY CODES. 08. THE APPLICANT SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY ENGINEER (SPECIFIED, MEMO OF 15 FEB. 84, ATTACHED). WTE/mn Attachments: attached; cc: File (identified~ C~ty Commission, .. Work performance product, add!..e. JOB TASKS: Support of ecJt"101l aIld Boards, CIT'! CODES: Land Development, Zoning: Val ter Thomas Elwell, CITY PLANNER, CIT'! OF Wlft'J.'j!;l{ SPRINGS, FLORIDA. . STAFF REPORT, PLANNING ~. ~ ORDER/~: 84,2,1,2 / 16 MAR. 84 Development/Unit: Tuscawi11a/UNIT 14 . Applicant/Agent:WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORP.!J. ALPERT Review/Action Requested: CITY COMMISSION REVIEW!APPROVAL SUBDIVISION, PRELIMINARY PLAN (PUD) Assessment/ Report Text, Page 1, RESULTS OF STAFF REVIEW MEETING (CONTINUED FROM 24 FEB.84 Validation To: CITY MANAGER/Rozansky, and all parties who may become identified relevant to the above identified request for review/action, From: CITY PLANNER/Elwell (s ign/ date) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Re: STAFF REVIEW-for action toward approval of the above identified develop- ment. AT ITS MEETING, THURSDAY, 9 &~., 15 MAR. 84, CITY HALL, ATTENDED AS FOLLOWS: 1. APPLICANT/AGENT IDENTIFIED/J. ALPERT-PRESENT ..................................................................... 1. . ,AND ; 2. CITY MANAGER/ ABSENT ..................................................................... 2. "'" il'.'~1:,"~r"",._'.__ .;,.",,\Uf';~... 11II~'hijl"""",,,,,~~,,,,,;'~'Ii"1~..~ .At1':'o"'::'" "" .,.,...;--+.".......' f. ......,"1o.,,__.~<'i<\oW>_~.v'~~.....~.....'if...,. 3. BUILDING OFFICIAL/ SMITH-PRESENT . ._1 *. At" ..................................................................... 3. ,AND; 4. ENGR./PUBLIC WORKS DIR./HASSLER-PRESENT ..................................................................... 4. ,AND; 5. FIRE CHIEF/HOLZMAN-PRESENT ..................................................................... 5. ,AND; 6. PLANNER/ ELWELL-PRESENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6. I ,AND; :, .""'."".>'.''''''''!"\.,.,,..},,~,Petil~,;;(3ItKPf~OR:l:JHK~.'''..'''''.' ...."!"iC'.~:...!. )c'--"'-':~~~~';".~';~~~~1!_-~.".' ''''"~'-. ":."~'r<~~':"-_- 7. .. ."~" .... ..................... .............. ................. ...... ....... ,AND; 8. RECORDING SECRETARY! ABSENT-(TAPE RECORDED) ..................................................................... 8. ,AND ; 9. OTHER (SPECIFY); WILLIAM E. TIPTON,P.E. ,AGENT FOR TUSCAWILLA ....... of............................................................. 9. ,AND FURTHER; . e e STAFF REPORT, PLANNING ~. WORK ORDER/DATE: 84,21,2 / 16 MAR. 84 Avelopment/Unit: TUSCAWILLA/UNIT 14 ( ~plicant/ Agent: WINTER SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT CORP. / J. ALPERT Review/Action Requested: CITY COMMISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL Assessment/ Report Text, Page 2 RESULTS OF STAFF REVIEW MEETING (CONTINUED FROM 24 FEB84 Validation THE APPLICANT/AGENT (IDENTIFIED), AND THE APPLICANT'S TRAFFIC/TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER (IDENTIFIED) ADDRESSED PRIOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RECOMMENDED BY THE STAFF (REFER CONDITIONS: 04,05 STAFF REVIEW MEETING 24 FEB. 84), and PRESENTED PRELIMINARY RESULTS (MAPS, TABULATIONS-NO NARRATIVE) OF A CON- TINUING TRAFFIC ZONE ANALYSIS OF THE TUSCAWILLA PUD. THE APPLICANT/AGENT'S POINTS MADE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 01. THEY INTEND TO COMPLETE THEIR ANALYSIS AS A BASIS OF SUPPORT FOR: ....... A. THEIR TIMING FOR EXTENSION OF VISTA WILLA DRIVE TO S.R. 419 (ESTIMATED THREE (3) YEARS TO ACHIEVE GRADE CROSSING), AND; B. THEIR INTENTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. EASTWARD FROM NORTHERN WAY TO S.R. 426 (OVIEDO), AND FURTHER. 02. THEY EXPECT, FROM THE PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF THEIR TRAFFIC ANALYSIS THAT THEY WILL COMMIT TO THE FOLLOWING IMPROVEMENT OF THE WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. (LINK "...DETERMINED TO BE OVER CAPACITY WITH BUILDOUT"): e A. IMPROVE TO FOUR (4) TWELVE (12) FT. LANES, AND; :4- . ff~ iI"liJW 4_ .. r .,..:, l(~.'''''..H .". II """"__....~......';....""""'__._.Il.* ,._ ".,."........__"""...i........ _.(OIIr,..,)""",...;:,~., >. .', .. ..,......:>".;.<(........_.....,.,,"""~;.::::: B. IMPROVE TO MEET PROTECTED NEEDS. THE CONSENSUS OF THE STAFF WAS TO ACCEPT THE APPLICANT/AGENT'S DATA AND REMARKS AS INFORMATIVE, AND THAT THE CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL SPECIFIED BY STAFF (IDENTIFIED, REFER: STAFF REPORT, 24 FEB. 84) REMAIN UNCHANGED. ILL ~ "'At*t~h;:;ts:-" :P'~n':i;:~.ry-f~:rl~..:~ny-:!~...i.~t"~J_1!I# _Ill) "" ....~I_U__~.,__,.I'''.4..,... . .~~--~~.~;:.: WTE/mn cc: Applicant/Agent (identified), Planning/Zoning Bd., All Departments, File (Identified) (- e I, .~.,. .~ i. SIngle Family 'artments .-. ~ ~ <. i. ~ .f: ...."....,1,.......... ~ --1- ., Q ~ i - - - 600_:' '- - - Lf lb = -- /;;\ ~, ~ ~ - - ~ ~ ..J;;U. 1/2- ~ % % owl '10 ~ ~?:- o o ~ "'"", ~ ~1- 'I, ~ ~ .:, .:, .:, ~ ~. ~ ~ o .. 4f U en ~ ~ Reta i I .,.//I Office ... I . I Condominiums Patio Homes _J _ ~ S R 419 ~ @ ~ t """"""'."',1 o ~ '.~ ,'h..- o ~ FtlT e ~.!.l ~ .; I SPRINGS '- ... ... ... ... ... . . ... Jr ....J .., ~ ;...J, '_ " - ~ 0 - ...., """""", " - . - _1 5 1984NAL YSIS ZONES TUt~~~EVELOPMENT PLAN 3/;ifgy mil TiPTQH ASSOCIATE's INCORPORATED - O~L.HOO II ~~ ~~ I V "\ oT~UJh ~ I!'> SQ I ='r i : ~ ~-~'J- I' .,:,. . e e e Ab' o :I~ o I.J "" ~ o r--L L.J-- .. U \1 "- .... ....... (3) - ~ . .... ....... a: I (J) }.. .... - ~ p ~ e .-. x \U ~ 0- , , '=>- ,.J - , I ~~ ~ 31 ".-...,...} J~"" .,..,~"",...,......". .\.-...N"''!'",_~,,,~,,,,, ~ 9CL o t~ , , e - - -~ ~ -. "'Q ~ '" G~8 o I: z :: 2 c ! ~ ~ l - ~ EI ~ ~ ~ I ~: ~ I I . ':-',~:\o, I , e \J t ! \- ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ V) I"- ..... z \~ . <!) - .Ki"~'-""""""" V) < ..... :J o o .J :J ~ w ~ ~ ~ :J o e ~;I~ o e f--u-- "^ ~ l__J-- \) ~-.. ' !... a i ~ III ' i~ ~ g i :i ~ 5 I ~ 15 f - ; EJ :t ~ ~ I I L_--i 0 ~ ~ I ~ > ll! ~ ,~ "'- ..: .... ,l- l:) l1' ? /: l ...... , ~ 5 VI 1.., t CL , E; " I \J L-- (7) ~ Q: en t.n .1lh~_~'~'1W'JJ.),)IAl ..~~ -' , '. .~ ~ , I r1 I I ~ .! ~<v~ '0 o~"\ t"~ , ) ""...' "~"~~~1.~-'~'~~"''''T~~-~,,~~;-.t:~h'' I e ~ -- -- \ ~ I I L - I I ,~~~.-v~...;~.",~;.:o:' . . . '; ,0 i i f 1 1f I ~"';"""'''''' e fA) I 'TN 7Oi"t I st'I~ C~'5 T1,.J~ =- bJ!. 31 . /l&,)r-CT3fl) -; ~,R. (orlil '- = 419 -r !SlJ1tt';)()L.[ ~-- --, L_, , CS 0: ,f?, I I ,~j . I L, I I l ':', '" '"\ , , I , -_J ~:~ -- -- , t . 1 ".I. $j#/fl CITY PLANNER I~~III .' o ~oo 1000 L...r-"' I FEET _ J I I . :) ;J I I e lIOClATE S TII"TON AS INCOItP'OfllA T (0 ,. e i I -i I f 1- f r I " $, ~ . J'~ Ip -- -- , 'I'. ,,': LJ " /. , · ~ L 1I- ' ... W, n.J rr,c. \II IA T 10 ItDJ'Lr 7L "'_~"')__ 7ef ,,;,(f-L. L~DS c ~".n ,"or' 419 ",.,'-t ~ e A S.R. IL T 0.3 = ~~,.,~e \.)~ il- ~ : 7t$4 .:or ~ I 0, ~"o 0:/0 --, - 1...., I I . ''lj'2.. ~ -t 0;) .- ., ,0 ().~ . I L, I I I MAR 1 5 1984 . ~/l4/fl- C'TV PlANNER I~I~:, ~uo 100' o ---" :i ~ a FEET .. -- I 3 ~.;,o:". I ~. i'='''' I 8OC1ATt: TI~N - TKD ~ ~ e e ~ ~;I~ o -- f--L-- L__J-- ':S w I U .. o. "I: :2 ~I~ .. ~ p ~ 110 ~ ~ (V\ en .. ~ J ClC ~ (/) I.r\ -, Q:: € ~ / ~.~~~,J~..,..J,....J1~~. ..,.\~,**~ _Ul'4'ft,*"t '. '."~~_-' <;,,,,,,,,';'.)J"Jr~~ 111 MJ.*~~~: ~ , I ,J . I :;':~. ,~"'/'!:"*A........,,~;,~., ~'';'';1Il~:'f#-ll <~~',','" . . '.,~"'- '-:" Oil ..J ".'.'''''''''t+4t. ,t:o-.:t7,"",)..", ,,,,..~'.t'~,~;,~, e -- -- ()' t v oi uJ ? t- O <5 r: VI )i. :- ~ ~ ::;r>-p. . , , , '"-"."1 cr. ;:: j ~ () -~ t:i o o? 1 I I e tit an Of W'''!T~R SPRINGS Rr:-'-i;:IVED e ~.S3.a _- ",\HTE~ '. (f,CJ) . . .- . /' ~'.., -'" ':'..? '..z:~"" FES 1 5 1984 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA, .00 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 CITY PlANNER ~/, S1 e1- MEMO TO: Walter Elwell, City Planner FRO~ Hassler, P.E., City Engineer/Public Works Director SUBJECT: Review of 7USC/JWILLA UNIT 11- - ?KELI/t1/N/fRy PLr/N I have reviewed the subject project and find it is not in compliance with the ~ollo~ing checked requirement(s) of Article II, Division 2, Section 14-30., Subsection (0.)(2) of the City Code. ~ Preliminary plan supporting data. The preliminary plan shall be drawn on standard twenty-four-inch by thirty-six-inch paper for convenient filing at a reasonable scale (normally one inch equals one hundred (100) feet) and shall include the following: e [] 1. Name of development; date of preliminary plan or revision; c..._~:JIIilIt!o\ill_~tJ!'I'I4"""", * ,......;... ..,Ji~~f: ,~...P~J;t~P~..,~~J~te,.aAT~~ge..,.)...n<:li.Qe,......,.,...,..~.r..;,..,....~". the tract being subdivided; total number of lots; name, address and telephone nQ~ber of developer, surveyor and engineer. 2. Location map showing relationship between area proposed ~or development and surrounding area. Legal description of tract to be subdivided. Boundaries of tract shown by a heavy line. Existi:1~ streets. The name, location and right-of-wa:,' width c: all existin[ inproved streets, rishts-of-way and p~atted streets wi thin two hundred (200) feet 0: the proposed subdi Yision; surface eleys:tio:1, incl'Jjin~ any legally established center line elevations; walks, ff,~,.'''il'''''rr~~~..,,",t''~'445''. ~.tj}e<rS"~~~~ltet;e!~.".~~".., "., ',."^ '"'::''1'"'' ::"'-.:""tt~!''!''+i-t'''' "'~'!'i;..,....:tf!#; o 6. Froposed streets. The name of temporary designation (Street A, B, C, etc.), right-of-way, and type and width of pavement. Include any streets shown on the adopted comprehensive plan. [] 7. Proposed easements or rights-of-way other than for streets (e.g., for drainage, pedestrian ways, bridle paths, or bicycle paths), location, width and purpose. [] 8. Lots. Lot lines and scaled dimension, lot numbers, and/or block numbers, and building setback lines for irregularly shaped lots. The nuilding setback distance is the distance required to meet the minimum lot width of the zoning district. [] 9. Sites, if any, for multifamily dwellings, shopping centers, churches, industry, parks, playgrounds, and other public and nonpublic uses exclusive of single-family dwellings. o [] o o 3. L. 5. e e e e MEMO TO: Walter Elwell, City Planner Page 2 o 10. Names of abutting subdivisions, recordation date and number. o 11. Existing utilities on and abutting the tract; location, size and invert elevation of sanitary, storm, and combined sewers; location and size of water mains; location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone poles, and streetlights. If water mains and sewers are not on or abutting the tract, indicate the direction and distance to, and size of nearest ones, showing invert elevation of sewers. [] 12. Proposed utilities. A statement on the proposed method of water supply and sewage disposa1. [] 13. Other existing improvements, including buildings, on the tract. [] 14. Natural features, including lakes, marshes or swamps, watercourses, and other pertinent features; wooded areas. A general description of soils and existing vegetation on the tract shall also be provided (Seminole Coun~y Soils Survey). [] 15. Existing contours at one-foot intervals based on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Datum for the tract to be subdivided and, where prac- ticable, extending twenty-five (25) feet beyond the tract boundarj. [] 16. Proposed surface drainage with direction of flow and method of ~ disposition to the natural drainage area indicated or other ~ acceptable stormwater systems. ~ 17. Subsurface conditions on the tract., to a minimum depth re~ested ...., ....'*.-.,. .",OH-...-.- '--!"Yr/8(t'TtY' tt:..~,~~y i-~;i'~~ ;"""i~am~"~r;d'~ti'ft"s~.o1" 't~~rs~ad':.\6...{I""""'w" .- . W L ascertain subsurface soil, rock and groundwater conditions; depth rlN,-I#- to groundwater; locaticn a:1d results of soil percola":-ion tests; location and extent of muck pockets. Tests shall indicate O weight-bearing capability of the soil after stripping and compacting. 18. Zoning on and abutting the tract. [] 19. Proposed public improvements; highways or other major imrreveme:1ts :r:l-a:1ned by rutlic authori ti es for :~ut '-Are consi deration on or ne5.!' the tract. o 20. DrRft 0: restrictive covenants, if any. == the develop~ent is a FUJ or rrhrate development of any nature, restrictive cover.:ar.ts will be required, if available at the time of submission. ,...." ,......._,..... ,...~,.~.,*"",...lJ_...~~.....~~~~.e.~w~;r~..~~".t\~~..r~s,t..eQ"..~~~. .tiI<~*l~". !>.Il""f~' cross sections of the proposed gradine:, roadwa:y and si dewalk, preliminary plans of proposed potable water and fire-fightin; systems, sanitary sewage system, storm water management syste~ls. All elevations shall be based on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Datum. (Ord. No. 235 2, 5-26-81) CAH/pkl e cc: Richard Rozansky, City Manager e e e :"c.>;::'::~~;, . ~ , . . . I :: ,.: /' .~ . . .'. "'''::...-;', ,.:::.:' . -: ;.. CITY OF WI:\'TER SPRli\GS, FLO:UO:\ -- .----------.-----.. ----.--...----------- ---.----- 400 t~:J;rrH [DG=t.~JN NJ::NU:: WINTt:R SPf.C',;:;S. FlOR!DA 32703 T!)~e~hor,,, (305) 3?7.1300 October 19, 1983 1.!EMO TO: City l';8..'1ager SUBJECT: Upgrading of \';'inter Springs Boulevard The Staff met on Thursday, October 13, 1983, at 11: 00 -~.j and again on Tuesday, October 18, 1983, at 11:00 AM to consider the need for upgrading 'Winter SprinGs Boulevard, assuming there v.ill be connect.ion with SR 426 OT the proposed 434 Corridor eventually. It is the consensus that such connection to an arterial road will change the function of \.Jinter Sprir.~s Boulevard to a minor arteri[;.l cO:ilparable to Tuscawilla Road. First and foremost it is strongly recoIJ.Lended by the Staff that the speej limit be maintdned. at 30 r.TE. e Second, it is recoU":lller,de.:l th8.t paving not be pemitted to extend to the ~';inter Springs-Oviedo boundary until after both collector roads plc.nned to connect to SR 419 on the north are cor:~pleted and open to relieve sose of the traffi:: inpa::t.' ~-.::.~~*..~"':~A.~............~~....-.,..-~~-...~........."...-,.. '-..~'~-.'" .~,- 'J ,~, ,"-', ',~~''''.J!......t'\"\: -.._"-.~..,~.-" ~,.,'n~\"'~"_^",, ....:.-",...;.:_..~.i..~.-t,..-...t-*.....~..~...-'.,:4)orfL\o.......:t...t:.....~ ~"_'%oo."..,.:._...,..:.",;",~ '''':: "...''; ""'~_'f_ Third~ it is recorm;ended that the current paving and drainage improvemel:f:.s of 'iUnt.er Spl'inr;s Boulevcird be upgraded to lY:eet the Cod~ requLce!:1ents for a di videJ. arterial :co:l.d. This wO:..lld req"..lirc the follo-;ving: (1) Increase paving width 2 feet each direction to be two 20-foC\t sectfo:-:s plus curbs. This width is satisfactory only at 30 r.LPH speed. Greater spe~ds wo~ld require wider paving for two lanes of vehicles mo':ing i:-: one direction side by side. (2) Utilize part of the median to gain the added width rather th2!"", distUTO the right-of-way outside the present paving to a\'oid possible ....l:.5- J r~~4~~~,~n~~.~:~-~.~Z...;::.:~~~;~~~~.~~,;11:?:2.~;:...~~~t~.;:..~~~~~~:,;~.. .,.,..... ~.~: :...~:.: ,:.: .- :~:: _. J _P ..~ . ,.-,: (3) Place a condition on the apPToval of Tuscm:illa Unit 14 that the construction needed to upgrad.e ";inter Springs Boulevard be acco~plisr"ed simult.aneously '"ith either the connection ot the road,\'a.;r throil:;"h to the East (SR l26 or the 43!~ Corridor) or (2) the developr::ent of the last single f8J:'.il;y unit in 'l'uscawilla cast of Tuscawilla Road ~ ....hichever co:::<es first, so that construction takes place prior to build-o"Jt by "linter Springs Development Corp. e (4) ~"::Jnjtor the t~c.ftic counts on \'!intcr Spri.ngs Houlev:n'd to detcr::-:ine '"Then t.o inst~.11 t!"::.ffic lie:hts. Explore the ider. or <,.n c3cro...... acco'.int to filnJ traffic lishts by asscss;:J:'nt to dcvelof~!'S aLOOf; the roa.J.,;,:,/-bot:l si n~:lf'-fQ.,"\ny a:Ll multi-fw:,il:r. .) /'. L-'././ L..Jt /..-': ." ~ ; , ~ . -/<. c<-C4'-....- ..<- -~~ , --;~,~. -- ~'- ~-,..~. -~ e e . .~.~ ,\~;,,~.\", , _' . ~ -R ~. ":1'i.'-'~" 'f, l~ ,....~ "'\. ':.f.: I; 4.~ .J, j ,-' ~. , "\ ""J'~ . . -- , .- #1 .... ,-:' f;", "'t,",~D '" "'" I .. ), '''' t ~.I....,."''4,..;..-r;> ,:,~~'S-" CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 October 17,1983 MEMO TO: Jacqueline Koch~ Director of Administrative Services FRO~~ Hassler, P.E., Director of Public Works/Engineer SUBJECT: Winter Springs Blvd. - Reclassification, Scope of Work Should the future classification of Winter Springs Blvd. be an "arterial road" or'~ivided arterial road", considerable work would be required. The existing road way is divided, however, each lane of paving is 18 feet between curbs. The City code, section 14-126 page 803 requires 24 feet paving between curbs for each lane. e The median could be removed, each existing lane widened towards the center and a center lane for turning installed. ~'" .........~., ~ '*'.lr......:-ot.q/' _I.' Jill: UL...~.lt~.~<.~,...,~~~t'WY! nJjf!) 1"H""~ ~jl1'!lW.l....""~ .1J'''~ ~'t"'.....':~~.,!:.)~,.w..,.ri",..f't"'_!IoJ',..........~'-':!r~~...~~ The additional width for each lane could be obtained by leaving the median as is and widening towards the right-of-way. Any proposed work or redesign will involve possible change to stormwater drainage, water lines, sanitary sewer lines, and etc., and in some areas may include relocation of street lighting. ~~,~'.lffr*,.J IT TfLI~W~ll L ~L'jj~ 1."t.n"'Jt~'" ~ l~"" .!'lL fl" ",Il..r ~J l.....f. ..~r'tt1.~:.,,.,l~..V~.~lI1,vt,r.lt t~,.,..'lI"'Tt-*'''IUJ' .r~JAnlr '__~f~ cc: City Manager e e e :e ? (; :'~~T0E~ ',~" ~, ~-~ . ;,t/ ".-w....'" .~;,. 1 U Ii . Y", . l ' ). . '\ .,... " ;; 't It,t. .., \ .., ..... 0' '. ~ ......... \" 1\ ...,..... :0,..44_ _' \ ", ... C- f $.~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS, FlORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 MEMO TO: City Planner SUBJECT: Winter Springs Blvd. - Classification/Condition DATE: October 3, 1983 It is apparent that at some future date Winter Springs Blvd. will be opened to Oviedo. With this in mind and considering the level and type of traffic we will probably experience. I feel that we should look into not only a possible re-classification of Winter Springs Blvd., but also look at the road's ability to handle the level of traffic we anticipate will be using the road in the future. , ~e You need to sit down with the staff and develope a scope of work/ guidelines so that we may begin immediately to study the problem a..d .' make recommendations to the Commission. .....l~.4.~1......~!'....H..#..,......~.....,,,...~~~...,t~~~4-\..~,,~,,..~.....L,~';"""'~;'~~l' ~.~~. ,~....t.d-~, ,~\;-....,l.:~."".\>.......,,~~ ,-, :"""~''!'~'"~''''''''' ~~M'~~~ iIJ""'~. ,.,...,~. If you require any assistance let :1 " ~ ~ ~, I " 1 '.' ~ :l RR/pkl . ~~--_'~";'''.c-;,l.. .l......,.,..t,-...,,~;.. "-"1 -t:e.~'C~~.:..*,~,..t.;.S'~~~;"'~:f~'" c9~ ~.. .."., '~,i: _,-",;"",..,,.ir. lor'- .. .__~ ..:,~.~.\ ",'/\.,...~a.i.;.~~1:.f _'..;I,!II.....~.:~~to .,; .__l;.,.......~W......1! ......~- .. "1 .1 ~ !e i . I e e .\ \\ ... Regular Heeting. City CO!'1:nission. Sept. 27, 1983 Page 4 82-83-28 e Notion was made by Commissi oner Adkins to remove Kenneth Smi th and George Nahoney from the Code Enforcement Board. Seconded by Commissi.oner Grove. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Com.-nissioner Jacobs, aye; Com.nissioner Grove, aye; Com..'TIissioner Hartman, aye; Co~:nissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; motioh carried. Co.-nmissioner Grove nominated Hike DePasquale. Cormnissioner Hartraan nominated Haryann Cheeseman and Tom Stoddard. Com:nissioner AJkins nominated Art Hoffr.1an. Notion was made by Commissioner Jacobs that Naryann Cheeseman and Hike DePasquale be appointed to the Code Enforcement Board with their terms expiring in 1986; and }Ir. Tom Stoddard and Hr. Art Hoffman be appointed with their terms expiring in 1984. Seconded by CO~lissioner Grove. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Corrilllissioner Linville, aye; Coramissioner Jacobs, aye; motion carried. ~ointment of Trustee for Pension Plan: Hotion \,Tas made by Commissioner Jacobs to' nominate Troy Piland as Trustee for the Pension Plan for City EElployees. Seconded by Co~~issioner Linville. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Co~~issioner Hartman, aye; Conrnissioner Adkins, aye; Co~~issioner Linville, aye; Corr~issioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; motion carried. e .first ReadiI~of Ord. }io. 279, Panama!Fruit\,;Qod: }btion \-.'as made by Cor:missioner Adkins that \,'e completely ignore this issue until they bring a f'inal plan in for approval. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. . Vote on the motion: Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Conmissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried. '-'.......<4\"e.....NII! ...)!o'......"<""...",......,.....'--""'-"'.............,,-.........1llOIII!'!f.....~.,...~;., Ililll jn: ,...... .1l<j.,Pf"~_. !llJll'1 P"--ltlt'JjU_, '. ...,...."" l_lJ ~Jlj ,~._"'U~ City Nanager - Richard Rozansky: Bid-Retail Systew Terminal: ~lanagcr Rozansky recommended we accept the bid for the electronic cash register from Central Business Machines in the anount of $1,495.00. }[otion was Dade by Commissioner Jacobs to accept the bid. Seconded by Commissioner Adkins. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Co~~issioner Linville, aye; Co~~issioner Jacobs, eye; COITli-..issioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried. P'Reports: ~!anager Rozan.sky reported that the preliminary plan for ~~~.g~~..~~~E ..~~,_~as been submitted. In addition to this the engineering for the last .b~!<!~e in Tusca\1111a .<'<If' ..~- "-......~as.~~ t56'5"u hni"rf't'ea--ror:-" ~pp~-J~i"f'. .....'1lI~M:gett"~Wf"!fttt ~l"ti~ '''':r'fd~S"~~!'ftt!~''I.~d'1 n -~ ha~ a sidewalk on one side. . As this is going to be a major thoroughfare) }fanager Rozansky felt the Commission should consider sidewalks on both sides. e Nr. Jay Alpert, ~:inter Springs Developr.lent Corp., said he asked the Staff to revie\..T the engineering on the bridge for D.E.R. He said'the last step for getting D.E.R. approval for a bridge, D.E.R. approves the span, approves the construction and they are concerned in the process that "\"e approach the City that the bridge \1111 be in and the City approves that type of bridge structure and that that type of bridge structure \Jill be acceptable to the City. He said all \o1~ asked was for the City Staff to revie", th~ constructi.on plans of the bridge and come back te, us if the City had any objection to that type of bridge. There was discussion of Unit 14. .. e e Regular Heeting, City Commission, Sept. 27, 1983 Pa~e 5 82-83-28 . }tot ion \-135 made by Curr.missioner Adkins. seconded by COi1l1':liss loner Jacobs to place on the agenda the item of the last bridge in Tusc~\.:i l1a. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Jacohs, aye; Cormi1issioncr Crove, aye; CO::;::Jissioner Hartm.:lu, aye; Con:nissioner Adkin~;, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; motion carried. Hotion '.fas made by Commissioner Grove that we advise the City ~lanager that it is the intention of this City Con~ission there be sidewalks on both sides and should be som2 type of a handrail. Seconded by Com~issioner Linville. Discussion. Vote on the mo tion: Comlnissioner Grove, aye; COIT!:nissioner Hart",an, aye; Coa'TIissioner Adkins, aye; COi':-,missioncr Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; motion carried. ~ConL'TIissioner Jacobs asked that when ~inter Springs Development comes in with the preliminary plan on Tuscawilla Unit 14, to also give us some idea as to when they are going to put the roads through to S. R.419. Manager Rozansky continued with his reports. He ~aid he will draft a resolution supporting the stand of the County Connission on S. R. 419; as far as Wade Street, a letter has been sent to the D.O.T. stating it is a private crossing which we would like converted to a public crossing and to send rules ?~d guidelines and cost estimates for having that changed. As of this date we have not received a legal opinion from the County Attorney on the Old Sanford-Oviedo Road, and a rne~o will be sent to Duncan Rose. e Com:i1i~sion Seat I - Jim Hartman: ----------.-- Co~nissioncr Hartm3n talked about the letter from Cardinal IndOstries in reference to new legislation being considered that will allo~ nobile ho~es in any residential zoning. This ,..'ill be discussed at the Florida League Convention. ---"""~-'-~~~l~s~~J~tn" II t ~tfltl~~f\ft~~"JI ".'.~~" ...L~ w.:1~.~tr ..kf(~ ...~~_... "...:,.,..... '-..rw aJ,ut"l *-Jilt _I 1 ~ III .... ~.~ At the last \'~orkshop Neeting Commissioner Adkins had brought up the fact that Lonb't.;ood had p3ssed a resolution opposing the changes in the Seminole County Gas Tax. COcIl:nissione Adkins feels this Commission should decide to pass a resolution either opposing any further changes in the gas tax formula or to go along with the changes that may be made in the next tcn years. Con~issioner Adkins said when he first got on the Commission he had requested informa- tion why the street lights were not put on the section of Winter Springs Boulevard bet\.~een Northern \~ay and the Clubhouse. There was debate about \"hat type of lights were to be put there and he asked what the decision was on th~t. ~~ - Lj I~D 1l'1"1..~,~~.f#tl~~.w'.t8ll' "~l1iV81i", De~}.Qpment.~~PQt..ti.Q.s.i...,.~il$.,9,..J:,~ . Wi,i....g~,sJ:~,.~~n~.t..._....,.".~..,..."'. liehting would be placed along those areas of Winter Springs Boulevard that were not developed at the time when development occurred. }lr. Alpert said originally the City's plan was to go for some overhead wiring but that '.fas cancelled because the Code said no overhead wiring. Another question has been asked the City, - there is ,.riring and concrete poles availab-le on Northern \..'ay, all th2 way a10:1g Tuscany Place and there also are no street li~ltS. Residents are requesting street lights in that area, and they are asking since the lines are there and the poles are there, why can't they get street lights. e .. e e e . --f ie ~ 1 f i f ! '01 'T/,/"/ AWIUIt!O)Jff )f :: :::m::::.:r::g :::at . .1 f '" x Approval Approval Site Plan Review e PLICATION CITY 0 WINTER SPRINGS ~ I . I; AND ENGINEERING FOR THiS DEVELOPMENt WIrH r f SUBMIT THREE COPIES OF THE P THIS APPLICATION. Applicant 1500 Wi Address I f. f t (If the applicant is not the owner of the subject property, the application must include a letter of authorizatio signed by the owner.) t t, i ;. !i Wi nter S " ~. ,I, .. ~;. f: .. ;"Y _.. 'f Legal Description of Subject operty: See attached Dlan - Tuscawilla Unit 14 ~. !!' ~'ota 1 Acres 275 . 80 l 1 ~ Total Usab le Acres J f and Types of Roads Abu~ting .property): ,;>;. tawi11a and Winter Spr1n's Blvd. General Location (Include Nam West of. Bear Creek between V Present Land Use Zoning Classification Details of Request 't ~ Vacant .. .t J PUD S < .1 .",' ~ .1 336 Sing Dat. fll/Y) Fee i ~ ,;-"2) Ordinance References ~ * * * .. t ;}f I j Recetft No. ,----- -' ., Signature. I 'f Date '7 -/..f - .rJ ,; 1 Legal and Ownership Verified Action j n_ __--=-t . ) . , -~ e e " ~w~/r e Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Wednesday, March 14, 1984 ROLL CALL John Hatfield, Chairman, present Cindy Kaehler, Vice-Chairman, present Richard DeFazio, present Taru Joshi, present Robert Smedley, present CITY OFFICIALS Walter Elwell, City Planner Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Robert Smedley. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 8, 1983. Kaehler moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Joshi second. Vote: All aye. Minutes approved as submitted. e SUBDIVISION, PRELIMINARY PLAN ( EXISTING PUD ZONING), OAK FOREST/PHASE 2 Elwell presentation. Charlie True representing the applicant made his presentation. Discussion. DeFazio moved to approve the preliminary plan as shown contingent upon no development be done on Tract A without submission of preliminary plans on Tract A and including staff recommendations. Smedley second. Discussion Hatfield moved to amend to include a provision requesting that the City Commission take some steps to determine whether a Collector Road is appropriate and what type of a plan should be developed so it can be considered with this application. The City make a determination concerning Tract A so that the developer can proceed in consideration with this application. Smedley second for discussion. Discussion Smedley withdrew second. Motion dies for lack of second. Smedley moved the original motion be amended to request City Commission determine whether or not the City will want to use a portion or all of Tract A. Hatfield second for discussion. Discussion. Hatfield withdrew second. Smedley withdrew motion. Vote on original motion: All aye. Motion carries. Hatfield moved that the Planning and Zoning Board direct the City Planner to review all existing files and information concerning Collector and Connecting Roads between Tuscawilla and the other part of the City be made and report back to the Board at the next meeting. Smedley second. Vote: All aye. Motion carries. Smedley moved we recommend to the City Commission that in interest of freeing up the Oak Forest Developer that some consideration be given to whether or not Tract A should continue to be reserved or that the developer should be freed up from his gentleman's agreement not to develop Tract A. Hatfield second. Discussion Vote: All aye. Motion carries. e ANNEXATION - LOT 6 AND PORTION OF LOT 7. ENTZMINGER FARMS ADD. #2, 3..75 ACRES. Smedley moved to take up item 6 of the amended agenda for discussion Hatfield second for discussion. Discussion. Hatfield withdrew second. Smedley withdrew motion. e (. Work performance product, a.resses JOB TASKS: Support of ~ssion and Boards, CITY CODES: Land Development, Zoning: Walter Thomas Elwell, CITY PLANNER, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. STAFF REPORT, PLANNING ~. ~ ORDER/~: 84,2,1,1/9 MAR 84 Development/Unit: OAK FOREST/PHASE 2 . Applicant/Agent: Bl:L-AlRE HOMES/J. ALPERT Review/Action Requested: PLANNING/ZONING BD. REVIEW/APPROVAL SUBDIVISION, PRELIMINARY PLAN (EXISTING PUD ZONING) Report Text, Page 1, RESULTS OF STAFF REVIEW MEETING Assessment! Validation To: CITY MANAGER/Rozansky, and all parties who may become identified relevant to the above identified request for review/action, Re: STAFF REVIEW-for action toward approval of the above identified develop- ment. .t1JJJ/Ji/14 tf4tV,~ From: CITY PLANNER/Elwell (sign/date)........................................ AT ITS MEETING THURSDAY, 9 A.M., 01 MARCH 84, CITY HALL, ATTENDED AS FOLLOWS: . 1. APPLICANT/AGENT (IDENTIFIED, CHARLES H. TRUE P.E.,PRESENT, AND; 2. BUILDING OFFICIAL/SMITH, PRESENT, AND; 3. CITY MANAGER/ROZANSKY, PRESENT, AND; 4. ENG., PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/HASSLER, PRESENT, AND; 5. FIRE CHIEF/HOLZMAN, PRESENT, AND; 6. PLANNER/ELWELL, PRESENT, AND; 7. POLICE CHIEF/GOVORUHK, PRESENT, AND; '~!/I1II .1J1".'1 " ... -"'.II Jl ~mJ. 0 III 51! II rIll un 1t1<......ltrJJl I '[7' .*'1 llllJI.W . IUU JljI1J(.'" ...... ..J'It...... i_ --.........--. :..:::.:.:~ ::-: PURSUANT TO SECTION 14-30 OF THE CITY CODE THE STAFF (IDENTIFIED) FOUND THE FOLLOWING: 1. THE PRELIMINARY PLANS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT (IDENTIFIED) ARE APPROVABLE SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. CONDITIONS SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER (IDENTIFIED, REFER MEMO: 15 FEB. 84, ATTACHED), AND; '!"....., B. CONDITIONS SPECIFIED BY THE FIRE CHIEF (IDENTIFIED, REFER MEMO: 2 MAR. 84. ATTACHED), AND: .'. ",..~ "'"..,.,''''' --cr..........caNDiTloN's....BY':THlf"sTAFF.. ARr'siNG~"FROM"Dt.S cfJ~ sf6N~'(R!CoR15ED)' . MlONC-' ALL" . THE PARTIES PRESENT, AND SPECIFIED HEREIN AND AS FOLLOWS: "'.....- ......_~ . r - ,'. "1' '.1' ~ (1) THE APPLICANT SHALL IDENTIFY THE PROPOSED USE OF TRACT "A" FOR THE REVIEW/SATISFACTION OF THE STAFF IN ACCORDANCE WITH SEC.14-30 ..(a)(2)b.8. e WTE/mn Attachments: Attached I cc: APPLICANT/AGENT (IDENTIFIED) PLANNING/ZONING BD., ALL DEPARTMENTS) FILE (IDENTIFIED) /" .~' .' (, e e CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA .00 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE , WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327.1800 c:jl ~/3 '/ MEMO TO: Walter Elwell, City Planner FROM:~assler, P.E., City Engineer/Public Works Director SUBJECT: Review of OrJK FtJ!e€ST ,P/I&E i:!.. - ?KELIA1/N/fRY and find it is not in compliance with the Article II, Division 2, Section 14-30., I have reviewed the subject project following checked requirement(s) of f~~section (a)(2) of the City Code. ~. [] 1. Name of development; date of preliminary plan or revision; ~.nl\."'lu..r.M It )41. *' .,1\. tJ\r;a.l.e~~~.~iQ~;,]fi1ltj;..A....4t~1!.;.,~~i~.a~'~a.*~'~ t~ - ~~:: :-:. :,:'''::; the tract being subdivided; total number of lots; name, address and telephone nurr~er of developer, surveyor auj ene:ineer. 2. Location map showing relationship between area proposed for development and surrounding area. 3. Legal description of tract to be subdivided. 4. Bour.daries of tract shown by a heavj line. 5. E):isting streets. The nane, location and right-of-~ay widt~ of all existinf, improved streets, rights-of-w~y and platted streets withi~ two hundred (200) feet o~ the proposed s~bdivision; surface ele\atio~, incluji~~ any legally established ce~ter line elevations~ walks, ~. eurbs" ,:,.,"tt-en"culver'ts ete'. ,>: '~'" ,.-.' ~","""" >, '''C'. ',N ......."#...,,.....'-JO'V"-.'. ...._.....-.__...........'.. , 0..... . , ~ . . ......,., .. .' " - -. - . ~. ''It '" , Proposed streets. The name of temporary designatio~ . (Street A, B, C, etc.), right-of-way, and ty-c,e and wi dth of (pO N';;o""'flJ of pa":ement. Include any streets shown on the adopted corr.prehensive plan. Proposed easements or rights-of-way other than for streets (e.g., for drainage. pedestrian ways, bridle paths, or bicycle paths), location, width and purpose.~' . ~.. ~ o 8. Lots. Lot lines and scaled dimension, lot numbers, and/or block numbers, and building setback lines for irregularly shaped lots. The building setback distance is the distance O required to meet the minimum lot width of the zoning district. 9. Sites, if any, for multifamily dwellings, shopping centers, churches, industry, parks, playgrounds, and other public and nonpublic uses exclusive of single-family dwellings. e Preliminary plan supporting data. The preliminary plan shall be drawn on standard twenty-four-inch by thirty-six-inch paper for convenient filing at a reasonable scale (normally one inch equals one hundred (100) feet) and shall include the following: o o 8 >~'_' . . ...~ '.-:.- ~ .I.'. e .5 0"" Ii :J-o I jOf4(C- "$' SD '"" E' &. ? " v- 10. Names of abutting subdivisions, recordation date and number. 11. Existing utilities on and abutting the tract; location, size and invert elevation of sanitary, storm, and combined sewers; location and size of water mains; location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone poles, and streetlights. If water mains and sewers are not on or abutting the tract, indicate the direction and distance to, and size of nearest ones, showing invert elevation of sewers. 12. Proposed utilities. A statement on the proposed method of water supply and sewage disposal. 13. Other existing improvements, including buildings, on the tract. 14. Natural features, including lakes, marshes or swamps, watercourses, and other pertinent features; wooded areas. A general description of soils and existing vegetation on the tract shall also be provided (Seminole County Soils Survey). 15. Existing contours at one-foot intervals based on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Datum for the tract to be subdivided and, where prac- ticable, extending twenty-five (25) feet beyond the tract boundary . 16. Proposed surface drainage with direction of flow and method of disposition to the natural drainage area indicated or other acceptable stormwater systems. ~ubsurface conditions on the tract, to a minimum depth requested I~ r L'h'e"-.(lI! bj'*' ~.~Itfl@e~'"'4Ma+,i..()f) "1!Ml'!i',~w'~~''''''''''. H","'~""-'-"~ ~scertain subsurface soil, rock and ~rc'JLdwater conditions; depth to gro~d~ater; location and re~u2ts of soil percolation te~ts; location and extent of muck pockets. Tests shall indicate weight-bearing capability of the soil after stripping and compacting. 18. Zoning on and abutting the tract. l? rrc'posed p'Jblic improvement~; tier.ways or otr"Jer majC'r improvements planned by public authorities for :ut'...re consijerat.ion on or r.ear the tract.. 20. Ira:t of restrictive covenants, if ~~y. I: the develo~~ent is a FUD or private development of any nat'.se, restl'icti ve covenant s will be required, if availab:e at the time of sub~ission. .' - ~."q-~:.;~::,~,~~~~~.,~,~~tH~~~a~~ ~~:~;~oP~~:~ ~;~'~~~~:?'r~~d~~;,_.~~~J:;!~~~~fi~"" ,. preliminary plans of proposed potable water and fire-fightin~ systems, sanitary sewage system, storm water management systems. All elevations shall be based on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Datum. (Ord. No. 235 2, 5-26-81) . , )"''''''~ ( e MEMO TO: Page 2 o o . e e Walter Elwell, City Planner o o o o o ~ 11. -::;::.~....::..::::;._,?~~" ]I' WI ,,,, FI#~ l- .', :,~,~,'lhP""'~"", o o o ..."t...........,~ At;: CAH/pkl e ;:> wllaF /)de ~JI $11: ? GR-EFNBE"l-r A-,e€A ~ E'1-..~ LoTs ~9l) t 3/2- cc: Richard Rozansky, City Manager . . " e . "\4( "l"rrn~ .",1'" .. ~ e e -" '\, _' -..,.\NTE:,q' , , .~-(j ~', :t~'_ ~ \. ,.. .,./J . \' , :~~;,:~'~:':';/ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 84-019 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE mv OF WINTER S~ WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 RE:<":EIVED Telephone (305) 327.1800 2 March 1984 MAR 2 1984 TO: Walt Elwell, City Planner CITY PLANNER FROM: Charles L. Holzman, Fire Chief REFERENCE: Preliminary Plan Review - Oak Forest, Phase Two A preliminary Plan Review of Oak Forest, Phase Two indicates the project is acceptable for the Fire Department except that some distances between fire hydrants as well as distances between fire hydrants and some lots appears to be in exceS$ of Chapter Six of the Code. Specifically those noted are as follows: Lot 284 to Lot 294: 850' Lot 235 to Lot 245: 800' Lot 183 to Lot 174: 775' Lot 295 to Lot 165: 900' Lot 105 to Cul-de-sac lots 119, 120, and 121: 400' Lot 29 to Cul-de-sac lots 49, 50: 450' . ,.....110<... j_"II6"t'r"Tn.~""etlrat!.J1fte"!bt'l"1.r! r"'IIU!i1 -iI!" lIt1,","' 11 f ill 11 Uo_ lI.u:!. Ir 1 .~. 6Ii2--- Charles L. Holzman Fire Chief CLH:kb ~"~~.JI~~~f~! "'t_.'~~.,\,,,,-,~'i,iIIJN-"""':-\_'-~.4'i': ','-::-. .,:\_~>~,~::..tt~~~~~~W)\ ~-~)' 'A.~~'-'l.~ _ ~,~:#J~ ,~~t"9'W'!'-'~'~~~.+~~~~~."~~~~~~~-~'~ e ..1 fPLI CAT ION CITY 0:> WINTER SPRINGS t X Approval of prel1minarl Plan -(. Approval of Final En8it.....eering Site Plan Review ~ f . . 'It .. -.... 1: e '" . . ~ . / , , . and Plat i I 1- SUBMIT THREE COPIES OF THE THIS APPLICATION. AND ENGINEERING FOR THJ.S DEVELOPMENT WITH Applicant Bel Aire Homes Name ~ " . (If the applicant is not the owner of the subject property, the application must include a letter of authorizatio signed by the owner.) 861 Douglas Ave Address ~.; . LORgwood, Fl 32750 869-0200 Telephone f: 1: ;- ~. . '. ,.' "'. .1 t ~ fI' ~:: Legal Description of Subject operty: :; ~ >. 1'" See attached p 1 ~~s { -'\. Phase Two - Oak Fores t " ,.. {', ';f ."otal Acres 281.9193 I- Total Usable Acres~", '. J. General Location (Include Nam West of.Tuscawilla Road and and Types of Roads Abutting Property): l~' 4. rth of Oak Forest Units 3 & 4. ~: ',.' Present Land Use Vacant l . Zoning Classification P , 711> ~. " Details of Request lots . ..;: j f Date 1!;Y/YJ Signature' e. ( I * * * Fee -L ,;{ 6'-0 Rece t No. 7r11 f(' Date 9' -/4- - t-J . Ordinance References Legal ~nd Own~rship Verified i~ l.- ~. ~ 11 Action t. ~. ~. t" J5..