HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 04 13 City Commission Regular Minutes
APRIL 13, 1982
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Mayor Troy Piland. The invocation was given by Deputy Mayor
John Torcaso. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Commissioner Martin
Roll Call:
Mayor Troy Piland, present
Deputy Mayor John Torcaso, present
City Manager Richard Rozansky, present
City Attorney Al Cook, present
Jim Hartman, present
Buck Adkins, present
Martin Trencher, present
Maureen Boyd, absent
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso to approve the minutes of March 23, 1982.
Seconded by Commissioner Hartman; discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Adkins,
aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Boyd, absent; Commissioner Torcaso,
aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried.
There was no public input.
General Agenda:
Pat Spiegel, 216 Wade St., approval to have more than 2 dogs:
Diane Alexander, owner of the dogs, was present to ask for permission to keep 4 dogs.
No one spoke in opposition to this request.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman to allow Ms. Alexander to keep her dogs until
such time as we get another complaint. Seconded by Commissioner Adkins. Discussion.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Boyd, absent; Commissioner
Torcaso, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried.
Planning & Zoning Board Recommendation:
Question of Rezoning C-2 properties:
Th~ City Planner said that at the last meeting the Commission requested that the
P&Z Board look into the question of rezoning all C-2 property that is in proximity to
residential areas which would be on S.R. 434 and S. Moss Road. There are three parcels:
one is a little over two acres on the south side of S.R. 434. At present it is two
acres undeveloped and about one-fifth of an acre developed with a commercial duplex;
there is another C-2 property on the N.E. corner of Wade Street and S.R. 434 that is
totally undeveloped, about 1/3 of an acre; both of those parcels the Board recommends
be re-zoned to C-l since that is compatible with the rest of the zoning. As far as
the portion on south Moss Road, it is entirely developed except for about 2/3 acre
and a portion of that parcel is developed with a professional office. The Board
recommends that that be re-zoned to R-3 in that the majority of the C-2 property has
been developed with multi-family.
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso that we approve the P&Z Board's report on
the re-zoning. Motion died due to lack of a second.
Motion was made by Commissioner Adkins that we approve the changing fro~C-2 to C-l
on the three areas in question. Seconded by Commissioner Torcaso for discussion.
In discussion Mr. Hunt, owner of the property on South Moss Road, spoke. Vote on
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Regular Meeting, City Cemmissien, April 13, 1982
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the metien:Cemmissiener Beyd, absent; Cemmissiener Tercase, ne; Cemmissiener
Hartman, aye; Cemmissiener Adkins, aye; Cemmissiener Trencher, aye; metien carried.
Appreval te recerd the plats .of Tuscawilla Units 11, ll-A and ll-B and acceptance
.of imprevements in these units.
The City Planner explained that Winter Springs Develepment is asking appreval te
recerd three units with public reads in Tuscawilla en the nerth side .of Nerthern
Way. We have all the decumentatien "required fer appreval te recerd the plat with
the exceptien .of a perfermance bend. In that event we had te require that all
imprevements be installed, inspected and appreved and ready fer acceptance by the
City at the time we recerd the plat. Everything in all three units is new in
.order. We are recemmending appreval te recerd the plats .of Unit 11, llA and lIB
and simultaneeusly accept the paving and drainage inte the City system. This alse
invelves accepting a bridge ever Hewell Creek and anether ever Bear Creek which
have been censtructed in accerdance with appreved engineering and inspected by
Seminele Ceunty's bridge inspecter and we have bends cevering maintenance .of the
bridges as well as the public reads.
Metien was made by Cemmissiener Tercase, secended by Cemmissiener Adkins te appreve
the recerding .of plats .of Tuscawilla Units 11, llA and lIB and acceptance .of
imprevements in these units. Discussien. Vete en the metien: Cemmissiener Tercase,
aye; Cemmissiener Hartman, aye; Cemmissiener Adkins, aye; Cemmissiener Trencher,
aye; Cemmissiener Beyd, absent; metien carried.
Appreval te recerd the plat .of Bear Creek Estates (Unit 10) in Tuscawilla.
The City Planner explained that Bear Creek Estates is immediately te the seuth .of
Unit 11. It is a private develepment and we have had fer seme time all the decumenta-
tien required te recerd the plat. In that imprevements de net have te be fully
cempleted and inspected prier te recerding a plat .of a private develepment; hewever,'
until the actien the Cemmissien just teek te appreve the plat .of Unit 11, this area
was net accessible by any public read, se we ceuld net recemmend recerding this plat.
At present under the City cede every matter required .of the develeper has been met.
There is .one miner cerrectien in the deed restrictiens. "they have agreed te make
regarding their setting .of the traffic limits within the private reads.
Metien was made by Cemmissiener Tercase that we delay this until the City Engineer
tells us the preject is cempleted. Secended by Cemmissiener Trencher fer discussien.
Discussien. Mr. Alpert, representing Winter Springs Develepment Cerp. was present.
Jack Ceeper, City Engineer, explained that his last inspectien was 4:30 p. m. teday
and everything appears te be in .order.
Metien and secend were withdrawn.
Metien was made by Cemmissiener Tercase, secended by Cemmissioner Trencher, te grant
appreval te recerd the plat .of Bear Creek Estates (Unit 10) in Tuscawilla. Discussien.
Vete en the metien: Cemmissiener Hartman, aye; Cemmissiener Adkins, aye; Cemmissioner
Trencher, aye; Cemmissiener Beyd, absent; CemmissionerTercase, aye; metion carried.
Reselutien Ne. 382 vacating a mislecated drainage easement at the Lake Auduben
This item was pestpened.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, April 13, 1982
Page 3
Resolution No. 383 requesting Seminole County to have constructed a public crossing
over the railroad tracks within the public right-of-way of Wade Street:
Jack Cooper, City Engineer, explained that at the present time there is a dedicated
right-of-way for Wade Street running from S.R. 419 north, crossing the railroad
tracks. This right-of-way is owned by Seminole County. There is also all existing
roadway which is on private property. This was the original roadway leading to a
railroad crossing which is half of the private railroad crossing. A public railroad
crossing is almost mandatory there particularly since the property owner on the north
side of the tracks has fenced the property making the turn extremely difficult there.
The City staff investigated the situation and determined the right-of-way on Wade St.
was still county and then while the railroad crossing would be serving the City
property it would also be serving a great deal of county property. The investigation
proceeded with the railroad itself and we find that the cost of a public crossing at
that location would be extremely expensive. In view of the fact that Seminole County
owns the right-of-way and in view of the fact that a great deal of Seminole County
property would be served by public crossing we are recommending that this Commission
petition the County Commission to install such a public crossing and that the County
relocate the roadway onto the right-of-way.
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso that we adopt Resolution No. 383. Seconded
by Commissioner Trencher. Discussion. In discussion, Commissioner Hartman asked
that the County be asked to repair the corner of Wade Street and the Old Sanford-
Oviedo Road and if not, could the City repair it. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Adkins, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Boyd, absent; Commissioner
Torcaso, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried.
Winter Springs Elderly Communities:
1. Professional Fees and Resolution:
Attorney Cook reported that everyone has been provided with a draft of a resolution
that is called the inducement resolution. It is the approval by the City to enter
into further agreements including an attached agreement with the developer, who
throughout the resolution and agreement is referred to as the borrower because
this entity, Winter Springs Elderly Communities Ltd. is proposing to come into the
community, purchase land, build, construct and operate an adult, congregate living
facility as defined by the Florida Statutes. They are requesting the City go along
with this, make certain statutorial required findings that are preliminary and
necessary to their accomplishing a tax exempt status under the various categories
of the internal revenue code; the goal of which is to acquire financing at a lower
interest rate than market interest rates; it is somewhat detailed, complex procedure
that the staff has been studying for two months. We have present Mr. Lyle Thornton,
representative of the borrowers, Winter Springs Elderly Communities, Ltd.; I have
written two letters to the Commission on the status of this project. The initial
proposal that was submitted to the Commission has been modified in two respects.
There is the inducement resolution which contains certain statutory findings; it has
been modified in two respects. Sec. 2 on the findings - items which must be found
by the City in order to accomplish the tax exempt status and to blend with the
Florida Statute on the industrial revenue bonds. In the particular items the City
staff and Mr. Thornton have been discussing, are those items on page 2, paragraphs
d and e. D relates to certain financial findings that the statute requires the City
to make.E relates to certain logistical findings that the City is required to make.
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. Regular Meeting, City Commission, April 13, 1982
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The agreement that was initially received has been substantially strengthened, in
so far as the City is concerned to provide further assurances to the City for
recovery of its out of pocket expenses; to assure the City that the City will not
incur liability as a result of its joining in this; that is that the City will not
become obliged to repay any of the principal or interest of this borrowed money
in the event of a default should that occur. Attorney Cook said he has received
technical assistance from a Jacksonville firm. At the time of the initial proposal
by Mr. Thornton a different firm was recommended as bond counsel. Mr. Cook said he
recommended independent counsel in his letter of March 5. Mr. Thornton has agreed
to designate our choice as the bond counsel. Attorney Cook recommended the Livmore
Firm as bond counsel.
Attorney Cook explained that the City does not pledge any of its revenues, any of
its general obligations. The City merely IIrubber stamps" it. The proceeds to re-
pay the borrowed money comes solely from the revenues derived from the project;
that is the rental of spaces, the sale of the services by the Elderly Communities
All costs are costs of the bond issue and are paid out of proceeds of the bond issue.
Commissioner Trencher referred to Attorney Jones letter wherein he recommended that
the developer be required to put up a cash bond in the amount of from $5,000 to
$7500.00. Commissioner Trencher asked if this resolution covers the legal fees that
we incurred or will incur or is this a separate issue that should be addressed.
Attorney Cook explained that the statute provides that the bond proceeds can cover
both pre and after bond issuance costs, specifically makes reference to the City's
out of pocket expenses for legal counsel. This is a cost that would be reimbursed
to the City out of the sale of bonds proceeds.
There was discussion should the bond not go through. Attorney Cook said his
recommendation to deal with the interim problem of the City's risk should the bonds
not pass is to secure the signature of both proposed general partners. Paragraphs
5 and 6 of this agreement are sufficiently clear to authorize the City to recover
any expenses they would incur if the bonds do not pass. The distinction that we
are talking about is the difference between an agreement on which we would sue to
collect the money if the bonds do not pass. The problem that we are dealing with
here and it is up to the Commission to decide is whether to get some money up front
from them so that the City would not have to sue on any such agreement.
Commissioner Trencher asked Mr. Thornton if he would be willing to put up a cash bond
in the amount of $7500.00 to cover out of pocket legal fees. Mr. Thornton said under
paragraph 5 of the agreement of the inducement resolution, it is included in the
agreement that is going to be signed by the general partners, hopefully that the
Commission approves this evening. They will pay the out of pocket expenses to theCity
if the project does not go through. Both signatures will be on the agreement.
Mr. Thornton said as far as the $7,500 bond, just to get this project to a point of
FHA insurance where we are ready to go out for the bond issue we will have up front
costs of $150,000.00
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Regular Meeting, City Commission, April 13, 1982
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Motion was made by Commissioner Trencher that we agree to adopt the resolution
with changes as recommended by counse1- paragraph e, last line of the paragraph
to read "or must be provided by the developer under the provisions of the Issuer's
land development ordinance", page 2; that we require the signatures of both
general partners per legal counsel's recommendation and that we waive counsel's
request for a cash bond for $7,500.00; we go on the basis of the agreement.
Seconded by Commissioner Hartman. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Trencher, aye; Commissioner Boyd, absent; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner
Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried.
City Manager Richard Rozansky:
First Reading Budget Revision Ord. No.
Mayor Piland called a Workshop Meeting
revision to the budget.
261 and set Public hearing:
for April 20, at 7:00 p. m. to discuss the
Manager Rozansky said that exhibit A has been provided but this week he will provide
the Commission with a copy of the budget with all the changes that have been made to
Attorney Cook read Ordinance No. 261 on first reading in its entirety. The public
hearing was set for May 11, 1982.
Capital Improvement Program: Bids Street Resurfacing:
Manager Rozansky recommended the Commission accept the bid of Basic Asphalt at the
square yard cost of $1.97 that will enable us to utilize the full amount that was
. budgeted for road repairs.
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso, seconded by Commissioner Trencher to accept
the low bid of Basic Asphalt. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Torcaso,
aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Trencher,
aye; Commissioner Boyd, absent; motion carried.
Street Light Plan - Old Town:
Motion was made by Commissioner Trencher to accept the lighting plan for street
lights in old town. Seconded by Commissioner Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye;
Commissioner Boyd, absent; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; motion carried. (In discussion
Commissioner Hartman reported a faulty light on Sailfish Road).
Personnel - Staffing:
Manager Rozansky discussed the finance position and said. he would like to make that
position Chief of Finance and Accounting, and upgrade the salary range to $14,500.00.
Motion was made by Commissioner Adkins to recommend that we accept the City Manager's
position and change the position to a CS-7 from clerical to a non-allocated position
and accept the salary range. Seconded by Commissioner Trencher. Discussion. Vote
on the motion: Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner
Boyd, absent; Commissioner Torcaso, no; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried.
Muller, Mintz, Kornreich, Caldwell, Casey, P.A. - Frank Kruppenbacher -Labor Attorney:
~ Regular Meeting, City Commission, April 13, 1982
Page 6
Manager Rozansky asked that Mr. Kruppenbacher be appointed as our labor attorney
and labor consultant. There is no retainer involved. Their fee, when we use them
would be $75.00 per hour. Attorney Cook recommended the firm as labor specialists.
Motion was made by Commissioner Trencher that we appoint the firm of Muller, Mintz,
Kornreich, Caldwell, Casey, P.A., specifically Mr. Frank Kruppenbacher to serve
with our City counsel as our labor attorney for labor law services when required.
Seconded by Commissioner Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Torcaso, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner
Trencher, aye; motion carried.
Monthly reports have been distributed.
Commission Seat I - Jim Hartman:
Commissioner Hartman said he would like to let everybody know that the City of Winter
Springs had an appeal handed down in our favor in the Florida Land lawsuit. The Judge
over-ruled Judge Leffler's decision saying the City Charter was unconstitutional.
Attorney Cook reported that Florida Land has requested the 5th District Appeals Court
to re-hear and reconsider their decision.
Commission Seat II - Buck Adkins:
Commissioner Adkins brought up the issue of lighting of Winter Springs Boulevard
from Northern Way to the Clubhouse. Mr. Alpert, representative of Winter Springs
Development Corporation, said the Company basically said they would like to see a
continuation of the town and country type lighting down Winter Springs Boulevard,
and that the company would consider paying the difference to the City between concrete
posts and town and country. He said they have their engineer reviewing the street
lighting plan to see if it is acceptable and he will get back to the City. Mr.
Alpert said he was quite sure he would have some type of decision within ten days.
Commission Seat III - Martin Trencher:
Commissioner Trencher said this past week the Winter Springs Civic Association held a
carnival that was scheduled for ten days. The Association has had plans for a Xmas
parade this year. Because of the bad weather, they fell short by about $500.00
of the amount of money they will need to put this parade on. Commissioner Trencher
asked the City Commission if they would consider assisting the Association with a
contribution in the amount of $500.00 to make up the difference. This will be
discussed at the Workshop Meeting on April 20, 1982.
Commission Seat V - John Torcaso:
Commissioner Torcaso said that copies have been distributed of an article that was
discussed at the Council of Local Governments meeting in reference to using prisoners
for week-end work. Altamonte Springs is to draw up a resolution and send it to all
the cities to see if the cities would go along with the resolution and send one to
all the judges in Seminole County. The biggest problem with this program is the
supervision and transportation. The Council of Local Governments agreed to send a
letter to the D.O.T. requesting a sign on 1-4 for Winter Springs.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, April 13, 1982
Page 7
Mayor's Office:
Mayor Piland introduced Julian Roberts, executive director of the Tri County League
of Cities. Mr. Roberts said the Revenue Commission met with various representatives
on the one cent sales tax to come up with a plan to feed back to the cities and
hopefully he would have that information for Thursday's meeting.
Mayor Piland said when we get into the budget discussions for next year we should
not only look at property tax relief but some relief from utility and franchise
Mayor Piland said he will be signing a proclamation for Clean up week which will
be April 26 thru April 30th.
Bill Jacobs, 404 S. Edgemon Ave., talked about the City actively soliciting the
annexation of certain properties into the City.
Dave Dearolph, Tuscawilla, reported that on Northern Way, the street lighting has
wires going from pole to pole and he was under the impression that they were
supposed to be underground. Mr. Rozansky will look into this and get back with
Mr. Dearolph.
Bill Jacobs, S. Edgemon Ave., said it is this time of the year the City Manager is
to be reviewed. Mayor Piland appointed a committee of Commissioner Hartman,
Commissioner Adkins and Commissioner Boyd to come back with recommendations prior
to the Workshop on Tuesday.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk
i,' 1,
APRIL 13, 1982
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission
was called to order by Mayor Troy Piland.
John Torcaso. The pledge of allegiance to
of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
The invocation was given by Deputy Mayor
the flag was led by Commissioner Martin
Roll Call:
Mayor Troy Piland, present
Deputy Mayor John Torcaso, present
City Manager Richard Rozansky, present
City Attorney Al Cook, present
Jim Hartman, present
Buck Adkins, present
Martin Trencher, present
Maureen Boyd, absent
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso to approve the minutes of March 23, 1982.
Seconded by Commissioner Hartman; discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Adkins,
aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Boyd, absent; Commissioner Torcaso,
aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried.
There was no public input.
General Agenda:
Pat Spiegel, 216 Wade St., approval to have more than 2 dogs:
Diane Alexander, owner of the dogs, was present to ask for permission to keep 4 dogs.
No one spoke in opposition to this request.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman to allow Ms. Alexander to keep her dogs until
such time as we get another complaint. Seconded by Commissioner Adkins. Discussion.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Boyd, absent; Commissioner
Torcaso, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried.
Planning & Zoning Board Recommendation:
Question of Rezoning C-2 properties:
The City Planner said that at the last meeting the Commission requested that the
P&Z Board look into the question of rezoning all C-2 property that is in proximity to
residential areas which would be on S.R. 434 and S. Hoss Road. There are three parcels:
one is a little over two acres on the south side of S.R. 434. At present it is two
acres undeveloped and about one-fifth of an acre developed with a commercial duplex;
there is another C-2 property on the N.E. corner of Wade Street and S.R. 434 that is
totally undeveloped, about 1/3 of an acre; both of those parcels the Board recommends
be re-zoned to C-l since that is compatible with the rest of the zoning. As far as
the portion on south Moss Road, it is entirely developed except for about 2/3 acre
and a portion of that parcel is developed with a professional office. The Board
recommends that that be re-zoned to R-3 in that the majority of the C-2 property has
been developed with multi-family.
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso that we approve the P&Z Board's report on
the re-zoning. Motion died due to lack of a second.
Motion was made by Commissioner Adkins that we approve the changing from C-2 to C-1
on the three areas in question. Seconded by Commissioner Torcaso for discussion.
In discussion ~1r. Hunt, owner of the property on South Moss Road, spoke. Vote on
Regular Meeting, City Commission, April 13, 1982
Page 2
the motion:Commissioner Boyd, absent; Commissioner Torcaso, no; Commissioner
Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; motion carried.
Approval to record the plats of Tuscawil1a Units 11, ll-A and ll-B and acceptance
of improvements in these units.
The City Planner explained that Winter Springs Development is asking approval to
record three units with public roads in Tuscawilla on the north side of Northern
Way. We have all the documentation required for approval to record the plat with
the exception of a performance bond. In that event we had to require that all
improvements be installed, inspected and approved and ready for acceptance by the
City at the time we record the plat. Everything in all three units is now in
order. We are recommending approval to record the plats of Unit 11, 11A and llB
and simultaneously accept the paving and drainage into the City system. This also
involves accepting a bridge over Howell Creek and another over Bear Creek which
have been constructed in accordance with approved engineering and inspected by
Seminole County's bridge inspector and we have bonds covering maintenance of the
bridges as well as the public roads.
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso, seconded by Commissioner Adkins to approve
the recording of plats of Tuscawilla Units 11, llA and 11B and acceptance of
improvements in these units. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Torcaso,
aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Trencher,
aye; Commissioner Boyd, absent; motion carried.
Approval to record the plat of Bear Creek Estates (Unit 10) in Tuscawilla.
The City Planner explained that Bear Creek Estates is immediately to the south of
Unit 11. It is a private development and we have had for some time all the documenta-
tion required to record the plat. In that improvements do not have to be fully
completed and inspected prior to recording a plat of a private development; however,
until the action the Commission just took to approve the plat of Unit 11, this area
was not accessible by any public road, so we could not recommend recording this plat.
At present under the City code every matter required of the developer has been met.
There is one minor correction in the deed restrictions. they have agreed to make
regarding their setting of the traffic limits within the private roads.
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso that we delay this until the City Engineer
tells us the project is completed. Seconded by Commissioner Trencher for discussion.
Discussion. Mr. Alpert, representing Winter Springs Development Corp. was present.
Jack Cooper, City Engineer, explained that his last inspection was 4:30 p. m. today
and everything appears to be in order.
Motion and second were withdrawn.
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso, seconded by Commissioner Trencher, to grant
approval to record the plat of Bear Creek Estates (Unit 10) in Tuscawilla. Discussion.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner
Trencher, aye; Commissioner Boyd, absent; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Resolution No. 382 vacating a mis10cated drainage easement at the Lake Audubon
This item was postponed.
Regular Heeting, City Commission, April 13, 1982
Page 3
Resolution No. 383 requesting Seminole County to have constructed a public crossing
over the railroad tracks within the public right-of-way of Wade Street:
Jack Cooper, City Engineer, explained that at the present time there is a dedicated
right-of-way for Wade Street running from S.R. 419 north, crossing the railroad
tracks. This right-of-way is owned by Seminole County. There is also an existing
roadway which is on private property. This was the original roadway leading to a
railroad crossing which is half of the private railroad crossing. A public railroad
crossing is almost mandatory there particularly since the property owner on the north
side of the tracks has fenced the property making the turn extremely difficult there.
The City staff investigated the situation and determined the right-of-way on Wade St.
was still county and then while the railroad crossing would be serving the City
property it would also be serving a great deal of county property. The investigation
proceeded with the railroad itself and we find that the cost of a public crossing at
that location would be extremely expensive. In view of the fact that Seminole County
owns the right-of-way and in view of the fact that a great deal of Seminole County
property would be served by public crossing we are recommending that this Commission
petition the County Commission to install such a public crossing and that the County
relocate the roadway onto the right-of-way.
Hotion was made by Commissioner Torcaso that we adopt Resolution No. 383. Seconded
by Commissioner Trencher. Discussion. In discussion, Commissioner Hartman asked
that the County be asked to repair the corner of Wade Street and the Old Sanford-
Oviedo Road and if not, could the City repair it. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Adkins, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Boyd, absent; Commissioner
Torcaso, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried.
Winter Springs Elderly Communities:
1. Professional Fees and Resolution:
Attorney Cook reported that everyone has been provided with a draft of a resolution
that is called the inducement resolution. It is the approval by the City to enter
into further agreements including an attached agreement with the developer, who
throughout the resolution and agreement is referred to as the borrower because
this entity, Winter Springs Elderly Communities Ltd. is proposing to come into the
community, purchase land, build, construct and operate an adult, congregate living
facility as defined by the Florida Statutes. They are requesting the City go along
with this, make certain statutoria1 required findings that are preliminary and
necessary to their accomplishing a tax exempt status under the various categories
of the internal revenue code; the goal of which is to acquire financing at a lower
interest rate than market interest rates; it is somewhat detailed, complex procedure
that the staff has been studying for two months. We have present Mr. Lyle Thornton,
representative of the borrowers, Winter Springs Elderly Communities, Ltd.; I have
written two letters to the Commission on the status of this project. The initial
proposal that was submitted to the Commission has been modified in two respects.
There is the inducement resolution which contains certain statutory findings; it has
been modified in two respects. Sec. 2 on the findings - items which must be found
by the City in order to accomplish the tax exempt status and to blend with the
Florida Statute on the industrial revenue bonds. In the particular items the City
staff and Hr. Thornton have been discussing, are those items on page 2, paragraphs
d and e. D relates to certain financial findings that the statute requires the City
to make.E relates to certain logistical findings that the City is required to make.
Regular Heeting, City Commission, April 13, 1982
Page 4
The agreement that was initially received has been substantially strengthened, in
so far as the City is concerned to provide further assurances to the City for
recovery of its out of pocket expenses; to assure the City that the City will not
incur liability as a result of its joining in this; that is that the City will not
become obliged to repay any of the principal or interest of this borrowed money
in the event of a default should that occur. Attorney Cook said he has received
technical assistance from a Jacksonville firm. At the time of the initial proposal
by Hr. Thornton a different firm was recommended as bond counsel. Hr. Cook said he
recommended independent counsel in his letter of March 5. Mr. Thornton has agreed
to designate our choice as the bond counsel. Attorney Cook recommended the Livrnore
Firm as bond counsel.
Attorney Cook explained that the City does not pledge any of its revenues, any of
its general obligations. The City merely mrubber stamps" it. The proceeds to re-
pay the borrowed money comes solely from the revenues derived from the project;
that is the rental of spaces, the sale of the services by the Elderly Communities
All costs are costs of the bond issue and are paid out of proceeds of the bond issue.
Commissioner Trencher referred to Attorney Jones letter wherein he recommended that
the developer be required to put up a cash bond in the amount of from $5,000 to
$7500.00. Commissioner Trencher asked if this resolution covers the legal fees that
we incurred or will incur or is this a separate issue that should be addressed.
Attorney Cook explained that the statute provides that the bond proceeds can cover
both pre and after bond issuance costs, specifically makes reference to the City's
out of pocket expenses for legal counsel. This is a cost that would be reimbursed
to the City out of the sale of bonds proceeds.
There was discussion should the bond not go through. Attorney Cook said his
recommendation to deal with the interim problem of the City's risk should the bonds
not pass is to secure the signature of both proposed general partners. Paragraphs
5 and 6 of this agreement are sufficiently clear to authorize the City to recover
any expenses they would incur if the bonds do not pass. The distinction that we
are talking about is the difference between an agreement on which we would sue to
collect the money if the bonds do not pass. The problem that we are dealing with
here and it is up to the Commission to decide is whether to get some money up front
from them so that the City would not have to sue on any such agreement.
Commissioner Trencher asked Hr. Thornton if he would be willing to put up a cash bond
in the amount of $7500.00 to cover out of pocket legal fees. Mr. Thornton said under
paragraph 5 of the agreement of the inducement resolution, it is included in the
agreement that is going to be signed by the general partners, hopefully that the
Commission approves this evening. They will pay the out of pocket expenses to theCity
if the project does not go through. Both signatures will be on the agreement.
Mr. Thornton said as far as the $7,500 bond, just to get this project to a point of
FHA insurance where we are ready to go out for the bond issue we will have up front
costs of $150,000.00
Regular Meeting, City Commission, April 13, 1982
Page 5
Motion was made by Commissioner Trencher that we agree to adopt the resolution
with changes as recommended by counse1- paragraph e, last line of the paragraph
to read "or must be provided by the developer under the provisions of the Issuer's
land development ordinance", page 2; that we require the signatures of both
general partners per legal counsel's recommendation and that we waive counsel's
request for a cash bond for $7,500.00; we go on the basis of the agreement.
Seconded by Commissioner Hartman. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Trencher, aye; Commissioner Boyd, absent; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner
Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried.
City Manager Richard Rozansky:
First Reading Budget Revision Ord. No.
Hayor Piland called a Workshop Meeting
revision to the budget.
261 and set Public hearing:
for April 20, at 7:00 p. m. to discuss the
Manager Rozansky said that exhibit A has been provided but this week he will provide
the Commission with a copy of the budget with all the changes that have been made to
Attorney Cook read Ordinance No. 261 on first reading in its entirety. The public
hearing was set for Hay 11, 1982.
Capital Improvement Program: Bids Street Resurfacing:
Hanager Rozansky recommended the Commission accept the bid of Basic Asphalt at the
square yard cost of $1.97 that will enable us to utilize the full amount that was
budgeted for road repairs.
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso, seconded by Commissioner Trencher to accept
the low bid of Basic Asphalt. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Torcaso,
aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Trencher,
aye; Commissioner Boyd, absent; motion carried.
Street Light Plan - Old Town:
Motion was made by Commissioner Trencher to accept the lighting plan for street
lights in old town. Seconded by Commissioner Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye;
Commissioner Boyd, absent; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; motion carried. (In discussion
Commissioner Hartman reported a faulty light on Sailfish Road).
Personnel - Staffing:
Manager Rozansky discussed the finance position and said. he would like to make that
position Chief of Finance and Accounting, and upgrade the salary range to $14,500.00.
Motion was made by Commissioner Adkins to recommend that we accept the City Manager's
position and change the position to a CS-7 from clerical to a non-allocated position
and accept the salary range. Seconded by Commissioner Trencher. Discussion. Vote
on the motion: Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner
Boyd, absent; Commissioner Torcaso, no; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried.
Muller, Mintz, Kornreich, Caldwell, Casey, P.A. - Frank Kruppenbacher -Labor Attorney:
Regular Meeting, City Commission, April 13, 1982
Page 6
Manager Rozansky asked that Mr. Kruppenbacher be appointed as our labor attorney
and labor consultant. There is no retainer involved. Their fee, when we use them
would be $75.00 per hour. Attorney Cook recommended the firm as labor specialists.
Hotion was made by Commissioner Trencher that we appoint the firm of Muller, Mintz,
Kornreich, Caldwell, Casey, P.A., specifically Hr. Frank Kruppenbacher to serve
with our City counsel as our labor attorney for labor law services when required.
Seconded by Commissioner Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Torcaso, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner
Trencher, aye; motion carried.
Monthly reports have been distributed.
Commission Seat I - Jim Hartman:
Commissioner Hartman said he would like to let everybody know that the City of Winter
Springs had an appeal handed down in our favor in the Florida Land lawsuit. The Judge
over-ruled Judge Leffler's decision saying the City Charter was unconstitutional.
Attorney Cook reported that Florida Land has requested the 5th District Appeals Court
to re-hear and reconsider their decision.
Commission Seat II - Buck Adkins:
Commissioner Adkins brought up the issue of lighting of Winter Springs Boulevard
from Northern Way to the Clubhouse. Mr. Alpert, representative of Winter Springs
Development Corporation, said the Company basically said they would like to see a
continuation of the town and country type lighting down Winter Springs Boulevard,
and that the company would consider paying the difference to the City between concrete
posts and town and country. He said they have their engineer reviewing the street
lighting plan to see if it is acceptable and he will get back to the City. Hr.
Alpert said he was quite sure he would have some type of decision within ten days.
Commission Seat III - Hartin Trencher:
Commissioner Trencher said this past week the Winter Springs Civic Association held a
carnival that was scheduled for ten days. The Association has had plans for a Xmas
parade this year. Because of the bad weather, they fell short by about $500.00
of the amount of money they will need to put this parade on. Commissioner Trencher
asked the City Commission if they would consider assisting the Association with a
contribution in the amount of $500.00 to make up the difference. This will be
discussed at the Workshop Meeting on April 20, 1982.
Commission Seat V - John Torcaso:
Commissioner Torcaso said that copies have been distributed of an article that was
discussed at the Council of Local Governments meeting in reference to using prisoners
for week-end work. Altamonte Springs is to draw up a resolution and send it to all
the cities to see if the cities would go along with the resolution and send one to
all the judges in Seminole County. The biggest problem with this program is the
supervision and transportation. The Council of Local Governments agreed to send a
letter to the D.O.T. requesting a sign on 1-4 for Winter Springs.
Regular Heeting, City Commission, April 13, 1982
Page 7
Hayor's Office:
Mayor Piland introduced Julian Roberts, executive director of the Tri County League
of Cities. Mr. Roberts said the Revenue Commission met with various representatives
on the one cent sales tax to come up with a plan to feed back to the cities and
hopefully he would have that information for Thursday's meeting.
Hayor Piland said when we get into the budget discussions for next year we should
not only look at property tax relief but some relief from utility and franchise
Mayor Piland said he will be signing a proclamation for Clean up week which will
be April 26 thru April 30th.
Bill Jacobs, 404 S. Edgemon Ave., talked about the City actively soliciting the
annexation of certain properties into the City.
Dave Dearo1ph, Tuscawilla, reported that on Northern Way, the street lighting has
wires going from pole to pole and he was under the impression that they were
supposed to be underground. Mr. Rozansky will look into this and get back with
Hr. Dearolph.
Bill Jacobs, S. Edgemon Ave., said it is this time of the year the City Hanager is
to be reviewed. Mayor Piland appointed a committee of Commissioner Hartman,
Commissioner Adkins and Commissioner Boyd to come back with recommendations prior
to the Workshop on Tuesday.
Heeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
~t.Lf /. ~
Hary T. Norton,
City Clerk