HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 09 24 City Commission Special Minutes
SEPTEMBER 24, 1984
The Special Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Mayor John V. Torcaso.
Roll Call:
Mayor John V. Torcaso, present
Deputy Mayor Buck Adkins" present
City Manager Richard Rozansky, present
Jim Hartman, absent
Inez Linville, absent
William Jacobs, present
Leanne Grove, present
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Mayor John V. Torcaso.
Public Hearing
Final Budget Hearing - FY 84/85 Budget - General Fund, Special, State and
Federal Revenue Sharing:
Mayor Torcaso read the second reading of Ord. No. 301 by title only. Mayor
Torcaso recessed the Commission Meeting and opened the Public Hearing.
City Manager Richard Rozansky said this hearing is being conducted in accordance
with F.S. 200.65. Our proposed millage rate is 1.009 which is the rolled back
rate. There is no tax increase in this Budget. We expect 1.009 mills to produce
$282,851.00. Our total amended budget is $7,103,115.33. The General Fun~ is
$2,628,292.46; Capital Improvements Fund is $148,739.00; Federal Revenue Fund is
$62,415.00; Police Education Fund is $6,078.00; Rescue Fund $875.00; Employee
Pension Fund is $47,643.67; Special Law Enforcement Fund is $3,000; 1979 Sinking
Fund is $96,355.00; Sinking Fund Reserve is $52,353.00; 1984 Bond Issue Sinking
Fund is $514,283.33 and the Sinking Fund Reserve is $379,500.00; Construction Fund
is $2,981,810.87; Transportation Improvement Fund is $177,270.00; Sidewalk Improve-
ment Grant $4,500.00.
The final Budget adjustments, on Page 1, the Fund Balance was adjusted to $800,000.00;
on Page 3, 1984 Revenue Bond Sinking Fund was adjusted $162,119.79; Transportation
Improvement Fund $80,385.00; Sidewalk Improvement Grant, $4,500.00; expenditures
were adjusted as follows: Page 10, adjusted L. C. 12.1 Salary in the Finance Dept.
to $23,500.00;L.C.32.l from 10,000 to 12,400; added $2,400 for the Manual; adjusted
L.C. 45.1 Insurance from $62,000 to $64,000; Page 13, General Government Year End
Reserve, was raised to $250,000.00; 69.1 Contingency was adjusted to $156,636.46;
1984 Bond Issue Sinking Fund, L.C. 72.1 Bond Interest adjusted to $446,783.33; Debt
Service $22,500.00; Page 14, Transportation Improvement Fund adjusted to $177,270.00;
Sidewalk Improvement Grant added $4,500.00.
Manager Rozansky discussed the Federal Revenue Sharing Budget. This year the FRS
Budget is $62,415.00. Public input was invited at the Tentative Budget Hearing.
The Federal Revenue Sharing Budget in the Tentative Budget has not been changed and
was approved as follows: Police Department, 2 vehicles, $23,000.00; Public Works
Department, Vehicle (truck) PU 3/4 ton, $10,000.00; Equipment-Vehicle Lift, Box
Blade, Articulated Mower, Vehicle ramps, 2 each push mowers, $6,415.00; total Public
Works Department, $16,415.00. Building Department, Vehicle (compact pick-up) $8,000.00;
Recreation: Capital improvements, paddle/racketball courts, basketball courts, $15,000.00
for a total FRS Budget of $62,415.00.
Special Meeting, City Commission, Sept. 24, 1984
Page 2
Manager Rozansky reviewed the Capital Improvement Program in the amount of $148,739.00
and the Transportation Improvement Fund $177,270.00, these are attached to the minutes.
Manager Rozansky also reviewed the Salary Adjustments which are attached to the minutes.
Mayor Torcaso closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Commission Meeting.
Mayor Torcaso read Resolution No. 460, setting the Ad Valorem Tax Millage rate for
FY 1984/85 in its entirety.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Grove to adopt
Resolution No. 460. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Adkins, aye;
Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Grove to adopt
Ord. No. 301, the entire Budget. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried.
Mayor Torcaso read Resolution No. 461 establishing the rate of reimbursement for
expenditures, etc. by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Grove, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to adopt
Resolution No. 461. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Grove, aye;
Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Grove, seconded by Commissioner Adkins to adopt
the Fiscal Year 1984/85 salaries for employees to be effective Oct. 4, 1985.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
Commissioner Grove, aye; motion carried. (Salary Adjustments are attached to the
minu tes . )
Meeting was adjourned 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jnuv, r?znZ
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk
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