HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 06 26 City Commission Regular Minutes
JUNE 26, 1984
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Mayor John V. Torcaso.
Roll Call:
Mayor John V. Torcaso, present
Deputy Mayor Buck Adkins, present
City Manager Richard Rozansky, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Jim Hartman, present
Inez Linville, present
William Jacobs, present
Leanne Grove, present
The invocation was given by Commissioner Leanne Grove. The pledge of allegiance to
the flag was led by Commissioner Jim Hartman.
110tion was made by Commissioner Grove, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to approve the
minutes of June 12, 1984. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Linville, aye;
Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner
Adkins, aye; motion carried.
Public Input:
Sherry Lincoln, Burgos
campers in driveways.
her home.
Road, asked if anything has been done about parking boats and
She also asked about the maintenance of the canal in back of
Mr. Pat Villilo, Black Acre Trail, asked if the City was going to continue with the
proposed annexation of Tuscawilla Unit I. From the survey that was sent out, 97 are
against and 9 for, so there will be no further action taken.
John Mangan, Buttonwood Road, read the following letter:" we the undersigned residents
of Winter Springs are concerned about the construction of a ballfield located south of
Buttonwood Ave. The field thus far has been more of an aggravation than an asset to
our neighborhood; there have been dirt bikes running through the neighborhood; loiter-
ing; gunshots heard; garbage and trash dumping has been seen there; cooperation by City
officials in handling these complaints has been non-existent; what cooperation will the
City guarantee us once the ballfield is completed? We would appreciate the opportunity
to meet with the City to offer our suggestions in planning a park that would be bene-
ficial to our neighborhood. We have enclosed a list of questions that we feel the City
should be able to answer and would like a time set aside at the July 24th commission
meeting for residents of our neighborhood to hear the City's answers." Discussion
followed. Mayor Torcaso said the City has no intention of lighting the ballfield.
Manager Rozansky reported the only thing that is being done is the lot is being surveyed
and a topographic map is being made. When we receive the survey plat and topo, we are
going to sit down with the Commission and decide what to do there.
Debbie Carter, Marjorie Malich, Kim Oliver, Debbie Smith and a resident of 262 Button-
wood, all spoke about the people throwing out trash and the problems with parking and
bike riders. Commissioner Jacobs asked that a "No Vehicular Traffic" sign be posted
on the property.
Tom Dougherty, Chokecherry Drive, asked what is being done about papers being thrown
onto private property. He also asked about Lot 78 which is overgrown with weeds and
Regular Meeting, City Commission, June 26, 1984
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Motion was made by Commissioner Adkins to put a fence along the property line (in the
City of Winter Springs) between the City limits of Casselberry and Winter Springs
from Buttonwood to Camphorwood to stop the traffic from coming in there. Seconded by
Commissioner Hartman. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye;
Commissioner Linville, aye; motion carried.
General Agenda:
Public Hearing for Ord. No. 297, amending Ord. No. 290 granting a franchise to the
Florida Power Corp., etc. Second Reading.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 297 by title only on second reading. Mayor
Torcaso recessed the Commission Meeting and opened the Public Hearing. No one
spoke for or against the ordinance. Mayor Torcaso closed the Public Hearing and re-
convened the Commission Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to adopt
Ord. No. 297. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner
Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner
Jacobs, aye; motion carried.
Planning & Zoning Board Recommendations:
Certification of Official Zoning Map:
Jacqueline Koch explained the Code requires that annually the zoning map be updated
and recertified by the City Commission. There was one parcel rezoned from Mobile
Home Park to Multi-family. Other than that eight parcels have been annexed, a total
of 537 acres which means the City grew approximately 7~% during the last year.
Changes have been made on the map and it is recommended for approval.
Motion was made by Commissioner Linville for certification of the zoning map.
Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hartman,
aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
Commissioner Grove, aye; motion carried.
First Reading of Ord. No. 299 to extend its territorial and municipal limits -
Lots A,B,C,D, and F, Chase & Co. Subdivision of Wagner, etc.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Linville to read
Ord. No. 299 by title only on first reading. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove,
aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 299 by title only on first reading.
City Manager - Richard Rozansky:
FY 1984/1985 Tentative Budget Schedule:
Manager Rozansky said a copy of the Tentative Budget Schedule has been provided to all
Commissioners. On Friday he anticipates giving a copy of the tentative budget to all
Drainage Repairs - Northern Way:
There was discussion of the need for well points. Commissioner Adkins talked about the
school in Gainesville for the repair of pipe lines.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, June 26, 1984
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The Commission is to review the ordinance on marine activity and this will be on the
agenda for first reading on July 10, 1984.
Reports: On the lot on Tradewinds, r1anager Rozansky is still trying to contact Mr.
Manager Rozansky reported the Staff will be meeting with the interior designers for
the municipal complex on Thursday, June 28th. At the next meeting the Commission will
be given the priority on the four and then the Commission will select the one firm.
On the HMO, this new medical plan, because the City receives federal funds, we have to
allow these companies to come in and make a presentation. Manager Rozansky recommended
interviewing three, selecting one, and allowing that one to talk to the City employees.
Attorney Kruppenbacher recommended meeting with someone from Orange County.
On the Panama/Fruitwood matter, the City r1anager is to send a letter to Mr. Stoddard
informing him the Commission will consider their request only upon 100% agreement of
all property owners.
Commission Seat I - Jim Hartman:
No report.
Commission Seat II - Buck Adkins:
On the Southern Standard Building Code for swimming pools, a Workshop Meeting was called
for July 17th at 6:30 p. m.
Motion was made by Commissioner Adkins that John Hatfield be reappointed to the Planning
and Zoning Board. Motion died due to lack of a second.
Motion was made by Commissioner Adkins that t1r. Art Hoffman be appointed to the Planning
and Zoning Board for Seat II. Seconded by Commissioner Hartman. Discussion. Vote on
the motion: Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove,
aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Adkins to reappoint Walter (Ted) Holz as the appointment
for Seat II for the Board of Adjustment. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner
Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; motion carried.
Manager Rozansky said he wrote a letter to DOT on the traffic light study at Tuscawilla
Road and SR 419, but has not received anything back. He also sent a letter on the
turning lane at 17/92 and SR 434.
Commissioner Adkins said he would prefer one attorney here the majority of the time
instead of alternating. Attorney Kruppenbacher said with the exception of the next
meeting, he intends to be here all the time, except when there is a real problem.
Commission Seat III - Inez Linville:
Commissioner Linville asked about the Refuse service, and only one man on the truck.
t1anager Rozansky said a lot of companies are doing this to cut costs.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, June 26, 1984
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Commissioner Linville asked about the Florida Land property that is under litigation.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said he has talked to Attorney Higgins and there is to be a
finalized settlement proposal within the next week. This will be discussed at the
next meeting.
Commission Seat IV - William Jacobs:
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to reappoint Louise Poole to the Board of
Adjustment for Seat IV. Seconded by Commissioner Grove. Discussion. Vote on the
motion: Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins,aye;
Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; motion carried.
Commissioner Jacobs said he would have an appointment to the Planning & Zoning Board
at the next meeting.
Commissioner Jacobs asked if anything is being done on George Street. Commissioner
Jacobs asked if it would be advantageous to put sidewalks on South Edgemon Avenue
from Lombardy to the crosswalk behind the Florida National Bank.
Commission Seat V - Leanne Grove:
No report.
Mayor's Office:
Mayor Torcaso invited the Commission to the annual cook-out of the Tri County League
of Cities. It will be held at Barker Springs in Longwood on Sept. 27, 1984.
Mayor Torcaso said that Herndon Ambulance will be replaced by City Ambulance, Inc.
which is located at 20 Highway 17/92 in Casselberry on July 1, 1984. They will be
the only authorized ambulance service in Seminole County after that date.
Mayor Torcaso nominated Jim Hartman as Trustee to the Florida League-Workmen's
Compensation Fund. Mayor Torcaso nominated Leanne Grove as Trustee to the Liability
Insurance Fund.
Mayor Torcaso said starting in July trash pickup for the City will be on Tuesdays and
Fridays instead of Mondays and Thursdays.
Mr. Arthur Hoffman said the mosquito spraying is quite regular and they are doing a
good job.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
/n~~ ~V"Z~
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk