HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 12 11 City Commission Regular Minutes
DECEl1BER 11, 1984
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Mayor John V. Torcaso.
Roll Call:
Mayor John V. Torcaso, present
C~ty Manager Richard Rozansky, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Jim Hartman, present
Arthur Hoffmann, present
Inez Linville, present
William Jacobs, present
Leanne Grove, present
The invocation was given by Commissioner Jacobs. The Pledge of Allegiance to the
flag was led by Commissioner Leanne Grove.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to approve the minutes of November 27 and
December 3, 1984. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hartman, aye;
Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
Commissioner Grove, aye; motion carried.
Public Input:
Larry Cerra, Blue Spruce Court, spoke about changing the Charter to give the Mayor
a vote, and about appointments to the various Boards of the City.
General Agenda:
~ublic Hearing for Ord. No. 302, annexation (David Joyce property) Second Reading:
The Public Hearing will be continued until the next meeting, January 14, 1985.
Public Hearing for Ord. No. 303, rezoning certain properties from RC-l to R-U.
(Tract B from the northeast corner of N. Orl. Ranches Sec. 1, etc.) Second Reading:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 303 by title only on second reading. Mayor
Torcaso recessed the Commission Meeting and opened the Public Hearing. No one spoke
for or against the Ordinance. Mayor Torcaso closed the Public Hearing and reconvened
the Commission Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Linville, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to adopt
Ord. No. 303 on second reading. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hoffmann,
aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye;
Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried.
Public Hearing for Ord. No. 304, granting a distribution easement to Florida Power
Corp. Second Reading:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 304 by title only on second reading.
Torcaso recessed the Commission Meeting and opened the Public Hearing. No
for or against the Ordinance. Mayor Torcaso closed the Public Hearing and
the Commission Meeting.
one spoke
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hartman to adopt
Ord. No. 304 on second reading. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Linville,
aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye;
Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; motion carried.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Dec. 11, 1984 Page 2
Planning & Zoning Board Recommendations of Nov. 28, 1984:
Mt. Greenwood P.U.D.-Pre1iminary Plan Review:
Mr. Howard Lefkowitz of Florida Residential Communities gave a brief presentation.
He said this is the preliminary P.U.D. submission of the Mt. Greenwood P.U.D. It
is comprised of 190 acres located to the east of Moss Road, west of Hayes Road, south
of Hacienda Village with the Florida Power easement as its southern boundary. The
request is for 700 dwelling units on 190 acres and the gross density request is 3.68
dwelling units per acre. Water and sewer will be provided by Winter Springs Water
and Sewer. On the Hayes Road side, Tracts 1 and 2, single family area, 75 dwelling
units on 2.82 units per acre. Tracts 3 and 4 are designated for fee-simple attached
two story townhouses. There are 173 units on two parcels, 20.5 acres. Tract 5 is
set up for garden apartment-condominium, 302 dwelling units on 25.2 acres,- density
11.98 dwelling units per acre. This parcel is totally buffered. Tract 7, patio
home area fee simple attached and detached units; 150 dwelling units on 37 acres,
gross density of 4.05 units per acre. Tract 6 is designated for internal recreation.
An active park with ballfield, playground areas, tot lot and natural areas. 60
acres of the entire parcel will be left in a totally natural state. Of the 190 acres
only 57% of the land will be developed for shelter, balance will be left for common
Mr. Lefkowitz said he is willing to comply to the sidewalk requirements. He said
a traffic signal and necessary intersection improvements will be required at the corner of
Moss Road and S.R. 434 and at the intersection of Hayes Road, Wade Street and S.R. 434,
and they are willing to take the responsibility for those costs, and would either put
up a bond or letter of credit.
To guarantee responsibility for any undo damage to Moss and Hayes Roads Mr. Lefkowitz
said they would post a bond with the City, and would escrow funds for the spine road.
Motion was made by Commissioner Linville to set a Public Hearing for January 14, 1985
for the Mt. Greenwood Preliminary development P.U.D. plan. Seconded by Commissioner
Grove. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman,
aye; Commissioner Hoffman, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
motion carried.
01eda & Samuel W. Casscel1s Annexation:
Motion was made by Commissioner Linville to read Ord. No. 308, annexation of Cassce11s
property, by title only on first reading. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner
Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ordinance No. 308 by title only on first reading.
Richard S. Casselberry Annexation:
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to read Ord. No. 309, annexation of Richard S.
Casselberry property, by title only on first reading. Seconded by Commissioner Grove.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Linville,
aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye;
motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ordinance No. 309 by title only on first reading.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Dec. 11, 1984
Page 3
Resolution No. 466 requesting the Florida State Dept. of Transportation to approve
railroad grade crossing applications for Vistawilla Drive and Tuscora Drive, etc.:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 466 by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to adopt Res. No. 466. Seconded by Commissioner
Grove. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner
Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann,
aye; motion carried.
Resolution No. 467 imposing a six month moratorium on the receipt of applications for
review of a Site Plan for the development of land upon which a convenience store or
gas station, etc.:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 467 by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman to adopt Res. No. 467. Seconded by Commissioner
Hoffmann. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner
Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner
Linville, aye; motion carried.
Resolution No. 468 providing for the division of an originally platted lot (Blk.
N, Tract B, N. Orl. Ranches Sec. 7):
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 468 by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Linville to adopt Res. No. 468. Seconded by Commissioner
Grove. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman,
aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
motion carried.
Resolution No. 469 expressing appreciation for the dedication and hard work to
Burley G. Adkins:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 469 in its entirety.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to adopt Res. No. 469. Seconded by Commissioner
Hoffmann. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner
Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove,
aye; motion carried.
Resolution No. 470 supplementing the Personnel Policy of the City; establishing official
holidays for the calendar year 1985:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 470 by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Grove to adopt Res. No. 470. Seconded by Commissioner
Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner
Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman,
aye; motion carried.
City Manager - Richard Rozansky:
Donation of land - Chemical Enterprises:
Manager Rozansky explained this donation of land comprised approximately 4.25 acres,
at a cost of 15.26 cents per square foot or $28,000 approximately.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hoffmann to accept the donation of land from
Chemical Enterprises. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye;
Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; motion carried.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Dec. 11, 1984
Page 4
Fiscal Year 1984-85 Budget:
First Reading of Ord. No. 310, amending 1984-85 FY Budget,etc.:
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to read Ord. No. 310 by title only on first
reading. Seconded by Commissioner Grove. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann,
aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 310 by title only, on first reading.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman to allow the City Manager to give each
employee $25.00 for holiday adjustment to their salary. Seconded by Commissioner
Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman,
aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
motion carried.
Municipal Complex:
Manager Rozansky reported that Conklin, Porter & Holmes prepared the necessary documents
and we are in the process of completing the DER permits for the water. He said he
sent a letter to the Public Service Commission objecting to the service area that
the private company wanted to cut out; he met with our Interior Design consultant and
she is in the process of getting our furniture; he turned over a bill from the
Architect to our Attorney for a delay in our paying a penalty payment; we are
proceeding with Ashley Square; we have placed the pipes under Moss Road.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to place Resolution No. 471, relating to the
acquisition of legal title and/or easements for designated recreation lands within
the City of Winter Springs, Florida, on the Agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Hartman.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye;
Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; motion
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 471 by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Linville to adopt Res. No. 471. Seconded by Commissioner
Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner
Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman,
aye; motion carried.
Update on Grant Application:
Terry Zaudtke, Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc., said he spoke to Brian Goff
who took over DER for this District who told Mr. Zaudtke the list had now moved down
to 41 and Winter Springs is 47. Mr. Zaudtke recommended that Winter Springs continue
to pursue the grant. He said we do not have to do the sewer system evaluation work,
we need the 201 modification approved and he is working on that. Mr. Zaudtke said
there are no additional funds needed at this time.
Traffic Control - Sheoah Boulevard:
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to authorize the Staff to proceed with moving
the driveway at the School to align it with Sheoah Boulevard, and proceed with the
necessary documentation and the resolution for the stop light and the letter to the
School Board, and to follow up, and the funds up to $10,000 approximately to re-
locate the drive. Seconded by Commissioner Linville. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye;
Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; motion carried.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Dec. 11, 1984
Page 5
Manager Rozansky reported he has the contracts for Wade Street and he is still
waiting for Seaboard. By the next meeting we should have our Audit Report.
Manager Rozansky spoke about his memo in reference to the map from the Chamber.
Commissioner Grove spoke about organizing a Chamber for the City of Winter Springs.
There was discussion of the memo from Mr. Hassler in reference to the Oak Forest
drainage problems dated December 6, 1984. Commissioner Linville spoke about Item
5 and Commissioner Hoffmann asked about Item 3. Commissioner Jacobs spoke about
undevelopable lots being shown on plats as undevelopable. Commissioner Jacobs asked
if there was some way we could put some control on undeveloped lots as far as
upkeep and maintenance. Attorney Kruppenbacher said he would get copies of ordinances
from other entities on how to regulate this.
Commission Seat I - Jim Hartman:
Commissioner Hartman spoke about the National League of Cities meeting and said it was
a very worthwhile trip. He said he had the Policy Statements for the Commission's
Commission Seat II - Arthur Hoffmann:
Commissioner Hoffmann nominated Michael Boyd to the Planning & Zoning Board. Seconded
by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner
Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann,
aye; motion carried.
Commissioner Hoffmann asked if we should pass a resolution setting a moratorium on
new planned unit developments. Attorney is to research.
Commission Seat III - Inez Linville:
Commissioner Linville recommended we Jo~n the National League of Cities. She said she
would like to see the City set up some kind of system for appointments to the Boards.
Commission Seat IV - William Jacobs:
Commissioner Jacobs spoke about our traffic study. Commissioner Hartman said the
East Central Florida Regional Planning Council could do a study on a particular area
at no cost. They would not be able to do an overall traffic study for the entire
City. Commissioner Hartman is to see if they would do a traffic study on the Mt.
Greenwood P.D.D.
Commission Seat V - Leanne Grove:
Commissioner Grove attended the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County meeting.
She said there were two reports on subcommittees that we should be interested in, the
Purchasing Committee and the Street Naming Committee.
Commissioner Grove also asked the status of the proposed ordinance on marine activity.
This ordinance will be on the Agenda for the next meeting.
Mayor's Office:
Appointment of Deputy Mayor:
Commissioner Linville nominated Commissioner William Jacobs. Died for lack of a second.
Commissioner Hoffmann nominated Commissioner Jim Hartman. Died for lack of a second.
Commissioner Linville nominated Commissioner William Jacobs. Commissioner Grove
seconded the nomination.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Dec. 11, 1984
Page 6
Motion was made by Commissioner Linville to close nominations. Seconded by Commissioner
Hoffmann. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Grove, no; Commissioner Hartman,
no; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
motion carried.
Vote for Commissioner Jacobs for Deputy Mayor: Commissioner Hartman, no; Commissioner
Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner
Grove, no; motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman to make the vote unanimous. Seconded by
Commissioner Linville. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hoffmann, aye;
Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye;
Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried.
Appointments to Council of Local Governments:
Mayor Torcaso appointed Commissioner Grove to the Council of Local Governments.
Alternate,representative will be the Mayor.
City Manager Rozansky will be the City's representative to the Transmission Authority,
Mayor will be the alternate.
City Manager Richard Rozansky will be the City's representative to the Purchasing
Committee of the Council of Local Governments; Alternate will be Jacqueline Koch.
Commissioner Hoffmann will be the City's representative to the Street Naming
Committee of the Council of Local Governments.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk