HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 02 28 Regular Work performance product, addresses JOB TASKS: Support of Commission and Boards t CITY CODES: Land Development, Zoning: Walter Thomas Elwell, CITY PLANNER, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. e STAFF REPORT, PLANNING DEFT. 'WORK ORDER/DATE: 84,2 , 7 , 2 / 11 -- - Development/Unit: OAK FOREST/UNIT 4 Applicant/Agent: BEL-AIRE HOMES/J. ALPERT Review/Action Requested: CITY COMMISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL OF RECORD PLAT RECORDING OF RECORD PLAT Report Text, Page I 0 f I To: CITY MANAGER/Rozansky, and all parties who may become identified relevant to the above identified request for review/action, From: CITY PLANNER/Elwell (sign/date)........................................ !If/tJ 7;-EB. f14 Re: STAFF REVIEW-for action toward approval of the above identified develop- ment. AT ITS MEETING OF 24 FEB. 84, THE CITY STAFF REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF THE APPLICANT'S REQUEST (IDENTIFIED) SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 01. RECEIPT OF AFFIRMATIVE WRITTEN RESPONSE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY AS TO WHETHER THE RECORD PLAT CERTIFICATIONS, PROTECTIVE/RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, ABSTRACTORS LETTER AND ASSURANCES (MAINTENANCE BOND-IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT) ARE SATISFACTORY TO THE CITY IN FORM AND IN CONTENT, AND; . 02. RECEIPT OF AFFIRMATIVE WRITTEN RESPONSE OF THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE (ATTN: J.R. LONG, CASSELBERRY, FL. 32707) AS TO WHETHER THE STREET NAMES ARE APPROVED. WTE/mn CC: Applicant/Agent, City Commission. All Departments, File (identified) . Work performance product, addresses JOB TASKS: Support of Commission and Boards, CITY CODES: Land Development, Zoning: Walter Thomas Elwell, CITY PLANNER, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. e STAFF REPORT, PLANNING DEPT. 'WORK ORDER/DATE: 84,1, 25,1 / 27 -- - F~~I~~ Development/Unit: DOUG'S/UNIT 1 Applicant/Agent: JOSEPH L. ABRAMS/ Review/Action RequestedCITY COMMISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL REVIEW/ACTION ON FINAL ENGINEERING PLAN Report Text, Page 1 of 1. Assessment/ Validation To: CITY MANAGER/Rozansky, and all parties who may become identified relevant to the above identified request for review/action, fi94 From: CITY PLANNER/Elwell (s ign/ date) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Re: STAFF REVIEW-for action toward approval of the above identified develop- ment. THE STAFF HAS COMPLETED ITS REVIEW OF THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (IDENTIFIED) AND RECOMMENDS APPROVAL SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 01. .02. . THAT THE APPLICANT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS (SPECIFIED, REFER: MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING 22 NOV. 83, ATTACHED) IMPOSED BY THE CITY COMMISSION, AND; THAT THE APPLICANT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS (SPECIFIED, REFER: MINUTES OF MEETING 9 NOV. 83, ATTACHED) RECO~1ENDED BY THE PLANNING/ ZONING BD., AND AS IMPOSED BY THE CITY COMMISSION, AND; 03. THAT THE APPLICANT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS OF THE CITY FIRE CHIEF (SPECIFIED, REFER: MEMO OF 10 FEB. 84, ATTACHED, AND: 04. THAT THE APPLICANT SHALL COMPLY, TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER, WITH HIS MEMO (SPECIFIED, REFER: DISPOSITION FORM 15 FEB. 84 AND ATTACHMENTS, ATTACHED). WTE/mn Attachments: attached cc: Applicant/Agent, City Commission/Mayor All Departments File (identified) ,,',. t. ~~fjt~.... .f.~; ..... ." ~,~....J,' ~~.... CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 84-012 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE . WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 10 February 1984 CITY OF WINTE1 SPRr:GS- RECEIV ED FEB 1 0 1984 FROM: Walt Elwell, City Planner Charles L. Holzman, Fire Chief CITY PLANNER '1'0 : REFERENCE: Staff Review ~Ug'S Unit 1: The fire hydrant shown at the cul-de-sac should be relocated to a position between lots 10 , 11 to better meet code requirements and better coverage for the project. Also, a water main extending into Indian Ridge to complete a loop system is not shown. I .-;---- believe this was agreed upon during a preliminary review. . Oak Forest Unit 4: Fire hydrants were inspected and tested on 9 February 1984. Only one of the four operate properly - the one on Fox Den Court. The others do not shut off completely. Recommend that Winter Springs Drive be renamed Chokecherry Drive up to the bend at lots 401 '402J that Turket Hollpw Circle also continue to that pointJ and that Winter Springs Drive begin only as it comes off of Turkey Hollow Circle. . -'7 A -' ..../ //// ( /~?~~~ Cbarles L. Hol~man Fire Chief CLH: kb . .. . DISPOSITION FORM SPRINGS RECEIVED SU"'ECT .[)"..., &.S U IJ J T ~ / - A ?;;e&lI.1j 498ft FiNRL lJevELo,.~eNT ,Pi.AA/ DATE rJ-.f S-/s Y CMT , "EFERENCE 0" OFFICE SYM.OL ~""L'EI? ELWELL ~ CIT)' I'L"KN~Je FROM ~ .11.H ;fSSL~'I!f! C I "y ~N~Ie/ !,~J>. /. ~. 3. 9: /#. CITY CD~~ /'I/Jp~(JVc/) 7H~ /">,eEL..IN/,y,-,Py 'pL19N FeJH S'wB Jeer rRo r~T oJY "/z..z../83 WI rN s~Ei:'/P'/C CDIV/)I71(J~ SEE" 4TTAC#4'"t) CDPy ol="~'NVre.r cF ~4"t$~~A,e ~E"l'r/NiS,. /#E ,&"IJLLt:JW/N & Ir~"".;.r SHD"L/) BE .L)/,J'c~.s-J4'J) /'17 oS ,""PI=- RE1/16t..V ,c.-t6ET/N~. 0$, Lt:>c AT/ON A-f"'lfJ ND7 SHowN / . L';GAL- .Pi::-sc",~~ 77'-N A't17 /^,~L"'~6.D. / BDU~";)"'~/IF~ Ntl7 .rijlJ"eI.<,/ /N #€AVY. C"-"'N E'er/tJ~ n koJ'J' .eJ. ~usr 4iF .e"J>6J'/GN&.D. y SIDe kh4L.o1t:.s I.V~ JHtJ~A./ D/Y P.zFU,H~~II!Y .re., 8,.." TT4L. I Sr~EC T LI(#H77,c.,~ PL."",,., ~t!nrj)~L>, Ca""'~LIAw~E" kJl'TH l:"'tS~~~~ €;.P41Nj ~1J,e.'l"": A-rr/f-Cl76"lJ ;::>,€ E ." flo.sT .5' To R"'1 ~ /f re7<.. OR/'f /H ""/6e C' "7 '- C ~ ~ /1-rItJ/~ ' E>-1SE /H~f../r?et€- j)R/J~Pr::"'r 7#/1/ .7--P.D/tlA,' ,e'Pfi~ ;.- b. ~ 9. 7. 01'1 Of W1mt:l S''::1NGS RECEIVED FEB 1 5 1984 CITY PLANNER I ~ _ _'---J ~". e . . October 26, 1983 Conklin, ~ort.,. and Holm.. @ [P) ENGINEER&. INC. ~ W. FULTON STREET o POST OFFICE BOX 19711 SANFORD. FLORIOA 3217 I . TEL305322-U., TEL 30513'-5717 Ms. Jacqueline Koch City Planner City of Winter Springs 400 N. Edgemon Avenue Winter Sprin9s, Ft-~07 Re: '~uadrapl exe.i~ ss CYH JOb No. ~0402.0 Dear Jackie: This is to inform you that we have completed our review of the preliminary plans on the above-referenced project, also known as Doug's Unit No. L, and recommend approval with the following comments and conditions to be addressed and resolved at the time of final engineering. 1. A detailed topographic plan of the natural site and a site grading plan showing final site elevations and drainage flow arrows. 2. A soils engineer's report and recommendations as to the demucking and backfill procedures followed up by a certification of the work during the actual demucking and lot filling processes. Storrnwater calculations including routed flow through the retention basin and out into the outfall system for a la-year, 24-hour storm and a 100-year, 24-hour storm. The Engineer should contact us for backwater information on the outfall system at the time he conducts his flood routing calculations. 3. 4. An access easement suitable to the CIty and North Orlando Water & Sewer Company shall be provided to the lift station. 5. r- (;., We do not recommend the use of metal or aluminum pipe in close proximity to building foundations such as shown between lots 8 and 9 and along the east side of lot 7. These types of pipe systems are subject to joint leakage and may cause cave-in or loss of fill next to the foundations. cnv OF \';::,1iER SPRINGS p ::.:(-:;::: !..../ ~D OCT 2 6 1933 (iT'! P~A;~~iE~~ .. . e e e 10/26/83 Ms. Jacqueline Koch, city Planner City of Winter Springs Page 2 Conklin, ~ort.r and HoImee ~ (p) ENGINEERS, lNC- a ~ w. FUl. TON STREET POST OFFICE BOX 19711 SANFORO. FLORCA 32771 . TEL30!l322-6UI TEl30$1l3H1717 " 6. An easement around the proposed retention area should be provided and the retention area should be fenced to include a suitable maintenance berm and access easement for maintenance purposes. This is recommended even if the retention area is to remain in private control as the needs for maintenance still may exist. Side slopes on the retention area should be such that they can be grassed and mowed without danger to equipment operating thereon. 7. The street, due to its low elevation within this part of the watershed, will probably need underdrains, and they should be installed on both sides as recommended by the soils engineer. The soils engineer, in his report, should address wet season water table within the area based on historic elevations which are, at present, above the natural ground. 8. In doing the stormwater calculations, the Engineer shall include natural runoff rates coming from the adjacent upstream watershed that naturally falls onto this site from up near the bank and the property adjacent to this project. If there are any questions about the watershed, they may consult the City's engineer for verification of the extent of the watershed as shown in his Master Drainage Plan. The developer is directed to Sections 14-122 and 14-123 of the City Code for other drainage specifics. 9. In reviewing the actual site plan, we would recommend that the parking areas be changed to include at least a 5-foot minimum center isle backup strip next to the building in order to improve the egress from the end parking spaces. This could be accomplished by moving the total parking area forward by about 5-foot toward Corey Lane for the front parking areas. This also needs to be looked at in the case of the rear parking areas. 10. The water main shall be 8" due to the high density of the site unless it can be looped into a 6" line in the Indian Ridge system. At the time of final engineering, the Engineer will review the plans in accordance with the City Ordinances and the above comments, and ~ake final recommendations as to their approval. \. ~ e . . 10/26/83 Ms. Jacqueline Koch, city Planner City of Winter Springs, Page 3 Conklin, ~ort... and HoInMte ~ ENGINEERS. tNC. ~ O. !lOO w. FULTON STREET POST OFFICE BOX '9711 SANfORD. FlOROA 32771 TEl30!l 322-684' TEL 30!l 83 Hi7t7 We understand that the City will allow construction of the stub road prior to the completion of Moss Road, and if such occurs, a suitable edge protection at the turnout onto the unpaved Moss Road right-of-way will need to be provided. The elevations of this street in relation to the current final engineering on Moss Road should also be coordinated at the time of final design. If you have any questions, please contact us. Sincerely, CONKLIN, PORTER & HOLMES-ENGINEERS, INC. a/~~ William R. Holmes, P. E. WRH:pat I 83-84-5 ae ..... .... REGULAR MEETING CITY COMMITSSION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOVEMBER 22, 1983 The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, was called to order by Mayor John V. Torcaso. Roll Call: Mayor John V. Torcaso, present Deputy Mayor Buck Adkins, present City Manager Richard Rozansky, present City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present Commissioners: Jim Hartman, present Inez Linville, present William Jacobs, present Leanne Grove, present The invocation was given by Commissioner William Jacobs. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Commissioner Buck Adkins. Motion was made by Commissioner Adkins, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to approve the minutes of November 8, 1983. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried. Public Input: Mr. and Mrs. J. Kingsland, David St., wanted to bring attention to the Commissioners tha: Art. XII, Sec. 44.74 of the City ordinances is creating a problem for owners of small lots and asked if this could be looked into. (4IItGeneral Agenda: Planning & Zoning Board Recommendation of November 9, 1983 - Preliminary Plan for Doug's Unit 1 Quadruplexes on North Hoss Road: The City Planner explained the project is located at the end of Third Street on N. }~ss Road. The preliminary plan was approved by the Planning & Zoning Board with conditions. Doug's Unit I comprises 14 quadruplexes on fee simple lots, ,on a cul- de-sac to be dedicated to the public. Adjacent to these 14 lots will be a common area including a storm drainage retention pond to be maintained by a homeowners association. The pro?erty to the south may be acquired and developed as a future phase of the project under the same association. Although the development will probably be ready for occupancy prior to completion of construction of N. :loss Road the applicants were granted a variance by the Board of Adjustment on September 1, 1983 to develop without connecting to the nearest paving. The nearest paving is on Moss Road. A condition placed on this variance is that the developers maintain N. Moss Road to alleviate any deterioration of the unpaved road due to their con- struction activity and then to assure the road will be passable for residents of the quadruplexes. This maintenance shall continue from the start of the development until the road is paved. An agreement shall be drawn up to the satisfaction of the City and be executed as soon as possible after the preliminary approval. This agree- ment will enforce this condition about maintenance of Moss Road. The consulting engineer reviewed this preliminary plan to coordinate this engineering with the N. Moss Road engineering plans. There are other plans going on at this time off this site which concern Moss Road, to the north and to the south as well. The C~ Staff has looked into that to make sure that those developments will be coordinated. - - ~ ~~gu1ar Meeting, City Commission, Nov. 22, 1983 Page 2 83-84-5 ~ Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman that we approve the preliminary plan for Doug's Unit I Quadruplexes on N. MOss Road subject, to the engineer's recommendations and recommendations of the 'Planning & Zoning Board with the exception of a sprinkler system being provided. Seconded by Commissioner Adkins for discussion. Discussion. Motion and second were withdrawn. Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman that we approve the preliminary plan of Doug's Unit I Quadruplexes on N. Moss Road with the stipulation that they provide some sort of fencing on the north east property lines and that they provide one third acre playground with equipment in lieu of the 5.5 acre site and that they maintain Moss Road until we pave Moss Road and subject to the Staff recommendations excluding the fence around the retention pond, and the engineer's report except the condition No.6 which states fencing around the retention pond. Seconded by Commissioner Grove for discussion. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; motion carried. , Request of Carlos and Ketty Rivera for waiver of subdivision requirements to divide Lot 9, Block D, Ranches Section 1 into four lots on Trade Winds Road (Section 14-3.2). The City Planner explained the property is located on Trade Winds Road just west of S. Moss Road. It is to be divided into four lots. They are requesting a waiver pursuant to Sec. 14-3.2 to subdivide Lot 9, Blk. D, N. Orlando Ranches Sec. 1 into 4 lots without review of engineering plans or installation of improvements. The proposed lots meet the RC-l zoning requirements of Sec. 44.27.13. The City Engineer has inspected the site and finds no field evidence that would contra-indicate the requested division. Approval of the waiver is recommended by the Staff based on a policy that has previously been set by the Commission. No area has been set aside for public recreation land even though Sec. 14.62 b provides for a Staff recommendation to waive dedication of parks in subd~visions of less than 20 acres. In previous similar instances the Commission attached the condition to subdivision waivers that the applicant pay the amount of 5% of the appraised value of the property into the City's recreation fund in lieu of dedication of land. This also is a precedent established by this Commission. The recoffi"endation of the Staff is to continue. Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs the application be approved provided that we collect the 5% in dollars as to the assessed value in lieu of the 5% of the la~d to be collected at the sale of the first parcel. Seconded by Commissioner Adkins. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye: Commissioner Jacobs, aye; motion carried. The Commission wanted to insure the lots are 120 feet wide at the house line before any permits are issued. The Commission agreed that this Agreement with regard to the payment of the 5% be put in writing. , ~. -r- II ( ( e Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Wednesdays November 9s 1983 7:30 PM ~ . REGULAR MEETING Meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Kaehler. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL John HatfieldsChairmansabsent Cindy KaehlersVice-Chairmanspresent Richard DeFaziospresent Taru Joshispresent Robert Smedleyspresent CITY OFn CIALS Jacqueline Koch, Dir. Adm. Services Walter Elwell, City Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES OCTOBER 26, 1983 Smedley moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Joshi seconded. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. PRELIMINARY PLAN FOR DOUG'S UNIT I QUADRUPLEX DEVELOPMENT ON NORTH MOSS ROAD Koch presentation. Don Engelhardt, applicant, had no further comments af~er Koch prese~tation .DiScussion. Dorothy Taylors President of Homeowners Association, Indian Ridge questioned the appl:cant in reference to a fence being installed to separate the properties. She also ask if the fence installed ~ould be the s~~e as the existing fence. Eloise Jerger, closest resident to the property residing in Indian Ridge was concerned about a sprinkler syste~ be:ng installed to insure the proper ~atering of the vegetation to be planted by the developer. Discussion. V Smedley J:ioved to arprove the prelir.:ir.a..""y plan sutject to the follo......ing: 1) All Sta:'f recommendations; 2) Board strongly suggests fencing be installed on the North and East prcr~rty lines and should blend ~ith the existing fencing; 3) Strongly suggest that a r.:in:r.:'~ 1/3 acre playground ~ith e~uipr.:ent be rrovided in lieu of .55 acre set aside; ;..) :'andscape pla..v:: be ;rC)'::i ded ~ith F.e :i;;al er.[irJeer:n[, strongly S"..:gfesting t:-,at a s;rinkler syster.:i t,E- ;rcvided. De?a:ic se~c'r.ded for disc~ssicn. De?2.zio rec0::-_-:-.e:-::'E-d tt2.t the follo~in€ condition be added to the motion, add to the deed restrictions disallo~ing boats a.."1d recreation vehicles being parked near Moss ?oad. Srled::"e:; a.-:-.er.:.e: hi~ :":"lotic:1 to i:1c:'u,:e :0eFE1zio's rec.:-~....;~endc.tion. ~'.~?az:o ~eco:--Jded. y Vote: All ~;e. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned @ 8:20 P.M. WORKSHOP -- W~rkshop covened at 8:30 P.M. Discussion of reV1Slon to map to include Board's rec07~enjatio of previous meeting. Since Smedley ~as not able to remain after 9:00 P.M, remaining Board members decided not to make further reccmmendati ons based on or.ly three members. Workshop ~as abbreviated. Decision to call extra meeting for November 16. Chainman Hatfield arrived and concurred. Workshop adjourned at 9:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted. - e " ... February 16, 1984 Winter Springs City Commission City Hall Winter Springs, Florida 32708 ReI Conditional Use Extension Request. Honorable Commission: On October 11, 1983 you approved my Conditional Use request for a maximum of 80 multi-family units on my property (survey attached). To date I have not been able to get everything together in an effort to pull a building permit and begin any development. Therefore, I graciously request a 6 month extension on this Conditional Use. Your time and consideration in reviewing my request is greatly appreciated. Respectfully Submitted, Mrs. Elaine Wack 104 Bridgeway Circle Longwood, Florida 32750 ~ <2-Q_~WQJ- ee: City Manager ~~rt~IlWlt@ FEB 1 6 1984 CITY of WINl ER SPRINGS CITY HALL . if ~/~-J j}~o/f ~~ ~ .J.. / /~ /r~ 3. _ .....lot of Ilack '5 .....HiQllt. IS f"'tICQrc1e4 t. ..lil: a..--"'nk t1f -s.1l"101. 1t! "., ...'4 ,',t.. Leu: :'!e't af the i!\~Kt1OA t l<>rgooOC"'" "'" _ .. ""~ t~i ~ ,.. 9Il' of..... Hoe 100.00 ~. rut ".. ,..t. "'ot 0' boti.'.... __ la r. _ ""It '" "oft , ... .... ., f"'IC...... a ,,., laC 11. ...,. ~, non... "'" _ _ .1 .... ,..,'.t fA Iled. , .... Tract ..- f.e>t rl~ '" _ 1l.. ., "'~" .., "'~,","1", _ tN *th 11,.. wf t ;."" [n~ 11-. 141' l~... IIt.OO , '.oA ...,.., ,.. ~ _iii .1... ...1' , .. b._II ,....,....1.. '" _ "'" ,1.t 2'15.01 fwt .. t'- ..,.......,. ._ .. ,..... .,''' lOW Fit" '" ~t.., ~ ,,-- :J """""&;1 In.,,, t+,Crcl"" C Ie..'!!.. tf .l , ~. )( ~ I- a ~ ... .1 i . ~ a~"T c......_1 \'lOf.t ~ .. 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