HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 09 25 City Commission Regular Minutes
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SEPTEtlliER 25, 1984
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Mayor John V. Torcaso.
Roll Call:
Mayor John V. Torcaso, present
Deputy Mayor Buck Adkins, present
City Manager Richard Rozansky, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Jim Hartman, present
Inez Linville, present
William Jacobs, present
Leanne Grove, present
The Invocation was given by Commissioner Leanne Grove. The Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag was led by Commissioner William Jacobs.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to approve
the minutes of the Special Meeting of Sept. 10, Regular Meeting of Sept. 11, and
Special Meeting of Sept. 13, 1984. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner
Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; motion carried.
Public Input:
Gene Dorman, Northern Way, spoke about the proposed Imara Development and the continued
Phil Kulbes, Highlands, spoke about the developments along Sheoah Boulevard and asked
if the City is taking any action to control the traffic.
Dr. Sinto, Sheoah Boulevard, spoke about pest problems and if there was a Health
Department in the City.
Tony Tiano, Fairway Oaks, spoke about the Imara Project, and asked if residents of
Tuscawilla can have that property rezoned.
Tom Dougherty, Chokecherry Drive, spoke about the drainage problem in Oak Forest.
Al Gerder, Oak Forest, also spoke about the drainage problem in Oak Forest.
General Agenda:
Public Hearing on Spray Effluent Field-Highlands Planned Unit Development:
Mayor Torcaso recessed the Commission Meeting and opened the Public Hearing. The City
Planner said it is a 28 acre site and shown on the site plan map as Tract 5 and is to
be used for percolating ponds. Terry Zaudtke, Engineer with Conklin, Porter and Holmes,
reported they have been representing the City in their negotiations with North Orlando
Water & Sewer Corporation. It was the opinion of the City Attorney that we hold a
public hearing to let the public voice their opinion on the project. Mr. Zaudtke
explained that it is to be five percolating ponds formed kind of in a circle, with
the center piece being used for an emergency overflow as required by DER.
Mr. Zaudtke said the soils report has indicated that the site is suitable for perco-
lation ponds. The City needs the disposal capacity. DER has permitted the site.
The City needs the capacity for effluent disposal because the golf course is not disposing
of as much effluent as was formally implied to the City. Martin Trencher, Marni Drive,
Mrs. Kulbes, Glasgow Court, Joan McIntyre, Highlands, t1r. Mullican, Dunbar Circle,
a resident from Galloway Terrace, and Dr. Sinto, Sheoah Boulevard all spoke in
discussion. Kitty DeGrenia, Executive Director of the Highlands Homeowners Assn.
had many questions about this property once the City acquires it.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Sept. 25, 1984
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Cal Conklin, City's consulting engineer, said the utility company had intended to
dispose of a lot more effluent on the golf course. For various reasons they were
not able to dispose of as much effluent as they had intended. The future plan is
to take additional amounts to Iron Bridge, when they can get that straightened out.
Mayor Torcaso closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Commission Meeting.
Automotive One Appeal:
Automotive One Parts Service, which is located on the corner of North Edgemon Ave.
and S. R. 434 is requesting an entrance onto S. R. 434 from their property. They
have come before the Site Plan Review Board and they were turned down on the basis
that it would cause traffic problems and endanger pedestrians primarily school
children walking to and from Winter Springs Elementary School. They are now wishing
to appeal that decision to the City Commission. The applicant was not present.
Motion was made by Commissioner Grove to uphold the decision of the Site Plan Review
Board Meeting.Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. In discussion Commissioner
Grove said it is in opposition to our Comprhensive Land Use Plan. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried.
Ordinance No. 300, governing the distribution of circulars, handbills, newspapers,
magazines, other papers and merchandise, etc.-Tabled:
Motion was made by Commissioner Linville, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to read
Ord. No. 300 by title only. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Linville, aye;
Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye;
Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 300 by title only.
that the word doorframe be deleted on page 3, Sec. V and
Commissioner Hartman asked
Attorney Kruppenbacher
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman, seconded by Commissioner Linville to adopt
Ord. No. 300. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner
Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville,
aye; motion carried.
Ratification of actions taken at Special Meeting of City Commission on Sept. 13, 1984:
Resolution No. 457:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 457 by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Grove, to adopt
Resolution No. 457. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Grove, aye;
Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye;
Commissioner Jacobs, aye; motion carried.
Resolution No. 458:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 458 by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Linville, seconded by Commissioner Hartman, to
adopt Resolution No. 458. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hartman, aye;
Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
Commissioner Grove, aye; motion carried.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Sept. 25, 1984
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Resolution No. 459:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 459 by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Grove, to adopt
Resolution No. 459. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Adkins, aye;
Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye;
Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried.
City Manager - Richard Rozansky:
North Orlando Water & Sewer Corp.; State Grant Funding for Wastewater Treatment
and Disposal-CPH:
Mr. Terry Zaudtke, Engineer with Conklin, Porter & Holmes referred to his letter
of August 29, 1984 in reference to State Grant Funding for Wastewater Treatment
and Disposal. Mr. Conklin is to contact Mr. Smith to s~e where we are on the list
as to funding. This item will be on the Agenda for October 9 for action.
Status of Acquisition:
Manager Rozansky introduced Doug Taylor, Operations Director of North Orlando Water
and Sewer Corporation. Manager Rozansky said the City will close on the bonds the
first week in October, and then on the Utility Company. He said ne has met with
the employees and is working on insurance, job descriptions, setting up accounts at
the Bank. He is also working on a maintenance plan and he is attempting to get
insurance statements to transfer the insurance over to our policy. It will be run
as another Department until the Commission directs otherwise.
Citrus Road - expenditure approval:
Manager Rozansky said that improvements to Citrus Road are included in our Transportation
Improvement Fund and Mr. Schuder Seminole County Public Works Director estimated the
cost at $23,688.34. Their attorneys are working on an Agreement.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to approve the amount ($23,688.34) and allow
City Manager to contact Director of Public Works to start going at the same time we
are working out the Agreement. Seconded by Commissioner Linville. Discussion. Vote
on the motion: Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner
Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried.
Appointment of City Auditor:
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman to continue our existing contract for a
period of one year. Seconded by Commissioner Linville. Discussion. Vote on the
motion: Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye;
Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried.
Commission Seat I - Jim Hartman:
Commissioner Hartman spoke about the condition of Hayes Road. He said it needs to be
stabilized and that underdrains should be installed on the east side only. He also
asked about the paving of Wade Street.
Commission Seat II - Buck Adkins:
Commissioner Adkins asked the Commission to consider changing the Commission Meeting
nights to another night because the County Commission meets on Tuesdays and P.T.A.
meetings are also held on Tuesday nights. Commissioner Adkins also suggested a
workshop meeting be held to discuss step densities for planned unit developments.
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Regular Meeting, City Commission, Sept. 25, 1984
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Commission Seat III - Inez Linville:
No report.
Commission Seat IV - William Jacobs:
Commissioner Jacobs spoke about the Imara project.
Commission Seat V - Leanne Grove:
No report.
Mayor's Office:
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to put on
the agenda waiving of fees for political signs. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye;
Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman, seconded by Commissioner Adkins to waive
the sign permit fees for all candidates in the November 6 Election. Discussion.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner Jacobs, no; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner
Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, no; motion carried.
Appointments to Code Enforcement Board - Jay Alpert, Tom Stoddart, and James
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to reappoint Jay Alpert and James Dasher to
the Code Enforcement Board. Seconded by Commissioner Adkins. Discussion. Vote on
the motion: Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman,
aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman to appoint Phil Kulbes to the Code Enforcement
Board. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner
Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned 10:10 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk