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1982 06 01 Workshop
'. - .i --:... TO: MAYOR TROY J. PILAND DEPUTY MAYOR JOHN TORCASO CO}1}1ISSIONER JIM HARTt-lAN CO}1}1ISSIONER BUCK ADKINS CO}1}1ISSIONER MARTIN TRENCHER CO}1}1ISSIONER }~UREEN BOYD The committee to review Sections 8 and 44 of the Winter Springs Code met for the last time on May 18, 1982. We had planned to make a more complete report to the Commission but as you know we were directed to stop and report. . Attached you will find the boardts recommendation as to a new list of permitted uses under C-l and C-2. The Board would like to add to Section 44 the following, "Any existing retail store or business that is currently in violation of the new C-l or C-2 zoning will have to apply to the Board of Adjustment for appro 1 _-upOIrreSd.}'. " Board members: John Hatfield Helen Powell (Resigned) LeAnne Grove Ellen Weiss City Official Buck Adkins " Permitted Use - C-l 1. Administrative Public Buildings 2. Advertising Agencies 3. Alcoholic Beverage Sales (Package) 4. Alterations & Tailoring 5. Antique & Gift Shop 6. Appliances - Sales & Service l' 7. Artists Studios 8. Attorneys Automotive Accessories Sales 9. 10. Bakery, Retail 11. Bathroom Accessories 12. Bicycles - Sales & Service Page 1 Corresponding Occupational License 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Bookstores, Stationery, Newsstands 13. 14. Bookkeepers 15. Bowling Alley 16. Butcher Shop, Retail only 17. Carpets, Rugs & Linoleum 18. Car Wash 19. Churches 20. Cleaners 21. Coil Dealers Hardware & Software Computers, Sales & Service 22. ,23. Confectionery & Ice Cream Stores 24. Dance & Music Studios 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Day Nurseries, Kindergartens & Daycar25. Per:!l.itted Use - c- 1 26. Drug & Sundry Stores 27. Employment Agencies 28. Financial Institutions, Banks, S & L 29. Florist & Gift Shops 30. Furniture - Retail, Ne~v & Used 31. Gun Shop 32. Hardware Stores '33. Health Food 34. Hobby & Craft Shops 35. Hospitals & Nursing Homes 36. Hypnotists 37. Ice, Retail -- 38. Insurance 39. Interior Decorating & Draperies 40. Jewelry Stores 41. Launderettes & Laundromats 42. Libraries 43. Locksmiths 44. Luggage Shops 45. Medical Clinics & Laboratories 46. Manufaturing Companies Page 2 Correspondi~g Occupational License 1. 2. 3. 4. ) . ,. o. 7 . 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1 /, -"" , 15. 1 - _0. , - J..j . 18. 19. 20. 21. 47. Nurseries, Plants, Trees, etc. Retai122. i 48. Outdoor Advertising Signs SalES Office'23. , 49. Paint Store 50. Parking Garages ? /, --. 25. Page 3 Permitted Use - C- 1 Correspondi~g Occupational License 51. Pawn Shop , .1.. 52. Pet Shops & Grooming 2. 53. Photographic Studios 3. 54. Physical Fitness & Health Clubs /, ... 55. Post Office 5. 56. Private Clubs & Lodges Radio & TV Broadcasting Studios 57. Excluding Towers 6. 7. 58. Radio & TV Sales & Service 8. 59. Rental Shops 9. 60. Regulated Professions: Offices of th~O. Professionals Licensed & Regulated by tnp n"'?Rrtmpnt nf Profpssion",l Re~u- 11. lations & its Professional Boards (See attached list) 12. ..-..~ 6l. Retirement Homes 62. Restaurant, Drive Ins 63. Restaurant, Not Drive Ins 64. Restaurants, Curb Service 13. 16.. 15. , ,- '-0. 65. Schools, Public, Private & Parochial 17.. 66. Shoe Repair Shops 13. 67. Skating Rinks 19. 68. Small Loan Companies 20. 69. Sporting Goods, Retail 2l. 70. Swimming Pools, Sales, Servo & Suppli~. 7l. Tailoring Shops 23. 72. Taxidermists 24. '73. Telephone Business Off. & Exchanges 25. .- ~itted Use - c- 1 74. Theaters, not drive ins 75. Title Companies 76. Tobacco Shops 77. Tov Stores 78. Travel Agencies 79. Wearing Apparel Stores Any other retail store Qr business 80. enterprise not listed under any other zoning classification that in the judgment of the board of adjustment is consistent with those included above, and further, that will be in harmony with the spirit of sections 44.01 through 44.90. ,.-..,-.. Page 4 Corresponding Occu?ational License 1. 2. 3. /, .... 5. ,- o. 7 . 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1 - -:) . 16. 17. 1 ~ ...0. 19. 20. 21. 22. .. 23. 24. 25. REGULATED PROFESSIONS -- Accountants Acupuncturists Architects Barbers Chiropractors Construction Contractors Cosmetologists Dentists Electrical Contractors Engineers Funeral Directors & Embalmers Landscape Architects Land Surveyors Masseurs/Masseuses Naturopaths Nurses Nursing Home Administrators Opticians Optometrists Osteopathic Physicians Physicians Pharmacists Podiatrists Port Pilots Real Estate Agents Veterinarians " Page 1 Permitted Use - C- 2 Corresponding Occupational License 1. Air Conditioning Sales & Service 1. 2. Alcoholic Beverage on Premo Consumpt. 2. 3. Amusement & Commercial Recreation 3. 4. Automotive Body Repairing & Painting 4. 5. Automotive Glass, Vinyl Tops & Seat 5. covers 6. Automotive Sales & Service 6. 7. Automotive Renting & Leasing 7. 8. Automotive Tires 8. 9. Bakery, Wholesale 9. 10. Boats, Sales & Service 10. 11. Bottling & Distribution Plants 11. 12. Building & Plumbing Supplies 12. 13. Bus Terminal 13. 14. Cabinet Makers 14. 15. Caterers 15. 16. Clothing }~nufacturing 16. 17. Cold Storage & Frozen Food Lockers 17. 18. Contractors' Equipment - Storage Yar~~. 19. Convenience Markets 19. Drive-in Theaters 20. Feed Stores 21. Flea Markets - Open Air 22. Gas, Bottled 23. Gasoline Pumps 24. Grocers, Retail 25. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. ,-"---'-'-'-.. Permitted use - C-2 26.Grocers, Wholesale 27.Hotels & Motels 28.Ice, Wholesale 35.Nurseries, Plants, Trees, ifholesale 36'Outdoor Advertising Signs Equipment 37.Pest Control (Exterminating) 3'8.Printers 39.Recreational Vehicles 40.Roofing 41.Sheet Metal Shops Equipment Storage 42'Swimming Pools Contractors, 17. 43.Taxicabs 13. Page 2 Corresponding Occupational License 1. 2. 3. 10. 11. 12. 13, 14. 15. , r ...0. 44.Veterinary Hospitals 19.. 45.Warehouses 20. 46.w~olesale Meat & Produce. Distrib. 21. 22. i 23. 24. .,- .:.:l .