HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 01 10 Regular a. . . . . . e e ( 460 East Altamonte Drive/Highway 436 Post Office Box 308 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 305/646-3441 January 4, 1983 Ms. Jacqui1ine Coch City of Winter Springs City Hall Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Ms. Coch: SUBJECT: Continued Occupancy of Temporary Bank Facility Please accept this as our formal request of continued occupancy of our temporary bank facility located on the corner of Moss Road and State Road 434 in Winter Springs. Our architect, KBJ, Inc. of Jacksonville is currently in conver- sation with your city's Planning and Building Department and we expect to receive site approval in the near future for construction of our new facility. It is our goal to have construction completed by June 30, 1984. We appreciation your consideration. If you should have any further questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me. My direct telephone number is 646-3236. Sincerely, ~ ~) /,/1/// 6l~/' . Robert B. Whitehill:,J Senior Vice President ... I . . I . e e 460 East Altamonte Drive/Highway 436 Post Office Box 308 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 305/646-3441 January 4, 1983 Ms. Jacquiline Coch City of Winter Springs City Hall Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Ms. Coch: SUBJECT: Continued Occupancy of Temporary Bank Facility Please accept this as our formal request of continued occupancy of our temporary bank facility located on the corner of Moss Road and State Road 434 in Winter Springs. Our architect, KBJ, Inc. of Jacksonville is currently in conver- sation with your city's Planning and Building Department and we expect to receive site approval in the near future for construction of our new facility. It is our goal to have construction completed by June 30, 1984. We appreciation your consideration. If you should have any further questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me. My direct telephone number is 646-3236. Sincerely, //~/f i~cI!IF' !~ R~bert B. Whitehill~ Senior Vice President e tit e '-Fl&~';;~TE~'S' , :t ,,~~~'\ 1.> t.,) . tn' , '''.. '" "',. i ',} ,,~ ".~,,' . l.(4,o/~.# 1!Jt'~''-:::;;/ .:: s :,y-~-_~P" CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 ~~O TO: Commission/Mayor SUBJECT: Traffic Control - Tuscawilla Road - School Area DATE: December 27, 1983 As you already know for sometime now we have been experiencing problems in the immediate area of the new school on Tuscawilla Road. I had the Chief provide me with a memo outlining our problems. The memo is attached for your information and future use in your individual dealings with the County. With the cooperation of the County Engineering Department the Chief has resolved comments one and three of the attached memo. Unfortunately, comment 2, the installation of speed limit sign beacons has not been approved by the County due to a policy that requires the children to actually be walking along the road before blinking lights are installed. Presently, children are bussed from the other side of Tuscawilla Road. RR/pkl Enclosure . e e .. y , TO: Ricahrd Rozansky, City Manager ;.: , ; FROM: John Govoruhk, Chief of Pol ice , \ DATE: December 15, 1983 SUBJ: TRAFFIC SPEED CONTROL DEVICES (35-83) The Keeth Elementary School has impacted the City of Winter Springs in several areas. The area of concern which I need to bring to your attention deals with traffic speed control. This department has written eighty (80) Unlawful Speed citations in the time from school opening to November 11, 1983. The minimum speed violation being 30MPH , up to 53MPH. The average speed violation is in the 40MPH range, twice the posted school zone speed. I real ize the traffic on Tuscawi I la Road takes a period of time to become fami I iar with this speed zone, but there is also a burden to provide sufficient advanced warning. In order to provide this warning I request you give consideration to requesting the County Road Department involvement to provide the fol lowing: 1. Moving existing: school advance signs" further from their existing location, away from the school. The maximum recommended distance of 700' would be a minimum. 2. The installation of speed I imit sign beacons to warn publ ic of speed I imit reduction. As per the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, page 7B-5, " varible display signs with flashing beacons should be used for the more critical situations, where greater emphasis of the special school speed I imit is needed. " 3. Installation of highway pavement marking on Tuscawi Ila Road to indicate" SCHOOL" for traffic a-proaching the school speed zone from either direction. These recommendations are made with hopes that serious consideration be given to them. They may not be the solution, but additional warning methods are necessary. Continued enforcement of Unlawful Speed wi I I be conducted by this department, but it is not the desire to become the solution to the problem in that manner. Our officers are already experiencing Judges questionaing the adequacy of speed signs without signal beacons. I do no want to run a " speed trap ", nor do I want to investigate accid- ents before the solution arrives. Your consideration in this matter is appreciated. I am avai lable for further discussion or study of this, or other, matter. /' ( 7 f.)" /j: }~P<#ti~z>~/ / Ch ~f v!9-vPo lice . rllD N Work performance product, addresses JOB TASKS: Support of Commission and Boards, ,'; k~ CITY CODES: Land Development, Zoning; C \ Walter Thomas Elwell, CITY PLANNER, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. , STAFF REPORT, PIk'mING DEPT. WORK ORDER/DATE: 83,12,8,3/8 JAN. 84 Development/Unit: NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES, SECTION 7, BLOCK N, TRACT B, /SPLIT Applicant/ Agent: McCOHAS/McGRIFF, C AND R REALTY INC. Review/ Action Requested: CITY COMMISSION REVIEW/ APPROVAL OF "SPLIT" OF TRACT B Text, Page: 1 of 2 Assessment/ Validation: To: CITY }~AGER/Rozansky, and all parties who may become identified relevant to the above identified request for review/action, From: CITY PLANNER/Elwell (sign/date) ()bj{Ci[b,rll{ qftVl,BF- Re: STAFF REVIEW for "action toward approval" of the above identified develop men t . Background information available on prior reviews/action includes: 01. Site information - provided by applicant (letter from applicant's agent, "AFFIDAVIT FOR RECORD", "PROPOSAL", and approximation (sketch on copy of ~ existing plat of the development/unit identified above) attached), and; 02. Departmental review/action (City 11all meeting of 5 Jan. 84, attended by Agent (identified) and heads of Depts.: Engineering/Public Works, Police, Building, and the City Planner) concurred with agent/11cGriff that the concept is approvable subject to explicit conditions to be set out here in, and as follows: The applicant/agent requests that: 03. The City Commission-approve the applicants proposal subject to the following conditions of approval: 04. The approval shall be granted in accordance with City Code Sec. 14-3.1 Dividing ~latted property, and; 05. The applicant shall submit a plat/survey of Tract B redrawn at an appropriate (even/workable) scale by a registered professional surveyor, and otherwise, as may be required, so as to facilitate the depiction, for further review, of "precisely" how the tract will be divided, and; 06. The plat/survey shall include depiction of the location of the existing water body, so as to facilitate a determination, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and the City Planner that two (2) "buildable" lots can result from the "split", and now; ~ The City Planner/Elwell, finds in accordance with the Staff's concurrence of 5 Jan. 84 that: The applicant/agent's proposal is approvable, subject to the applicant/agent's ability to meet the conditions identified above, and as these conditions may h~ ~~~~r;n~~n/;mnn~pn hv tnp r,itv r,ommission. Work performance product, addresses JOB TASKS: Support of Commission and Boards, CITY CODES: Land Development, Zoning; Walter Thomas Elwell, CITY PLANNER, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. At STAFF REPORT, PlJu~ING DEPT. WORK ORDER/DATE: 83,12,8,3/8 JAN. 84 Development/Unit: NORTH ORL&~DO RANCHES, SECTION 7, BLOCK N, TRACT B,/SPLIT Applicant/ Agent: McCOMAS/McGRIFF, C AND R REALTY INC. Review/Action Requested: CITY COMHISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL OF "SPLIT" OF TRACT B Text, Page: 2 of 2 Assessment/ Validation: cc: Mayor/City Commission, All Dept. Heads, Applicant/AGENT, File e e ~~~~UWOC@ fJA N 9 '984 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS RECEIVED The Ranchlands fAN 9 1984 winter Springs,~rl. January 7, 1984 CITY PLANNER e OTY of WItlTfR SPRiNGS OTY HAll TOI City Council and Mayor Winter Springs, Florida Dear Council and Mayorl There have been requests from landowners in The R~lchlands asking you to approve property splits not written into the city codes. and there will undoubtedly be more. Thank you for being careful and conscientious regarding these requests. It took about a year of research and work to write the current zoning covering The Ranchlands. Most of the parcels of land at that time were from two to five acres and the zoning was written so that an original owner could split his property one time if he wished, live on part of it. and sell off the other part. When the zoning was installed, there were only a few parcels of only one acre. so the code mentioned a minimum lot of one acre in order not to conflict with these few lots that consisted on one acre. e There is a possibility of a new land owner deciding to try to use the one acre minimum as a tool to request permission to split a large land unit into one acre units solely to make money off land speculation rather than using the land primarily as a homestead and sell- ing off the remainder as another homestead. This wOv:d defeat the intent of our zoning entirely and hurt near"cy homesteads who bought believing they were protected by this code. Also. and this is posed as a question, is there not still a state statute that says that a parcel of land. five acres and less, that is divided into lots for sale, must consist of improved lots? If so,then lot dividing along these lines should conform to this. City ordinances can be waived, but not statE> ordinances. We would appreciate your careful investigation into the points in this letter. Thank you for your consider- ation. e ~r. & Mrs. W. E. Hiatt, Jr. *~.?/7~.dy. ~.~,~c. 10 Panarr:a Road (/ Winter $prings, Fla. /'../ J/. 4' ~ ~ / (""t.-_ T" (,"."'-<- <---~-L- Mr~,/John H. Van Eepoel 2)1 Tradewinds Road Winter Springs, Fla. !J [ -: ' ...... .......' "....., .)r'j(ii'fU) RE>:::S[VED DEe 0 8 1983 e C & R REAL TV, INC. 1002 South Winter Park Drive Casselberry, Florida 32707 (305) 830-6700 CITY PlANNER December 6, 1983 Ms. Jacqueline Koch City Planner 400 North Edgemon Avenue Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Dear Ms. Koch: I am submitting this proposal on behalf of ~~. and ~TS. William C. McComas, who own the property herein described. I have prepared all the papers as per your instructions. The plat of the property with the proposed split and subsequent results is also enclosed. Please submit this proposal to the city planning board for their approval. Please keep us apprised of any pertinent developments. If you need any additional information or if I can assist you in any way, please advise. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. e Sincerely yours, /. ) /~'. . ./ /.' 7 \.' L < ~./ < , ' .' // /,. " /" / ; '. _/;/ '.r\ \.. (/( / 'Rick McGriff e m II-I.. S, 1- 7"03 .-=-- 4J Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated REAL TOR<ll )>.30-4 700 t\'t~.J,,<;..E;:.s C IJ'\: .~,,. "~'I ., iJ .... r' y..' ~,!" r~ r" ..... .. . - ',' :P;i!NGS F;' ::'. ~ .7' .:, :":J) . e U~"( "\. "'< ;" :_'~: . ,_i. _.,;~, PROFOSAL Proposal to Split the Property Legally Described as: Section 7, Block N, Tract E, North Orlando Ranches According to the enclosed plat, the dimensions of the parcel are currently: e 608.94 feet bordering Morton Lane 150 feet west side 137.77 feet east side 484.32 feet bordering Lake Tony After dividing the parcel, the two subsequent parcels would have dimensions as follows: Westernmost Parcel 304.47 ft. bordering Morton Ln 150 feet west side 140 ft. approx. east side 242.16 ft. bordering Lk Tony Easternmost Parcel 304.47 ft. bordering Morton Ln 140 ft. approx. west side 137.77 feet east side 242.16 ft. bordering Lk Tony Ple~se refer to the enclosed plat and note that tho m~n~mum amount of width of the :parcels vii th the lake at its highest point should not be less than 100 feet. Since Lake Tony has receeded, the existing shoreline anotated is no longer accurate. In addition, the red dotted line represents the proposed division. e 'J 1"'ft3 c ~o. ~.-'~ ,~:.-" '--' ~/..::::/ ~-:v \:!/ '-~~ L~~~' ~ ~-IJ!JI" 11 v'" - ~ -, ~I''/ I. ~ _'/,,..,.. .". . .....~ - '--,~,-- f;;:LL .sURVEY OF THE M05E5 E. LEVV GRANT ~ e .r:~~~~:; :::~~:~~R~ gf:1/eWLAE J~A.' / II I .., .:/571 / SECT/ON 2, TWP. Z/ S~ R( . - .. --.----.-.--- an OF W;'FEP.. '-;~.'k!'\;5 R.~'-:E!VEf' \ \ \ DEe 8 1983 \ '\ \ \ . \ - -, -.- Y-~rf; CITY ~~~, $~ -_.--'-~:; '{;;. ~~ ?i;-, --.-. 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': '-;.-:; '-So C'(:"'.:~r-] r o-7r r~- <.--.:3~~:'Z(; - trr-7'""i a.-c O;S~'9,--;CC ,--'~ 4X!? 59 r: ~;,~-,....~ II e;,o57;?5~E -3?~ _.. ; ':-.-...~.-,.- -:'--:; c-'/.r->,- -~...,....., '" __~, _.' ~,~ /.' , '" . C." ...~. ,_ '.. '- . e e an oJ: ',' ~ ~Fi'''il..l~ Rf"' ':;iVED DEe 8 1983 AFFAJJAVIT FOR RECORD CITY PLANNER To Uhom it may concern: We, the undersigned, do hereby acknowledge that we hold title to the property of which the legal description is as follows: Section 7, Block N, Tract B, North Orlando Ranches Furthermore, we do hereby empower J. Richard McGriff, Jr. to act as our duly authorized agent for the purpose of preparation and submission of application to the proper authorities, in order to obtain approval for the subdivision of the aforementioned property from the 'Hinter Springs City Council. After execution of the duties necessary to accomplish the request for subdivision of said property, all authority granted herein by this affadavit shall hereby be terminated. , I, ., 1 C I 1.../1 J / t' ,~// -(/ /C \:"7.::> ~.J '/(<..- L;Y~/-(Cj ~. c.></J eYer. / /' :>- Date ,",///,''- 1"" N. HA ------ I'/~)?";'ik"~~ - ',l~3 (~) {"I ~ 'c; ,-di' /'-YZ;:/~5 ~ta?y ~OT AR . .,."co.... ac::~e I ~gna ure ;' '.....-./ Date '. My Co,...,~.lon E:xpires: ;2-;J-07 S~\e :o~ AlaskOi : ~ F~st "JuQ.i,Eial Dlst. : ,... ~. \.:. . ~.Ur.L\lJ . ~ ~ ~i~)}s to e~~~fy :that on this 22nd day of October, 1983, before me the above a H~~}~:P":UP~~~):l'f~n,ifor the State of Alas].:a, duly commissioned and sworn as such, perso~15 cn:fe~'-~h,l.hanne P. f1cComas and -dilliam C. EcComas, known to me and. to me known to-~~~#Jlle-ividuals described in and who executed the foregoinc:, instrument, and they acknowledged to me that they signed and sealed the same freely and Work performance product, addresses JOB TASKS: Support of Commission and CITY CODES: Land Development, Zoning; Walter Thomas Elwell, CITY PLANNER, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. JII~/ fi/ Boards'J / ~ v e STAFF REPORT, PLfu~ING DEPT. WORK ORDER/DATE: NO.W.O./8 DEC. 84 Development/Unit: VANDEGRAAFF'S ESTATES/REPLAT OF LOT 3,BLOCK E,N. ORLANDO RANCHES, SEC.l Applicant/ Agent: VANDEGRAAFF/ Review/Action Requested: CITY COMHISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL OF RECORD PLAT Text, Page: 1 of 2 Assessment/ Validation: To: CITY MANAGER/Rozansky, and all parties who may become identified relevant to the above identified request for review/action, From: CITY PLANNER/Elwell (sign/date). . . . . . ( 10 J (j)4. 6'f Re: CITY COHHISSION -"action toward approval" of the above identified develop ment. Background information available on prior review/action includes: 01. City Commission-review/action: APPROVAL IN CONCEPT (minutes of 8 March 83 meeting, letter of 14 March 83,attached), and; -02. Departmental review/action (City Hall meeting of 5 Jan. 84, attended by heads of Departments: Engineering/Public Works, Police, Building, and the City Planner) concurred that the Plat approvable subject to explicit conditions to be set out herein, and as follows: The applicant shall meet the remaining conditions of approval established by the City Commission prior action (identified) as follows: 03. The applicant-shall pay into the City's recreation fund an amount equal to 5 percent of the Tax Assessor's appraisal of the value of the property and; 04. The applicant-shall provide topographic information with each applica- tion for building permits, and; 05. The applicant-shall pay to the City a $35.00 fee for recording the plat as approved, and; Other conditions arlslng from the Staff Review of the record plat submitted by the applicant on 16 December 83 as follows: 06. The applicant-shall indicate, on the plat, the front, side and rear yard lines in accordance with the existing zoning of lot "2";(refer: City Code 44.27.13 thru 44.27.14), and; e \ 07. The applicant-shall indicate, on the plat, the front yard lines in accordance with the existing zoning of lots "1" and "3" (refer: City Code 44.27.13 thru 44.27.14, and; 08. The applicant-shall remove, revise and otherwise complete the Work performance product, addresses JOB TASKS: Support of Commission and Boards, CITY CODES: Land Development, Zoning; Walter Thomas Elwell, CITY PLANNER, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. ~ STAFF REPORT, PLfu'mING DEPT. HORK ORDER/DATE: NO. W . O. /8 DEC. 84 Development/Unit: VANDEGRAAFF'S ESTATES/REPLAT OF LOT 3,BLOCK E,N. ORLANDO RANCHES, SEC. 1 Applicant/ Agent: VANDEGRAAFF/ Review/Action Requested: CITY COMMISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL OF RECORD PLAT Text, Page: 2 of 2 Assessment/ Validation: certifications on the plat (to be specified) so as to meet requirements for recording, and; 09. The applicant-shall designate the plat as a "replat" of North Orlando Ranches, as per annotations on the applicant's copy, and; 10. The applicant-shall correct the spelling of the Plat title, and now; All the above conditions-may be sanctioned/imposed by the Ci.ty Commission, as conditions for their approval, to meet the applicant's "expressed" desire/need for approval not later than 10 January 84. . .c: Mayor/City Commission, All Departments, Applicant/Agent, File , ~~~~UWOC@ IJA N 9 '984 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS RECEIVED The Ranchlands IAN 9 1984 winter Springs. ~rl. January 7. 1984 CITY PLANNER e CrY of WINTER SPRiNGS ory HAll TOI City Council and Mayor Winter Springs. Florida Dear Council and ~ayorl There have been requests from landowners in The RBIlchlands asking you to approve property splits not written into the city codes. and there will undoubtedly be more. Thank you for being careful and conscientious regarding these requests. It took about a year of research and work to write the current zoning covering The Ranchlands. Most of the parcels of land at that time were from two to five acres and the zoning was written so that an original owner could split his property one time if he wished, live on part of it. and sell off the other part. When the zoning was installed. there were only a few parcels of only one acre. so the code mentioned a minimum lot of one acre in order not to conflict with these few lots that consisted on one acre. e There is a possibility of a new land owner deciding to try to use the one acre minimum as a tool to request permission to split a large land unit into one acre units solely to make money off land speculation rather than using the land primarily as a homestead a~d sell- ing off the remainder as another homestead. This wou:d defeat the intent of our zoning entirely and hurt nearby homesteads who bought believing they were protected by this code. Also. and this is posed as a question. is there not still a state statute that says that a parcel of land. five acres and less, that is divided into lots for sale, must consist of improved lots? If so.then lot dividing along these lines should conform to this. City ordinances can be waived. but not state ordinances. We would appreciate your careful investigation into the points in this letter. Thank you for your consider- ation. e ~r. & Mrs. W. E. Hiatt, Jr. *~. ~)7~ .<3';'. ~ ~. C:Pc. 10 Panama Road (I Winter $prLngs, Fla. /'/ j ..1"/. ~. ./ '.t"'f...- TV t/.-<........ <....<~-L-- Mr~/John H. Van Eepoel 231 Tradewinds Road Winter Springs, Fla. . ,--:;:::::.- L e e e .' '......'.:'\.::\.)... - ~; ',:,,~::' EjA ,.-V:'. j .. l' .'~,~ - ,., ", .'~~.. ':j..) Jr'/ .. . <:" t.J ; f ) 'A . \ ". . -1 r, "" t , .. _, .. ;f ~ .......,. " . ..~.I CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 3270B T ,,18iJhcr.= (.:;J5) 327.1 :0')0 March 14, 1983 Mr. & Hrs. R.A. Van de Graaff 360 East Panama Road Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Subject: Subdivision with Waiver of Improvements Dear Mr. & ~~s. Van de Graaff: / The City COIT@ission has approved in concept your proposal to divide Lot 3, Block E, Ranches Section 1 into three lots. They also agree to waive installation of the subdivision improvements normally required by Chapter 14 of the City Code, with the exception of the section requiring dedication of park lands (see attached). As the enclosed minutes explain, the COIT@ission decided not to waive this section, which means an amourlt equal to 5 percent of the Tax Assessor's appraisal of the value of the property will need to be paid into the City's recreation fund. The Com- mission placed a similar condition on the only other proposal received under this relatively new provision in the Code to waive install&tion of subdivision ilLprovements. In addition, please note the City Engineer's condition that topographic information be provided with each application for a building per~it. If you choose to proceed with your subdivision with these conditions, please have a record plat prepared by a registered surveyor, drawn in accordance with the diagr~n submitted on February 23, 1983, with your request. Then sub- mit the original plat, three copies, the 5 percent payment to the recreation fund, and the $35 fee for recording the plat to the City for processing. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, CI7Y OF WINTER SPRINGS LA/ L /~''7./.--4..p.LLv~~ ,1- '1 ,'; :",. ,', ;ci'ty?fl~~~e;-' ' Jr~! saz C'C': fn~. . e e J Regular Meeting, City Commission, March 8, 1983 Page 2 1982-83-13 What remains to be considered is what will the impact be of truck traffic coming in off 17-92 to Shepard Road down to the industrial area or out Florida Avenue over to 17-92. What ~ffect will that have on the people that live in Seminole County in this area. Mr. Dittmer was present and spoke for the request. Tom Green, Attorney, representing the Wildwood Homeowners asked that the request be denied. David Hudick, Crestwood Way, Sam Long, Heather Court, Beth Lee, Thistle Place, George Smith, Lakeview Drive, Doug Gondera, Briarwood Drive, Mrs. A. Arenas, Lakeside Drive all spoke against the request. Judy Montrose, Thistle Place spoke in discussion. Betsy Neilson, Glasgow Court, Glen Gillete, Castlewood, Suzette Morris, Glasgow Court all spoke for the request. Mayor Torcaso closed the public hearing and reconvened the Commission Meeting. Attorney Green again spoke against the request. Attorney L. W. Carroll, representing Mr. Dittmer asked to speak. Upon Attorney Kruppenbacher's recommendation, Mayor Torcaso reopened the Public Hearing and recessed the Commission Meeting. Mr. Carroll spoke for the request. Mr. Al Richardson, Linden Drive and Mrs. Grace Sullivan, Wildwood, spoke against the request. Mayor Torcaso closed the public hearing and reconvened the Commission Meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Linville to deny the redesignation of 30 acres west of the power easement from PUD Multi-Family to PUD Industrial and PO (Professional Offices) in yellow area; and my reasoning is I cannot believe that you do not have to have a rear entrance on these buildings and also I feel there is no way to restrict business only to daylight hours and not to weekends; I have to agree with homeowners, I wouldn't want industrial next to me either. Seconded by Commissioner Adkins for discussion. Discussion. Mr. Dittmer spoke in discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Trencher, no; Commissioner Grove, no; motion carried. Request of Jay and Agnes Miller for vacation of utility easement on Lot 28, Walden Terrace. The City Planner explained the property is on the north side of Brookside Drive in Walden Terrace. The request is basically to vacate the five foot utility easement on the east side of the property to seek approval to build a boat shed. There are two approvals necessary - to vacate the utility easement and then an exception to the side setback from the Board of Adjustment. All the relevant utility companies have waived any interest. Motion was made by Commissioner Trencher to approve the request. Seconded by Commissioner Hartman.Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried. Request of R.A. and H.T. Van de Graaff for waiver of subdivision requirements for dividing Lot 3, Block E, Ranches Section 1 into three lots. The City Planner explained the property is on the north side of Panama Road between Hayes and Shore Roads. The request is under Sec. 14-3.2 which allows for waiver of installation of subdivision improvements upon recommendation of staff and approval by the Commission. The current request would be within the size standards of the RC-l zone. The City Engineer has some comments which you have recommending you waive the improvements. Regular Meeting, City Commission, March 8, 1983 Page 3 1982-83-13 , Motion was made by Commissioner Adkins that we approve the subdividing but subject to the 5% fee to the City for parks and recreation based on the appraised (tax assessor's) value. Seconded by Commissioner Grove. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried. First Reading of Ord. No. 274, to extend its territorial and municipal limits to annex the hereinafter described lands situate and being in Seminole County, Fl., etc.: Pointing to the map, Miss Koch said the Ord. No. 274, would allow the property in crossmarks to be annexed into the City, approximately 260 acres. All will be zoned R-U for at least two years following the annexation unless Seminole County would waive the zoning. Motion was made by Commissioner Trencher, seconded by Commissioner Hartman to read Ord. No. 274 by title only on first reading. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; motion carried. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 274 by title only on first reading. The Public Hearing is to be set for April 26, 1982. Commission Ratification of appointments to P&Z Board and Code Enforcement Board: Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman, seconded by Commissioner Adkins, to ratify the appointments of Taru Joshi, D.Robert Smedley and Thomas Dougherty. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; motion carried. . Resolution No. 409, requesting the FDOT to provide for nighttime construction on the widening of SR 436 between Boston & Douglas Ave., etc.: Motion was made by Commissioner Trencher to adopt Resolution No. 409, seconded by Commissioner Adkins. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye;Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; motion carried. City Manager - Richard Rozansky: FY 1982-83 Budget Adjustment - Ord. No. 275, first reading: Manager Rozansky suggested the public hearing be set for April 12, 1983, and have a Workshop on March 29, 1983. Two changes have been made to the attachment of the Budget ordinance, approximately $61,000.00 in the Capitol Improvements Fund and year end Reserve $205,000.00. He said there will have to be some revisions in the revenues and expenditures, namely a reduction in ad valorem because of the $25,000 exemption and an adjustment in the utility taxes revenue. The Commission was in agreement to read Ord. No. 275 by title only on first reading. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 275 by title only on first reading. Commissioner Trencher asked that the Commission reconsider the reduction of the utility taxes and asked that an ordinance to reduce utility taxes be brought back to the Commission for discussion at the Workshop on March 29, 1983. Report of Municipal Complex Committee - Mr. Gil Artman: Mr. Artman, Chairman of the Committee said there is a definite need for a municipal complex to house the administrative staff and police department. e Work performance product, addresses JOB TASKS: Support of Commission CITY CODES: Land Development, Zoning; Walter Thomas Elwell, CITY PLANNER, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA. ! //O/YV and Boards'J 1< [ ~ STAFF REPORT, PLfu~ING DEPT. \JORK ORDER/DATE:83,11,18,1/6 JAN. 84 Development/Unit: REGENCY SEVILLE Applicant/ Agent: ETTO CORPORATION, TARMO PURRE, EDGAR TORNAY/CONKLIN,PORTER,HOLMES Review/Action Requested: CITY COMMISSION REVIEW/APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLANS Text, Page: 1 of 1 Assessment/ Validat-ion: To: CITY MANAGER/Rozansky, and all parties who may become identified relevant to the above identified request for "Review/Action", From: CITY PLANNER/Elwell (sign/date). . . . . ...~1I CfTt1J1,84-- Re: STAFF REVIEW-for action toward approval of the above identified develop- ment. Background information available on prior reviews/action includes: 01. Site information, Coordination/Synthesis of the findings of Staff Review: refer to prior "STAFF REPORT' dated 12 Dec. 83, attached, and; -02. Planning/Zoning Board review/action: RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS SPECIFIED (refer to minutes of Regular Meeting, Wednesday 14 Dec. 84, attached), and now; The applicant/agent requests that: 03. The City Commission "sanction" approval ~ the preliminary plan- recommended by the Planning and Zoning Board, and impose the conditions specified (identified above), and further; The City Planner/Elwell and the applicant/agent(Engineer/Holmes,Conklin,Porter and Holmes) concur that: 04. Certain specific Commission action (waivers)-that may be required by the City Code (Sec. 14-95, and Sec. ~4-ll9(b)(relative to certain conditions to be imposed (No.16,page 2, and; No.18,page 3 of the 12 Dec. 83 Staff Report) may be addressed by the City Commission more expeditiously in the course of final plan review/action when the applicant's presentation of sidewalk and street plans become more refined, and the City Planner's interpretation of the Code becomes clarified, and; I "( ((' 'I IC( Ii, \ , i " \, ,p11 jll/- I II ' 05. All the above identified conditions - may be sanctioned/imposed by the City Commission as conditions of their approval, and to meet the applicant's "expressed" desire/need for approval not later than 10 Jan.84. . cc: Mayor/City Commission, All Departments, Applicant, File m. . . - . . . - - / 460 East Altamonte Drive/Highway 436 Post Office Box 308 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 305/646-3441 January 4, 1983 Ms. Jacquiline Coch City of Winter Springs City Hall Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Ms. Coch: SUBJECT: Continued Occupancy of Temporary Bank Facility Please accept this as our formal request of continued occupancy of our temporary bank facility located on the corner of Moss Road and State Road 434 in Winter Springs. Our architect, KBJ, Inc. of Jacksonville is currently in conver- sation with your city's Planning and Building Department and we expect to receive site approval in the near future for construction of our new facility. It is our goal to have construction completed by June 30, 1984. We appreciation your consideration. If you should have any further questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me. My direct telephone number is 646-3236. Sincerely, ~ ~) /<./~q// 6l~' ~ Robert B. Whitehil1~ Senior Vice President