HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 02 14 City Commission Regular Minutes
FEBRUARY 14, 1984
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Mayor John V. Torcaso.
Roll Call:
Mayor John V. Torcaso, present
Deputy Mayor Buck Adkins, present
City Manager Richard Rozansky, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
City Attorney Tom Lang, present
Jim Hartman, present
Inez Linville, present
William Jacobs, present
Leanne Grove, present
The invocation was given by Commissioner Jim Hartman. The pledge of allegiance to
the flag was led by City Manager Richard Rozansky.
Motion was made by Commissioner Linville, seconded by Commissioner Adkins to approve
the minutes of Jan. 24, 1984. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye;
Commissioner Linville, aye; motion carried.
Public Input:
A resident of Oak Forest, spoke and thanked the Commission for the prompt action on
the installation of the street lights in Oak Forest; he asked that one more light be
installed at Forest Creek Drive and Tuscawilla Road; he also spoke about the sunken
electrical boxes if they could be straightened out; and spoke about a drainage problem
at Lot 204 of Unit 2.
Mr. A. Hoffman, Mt. Laurel Drive, spoke about the meeting with the Seminole County
Expressway Authority;
Mr. Patterson of Nancy Circle, spoke about his concerns with the developer to change
the platting of the lots in Woodstream.
Mr. Elliott, Nancy Circle, also spoke about the replatting in Woodstream.
Bob Dempsey, N. Bombay Ave. spoke in opposition to the abortion clinic.
Mr. Klingmire of MOrton Lane asked what could be done to get the roads in the Ranchlands
paved, and what the costs might be.
Resident of 21 Morton Lane spoke about the grading of the roads;another resident spoke
for the paving of the roads. Mrs. S. Reid of Hayes Road spoke against the paving.
Mrs. Pat Klingmire spoke for the paving of the roads.
General Agenda:
Recommendations of the Planning/Zoning Board of 2/8/84:
Annexation: Lot 7,Blk.B, Oak Grove Park/Sobik's Sandwich Shops, 2.0 acres:
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hartman to draft an
ordinance for the approval of the annexation of Lot 7, Blk.B, Oak Grove Park/Sobik's
Sandwich Shop. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner
Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs,
aye; motion carried.
Annexation: Portions of parcels A and B, Oak Grove Park/Guglielmello, 4.12 acres:
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Regular Meeting, City Commission, Feb. 14, 1984
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Motion was made by Commissioner Linville to draft the ordinance for the annexation
of Parcel A (parcel B can be added later) Oak Grove Park. Seconded by Commissioner
Grove for discussion. Discussion. Vote on the motion:Commissioner Hartman, aye;
Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
Commissioner Grove, aye; motion carried.
Annexation: Portions of Sec. 31, Twp. 20, Rnge.3l,Sec. 6, Twp.2l,Rnge.3l/Dyson,445 acres:
Motion was made by Commissioner Adkins to draft an ordinance for the annexation of the
Dypson property, 445 acres. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the
motion: Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs,
aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried.
Annexation: Portions of Sec. 5, Twp. 21, Rnge. 3l/Dyson, 40.1 acres:
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman to draft the ordinance for annexation of
the Dyson property 40.1 acres. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on
the motion: Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner
Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried.
Final Engineering/Doug's Unit 1 and Final Inspection, Recording of Record Plat/
Oak Forest Unit 4 was postponned until the next meeting.
Response of City Attorney/VanEepoel's letter re: Commission waivers of City
Ordinances in the Ranchlands:
The City Attorney recommended the Staff monitor all lot splits to prevent the
. splitting of lots for land speculation purposes.
Adoption of the amendment of the issuance resolution for purchase of NOWSCO:
Attorney Lang will advise when to put this on the agenda.
First reading of Ord. No. 286, annexing the north 343.2 ft. of the south 533.2 ft.,
etc. (W.S.Community Evangelical Congregational Church/Robert E. Burns):
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Linville to read
Ord. No. 286 by title only on first reading. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye;
Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Lang read Ordinance No. 286 by title only on first reading.
Resolution No. 439 certifying its application for Community Services Block Grant
Assistance to provide funds for child care,etc:
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Linville, to adopt
Resolution No. 439. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Grove, aye;
Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye;
Commissioner Jacobs, aye; motion carried.
Resolution No. 440, animal control etc.:
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hartman to adopt
Resolution No. 440. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hartman, aye;
Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, ay~; Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
Commissioner Grove, aye; motion carried.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Feb. 14, 1984
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City Manager - Richard Rozansky:
Municipal Complex Architectural Agreement:
Motion was made by Commissioner Linville, seconded
approve the architects agreement for the municipal
by Commissioner Jacobs, that we
complex as it stands. Discussion.
Motion was amended by Commissioner Hartman, seconded by Commissioner Adkins to change
Sec. 14.2.1 to 7. Discussion. Vote on the amendment to the motion: Commissioner
Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, no; Commissioner Jacobs,
no; Commissioner Grove, no; motion on amendment failed.
Vote on main motion: Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye;
Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, no; motion
Property Acquisition:
After discussion of the acquisition of the property for the municipal complex,
Attorney Lang said the closing would be simultaneous with the bond closing and
that a special clause would be added to the contract stating the parties understand
that this purchase is contingent upon us being able to sell the bonds that are
described in Res. No. 438 which would be attached to the contract.
Motion was made by Commissioner Linville that we approve the counter offer as it
stands subject to that which was stated by our City Attorney. Seconded by
Commissioner Adkins. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Adkins, aye;
Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye;
Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried.
NOWSCO acquisition-physical inspection:
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs that we extend the reporting date of Conklin,
Porter & Holmes on the physical inspection until the first meeting in March. Seconded
by Commissioner Grove. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Linville, aye;
Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye;
Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried.
Pope vs. Winter Springs:
Attorney Nicholas Pope, trustee of the trust that owns the property of the pending
lawsuit (northwest corner of North Moss Road and S. R. 434) spoke to the Commission and
presented a letter outlining certain conditions to settle the lawsuit.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman, seconded by Commissioner Adkins to hold a public
hearing on this issue. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hartman, aye;
Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, no;
Commissioner Grove, aye; motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Grove that we withdraw the previous motion to hold
a public hearing. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs for discussion. Discussion. Vote
on the motion: Adkins, no; Linville, no; Jacobs, aye; Grove, aye; Hartman, aye;
motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Grove that we hold a Workshop to consider a counter
proposal of settlement. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the
motion: Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye;
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Feb. 14, 1984
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~ Commissioner Hartman, no; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried.
A Workshop Meeting was called for next Tuesday, Feb. 21, 1984, to discuss the proposed
settlement of the Pope vs. Winter Springs lawsuit.
City Manager - Reports:
Manager Rozansky reported he is checking on the Old Sanford Oviedo Road whether or not
it was ever dedicated to the City. He is going to approach Bill Bush and Jack Schuder
to see exactly what they want and then report back to the Commission.
Manager Rozansky said he
getting the engineering.
will apply for the permit
see the engineering as to
has had Wade Street surveyed and he is in the process of
As soon as he gets the surveyor's map and the engineering he
from Seaboard Railroad. They will not do anything until they
where we want to move the crossing.
Manager Rozansky said he is waiting for the approvals for the driveway cuts for Moss
Road. As soon as they are received he will put them on the agenda; all the clay from
the Wander Lake project has been moved from the lot; on the ALS program, midnight
tonight (Feb. 14) we are going to EMS. We have a tentative agreement with the medical
director. The medical director will not sign the agreement until he reads the insurance
policy. Manager Rozansky said he should have the insurance policy Wednesday morning;
the Grove Counseling Center is asking for a refund of $325.00 which they paid for a
Site plan review and building permits because they are a non-profit service organization.
Manager Rozansky said he is looking into that; monthly reports have been distributed;
the electric franchise agreement has been forwarded to Livermore,Klein & Lott, to
Gary Akers and the City Attorney for their comments.
Commission Seat I - Jim Hartman:
Commissioner Hartman spoke about the actions of the Planning & Zoning Board at a
recent meeting. John Hatfield, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board was present.
Discussion followed.
Commission Seat II - Buck Adkins:
Commissioner Adkins spoke about a problem on Trotwood Boulevard. He said the con-
struction people are parking their cars on the right of way between the newly constructed
fence and the road, and there is a visual problem with those cars parked on that side of
the road. He said the construction traffic could park across the street in the park
where it would not create such a safety hazard.
Commissioner Adkins asked the Attorney if a fee could be imposed on those people
throwing out newspapers, etc. Attorney Kruppenbacher said he would contact the Florida
League of Cities for their material.
Commission Seat III - Inez Linville:
Commissioner Linville asked if the letter to the cable people went out. Commissioner
Linville also talked about the City of Longwood annexing property on the east side of
17-92. Commissioner Linville also asked if the Staff Reports could be simplified
deleting the duplication.
Commission Seat IV - William Jacobs:
Commissioner Jacobs talked about the traffic signal in the City of Casselberry and
about the sidewalks on South Cortez Avenue.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Feb. 14, 1984
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Commission Seat V - Leanne Grove:
Commissioner Grove asked about the rubble at the Fairway Shopping Center which was
left by the Photomat. Attorney Kruppenbacher said he would contact Mr. Hagle about
correcting that.
Mayor's Office:
Conrad Hemmer, Hacienda Village, spoke about the appointment of the Planning &
Zoning Board members.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:58 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk