HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 06 15 Public Hearing
JUNE 15, 1982
Public Hearing :for citizen participation in the proposed use of Federal Revenue
Sharing Funds for Fiscal Year 1982-1983.
City !I'Janager Richard Rozansky opened the public hearing. City Officials present;
Mayor Troy Piland, Police Chief 39M Govoruhk. City Manager Rozansky explained
the purpose of the hearing is to gi ve administrative officials input from the
citizens as to how they would like the Federal Revenue Sharing Funds spent. The
initial allocation for the FY 1982-1983 is $86,525.00.
City 1VJanager opened the hearing by stating it has been customary o:f the City in
previous years to acquire capital items with the Federal Revenue monies, cars,
for Police and Fire Departments, equipment for Public Works Department. \lJilf'red
Arnold asked the City !I'Janager how he intended to spend this ITDney, this year.
Mr. Rozansky responded that he was anticipating including in the Federal Revenue
Sharing fUnds in the purchase of equipment and implementation of capital prog;rams.
But would like to know what the public input is before that money is allocated in
the budget :for these things and presented to the Commission.
Mr. Arnold inquired as to what departments and how many, vehicles the City is
anticipating purchasing. City IVIanager responded; three vehicles for the police
department. George Kaplan inquired as to how much money was going to be spent in
Public Works. City Manager Rozansky stated that we are looldng at possibly two
pickups and one back hoe.
,- Mayor Piland stated that the primary purpose of the Federal Revenue Sharing is to
provide some of those primary things not addressed in the budget. Mayor Piland
:feels the following areas merit looldng into for possible expenditures; 'Recreational,
possible purchase of more park lands. Police department; more e:fficient radar
equipment, :implementation of a drug rehabilitative program for juevilles. The J'v1ayor
asked Chie:f Govoruh'k to provide data on the later two items to the City Manager
al1d Commission at a later time for review. City l\'Ianager Rozansky stated that cur-
rently under study is a new police facility building; George Kaplan inquired as to
an estimated price on this :facility. Rozansky responded; around $150,000. Police
Chie:f Govoruhk stated that the police department has experienced some difficulties
in the booldng pr'Ocp.ss through Seminole County; the amount of time an officer 'is out
due to this process; the cramped quarters the police department currently has, etc.
Mr. Rozansky stated he had anticipated spending around $14,500 for the life pac
V and radio, equipment :for the Fire Department, and three additional pararredics.
Mr. Arnold expressed a desire to see the money spent on solid goods (capital items
not operating goods).
Public Hearing adj ourned at approximately 8: 05 P. M.
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She A. ZieloBk-a .
Reco ding Secretary