HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 06 09 Bid Opening
June 9, 1983
The bid opening was called to order by Mayor John V. Torcaso at 2:35 p. m. for the
purpose of opening bids for 2 new pickup trucks; specifications on file at City Hall;
Moving Radar which must meet State of Florida specifications and an electronic alcohol-
in-breath Tester which must meet State of Florida specifications.
Mayor John V. Torcaso
Police Chief John Govoruhk
Public Works Director Charles Hassler
Lt. Charles Sexton
City Clerk Mary Norton
The following bids were opened by Mayor John V. Torcaso:
Economy Leasing, 1371 N. Highway 17-92, Longwood, Fl. 32750 -
plus air conditioning - $1,586.00 plus 5% sales tax and title
for a 48 month closed end lease with option to purchase.
Purchase total $14,398.20
fee; or a price was given
Luke Potter Dodge, Inc., 1050 N. Orlando Ave., Winter Park, Fl. 32789 - $7,690.77.
Don Reid Ford, Highway 17-92, Maitland, Fl.3275l - $7,139.00
Roger Holler Chevrolet, 860 Fairbanks Ave., Winter Park, Fl. 32789 - No Bid.
Bob Dance Dodge, Inc., 5152 Highway 17-92, Longwood, Fl. 32750 - $7,248.22 ea. without air
$7,864.47 ea. with air
Bay Ford Truck Sales, Inc., 3214 Adamo Dr., Tampa, Fl.33605 - No Bid.
Bids received for Moving Radar as follows:
Kustom Quality Electronics, 8320 Nieman Road, Lenexa, Kansas 66214 - $1,395.00
M. P. H. Industries, Inc., 15 S. Highland, Chanute, Ks. 66720 - $1,371.25 ea.
Decatur Electronics, 715 Bright St.,Decatur, 111.62522 - $1,645.00
(without readout)
(with readout)
One bid was received for an intoxilyzer from George Thomas Agency, P.O. Drawer 1027
Jupiter, Fl. 33458 in the amount of $5,245.00.
The bid opening was closed at 2:50 p. m.
Mary T. Norton,
The Orlando Sentinel
PUbU"Rf"U Ollily
Orlando. Or.n~f" Counl~.. Florida
~tate of lIoriba t
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared
Virginia Hol1inqsworth
, who on oath says that
she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Orlando Sentinel, a Daily newspaper
published at Orlando, in Orange County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad.
vertisement, being" Advertisement For Bids in the matter of
2 (two) new pick-up T:rucks
in the Court,
The City ~l Wln,er Springs will
receive Bods 'or the items Iis'ee1
below up to 2:30 p.m. on June
9. 1983, at Winter Springs City
Hall, 400 N. Edgemon Ave.,
Winter ,Springs, FL. 32708, at
whoch tome Bids will be publicly
openeel and reeel aloud.
2, new pickup trucks; specifi-
cations are on 'lie lor Inspec-
tion at Win.r Springs City Hall,
400 N. Edgemon Ave., Winter
Spnngs, FL.
Moving Radar which mus'
meet State 0' Florida
An electronic alcohol-in-
breath Tester W'>ich must meet
State of Florida specifications .
All bids must be sealed S";d
marked "Sealed Bid" on
The City of Winter Springs re-
serves the right '0 reject any or
all bids or to waive any infor-
malities in the bidding.
Dated 'his 16th day of May
1983. . '
IslRichard Rozansky
Richard Rozansky i
City Manager
CL-83 MaY22,1983
was published in said newspaper in the issues of
May 22, 1983
Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at Orlando, in
said Orange County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously
published in said Orange County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second-
class mail matter at the post office in Orlando, in said Orange County, Florida for a period of
one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and af-
fiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation
any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for
publication in the said newspaper.
/J /, .' ;/;14'. ~~Ii
/It .'1t'''Y'~ ~eq,,':'J:2/.,.(. ./1...-.
. . I
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 24th day
may A.D., 1983
~ "('
~~,~. '-~
. ~ ' \Notary Pub i~
%otary PublIc, Stllte of Florida at large '
Y CommiSSion Expires Jan. 21, 1984 FORM NO, AD-262