HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 12 14 City Commission Regular Minutes
DECEMBER 14, 1982
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Mayor John V. Torcaso.
Roll Call:
MHyor John V. Torcaso, present
Deputy Mayor Buck Adkins, present
City Manager Richard Rozansky, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Jim Hartman, present
Inez Linville, present
Leanne Grove, present
The invocation was given by Commissioner Buck Adkins. The pledge of allegiance to the
flag was led by City Manager Richard Rozansky.
Public Input:
Mr. Mike Martin, Seminole County Forester, Division of Forestry, gave an interesting
presentation on urban tree planting.
Bill Jacobs, S. Edgemon Ave., asked Officer Sexton about the problem in the Terraces
with the speeders, etc.
Motion was made by Commissioner Linville, seconded by Commissioner Hartman to approve
the minutes of Special Meeting and Regular Meeting of Nov. 23, 1982 and Special
Meeting of December 7, 1982. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Grove, aye;
Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye;
motion carried.
General Agenda:
Planning & Zoning Board Recommendations of Dec. 8, 1982:
1. Preliminary engineering for the Highlands Section 12, Tract lA:
The City Planner explained that the basic concern is in the patio homes section which
proposes lots of 36' in width with parking for three vehicles - 2 on a paved driveway
and one on a stabilized grass area with no attached garages. This is somewhat a
variance with what the City has approved in the last few years in all three of the
Planned Unit Developments. Mr. Martin Trencher, Clearn Court, spoke against the
proposed parking.
Miss Koch explained the project is in the Highlands on the east side of Sheoah, north
of North Third Street. The development is eleven acres which will be developed with
two types of multi-family. It will be single-family villas and multi-family two-story
garden apartment type dwellings. We do not have the entire concept on the apartment
section, so that concept will go before the P&Z Board before any building permits are
issued. The site is the one which was presented to the Commission at the last
meeting for approval of the land as being suitable for development. The entire tract
will be buffered. They plan to leave a perimeter in planting. Part of that will exist
on private lots; one of our conditions is that the Homeowners Association be required
to maintain that even though it be on private property. It is adjacent to the golf
course; in the future the development will be extended further to the north.
The streets in the development will be public; there will be one island which the
Homeowners Association will maintain as they do further up in Sec. 7 and 8 so the City
will not have to maintain that. There will be a number of retention areas that not only
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Dec. 14, 1982
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serve multi-family but also single-family areas so we have made another condition
that an association be formed that is responsible to maintain those ponds to assure
that the drainage from the single-family lots will be maintained.
Motion was made by Commissioner Linville to approve the preliminary plan for Highlands
Section 12, Tract lA with recommendations of City Engineer as written and recommendations
of the P&Z Board. Seconded by Commissioner Hartman. Discussion.
Motion was amended by Commissioner Adkins, seconded by Commissioner Hartman with a
condition that they provide 18 additional paved parking spaces, details to be
submitted with final engineering.
Vote on the motion as amended: Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye;
Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; motion carried.
Annexation of Parker property on S.R. 419:
The City Planner explained that we have now received a request from the owner of 47
additional acres. The three owners of the properties also asked for C-2 zoning
classification. In this particular case, directly to the south is R-T. That is one
that has been changed on the zoning and Land Use Map to R-3 and the parcel is too sillall
for a mobile home park but the point is the same that it would be C-2 development
adjacent to high density residential development. We pointed this out to the applicant
and advised them that if this is developed with industry there will be required a buffer
area between the development and the multi-family area. They said they had no problem
with that and they also are keeping their option open to develop their property with
multi-family which they can do in the C-2 zoning. If its zoned C-2 they have the
option to come in for a conditional use for multi-family.
Commissioner Hartman was not in favor of any of the parcels south of 419 coming in with
the C-2 zoning classification. He said they should either be residential or C-l, that
way we are keeping all of the industrial zoning north of SR 419.
The Planner explained that there is a large wetlands area south of the property within
which there will be no development and which acts as a natural buffer. Also, C-l
Neighborhood retail professional is very dependent on local consumers and clients and
there will never be roads coming up from this area to this property either from the 305
acres or from Indian Woods. The only traffic to this area will be from SR 419 which
makes it unattractive for the more neighborhood retail professional uses.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman that we approve the annexation with the amend-
ment that we change all of the parcels south of 419 to R-lAA and go to the County
and request that; north of 419 all the parcels C-2 at this present time. Motion died
due to lack of a second.
Motion was made by Commissioner Adkins that we annex the Parker property on SR 419 the
same zoning classification as now is zoned in the County; that we do not waive the two
year rezoning issue once it comes into the City. Seconded by Commissioner Grove.
Motion was amended by Commissioner Linville that we annex the Parker property as R-U.
Seconded by Commissioner Adkins.
. ,
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Dec. 14, 1982
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Attorney Kruppenbacher asked that the motion be read back. Commissioner Adkins read
back the motion as follows: That we annex the Parker property on SR 419 with the
conditions that I-it is re-zoned to R-U which is our compatible zoning with the County's
agricultural zoning; and also that we as a City would have the right to change the zoning
(request the County to change the zoning within the next two years).
Attorney Kruppenbacher then said that this particular applicant may not want to come
in to the City under a different re-zoned classification and he could not advise if the
City could annex this property under a different classification than requested for in
the application by the original applicant.
The City Planner asked if the motion could be contingent on the approval of the applicant,
would that be sufficient?
Attorney Kruppenbacher suggested that Commissioner Adkins condition his motion in
terms that you will approve the application pending written approval by the applicant
of the stipulations you have put therein.
Commissioner Adkins agreed.
Vote on the motion as amended: Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye;
Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried.
First reading of Ordinance No. 272, to extend its territorial and municipal limits to
annex the hereinafter described lands situate and being in Seminole County, Florida:
Motion was made by Commissioner Adkins, seconded by Commissioner Grove to read Ord. No.
272 on first reading by title only. Motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read the first reading of Ordinance No. 272 by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman, seconded by Commissioner Grove to table
until the second meeting in January. Motion was withdrawn.
The Commission was in agreement to have the public hearing for Ordinance No. 272 on
January 25, 1983.
Recording of Plat of Tuscawilla Unit l2A:
Motion was made by Commissioner Grove to approve the recording of the plat of Tuscawilla
Unit l2A subject to the revision of the streetlighting plan to the City Engineer's
satisfaction. Seconded by Commissioner Hartman. Motion was amended by Commissioner
Adkins, seconded by Commissioner Hartman that the street lighting (wiring) be under-
ground from that point on. Vote on the motion as amended: Commissioner Linville, aye;
Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion
Request of Spenco, Inc. to utilize two temporary buildings:
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman that we approve the request for temporary
buildings with the City Engineer's requirements and the requirement that we have some
sort of sight buffer between the sheds and Sanford-Oviedo Road. Seconded by Commissioner
Linville. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman,
aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; motion carried.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Dec. 14, 1982
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Appointment of City Auditor:
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman to appoint the firm of Watsky and Company
as City Auditors for Fiscal Year 1982-1983. Seconded by Commissioner Adkins.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hartman, no; Commissioner Adkins, aye;
Commissioner Linville, no; Commissioner Grove, aye; Mayor Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Designation of appointment to Council of Local Governments:
Motion was made by Commissioner Grove that the Deputy Mayor be the City's appointment
to the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County. Seconded by Commissioner
Linville. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner
Linville, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried.
Petition to City Commission requesting reconsideration of their decision made at the
Commission Meeting on November 9, 1982:
Mr. John Doyle, Tuscawilla, spoke in reference to the petition. This issue was
referred to the City Attorney who will respond at the meeting on January 11, 1983.
Resolution No. 402, appreciation to Maureen Boyd:
Motion was made by Commissioner Grove, seconded by Commissioner Linville to adopt
Resolution No. 402. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Linville, aye;
Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye;
motion carried.
Resolution No. 403, designating holidays for city employees for 1983:
Motion was made by Commissioner Grove to adopt Resolution No. 403. Seconded by
Commissioner Adkins. In discussion, Manager Rozansky explained that the eighth holiday
would be December 31, 1982. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner
Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; motion carried.
Wander Lake Report:
Attorney Kruppenbacher reported on the preliminary injunction entered by Judge
Leffler on November 24, 1982.
Motion was made by Commissioner Adkins to ask the Commission to allow Attorney
Kruppenbacher to draw up a new contract with Boulder Construction Company. Seconded
by Commissioner Hartman. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hartman, aye;
Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; motion
City Manager - Richard Rozansky:
Bid recommendation for VHF-HI Duplex Repeater:
Motion was made by Commissioner Adkins, seconded by Commissioner Linville to accept
thebid from Rad-Com, Inc. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Adkins, aye;
Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye;
motion carried.
Manager Rozansky reminded the Commission that the moratorium on the receipt of applica-
tions for review of a site plan for the development of land upon which a convenience
store or gas station will be built, or a special exception for the construction of
such convenience store and/or gas station expires on January 13, 1983. This will be
discussed at the January 11, 1983 Commission Meeting.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Dec. 14, 1982
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Manager Rozansky sent a letter to Barnett Bank in reference to their drive-in lane.
This temporary bank facility will be on the agenda January 11, 1983.
Attorney Kruppenbacher informed the Commission that Mr. Jones will continue to
handle the Supreme Court case and will be charging $90.00 per hour.
Commission Seat I - Jim Hartman:
Commissioner Hartman asked about the inter-local agreement for the Fire Department
maintenance. Manager Rozansky said this would be on the agenda in January.
Commission Seat II - Buck Adkins:
Commissioner Adkins asked where the agendas are being posted. Mayor Torcaso said
they will be posted out at Fire Station No.2 in Tuscawilla, Tennis Villas Club House,
Tuscawilla Golf Club Pro Shop, the Highlands Club House, Hacienda Village Club Houses,
Police and Fire Station on Moss Road and the City Hall.
Commission Seat III - Inez Linville:
Motion was made by Commissioner Linville that we appoint Tim Johnson to the Planning
and Zoning Board. Seconded by Commissioner Adkins. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye;
Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried.
Commission Seat V - Leanne Grove:
No report.
Mayor's Office:
Motion was made by Commissioner Linville, seconded by Commissioner Hartman to nominate
David Farr as the Trustee for the Florida Municipal Health Trust Fund for a two year
term. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman,
aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned 9:56 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk